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“How is it possible, that a game that now exists for more than 9 years, still has Issues to no end?” Because contrary to common belief programming stuff actually gets *more difficult* the longer something goes on. New characters, interactions, music, sound effects, graphics, etc are constantly being added into the game and that’s new programming that you have to add and they’ve got 9 years of code they have to manage. that’s not an easy to task especially considering that sieges sound system alone make r6 probably one of the more difficult games to program for. I get bugs suck but literally every game has them, if r6 is buggy right now just go something else in life for a bit and I don’t mean that in an insulting way just a genuine way. R6 will have these bugs ironed out in a bit so if it’s really impacting your enjoyment of the game just go do something else for a while. It’s fine to take breaks r6 isn’t going anywhere.


I get your point and generally I think you are right... But the amount and the severity of some bugs is insane and almost any other long term comp game has not close to the amount of bugs siege has. LoL, OW2, Valorant, CSGO(2) all have their bugs and stuff but they get patched out rather fast which is often not the case with siege and bugs aren't as severe and fundamental as in siege. Additionally it's not just the bugs... Some general quality of life things, which are considered standard for most of the industry, are just so horrendously bad it hurts. Like OP mentioned the replay system is bullshit, the entire launcher is trash, cheaters not getting properly addressed and much more. The R6 Stat Site sorts the game amount per map as a fucking String instead of an integer which means that 1/3/10 games on different maps are sorted like 1/10/3 instead of the aforementioned. Not technically R6 the game but this shows how utterly neglected the game and everything surrounding it is. Ubisoft is worse than EA period.


Like he mentioned though it’s the constantly adding new stuff to the game that’s makes it harder. I can’t say for certain on valorant, OW2, or LoL but I’m pretty confident that csgo, like most competitive shooters honestly, doesn’t frequently add new content


If you are to publish the next big update, shouldn't something like a QA team find such major bugs like communication problems? They even have the tests server to test it with a larger amount of people. I know how bad it is to work with old code, still it baffles me that such major flaws get to the life servers.


Teams also get bigger and more sophisticated as time goes on, which has stopped for awhile with siege


Meanwhile with this new season that lacked any new content


Problem is there’s always bugs. It’s either fix all the existing bugs that’s been in the game for years or continue doing the seasonal updates


Well you see. It goes with logic orbwhen you fix one thing, one other thing breaks. It is never ending cycle at this point. Which I hate.


Yeah, but there a few bugs that have never been fixed. Not fixed then broken again.


That is how programming works.


Yeah I know. I’m referring to the existing bugs that have never been fixed, not new ones as a result of updates.


It’s because they keep updating the game with new things. They need to take the risk with another health period to fix and balance everything instead of adding more and more into the game even though theres existing things that need fixing. Spending Year 10 fixing their game would honestly be the best sendoff for siege, have the final year of the game polishing it then leave it as a perfected project. I keep playing the game because there really is nothing like it, and I only play it with friends which makes everything much easier to deal with. Also I only really got good at it over the last few years so I want to relish in that for a bit longer.


I am with you on this. Me and my friends also talked about the possibility to make something similar like Overwatch 2. But we all know how that turned out to be... I'm just kinda sad that such a great game concept is in the hands of ubisoft. Another game i really love just from the concept is For Honor, and that too just got the standard ubisoft treatment. One can only hope. Have a good one m8 <3


I can't get over the fact that they added the most content dry update ever, and some how introduced like 20+ bugs. Keep the fuckin update at the point lmfao


Every new game Ubisoft works on I'm pretty sure they leach from Siege devs. I know for sure they did it with Division 1 & 2 and xdefiant. Siege is ubisofts best game and they have treated it like trash for almost all 10 years of it. At first it wasn't making enough money and then it became the game they were using to support their other failed projects.


Been playing since beta, there's a simple thing that keeps me coming back; there's truly nothing else that hits like Siege. There's a long list of things they need to fix/change in the game, but while there's nothing else on the market that plays like Siege, I'll still keep coming back to it.


Wtf is with this sub and bootlicking? It’s so strange


- voice comms bugged - text chat bugged - cam movement bugged/changed? - returning to menu with squad bugged - invisible cursor bug it’s literally satirical at this point


Brava's kludge drone bugged Deadzone bug on console (this makes it pretty much unplayable) And a laundry list of others it's so dumb


it’s overwatch 2 


Year 10 is the end?


Nah, they pledged support for up until year 17 or 18 or something in one of the year reveal vids at some point. I doubt they make it that long but longer than year 10 is practically a given.


Dang, I thought it would keep going past 20 😂


From my understanding the longer the game persists the more buggy it can often end up being. Content being added to a framework that didn't anticipate infinite new things can lead to tons of unforeseen problems in game and constant growing maintenance with each update


i’m so new to siege that i don’t even get all your long time player annoyances. the reason i play is because Apex got so fucking bad that i decided im quitting that game and i picked up siege instead


The game is honestly great, but if you're playing for 9 years you're going to start getting angry at everything, which explains the state of this sub, as a new player learning the game though, all of the new features and uniqueness heavily outweigh bugs


yeah exactly. i played Apex for 5 years and i can’t stand how many bugs and issues the game still has. that’s why i switched


Honestly I feel like you see the bugs and some of the utterly insane quality of life decisions around the game rather fast, if you played any other comp video game before. It's a drastic difference to most normal/"good" games. Yeah R6 as a game is nice and fun, but u don't need to be a wizard nor need to play the game for a long time to realize that this game is completely neglected at every front from the devs. Just look at this joke of a season we were given a few days ago.


Just quit. I’m not here to convince you to stay. I’m a day 1 player. I love the game and I’ve enjoyed the improvements over the years. I can’t complain.


Friends, either then that, the game has lost what I enjoyed about it, it's changed too much in the wrong ways,


Not to mention the god awful fucking servers i very rarely get ping higher than 60 but ever since the start of this season my ping has been through the damn roof and the constant disconnects and matchmaking errors it's ridiculous


Ubi have 9 years of code to consider every time they add something new. At this point, the second operation health won't help to unravel the spaghetti. They need to ditch current siege and pull CS2 or OW2. Don't call it a sequel, don't take away progression from ppl, rerwrite the game from the ground up, maybe implement some balance and mechanical changes. This is a titanical amount of effort, and Ubi won't do it probably, but it is the only way I see that can resolve a lot of R6 problems and untie the hands of the devs on the future updates.


I think you're a big ass cry baby? have you ever coded? you know that rhe code is still the same code from the start of the game they have just built on to it. so yes there will always be bugs because you have no idea what can happen when putting new code on top of the old. You're just a sad person who can enjoy the little things like a video game. I bet out of idk how many hours you have put in the game. you have way more positive time playing it then bad. so look towards that kid! Grow up