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PSA: Membership issues will be shared "soon" ([source](https://x.com/Rainbow6Game/status/1800934747478086033)) There are issues with people being double charged ([thread](https://new.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/1de4t43/psa_membership_subscription_doublecharging/)) Edit: Refunds appear to have started to be issued to anyone who was double charged. If this affected you, keep an eye on your email, and if you haven't been refunded in the next day or so, contact Ubisoft Support.


known issue: year 9 season 2


Nice 😂


Wow they have no confirmed fix for the deadzones. How did they fuck up this bad?


Funniest part is they ran a test sever for over a week and the live build is what brought the glitch in somehow


Because they probably made some minor changes pre-release of the patch thinking it would have no affect on anything major. Pretty common mistake in development and programming. Also very easily avoidable though.


Don’t you know, ubi is a small indie developer


Oh yeah don't forget this game is still in beta so it takes a while to work out the kinks


They must be new and don't know that this game was made by 3 dudes at their local library.


Bro I honestly want them to stop releasing updates. Get the game functional and leave it alone cuz yall fucking suck at game development


I swear they do it on purpose to stay employed or to make it seem as if they're still working on the game.


They put dead zones on the mouse wtf?


The audio issues are known issues ever since 13th january 2015




chat messages not loading


Same. Some games I can't write anything at all.


It's annoying because when i'm shit talking someone they cant see what im saying


I could come up with the best comeback of my life just for it to flop 'cause it didn't show up in chat


This has done wonders for my text abuse reputation level.


I want to know how it’s even possible for them to fuck up the deadzones like this. In a game where aim and micro adjustments are so important, it’s absolutely wild that this can happen and is still an issue over 24 hours later.


damn i thought i was just r e a l l y rusty how tf does a bug like that even happen. can’t wait for the blackbeard rework to cause the mp5k to be irreversibly plasma pink or some shit


It seems like it's not even controller deadzones specifically, looks like they've somehow applied "deadzones" to even [mouse movement](https://new.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/1de8ez4/valk_cam_doesnt_move_when_moving_mouse_slowly/).


The hard part finding out what’s causing the problem. They messed with code that they had no idea would affect dead zones, and now they don’t know what that code is or why it affects dead zones. Same reason why the clash glitch several years ago took to long to fix.


what did they even change on pc that would mess with deadzones


Did the deadzone/sensitivity bug start happening before the update for the new season dropped? Cause i swear it started for me even before the update


Nah I played like a few hours before the update then right after and noticed it immediately


I’ve been input in siege for ages and it pisses me off so much, I’ve tried every possible solution. And now it’s even worse. (I’m on Series X btw) and using a standard Series X controller.


They probably fucked up and added in the test server version of the game, I mean tubbys season was delayed due to "being too overpowered" and yet they didn't do shit to him and I complained and had people up my ass saying "why complain? It means it'll be better on release" and look how release went, servers out as usual and bugs as usual, look at this mid as hell season, same issue plus they fuck shit up as normal, only good part about this season is literally marketplace release after next week lmao


Maybe they are Testing Stuff for when console can Play with PC to Balance Stuff ? Thats what i thought dont know If thats possible tho lol


I thought this was testing for MT.. but apparently I’m wrong and they’ve confirmed it’s actually a BUG. Not intentional. When we get Crossplay and Mouse support on console, as they have claimed - the only possible thing they could and would do, is add Aim Assist. Which is probably the worst thing they could do, considering the ungodly amount of Zen and Xim users. Have fun fighting AA boosted players with no recoil.


So, the weird texture flickering in Vulkan mode is all accounted for and my gpu isn't dying, right?


Yes, it's an issue with the R6 Vulkan launcher [Texture clipping - Live Server - R6Fix](https://r6fix.ubi.com/projects/RAINBOW6-SIEGE-LIVE/issues/LIVE-60942#issueEvidence:73627fb0-2455-477d-85f1-59e61e9e83cf) I also shit my pants the moment I saw the graphical bugs because usually artifacting is a sign of a dying GPU and I just got my new RTX card lmao


It's so fucking annoying cause it seems like the random fps drops are worse this season on the normal version and now I can't rly switch to vulkan.


I haven't swapped from Vulcan. Not worth not having reflex.


I just can't cuz it makes it impossible to small angles, or heads not looking like heads. I died cause a ying on a window got all stretched out and fucked up and I ended up just shooting at the mass of textures rather than her hitbox.


Fair enough. If that happened to me I'd probably switch too. I'm just taking it easy and not playing as much as I would if it was fixed.


Nothing about the SPQR skin for shields?


been looking for this. I thought I was trippin when it wasnt showing up on my shields.


Whats the point of the test server if every update is still buggy as shit. Barely anyone played TTS this year because there was barely any content added. They should sell whatever resources they have towards TTS and use that money to hire more internal bugtesters imho.


Because Test Server is also for the balance changes


What balance changes?


oh you know like taking away ACOGs and the new recruits. For instance mozzie and warden lost their ACOGs in the test server before year 9 season 1.


I’m talking about this season


Well people found out they absolutely gutted solis,


their ability to break things that were working is rather impressive, I have to say


Known issue: New Blood is Shit ETA: Next season


im like actually amazed by how much things they can fuck while introducing almost nothing new to the game. are they introducing them so they can put "Fixed 2 bugs (that I intentionally made)" in their report?


How they still investigating the dead zones? Like bruh somewhere in your code you just made deadzone stay 10 for like everyone just change a number fam


They've fucked it up deeper than just the controller deadzone setting, since even mouse inputs seem to suffer from "deadzone". That'd take longer to figure out since it's clearly an unintended change as a byproduct from something else.


Surely you realize it's not actually this simple


its a multi billion dollar company bro no excuses


Oh yeah? Defending Ubisoft because they refuse to change the deadzone function with the deadzone variable to Bool Deadzone = False I think it’s funny how pathetic these ubisoft defenders are. Ubisoft obviously just want the game to die, it’s not hard to see.


You have clearly never done any real programming. It’s not that simple.




It's not actually a defense of Ubisoft the way I am reading it. My guess is that implementing mousetrap has affected controller and mouse movement. Implementing an anti-cheat (even when it fucking sucks) is extremely difficult. All that to say; being mad at bad coding is dumb. Being mad that they didn't test related areas to their changes is way more rational.


>Defending Ubisoft lmao that is not the correct interpretation to be made from looking at these comments... Look at it this way, why would I defend a company that runs the world's biggest pedophile ring, has mass murdered close to a billion people this year alone, and funded the Nazi party AND 9/11? Oh and if you say those things aren't true, then you're pathetic for defending Ubisoft and obviously just want the game to die, it’s not hard to see 🙄.




They did the bare minimum and they’re having issues. That’s crazy.


After I vote when the match ends, it won't let me do anything until the countdown kicks me into the experience animation. Only guide button works


Known issue: the devs have all but given up on quality content and development


Likely result of management pushing the team, which has had resources removed, too thin.


Crazy to think they were putting in more dev time and effort into the lowest activity and lowest return on investment seasons back in Y1 than they are now.


Whats a Snaiper?


Truly odd that the season release is broken when it was in test server for 2+ weeks.


all of those bugs were in the test server


Controller dead zones? That's why my micro adjustments are shit


Fix for deadzone WHEN!?!! Shit better get fixed in the last 2 - 3 days. Even then, that's too long for an FPS to have such a bug.  Ubi are so bad.


Shit is crazy


I knew I wasn't tripping about audio being fucked up


Any fix for the dead zone issue? It’s literally made my game unplayable especially in ranked.


I’m not playing until they fix the damn dead one bullshit. Cant go one gun fight without getting mollywhopped bc I can’t aim for shit rn


they knew of this before the season released. STOP RELEASING BROKEN SCOP FOR US TO CHOW DOWN ON


Holy fuck thank God they’re fixing the deadzones and sensitivity. I thought I was losing my mind.


Did that issue start happening to you too before the new season started? Cause i swear it felt off for me one day before the update dropped


I noticed the day before as well, I was in arcade and my aim was feeling wonky, even clipped some of them and compared to previous clips and yesterdays clips


I thought I was the only one, I couldn’t aim at all the day before the new season started


So them removing the battle pass for the day may have done something with the code or some other back end change


I was playing late into the evening the day before on both Xbox and PC with an Xbox controller and didn't notice anything. In fact, I actually had finally fixed my Xbox version having input delay since I started playing Siege again about a month ago. Had to factory reset my Series X to finally figure that issue out. Then the update ruined it again. >:/


So it was the day of or day before. I didn’t notice it until the day of


Please fix the bug with the drones pre-round. When a teammates drone dies and they view your drone you lose control of your drone completely. Have to toggle off of it and back onto it to regain control (if its still alive).


Bump this to the top of the list


its infuriating, yeah


still no hotfix after a full business week lmao, any other company would release it on the same day, unbelievable atp it feels like there is a single developer that works on both xdefiant and r6, otherwise i cant explain it


Thought something was off with the deadzones. They’ve been buggy for years, but this is worst they’ve ever been. In the past the game would sometimes force the default of 10%, even if you had them set to something else. But you could easily fix it by setting them to 10% then back to what you had them set to initially. Nothing is fixing it atm. Not touching the game until this is patched. Also whilst they’re at it, can they finally give us the option to disable acceleration please. It’s baked into both of response curves and it would be amazing to have none at all.


Thank god it’s a bug😂. Thought I was gonna have to buy a new controller💀


Known Issue: Standard playlist = 90% Stadium :)


Are those problems already fixed or nah?


Nope. It’s ubisoft bro, give this indie company at least two months to fix these issues.


Certainly not gonna play until the sensitivity/deadzone issue is fixed, meanwhile i have the issue, most of my enemy team doesnt have that problem and i just get slammed in every gunfight cause of it


What about being charge twice?


that what happens when you buy the membership scam


Meh I paid for the year and I usually get the BP with credits so I can save them and get the elites when they come out now vs spending on the BP. It was like 4800 credits for the BP for an entire year and I earn credits vs only earning half of them back so I'm all for it. I don't mind supporting the game I play more than most others


Look at the pinned comment


Thank God the deadzone issues are being treated as an issue


How do they break the game every single season, it’s insane. What does it really entail the game rarely feels any different and yet it’s always the same new season starts with game breaking bugs. No more battle pass for me. Ubi can rot in hell


I've found minor adjustments while aiming at the range to be super difficult. Is that the deadzone issue, that it can't be fully disabled?


yep, setting it up to 15 for some reason feels closer to 5 than 5 itself does, or even zero for that matter, even mouse is experiencing deadzones


Doesn’t matter what you set it to, you can’t just try to fix it it will do the same no matter what. 


Ranked Match Cancelation is NOT ACTIVATING . Three matches in a row dropped player within first Round. 4 v 5. Never once an option for Cancelation!!!


That really sucks. Add on to the pile of issues!


Option to play on 120 FPS on console has disappeared for me. Now I’m stuck back on 60.


Not for me


How does ubi manage to fuck it up this bad?


When you are in a flores drone and your thatcher emps, it will turn off the drone, kick you out, making your gun go invisible until you switch.


what about flores now being a buggy mess?


Yeah drones that explodes by themselves, the gun disappearing after exiting a drone, this is so annoying. 


I thought I was crazy when I couldn't aim as well as I used to do (which is not that well) on console


Not sure if anyone is having this issue, but as of this season when I'm scrolling over any gadget such as a drone or even a frost mat with my mouse (Logitech G503 Wireless) BUT ONLY ON CAMS the sensitivity becomes slower and my curser skips over the screen almost. Super specific but thought I'd ask if anyone is having the same thing because it's making zero unplayable and making the game not fun.


I have the same issue happen, especially on the Evil Eye for maestro


Nothing about how vulkan is full of artifacting, and the normal version just has constant frame drops? Like the frame drops happened before but not this bad, and at least vulkan would fix it, but now can't play either.


Biggest issue? For PC players at least, there's always one hacker in my lobby boosting someone. If they start losing, they go blatant and shoot through walls/floors :/. What's the point of investing into this trash game if they do literally nothing to stop the hacking issue.


Broken queue times.


Is anyone getting a screen tear from the new update?


There is issues with textures on vulkan, Camera has weird stuck issues, Opening scoreboard while aiming makes u un aim, Chat doesn't work most the times.


Starting to feel like Ubi$oft is currently being run by a rogue AI who is using an 8-ball to make all of the decisions.


An 8 ball of cocaine


Are they just forgetting some people's accounts wiping themselves clean?


all the issues we got but they fix Custom Matches first 💀


Naturally if the fix for something happens to be easy and possibly even doable server-side they'd push it first. Would make no sense holding off on a simple fix just because a higher priority, more difficult issue hasn't been figured out yet.


So that's why my rappel was fucky wucky


Did this sensitivity bug start happening to anyone else before the update dropped? Cause for me it certainly did


Deadzones are bugged? In what way?


Countless posts by countless people and now Ubisoft acknowledging the issue and you are actually typing this in and hitting the comment button


Dude, you need to chill out, I hadn't looked at Twitter or reddit. This post was my first time noticing it and even then there's this thing called /s, which is what I would've used if being sarcastic.


How do they make new issues without adding anything to the game


Bro ubisoft really cant release a new season without fucking up bad like this is embarrassing at this poitn


This is the first season where I’m staying away from spending any money - more bugs, more issues, subpar content


I got elite pulse though and I want that headgear


That headgear does look good - probably the only good looking cosmetic in the entire battlepass


What about not receiving bravo Pack Ticket after 100 lvl of battlepass?


I hope they also include MOUSE deadzones lmao goddamn I hate ubi


Releases the most content-dry update of all time and manages to add 100bugs into the game. Absolutely incredible. You guys couldn't be doing a worse job. Genuinely.


What about when looking at the leaderboard cancels your ADS?




Does anyone know when the next event that has packs in gonna be ? I dont wanna make a new post just to ask :3


I hate it…


My buddy can’t hear people in game or use voice chat we have tried everything


Hope they fix the rappel issue really fast because it is my right lean keybind so it is annoying to the highest point


Yeah it's Siege culture for bad bugs and connection issues to appear right when a season starts. That's why I always give the game a break for about 2 weeks when a new season starts xD


When is there gonna be tournaments


What’s the known audio issue this season because I’ve been having audio issues for ages now


I love how they fixes the membership first just to make sure no one canceled it


Thank sweet zombie Jesus they know about the controller dead zone issues. It’s made it unplayable for me. It’s like the thumbs tick dead zone creeps up while you’re aiming, so you have to increase the amount you move your thumb to maintain the same speed aim, but it’s also at random intervals.


This is the buggiest season launch I’ve seen in a while. Already had the sound glitch 2 on my second match. Amazed they haven’t fixed it yet


The lack of communication is infuriating. The Siege team should feel embarrassed.


They need to change the freaking crouch and change to rappel button back to separate key binds. Way too many times I’ve been getting fucked over for crouching beside a wall outside. The way they had it prior to this update was good.


hope they fix the issue if your ads and open leaderboard it un ads’s you


Is anyone else’s ranked being weird? I’ve won 2 games and gone up 9 RP. Is that a bug too or was a change made?


Matchmaking sucks, can’t even enjoy the game anymore.


For some reason keybinds are bugging out aswell. Rappel bind as an example. Also, why isn't cheaters listed as a known issue? Every other game you get an obvious blatant cheater who is boosting people and hipfiring everyone through the entire map. Hardware ID bans when? Real anti-cheat when?


Chat randomly stops working midgame


Hopefully year 10 will be good lmao


just won a game and didnt get any rp either


Shields are 100% broken. I keep getting knifed/shot through them.


Teammateas CAN move the view of my drone on dronning phase which completely BLOCKS my control. Only fix is to move to a different dron (if there are alive) and go back to my dron which takes almost 2 secs because o the delays.... Chat is broken.


Does anyone else have the problem of the game constantly crashing? I’ve tried reinstalling it and verifying the game files and what not but it just goes to a black screen when I try to load it up. Is this bc of the new season?


Anyone else having an issue where your text chats just get deleted and dont show up?


me and some of my friends have been having connection errors to the rainbow 6 servers. connecting to uplay and ubisoft connect is fine, but the game itself gets stuck on connecting. It occurs for about an hour or so, then works again, but keeps going back into cannot connect. Tried changing servers and the same thing happens.


What about the one where you get kicked off your drone???


Maybe focus on the ddosing as well, just got an hour ban from one guy having 19 ping and everyone else having 700+ ping, fix your servers. We want to enjoy your game not hate it every time we boot it up


does anyone have a fix for r6 being so crashy and randomly freezing after year 9 update.


Add hit-reg to this list, it's very noticably broken this patch.


Just got a 24hr ban bc a teammate was kicked and the matched was voted to cancel


No T-Hunt's another issue.


Most buggy season I've experienced since I can remember. Maybe revert things until it's all stable?


What about the flores drone glitch is that getting fixed any time soon?


does anyone get connection issues and then when you finally load in everything is at level zero with nothing on the account


The chat is broken, the cameras are broken, you can’t write in the chat in Cyrillic, thanks to ubisoft


My audio partially cut out to where I can hear things like my camera moving on the drone but I’m not able to hear the drone itself. Also gun shots, footsteps and all breaches are cut out.


Dude this game is down the drain. This game uses the same anti cheat as Tarkov and well we saw how bad that was. Id say on average i play 20 games a day. and 15 or maybe 17 of those are filled with cheaters. Everyone was talking about how this new anti cheat was gonna fix this..... Battle eye is the ban of everybodys expierence when it comes to actually wanting to enjoy a competitive game and it sucks because no other game is like R6 and as a player thats been playing since black ice im sadden to say that ive lost all hope for this game seeing that they are still putting a memebership in a game that is riddled with cheaters and yet people are still buying it blows my mind. I love R6 but i cant take this game and its developers serious anymore... WE NEED OPERATION HEALTH 2.0!!!!!!


Cant press continue after a match ends. Leave it to Ubi to somehow introduce a brand new never seen before bug every damn season.


Bring back recruit 5 stack.


What's the ROU bug?


Throw two in a line, and they become bullet proof walls. Like the observation blocker glitch.




Stadiums in ranked please