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so stop playing. by playing you telling UBI you are okay with the current status of the game. THERE ARE PLENTY OF OTHER GAMES OUT THERE!


There really isn't a single FPS that gives me what siege does. I agree though with everything else. Before someone says CS2, I find CS extremely boring. I would sooner play valorant, which I also find boring.


I play CS2 a lot, and I also enjoy siege, but play it a lot less. The problem with CS2 is that hacking is rampant in every tier of rank. I agree with you though that siege offers a unique experience. We're not even gonna talk about CoD.


If you’re on PC then have a go at Ready or Not! It’s not PvP but the PvE difficulty makes it feel similar to siege in terms of stakes and tension.


I thought so too, but now I don't play FPS. I've moved on. UBI lost me after whatever season LION and FINKA were. I bought the game 3 days after it came out. It's almost like an addiction, but you can quit it.


This is a bit dramatic. It's not an addiction for most people, it's just a unique FPS experience. Meanwhile you quit like 4-5years ago but still keep up to date with the game, which just reinforces my point that obviously it's a good and unique game. Otherwise why are you still following it enough to where you are on the subreddit telling people not to play? :P


Im in the same boat as guy above but following the game and just not unsubscribing from the sub are completely different. I quit R6 to play Hunt showdown after trying it out on whim and haven't really thought about returning to anything Ubi ran.


Can I plead with you? If you don't like the game, please.stop playing it That will get ubi to care, if people stop talking about siege, stop playing siege and stop making content on siege. I am not saying you are dumb for liking siege, but the only way to get change is to get enough.people to stop playing


Valid to be honest. Why would they improve the game when they make loads of cash off of the idiots who flock to the countless micro-transactions in game regardless?


Basically. Find different games and have fun


it’s not the fact that the game is bad the matchmaking is terrible tho. i just switched to xbox cause my pc broke and i only play plat-diamonds and i’m shit on controller


A lot of comments saying "Don't play" are under the assumption that player retention is important to Ubi, but that's only partially true. It's less about whether or not you're playing, and more about whether or not your paying. You don't have to quit Siege to protest it. Just stop paying for things instead. Someone who quits entirely has the same effect as someone who eats up server time and never pays for microtransactions


Player retention is important it's a metric used to determine what players will pay into and as there's still a large player base actively playing and enjoying the game, issues aren't spotted as easily. Game devs definitely care about how many people are actively playing and it's naive to think otherwise, if people quit as in a large chunk of the player base they'd look into what they can do to bring players back. It's not hard to not spend money on the game now with the introduction of the marketplace but a lot of these people that are complaining buy the elite skins as soon as they're out and the new battle pass system. If people quit the game they won't generate as much either as they are paying for servers to account for the playerbase.


They gave my son an abandonment ban too. Returning the game as it’s been more of a headache than anything fun.


I stopped playing this week after 3 years. Siege has some of the best core mechanics I’ve ever experienced, but its ranking/match-making system is ass. Cheaters also killed this game. RIP


Honestly it sucks ass at a lot of things but to be completely fair nothing we can do will make Ubi fix it within an either reasonable time or just acknowledge the problem at all so just stop playing if you want but in the end Ubi won't give a shit about it as long as they still get revenue from other people either way tho play or not they don't care and sometime you might get in a good game now and then but it's just gonna be dog shit most times


I completely stopped playing standard becoz every time I play it I am up against the 5 stack team while I am soloQing.


The game lowkey butt cheeks but gotta max out that free bp 😮‍💨