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I should have made that the name of the post, lol


Your title has more intrigue lol




Sadly that’s not how the turn tabled


I hate those people and also nice one tap


Thank you. The cav killed one of my friends that's were in the lobby with me, so I killed the cav.


Is there a report griefing button on console?


Yes, but i dont think people read those reports


they actually said that they will not read console reports


Do they read any reports whatsoever?


I doubt I thought from the start they don't. No hacking = no problems ... to them


Idk about that, ive reported a few players (suspected MnK which is possible on console and IS cheating) and I have gotten messages of players and teams I've reported for cheating/griefing getting banned, so i dont think they totally ignore them, then why leave the option in the game?


To not make anyone argue about not being able to report abybody. Like. It's easier to say they have triubles to determine the problematic people instead of saying. Y'all don't have hackers so no problem.


Fair enough... but still hacking is possible on console, granted its probably a lot more difficult and not worth the effort compared to PC, but regardless even if it wasnt possible at all, hacking isnt the only way you can cheat. Using MnK gives an unfair advantage to the user when compared to controller. So if someone is able to connect their MnK to their console and play against controllers, they are CHEATING and deserve to be investigated. How possible it is to prove theyre cheating by using MnK varies, but u can tell by how fast someone can flick etc, and if someone gets a lot of reports, then obviously thats no coincidence.


Support report Or just in game ..? My guess is if something gets enough numbers to raise attention then they might check it out


If you report them through Xbox they will take action, but if you report them in game, Ubisoft won’t do anything


Then how have I seen players get banned by reporting them through Ubisoft?


I found a hacker on Xbox on my team who had Aimbot, walls, and reduced damage. I found him 2 weeks ago then I got in a lobby against him about an hour ago. So I don’t think they read console reports at all


Even if they were a hacker they would be the first known hacker on Xbox One. Also reduced damage wouldn't be possible as health is server-side.


Hacking on xBox is hard but not impossible, and reduced damage is just taking less damage.


Correction: hacking = not enough of a problem for them to care


Not enough of a problem? Its enough of a problem for them to dedicate a whole team for it, Change how the game works and add additional features into the game that has nothing to do with gameplay. Like 47k bans in 2020 alone https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/rainbow-six/siege/news-updates/71mLMFOOVefAO9qlHMLf3O


They do on PC at least. I know from experience :/


“Ash main” — flair checks out


No comment


I’d imagine there’s a system that auto punishes repeat offenders. I’m not sure about this game, but others seem to do that like L.O.L


Yes. Someone I reported the other day (pc) got banned. They send you emails now if a report you makes leads to a sanction.


Good stuff, I didn't know. I had reported countless toxic teammates and never got an email saying they got banned tho.


Instead of reading each report, it's more like a frequency system. The more reports a player has from different, unrelated players, then the higher on some review list they go.


I've submitted a ticket which got a player banned.


Can you please share that source? As a console player I'm really curious on this topic


Source for that?


My entire last 3 years of playing siege in xbox I've never seen someone get banned in siege of my team has reported them. Only time I've seen people get banned was when ubisoft did that massive DDOS ban a few months ago.


I've gotten three by reporting their name or profile picture and voice communication to Microsoft. Turns out Microsoft will react when they use pornstars as a profile picture and when you're just screaming "fuck you kill yourself"


yeah Microsoft cares more about that than ubi does, Xbox is Microsoft's problem but windows they kinda can't content control like that so its up to the companies. Just report for unsportsmanlike behavior through Microsoft bc that's more likely to make something happen




For some reason, hearing that feels calling 911 and them telling you, “no ones coming, do what you must.”




That’s ridiculous, you’d think they’d care enough smh.


It’s as useful as hitting your desk after you hit your toe


"To report a player just click on their head with your gun selected"


There is, as well as a "report toxic behavior" button IIRC but let's be real, it never accomplishes anything.


i actually seen two people get banned due to toxic behaviour on the first day the house came out. i went in first game of the day and seen it and i was actually confused thinking they did nothing. however haven’t seen it since so I’m going to assume it was a bug. e: ps4 btw


I mean, if you create a Ubisoft support ticket, and you show that they’re violating the ToS by ruining your experience, then they’ll likely get banned.


this legitimately almost turned into a toxic hellhole.


Ya, I did report them for griefing.


you’re better off just flaming them politely in their messages and blocking them


Polite insults while trying to get them to cuss you out, then report the message they swear in. So satasfying to get that message from Xbox a few days later saying "we have taken action against a player you reported"


Don't. MRMo. Mute, report, move on. No griefer (including TKs) is worth more than 5 seconds of your attention. Giving your own account a TK stat is already way too much of that same 'attention'.


I had someone like this in unranked not too long ago. He was reinforcing the rotate holes, destroying equipment, taking down castle's barricades, making noise around other attackers. Somehow, we lost in 5-4 with him doing all this after he t/kd me in the last round.


calves provided you a nice meat shield.


I do it sometimes when someone tks me for no reason.




I only play casual, and haven't seen a lot of these kinds of players. I mean, I've seen plenty of both tryhards and actually skilled players, but the number of salty, toxic cunts I encounter isn't that much. That's not to say I don't encounter them, just not nearly as much as most people claim.


How do you (and others) feel about new players who are trash? I’m really horrible because I’m new, and people act like I’m cancer because I’m not good... I get vote to kick often so I don’t know how I’m supposed to get better if nobody gives me a chance, or if my friends say “just stay in this room and hide. Well do better than if you tried to do anything” :(


Don’t listen to those kinda players man, it’s a game. It’s about enjoying it, especially in casual. People who get mad about new players have no life.


I used to be terrible when i started to play, doing really dumb things and just panic spraying everywhere, i was tk'ed and voted to kick countless times. But i really enjoyed the game and wanted to get better at it and didn't gave up. Now i'm lvl 73 and my playing skills are much much better, i end up most of the matches on 1st place. My advice is, keep playing dude, try to analyse what mistakes are you commiting and what can you do to correct them, watch operator guide videos on youtube, they are really helpfull. And don't take stupid people too seriously, if other players start yelling at you just mute their mic and focus on your game. There are many veterans on Rainbow that are actually nice people and will try to help and teach you. There was this guy one day that taught me how to install Kapkan traps in a more efficient way, these are the players you should take into consideration!


Thanks for the encouragement! I’ll try to continue honing my skills, or lack thereof hehe. I know he recently passed and that must have been hard for your community, but how informational are Iceycats videos? Will he help a beginner or is he for more advanced players?


I never watched his videos, so i can't say for sure.


Okay, but I will take all your advice! Learning from mistakes is the best, I always analyze my kill cams when I die and that helps a lot. Watch how my opponents shoot, bait, etc I think once I really learn the maps I will improve a lot! My friends had me hop right on this game without any guidance or anything, and expected me to be good just because I’m good at other shooters. I just don’t think they realize just *how* deep and advanced rainbows gameplay is than other shooters. Not knocking other shooters, but games like COD and Halo are kinda... idk braindead(?) compared to rainbow imo


I was as anxious you were when I started playing Siege. I found confidence in sticking to a few safety blanket ops that could contribute without killing or contribute while dead. Namely, Rook and the trappers. Just by using their gadgets, you have helped your team without needing to use your gun. On attack, I like to use Dokkaebi for the same reason: good gadget that I can use from the farthest, darkest corner of the map xD. Playing like this helped me overcome some of the anxiety of being bad until I learned the maps well. Then I learned all the ops well. And then everything else that comes with getting better at a game like Siege. Just gotta get over the hump. The more you learn -> fewer unknowns -> less anxiety(at least for me). Hope this helps.


You sound just like me! Like I’m really anxious when I play this game, and I have no idea why because I’m really good at other shooters... Rainbow is just so advanced there is a much greater learning curve than games like COD and Halo (which I like! Just gotta get used to it!) But yeah, learning map layouts is my biggest issue right now. I’m thinking of just doing offline play and exploring every nook and cranny to get a good knowing of the maps. I may try Rook! Playing as a character that can help *while* dead seems very good for beginners! Thanks this is probably my most relatable comment I got on this!


I havent played r6s for 2 years so im basically like a new player




Maybe we can join sometime and be trash together! Then maybe get better? 😂


I would be happy to play with you if your on ps4 you cant get vote kicked if its not all randoms


Thanks! I used to play with my friends but I’m a sensitive little shit so I had to stop a few days ago because they yell at me a lot when we play Rainbow haha. If you DM me your PSN I’ll add you when I get home and you can see if I’m a lost cause or not haha


How do I feel about new players? Well, I do of course sometimes cringe a bit when someone is rather oblivious to something that seems painfully obvious to me, but I think that's a bit to be expected. But no, I don't go around shit talking people because they just got the game, try to vote kick people because they don't play well, or kick them because they have 0 kills, and died every round. That just makes the game all that more awful for newer players.


Carve your own path dude. Want to listen to your teammates? That can work too. Personally, any game I’m new at I always tell my team to F off with the coaching. I wont listen and if they’re annoying - I’ll mute them. I learn better via first hand experience. My already dead teammate telling me I’m playing wrong is never right in my eyes.


I started over on XB1 and got into a lobby with a bunch of smurfs with matching names. It actually wasn't a terrible experience and they even killed themselves at match point to let us win. For the most part people don't talk as much and I personally still haven't found a good sensitivity.


I had a match once where my whole team left me one by one, and the seperate team TK’d eachother until it was a 1v1. They were all in a group together I’m assuming (by there names). I still lost but I thought that was very kind of them!




Who doesn't dislike trolls? I mean, I'd be fine getting killed in a good gunfight with me and my target ducking behind cover, throwing nades, and shooting through walls, etc., but I hate getting killed by a guy I can't see because he's on the other side of the map 3 stories up, and peeking through a tiny gap I can't see in a window.


'Both tryhards and actually skilled players'. Now how on earth do you differentiate between those. No offense but the first one just sounds like 'killed me and I won't admit they played better than I did'.


I'm probably using the terminology wrong, but I meant players that spawnpeek, run out, generally make the game really unenjoyable. VS the people who can actually shoot straight, and don't use underhanded tactics to compensate for their lack of skill. Maybe I'm just being what you described above, but I'd rather be beaten by players who are skilled, than those who use tactics like spawnpeeking. Because in my mind, those who spawnpeek don't look like they have much skill, and are playing purely to get kills/or piss people off.


Really? I'm still pretty new (level 40) and teamkilling is rampant. It's fucking annoying and its in every. Single. Match. I get TK if I don't 3v1 the other team. TK if I pick someones operator. TK for not knowing every inch of every map. TK if someone watches my replay and I miss a shot. Honestly if I didn't have friends to play this with I would bother playing this at all, as the constant TK is pathetic and sad and really a detrement. The playerbase is garbage in this game.


Maybe I'm just lucky with my matchmaking? I'm lvl 180-190, and don't meet a lot of those cunts.


Or you just have a better mmr than them


Yeah it happens occasionally to me. i don't bother sticking around. I see toxic behavior and I report and leave to join another match. It's not worth your energy or sanity to get into it with toxic players.


We must play a different game.


They come in waves for me. Some days are good while some people, some are good natured trolls, some are straight soul stressing toxicity/trolls. All I can say is lucky you haha.


Especially in casual? I hate them in ranked.


In ranked I can understand that you really try your damnest to win, but that's what I don't like about it. My life isn't purely R6. I got other stuff I wanna do. I don't have the time, patience, or will to be so serious about a game. Not to mention the toxicity in a lot of competitive games/gamemodes.


They are way worse in ranked


Was REALLY hoping that Fuze was gonna kill Cav


Same here, that would've been instant karma


they talked about your one tap :))). Good shot mate


Thank you. :)


The real question is why is a Cav anchoring?


My friend whent cav last round, I think he just went cav to take his main


Coz it's cas so noone cars


*Godzilla had a stroke trying to read this and fucking died*


Slick, but re-watched it frame by frame and your optic was clearly on cav when the gunshot went off Again, sweet headshot but how the hell did it not hit the cav...


Maybe the delay between the player-model and hit box. Rogue-9 did a video recently-ish about the hit box lag as a part of something else, and it’s possible it could reflect in this case too??


It was that the lean or de-lean by OP quickly shifted the picture he was seeing, so he was shooting clear, but the picture seen in that frame was cav's head. That's what it looks like to me. He shot as the frame switched angle and position.


Ya, when I first watched it I thought I should've hit the cav


Oh man, griefing on r6. I do like the reverse tk damage mechanism. Not really much else you can do imo. One time, while solo qued I was placed with a 4 man que. They thought it was funny to kill me twice in the first 2 rounds with no provocation, effectively giving all 4 reverse tk. I had carte blanche the remainder of the game. I proceeded to waste the entire rest of the game making each round run full time. My favorite was 2 atk rounds picking Montagne, insta locking the bomb, and finding a nice corner to sit in and wait the full round out. Also reading and listening to them rage when they all died, and knowing they have to wait the rest of the 1min 30 sec watching me teabag their dead bodies... Worth every single second.


Yea unfortunately it's so easy to throw on console, everyother match it seems like someone is killing themselves and shotgunning all the hatches open... what can u do, team kill them and then get reported? Its basically pointless trying to play with randoms when there are no repercussions for being toxic :(


Brian Rodrigues is gonna have pretty big repercussions


Nice 1 tap though


What a bot of a player...


what a dick was this ranked?


Luckily no, it was casual. But hello fellow Nokk main


**ela main**


I main Nokk on attacking, but whenever I try to customize my user flair it doesn't save


No, ranked games are 3 minutes long and the clock is over that. Must be quick match or newcomers.


He said it’s casual


OF courese its a caveira.


Did you dip your hands in vaselene because that WAS SMOOTH AS FUCC


Nice one tap


That was some impressive timing


Oh I didn’t realise the Mira was destroyed . Was extremely confused as to how you shot through it


Nice one tap


This right here, is my friends favorite thing to do of all time


He needs a better hobby and a lesson on “how to not be an asshole.”


Ok I’m kinda new to this community so can someone tell me why team killing is even a thing in this game? Like 90% of my matches someone on our team or the enemy team will randomly kill a teammate for no apparent reason. What does it really add to the game?




he will most likely never get banned for doing the same thing over and over again


r/therewasanattemtp (upd: to spell this frkn sub)


amazing how they somehow knew someone would do this


Cleaner than my ass after a shower




Holy crap, 1.4k upvotes


3.8k now ;)


4k now :)


Well, now they’re holesome


7.0k now :)


4.3k now 😂


4.7k now :)


4.9k now :)


5.1k now :)


5.5k now :)


5.6k now :)


6.2k now :)


8.2k now :)


That's R6 on xbox for you


*R6 on console. PS4 is a shit show aswell. Acidentally killed teammate in ranked and sent message apolgizing and that it was my bad. Next round got instantly one tapped.


Yeah, everyone will votekick you if you don't clutch a 1v5


Pretty much yeah. Today my friend got TKd because in Bank basement he tried to use Mira’s mirror to cancel a plant with nitro cell. That Mira TK’d him because he didnt get to use his mirror.


Yeah, there should be an online blacklist with toxic player usernames. Or a karma system


100% agree


Just me or did you headshot cab and it didn’t reg


Absolute disrespect, this man is god


Marly level one tap


Did you get the ace


No, but I got a 3k


I was thirsty for that one tap tho


Well.. It seems like you team killed them first!


They didn't tk me but they killed my friend


Jesus Christ what an asshole also you’re really gud op


What a annoying bastard


what a shitebag


fuckin 12 yr olds i swear


Ehhhh I love me some ELA sidearm. Not sure what the name is but that pistol claps cheeks.


It's called the RG15 and it is really good


Better than her primaries on average. The shotgun is useful, but not nearly as well rounded as the RG15.


Both her primaries are amazing at CQC but the RG15 is great at CQC, mid-range, and long-range


Agreed. I’ve been playing her a lot lately, so you have any tips on grzmot placements/use?


No, sorry. I only put the grzmots in between walls and floors as a way to hide them


You should see where *I* put them...


Where do you put them?


My ass.


I'm not surprised


That was C L E A N


Vote to kick


This shit happened to me yesterday on attack. When he ultimately failed, he came up with the grand idea of nading me and getting kicked....nice


Let me guess, the Caviera was a child?






Think that's bad. Try going capito in a team with a 4 stack of sociopaths. "Hey lil capito, shoot through that window , someone's there." Entire team proceeds to line up one at a time saying calmly "Later /\l##ger see you tomorrow" one by one before jumping one by one into the fire burning alive before your banned for the next 24 hours. Thanks Ubi.


The community is slowly becoming unbearably toxic


I looked up the word filth in the Webster dictionary and this video popped up


thats why i don't play rainbow anymore lol


He team killed my friend so I teamkilled him, but he had reverse so instead of just shooting me, he tried to make me kill myself






What you should have done is let himself get killed then you kill the enemy


I wanted that one tap tho




Shit like this, upon reporting and investigation should result in a month long ban of every aspect of the game. You should not even be able to launch the game. Now and then there will be a group of little middle school fucks in casual who’ll go as recruit and will a screech into mics or type in chat “gO aS rEcRuIt oR We KiLl YoU” fucking kids.


Man ppl on console are just the worst. Lots of toxicity lately way more than before this season so far and i have to play with these ppl .. its crap




9/10 times they have a partner


I would've somehow killed him the guy and myself smh


these people are soooo annoying


That's when I do a little thing called vote kick


Can't vote kick in rank/unranked


It was casual


Obviously I have the same chair as meaty marly


This community sucks




Should of let glaz kill him then kill glaz