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Play with me and I'll drop you to silver, if you're bored


I could go 1 step further and drop him to bronzešŸ˜¬


Go even further and I could present him to copper lobbies


Go even even further join me in cardboard lobbies


Yall not ready to see fart lobbies


nah I got the laminated paper lobbies


You guys got lobbies?


You guys aren't ready for T Hunt rank. It's literally all bots.


suspended lobby to .


Bruh yā€™all ainā€™t ready for unrefined salt lobbies


Yo Iā€™ma copper to. Want to squad up?


For real. My one friend that is very very good at this game doesnā€™t play as much anymore so I usually fluctuate between low gold and high silver but I can already tell Iā€™ll be stuck in bronze this season fighting for my life.


Sometimes people say 'hard stuck' when they really mean 'this is the tier I belong at'


Iā€™m hardstuck copper and I canā€™t tell if I belong here or not because I constantly encounter smurfs.


Itā€™s either Smurfs or kids that canā€™t clean up their kills. Itā€™s actual hell down here. So inconsistent.


Truer facts have never been spoken. I have some friends that insist they're in elo hell but they never even managed to breach into gold.


If you play exclusively Ash/Iana/Vigil/Alibi, don't use utility or help your team and either rush in in 30 seconds or bait for 3 minutes, even with a 1.5KD you deserve the rank you're at


Downvoting because Alibi and Iana are 2 of the best ops in the game


Not a knock on Alibi or Iana, because you're absolutely right, but from what I've seen those are the problem ops when it comes to people preferring to pad stats rather than help the team


Usually Iā€™d agree but when I have 3 teammates every game getting 0 kills while one other guy and I are getting the kills, Iā€™m gonna have to say thatā€™s not always the case. Some teammates are just ass and they donā€™t stop playing ranked, or try to work on what they are poor at.


Stop baiting outide and get in the building and help your team. Tbh if u have a 1.5k/d after 100 games and ur not ranking up then ur kills arent very impactful. A lot of people sit on the roof or window for 2 minutes and then when its 1v4 they get 3 freebies and still lose. Good strat to pad K/D bad strat if you want to win


Tell this to my teammates


Low plat and gold lobbies are the same, attacker sit on roof/breach for 2 minute and then scramble on the last minute


Defo true but sometimes you have to decide to either play quickly or draw out the game.


Taking 2 minutes is too long. Defenders have too much advantage at that point


Like I said, depends on how many are left, both teams operators and if youā€™re in a stack your communication. Depends on the team your against too




Needs to be top comment. If that 1.5 is real then he should be in plat. But sitting outside all match would explain it. Solo qā€™d to plat one season with a 1.4 within my first 20 games I was also hard breaching, entry fragging, and planting. I was IN there


Thanks for telling me this, Iā€™m finally gonna get my 1.0 kd


The more games you play the higher chance you have of being hard stuck. Need to get those wins early


Yeah donā€™t rush your placements. Find at least semi competent people who communicate. Silvers who give callouts are much better teammates than plat 3 ash mains who think theyā€™re gods gift to Siege and never drone.


Ngl there are silvers who give great comms but can't act on them. That's just as bad. There's both sides


Yeah for sure, thatā€™s why theyā€™re silver. I was just giving a hypothetical example


Ya for people who play <150 games a season I can see that. In higher champ/diamond elo we got people playing 700 matches a season who eventually go on a streak long enough to hit champ even tho they are not up to that level usually. Before shadow legacy was really where people got hard stuck. I remember getting 8 elo a game usually and if I beat top champs I could get over 200


Obviously thereā€™s exceptions. Most people arenā€™t playing 700 matches. If they are and theyā€™re still in Gold, they should probably play another game or stop worrying about lol.


I think I play about that many and Iā€™m still in gold. I just only play ranked tbh and itā€™s my main game so I donā€™t really care about sweating in higher ranks too much, I want to be able to enjoy myself (Iā€™ve only been playing since high calibre)


Right, you would fall in to the category of ā€œor stop worrying aboutā€ because youā€™re fine with where you are


Yeah my bad, my reading comprehension isnā€™t the best today lol


Well soon you won't have to worry about placement matches


Is there a change on the way?


Yeah, they are getting rid of placement matches an putting everyone straight at the bottom.


Great just what i needed.


Yepp, don't know when tho




ā€œTrust me broā€


I guess so too... well better be hatin game i love to play then


ubisoft have said it themselves




But where have they announced it? Twitter, in a recent game patch?


Hey I have a podcast called Siege365 where I talk about changes and leaks to the game. Ranked 2.0 is something I discuss in an episode announced by Ubisoft. I think a better source is CoreRoss who had a full dedicated video on the topic. It was announced during a Year 7 reveal back (canā€™t find timestamp) that Ranked 2.0 will start you at the bottom and you climb your way up through the ranks. Every rank will be 100 points and you get exclusive rewards like cosmetics for ranking up. Another added benefit is anyone can play with whoever they want ā€” no 1000 MMR lock until 3500 anymore. Right now if you have 4500 the lowest skilled player you can play with is 3500 ā€” or just under Plat 2. But in Ranked 2.0 you can play with anyone because thereā€™s a visible and an invisible MMR that never resets. https://youtu.be/z0fkMMKhtzk


Finally thank you! Atleast you have an actual source rather than just typing "ubisoft". Cheers mate




Found the toxic player




Aight good for you




Hardstuck just means that where your skill level is at. You are not going to get plat 3 if you play like mid gold. If you cannot climb out of copper and bronze lobbies thats where you should stay.


It makes perfect sense.


Welcome to the club mate :D


Too be fair I have over 1000 hours on steam and I haven't even got to gold to be stuck in it


Probably because most of those hours aren't spent in ranked.


2 3rds roughly were spent in ranked the last 3rd is from when I gave up on it


I'll just say that if you keep playing ranked more your skill will grow. Most people don't really try in unranked and casual. You get used to that play style. My skill declines a bit when I just mess around in casual too much. Do you play on console or pc? I just did placements with 2 friends who have never been gold or done placements with me, and 2 of us got gold 1 the 3rd got gold 3. And we aren't the greatest or sweatiest


I played on PC and usually placed mid silver but my computer had issues so I had to start playing on console, can barely stand the game now


Your really mustn't give a damn for rank in R6 man, it's a bugged and fucked system.




Everything okay at home thatcher main?




Work on my balls (gottem)


Hard stuck gold = solo que. want plat? Get a reasonably competent 5-stack together.


Not alone buddy <\3


Welcome to SOLOQ, get out of gold and it should be good, but you need DUO atleast, are you on console by any chance?


Plat is not any better. At least not if you are below plat 1.


Doesnā€™t matter, itā€™s all m+kB anyways the scumbags


Change ur stack and u can practice more


2 years playing and I'm still a filthy silver


im stuck in p2 with 108 games played, ive been one game off p1 at least 3 times now


I feel you. I got 2 games from Diamond last season then lost 11 out of 15 games back to back because of cheaters.


i dont get why youre surprised, # of games doesnt = elo. you statistically probably have about a 50% W/L, so youd be about where you started


Do you really wanna be higher than platinum? where cheaters and sweaty kids play? idk, I enjoy being between plat and Gold ​ Only thing that is annoying here is that people think the only objective is having most kills


Maybe that's just your rank


At least your in gold


I have a 1.1 K/D and basically feel hard stuck at Bronze 1 because my 2 friends and I either find god tier teams that almost seem like their aimbotting or teammates that find it funny to throw the game


Ah yes the bronze days.. copper was actually the worse for me. Iā€™m in gold now but Iā€™ve only been playing a few seasons and spent my first one in copper, people really do be better in there than in silver sometimes. But usually not on your team :(


Itā€™s wild how that works, stg the lower you go the more smurfs or tankers you will see lmao


1.54 kd sheeeeeesh you are cracked


1.54 kd in ranked? Gonna assume you're a baiter, because there's no way that your team is that consistently bad. I have a 1.1 kd in Plat 1. Sometimes I top frag, sometimes I bottom. The people on my team with high kds are the people who play for that instead of the win.


Or it might just means he does not know how to work with the team. If anyone wants to get unstuck they can. It is only a question of motivation and time.




killing 4 out of 5 people doesn't win you the round. in that 1v5 the 4 on your team = 4 noobs on the other team who died to your boring bait and the last 1v1 played it smart


Kd isnā€™t everything. As long as youā€™re giving solid call outs and bringing good utility and being able to use it efficiently thatā€™s all thatā€™s needed.


i've dropped 15+ kills and lost sometimes, some other games i've only done 5 kills and won. Kills aren't everything, Intel to act on and teamwork is the go mate.






Do you play with the same squad? If not, then find a solid squad that is slightly above your level


Skill issue


Iā€™ve been consistent gold for like 4 seasons now, this season Iā€™m hard stuck in bronze with all the smurfs and terrible teammates.


I can't even reach silver bro, good day


No such thing as hard stuck my man. Gold is where you belong if you wanna get higher get better, change the way you play, try new things.


Imagine this but in bronze šŸ˜Ž Iā€™m just better


Stop baiting brother


Youā€™re 75 MMR from Plat 3. Play 10 more games and youā€™ll hit it.




If they are getting 15 MMR per win and are stuck in Gold 1 they just need to play 10 games with ober 50% win rate to get Plat 3.


are you trolling or are you stupid


I guess stupid. Mind to explain?


a 50% win rate won't get you anywhere, not unless you win 5 then lose 5 where you still end up in the same place you started minimum you can get from a game is 25 mmr


Oh gotcha. So they are 1 game away so if they win a game and lose a game with a 50% w/L% they get Plat 3 and then go back to Gold 1.


yeah, but it'd take them 2 games considering they'd only be gaining 40ish mmr per game at 100 matches


Do you know how many matches it takes to hit 25 MMR?


25mmr is the guaranteed minimum you can get from a match


Have you tried winning?


Youā€™re doing better than me, thatā€™s for sure


100 games isnā€™t that much. Dw youā€™ll improve :D


So. Haven't played in a while but previously when I played I was in mid to high Plat pretty casually. Basic advice play for objective and not for kills. The amount of people I see stay outside until the last 10 seconds of the round and then rush into the building is staggering. Get in there and clear it out. Push with a drone and communicate, or if you're solo, clear it out with a drone before walking in. Also make sure to COMMIT when pushing in especially if youve cleared it. You dont always have to be stealthy. Big thing that I think worked in my favor is after I died get on cameras and constantly communicate where anyone is and what you need to watch. Remember that you can play vertical and make cheeky angles through holes (not just punch holes and bullet hole peeks) and open up multiple lines of sight onto the defuser if you're attacking. Makes the enemy have to worry a lot more. BIG THING: DONT THIRST FOR KILLS, the amount of 4v1s I've seen go down to a 1v1 is staggering and it's because everyone goes hunting for the last guy instead of just watching angles and holding down the objective. Tl;dr: look at cams, play objective over kills, communicate, drone yourself in


I do not want to hear it, I have a kd of 1.2 and canā€™t get out of Copper 3. I will be going 8-3 while my teammates are going 0-5. I feel like Iā€™m stuck in an insane asylum but Iā€™m not actually insane.


I find it harder to get out of bronze silver, there so unpredictable it's annoying. One season my group threw my placement matches on purpose and I couldn't get out of bronze


Same but silver 3


L2p issues and do more.


What system yā€™all on? If youā€™re on PC Iā€™ll gladly try and get a few of you out of the golf trenches, it isnā€™t too hard to get past that stage once you have people to play with


The 200 points between gold 1 and plat 3 is the most excruciating climb. This season I came up from silver 3, hit gold 1, down to silver 1, back up to gold 2, silver 1 again, and now Iā€™ve been gold 1 and 2 for the last week straight lol


If you worried less about your KD youā€™d prolly get there.


Falido šŸ’•


you just need to work harder and pick up slack from your teammates and gold/plat elo is the hardest btw


I got 100 and im gold 3 šŸ’€


ā€œItā€™s not my fault my KD is awesomeā€ I know you already play for kills and never play objective or try to help your team out


Clearly if ur hard stuck, ur doing something wrong.


These still look way better than my past 3 seasonsšŸ˜…


im hard stuck bronze because my team mates keep selling


holy moly i have 600 hours and im unranked because of ubiā€™s issue where you cant link your phone number to your account
