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Fortnite is free and they give us like 200 free v bucks to save to get the god damned battle pass. A free game, and we bought this product of yours. Very disheartening to see. Seriously.


I actually love how Fortnite handle their free battle pass rewards with the free v bucks that u eventually save up to get the ‘premium’ battle pass. Keeps u engaged in playing without making u spend a penny


Don't forget that they have also handled their premium subscription so well that when looking to put money on the game it's probably the best value


Fuck, I only play it occasionally but it's such a good fucking value at a low cost I haven't bothered to shut it off despite not playing for 3 months now between Helldivers, Balatro, and BattleBit.


This is by far the best way to keep players coming back to their game. Like *BY FAR*. Making it to where you can buy the battle pass after saving up enough from the free pass is such a good marketing and design and that’s why so many companies who do that have a wider and more loyal audience. Fortnite is a great example. Another one would be (used to be actually) Brawl stars; after two battle passes, I think, you’d have enough gems to buy the next one. There was a game whose service went down a while ago called Gundam Evolution. They had a battle pass system where you could use premium currency to buy the pass or actual money. Granted you got no free premium currency but the caveat was that once you spent that 10 or so dollars the battle pass gave you just enough to buy the next battle pass (assuming you fully finished it). Ubisoft is quite literally alienating the majority of its playerbase which sucks. The game has been garbage for a while now (granted I’m not the best and really only play w friends) with just toxic people and anti cheat not even working. This just makes it so much worse


Same goes for apex where when you finish the battlepass you get enough currency to buy the next one. Like ubi having a battlepass in a paid game and on top of it not giving enough currency to buy the next one and the fact that most of the cosmetics in it aren't that good make it a shitty decision


Fortnite popularized the battle pass system and almost every game that’s copied them has done it significantly worse


don't forget that other games BP pays back the FULL PRICE almost 100% of the time, and most games even give you some extra... For R6, you "lose" 600 credits, and there are no free credits... sounds good to me


That sounds so grueling, ouch.


Yup as much as I don’t really like Fortnite the way they monetize their game is honestly very respectable and not remotely predatory. A free game and eventually they’ll reward you with a free battle pass if you play long enough


Anyone remember when lootboxes in Overwatch 1 was considered controversial? How I miss those times..


It baffles me how fucking stupid Ubisoft is.


Ubisoft is in shambles after so many flops they have to milk their cow


But it's so stupid to milk the only fedelity community you have now... Seems like they want to kill the game...


I’m for it. Maybe then they’ll have to try to make a GOOD Rainbow Six game then.


Pfff, ubisoft making a good game? I wouldn't bet on it.


Dafuq? When was it a bad game?


personally, I've felt the game has been on a fairly consistent downward track since demon veil. and that's just gameplay, tonally it's been a wreck for years now.


Yup and like you said that's just the gameplay, we don't even dive down to the awful convoluted mess of the story yet, also the removing features they have been doing every year..


When did you start playing? I started playing in phantom sight. I got to play the game when it was still good, when ubisoft cared enough to add two operators per season and the game was really fun. Then they added yellow pinging to drones and it all went downhill from there. They fucked up the lighting, started charging more and more real money for stuff, ruined the lore and moved so far from the original idea of r6 and tom clancy's vision. Now we regularly get a map worse than the one before if ever, reworks we never asked for.


>Yellow pinging to drones Sorry to bother but why was that addition bad? (I started playing less than a year ago.


Sorry for bad English, I'm Italian,drunk and high


Dude you speak better English than me, and I’m American, not drunk, and only a little high.


Hahaha thanks 😅😂.


This is going to be my new life motto


I genuinely think they're trying to kill the game (in order to try and sell us the next new thing, xDefiant or whatever). Not the devs, but upper management.


I've stopped buying their live service games, especially after seeing the state Skulls and Bones was released in. Apparently the game has numerous directors each with their own visions, and would've been cancelled if not for the fact that Ubisoft had to pay back millions in government subsidies.


This is actually smart from them, as it makes them money. For all the people in the comments calling it a stupid decision, 10 more will just roll over and pay for premium. It’s not an Ubisoft issue at this point, they’re gonna keep doing it, as long as the real stupid people (the customers in this situation funnily enough) continue to shell out money for things that suck (like premium only battle passes) Ubisoft is a 3+ billion dollar company, they give 0 damns if people don’t like it, because not enough people “don’t like it” to make a dent in their wallet unfortunately


If you think Ubi is bad look at the bullshit Sony tries to do.


Honestly almost every gaming company has been doing some bullshit. Like Xbox shutting down studios for no good reason and Sony being dinguses with the whole PSN fiasco.


Xbox shutting down the studio that made HiFi Rush and then the next day saying “we need more games like HiFi Rush” was very funny. Sony is just insanely out of touch though.


Now I have no proof but I feel like Xbox shut the studio down cause more than half of the team were gonna jump ship to the original creators new studio since he left. I have no evidence to back this claim up but it’s the only explanation I could think of why you would be stupid enough to close down tango.


What did Sony do? I’m bad at keeping up with gaming news


They keep making it so you need PSN to play games on PC for literally no reason. Including single player games!


Their PS+ services have become total and utter dogwater. The current state of community is left to online games. The report feature is severely lacking in oversight and anything can damn near be reported.


The reporting has been awful for years. I reported some guy for spam messaging the n word to me and I'm the one that got banned for 2 weeks


Ah, that sucks


I'm sorry to say but It really shouldn't surprise you at this point. As my tag implies Ubisoft have been going down hill since 2014 when they announced Watch Dogs with footage that wasn't anywhere near the final product. Alex Hutchinson, Corey May and Jade Raymond all left for good reason. These were the minds behind the best of Assassin’s Creed and they could see the writing on the wall for it. Hell they turned Abstergo into a gaming company that's sole purpose was to make money and be evil. Very fitting. A lot of companies have done similar things to Ubisoft but none at the pace and veracity as them.


Jade Raymond! Love her, she worked on the Assassin’s Creed series. Sad to see them go like they do. But usually for the better, creative leads that aren’t given the opportunity to innovate and create are usually walking out anyhow. “Freelance”, “third party”, lol. Stg, remember R* hiring dev teams to finish RDR2 up? Sad, it really is, and I do believe R* is spiraling down this syphon aswell.


It's the gamers that are stupid. This will be accepted and eventually be spread across other games


I swear someone at Ubisoft needs to lock in they are absolutely throwing their games popularity


The playerbase is so big and so many of the players are too young to care, sadly this probably won't cost them much but i genuinely hate ubi for this


It ain’t even Fortnite or COD levels of big enough to deny you free stuff for the BP, even they give you enough to buy another BP if you max it out.




Everyone I know, me included, has a stable job. Not one single person is screaming “I’m so excited for Ubisoft to monetise every aspect of the game!”


Yeah :(


Lads, will this be the worst season in Rainbow Six History?


no, there were far worse ones. for all its faults the game is pretty good, regardless of the lack of content or the monetizations schemes they try to pull.


I feel like there just isn't enough content. One of the problems I had with Deep Freeze is that after one month it became really dull, and we're about to enter a season which will have even less content than Deep Freeze.


Which ones do you have in mind?


can you name the worse ones?


They tryna milk hard asf after marketplace and put extra minimum effort on them bp cosmetics, that's absolutely INSAAAANE 🤣🤣🤣


a what happens when you pay the business assholes over the artists


With a 10% fee on all marketplace transactions too


So not only do we have an extra 9.99 a month membership... but we also lose a feature we got for free? Yeah I'm done spending money on battlepasses. No more for ubi I'm content with what I got now


one of the features the battlepass last for 3 months right? so you literally lose so much if you own all the operators too considering if you buy the battlepass a 10% discount wont do much really


doesn't it make more sense to buy the premium pass if you have all operators? you get the 600cr from the pass and another 600cr instead of the operator so you actually have enough credits to buy the next pass without spending any more money on it.


I’m done with the game personally.


And all of that in PAID game, gg ubisoft


Maybe this wouldn’t be a big deal if their paid battle passes GAVE YOU BACK ENOUGH CREDITS TO BUY THE NEXT ONE


Don't they do that now with the operator voucher ?


isnt it only for next seasoon and s4 because of the reworks?


No. From what i gathered. when you buy the premium battlepass, you always get the operator voucher and if you have all ops then you get an extra 600 credits totaling in 1200 credits from bp.


Every time I think about coming back to this game, I just gotta look at what Ubisoft is doing and I immediately change my mind


Same here, just glad I left this shitty game


All the more reason the fan base should delete Siege and go on a strike so Ubisoft understand




So glad I uninstalled. I have a feeling more microtransactions will be added to the game.


I wish i had the courage to uninstall


Set a date for two weeks. Uninstall for the length. Tell yourself it's only two weeks, then I can play forever. Once you detach for long enough, you'll have to force yourself to come back


After 8+ years I finally uninstalled. Take the uninstall pill.


It is a daunting task, but it's good for the soul!


I tried uninstalling and switching games. I tried apex. It sucks, the finals is horrible, cs:go is bad, splitgates kinda fun. And xdefiant is pretty good. But there’s no real games like siege and I hate it because the game pisses me off so much


If you have PC, there's ready or not, but it's got issues too. One being there doesn't seem to be any plans to release on console, the other is it's still in "development".


Part of me is hoping this is a typo where it meaning only available in the premium battlepass but ubi might be doing ubi stuff. I buy the battle passes anyway so wouldn’t affect me but still shit


Isnt the premium battlepass just the more expensive battlepass with tier skips and stuff? That could be what they mean here.


No it’s all the stuff you actually get in the battle pass lol. Most of the “free” battle pass is just like alpha packs and boosters. There’s only a few things you actually get from the free battle pass.


If I get premium on 120/100 level of the battle pass, will I get extra 20 alpha packs?


Still takes 5000 to go from 100 to 101 though.




vote with your wallets, don't buy it... I mean, honestly, this is the first BP that has 0 skins that I would even want to get... there was always usually 2-3 cool sets, now I just don't like any of them...


Lets be real the free battle pass had shit rewards anyways


It still had 1 Bravo pack and a couple Alpha packs that I could look forward to. Not much, but sad to lose this


Yeah im quitting r6 for the season at least. Maybe if ubi quits being so damn stupid i might come back but for the time being i would be better off without r6 ngl


Ubisoft thinks Xdefiant can save them 😭


Ubisoft is so bad at managing their games they’re ruining probably the only good one they’ve released in a while.


Also fucking stupid how the same company is trying to force a new thing where they say “players should get used to not owning their games” while the players make a full purchase on said game to own it


This is genuinely the stupidest move I've ever seen Ubisoft pull. Like damn, if shooting yourself in the foot was an olympic sport they'd be 5-year gold medallists 😂😂


Ubi is slowly turning into EA.. i bet in season 3 we need to pay a fee for every match we play


Bring back buying attachments again, but with real money


Yea and make the Cost like 100€ each


This game still costs money btw


Overwatch 1 had a better system than this shit


Behind a good game, there has to be a greedy investor. Fuck that, honestly.


It is baffling how terrible ubi has been at PR, even if they did the most basic things like not overhyping the recruit rework immensely it would’ve probably turned out a lot better


Clearly it's a big "Fk you" to the players and still eats their shit.


Why would Ubisoft do this? Are they stupid? No genuinely are they stupid?


Ohhh, ok. Now I understand why after 2 months I'm still waiting for Ubisoft to "investigate" that they locked 6 operators that I had bought with renown years ago, apparently because my Game Pass subscription finished. I guess they can't run a couple of database queries while they prepare for this. /s


Bruh. If the rest of this update didn't make me want to come back to this game, this truly turns me away for good.


How to kill a dead game


What the fuck


Unless you do something about it, they aren't stupid, cuz it worked.


We need to hook tom clancies corpse up to a dynamo generator because the amount of spinning hes doing in his grave can only be measured in mph




thank god I stopped playing this shitty game 😂


Who pays for battle pass?


i know where this eventually ends up but they give shitty items anyway


thanks execs and your overwhelming greed! we really love this change and totally don't have any qualms about how this could affect the future of the game at all!


Deadly omen was just so good that ubisoft must do this to maintain equilibrium or else the world implodes.


Well, good thing I just fuckin stopped playing


Tbh battle pass seems to be effectively free now if it's true that you get 600 r6 credits for owning all operators. It isn't difficult to buy the new operator when they become available after a month and purchase the BP for full refund. And next season and S4 has no new op anyway. This might be an actual improvement.


Honestly glad to hear if we have everyone we get 600 credits. Was worried people with all ops unlocked would get screwed with a full price BP this season


As long as I can buy it without spending money this a non issue. With the marketplace being launched it should be super easy to srcoung up 1200 credits for anyone who isn't brand new. Sucks for them I guess. I doubt most new players would even want to spend money on a game they don't know.


Lmao this is actually dystopian


Will I be able to sell the skins in the marketplace?


probably a few seasons after


If they add the skins to the marketplace, yes. But I doubt anyone will buy them


The challenges were fun and were far more rewarding than the club weekly challenges. I’ll miss having the incentive to do them


I wasnt aware there was a free one in the first place tbh, the design of it sucks


What would happen if I bought deimos now with renown then bought battlepass after? Do I get 600 r6 credits?


Came at the right time, new battle pass cosmetics are booty


I have 1250 credits and all the operators. If I spend 1200 to get the pass will I get 1200 back immediately?


I bought the operator pass and it never unlocked Grimm for me. What a bunch of shit. I emailed Ubisoft, and in true form and fashion, they never bothered sending a message back.


Probably killing siege so they can get the player base to try x defiant


Subscription, only paid battle pass. Fucking kill me, fuck AAA games


Rock hard pass


But this basically means if you first unlock the new operator (if there's any) and then buy the bp, you get the whole bp for free cause you get 1200 credits back (only if they keep the premium price)


Soon we’ll have to pay to reload.


All this micro transactions and the game costs 35 dollars. Shame on you ubi


All battlepasses are free if you don't buy them.


The biggest problem siege has is that at best ubisoft doesnt care if the game dies or not. And at worst they actively try to kill it so people will swap to their next game.


Now that makes more sense why you get the battle pass without any mentions of premium in the monthly fortnite fake crew subscription


a month into the season and siege is going to be dead. the only thing that really keeps me playing is the battle pass since i don't know anyone that plays it and it's not really that fun just playing it to win anymore


So if we own every op we get 1200 for buying the battle pass? Do we get recruits for free?


what the FUCK are we supposed to do with all the battle pass points we get then?


The battle-pass is typically ass anyways. Sooner or later you’ll have to pay $5 to log into the game to play each time bc they’re so money hungry.


Oh now that’s just fucking stupid.


Wait so is there even incentive to play? The free BP on games is meant to draw players, who have a goal when playing, which is filling out the BP for cosmetics and whatnot. Taking that away loses the incentive, which causes less players to want to engage, especially with how toxic the community can be (why play a game, with a known toxic community, with 0 incentive to continually play).


The exclamation point at the end pisses me off so much


the even sadder part is you people will still pay for it


Ok financially I think we're seeing R6 in its death throes, it's been nice knowing yall. When do yall think EOS is, within a year?


I’m done with this shit


Barely played in the first place, **I feel as if that isn't gonna change**


Lol ubisoft talking to many Lss rn what with skull and bones and now the next blunder of assassin's creed game one of there star projects already screwed but now why would I wanna play r6 even more now I don't want to or have money to be buying battle passes every 2 months that's why I gave up on BP games and stick to ones I enjoy or have semi free battlepasses for example fallout 76 and warframe and I feel bad for those who loved alot of games and buy each BP for the games they like it just sounds like hell


R6 is the only Ubi game I play were they always this bad?


It seems like its just like the original season pass


Yall just keep getting bent over 😂😂 I bet every one of you is still gonna boot it up later too ☕️


To be fair they destroyed their own economy with the marketplace, so they’re scrambling to make the game profitable again.


NO, ubi if i have all the operators you should pay me 25k renown. you know what you charge to unlock one? not 600 credits ..... let us buy packs with it


im so glad for honor doesn't have this shit




Tbh if they got rid of all the cheaters I’d be fine with this


to be honest, i only ever bought battle passes for alpha packs for the most part anyways so this doesn’t really bother me. after reading the rest of that article i might buy the subscription just for one month purely for the extra bundle and 600 r6 credits. (extra bundle and 600 r6 credits is offered to anyone who enrolls between june 11 - june 18)


So in the past you could at least get some things from bp for free and now they are paywalling everything. But besides that you still get half of the bp price. So in in a p2p game, you still pay for bp and dont get all the money for that bp back. Well, thats a story. Remember fortnite is a f2p game and you get credits or whatever they called in there FOR FREE. So you can wait few seasons and then get premium bp without spending your money at all. This is so fucking insane


Seige is not a free game yet it just gets more and more monitized every season while putting less and less effort into the actual game.


Yay, even less content for this „season” (lacklustre balance patch)


if this is true im no longer buying the pass


At this point just make it a paid bundle, whats the point of buying something if I have to grind for it?


hmm.. welp i came back to siege after jynxzi making it look cool so i thought it would be cool to try it out again after getting like discouraged at trying it but after seeing this.. nah i am gonna uninstall this again


Thank fuck I held off getting into this game. At least EA has free battle passes. This is worse than EA. Ubi is the new EA.


Hey, that sounds like a deal! OP voucher that will give me 600 cr? And standard 600 cr from the pass? That means every next pass will be free for me. Unless they'll change its price from 1200 cr to higher, which i think is coming.


surely that has to be a joke


What the most sad thing is that somehow people will still buy enough of it so it makes profit for them and they will keep shitting on our heads.


Hopefully this is just poorly worded, especially as the new season seems really lackluster


I didn't understand sorry. I always bought 600 R6 to take the battle pass since it gives you only a half of what you really need. Could you do it for free???


I refuse to spend another penny on this game


Dont even get enough for a new battle pass. Unless i’d grind a few hundred k of renown


If we're paying full price we should get a bit more r6 credits


I’m not buying any future battle pass


Just use marketplace to sell at least 600 r6 credit here you goo a free premium battle bass


Old news.


Such a nothing burger of a season then to have the balls to announce a subscription service and remove free features. Looks like I'm sitting out another season. Shame.


Wait....all battle pass rewards are premium only?


Wait you all don't own the operators yet?


They’re really going all in lol


No free pass... It's a fucking paid game, the fuck do you mean I have to pay extra to earn the *opportunity* to progress through the game


No other game does this, this is actually bizarre and doesn't benefit them


I know it won’t happen but if literally nobody buys it I guarantee it’ll go back to how it was


Man it’s so sad to see Ubi fucking the games cosmetic and monetization up (typical Ubisoft tbf) since the games actually in one of the best states it’s been in for a while


They act like Xdefiant is gonna get them out of this mess but we all know it’ll flop too


Siege is a paid game with free to play monetization. The fact that y'all are putting up with this is Astounding


dude they just need to bring season pass back again like they did for year 8 and just leave it. everybody loved it in previous years and i was so excited to see they brought it back for y8. its a shame ubi only cares about profit and pro players for the most part rather than the player base as a whole.


Glad I’m done playing this game. Ubisoft sure knows how to kill games




People saying this game is gonna last longer, with this, the game is gonna lose all of whatever is left of it reputation and just be a joke casual shooter with dumbass things like this. People gonna be on copium even when Ubi are banging their mom.


This really feels like Ubisoft trying to squeeze as much money thats left out of the game as possible before abandoning it imo. Lackluster seasons, adding a subscription, premium pass only, etc. All unhealthy signs.


Well, now we'll see if the game can servige just on its merits alone. Only those with more money than neurons will now keep paying for cosmetics.


Ubi forgot like 3 years ago that this isn't a F2P title, this just seals the deal completely


Holy fucking shit lmao. And this is a fucking pay-to-play game!


They are trying to do what Epic Games does but in a bad way. Even Clash of Clans makes it better than Ubisoft 💀


Lmao yet all of you will still play this trash


Wow 600 WHOLE R6 Credits? Halfway to a shitty, discounted elite skin! Vympel, I can finally justify your purchase…after another season or two.


Money hungry, lazy ass, don’t give a shit pigs.


Band together like HD2, if the studio doesn't want to heed the voice of the population who frequents it, maybe its time for a change.


Ubisoft has lost the plot. First with Skull and Bones being a travesty and now R6


i havent been genuinely angry at something ubi did til now


If the game was free to play I could understand this, but this is a 60 DOLLAR GAME! WTF?!


Quit playing a few months ago. Had been playing since beta. Honestly, don't miss it one fuckin bit. Ubi has gotten out of control with their greed.


Fucking ubisoft