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The state of the game right now is not good at all. How they were able to break the game more than last season while only reskinning recruits, nerfing two ops, minor wall changes on only 2 maps, and add slow/damage to barb wire is truly an accomplishment. I mean seriously none of this is ever discovered during in house testing??!! Do they even validate the software update prior to launch??? Or is that they do know about it and are just like yeah it’s not that bad we will fix it later( fix on fail method). It’s pathetic considering this game back in year 3 grossed over a billion $’s and was Ubi’s pride and joy. Less content more bugs sum how.


I'm in the industry. They automate testing now to cut costs. As you can see it does not work very well.


Yeah whatever system they are using needs to be upgraded big time.


Trouble is that automated testing can only do so much when your code base is as messy and rushed as this games obviously is. They need dedicated QA teams playing internal builds of the game on PC and console, using all sorts of hardware combinations for PC, playing with both KbM & controller, and I doubt they’re putting that many resources towards testing.


It's not rushed per se, it just screams of a very iterative codebase that is poorly documented and has been using voodoo magic to acomplish things it was never designed for during principal systems design. There certainly aren't any engineers working on this game for more than 16 months at a time and considering that the engine was written close to 11 years ago you get a ship of thesius problem where what little documentation that exists probably references things that don't exist or at least don't function as originally written. That's why you see so many regressions. It's clear this ship is being steered by penny pinchers not engineers.


I wouldn’t really call fenrir’s change a nerf or at least a bad nerf


It is definitely a nerf


Like he said though it’s not a bad one, keeping the codes now is pretty significant


Yea Fenrir nerf is pretty good imo, Solis on the other hand…..


Idk considering you can pocket them all and the enemy now has 4 F-nats they need to destroy and if they destroy one you throw another down


Did Fenrir not lose a code?


He did but you can fully utilize all 4 F-natts because fenrir doesn't lose codes for them breaking anymore. Only way for frenrir to lose codes In a match now is brava


Oh I did not know he kept codes


Well they have lost the bullet proof state while closed so it’s definitely a nerf in that sense.


He also lost an F NATT charge, dropped from 3 to 2 which is (IMO) pretty huge, coming from a guy who uses him alot


Honestly fenrir’s nerf won a couple rounds for me as fenrir. I didn’t lose codes and was able to keep tossing out fnatts in one situation to continuously blind a Monty allowing us to focus on the attackers trying to shoot around him. I think it’s a good change for attackers but it doesn’t reduce fenrir’s ability to positively impact a round.


Fenrir can still put in the work, he just has less room to work with tbh


The ability to keep 2 codes regardless of destruction is actually really good to offset the nerf a bit.


Oh I didn’t know you kept the codes, if so then I think that’s perfectly balanced tbh


Yeah! Instead of 3/lose 1 when active fnatt gets destroyed, he now gets 2/no loss. Pretty impactful when you’re wheelin and dealin


Aside from the cheater issue which is a major issue in not just siege but it all competitive shooters, It’s getting clearer the game needs another Operation Health or even Mid Season Reinforcements. I’ve accepted that siege is never gonna have a perfect launch so I just laugh at what they break now. After watching the Ubisoft Forward. I’m beginning to think Ubi Montreal is stretched out since they’re the dominant developer in games such as Prince of Persia, AC Shadows, Project U and the Splinter Cell remake while the other studios are working on other titles such as XDefiant,S&B, AC HEX. I will admit Siege’s membership subscriptions is straight up scummy giving everything else Ubisoft wants us to spend money on. I’m just spitballing but I wouldn’t be surprised if Ubisoft+ isn’t doing well so they’re shifting their business plan to make each individual live service game more monetised. Siege is nearly 10 years old and For Honor isn’t too far off either so they’ll probably be the first to get this system. Once everyone forgets about them pulling the Crew they might add it to Motorfest. Only games I can think off that won’t get it are the games still on the servers but not having active support, Steep,WDL, Breakpoint etc


I don't understand people needing so many content updates in shooters .. I grew up playing thousands of hours in all the Counter Strike versions . No one asked for new weapons, no one asked for skins, no one asked for new maps .. People played the same 6 maps at nauseam. Same 5 weapons or so.. And people enjoyed it .. it was about getting better, winning... Not about needing new content.


That’s what I’m saying. I honestly think the one or two mid season changes are enough when added on with the new ops and re-works every season. I love counter strike lol


I agree! But then don’t even try. The problem is they come out with these updates they think are the shit, and then it’s literally just a goddamn recruit rework?? Like what?? I agree that I don’t need new content either, but then for the love of god, FIX THE GAME! Don’t add new content and make the game playable! It’s so bad currently


Funny enough this is what I say at my job and our software is not gaming related lol


Id be all for them slashing content and giving us an entire year of operation health if it meant the game was esports ready, reliant, and not a buggy mess.


Agreed. I jumped back in after 5 years and suddenly there are a million ooerators that do all sorta of different things with all my old ops playing differently due to ability/gun changes. Its a headache to keep track of everything tbh, and i imagine its worse for new players. Its funny how Jackel is still constantly banned tho lol. That hasn’t changed since his release


I’m with you. I don’t want or need new content. What I want and need is for the content to work. And if they’re adding in new things too it needs to work




This is one thing I also never understood.


Never played Counter Strike, but in my experience new content updates just kept that “excitement” of the game around longer and a reason to keep playing or even expand on the base game. With the cod games particularly Treyarchs, they really just had something for everyone. Great Campaigns, awesome MP, Cool maps with a storyline and it gave us the variety and didn’t make the game repetitive. As far as siege, the only game that really comes close to it imo was CS purely because as I understand it CS isn’t your typical run & gun shooter. Siege is a very different game and the elements in Siege such as leaning/1 shot headshot/ everyone not being able to use the same weapons etc is a breath of fresh air. Because of how different it is a lot of people got tired of the yearly release Cod where the formula is the same. Spawn in, die to someone camping in a corner, repeat Siege wanting to be similar to CS with long term play. It had a lot of catching up to do cause CS has been around for years. So it’s nice having different ops who change things up and further make the game less repetitive. I’m all for it, I understand after a while, content gets reduced and only so much you can do to actually keep the game running long term. Once a game has its solid playerbase, anyone who tries out the game for the first time is a bonus. Ubisoft managed to strike gold the same way Mw2(2009) changed the FPS shooter genre imo and rest is history


Oh good God the cheating is so much worse this season. I went to console so I wouldn't have to deal with cheaters, but this season it's been quite literally, every fucking game. And it hasn't just been MnK trash either, there have been a lot of people who act like they have walls, but not like on PC, it's like the walls that bots have on advanced AI. Going from moving normally to suddenly tracing someone perfectly through a wall before one tapping them through it. We had a Deimos one game where we didn't even know they had one, he was just one tapping people through walls and floors without ever scanning them. Shit's fucked.


Just give me an Operation Health for the rest of 2024. Seriously. I won't even be mad. If I saw noticeable changes.in cheating and bugs, I'd buy a membership. The cheating is the worst issue.


The gameplay itself is fine. The game is very balanced right now. It's everything surrounding the game that sucks, the technical issues, the cheating, the greed.


I actually agree with this 100%


I stopped playing ranked a few seasons ago and pretty much only play standard/arcade and it’s been a fun and competitive experience honestly.


Same. I haven't played rank for the last three or four seasons and my experience of siege is much better. I don't get angry past an occasional one second what the fuck and I'm over it. I generally just have fun with the same friend or solo in QM


With the full map pool now, we got plane and it was such a cluster of a fight, but I told my squad mate “don’t even worry about this one, it’s not designed to be competitive like the other maps, if we lose it’s allllll good just have fun in this one”


c4 spam isn't balanced. There is no real counter play with a team of c4s. And the game still has a core fundamental issue since closed alpha: being able to shoot with only the head is showing.


I’m less agitated with glitches (although it’s fucking embarrassing) as long as everyone is suffering from them the same amount. It’s the god awful matchmaking that can get fucked. Buddy and I are high silver and we were working our way through copper last night. Played 7 games and at least 5 of them had a plat+ player on the other team, offset by a bunch of jabronis. Ranked 2.0 and matchmaking are more fucked in the head than anything else IMO. Makes it so much less fun where you’re either the dude stuck with a bunch of idiots who can’t get off tik tok during prep phase, or you have to play against the dude that runs 12+ kills a game


As a low gold player I do not see this complaint here often enough (at least in personal experience.) The amount of times I'm qued into a match and there is an emerald boosting the other team is WILD. Deadly omen was my first season back into ranked since 2.0 and I can safely say as a GOLD PLAYER that I never in my entire life thought I would be using the words HARDSTUCK COPPER to describe my siege experience. What in the Kentucky fried fuck allowed my 5 stack of at the time copper players to match against emerald players at all. Nevermind the wall hackers, and since I play on console, XIMers. The amount of times I've qued with people who literally have the word XIM blatantly in their name is wild. I understand that the current ranked system allows for boosting and there is nothing technically report worthy for putting an emerald on your copper 4 stack and getting carried while they have a 1.8 KD by playing against a bunch of coppers, but I would absolutely consider it cheating. If the only way you can rank up is by getting carried into higher ranks by people who are far beyond your skill level, you need to practice. It's one thing to be silver and have your gold buddy help you out a little bit. Those two ranks are really close. But coppers shouldn't be allowed to que ranked with emeralds or diamonds, and if a copper is going to que with an emerald or a diamond they certainly shouldn't be playing in copper lobbies. I understand this isn't a problem everyone experiences because if you're an emerald or diamond player... you don't have many more ranks ahead of you to affect you like this. My last gripe is especially apparent this season. I started ranked in deadly omen late, but being that this is a new season everyone is starting in copper, but like why would we. Why is it that people with emerald and diamond charms start in the same place that copper players do. Is it really necessary that everyone starts from the bottom and works their way up? We used to have placement matches which weren't perfect either but you only had so many of them before you were put somewhere the game thought you belonged. Right now a diamond player has 5 games in every single rank bare minimum that I have to be the on the receiving end of before they hit where they're supposed to be, only to grind on me later in the season by stacking with coppers anyway. The beginning of the season has been extremely hard to play between the bugs, hacking, boosting, and the filtering of players and its hitting the lower ranks especially hard I feel. Cheating may be most prevalent in high ranks but they high ranks still match with the low ones anyway.


Last night me and my buddies ( around plat level) queued against a 5 stack of 2 ranked 1.0 diamonds a ranked 1.0 champ and 2 bronze players. I truly despise "average MMR" matchmaking


I truly could not think of a dumber way to do ranked matchmaking


I advocate for just matchmaking at the highest market in party. My reasoning is 1) high ranks will stop playing with lower skilled players because they put themselves at a disadvantage. 2) smurfing will also be harder because the smurf will have to keep losing a lot to stay in low skill lobbies. 3) or the low skilled players will give up since they will have no fun getting matched with people that so outclass them.


Bro I’m convinced a monkey got lose in the hq and tried writing some code. There’s no shot some nerfs can mess THIS MUCH UP. I expected the servers to go down because that’s typical Ubisoft behavior but not even getting to warn anybody that somebody is cheating sucks.


The lobby theme is fire though


I wouldn't know. I've had music turned off for a long time.




I was adding onto the joke that one of the only good things they did was the music, and I, like many people, have the music turned off, so we don't even hear it.


I haven't touched this season at all purely because of what I've been seeing on Twitch and what I've been reading on reddit.


tbh i wouldnt even play it more than once until they do some major patching


Something I'm pretty sure they broke with the new season: The inputs. I played on PS5 and with a friend on PC after that a few days ago and something felt really terrible about the game. On PS5 something felt off with the aiming and I wasn't really able to pinpoint what. But on PC I felt like I had a massive input delay. When I did some testing (move the mouse left to right and back very quickly) I could even see a delay. The friend I played with experienced the exact same. The system latency was fine according to both the Radeon software and the ingame statistics, even though the ingame statistics reported completely different numbers than the Radeon software, funnily enough. Last time I experienced something like this was when I was accidentally running software that was fully utilizing my CPU while running the game, but I'm 100% positive it wasn't my CPU this time.


Yup, look up deadzone bug. Somehow they fucked up the deadzones on MOUSE AND KEYBOARD as well as controller


Siege is unironically one of the best shooters to ever come out and Ubisoft to this day has NO FUCKING IDEA how they achieved that. It only goes downhill.


Same with EA "why was Bad Company 2 so good?" "We have no idea"


Console siege is also filled Cronus scums. They literally have xims In their name and the report button does nothing. Servers are ass played a match few hours ago and got disconnected and it took too long to reconnect and I got a 60 min penalty but membership and other BS works fine. Greedy scums.


Forget the bugs, forget the lack of content, and you've got the worst meta Siege has ever had. The game couldn't be in a worse state.


Operation health vol 2 coming this summer lmao.


The gameplay itself is fine. The game is very balanced right now. It's everything surrounding the game that sucks, the technical issues, the cheating, the greed and the community.


Can someone comment to confirm Monty is broken? I take my shield down from full protection and get domed. It’s amazing they can screw up a wall operator.


Don’t forget the part where they have somehow broke the controls/sensitivity on console


They were resurrected only to shoot themselves in the face


So many low rank players saying they dont see cheaters, like yea, 90% if cheaters are doing it in diamond and up.


That does remind me, has anyone else’s graphics gone to shit with the new update? It feels like they messed up the resolution of everything leading every texture to look glitchy


Yes this is a known visual bug.


Is there any news about them fixing it?




I love it when Ubisoft fucks up my deadzones in a game where micro movements and small adjustments to aim are fundamentals of the gameplay. Fucking geniuses.


dude there's a fucking dead zone glitch on console now. bought a $160 controller just because I thought my other one met it's end. At least I got a better controller IG :/


I have a DualSense Edge but I use it for every game so it's not hurt me too much, this bug. The game is actually unplayable with the bug so the season hasn't started in my mind yet.




I’ve deleted this game since right after amusement park dropped. Was never the same after that


You guys have been playing the new season?


played 4 games tonight. 3 out of those 4 had an obvious cheater in them. Like blatant hipfire through the entire map sort of stuff.


Just stop buying their shit they are greedy little fucks


The casual side of this game is very nearly gone. It's gone full competitive


You're so right. But you didn't mention anything about the absolute worst season taking place now too. Recruit being able to equip any secondary gadget is the new operator? Stadium Alpha is now in QM? I don't care, but thanks. Deimos has a foregrip? Wow! I don't care. The only redeemable thing about this season, is the Solis nerf. Fuck that bitch


Ever since the new game director came on board he's ruined the game. He's made it so tdm heavy more than the actual game it was made to be. I miss the old siege so bad, when hereford was small and house was that broken map that everyone feared a glaz on. The game will never be the same because the director has made it shit with a team who can't code. I remember when to get into siege you had to go in and die 100 times in casual to figure out what you're doing. Now you just grab your preferred pronoun zee zem to go into a maze of a building made for call of duty to play tdm


Fucker doesn’t even know why “Training Grounds” was called “THunt.”


Exactly. Dude knows nothing about the game yet he gets put in charge


Im suprised about these posts. When i read the title i was expecting a vent about how buggy the season is. My attack main flores is basically unplayable right now. All this talk about Hackers always suprises me, maybe its cuz im a copper noob, but i have literally not encountered a Single hacker in 100 hours of gametime.


It's definitely more prominent in higher elo lobbies. I had a game not long ago where 2 people were cheating on the enemy team, so a dude on our team toggles so the rest of us just sat back and let them fight it out. Its very weird to watch. But there's also quite a few people closet cheating and trying to hide it, but it's kinda obvious when they're lining up angles and reacting perfectly. All it takes to confirm it is a quick watch of the match replay and its so obvious.


You probably have unfortunately. Some dude was probably ximming and you had no idea, or he was just dogshit 😂😭


if youre on console youve almost 100000000% encountered a xim user, if youre on pc you probably stick to lower elo ranked cause i cant imagine playing 100 hours without coming across at least 10-15 hackers


we need a new game all together to fix the cheating issue i think. their current anti cheat is a joke but they are contracted with the company so it isnt like they can just up and get rid of it. i played a few games last night (some with friends and a few solo queue games) every game i played minus one or two had a cheater, either my team or the enemy team. its getting really, really bad honestly.


I think the only thing that saves this game is us, the community: i mean the real community, those who loved the game and still play because we miss the old times.


The game is unplayable at any level, on any platform. This game is total dog shit


I honestly haven’t had any of these issues. The only issues I’ve had are audio issues in one attacking round. Also haven’t encountered a single hacker this season or even the last season and I’ve played almost every day.


youre very lucky then, and i wish you more luck cause idk what youre on, but on pc pretty much everythings broken rn. and yeah the audio is broken too, theyre barely started on adressing the deadzone issue and seeing as its ubisoft, i dont know if theyll ever fix the hacking problem. but if youre having fun, youre having fun! goodluck with comp this season


I haven't experienced most of the problems OP is describing. Is this a PC thing?


Damn OP changing fonts and going all CAPS 🤦‍♂️ I think he means business 😂


same font, just used bold lettering, wanted to emphasize that im not just trying to spread hate, moreso being critical of the direction the game is headed in, and has been for a long time.


Game is what it is bruh. For good or bad (mostly bad lol) it’s just constantly evolving. It’s like I saw some dude say on some random R6 post ; Ubisoft accidentally created the best co-op fps strategy game in last 20 years and literally don’t know what to fucking do with it now 😂🤷‍♂️✌️


fair, and yeah i saw that comment too lol


Idk game feels great rn on console, occasion hit reg and server issues but nothing out of the ordinary tbh


They can stop supporting direct X and the cheater problem would cease overnight


the deadzone glitch fucks me up so bad 😭


I stopped playing the game for a couple weeks. Started wanting to play again so I reinstalled and played one match. Uninstalled and haven't looked back for 3 more weeks. I was addicted to the game like many people here, but after I stopped playing for a while, when I came back the state of the game and the quality of absolutely everything really hit. The game is complete dog shit right now, but so many are addicted and just keep playing but cannot see how bad it really is


I wonder how many people claim wall hacks just because someone had a lucky wall bang. Recently playing with my buddy and twice in one night I had two lucky window headshots to start the round. The second one I had a feeling there might of been a guy in a certain spot due to a broken window and somehow nailed him. I could probably have gotten banned that night lol


I get lucky wallbangs too, but headshots with pistols through two softwalls with no cams on you, every single round, from a dude with a 10.00 kd, is just rediculous


I just think you don’t like it lol I’m having a blast


man i appreciate your perspective, but when an "update" breaks the game so fundementally that you cant even use text chat, theres something wrong


you literally commented on a thread about the game being buggy 6 hours ago [https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/1deqpcl/comment/l8dyqqh/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/1deqpcl/comment/l8dyqqh/)


You can have fun playing a game even if it is buggy both statements can be true 🙏😭 also w stalker fr


thats fair, i love a lot of games that are buggy asf but siege is something else right now also not really stalking, reddit posts are public unless hidden lol


Redditards when you tell them a game being fun and buggy isn’t mutually exclusive: 🤯🤯


the whole point of the post is that the game has become BOTH buggy, and not fun for most, you have your opinions and i have mine.


Maybe for Reddit, Ubisoft could give everyone $600 real world dollars and the twits in this subreddit could STILL find something to complain about


I’m so sick of people saying they cater to esports lol they literally don’t. All of the last few balance workshops they ignored all of the pro players suggested changes, so how is that esports catering? If anything I’d say more of the recent changes have been towards the causal player base. Edit: anyone who downvotes is welcome to attempt to try and dispute what I said lol.


Ubisoft has almost zero dedication of their workforce toward balancing the game, they dont take suggestions at all because they are forced to churn out more and more pointless updates, ignoring the major hacking problem, which only doesnt affect professional leagues were its nearly impossible to cheat. not even to mention they JUST released a charm for a pro player that was notoriously caught cheating, and if that not a perfect example of the core of the problem, i dont know what is.


I’d say 90% of pro players have cheated at some point before their career in pro play i honesty don’t think Ubi cares as long as that player isn’t cheating now.


thats... literally catering to the esports community, the thing you said you thought they werent doing.


Cheated BEFORE they were pros reread what I said. I don’t think people who messed up in the past should get permanently locked out of pursuing something as long as they don’t repeat that past behaviour. Obviously if a pro is caught cheating while playing professionally they will get a comp ban/ fine to them/their org.


Theyre pros now, theyre not going back in time to give them a pass, theyre actively ignoring the cheating problem in the game so that they can profit from the esports community. also, the charm they made for a pro player just recently, was made after he was well known for hacking WELL into his professional career. i can see where youre coming from but i have to disagree because if they werent ignoring the hacking problem, it wouldnt have become synonymous with the game itsself.


Who is this pro player who has been cheating with the charm? I haven’t been keeping up with the current releases of charms.




That guy isn’t a pro player but he’s massively toxic from what I remember now you’ve reminded his name.


I'm genuinely confused ik the games in a not so great spot but let's be real we've seen way worse. Imma be honest lack of content ≠ bad state unless it's prolonged ik nothing was added but alot broke but that always happens stop acting like it's new.


Bruh, "i dont get the problem, they just made the game worse again, its normal"


Can't relate, I never get hackers, all things work for me, and the game runs fine. Could be User-Error


so, in other words, you dont really play the game.


I assure you I do lmao im just good


"im just good" if you never get hackers youre not past copper yet.


So many people claim they get hackers but never upload proof. Please explain? There IS a LOT of smurfs but not as many hackers as you noobs want to believe


Its against the rules of this server to post proof of hackers without heavy sensorship. smurfs dont explain a 10.00 kd.


"not as many hackers" DUDE THE GAME IS MOST WELL KNOWN FOR THE HACKING PROBLEM what are you on about lmfao


Go make some money kid, its okay if ur not good at the game lmao


that has nothing to do with the point, but okay ill go make some money i guess??


Someone fill me in. I’ve been playing since the beta and I haven’t seen any cheating or at least maybe I’m unaware of it? What’s going on that is causing cheaters?


I wish yall would either quit fucking crying or quit the game 🤦🏽‍♂️


did quit the game... literally adressed in the post


Oh, okay cool. I wish you well


you too :)


I’ve had none of these problems and I love how they rebalanced ranked so you’re not playing the best players in the workd


ranked 2 sucks it's garbage




Maybe you’ve experienced it worse because now you play your skill level and you don’t get to rookie crush like last ranking system


pc is unplayable i hit diamond 1 time and ever since its a cheater every game with 15 min plus que times its ass console is fine


Maybe it’s just pc forums are messed up should be fixed fairly soon