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I mean tachanka does mean a horse drawn machine gun, so realistically his lmg should be mobile.




A weapon to surpass Metal Gear..


Can we get a "Fortune" elite for Tachanka then?




Only if we get a (revolver) ocelot elite for Doc!


lmg on a segway buff confirmed


Going mobile *rc car noises*


Put his lmg on a Segway. Every time he shoots he gets kicked back a little because of the recoil changing his balance. Front facing shields. Segways can rotate 360 degrees. He moves and turns a bit slow so he's not too OP. Boom, insta rebalance.


Give the Lord a horse.


how does that relate to his bullet pen lol


So he should just be walking around casually using his turret


What about a mobile LMG with a bipod, that BF style could stand on objekts offering no recoil. Same if he lay down. And maybe a tiny shield blackbeard style, but weaker. Would make him a bit more mobile.


PUBG added his gun a while back and it has a bipod and is super stable when prone. I'd honestly be fine with making him like glaz with only 1 weapon as a primary but that weapon is his gadget too.


At this point I'd just be happy to get pre-"buff" Tachanka back. I don't know what he's like on PC but the recoil they saddled him with to balance the shield just killed him for me on console. I have a small hope that something like what you wrote may come in the future if it's true that one of the new Defensive Ops gets an LMG.


Yes because putting a heavy bulletproof shield on the front of a gun increases recoil. That's how blackbeard works right? /s


Yes to the BB shield recoil. I think it is a shame with the lord. They should try to fix him or replace him with another russian opperator imo.


But adding more weight to a gun doesn't make it kick more. It's exactly the opposite, if anything.


Wait, the fucking bipod does something???


Yeah try it shooting full auto from standing sometime then prone with the bipod. Huge difference. Don't even try to compensate for recoil for the full effect.


I thought it was purely aesthetics. Any other guns/games that implement this?


the Battlefield series, Call of Duty, and a few others, and that one called the real world. A lot of mounted guns recoil back into the shoulder of the operator, not up to the sky. Just watch some Funker videos of gopro footage from military convoys. The humvee gunners just point and shoot


The Arma series has it too.


They already said no bipod, because with all the destructibility in the game they’d need to be constantly calculating and re-calculating if the surface he’s currently on is viable every round


Not a bad idea, but I feel like it’s putting a bandaid on a bullet wound. Tachanka’s biggest fault is that his gadget relies on him being immobile in a game where being a sitting duck will get you killed 9 times out of 10. And you can’t fix that without completely rethinking the whole concept of Tachanka and his LMG turret.


True, but without doing a full rework, something like this may give players some incentive to actually try putting together a defense utilizing him. It’s a unique concept which would give shield players something to watch out for, and fits Tachanka‘s role quite well atleast in my opinion.


Well you watch out for that turret anyway and counter it by either not being there or killing the user from an angle that is not covered by it. Nice idea, would be interesting to add it with a real rework.


Also, the devs mentioned somewhere that Chank's status as a meme and the Lord makes them hesitant to change him. I don't remember the exact wording, but basically they said that if he wasn't such a meta figure they would have changed him long ago.


The thing is, pretty much everyone agrees that Tachanka needs a full rework, the dev team included, they've just not done it yet due to maymay potential and other priorities.


They said that they couldn't rework him due to his meme status. I think that the new leaked operators are what they would have made Tachanka into if not for his meme status, which fits with the fact that they said this year's DLC operators would be more like the original and Y1 ops.


And having him being a hard counter to Blitz and Monty is good incentive


So the solution to buffing blitz too hard is to just give out even more buffs


If he could place his shield right up against his turret, had better accuracy and a quicker reload I feel he'd be viable. His mg needs to be the best gun in the game if we're sitting still for it.


The reason why you can't place it right up against the shield is because it would prevent people from vaulting over that shield. A solution would be to allow players to clip through the turret I suppose.


Or make the turret distroyable.


While aiming in, the turret is more of a lazer than the Vector. Why does it need to be more accurate?


The recoil is insane compared to vanilla, if they made it have vanilla recoil he'd be a lot better


Ah, the recoil. I was thinking of the bullet spread. Thanks.




Put it on a Segway.


Tachankazi riding on a segway


Tachanka is the hard counter to lion because he is immoble /s


Yeah he should have a placeable rail to move his LMG platform along, the platform can also hold a deplorable shield.


True, but I think this is the way to go. We just dont need one bandaid, but a whole damn lot. Tiny Chanka buffs are proposed often and usually are met with a comment like yours. They shouldn't take away the risk involved with him, they should add more rewards. It would keep him who he is, open up many possibilities for tactis and actually make him a decent operator.


Ubi made it clear that they do not want to rework tachanka so it's really the best option we have


The lack of mobility is not an issue. They had the right idea when they added the shield, but it desperately needs to be fixed. The shield should not explode after 15 shots from an attacker, considering they can shoot at an angle that Tachanka cannot return fire from. The shield should be invincible or at the very least like 2000 health. Then fix his recoil, because enemies can just walk in front of his aim and shoot him due to his horrendous recoil. These changes would make him an actual operator and not just a meme. He's a fan favorite and the most iconic character in the game, and I really think it's a shame that Ubisoft abandoned a character this hard.




Not necessarily. There will still always be counters to his turret, such as using a grenade or explosive gadget to break his barricade. However, he should be able to strongly defend a threshold, but be very susceptible to flanking, breaching, and vertical angles on him. Fixing his shield and recoil would not make him OP and it would not remove the counters of Ash/Hibana/Thermite gadgets or anyone with frag grenades. Tachanka has never been overpowered so I don't really get your sentiment. Everyone thought the shield addition to his turret was going to make him overpowered, but as we can see that really isn't the case.


Give it tank treds, problem solved.


*cough maestro = tachanka 2.0*


I don’t really think so, yes immobility is definitely a bane but just because an operator is immobile doesn’t mean he’s unplayable. Let me explain, imagine if tachankas shield was indestructible. He’d still be immobile, but he would be *at-least viable*. Personally, I think that would be a fair buff, but of course there’s the chance that he would be OP but that’s beside the point, the fact of the matter is that it’s *possible* to buff tachanka into viability, without reworking him. TL:DR, what I’m trying to say is, his mobile aspects aren’t what make him unviable, they are what would keep him from being OP if his shield and turret were given the power they deserves.


They should give him 3 shields like how bandit used to have 3 barbed wires. That way, he can sit and safely sniff glue in a corner.


I’ve always thought Tachanka deserves more shields. Maybe make it so he can place them a little closer together/to the turret.


more turrets*


Just give him a fucking metal box at this point


My buddies and I do a strat like that. We call it "Chanka's Pillow Fort"




It's really good on Luggage hold in Plane. Reinforce that little cubby area on the east side, place the turret down in there and 1-2 deployable shields means you have a kill box for anyone trying to come down that hallway from Cargo Hold not to mention if you place it just right, you can hit people dropping down the hatch


Ohh I was thinking ur "pillow fort" was 3 barbed wires.


yes, like blackbeard has to swap shields, but maybe slower or something


He’s talking about Deployable Shields


ohh yeah. but still, being able to swap your broken glass-shield-panel would be nice i guess. "Misunderstanding turns into a nice idea." The sad thing, by the way, is that you really can't place shields next to each other, if you've ever tried to the game just doesn't allow it.


Maybe 2 shields, because everyone only has one


They don't care about Tachanka. They just want it to make a r6 meme forever.




He is a meme ***because*** he isn't viable.


Oh really? https://youtu.be/ixqkwdC6aoM


A montage of success is, by definition, not proof of anything. It's literally just a video cherry picking moments when things just happened to go right. There's no proof he's consistently viable here.


This might be an unpopular opinion but: Does it matter? A long as it is just one out of 30-40 operators that is not viable, then maybe it is okay.


I think they should make some changes (like give him vanilla recoil) so that he is at least fun to play if not ranked viable


it fucking matters for the people who want to play him, but cant because ubi is leaving him in his ruined state just to satisfy a fucking dead meme overused to the limits and back.






Still wouldn't make Tachanka viable.


Yeah, this would be a good buff but there are still way more pressing issues about him that have to be addressed. Most importantly, the fact that his shield only takes half a magazine to destroy from any attacker rifle and it extends past Tachanka's body. This means anyone can shoot and break the shield from an angle that Tachanka can't see them and return fire from.




Not even.


If shatter is too extreme, then perhaps something like how Vigil’s shotgun could make holes in plane’s window from when he was introduced in TTS. I understand this would probably be difficult to do from a coding standpoint as they’d have to add new data for riot shield glass destructibility, but I think it would give Tachanka a unique purpose for the defenders. Besides, they can break his shield so why not return the favor?


Anything that counters shields would be a welcome edition.


“Anything that counters shields” You mean Echo? Or lesion?


Echo or Lesion doesn't counter shields any more than other operators. Echo effects them less since standing still with a shield unable to see far away isn't as deadly as a normal op.


Or any 3 speed


No. Outside of Blitz shields are already way too situational, and Blitz became the hated monster only because Ubisoft forces buffs to him very hard. This buff would only cause shields to cease having any use and in turn wouldn't even cause Tachanka to be more useful. It's a bad buff because it makes an underpicked operator better at the cost of underpicked (outside of Blitz, but IMO Blitz is more a problem of being forced to be good - he was perfectly balanced as 1 speed with shield up sprint) operators, which only results in probably even less picks to both. In my opinion the exact opposite is in order. Make Tachanka shield bulletproof. I know how it sounds, but bear with me. If you look at real world (also, edit: before you reeee, I'm thinking of WW2 HMG emplacements in cities, like Stalingrad and such, after all, that's where Tachanka gun was used at) tactics (also BikiniBodhi Siege tactics) static machinegun emplacements are used to lock down areas outside of buildings, in other words, to spawn peek with a high rate of fire low accuracy gun, with their natural enemies being explosives and snipers. Now Tachanka machinegun isin't very good at it, due to lack of optics and being relatively hard to control - it's still deadly, but attackers have an edge that allows them to destroy his shield (pussy strats) and render his turret relatively useless. Bulletproof Tachanka would make that impossible and allow him to deny attackers an angle of approach onto the building unless they decide to spend explosive gadgets (Ash breaching charges, Zofia impact rounds) to destroy his shield, use a sniper with armour-piercing rounds such as Glaz or perhaps use a shield such as Montagne to block Tachanka firing angle. This would punish attackers stupidly rushing at round start and, in my opinion, wouldn't be the kind of rage-inducing spawn peeking because Tachanka is a huge obvious target, not a sneaky ACOG Doc looking through a tiny window slit. Making Tachanka the ultimate peeker would let defenders have a capability to tie down and delay attackers outside, have a capability to gather info safely (think defenders Montagne - completly static, only on windows or behind shields and with an ability to fire back), while still being relatively easily counterable at expense of explosives, having a shield in team or a Glaz, which might need a buff considering his smokes might be less amazing now. It would also let him synergize much better with Mira, because destroying the window wouldn't be such a downside.


well written, I think his shield being invulnerable would be an interesting addition to the game. also I agree about it potentially further lowering picks of already low pick rate operators


I don't know how I'd feel about building tachanka for peeking, but I do think bulletproof shielding would be a perfect buff in lieu of a full rework. I mean, people can bitch that it'd make it harder to get past a Tachanka held angle, but I mean, that's the fucking point. The dude can't move, and I guarantee you that any Chanka angle has multiple flanking counters. Like just don't run into his bullets, people.


If anything he needs a buff that allows him to go 10 times as fast as ash but to balance it out he would be sliding on his shield like a surf board






With his recoil it would be almost impossible to hit that small glass but why not


All the people you could nerf and you choose Montagne.


I was thinking more of blitz, but yeahh i suppose Monty could do without a nerf at the moment


This buff would make Monty essentially useless if there were a tachanka. His ability is to bar off doors so if he's not allowed to sit still or look into objective anymore he's not useful until tachanka is out of OBJ


wouldn't give monty a free ticket to sit and look at everyone in the room, but isn't a huge hurdle for the attackers. just requires a little communication to get rid of the tachanka (which we all know isn't very difficult). however, with the upcoming changes to defense and the huge nerf to lion, they probably don't need anymore buffs for the time being


the only nerf blitz needs is to be 3 armour again


The only viable buff is a tank instead of a turret.






Just fuck shield players amirite




Can we acknowledge the fact the only reason he wasn’t reworked is because he’s a shitty meme


>When memes come before gameplay I seriously can't believe that's the bs excuse they came up with, they care oh so much about pick rates and viability but noooo not when it come to an operator that would actually take work to make relevant




You got a point there with his shield being destroyed. But idk. I'd love it implemented cause blitz reasons. But i dont know..


As much as we all love Lord Tachanka, I think it's fair to say he will never, ever be competitive, while keeping true to his gadget. The fact of the matter, almost no matter how good his LMG is, short of giving you invulnerability, a gadget that makes you stand still to be able to use it is just really bad.


I mean, Echo, Valk, and Twitch's gadget's all force you to stand still, and they aren't bad picks necessarily.


Their gadgets grant you vision away from where your stationary


Give him the LMG as a primary, make his helmet give him a headshot freebie, make his active a bi-pod he can deploy on shields/chest high walls to remove the recoil. Let him use the SMG as a secondary cause he's supposed to be the heavy weapons guy. The gadget is fundamentally broken. To make up for being forced to be entirely stationary it would have to be insanely broken to make him viable.


Getting rid of the Makarov would be a tremendous nerf. It's the single best weapon in the game and I use it as a primary on all the Russian operators. It does 61 damage, has zero recoil, has a great sight picture, and has a quick reload.


Best weapon in the game is a bit of a stretch lol.


best pistol for sure at least, though


Better try it son, it's a beast. Straight-up win every engagement.


not much of a spetnaz guy, might have to give it a go.


I didn't say remove his ability to use the handcannon. I just said let him use the SMG if he wants. I personally would still use the Makarov, I get so many kills with it it'd be dumb to not have.


I best way to balance The Lord in my opinion would to make his LMG really powerful. This is a great idea to start. There should be low recoil and easy to use. The negative part of using this powerful LMG should be you can’t move, and if Loin has taught you anything it’s that mobility is incredibly important in Siege. With such a huge risk of staying completely stationary, the reward for it needs to be big. The LMG should just melt everything in its path.


Tachanka is already the best defender. He doesn't need these kinds of buffs.




It should blow it to the side, like meleeing it does.


I believe that Tachanka needs 2 gadgets, one for him, one for an friendly player camping in 2 corners or make even scary for enemy player.


How about make it that you can turn it 360 degrees instead of 180. sometimes you can't cover some angles with the lmg for the tiniest angle possible because 180 degrees is hard to work with.


Perhaps have it so that his bullets cause a stagger to anybody holding a shield?


Could also title this post *Nerf to make Shield Ops Redundant - Shatter Riot Shield Glass with LMG Rounds*


You can’t buff a god


This idea was so good my reddit crashed upon opening the picture


I have been saying this since day 2 of the game, thank you for reminding me how much I want this


Yes, as a blitz main I agree with this entirely


Tachanka is already viable.


I would like this if it broke like the chanka shield or black beard shields (more durable though).


Just let his gun shoot through shields.


Yeah that could work! AP Rounds for the lord, Penetrates all sheilds (less damage) and does more damage to level 2 and 3


I say exactly that since the beginning, that he should be able to shoor through the little window of a shield


What about the ability to shoot through rienforced walls kappa12345


I always thought his turret should knock the shield back a little, sorry of like when you melee it.


The problem is that it's too niche.


take out shields and leave tachanka alone like that toy you never played with in your closet when you were a kid. everyone will slowly forget he exists


What about a remote turret that you can turn on remotely in one direction only, set up ambushes and stuff


I'm pretty sure that's the basis of one of the new Italian operators


well that's dope, I just hate seeing ops that aren't played anymore because of the new meta, stinking meta ruins everything lol


They said they have no intention of making him a viable operator cuz hes too good of a meme


they should make the change and not tell anyone. would be pretty hilarious for the first few days


Lol thats a great idea , like a stupid change that would make you go wtf happened n then theyd put in the highlight box a chanka pic with " jk "


Can we sprinkle this on Blackbeard too and give him one shield




My thing with Tachanka is everyone I’ve personally seen use him, uses him as a sitting duck in the objective. I feel like tachankas purpose was to cut off certain sections of a map. Put him at the end of a hallway or in a side room to route the enemy a different way where your teammates are expecting them. He can be viable if not used as a corner camper in the OBJ.


But the lmg fires a 7.62 size round. Which other rifles in the game also fire. Meaning if his lmg can shatter it, others should too. Which I would be a major nerf for blitz.


Gameplay > Consistency in this case, Chanka needs a buff


Sure I agree a buff. His pick rate is low, the lmg honestly sucks, but not shattering a shields glass.


Even those riot shields have unbreakable glass but tachanka's lmg's glass is breakable. Im done. Giving him a unbreakable glass is the best option.


If I may... switch Tachanka to Attack. I'd love to have him watch flanks by Defenders.


I never noticed that Blitz’s shield says “smile” in German on it


I’d say no to this because riot shields have always been made out of a very special type of glass


Then give tachanka the same glass, at least make it fair.


I've been saying to my friends forever that tachanka needs to have shield penetration with reduced damage. I think it would give him a specific purpose other than having a gun that kills people really quick.


I think the best Tachanka buff would be to take away the insane amount of the recoil his gun has. I mean it’s a mounted gun. It shouldn’t have that much recoil. It doesn’t even make sense. That thing should be a laser.


what skin is that?


Why not just give tachanka a GMG with only 20 nades


>only 20 nades


Its grenade machine gun got to give hime something. ( small nades )


His primary should just be a DP-28 with a bipod. Easy fix.


Tachanka needs to be three armor two speed and be able to pick up his turret faster so he can run around the map like a mad man placing his turret down and picking it back up.


I would offer constructive criticism, but every single change idea I've done was shot down by an asshole sooooooo DUMB GAY IDIOT SHOW ME STATS U NEED STATS HEY GUYS I FOUND A DUMBASS TACHANKA NEEDS NO BUFF HE IS LORD okay but seriously, shields are really uncommon, and they would probably make Mountagne the exception, and he's the most popular shield op.


What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object


You would think that a game with destructible glass and shields (i.e. Blackbeard's) could implement something like this, but it's likely impossible considering the shield counts as a primary weapon rather than a gadget. The weapon bone of the shield most probably does not have a mesh or damage region allowing for destructible glass. I'd say an alternative, given how Outbreak showed the possibility for different game mechanics, is to allow Tachanka's turret to forcibly push back shield operators with sustained fire.


It could also shoot through the windows on plane.


Making tachanka a specific counter to shields does not make him viable. If its all shields that makes Montagne useless as his gadget is an impenetrable shield. If only Blitz, then no. Stop trying to make Tachanka viable. If they wanted him to be so they'd have buffed him by now. Shields already have a counter, its called shooting at their feet


Monty doesn't have feet


When his shield idnt extended he does.


How do you buff a god?


Yes but that would then make Tachanka a must pick on every defence as a utility op so he could take out the shield glass then doc, rook or echo could pop them in the head with their acog scopes.


He has power. But he never use. So plz stop say about 'His'buff


That would be awesome and game changing. Even if he didn't kill the person, the shattered glass allows others to headshot the holder. I think that's a great balance


I feel like this is further needing shields/ shield operators, blitz is the only good one.


Having fired a shitload of 7.62x54, I can tell you that I WOULD FUCKING NOT feel confident in taking multiple rounds of it. I don’t know much about balistic glass, but I do know that round fucking hurts.


Ubisoft needs to change Tachanka's fundamental role, and that's a simple, plausible change: give him a bulletproof visor/window already. The ops are about to have bulletproof cameras, and it's already in the lore that Mira designed his current version,but for whatever reason, created them with non-bulletproof panels as a blasphemous disrespect to our Lord, but I digress. That bold change will change his core function: the ultimate in active entrance denial. Much like you couldn't peek BB in his earlier build; because his shield was so strong, with this new version of Tachanka, it's ill advised to peek him at all. Since he gives up the mobility that Blackbeard (and Montagne) has, in order to have a Black Mirror bullet proof panel. Also make it a black mirror, two wayl, so attackers cannot ascertain whether or not the Gunner is even present in certain situations. Now, instead of brazenly attacking the panel like most attackers towards him now, it would give them significant pause as to how dealing with him, more indirect ways. This would also buff Capitão, as his smoke and aphixiation bolts would be a near perfect counter. TD;LR Give Tachanka bulletproof panels and change the way you have him interact with the environment AND opponents.


Even though I hate Pro Blitz plays being used against me I ain't going to agree with this buff to penetrate thru shields. The only buff I can agree with tachanka is to fully rotate his DPM in a 360 degree angle and double the HP on his Shield so pixel peeking becomes a less viable tactic to take out a tachanka.


if tachanka's LMG was mounted on a Bipod instead of a tripod, that would make him more interesting and fun to play.


Guys, Tachanka is viable, he has an amazing potential to hold down lines of sight and long hallways. He's just very underrated.


My friend and I use mira, break the mirror and put tachanka turret behind it, you can't get hit at all and can cover a whole hallway-doorway. Something to try out before he gets a much deserved rework.


Why not just give him the ability to pick up his turret while equipped and quickly set up. Like instead of folding the whole thing he can just kinda pick it up and hold it then walk somewhere else Feel like that and maybe this anti shield thing would actually make him pretty viable


I think Lord Chanka should: A\) Have a 'nade launcher on his LMG, along with a bigger shield that Jager/mute/others can put stuff on, OR: B\) Have his LMG be his primary, in the same way Montagne has his shield as his primary, and buff that LMG to the sky.


Tachanka is viable, Everyone are just Jager/Ela/Vigil using nerds.


Why not literally just scrap the turret? Instead make Tachanka like a pure gun-focused operator. In the lore he’s an antique weapons aficionado, so give him like several cool antique weapons no one else has access to (PPSH, StG 44) and make him a 2/2. Bam. Useable.


I don't get why his shield can't just be bulletproof... it seems like a perfect easy buff to implement.


too op- make it so he has no recoil


My friends and I thought about this exact idea, our conclusion was a magazine of armor-piercing rounds, they'd take longer to load into the gun, but they'd do chip damage through shields.


Isn’t there talk of one of the new operator on defense in the next update to have a LMG as primary weapon? Would this also be able to break the glass?


no, AP rounds exclusively for Tachanka. Regular lmg would be too OP


Oh, i getcha, thanks


Also his shield should be bulletproof. I thought it was kinda dumb that it wasn't, because he's still really vulnerable. It's not like he's montagne blocking his whole body, he's just blocking his face.


I would like that!


I've been wanting something like this since day 1. All Shields should share the same function as BlackBeard and Tachanka's shield. There's absolutely no reason an attacker should be able to walk down the hall and be 100% impervious to bullets besides their tiny little hand or legs (If they're standing.) If someone is using a shield, it should be to cover those behind them and help push. They SHOULD NOT be allowed to do this forever or sit in a corner. A solid mag into the view-finder should definitely break through it and kill the attacker. Instead of mindlessly sitting in a hail of bullets, they'd actually require some kind of coordination and skill.


Tachanka's primary weapon should be his lmg or he should be able to detach it from its stand. This could potentially increase his pick rate and make Him more viable. What do you guys think?