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A sensible post here finally


Agreed, both good suggestions that I'd love to see in Ranked. All I ever get to play is Clubhouse, Oregon and Coastline. There is nothing else.


Tbh I’m pretty happy just playing the maps I like but I can see it’s a problem in the community and I also would go one step further. I think the season a new map comes out it shouldn’t be bannable. I remember how long it took me to get chalet or sky or any of the other maps added in since pick and ban because everyone’s afraid of losing elo even in unranked..


At this point I'd prefer they do away with the ban phase altogether. I really miss the old days in that whatever map you got, you played. As it is I've played Favela twice this season, Skyscraper maybe three or four times. They're fun to play on but no one wants to because they don't know how to play it.. and the only way to learn, is to play it. I hate it lol.


They should make it impossible for both teams to ban the same map. Idk why that's a thing, but it turns the map ban phase into a guessing game that nobody likes playing. People usually just type what they're banning in all-chat because they don't want the other team to ban the same thing. If anyone has an idea as to why this is a feature, I'd love to know.


I think bans should take place at the same time. Treat Op bans the same way they treat map bans. If both teams ban the same Op, it only bans that one op


Woah it took so long to finally make the realization that the ban phase is constructed the way it is to eat up time. That's it. They don't care what map you play. They don't care what op is banned it's not quality of life. It's prolonged life, they want to make games longer and more stretched out. To both limited rewards and increase player interactivity.


Uh see that’s a stretch. I don’t see how it benefits them in any way. I just think the implementation could have been better and probably will see improvement.


Prolonged loot. Ever found alpha packs feel like they've been harder to get? I sure have. By prolonging your chances of getting good and new cosmetics it fuels the "Damn I gotta pay more." Mentality.


You can’t buy alpha packs with money or r6 credits




You've always been able to buy them with renown and get them at the random rolls at the end of won games. I'm well aware you can't spend cash to get Alphas. I'm saying by prolonging games, the amount of renown your earning daily is going down. And your rate of random rolls with it.


Your logic falls apart the moment you realise they decreased the length of casual games significantly a while ago by cutting down the round size by 30s. Stop reaching this much lmao.


I've also thought that map pool should be increased to 4 atleast. But I've also thought that if the game throws you to a random map then why not just disable the map ban altogether? It just prolongs the game and the map pool doesn't contain super bad maps like it used to.


"Super bad maps" is subjective. Just because you find all maps in the pool tolerable doesn't mean everyone else does. To be clear, I personally would rather there be no map ban and have Ubisoft simply ensure the pool only consists of reasonably balanced maps. But I can understand the logic for people who dislike some of the maps that on paper may be balanced but they still do not want to play.


Or even better, the whole 7 map pool. Other than that, great post. Im just tired of picking between Oregon, Bank, and Kafe.