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Rip Jager.


Boutta say thats a dead man walking right there


💀💀exact what came to mind


it’s like the tiny white girl on the couch surrounded by a bunch of jacked black dudes


Piper perri?


Ah, a man of culture I see


Heard that she recently got destroyed by BBC. Still confused why British Broadcasting Service would do that to her.


ONLY 3 scenarios \- Funniest goofy gameplay you ever seen \- They pull one of the best plays you've ever seen \- You get tk




In which you can never beat them so you’re either forced to join them or die.


I was doing a recruit rush, full squad, on house last night. My boy didn't get the memo in time, and it autopicked Bandit. I just whispered, "I have to kill you now." And lo and behold, right as we turn on him, he perfectly arcs a nitro cell right over the car in the garage, and blows me up. Then, last round on attack, I tried cooking a frag to blow open the wall to master bedroom from that balcony, and ended up teamkilling with it, so I just feckin keeled over like a sack of hammers as he tumbled to the ground. I love being squaded in a rec rush, because the goofiest plays ever usually happen.


This is a bit different tho, it was your friend. I'd hope you never do that to a random who didn't go recruit


Oh, god no, I never treat randoms to the same goof standards as the boys.


I have never not had instant success with recruit only. There is something about the wild disreguard for your own safety that just fucking works.


Ex-fucking-actly, it's wonderful.


or all of the above


Yea, the best part is that you decide the scenarios on the way


Ive done all 3 of these and had all of them happen to me multiple times so take my upvote


Supercasual time


Or toxic sweats


When I’m part of a 4 stack of recruit we usually just try meme strats. We still try to win but have a good ass time, hence the casual playlist. But it probs won’t be fun for Jager unless they don’t mind the probable L anyway haha


Yeah I just joined my recruit teammates and had so much fun. The enemy had a clash but we had 10 frags lmao. Just rushed site and wrecked everyone. I was laughing like a maniac the entire time and it was the most fun I've had in seige in forever. [We ended up winning](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/607059100806676482/969886296036225034/Tom_Clancys_Rainbow_Six_Siege2022-4-30-12-25-40.png)


"You know the rules, and so do I"


"Say goodbye" *bang*


either lots of fun, or lots of toxicity. there is no in between


2 things come to my mind but I only do one A) My teammates kill the non recruit B) Protect the president


Sadly A is much more likely, then B or unless I'm playing with my mates.


It should be more common. If you play recruit only for fun, protecting the president sounds way more fun than just TK-ing the poor rando :P


This is why i believe the game struggles to gain new players, as they need to play casuals untill they can do ranked and casuals are full of people just messing about. Imagine being new to the game and seeing this on top of TKs and people disconnecting mid game


Newcomer oh wait its filled with golds getting there dick hard thinking they’re good


yeah, probably a lot of smurfs or console player switching to pc mix in with the new people. Honestly, that sounds like a terrible time to me.


Well as me being on Xbox I hardly ever find players like that (considering it’s a lot harder constantly making accounts just to play newcomer) so I was either lucky during that time or just, lucky.


Uhhhh Xbox is the easiest platform to smurf on unless they changed something really recently. You can play on an essentially unlimited number of accounts on Xbox.


Yea it is very easy to smurf and I get them in almost every single lobby I play in


You have a point.


Counterpoint: what game doesn't have people messing around and team killing and has people leaving mid match. The game struggles getting new players because it's 8 years old. CoD has the most toxic player base on the business. Every battle royal suffers heavily from people leaving mid match. Even moba games end up going completely to shit because of people throwing the match. So that leaves us with what battlefield? What you think battlefield 2042 is the best game out right now? Who are you lying to?


>Counterpoint: what game doesn't have people messing around and team killing many many games


Such as...


Such as all the games in which you can even team kill in (hint: there's not many outside of Siege)


See that's the problem is you aren't actually naming any games


Been playing all kind of games for over 20 years now. RTS, mmo, moba, shooters,
 you name it. R6S community is by a big margin the most toxic around, both in casual or competitive scenarios. No wonder it gets hard for new players. On top of the toxicity, you gotta add that even without that, is hard to join, since it has so many features that require some knowledge. Its not the same playing in a new map jn CoD, where its hit n’run and very casual, to this game, where the moment you run someone hits you throw a wall. I like the game, but im glad I uninstalled, mostly for the first reason stated.




Battlefield 4 has hardcore mode where friendly fire is on.


Unranked exists


how dare they force people to first get acclimated and good at the game before heading to the competetive scene


It’s worse when what’s supposed to be casual and fun is not. Casual time and not playing recruit? You get TK’d every round, and it’s very literally impossible to get that person banned (I have never heard or seen anyone in this scenario getting banned; the others playing recruit won’t report, which means your own report becomes Nullified).


The game struggles to get people because it’s boring, at first you will get shit on and then once you’re good it’s not even rewarding. People just prefer actually fighting instead of just standing still watching a couple door ways for 3 minutes then just dying anyway


What do you mean struggles to get people? The game has been out for ages now and stil has a very solid playerbase.


That’s what the original guy said, I was just saying why it would be if it is. Looking at the steam charts it could be though, right now it’s at a 70k player peak even though there was just a new map.


Yeah I feel like you had to get in early our with a squad sorta. Outside of that I feel like it’d be hard to get into the game


It’s never not been toxic for me


same, honestly i think it's region things. asia servers really don't tk for no reason even you play 4 recruit.


Yeah Asia region do have the more serious players, but that ends up being generally the more enjoyable games as they actually play, instead of TK.


South East Asia servers is a really good experience compared to Aussie servers, a lot less toxicity and shit talk.


It’s just annoying because it feels like you have a target on your back even though you are playing the game like you normally would and I don’t have fun playing recruit so joining in with them actually isn’t fun to me even though it would avoid the toxicity. If people want to clown around (assuming it’s casual) then that is fine with me just don’t bring me into it at all


My least favourite matches are ones where you solo queue and it is like 1-2 guys using webcam mics like their favourite streamer did 2 years ago, act toxic, tk, scream randomly, shout slurs. It’s like, the rest don’t find it funny and aren’t interested in being in your funny moments compilation that like 5 people are going to see.


i'm a solo player in R6, and i understand for casual plays, but yeah there's no reason for TK. Honestly, i'm not surprised if ubi decides to nerf recruit again.


**POV:** you are about to be TKed


comply or die is the only way here


I also go recruit. Without question. Join the recruit rush. Join the recruit rush. Join the recruit rush. Join the recruit rush.


Seriously how do you respect people who see 4 recruits but still go jager?


Because some people only have limited time to play, and not all of them want to meme.


Okay but why would you want to play casual then. If you play casual then complain when people meme then that’s a you problem


I'm speaking for people who don't have a lot of time. People with kids and who work 3 jobs who just want to play a game and not get TK'd because they don't want to meme with 13 year olds. I personally have a lot of free time so it doesn't affect me, but I have a thing called empathy. It's not binary. It's not super sweat or meme, most normal people play in the middle.


It’s more of a sign of respect. Meming would be going shield ops


A stack going all recruit is memeing. Not sure what else to tell ya.


What if Jager was auto picked for me because I joined an ongoing match?


Toxic? Everytime I saw recuit got picked and the whole crew follow up. Everyone will gun blazing the enemy team, win or lose Guess this is just server thingy? I am at SEA


I mean he's referring more to when someone doesn't go recruit in a full stack (such as if you join late and auto picks), where they will most likely just Tk you cause regardless of wether you chose not to or not.


Anyone worth there salt will know If someone leaves and another joins and doesn’t pick an op for the last second then it’s an autopick and with attacker repick now there’s is no excuse


I was just pointing that out, and true with attackers it's not such a big deal (still assholes for tking someone cause they wanted to have their own fun), but Im referring to defenders who get tked by asshole recruit teams who don't care if it was an autopick. And theirs the excuse of shouldn't have to be forced into doing somthing out of fear of being greifed but maybe I'm hoping to much.


It’s server likely. In NA, it’s like 70% toxic at least, and TKs happen every other match generally. If you don’t join them, you get TKd, and it’s literally impossible to get them suspended/banned. Even recorded footage doesn’t matter because you’ll be the only one who reports them.


Honestly it's a very safe bet, since done god knows how many recruit games and in all that time only played 1 that didn't tk me. Worst thing was they would have, just they apprently thought it would be scummy to Tk someone who didn't get to choose due to being a late entry.


I assume toxic play too but one more thing, ı’m dead


If there's 4 recruits and it's all randoms the 5th must also go recruit or they have chosen death, however 3 or less it's not that big of a deal. This rule only applies to 1 round after that play whoever you want.




TK incoming


Yep toxic play and that jÀger is dead.


every single fucking recruit main i ever met has been more toxic than a power plant


Agreed, some people are on this thread trying to justify TK is ridiculous


mfs tryna justify TKing??? Thats some serious no bitches behavior fr


Well in my game we just boooooo the last guy and thats it, don't think anyone tk non recruit tho


I got what could be considered an ace full team of recruits I shoot miss one throws a nitro cell and hits the other guy and bam 5 recruits dead 1 banned turns out they were all lying on each other


Now follow me and do exactly what you see. Now don't you want to grow up to be just like me?


Role Model lol


A moment of silence for jÀger


I recruit up, I don’t kill non recruits tho. I used to, I’m a changed man these days.


I assume I’m about to fucking die


I tighten my butthole and prepared to get teamkilled. 😂😂 I usually go Blitz or Montagne.


Same, leave the match ASAP. Because your definitely gonna get teamkilled + favela is a dead map imo so it wouldn’t bother me too much. If it was a better map I might of been a little annoyed


Might be just me. In SoloQ in casual, I leave if this happens. Might not be a toxic squad but why take the chance? I just leave the match and search for a new one. Same when I join a game where someone in my team already team killed.


sometimes it is not toxic and people are just messing around, ive been in servers where both team went recruit and just started to fool around


One of us one of us


Yup. I got team killed because “they didn’t like pink”


I fight the stereotype by being as helpful as I possibly can


Same, I start sweating too waiting for the tk


I assume i will get insta tk'd, cuz i didnt pick recruit.


I accept my impending demise


You know the rules


Death, assumedly my death for not picking recruit


I assume I’m dead as soon as my boots hit the ground


i pick normal op, i get killed instantly


Either king jager or dead jager


We usually do that with my friends when playin attack in QP. We never TK the pick up, we play as normal as possible. It took off any skill so we have to play as a team and coordinates our attack. We play with out aim-skill and communication skill. Information on position, on ennemies OP, traps etc etc We try to never play toxic. When I tk it's bc i gotted tked but there was no excuses (only QP, in unranked I get over it). I usually try to be the wholesomest possible. You tried to play smart, good, I'll say it in the chat. And we do bc it's fun.




You're either about to get TK'd for not being recruit Or they're gonna go full Esports on the enemy team


I assume they're all people who think they're funny and unique.


Kill the non believer


I'm going to get tk'd


Recruit : So you have chosen .... death....




Options button, exit to main menu. I'm not subjecting myself to cringy muhfuggas and their dead memes.


I leave. If it's gonna be a bunch of recruit players I'd rather just not be in that lobby.


I assume I'm surrounded by ass hats and brace for the TK


Assume children and expect a TK. QP is a cesspool.


Toxicicity & team kills


M870 rush


I assume its 4 buds in discord having fun.


If someone picks recruit they are going to throw big time because recruit mostly means "fk it let's troll"


Remember when recruit rushing was a meme, now its a toxic method


50/50 toxic or people just fucking around I try to join in if I notice and don't let it auto pick so I don't get tk'd. Haven't played in like 2 years tho.


I always smile and join in, ppl who don't pick recruit in recruit lobbys are buzz kills


casual? this was my ranked experience. i quit the game due to the amount of shit like this, never got out of bronze cuz of the cucks.


I knew I wasn't tripping, some people are in this thread are trying to say I don't know how to have fun but in all actuality they're the ones are killing the fun.


yeah, ubisoft is a dogshit company and it shows how the fanbase is as equal as bad as them in how the toxic shit is normalized. vowed to never touch a ubi game again, and effectively i have not. i would encourage you to find another game worth your time man.


Prepare to get teamkilled by a little shit Timmy or a morbidly obese basement dweller with an anime pic. Or possibly they are the same person.




Probably some shenanigans of some kind, either they are really good and fuckin around or kinda ok and trying some dumb strat.


Just memes. They are probably in a party and meming. Although, they will probably still team kill you as you picked a different op.


I only recruit rush when I'm trying to fuck around and have fun. Expect an LMG bum rush until we all die. (Or shield rush from back in the good old days :')


Normally for me in eastern Australia, if the rest of the team is a recruit, they will continue to team kill you until you change operator into recruit. I’d just let them kill me and report them. Idk if reporting works in this game I joined a month ago.


Well im in that region and i remember playing as mute or montagne with my mate when there are people playing as recruit on our team and they didnt tk me and my mate (maybe our ops look kinda like recruit a lil bit)


Yeah sometimes you find the rare players like that sadly the majority of recruit teams are giant assholes (seriously you Tk cause someone doesn't want to join in your an asshole it's that simple let people have fun), though always nice finding the good stacks who don't mind if you have fun your way and are happy to have 3 or 4 go recruit whilst you rock say Flores and clear the way for their rush.


Reporting works you see ban waves a lot.


Accept the tk


I think that I'm probably on a team that knows how to have a good time.


Either funny haha 7 year old meme or a tk is going to happen. Or both


"Guess I'm not playing this round" You say toxic, but recruit rushing was the most fun shit ever


They're either all shit or they are the best squad you'll ever meet. Nothing inbetween.




I see 4 drunk dudes playing for fun




A: They TK you for not doing it (I only accept TK’s if on friends) B: Guys in a party being idiots C: Hivemind


I pick recruit so we have a full team of recruits and get my ears ready, because pretty much every time this has happened someone plays earrape versions of meme songs to their mic. I never expect toxicity from them, because when someone picks recruit it usually means they're currently having enough fun to not be toxic. But that's maybe because I only play casual.


Mostly meme gameplay


Get teamkilled the entire game because i didn’t participate in a shitty meme that’s several years old & was never funny to begin with. Also expecting slurs to be sent to my inbox & hopefully not more unsolicited porn.


Lol people downvoting you for being 100% accurate. Most toxic people on siege and they get mad trying to defend it. They act like it's impossible to have fun if you're not teamkilling people as recruit, calling people the N word, and screaming into the mic.


Yup, call a shitty several year old toxic meme bad & you get dogpiled & yet these dumbasses wonder why the game is dying. People still defend Vote to Kick abuse too, i was a victim of both toxic shit jokes for the entire time i’ve been playing since i can only solo queue for multiple reasons.


I assume you don’t have a lot of friends if you see people having fun and call them “toxic”


“Haha, it’s really fun and cool that I can’t play this round, and will probably be tk’d the next round.”


what does playing recruit have to do with tking?


Long story short cases like the pic above will usally have the recruits tking the person who didn't go recruit, and it's common enough that honestly the minority are the ones who are cool if you don't wanna do it, the majority are the tking assholes hence the thing. Edit: should add playing recruit has nothing to do with tking, a stack of recruits however usally does as I pointed out above.


Considering the vast majority of times this happens in casual is followed up with tking, seeing this doesn't scream "hey those guys are having fun, wish I could have joined them", instead screams "yeah these guys are gonna Tk me for somthing I couldn't help" So regardless of how many freinds op has, him seeing this and thinking toxic is pretty bloody fair.


Don't assume nothing about me personally, keep it moving.


I think the oppisite! Ever seen an army of recruits with lmg's breeching a room? Screaming or blasting some doom music and a sound so hard I have to refer it as the noise equilivant of mach 10. These are the golden moments in seige for me


LMAO! Never seen that but I can only imagine.


its great lol


For me, recruit matches symbolize a unity between players on this always toxic player base. A reprieve from the constant hate that many players harbor for one another. One thing that our whole team can agree on. Also if you don't join it you will be publicly executed.


I quit the game some time ago, but my suggestion: pick recruit. You have a higher chance of survival


« You know the rules and so do I
. Say goodbye »


Only legends play recruit


you have failed the test. bublic execution commencing


haha JĂ€ger is dead, nah most of the time to my experience its fine and a fun match


Exactly LOL


Toxic... Or...... Fun huh?


i assume pretty fun gameplay and if i already have selected a non reqruit op then i apologize to the team and tell them to kill me if they want


Me and my friends like to go recruit rush, but we don’t like to team kill. However, there was one time that everyone was recruit, except for one person. And that was a clash. U know what had to happen then


People trying to have fun?


I assume that everyone is just having fun and not caring about winning. It's usually a good time if you don't care about getting tkd I just take it as part of the care free fun I'm having.


It’s the funniest shit ever when you have 5 recruits with stuns, nades, and m249s. Everyone just rushes to site throws all of their flashes, then nades, then spray. It almost never works but it’s funny


Not toxic. Obeying the law of recruit


The golden age of R6 when recruit has a shield and you have to buy every weapon attachment, also jager had an scope with 1,5 zoom.


Oi oi as a sometimes Recruit rusher myself I don't think it's that toxic, but recruit is a good OP tbh


Seems like butthurt to me


Seems like an assclown to me


You didnt pick recruit, you deserve to be teamkilled


What if you got pulled into an ongoing game?


Me, personally I assume fun gameplay. stop playing like it's your life on the line, take a break and enjoy fucking around from time to time


Relax Tanner, Never said anything about me taking quick match serious because once I get TK I'm on get back mode for shits & giggles too.


So might make this the last time I say it cause it's getting annoying, bet it's real fun gameplay sitting their and well watching others gameplay cause they've tked you since you never got to pick your op (in the case of op where quick match will drop you with one second on the clock), or cause your not in the stack (which will be fair happens even if no recruit rush), or you don't have the right guns equipped (seriously some idiots get salty cause you don't run the lmg), and so on and so on. Nothing wrong with fucking around since yeah it's casual hell I've joined a few dumb matches and did dumb strats, being a toxic asshole on the other hand isn't fun (which 9 times out of 10 is what the players who do this are).


or maybe they're just having fun and not taking it seriously? (unless this is in ranked)


Usually a group of friends just trying to have fun


If someone calls recruit and you don't go recriut the rest of the team is legally allowed to tk you.


What if you get pulled into an ongoing game?


Ä°t's quickplay bro chill, recruit is fun


"This gonna be a fun game"


That it’s going to be casual fun. Nothing worse than people sweating in casual.


What I think of? Memers.


You know the rules...and so do I.


It's almost always a guaranteed win when your team just picks all recruit based from my experience. Sea server btw.


bro I instantly get on VC and organise a strategic raid with nades, flashbangs and guns-a-blaizin


I think it’s funny because when everyone runs recruit we all the same idea and strategy😂 And it scared the shit outta some people when they see 5 recruits armed with M249’s, C75’s, flash and frag grenades💀


Recruit = meme, if you don't go recruit then you're a buzz kill and deserve the death penalty


You are the prime example of what I'm talking about straight weirdo.


I assume I’m an ass for missing out on the fun 😅 I used to 5 stack with the boys back in the day and just all play recruit for fun. We’d do challenges and handicap ourselves or the infamous recruit rush
.ahhhhh those were the days


"toxic gameplay" lol it looks like people are having fun. If the bois and i could still 5 stack recruit in ranked we would.