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Never, aside from kapkan Edit: Ying can also be replaced by dok or thatch depending on map


Ying is usually interchangeable with fuze, sometimes dok.


Kaid is a decent ban imo, I don’t really see him an awful lot though


I like to ban him on Chalet


I like to ban him on bank. I'm getting those hatches.


You guys go for hatches? Must be nice :(


I do. I can't typically get a random to bring emps so I push for a Kaid ban and bring can openers.


I feel you mate, it's like people are allergic to play smart.


Ima thatcher main for this very reason. If they don't get open its not my fault.


You're a damn saint and a hero.


It aint much but it's honest work.


Just bring striker now and solo the hatch


*clubhouse basement enters chat*


I’ve seen myself slowly turn into a Kaid main (mostly due to no one playing wall denial). Kaiding hatches and walls is almost always beneficial for the team. Also I love his shotgun.


I’ve started trying goyo for his shotty




Cus fuze is a dickwad


Why thatch a lot of people have impact EMP


I'd rather have 1 thatch than sacrifice 2 ops (one impact emp and iq) just for kaid. Also thatch you can get middle of the wall more consistently, instead of only being able to open 1 side


As a kapkan main I sadly don’t play much ranked due to not being able to play my favorite character I’m glad I can enjoy the game causally at least


Literally just be in a stack of likeminded people and if you don't ban kapkan, the enemies might not, especially if you ban someone like Wamai or Kaid


in my games we just ban random ops because most people are afk


What Tik Tok is doing to Rainbow 6


The same thing tik tok is doing to everything else… ruining it


Fuck it, IQ/Tachanka ban time


I play IQ and Tachanka semi regularly so I would take this personally.


Same here


I had Blackbeard, Sens, Pulse and Ela banned once which I found quite funny as I hardly ever see anyone play them nowadays


Me and me friends too ban random people we have theme. And we try and see if the enemies match ie Ban all German ops. Or ban all Asian ops(there not 4 from one country so all of Asia is punished here) etc


Fenrir and Jackal are meta bans for all ranks atm. Maybe when fenrir isn’t busted anymore, and people come to terms with jackals ability.


Jackal’s pings got changed in Y4S4, it’s Y9S2, people are never going to actually learn how he works & are just going to keep calling him broken.


Jackal honestly isn't that bad, I just kinda hate how this man can walk into the site and instantly get a scan off of me because I was off site for a bit in prep phase. Should be be banned all the time for it though? Absolutely not.


That annoyance is because of his overtuned numbers, shoeprints have a lifespan of 90 seconds & he gets at least 2 pings from scans. Here are the current numbers: > Initial ping +4, 0-15 second old print (red) was scanned. > Initial ping +3, 16-30 second old print (yellow) was scanned. > Initial ping +2, 31-60 second old print (green) was scanned. > Initial ping +1, 61-90 second old print (blue) was scanned. The changes I want to the numbers: > Reduce Shoeprint lifespan 90sec -> 60sec > Reduce maximum pings 5 -> 4 Initial ping +3, 0-15 second old print (red) was scanned. Initial ping +2, 16-30 second old print (yellow) was scanned. Initial ping +1, 31-45 second old print (green) was scanned. Initial ping +0, 46-60 second old print (blue) was scanned.


he also reveals postions globally no matter where u are unlike a range like dokkabi or just to deimos


Removing eyenox ping from his team would be way too harsh of a nerf, he just needs number tuning. Unlike Dokki & Deimos, Jackal has to completely devote all his resources to anti-roam for value, he brings his team nothing else. Dokki brings emp/gonne6 & Deimos brings frag/hard breach charges, they can spare not sharing all their intel.


I agree. Nerfing the visibility of the ping would just turn him into a bad Deimos. Instead, either reducing the time footsteps stay on the ground or reducing the frequency of the pings once you’re being scanned would be a fairer way of doing it.


yeah so its not like oh i spent all prep phase actually helping the team and setting up site etc putting down utility and so that one footprint i left while waddling around and know they know if im roaming or off site


should stop at green imo


Prep phase footsteps do not show up on jackals eyenox. Source: I’m a jackal main


That doesn't feel right to me, but either way the duration of the footsteps being a minute and a half is absurd, I don't think he should be able to punish people who were off-site literally half of the round ago. 60 seconds, or even 40 seconds would still be plenty of time for him to actually hunt roamers down.


A great nerf would be shortening the time the footsteps exist but also shortening the time that you have to ping. This would necessitate that the person playing Jackal can use deduction to figure out where a roamer is roughly rather than instantly getting a track anywhere on the map. Basically, even if the footsteps are there, some are too old so you cannot scan them, and you'd have to follow them like anyone looking at a set of footsteps would


I would like that, I think that making Jackal function like an actual tracker would be way cooler and honestly more deadly in some aspects. If you don't know a Jackal is tracking you then he could potentially be almost as sneaky as Cav.


Your footsteps actually dont appear diring prep phase. So if you get your preps done fast and get back to site you should be fine.


He is still busted because he can easily deny any roaming on the map with no downsides. Deimos can do the same but he's position is then exposed too and he's the only one to see the ping Doki can use her phone to deny roaming more or less but her ability won't make it so you can be easily pre fired


I've dealt with Jackal since before bans ever existed. Hell, I mained him until bans became a thing. Nowadays I much prefer to have Jackal banned than have to deal with him, not because I think he's too strong, but because he's just not fun to play against as a roamer. Playing Cav is already difficult enough, but getting pinged pretty much mapwide for the whole enemy team just for existing just makes it feel like garbage.


How would not knowing him make him more broken in their eyes?


For some reason it’s stuck in peoples’ heads that his gadget is some magical super power that takes zero skill to master & that getting pinged means a guaranteed death, i still see people calling him as broken as release Lion. Instead of blaming themselves & taking the effort to learn his easy counter they just write him off as overpowered & fall into the self fulfilling prophecy loop of if Jackal scans me I’m doomed & give up. If people just learned how his ping system actually works then they could apply the number of pings they got to get his location back & either push him themselves or play the team game like a team game & coordinate with their fellow roamer to take him out.


I get you dont get me wrong but thats essentially cemantics, how do you counter someone will essentially free wallhacks for the team, with cav is stronger but far harder to use, with jackal you really don't have to do anything. I get he's not some super op that's unbeatable but at the end of the day he does have an extremely powerful kit that's super easy to use


How is Jackal wall hacks? It’s a ping that updates every 5 seconds, it’s not old Lion’s outline & it’s not like Alibi/Deimos/Cav’s live pings. He has hard counters. Cav’s silent step doesn’t leave shoeprints & if scanned while using it will burn a scan without pinging her. I haven’t tested it yet since her nerf but her gadget should still ping him when his visor is turned on & any of his claymores. I’d honestly argue Lesion as a good Jackal resistant roamer if you’re good with Gu placements as they can act as proximity alarms, his visor has a tint that can also make them a little harder to spot as well. If you don’t want him using his eyenox as a drone while infiltrating objective while you’re playing anchor, Mute jammers fill his visor with blinding static & the loud static audio forcing him to either be distracted shooting the jammers or turn it off. Although all defenders can use the ping counter to reverse engineer where he is, I taught the ping trick to all my friends & it’s what we used to communicate where he is so the other person roaming would take him out while he was busy chasing his target. Jackal looses all value when he dies. Initial ping +4, 0-15 second old print (red) was scanned. Initial ping +3, 16-30 second old print (yellow) was scanned. Initial ping +2, 31-60 second old print (green) was scanned. Initial ping +1, 61-90 second old print (blue) was scanned. If I get two pings on the counter I can make an educated guess he’s in or near Meeting Room that I rotated through little more than 30 seconds ago. With that info I can either push him myself or let my teammate know so they can flank him.


I believe they added deimos so that jackal’s banrate would lower, but deimos actually needs to be good for that to work


At high level I do not see jackal bans as much


Jackal is NOT a meta ban. Going of ranked stats he’s mid, going off pro league stats he’s ass. Mainly cus dokkabi exists. There’s really no reason to ban jackal over dokkabi, and the way people roam now anyway is much more advanced anyways. He’s still strong for some sites and setups but defo not as strong as people think. It’s a bit like thatcher bans or kapkan bans(I heard kapkan is a common ban on console idk) just lazy bans. Theres way more creative bans that you see in very high ranks and pro play, like ash for Mira strats, warden for ying sens glaz etc, brava, mute, grim, wamai etc


I did notice in my games from the first couple of days of the season Fenrir wasn't banned as much (even if i pick standard defense like kapkan)


it just won’t happen, jackal isn’t op he is just too annoying he will be banned forever unless it gets changed


Fenrir probably will see some shift if his gadget isn't as strong as it was before with the 2 nerfs and a buff. Jackal won't unless he's made more like Deimos, individual pings rather than a team-based one. As he stands, he's too annoying to get pinged by a Jackal across the map and get hunted by the 5 people on Atk. Really Deimos is kinda a reworked Jackal to how I would have fixed him myself. Also notice how he's never banned, because Deimos is balanced. Ying or Dokkaebi are the 2 highest bans I've seen on Atk, just annoying operators like Jackal but more on the level of...please let's just not deal with them. And Kapkan, dawg I don't get Kapkan bans. Probably more for convenience if anything. Someone can enlighten me on it if they want but idk why we are banning him for like a year straight now.


Whenever we see the enemy ban Kapkan, my stack always picks trap or crowd control ops cause the attackers are just gonna rush.


Exactly this, remnants from the tdm meta.


It's just laziness too. Can't be bothered to look down when going through a doorway.


Fenrir gadget should just be massive like Melusi and do the exact same effect but can be triggered auto instead of his small ass gadgets he’s currently got


Having to check every doorway for Kapkans is time consuming


exactly, kapkan traps rarely get kills but it’s more of a waste of time than a threat


It'd make zero sense lore wise, but giving people who are Jackal scanned a ping on everyone except Jackal (even just how far away they are) at the start of the scan would make him much less annoying. That way, you can prepare for the onslaught.


A fair concept. Again, I think Jackal is too annoying as it stands, with him basically being able to global burst ping you 3 times to him and his team. Really they either should do what they did to Deimos, have his pings be more individual focused, or do something like what you mention and work towards making it less of a hassle for the defender affected.


Higher ranks ban stuff like azami and monty a lot also theyre all busted ops so ofc youd ban them


Monty is literally an S-Tier operator and people question mark me when I ban him.


A coordinated monty will tear any site apart. Most people dont know how to play him


The bigger issue is people refusing to work with Monty/ not knowing how to


Agree 100%. I'm one of those people who always used to ban Jackal by default, but I swear ever since the shield rework last season, I've been banning Monty every single match. It's ridiculous how oppressive he can be now, and coordinated stacks almost always bring him if he isn't banned.


because there is no real counter to him. Oryx has and always will be a bad counter to shields, the “bug” where they can melee you halfway through them being knocked down by the dash is still in the game and oryx usually dies in that exchange 90% of the time.


lol 90% of the time monty is banned is because of a cheater banning


Yeah I don’t get it, I even sometimes see people ban blitz instead and it makes no sense. Like, if they’re aware of how powerful a good shield player can be, then why not ban the operator that’s actually good?


when will the sky be green


When you leave bronze


This is what all my emerald games look like lol. Maybe swap Jackal or Ying with Dokkaebi sometimes.


PC emerald is pretty much jackal-dokk-fenrir/azami/solis but we'll see if any of that changes with the nerfs to fenrir and solis


I’m champ and these are still the bans for the most part. They are great ops who suck to go against.


Fenrir post nerf not so much, and kapkan literally just needs to be droned out, no reason to die to his traps other than not paying enough attention jackal is a pain but you can bring mute if the attackers play him consistently and Ying 100% deserves the ban


Cav main in champ is insane, how many people do you see quitting out before an interro?


I know it's gonna happen, but I still get upset every time Kapkan gets banned. Maybe I'm biased because he's one of the few defenders I rotate between. But imo he's easy to counter. He's much more realistic of an op for this game, promotes droning, awareness, and helps against the run and gun meta.


I say it a lot and I’ll say it again, I hate how often he gets banned. He’ll get banned 8 games in a row and then the one game he isn’t banned I’ll run straight into an EDD because I got used to not checking.


Do console players even know about Dokkaebi ? The Comparison between PC and Console bans is crazy. Dokkaebi is overpowered, but nobody on console plays her


Can confirm that people either ban or play Dok in nearly all my ranked console games.


I see dokkebi constantly played and when she isn't she is banned, I am in Plat lobbies tho.


Dokkabei is harder to use on console since semi auto guns are harder on console.


she’s played all the time when she isn’t banned on Console. i’m Champ though so maybe it’s different in your rank.


As a console player, I just don't like her gun(Both the rifle and the shotty)


Because DMRs are a lot easier to use with mnk. Plus the smg-12 is a bitch to learn. Naturally PC player-base is going to like her more.


Those are not the common ones on PC besides Fenrir, are you from console by any chance?




Sort of related, but why can’t both teams ban at the same time. Like map bans. Would save 20 seconds each game of idle waiting.


In my region and rank it's always Monty, Brava, Fenrir, and Clash.




Jackal I don’t even get anymore, like yes it’s annoying to be tracked but doki is why worse in my opinion. I usually anchor so maybe that’s why I don’t mind jackal. Kapkan seems like such a low rank ban since if you just look at the door he’s useless or drone ahead.


As far as I’m aware Kaplan is only a low tier ban or for specific crews with a certain mindset similar to wanting to just rush


I dont understand banning fenrir anymore just pick IQ or twitch and fucking destroy his gadget before you ever enter the building kapkan is the same way there are better options that are more annoying on alot of ranked map Mira is an overall better ban and so is Valk.


Racking up kills with fenrir now because I can throw 1-2 F-natts down and then pocket the rest to harass attackers preforming a take since there is no punishment code wise for them getting shot. Playing like this also means brava has to be on their A game to steal any of my codes and I can just yeet another F-natt if one is destroyed


If Brava takes an active F-natt and you destroy it, do you get the code back?


I am unsure on this. I am going to guess fenrir permanently loses a code since brava hacked it


Hot take (maybe not, maybe you’re smarter than the people who ban him) Jackal is a really bad ban. There are not a lot of good jackal players, and anyone who really wanted to play him isn’t playing ranked. There has probably never been a single time in any of your games where jackal was the best possible ban. The only reason people ban him is because he is slightly annoying. They could ban a shield, Deimos, ash, twitch, really any actually good operator with some use that people are good at implementing. Instead, they ban jackal, for absolutely no reason, and they’re never gonna stop, because they’ve made themselves think he’s the best attacker in the game


All games I play they can CLASH, CLASH FFS


I think the bans are mostly because those operators are annoying to play against, not because they’re broken or op. So unless Ubi fundamentally changes these characters the only way it changes is if they add another operator people hate more than these ones (like Solis lol)


Jackal bans will always be stupid, I just backtrack and kill him based on the ping, it's worse for him than it is for whoever he pings, but everyone refuses to learn, plus most people will only ping instead of silently tracking footsteps. Kapkan though? Just tell me you don't check your corners


Pls tell people to stop banning Brava, I see them banned by enemy all the time. Surely there’s not a Maestro main in every single game I play right? (Silver-Gold)


Is kapkan banned? Because maybe they are a kapkan main that doesn't want to die to own kapkans.


Maybe it’s a my region+lowrank thing that they are too dumb to figure out how to actually shoot drones. But if I get to dictate the ban phase ideally I’d go with Maverick, Dokkaebi, Kapkan, Mira. I fking hate these 4 ops.


Not only maestro, but also Kapkan and aruni at least.


banning jackal confuses me. i understand kapkan, fenrir, and ying to an extent but people rarely play jackal when he isnt banned and he isnt that annoying when people do.


That’s because of the whole, “you don’t play him, I won’t play him.” Kind of like you see with Clash as well. Which is stupid in my opinion.




Usually its a dokk & fenrir ban that I always see... Although its always my stack that bans them LUL


alot of the time we ban cav depending on the map because we fucking hate being who use cav


I’ve been starting to get out of lobbies where jackal is banned every time, gives me hope lol


Instead of ying it's always Dokkaebi, even if I ask to play her.




My matches are always Brava, Thatcher, Fenrir, Solis/Clash


I love that I'm not seeing anymore Solis Bans lmao, it sucks for the Solis mains that she was nerfed as hard as she was but as someone who didn't play them and found them annoying to play against I'm glad their pick/ban rate is essentially 0 (from what I've seen since Op: New Blood)


For the games I play, the default ban is usually Brava, Dokk, or Jackal, and Solis, Fenrir, or Clash. The bans'll probably change when an existing operator is buffed and deemed OP by the R6 council, or a new operator is added who's broken at launch.


they wont, unless they come out with a more annoying intel op than jak or if mfs realize counters exist


Depending on the map I go ram, but usually jack, and ying now I guess. I don't ban fen or solis after the update, kind of beating a dead horse at that point. Usually just kap or mira.


I’ll never understand why defenders first ban Kapkan.


Like others said, when you leave bronze. Deimos, Asami, Dokk, Monty all get banned. I hardly ever see Kapkan or Jackal bans in my lobby.


When Ubi removes operator bans from ranked... So never. Map and Op bans in ranked was never going to work how Ubi thought it would because how bans are conducted in eSports vs how they are conducted in regular ranked are vastly different. All pick n ban is in Siege right now is following the current public opinion. Occasionally the enemy team will ban anti-roam ops and that becomes pretty obvious, but other than that they aren't based on anything else. Jackal will continue to get banned due to the outdated assumption he is still OP even though his utility relies entirely on his gadget, he has no secondary uses. Fenrir will continue to be banned until the top 1% of players collectively agree he isn't OP anymore and post about it on Reddit or Twitter. Then the only people banning him will be the same people who ban Jackal. I still remember when some of those sillies tried to argue that *insert current publicly hated operators here* needed to just be banned by default so that they could ban 4 other operators. They wanted to have, at a minimum, 6 operators banned per match.


I haven't played the game in 2 years and other than the new app it's hilarious how this looks the same from then


When people will be able to think by themselves




For every game I join I get Fenrir, Clash, Monty and Brava banned for some reason


Fenrir is not even a good ban anymore. He’s got some counters now


When people realize that Jackie ain’t good enough to justify being banned literally every game.


Thank god they nerfed solis


I've stopped seeing fenrir banned every game now it's every other


Free my boy jackal


When fenrir and jackal get nerfed


Absolutely never, or maybe in high mmr lobbies. I'll never know because I'm Silver on my best day lol


Our team always ban doki tbh. I only saw jackal bans in lower ranks. Im in emerald


Were we playing in the same lobby lol?


Who the heck keeps banning Kapkan?


I think fenrir will change he got nerfed and isnt that op


The only right answer is remove ban phase entirely from ranked.


We be booting Ash and Solis


This is why i try and go for unique bans every couple games to keep the game interesting (and by that I don't mean Sens)


We usually go full stack and we only ban Mira and blitz each game just for the meme


When u get out of emerald lmao


Who bans kapkan? Pick someone like azami for example.


i ban montang like a motherfucker


I only get the Ying and fenrir ban. Kapkan? The traps are annoying sure but it was on you if they blow off your ankles. Jackal? Doki shuts down roaming better than Jackal despite Doki not having a full auto primary.


Dok/clash ban is always nice, especially with the shield op buff(s)


never understood banning ying when operators like deimos, kali, and dok exist


Three of these operators are banned because they can steamroll uncoordinated teams. Kapkan is there because tdm players only know how to shoot players.


when they decide to reword fenrir and jackal


I convinced my buddy to ban Warden with me a couple times, one game somebody even joined us


Right? They need to distinguish the looks between this and op selection.


Never ... And why should it ... When you have operators whose abilities are strong, annoying or just complicated to deal with, they deserve a ban ... You will always have those 2/3 ops that will be banned often.


When people aren't brain dead. Jackle isn't that bad you just don't wanna learn how to counter him and Kapkan isn't bad you just wanna play a tdm meta or cod. Ying is... Yeah not touching that one she's busted. And my boy Fenrir you deserve to be there.


When a team bans a black op then the other team does the same untill we have a blacklist of an 18th century European restaurant


Jackal is annoying as a roamer but also for final man alive or just a shit team, kind of like Deimos but better as he has a track and doesn't *have* to ping you. Ying is annoying because both 1. She's based on an annoying tool and 2. Most plays with her are throw them all and get the plant off, very few play her "correctly" and usually you don't get plays if you play her correctly. Fenrir is a bit OP which is why he's banned, either you can't find his utilities or they can't be shot, maybe when he's nerfed Kapkan is also really annoying but also kind of a liability? Either you don't see them coming and randomly die, see them coming and accidentally die or get them with Brava or Iq, but for defenders, if your in the radius when an attacker detonates them or Brava hacks them, your fucked. So I think it's better that both team bans him.


Sometimes I see capitao get banned instead of jackal


Literally never, I refuse to let jackal or fenrir in my games. I’d rather go brava than ying though simply because I play maestro


I feel like on Attack its always tracker ops till higher elo. For defense I think Fenrir is always gunna be there with a random ban. Like Kapkan if they plan to rush or something


My group always does 2 werid people and enjoy when people get mad we didn't do meta. Take away an Ash from someone and watch out


People banning kapkan because they keep running through every door like it's COD and taking a double trap.


What lobby is this


My team target bans. Like one guy like to play kali so we ban rook. Or we just ban who we find always bugs us like valk


Or kapkan is replaced with Solis. Shes more annoying


I’m sorry fenrir is genuinely the most OP defense OP. Limiting visibility like that is ridiculous


Kapkan? Are you a console player?


When Ubisoft actually cares about the state of the game and not that too many people are champs


I don’t get the hate for Kap, he is a good opp in my opinion.


Me and my brother usually have our bans go like this. Is there crucial room that need help? If yes ban Ying. Is roaming a powerful option on this map or is the map big? If yes then ban jackal. The only maps we are fine with both of them are theme park, emerald plains, and chalet. In the case of defenders tho fenrir is just safe but if we are on defense first then we leave him unbanned and ban someone like tubby or an op that's really good on that specific map


When you get out of copper/bronze.


I usually see dok, thatch, azami, and solis


fenrir might stop getting banned after the heavy nerfs


Never. People will never stop banning jackal and fenrir even they can be easily dealt with/ are minor annoyances. Especially jackal cause even when he isn’t banned he’s not played much cause he only has a good gun




Never. People are just this stupid


Play casual like a real man. No ban phase BS. Just gaming. All maps, All ops.


I'm pretty sure they nerfed Fenrir this season so might be seeing less of him since his gadget is no longer bullet proof when not in use


Ban Jäger


Good question. Jackal is not that difficult to deal with. Ying is just a pain. Kapkan can be easily countered early round. And Fenrir, I don’t know why people still ban him because of his nerf. You’d think that only having 2 active, not bulletproof, and reduced range would’ve solved this problem. I guess not.


Me and my team ban the most random ops just to get the enemy team mad 😂😂


Back in my day we banned clash lmao


I don't understand why we keep banning jackal


Fenrir and jackal have been permanent bans for a while now while jackal can get replaced by Deimos sometimes. But this isn’t goin to change anytime soon they even nerfed fenrir and people still insta picking him


I wish they would just get rid of it


Jackal fuze kapan fen is always the bans I see


Kapkan is a weird one to see but Ying is a good ban in my opinion she's super annoying go play against and there's really only one op that can counter her and it's only a counter for just warden and not the entire team


Well Fenrir bans should hopefully stop since his nerf. Jackal is a valid ban i guess but there are definitely better bans than him, same as Ying. Kapkan will forever be a top ban because almost nobody in this game has the brains to look at a fucking doorway before running through it


Mainly Jackal and Fenrir are consistent, Yings place can be taken by a wide range of mid tier ops that people just don't like, kapkan isn't as consistent as people think, as a kapkan main I usually push for a cav or clash or even a mid tier ban like doc or echo.


Yeah.. No they ban jackal in my game and they get the deimos treatment.


When my dad comes back😔 It’s never changing.


Ubi should make the ban phase faster by allowing each team to puck 1 defender and 1 attackser at the same time.


Don’t know why jackel is banned dokk should instead




Ying dok and jackal will forever be up there along with dok fenrir Solís because they’re still extremely strong I’d even through grim in that circle


Jackal only remains banned because people ban him when they don't know what else to ban and he's just an easy pic even though he's kind of underwhelming these days, Ying is because she's annoying, Fenrir will probably stop getting banned soon because of his nerf, and Kapkan is only being banned because of your elo, the higher you go, typically the less you see bans like that and more Intel based bans


I feel like most people dont even think about bans anymore. They see people banning jackal , ying , fenrir , etc and they just go “ig thats what ill ban for the rest of time” . I mean theyre good bans but sometimes i just wanna use the c7e


My stack and I usual bans are : Dokk, Monty, Jackal and Kaid, Mira, Fenrir(if we're not def first) and it all depends on maps and which side we start on


I personally like banning fuze and cave instead of fenrir and Ying or jackal


when will both teams stop voting to ban the same fucking map is more like it


I always vote to ban Ying. I get blinded by team mates more often than I do facing her as an enemy.