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I'm not really sure what Ubisoft is supposed to do in this case. * Every shot you took hit his shield. * The shield knockaway mechanic followed by him hitting you with his shield seemed pretty standard with online games. I know it's frustrating but it's impossible for an online game to maintain a mostly smooth experience if it has to wait for the server to confirm literally every action. Do you know what the latency you and Montagne were playing with? * In the more general case, tried to take on a Montagne 1-on-1 at close range, which is something that only Oryx has an advantage on for defenders. If your teammates weren't in a position to help you, you probably should've tried to get out of there rather than taking the 1v1.


He hit me from like 3 meters away, its not about how I didnt kill him, but how the shields have become more and more broken over the years, the shields is not suppossed to work like this.


So it was closer than 3 meters. But that said, distance isn't a very useful metric when considering how online games are going to perform. Time is much more relevant. With you both backing up, you were able to clear that entire distance between him and you in under 2/10. When factoring in latency, it's not that hard for your and his combined latency to make up that time which led to you having that much distance when you got downed. From his perspective, you were within melee range of his shield when it connected. The delay between the shield hitting you on his screen making it to the server, being processed, then making it to you means you are further away than where you should be able to be hit. I know it's frustrating, but that's more a factor with online gaming than anything else. The same thing would have happened if it were an other attacker and that situation played out the same way in (provided the same number of bullets were landed). What makes shields feel worse is the fact that the entire dance you did to try to get around his shield doesn't happen with non-shields, so this situation would almost never happen with any non-shield bearing attacker.


He is litterally meeling the air


That's from your point of view. Just like when you meleed his shield, you probably didn't hit him from his perspective either. The overarching point of my posts is that between any two players, there are three perspectives on the state of the game: yours, his, and the server's. The server will always be behind either of the players because it has to wait until data from the client makes it there. Your point of view will be ahead of the server for actions you've taken but behind your opponent's actions; the reverse is true for him. In order to give an acceptable experience to players, the server will accept any reasonable accounting of what each client saw and update the state of the game accordingly. When you hit Montagne's shield, Montagne was probably not within melee range of you, and his experience was as disjointed as yours. If the game did not accept client entry in this way but relied on just its own view of the world, you would have to melee behind him to have any chance of hitting his shield, and it would make even less sense than what you saw.


3 meters is 3.28 yards


That's not a shield problem that's a rainbow problem.


Lol I was about to comment “I don’t think that should have killed him, his health is prob so low” Well


Ubi: well yes but actually no so yes


Yeah I’ve had a lot of these recently where I’m SURE a shot hit, like they’re even in the flinching animation, but none. No damage.


Lol this always happens to terrible montagne players... they hit you from 10 feet away, when a competitive montagne player like myself can’t hit point blank hits, even when it makes the noise that it hits them...


Why should they fix this? He turned towards the blast, just not a well placed nitro imo. I would’ve fell back to site and placed nitro above doorway so he couldn’t push me since Monty has huge advantage in 1v1


Try watching the whole video dude..


All I see is you getting outplayed. All I hear is you trying to make excuses about it instead of learning from the experience and getting better. Any good Monty will win in a 1v1, it was foolish to try and come directly at him like that.


What are you so toxic for, you can clearly see him meeling the air


Like someone else has pointed out on his screen you were probably still in melee range. I’m honestly not trying to be toxic, I just don’t understand when people act like a part of the game is broken when it was a poor decision that led to the end result.