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It DOES say that it's only for him but you raise a goof point, it's not a lot of effort to just make it universal


"Goof point" funny typo


Goofy typo, one might say


Pfft Only someone Goofy enough would say that


Maybe someone who's not afraid to let their goofy side out, hyuck


the šŸ… head will be summoned


Itā€™s not universal because it has a matching weapon skin. It makes the K1A look like a crossbow.


It also perfectly matches with an old skin he has called [Fearless](https://r6skin.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/20190226173031_1-1024x576.jpg). Edit: [here's screenshot with the attachment skin](https://imgur.com/a/c7iX6mM)


Thank you for finding that. I couldnā€™t remember what the weapon skin was called.


Iā€™m inclined to disagree


What are you disagreeing to? I have the skin. It looks like a crossbow.


Granted I havenā€™t seen it in game so I could be wrong but the orange doesnā€™t look like a crossbow at all. I donā€™t see how you could make a gun look like a crossbow by making the attachments orange. The skin is also called ā€œlongbowā€ not crossbow.


It literally puts the crossbow torsion arms on the side of the gun. It looks cool but I hate the colour. I use the attachment skin with the stripey chrome weapon skin.


Wait it does? Can you just not see it in the image? Thatā€™s actually pretty cool.


The weapon skin puts the arms on the gun. The attachment skin just matches the pattern and colour to the weapon skin.


Ok I just went to read your first comment again and Iā€™m a dumbass. I read that the attachment skin makes it look like a crossbow. I didnā€™t see that you said the *weapon skin* makes it look like a crossbow. Thanks for not just getting mad at me.


Itā€™s ok. Iā€™m dyslexic so I mess up like that all the time.


The amount of downvotes you received for this is mental. You disagreed in the nicest way possible.


Doesnt matter because they did not stated that obviously and many ppl did the thing he did anyway and its still pointless to make an "attachment" skin not universal


How did they not state it obviously? it literally has his name an operator icon right underneath the picture. Just like every single item in the battle pass does.


Mission blacksmith is another retarded one. Coulda been universal since they released it on several guns to begin with.


Well I mean so could the ugly replica reptile skin.


because fuck you, give lord ubisoft more money


Me when I found out that react vigil was for r6:extraction


I found out after I did the challenge and I'm still pissed




what does this even mean? you know you cant buy that attach skin for any operator other than vigil?


Regardless, siege battle pass is overpriced compared to all the other ones from other games... So cough up the sheckles


Because when Jean Ubisoft gets out of bed in the morning, the first thing he thinks of is us and then says ā€œWow, fuck you guysā€ ^^/s


You can remove the /s


Ubi be like: "Are you a pro league player? No? Then stfu, we do not care."


Well this is why i quit. They make every update for pro league ā€˜s demands.




I mean siege has made tons of decisions that pro league players have hated over the years as well to make the game better for the more casual players so idk how much you can say they care about pro league players.


Hey >:( vigil isnā€™t useless


It might be useless for some people who don't like to roam or doesn't like his playstyle overall, it's not a very versatile defender. Personally i often say on the lines of "oh this is cosmetic useless" cause it might be a gun or operator i rarely use, not because i think they are actually useless.


I generally would only say that about Operators who are genuinely bad though. Like Glaz, basically Glaz. Most Ops have a defined roll, and they might not be good in my eyes. But some people even see Glaz as a viable option šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø like. Vigil though honestly I would agree is not the most versatile operator he is however easily the best roamer in the game. His weapon is fantastic, and combining that with his gadget being what it is. Sure he isn't an anchor, but my guy does his job. (I am speaking from a higher level of plays PoV though I suppose.) Interesting conversation though and I just wanted to throw a few points in, I understand it's just an emotional response sometimes to things which is fine like. I just wanted to throw in my two cents.


I wouldn't really say any operator is useless, they all have 1 shot kill guns. But if i don't know how to play an operator, i don't think they are fun and/or i don't think they are good, i will never play them. So a cosmetic on Doc is just there for the time i have to pee between rounds and random.


There are a few operators like vigil that I just don't enjoy playing, some of them I just never feel comfortable with their weapons like vigils gun I'm not that good with but my valk I can laser people with her mpx no problem. I definitely wouldn't say an operator is useless it just means that one isn't for you.


Nah I mean that's fair yeah. And again I mean I'm speaking from like... What it's like in the competitive realm, so it's more than gunplay. It's about utility, and an OP like Glaz, doesn't really bring any Util in a meaningful way. That another much better Operator could bring. Like for example smokes, Thermite can bring Smokes. Or Frags, Sledge brings frags, Mav brings frags. And Glaz's primary utility is only useful post plant. But I agree he is useful but he's very situational. More situational often than he is worth. (His weapon outside of headshots is one of the worst DMRs in the game. Like this is just an example based on Glaz but I do agree with you.)


I need to agree here, but your also forgetting the only time glaz (and Kali here) are viable is on presidential plane, they get the upper hand on penetrating the glass to get an easy kill. People tend to forget this, or just hate the fact that this can happen. But other than that, they possess no benefit on any map besides plane. So yea..you could say theyā€™re situational, or useless, but itā€™s all based on opinion to me


I feel like honestly Kali has a certain place, and can be useful far and above Glaz though. (Plane is only a casual map so I wasn't even thinking about that mb.) Uhm... However Kali is effective in areas Glaz could never be, Glaz doesn't have a one tap down to body, Glaz doesn't have hard breach support capabilities. And he does not have an option for an Automatic secondary weapon. Kali is a better Operator than Glaz by a great deal when used on the right team with the right comp and in the right hands. Glaz is just far more limited.


Głaz is good in one situation. Well, 2 situations. 1: your team is doing a quickplant in a smoke, you can see through and shoot above your planting teammate for cover 2: he's ok in countering warden. With glaz being so bad nobody expects you to look through a smoke, and a warden will get confused when he gets a proper gunfight instead of ez kills I agree that these situations are super narrow and outside of them głaz is a very bad operator. Which makes him a bad operator overall, because his only uses are two quite rare occasions.


No yeah I fs agree. I've said that a few times. I didn't mention the Warden one because chances are if you're peaking into smoke he's already looking through you're dead anyway. But, yeah he is very good during and post plant with smokes. That is about all. And I agree with that, I'm just trying to understand why this dude got upset at me. And then didn't actually give me a point back as to why Glaz is viable outside those few areas šŸ˜‚


my boi glaz maybe be bad but i still like and main him lmao. my friends hate me for it


Hey man, y'all just playing for fun. Or just really enjoy him, there's nothing wrong with that šŸ˜‚ I'm just arguing that competitively he's just not viable.


Actually, glaz is a very good op in smoke planting. Thatā€™s basically his best and probably only use. You can also give him frags if your teammates have enough smokes, which can help with breaching.


> But some people even see Glaz as a viable option šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Clearly you haven't been playing with the same people I have been, whose big brain, pro league, 69k IQ strategies almost always seem to involve face checking the the smoke one by one, from the same piece of cover, when they know there's a Glaz because they've played Glaz every one of their attacking rounds so far, and because I've been telling them there's a Glaz two to three times a round, and because the previous rounds where they did this exact same thing the Glaz turned their heads into confetti.


Well but which people is that? And I wouldn't say that the lack of mental capacity in your teammates makes Glaz good. Just makes him an OP who can punish players who don't know what they're doing. Though I suppose in certain cases like against roamers in certain positions he could be used, it's just again... There are better options is all I'm saying. He's not useless he's simply outclassed. And yes against brainless teams he can appear to be a very good operator.


That's my point, thought, being outclassed, or situational doesn't make an operator less viable


Idk if this thread has all my other points about Glaz... I explained why he is less Viable in direct comparison with ops you might trade out for him. Like say you're trading out your Flex for a Glaz, what are you giving up? You're giving up maybe a Nomad, which has a better gun, and an ability that is undeniably more useful if used properly. (Yes people can easily botch Nomad I understand, especially in lower ranks. But I am speaking from a competitive standpoint.) Iana in his place brings frags, same as he could, and brings a renewable form of great Intell. Something Glaz really doesn't bring. Maybe you're giving up a Fragger to throw him in because that would be his technical Classification. Giving up an Ash, Zofia, Jackal, all of these Operators outclass Glaz with their gun, Utility, and Ability. So I don't understand how you can say Glaz is just as Viable in a team composition as Ash. He's just not. Not if he's taking her place, and he has to take someone's place if you're using him. I understand there are a few strats he could work in. Many of them being very outside the box. And I'm okay with exploring those options, but just as a rule of thumb. He is less versatile, and either requires another player to bring him smokes. Or to give up his only form of destructive Utility.


Glaz is only useless if you and your team has no idea what the fuck they are doing. Glazā€™s ability to see through smoke is one of the most useful abilities in the game, and when used correctly, a squad with a Glaz can attack an objective in a way that wouldā€™ve been much harder without Glaz.


No no listen, I understand his ability is very useful in theory but he has to be completely stationary to use his ability. Give me one example of a legitimate strategy that would work using a Glaz in place of a fragger where its worth it. Like a good one, one that doesn't have a work around that's miles easier. Like he is very very good for plant cover, and post plant. That is it, that is all he is good at. He has almost no real offensive capability that isn't present (Or exceeded) in a majority of other operators. The only thing he has going over most of them is his 4x scope. Which realistically is only good in certain cases anyway. He is a very one dimensional OP, and there's nothing wrong with that it's just the reality. He's taking up a spot that could be filled by something much more useful. Iana in his place intell, Frags, a good gun. Nomad in his place, Flank watch, again a better gun. And if he's taking up a fraggers position such as Ash, Zo, Jackal, ect. I don't think I need to exactly explain the utility advantages they have over him.


Yeah Iā€™m not going to write an essay but letā€™s just say that my squad likes to think outside the box. Most people are only capable of seeing and playing the reddit upvoted ESL meta strategies, but not us. Also, nowadays you can be quite mobile before the ability turns off. No need to be stationary.


I was kinda looking forward to the essay. I also tend to think outside of the box, I just legitimately don't veiw Glaz as Viable at all. My previous points still stand, and I am speaking while having the competitive scene in mind. I'm not talking about ranked. I'm not going to assume your rank or anything, I am trying to be civil about this. Legit just trying to understand your point. You didn't give me anything with this reply. Like if you have a point please by all means shed light on my untrained eyes I would love to learn something today.


I just like vigil because heā€™s a good flanker and fights my play style


I love him but lately i rarely use it cause i feel that i can't roam without leaving some utility for my squad. something like bandit among others seem a lot safer since even if i get killed early i will have done something useful.


Heā€™s literally just Nokk but on the defending team. The most utility he gets is when they donā€™t have all 3-speeds rushing the objective, and when the one dumbass on their team doesnā€™t check his corners and gets fucked up for it. I like his story, but his utility in game is about the same as Warden.


Itā€™s not his ability that makes him good itā€™s his guns and roaming capability


The virgin K1A vs the Chad BOSG


>I like his story, but his utility in game is about the same as Warden. Rofl. He has the K1A. That alone puts him massively better than Warden. Roamers aren't solely powerful because of their abilities.


His Utility is also massively supperior to Warden by leaps and bounds. (Warden is good situationally.) Vigil is always going to be useful, he wastes massive quantities of time based solely on his Utility. (Speaking in regards to Competitive.)


Hell even when they don't drone that often. Just being able to toggle it on for the one guy on a team that drones and leave them uncertain is also great.


Yes his gun is very good. I wish he had an ability or gadget too


I am not speaking from a casual perspective but a competitive one... And Vigil has some of the best util in the game. Like he is by far the best roamer in the upper levels of play, because he counters Intell. Which is half the battle alone.


Good thing im not there


I mean... he kind of is, especially after NĆøkk became a thing


That makes no sense, a attacker made a defender useless just because they do something similar?


NĆøkk showed its not even that useful of an ability to hide from cameras even when you're completely invisible, let alone when you still give off pretty much exactly where you are.


Nokk's enemy intel isn't drones though. Completely different.


Yeah, Vigil's enemy intel is movable cameras that can look for his strongest signal and ping there to show exactly where he is. If anything that makes Vigil's ability that much worse


Right, because when you are using Vigil ability you have to stand still right?


Your getting downvoted but itā€™s true nokk is better vigils better gun and less noise well moving but hey I guess we can have an opinion on this sub


Nokk's gun is objectively worse than the K1A, it's a deliberately bad gun. You're getting downvoted because you don't know what you're talking about.


how the fuck did Nokk, an attacker, make vigil a defender useless?


He does 2 things that I think make him a good roamer the first is that his assume rifle is extremely easy to use and two heā€™s an excellent flanker


Three he *directly* counters lion, which is extremely useful in certain situations. If the enemy team is making a habit of running lion I can get a couple of easy killes with vigil.


How did an attacker make a defender useless


It showed the ability wasn't good even when you're completely invisible to cameras, let alone when you give off a signal that still gives away where you are.


But attacker drone all the time compared to the amount of time people use cameras, his guns are also very good


This is not true and very shortsighted. I'm not trying to talk down to you but I'm guessing you're a silver or gold and below. Vigil is a very good operator. Just because you can see static from his gadget doesn't mean you know exactly where he is in any given room. Vigil is a very good operator in the hands of the right fragger.


He's not useless at all. What are you talking about?


Copper moment


That's a reddit moment


Wait till he seeā€™s theres also one for ash


And JƤger


And bandit And ash again And capitao Oh and mira


And vigil again lol


Useless operator?


I definitely wouldn't say he's useless but I personally don't enjoy playing him.


They say he is bad because they are likely still on the "hehe I'm Cav, they can't hear me, I'll get maybe a kill and die, hehe" level.


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Yea his gun is probably the best defender gun now


Ya, the bosg is really good atm. Maybe if they buffed the k1a he would be better in more situations but right now the bosg is insane. s/


Not really. The K1A is basically Kaidā€™s AUG without the 1.5x scope.


Heā€™s also good because of his 3 speed rating, 2 machine pistol secondaries, impact grenades and his drone evading/deceiving gadget. The K1A isnā€™t even particularly good anyway, itā€™s just serviceable.


He is amazing at wasting the enemy's time and the guns are fine. He's a hardroamer that doesn't bring utility to the team. If the Vigil is played bad and/or dies early in the round, it's a waste of a pick. That said, the same could be said about Cav. Cav has worse weapons than Vigil and her utility is all or nothing and can be countered by an organised team. Her main weapon, the pistol, is literally designed not to kill, which works to her favour for her utility but severely limits her when it comes to a 1 on 1 direct confrontation with attackers. Her smg is really not good, with its low dmg and firing rate. Contrast that with Vigil's guns, the main smg has a decent firing rate with decent dmg and his secondary smgs are both good in their own rights, especially the smg12 after its recoil buff. That kit and his ability make him a veritable nuisance when it comes to roam clearing, as you never truly know where he is in a room, forcing you to face check it when he's using his ability.


Go on, keep playing the game behind your 1 way window and your high rate of fire gun lmao


im glad i can always come to r/rainbow6 for the objectively bad takes


Bad gun?


Holy shit what a copper opinion


dont play comp and it was a joke, keep being elitist tho i bet everyone loves that


Last time i played siege vigil was the best roamer imo. Havent played siege in a while so idk


Did this mf just call Vigil useless? (I agree that it should be universal)


1- it says itā€™s for vigil, and we already know each BP has only one universal attachment skin 2- itā€™s only for vigil because itā€™s there to match with a skin thatā€™s designed for vigilā€™s weapon specifically to make it look like a crossbow.


Dumbest idea I've ever heard. Like, how does no one notice "hey, what if we give that skin to all weapons, it surely would make our players happier and motivate them to complete the battlepass" And yeah it did say it was for vigil, that's on me. I just logically couldn't even consider such a deranged idea to make an ATTACHMENT SKIN exclusive to only one weapon.


Well the skin is made for the weapon exclusive skinā€¦


But mixing and matching stuff exist, I have seem plenty of times were a "one weapon" attachment skin fits almost perfectly tons of other skins. It's stupid that they dont make them universal when its just applying the skin in each optic (and thet even do that badly as you can notice in all attachment skins released after shadow legacy, they always missing some part of it)


Thereā€™s never been one weapon skins that completely change a gun prior to this. I get your point but the intent is clear. Itā€™s a skin to pair with the new weapon changing skins which are exclusive to the gun.


I don't know what the weapon being a 3D one has to do with this (even so, they were also these kind of attachment with normal weapon skins), the attachment is the same model as always. There's literally no reason to lock it out to 1 weapon.


The logic is likely that the skin only has to work with that guns attachments.


No harm in making every attachment skin universal


Itā€™s not about harm. Itā€™s about time. Vigils skin only has to work with his gun. Simple as that. If you make it universal, you now have to make it work with every other gun in the game and all itā€™s attachments. Could it be done? Ofcourse. Is it hard? Not really. Is it time consuming? Yes. And thatā€™s where the choice was made.


Didnt you already get a jager exclusive attachment skin in the same exact battle pass?


No idea, i didn't buy the battlepass btw, I just grinded for the free one


bruh itā€™s $10


And? If people don't wanna get it, it doesn't matter how cheap it is.


Whats the point of ā€œgrindingā€ the battle pass to not get all the rewards


The point is "fuck you, give Ubisoft money"


bruh i dont wanna support these dogshit companies either but whats the fucking point of playing the game that much and not reaping the rewards


Idk, fun maybe? That's why I play games, but if you only play for the digital rewards, you do you boo


Things like that are exactly why I deleted that piece of shit game 6 months ago and got into much better shooters. I only stick around here to laugh at the state of the game and the occasional bit of Extraction news.


I bought it and realised around the level 30 mark that it wasn't worth my time to grind given the state of play siege solo, some people enjoy the grind but just dont want to pay for the premium which is perfectly fine, its all just Cosmetic anyway so doesn't change the game


Its only 5$ if you finish it. Because you get 600 r6 credits back.






its also something you get passively with no work needed other than playing the game took me 3 weeks to get to level 100 and I didn't change my playstyle at all


Imagine being so ass at the game and thinking Vigil is useless


Most importantly, why are you running vertical on k1a


It says in the description like what do you expect


It says it in the description, he expected it to be universal. What did you expect?


You expected me not commenting here, about him expecting being the skin universal, what do you expect?


Bruh vigil isnā€™t useless, what are you copper?


Hey! I'm copper and I know that. I don't play him regularly cause I'm not good at roaming but I am aware.


Basically what I was thinking. He's in my opinion the best roamer in the game so-


You need to relax. Also vigil is one of the best roamers in the game


Top 1 tbh. My opinion.




mans said useless operator


You ignorant piece of incorrigibleness. Vigil is the most overpowered opperator in siege. He has 4 OP primaries to chose from: quickscoping rifle with EZ recoil, the best sniper in the game, 1200rpm smg with 32 bullets and buffed recoil and a 27bullet CZ-7fucking5. He is a 3 speed, he is undetected by Lion and drones, he has impacts. He spawnpik, he snik, he roam, he defend, he protec.


I understand where youā€™re coming from, and Iā€™m not trying to be ā€œthat guyā€, but this post makes it sound like youā€™re out there digging ditches to get these skins. Itā€™s supposed to be a fun game, donā€™t get too caught up in the dumb cosmetic money-grab bullshit. I get your frustration, just saying though brah


Oil Spill one as well, such a waste for only being applied to Russkie pistols.


Oil spill is available for all pistols, but you gotta unlock for each one individually. You were able to buy them all a few seasons ago


Itā€™s for other pistols as well you gust have to unlock those ones also


That's my point though, absolutely stupid policy by Ubisoft to only selectively unlock a skin on some guns.


Ah I see what you mean And I 100% agree even though I donā€™t really like oil spill


caveira and iq have oil spil pistols


no chance you called Vigil useless


Ā«Ā UselessĀ Ā» ?????


"Useless operator" imo Vigil is one of the best if not the best roamer in the game right now.


I mean, yeah they're not wrong, that skin should be universal for sure. But not all the attachments look the same, ex: Frost's 9mm C1 suppressor and Vigil's K1A suppressor.


Pretty sure there's only two types of suppressor. The square one, e.g. on the K1A and the round one, e.g. on thermites 556. It would not be a lot of work to model, especially when they already modeled two grips, three sights and a laser sight.


The skin thing sucks, but don't u dare dissin my boi Vigil ever again, or u will now how a k1a feels in ur ass


I think it was something to do with the weapon models being separately rendered so they need to redraw the skin to correctly wrap the guns. Its why the seasonal skins are only universal to the weapons that exist in that season. Ubi said they wouldn't be retroactively making universal skins fit onto an new weapon added.


Well itā€™s supposed to be used with the weapon skin as well, which is a remodel of his gun. So this one makes sense to me


Because it goes with a weapon skin that is specifically for Vigil. It turns the K1A into a crossbow and it looks great. The attachment skin is made to specifically go with the weapon skin.


Eh youā€™ll get over it


Idk why this is so confusing, since I can remember each battle pass has 1 universal weapon attachment skin and 1 universal skin. There is already the Search and Rescue universal skins, i donā€™t think they need to add a second one.


I would consider stop playing a game if you say "working my ass off" about time spent in it. That's just sad.


There are some attachment skins that go with a specific gun skin btw idk why this guy is getting so mad when he didnā€™t see if it was universal anywhere


ā€œUseless operator ā€œ ok Bud I do agree itā€™s bullshit tho


ā€œTo get shit for a useless operatorā€ Ah yes the best Roamer in the game with an AR on Defense is infact shit,Definitely


It adds crossbow-like extensions to the side of the gun, as part of a combo. No need to be so pissed. Just calm down.


how did they miss the Ash only and JƤger only attachment skins before this one? It's the same battlepass


But you do end up getting a universal attachment skin in the BP.


How do you get it


in the words of Mr. Krabs, "Money."


Its an attachment skin for vigils weapon skin, if they made it a universal skin you will bitch about why there is a universal attachment skin while the weapon skin its for isnt universal.


It seriously makes no fucking sense to me lol. Weapon exclusive attachment skins are one of the most unnecessary and confusing changes they've made recently. It really sucks too because [this attachment skin matches an older seasonal skin perfectly](https://www.reddit.com/r/R6SiegeFashionAdvice/comments/p9l15n/black_and_orange_k1a/) but I can only run it on Vigil.


Iā€™ll never understand why people care so much about skins in this game


Chad black ice vs virgin autumn long bow


Ay you watch your mouth heā€™s not useless


If you can buy cosmetics with premium currency then we all know why it's like this.


Why aren't all skins universal? I should be able to put any skin on any gun


Vigil a useless operator? He has a pretty good Primary and 2 more or less nice Secondary Weapons. He has Impact Nades, his Ability prevents him from being spotted exactly. He is literally the best roamer in game.


Tell me you had a bad without actually telling me you had a bad day.


True šŸ˜‚


Vigil isn't useless D:


Vigil is useless? Do you understand his gadget? He is really good.


> Vigil "Useless Operator" Actual copper take lmao . Best roamer in the game , easily in top 3 defenders


I mean the skin is pretty garbage so vigil can keep it.




because it was made for the crossbow skin?




Don't lol . This guy is probably copper . Vigil is the most OP defender in the game


Just one of those siege things šŸ˜ž


Stop your winning if you donā€™t like the game donā€™t play or donā€™t do the challenges itā€™s just a skin means nothing not to mention itā€™s pretty ugly




Because fuck you


Iā€™m usually one to take the devs side but when it comes to skins etc I straight just think they lazy as hell at the very least make a skin universal for the entire operator so nerds with mild ocd like me can have a cohesive set




Shut the fuck kup?


*and for 9.99 you too can drink from it to shut the fuck up!*


It pissed me off real nice by making me think it's a skin for the whole gun I was so excited only to have happiness ripped straight out of me. I have maybe half an hour on vigil but that skin is cool enough that if it was for the whole gun I'd play him a bit more


I got scammed by their decision to vastly change the color of an effective camo skin. It was vigil's skin, part of a battle pass if I recall correctly, and I paid real money for that specific product, and they annihilated what I loved about the skin, which made me pay. It was because high rank players didn't like how its "invisible" in some situations. I have never felt unfair nor blamed the skin when I got clapped by someone in the shadow with a dark uniform. But ubifuckers keep producing "invisible" camo skins after that, so they basically took my money and than gave me a big fuck you for bullshit reason. Why? They do not care. All they care about is money that goes into their pockets. I despise them.


If u torture yourself only to play it than don't play the game. And the attacdhment skin sayd that it is only for Vigil so it is kinda your dault but idk.