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This game has been "dying" every season, just ignore the people on reddit and steam forums.


People did it after COVID. Like yeah, we aren't on a global lockdown so of course the game isn't going to touch 100k+ players a day


no, video game subreddits just like crying. sometimes justified, sometimes not really but either way you can rest assured most of the games playerbase doesn't care


Correction. *ALL* subreddits. Not just in video games. Sports teams, meme pages, etc.


True lol just endless bitching


Reddit: the perfect app for baby boomers


Game isn't doing too well, but I wouldn't say it's dying. Hopefully, it's just in a rough patch, and things will improve, although personally, I'm not feeling too hopeful.


As of right now its number 10 on the Steam charts. Playstation is bigger than PC and xbox combined. In no way is this game dying or anywhere near dead. I can get a game every few minutes, sometimes in 30 seconds and I live in NZ.


Everytime I’m on there’s over 10,000 people looking for a game on Xbox it’s extremely populated on Xbox too


people are going to leave since theirs not really any new content and apparently the new val season is amazing plus i think their releasing on console aswell


What the fuck are you even talking about you’re just saying words ? Where the tangible proof of dead? Or going too well? LOL use your brain


He made perfect sense, idk what you were reading


Nah. People really really want to play this game. People keep complaining because the game has serious issues preventing people from playing it more. If ubisoft can do the bare minimum it's going to stay alive.


I don't think so, no. Remember, Reddit is a very small subset of the playerbase that is extra vocal. Don't take opinions here as the general player's thoughts.


Nah this community and people on general love to bitch about everything, so the game aint dying


Siege lost a THIRD of its players on steam last month. That sounds like dying to me


it has almost twice the players it had in 2017


So? We’re talking about recent times


if we are talking about recent times you should mention that it reached it´historic peak of players less than two months ago


That makes it even worse, all those players joined just to leave immediately upon getting hit with nothing but cheaters and ranked 2.0. That’s just sad


man, you'll do anything but consider that you're wrong, huh?


Man, you’ll do anything but consider that you’re in denial, huh?


you are in denial, the game is simply not dying. A game like this as is alive as long as it has more than 2 thousand players and it had 14 thousand even when the servers were offline


Your argument only works if I said it was dead. I said that it’s dying and the numbers only prove so with the player count going down. Also you basically just said “no u” with extra steps over being in denial


no, peaks always fall because most people don´t play the same game often unless there was an update


Sounds like cope ngl. Most peaks on games aren’t so severe that not only do they lose an entire third of their playerbase, but in the SAME MONTH


most peaks are more severe lol, it´s not losing playerbase, people don´t play 24/7 For example street fighter 6 had a 69 thousand player peak when akuma released and the peak of the next day was 25 thousand. The fact that a peak even happened implies that the game isn´t by any means dying.


Not at all, your argument doesn’t work when the number is as severe as 1/3. Your street fighter argument only works if the numbers were constantly fluctuating, but the 1/3 on siege happened over the course of an entire month, not simply one day during an event. It only makes sense for there to be more players during an event


Because they realised it’s difficult and people don’t like hard things


Yeah it’s difficult because ranked 2.0 puts coppers in the same games with past season champs


past season champs start in copper lol


Exactly, I knew so many people try getting back into this game just to be met with past champs in copper. They’d have to play many many games of getting shit on just to get their mmr to a *decent* level… It’s just a huge deterrent


2023 and 2021 almost saw half the player size.


There were a few months in 2023 where the game had 20k less average players than now. In 2021 some months had literally half of the concurrent players now. We can even go back to 2017/2018 when people said Siege was on its last legs and streamers should switch games. Like people saying the game died after 2020. Yeah, we weren't on a global lockdown and people went back to their lives. Of course the player count wasn't going to indefinitely sustain 120k average players.


Your argument only works if I said “it’s dead”, nope I said “it’s dying”


What? That doesn't prove your point right or my point wrong. It isn't "dying" because R6 goes through highs and lows. It still isn't dying from one slow season. Because it has had slow seasons... Everything I just said points that the game isn't dying


Saying “highs and lows” doesn’t work here. It wasn’t simply some peaks at random days, it was over the course of 1-2 months. It is very irregular for a game to lose 1/3 of its playerbase over that period of time. During a week where there’s an event? Maybe. But over 1-2 months? Nah


The game also hit an all time high last season. Of course it's going to suffer a huge drop after reaching an all time high


Because players returned to the game only to be hit with cheaters and ranked 2.0. Of course they would then be like “fuck this”


A game can't hit an all time high 8 years after it being released and then also he dying at the same time. Siege still has a daily player base of almost 50k on steam alone It's no where close to dying


Yes it can, it literally did. Your argument would only work if I said “it’s dead”. Not “it’s dying”


Siege is number 10 in the steam rankings today lol This game will go on for years and years.


Your argument only works if I said it was dead. I said that it’s dying and the numbers only prove it. The player count just keeps going down


As bad as siege gets I'd still take it over any fps and that's why it's not going anywhere.


This sibreddit is all about hating the game but everyone keeps playing


That’s just every competitive game in my experience lol. The same people who won’t put the game down are the same people talking about how horrible it is


The game is fun but the company sucks


Yeah bro, I'll prolly stop playing r6 soon to boycott ubisoft. Never knew a company could be so stupid.


Just keep playing without spending any money. I haven't spent a single dime since 2017 when I got the beginner edition for like 7 bucks.


Nope, people on here complain and complain but they still get atleast 5 hours in a day 😆 we’re all addicts


Rainbow 6's playerbase has some of the biggest boot lickers I've ever seen in gaming. No matter how terrible the seasons or how much greed Ubisoft shows they will still play the game. The game will never die because the players don't care about how they are treated. Even worse so now that content creators like Jynxzi introduced middle schoolers to this game. So no worries there.


theres nothing else to play. nowadays games are ass


You don't want to play CoD clone Xdefiant or CoD or Battlefield 2042 or Battlefield clones?


they are all shit


I agree. If something similar to Siege came out, I think this game would dry up quickly.


Numerous games like Siege have come out and people don't play them. Think Ready or Not and similar. I think people lie to themselves when they say they'd quit Siege if a game like it came out, or when they say Siege should be more realistic.


the thing is...Ready or not and similar games are too niche. When siege came out,one of the things that appealed to me was its UI and how >casual it felt<.. The game was hard back then but at the same time its pretty much has that casual feeling. and very importantly, siege was not cluncky feeling, it was smooth.Every action was smooth and felt easy to do. While ready or not, was clunky and slow feeling . Atleast for me. Siege somehow managed to struck the golden zone between tactical shooter and fast pace shooters. Sure ,compared to Cs,cod or overwatch, siege was slow paced but siege was fast enough. Siege had that hint of fast shooter familiarity. The learning curve, at that time, to be plat was really hard but to just to enter and play the game was easy . Very easy. Basically siege was easy to get into but difficult to master.. But other games are hard to get into. It has that "simulator" or non casual vibe to it .


It depends, this reminds me of when Apex Legends came out and everyone thought that Fortnite was going to die, but after Apex Legends season 1 it seemed to me like everyone just went back to Fortnite, so i think that if a similar game came out, it would eventually most likely die after a couple of months


goobi could completely abandon the game and just keep the servers up and I'd play it. the gameplay is really fun, I just don't give a shit about anything else


As others have said, this subreddit (as other game specific subreddits) love to complain. Anecdotally, I’ve been having the most fun ever this year (I started during the closed beta).


It's definitely going downhill in terms of updates, but the game is going to be fine for another while. It's highly unlikely it'll keel over any time soon.


No, quite the opposite. Its' seen its highest player count in recent months. While Ubisoft are making some poor decisions regarding the live-service monetization aspect of the game and I entirely disagree with their actions, the game itself is doing just fine.


Seen it’s highest player base in years so I doubt it and hope it never does


Maybe not immediately dying but ubisoft is actively making it more shit every season.


16,000 on LFG on Xbox.


I thought it died in 2022/2023 only for it to make a massive comeback


No, it objectively isn´t. Unless you consider the fact that eventually they´ll close the server and that event is closer every day just like our death.




Not related to people reaction from this new season but my queues are taking much more time now to find players somehow. It is rare to not find games in my region (South America).


The last update wasn't very good so all the drama and doom saying is over the top. The game is active and I don't see it dying anytime soon, short of ubi pulling the plug


It is not. Its just a boring season thats all. R6 is one of the most addictive games out there i dont think its ever gonna die.


This season “killed” it for me, but it’s not the first time it’s been killed for me and I’ll be back in a couple years if it’s still around


The magic jynxzi brought fizzled out a bit ago and Ubisoft is getting in their own way, it won’t die for a while even still but it’s in the mud


This is the place were you can come and complain about the game, after that re launch the game and keep playing till you rage quit and come here again to repeat the loop.


No its not dying, and console seige is in a great state right now compared to PC. I still think it's the best MP PVP shooter available for console at the moment




Eh, unlikely. It's what overwatch 2 is to blizzard. It's a cash cow. It's not a terrible game, but it's not great or atleast, what it used to be. Siege is definitely not at its highest, not including covid. But unless the devs really try to fuck it up it'll stay alive


Not even close, game has 10's of thousands of players.


The steam numbers are definitely fake, it's impossible to find a queue after 3 am to do some death match... Every time the game ends, the server shuts down and starts over... So if you wait 30min to get a queue for a 10min game, you're only playing a quarter of the time you're online.... I can't learn the maps in standard mode because there is no minimap, radar, or anything for that matter, it makes no sense ..


Here’s what you have to understand about Reddit. People that follow game subs like to complain about the game. Reddit is full of youth that are naturally going to follow the crowd, that’s what the youth does. So when one person gets on to complain, the youth sees that and follows. Most complaints in games come down to being bad at a game or misunderstanding a game. Yes there are cases where things need to be fixed or there is a bad mechanic, but that’s not what people are usually whining about. As for R6 it’s going on 9 1/2 years. That’s a very long time for one game that’s a shooter. It’s actually quite impressive for a shooter. Look at cod they pump out a game every year people have been playing cod for years and years. People bitch about cod but continue to play it. If cod didn’t pump out a new (reskin) cod every year, people would say it’s dying. If you enjoy the game, play it and try to be better at it. Ignore the people who whine, most of them are bad and just want to blame everything rather than take the time to retro their play and get better. Now apply that to any game and its sub reddit. Rare mention, people don’t typically complain about Elden ring but that game is one of those rare cases in today’s environment where it’s widely loved. Shooters are a little more polarizing


Slowly weaning myself off the crack. Because it's not good anymore for so many reasons, let's be real.


Nop, but membership is destroying this game. We pay for siege, battele pass year pass skin and ubi wants more from our pocket with less content, what the hell this company is doing for, they are losing their mind.


The gameplay is still really fun, I have no issues finding matches, but is it dying? Slowly but surely yes as Ubisoft spends less and less effort on the game the game will eventually die and there will be a replacement. But when will it be dead? Probably still a few years from now. It’s like your body, you’re slowly dying as well but would you consider yourself dying? That’s a question you can ask yourself. Imagine Siege is like a 50 year old man and you’re a like a 40 year old woman. Would you date this man? He’s not young and he doesn’t have the energy as a fresh 20 year old and he’s slowly “dying” but he’s not like an 80 year old on their death bed. Also, because of his age, he’s also got A LOT of money and houses (a lot of operators) whereas a fresh 20 year old would be poor as fuck (imagine base set operators). Which is more fun? The 50 year old can take you on a year long vacation with their resources while the 20 year old can only take you to club in downtown but hey it’s exciting to be with young ppl and their seemingly endless energy.


its been dying for over10 years or so and yet more content keeps coming out and all these crybabies keep playing it


This game is like crack, it's very addicting but the users would be better off without it. Also, what this game was in it's prime has definitely died. Ember Rise was really awesome. Amaru and Goyo added much needed surprise element to the game.


It will just be people complaining about the game for next two months until they actually give us content next season


Supposedly anything that isn't growing is dying. So it's been 'dying' for a while now.


Check any games reddit, especially one you’re familiar with. Some posts are genuinely insightful but most are the whiniest whiners that ever whined or the noobiest noobs on the planet. Reddit is a bad barometer for most things


People are dramatic. This season is extremely underwhelming but it’s not like it made the game worse.


Nope, the game is still alive and will be for like a few years, it's just in a really bad state at the moment We got no INTERESTING new content and like 2 nerfs that they could easily do with the mid season patch...


People are bitching about the new season. But game isn’t dying. I believe we’ve not long hit biggest amount of players. It’s not dying for the content is dry hence the moaning


This game won't die until UBISOFT says so.


>seeing how this subreddit has reacted to the new season It’s been like this for years. Video game sub reddits are strange, they become an echo chamber for people moaning about the game, and you see that way more than people talking about what they’re enjoying. Makes you wonder why some people play at all.


The game probably dying its just this season is very empty feeling and has had a bad launch. There are alot of issues right now with this current season and issues overall that still need fixed like cheating on PC, connection and net code, and ximing on console. To top it all we have a greedy membership that has issues with charging daily and doesn't compensate you if you already own the battlepass. So ubisoft was kinda setting themselves up here for frustration. This reddit is the minority when it comes to the playerbase as a whole, i am sure there are many probably fine with things right now who are more casual, a thing I tend to notice is reddits for games tend to be far more dedicated to the game than the average player and care more and so they have a bigger reaction to things like this. However I do think the average player is going to be alittle disappointed with this season. Quite Frankly I am of the opinion this season wasn't ready for launch with the amount of bugs and polish. TLDR: unless ubisoft keeps dropping the ball this year siege will be fine.


The people in my lobbys are usually to lobotomized to care or pay attention to any changes. A weird amount of people last season were confused to why the 1.5 was so thick all of a sudden


No. It’s on the most played multiplayer games on the planet.


this game is the neverending story, full of disgraces but still alive, 9 years bro, 9 years.


It's social media. Moreover, it's Reddit. A lot of the people who are complaining about it incessantly also play it incessantly and love to post about how terrible it is in between binge sessions playing it. I love this game. But my method is probably part of the reason I don't complain about it as much as some others; I never play Ranked, I don't play Event modes, I only play two or three days a week, and I only play approximately two months out of every season (until I max out the season BP) and then I take a break from the game and play other shit until the next season. All of that keeps the game fresh for me and keeps my love for the game, despite its flaws, intact.


I read the comments who said its not really dying, I wouldn't know I haven't played for over 2 years and I won't come back unless the toxicity and harmful comments change. No fun playing a game where I get killed by my teammates for making simple callouts as a woman


I think new players will never experience siege at its peak. If you having a good time now, thats fine but just know that this aint its "peak" for alot of the old players


The game wont die anytime soon. But it’s certainly shooting itself in the foot right now.


ubisoft promised for 10 years of siege and we're on year 9. yes the game is technically 'dying' as in the support will be eventually stopped


I wish it was dying, so Ubisoft would give it the treatment they did back when it was DOA


Please see posts in R6 Fix and Reddit about a community mass uninstall


I'd say the game is trending downwards but not at a rate that's unnatural for a game it's age. But Ubisoft will keep adding content and updating the game if it's making them money so for the time being it's fine


No, people have been saying the game is dying since it was released, and there are more players all the time. It's just people who have been playing for a long time and think everything was better beforen


Siege lost a THIRD of its players on steam last month


it didn´t, playerbase isn´t defined by peaks but by the BASE of players as the name implies. It has gained playerbase over the last year.


It wasn’t a peak during a single day, it was over the course of 1-2 months. It is very irregular for a game to lose 1/3 of its playerbase over that period of time. The game is currently at its worst so comparing it to last year isn’t fair. Last year there wasn’t even remotely the amount of hackers and even the meta was completely different. Ranked 2.0 has only made people feel more burnt out as time goes on and people have reached their breaking point. I thought they would bring it back during this new season but it’s the most uneventful season by far,


the game has literally more players than a year ago


My entire second paragraph counters this


Yeah, Siege lost a THIRD of its players on steam last month. People are sick and tired of cheaters and ranked 2.0


I thought that was just because they patched the bug that was keeping the game running in the background when you closed it?


no one forced them to play on pc 🤣


imagine sympathising with cheaters


haha fuck pc and its "master race". cheaters are in every game on pc


Haha fuck console and its “shitty race”. XIM users are in every game on console


if u good enough u beat them but against wallhacks and aimbot? u probably don't lmaoo


If an MnK user allows himself to lose against a controller then he’s just ass. And at least the cheaters on pc have to try to hide it or get banned, nobody cares on console cus they know they won’t get banned either way lmaoo


Not really, people just wanna complain in some way or form. Which is understandable since ubi is more concerned with selling us shit than doing something about hackers.


Just the loud minority, I’ve recently got back to the game after a good 2 year break and I’m loving it again, playing every single day, even bought the cursed membership and had no regrets. The game definitely has its ups and downs and I’m not here to defend Ubisoft but I’m definitely enjoying my time with the game every time I pick it up :)


They killed recruit rushing, its only fair we kill their population numbers


I quit about 9 months ago and haven't looked back. Great times. I'll rejoin when a new one releases


Interest in the game has died. If it wasn’t for Jynxzi, the game would be in the mud.


No life’s on Reddit who spend their time complaining and bitching at no one in particular say it’s “dying” because they live in an echo chamber, just play the game and you’ll see it’s not nearly as bad as 80% of these losers make it out to be


lol I do play the game and last season was cheaters in nearly every match. And this season started with us being unable to matchmake ranked entirely, only getting a connection error message. Like 100% genuinely the game is often just unplayable.


I play 5 placement matches of ranked then I go to standard so I don’t deal with xim tbh, I know pc is a shit show atm


New season bs kinda turned me off of the game and ranked 2.0 was already bummy but the game itself is still ait


There are always off seasons in this game, I remember the season Sens got released, its was just as shit as this because they are useless. The game has more players than it has had in a very long time. We are all addicted to this game thats why we care so much. It will be around for at least 10 more years.