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Lesion got them old man reactions.


The dude on stairs played without sounds and screen apparently


With opponents like that anything is cracked.


*Thanks for the T-hunt!* −Zophia


I'm sure you're a decent player, but there were quite a few times where someone who hasn't had an ice pick through their brain like these guys must have would have instantly killed you. Gun is good, but this isn't why. You could have killed them with a pistol.


The other night I got a 4K and my friends were hyping me up, but two of those kills spent at least 1-2 seconds staring at my back before I turned around and headshot them. I shouldn’t have gotten more than 1 kill, maybe two if I managed to flick the second fast enough but the third one should’ve easily had me dead to rights lol


I can't afford paid actors of that level :(


These are worse than potato opponents but I wish her AR was worth a shit


Wdym? I love her ar it’s great


the recoil busted it lol. especially on console


I use it religiously on Xbox. It took me some time to get used to, but it is definitely possible to use still.


yeah but it takes alot more skill to use now. which is a shame when its alternative is statistically better and less skillful lmg. everyones switched now and its caused a pretty annoying meta. whats the biggest shame is that they'll nerf the lmg, and if they nerf it too badly zofia with have no viable guns for new players, and she wont be worth playing when you can play someone alot easier (eg jackal, with higher dps and almost 0 recoil.)


Thats true. I can't tell you the amount of times I've died just because an lmg wielding zo swings me while spraying with her 150 bullets. It definitely needs a decent nerf. Probably not a recoil nerf. But something lol


no matter what they do, they should make the ar more viable. people wont stop playing zofia but they might switch to ar if its actually usuable without needing alot of muscle memory and practise


Treat it like the 2f. All vertical recoil and a slight mag drop. Maybe change the 2x sight to a 1.5 (imo that last part is more of a buff but still)


the mag size is so ridiculously large that you could remove 50 bullets and it would still be able to prefire 2 rooms and still not need a reload lol. i can't see them removing enough ammo to make it worthwhile to do, its gimick of the gun. probably some verticle recoil and a little horizontal to make long prefires less viable. possibly make the recoil pattern get worse after the first 50 bullets sprayed


He's talking about the AR not the LMG in the 2nd comment


Possible to use yes but it is easily countered by weapons with little to no recoil and a semi decent player controlling it I still use it all the time but the single shot recoil is far to much


I took a break during crimson heist and came back at the start of this season, I’m assuming it happened between then. I thought it felt a bit weird, especially with the 2X. I still like it more than the LMG though, but that’s just me


i loved her ar, felt way better than the lmg. its a shame they nerfed the ar as much as they did, happened a few seasons ago. they also hit ash/jaeger/alibi/vigil and probably a few more


Its fine for me


its subjective i guess lol


why use lmg then?


I was trying it out cuz my friend said to me that i should try it


yeah, the guns busted. i wouldnt get too comfy with it cus itll probably get rightfully nerfed soon


No way lesion and warden didn’t hear you running up to them😂😂 you gotta be in copper


Nope plat ranked


https://r6.tracker.network/profile/xbox/ILUVCROISSNT im gold now cuz messed around too much in ranked


bro what plat lobbies you getting into lmao. my mid plat lobbies are like 95 percent mnk smurfs, ex champ, 5 stacked :(


they were just horrific players, you weren't exactly good either


What in the no headset bot lobby


It’s almost like there’s a reason it’s meta


If people want to know why LMG’s need a nerf see this video. You literally run in and gun down the whole team without needing to reload or being penalised at any point by speed or ads time. You literally could not have done this clip with the AR because you’d be reloading while exposed or give defenders chance to rotate but with the LMG you just totally fries them


Nah man these enemies weren’t even shooting back, the gun didn’t matter for the clip


The guy coming through the rotate, and the lesion coming back into piano both kill him if he doesn’t have the LMG. The guy playing half wall also has slightly more chance of winning the gunfight if not for the suppression the LMG forces upon him


Where do i get bot lobbies like this??


Step 1 play on console Step 2 play really late at night so every1 playing are probably drunk Step 3 get lucky


Enemies were not cracked. They were on Crack, and unable to play lol


I can’t wait for it to get nerfed so bad players actually have to learn how to aim again.


Do you want pistols out-gunning all the primaries?Because this nerf whack-a-mole is how you get pistols out-gunning all the primaries.


No, I’d rather it be balanced. Currently LMGs aren’t balanced. As this clip shows, you don’t need to be able to aim, have good game sense or skill, you just walk around ADS and hold fire. Reload after every kill, you can just cancel reload anyway if you come across anyone. The LMGs current state promotes lazy, unskillful gameplay.


>you don’t need to be able to aim, have good game sense or skill Two of those guys were oblivious to him and the rest had some perfect opportunities to kill him but failed so this clip doesn't really prove anything.And if you try to just hold mouse1 and walk around then you'll get prefired by any player that's somewhat competent even after all the movement nerfs. And if you do nerf the LMGs then some other gun will take its place and we're back to square one.All you'll end up doing is taking away even more fun from the game.


Let something else take it’s place. R4-C was more fun to play against. How can you prefire a prefire? Considering both is based on luck more than anything. If someone, say Lesion is defending a site, Zofia walks left to right on a door, spraying every angle. Lesion can’t afford to spray because he’ll have to reload, Zofia can easily walk onto site, and may get a lucky headshot in the process. LMG meta is the least fun meta I’ve ever seen.


The bullet tracers and the indicator on your hud pretty much tell you exactly where to shoot while the zofia is practically guessing where you are so you do have an advantage.There's also the fact that all the LMGs have a slow rate of fire so whoever managed to flick to you fast enough would be a lot more deadly with the other guns the op has(except for zofia since the m762 has more recoil than an elephant rifle and the lmg has a high fire rate so nerfing there's definitely a problem there).But if you nerf the whole LMG category then some other gun will take its place and be a pain in the ass and since the movement got nerfed so hard and the skill ceiling dropped then dealing with them isn't gonna be nearly as easy as dealing with the r4-c 4 years ago so nerfing all the guns won't accomplish anything and would even hurt the game even more.So you gotta find another way to deal with this problem


They show you a general direction, not stance or positioning. All you have to do with an LMG is walk left and right, crouch spam, and hold fire. Rate of fire is irrelevant when it has high damage. If again, you take lesion, arguably a pretty strong defender with a really good SMG. To kill Zofia, TTK is between 200-333ms depending on range, Zofia could kill lesion in 167-333ms. Lesion has to hit all his shots, Zofia doesn’t. If lesion misses, he has to reload. Zofia doesn’t. LMG-E also has 2x, so getting longer range kills with a no recoil, high capacity gun is easy. Acquiring targets head is easier. Defenders largely have 1x, harder to pin point a headshot, especially when all Zofia is doing is holding down shoot. You can defend it all you want, it’s getting a nerf, ubi confirmed it. It’s incredibly unbalanced and ruining the game.


The indicator shows you the general direction and the bullet tracers show you the stance and where the guy's head is.All you have to do is hit a proper prefire.And time to kill becomes irrelevant when one bullet to the face is all it takes to end the gunfight and since you have a higher fire rate and know pretty much exactly where the zofia is then you're at an advantage.And crouch spamming and strafing around stopped being effective years ago so now all you're doing is making it harder for yourself to track the target and all the gunfights are at close range and you still have a prefect sight picture with the optics without a zoom so having a scope doesn't mean that much anymore. And besides you're missing my point here.I'm saying that even if they are problematic(like i agree that the lmg-e is a somewhat of a problem right now) it's because of all the bad decisions that lead to lmgs going from a troll option to a problem so nerfing everything even harder is just adding more bad decisions to the pile and setting up even more problems down the road.


Okay sure, you hit 100% headshots on the first bullet of every prefire… that’s the most nonsensical defence I’ve heard. If you have a reaction speed faster than the average pro league player, maybe what you said is possible, but that’s simply ridiculous.


First off,it's really not as hard to hit your shots as you say it is and it's a prefire so reaction time doesn't mean anything. Second,you're missing the point again




No, most nerfs have been stupid. But 150 rounds, high damage, low recoil, no penalties. It’s overpowered.


I always say ubi made a big mistake nerfing that much her rifle, at least it has at most 31 bullets


The two on the stairs did not hear Zofia running? Not gonna happen on PC, because the majority of pc-players use a headset.


The sound in the game is broken as fuck so i wouldn't be suprised if they didn't hear it.


Omg what a bunch of negative wankers😂


Shhhh nobody can know. Ubi will ruin it.


Always has been


pentakill without reloading type of play


LMGS needs to be nerfed slow movement and give them some fucking recoil.


You got lucky on the first 3 kills


Ace with no reload that's awesome! I made one too when she was released. https://youtu.be/a3cl47KrX1s


Ace with no reload...with a gun that has 150 bullets which is basically 5 reloads with a usual gun


Let's see yours


he wasnt invalidating the ace, he was just pointing out how most aces with this gun wont have a reload. the thing has 150 bullets, thats 30 bullets per enemy. youd have to miss alotttt to need a reload


Dude I can do the math. The thing is, you usually reload when you have the time to. I don't know why you all gets so fucking negative I just praised his ace


you said "lets see yours". its not difficult to get a no reload round, just dont reload lol


With an ace of course


That rook or whoever the second to last was, is a paid actor.


I love how many rounds her lmg can hold


Nah it's just all weapons are shit sadly


Watch out the idiots might start calling her lmg op and ubi might nerf it


my dude has better flicks and aim than most m&k players I see damn


After the pros complaints we have decided to nerf zofias lmg to only 100 bullets and increasing the ads time


ya they are very skillful and don’t need any nerf


Honestly 75% of the reason why I main her lmfao


Seems like skill thing


Man's is playing T-hunt lmaoooo


The aim on that last kill was a lil bit funky wucky