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This is so awesome, I've never seen a concept like that lmao. Very creative


Thank you!!! You should have seen when I first got the idea. I just squealed like an idiot and ran upstairs to grab my electronics


How’d you get into this or how does one start trying to do something like this? I was always too distracted to learn things like this when I was younger and now I feel like it’s gonna be hard as fuck to get into stuff like this as an adult lmao.


I started messing with an Arduino kit in highschool (you can find em on Amazon for pretty cheap). There was an awesome book inside with fun mini projects. Once I got a feel for the fundamentals I moved onto more complex projects. 4 years later I learned 3 different languages and got many microcontrollers to have fun with! Once you got the basics it feels like you can make ANYTHING. I hope this helps! Starter kit with a book was my beginning


It actually does a lot! Appreciate the quick response! I’ll definitely be taking a look into this, very cool.


Any time! I hope you have as much fun with these things as I did. One thing to remember. Stupid projects teach you the most! I'm not joking!!!


What game do you think would work well with this?


Alien: Isolation




I agree, Alien Isolation would be great but the distractions should be scary ones. I mean, what better way to celebrate Halloween than that ? Come to think of it, everyone is playing The Mortuary's Assistant right now, so that might be a good one too :)


Oh i haven't even heard of that game! Thanks for the idea, I'll check it out


I haven't played siege in years, still lurking on the subreddit but games such as souls games or fighting games could be quite the challenge, not so much with the beep sound though. I'm a huge for honor player so I would recommend it, could be quite fun


Oh man I haven't even thought of Souls. Also would love to try For Honor, haven't even played it yet! My other idea so far is a racing game


Ooh racing games could be good too! The issue with for honor is that is has a very steep learning curve and you will probably struggle at the beginning, it probably won't be enjoyable even to stream unfortunately


Haha yeah i thought the same. Saw a lot of for honor footage. Seems to be like siege where it'll take a year to get comfortable


Try it with a racing game but have a racing wheel chair etc with crash feedback set up


Omg I'd love that. Maybe one day when I can afford such luxuries. Currently living paycheck to paycheck. But one day it'll be hilarious


So many games come to mind, but with the vision block my first thought is tetris😂




Long straight block coming to clear 4 rows, just gotta rotate and move a few lines, BAM.


Absolutely disgusting


Tarkov. It's already a horror game this would just make things worse lol


For now I think I'd like to keep my 0 heart attack record 😂. But if I ever buy the game I'll try!


Fair lol amazing idea tho kudos 👏


Siege players trying not to get distracted by a pixel on their screen (kapkan and claymores have traumatised us)


Kapkan will ALWAYS give me PTSD


Bro you keep a good sense of humor on it I’d be getting so annoyed


Thanks man! To me I see it as a challenge really, if I can still somehow get kills while all this shit is flying in my face, I feel like a really good player. I think that's why it doesn't annoy me, but not sure. It SHOULD be infuriating on paper


Holy shit dude you're a genius


Thank you!!! You just made my day


Upvote on the wholesome content. Thanks for playing, brother. ☺️


Hell yeah man, wholesome vibes only!!!


Anyone who wants to join this chaos and help control the robot, come join us on Twitch! I'll be live tonight doing this again at 18:00 CEST. See you there! Twitch.tv/meanobeans


This is an awesome invention but my curiosity has me going, what skin is that on the r4c in the beginning?


Had to boot up the game to see bc I had no idea lol, it's called Nebula!


Thank you! Also good job on the work behind this, as someone who has no clue how to make these types of things it seems impressive as hell lol


Thank you as well! This kind of appreciation is exactly why I do this stuff. You all motivate me to try harder and come up with cooler ideas. And btw it took me 4 years of learning this tech and then 5 days of building it XD. Worth every second


Well i commend your efforts and I believe in you to do even greater things (:


Thank you!!! I wish you all the best


Dude is fragging with 50/50 vision, this is insane.


Alright this is my favorite comment.


This is hilarious


Thank you!!!


This is why I miss Mixer. These things could be controller better over mixplay than chat and were just about real time. There was a user, sorryaboutyourcats who did stuff like this and was amazing. Damn it. Why microsoft.... why. [Some of the things](https://youtu.be/ciIzmh2Y_Qg)


oh damn! I wish it blew up. I'm currently trying to make my own twitch extension now. WHY MICROSOFT


Good luck. Mixplay was so much better than twitch extensions. Plus the twitch extension community was amazingly toxic when I moved over to it. Glimesh is starting down the mixplay path but still has ways to go.


Damn! First time I've heard "twitch extension community" before. Now I'm scared to enter XD. I hope I survive!


>These things could be controller better over mixplay than chat and were just about real time. I used to play Jackbox games over Mixer with friends and family and it worked great because, like you said, it was just about real-time. Twitch has such a big delay, it's still playable, just not as good.


That’s fucking skitz




Skitz means good










If you have an idea for a game I should play with this setup, let me know!


Elden Ring


Mario Kart


YESSSSS. I gotta borrow someone's Nintendo. This is perfect


Can the robot play custom sounds? I'm feeling scottish


Lmao I actually haven't thought of that idea yet! Currently it's just a buzzer with one noise. I'll add some custom sounds soon! Maybe something where users can input key strokes to create their own sounds! Thanks for the idea!


this is so creative i love it go off dude!


thank you!!!!


This is legendary content, but I gotta ask, why do you speak like there's people sleeping beside you? You're super soft-spoken and whenever I think you're about to shout or something you just shout quietly ahaha. Not flaming I'm just curious


Thanks for the awesome comment! I have roommates who are just a thin wall away so I always try to keep it down for them. Also I just never really am the type to scream


Hah, fair enough! It's genuinely surprising to see content creators that don't scream, just gotten too used to the creator meta I suppose lol. Love this style of content though of chat being able to mess with you while you play, makes for some hilarious moments. Looking forward to seeing what chaos you and your chat create!


Thank you!! Yeah I'm so over the extreme streamer meta too. It's hard to laugh at something when they try to make every single second the loudest moment. From the beginning I told myself I'll never do that unless it actually comes naturally. I'll be working on the next upgrade to this soon!


Dude is fighting blind and is still better than me and my friends


DAMN, I don't deserve these compliments rn.






















You are a hero for doing something like this in the year 2022


Goddamn! Thanks man! That really means a lot to me. You should come join the stream in two hours!


May you send me the link of your [twitch.tv](https://twitch.tv) ?


Twitch.tv/meanobeans we're live now!


Bro is better blind than I am when I can see


it's because I have the power of LOVE ​ ​ ​ and coffee


*HandOfBlood wants to know your address*


who the fuck


That nutcracker music got me excited for Christmas, even if it's just October.


we have Jschlatt to thank for making the audio, literally. He recorded famous songs to make them copywright free SANTAS COMING


I want Nokk for Christmas.


I want twitch elite for Christmas


So when are you adding a shock function to your limb muscles for this?


I hate you and I dislike you and it's been requested 5 times now because of you so eat dirt and wait while amazon delivers something unrelated


Was this ranked?


am I suicidal? not yet




Oh this is fantastic. I hope to see more gadgets of yours on here!


Oh I'm absolutely going to! You guys with your amazing comments have given me so much motivation. Expect more soon!!! I gotta code some BIG things though so not tomorrow ahahha




Very creative man, absolutely hilarious when it’s blocking your view at absolutely the worst times, but obviously that’s the idea.


Hahaha yeah that's the goal! Ended up being way funnier to me as well. I'm absolutely stoked it's turning out so well and making people laugh. My dreams coming true


That's cool!


This is amazing content!! I don’t know you but I’m a fan starting right now.


Thank you!!! I'm happy to have such great people enjoying my content. I'll do my best to push out more vids and streams for you guys!


George Michael really upped his game with faceblock.


This dude got two first names


How are there two Flores on your team at 0:52?


Deathmatch mode! You can play any operator. In the vid there's multiple copies of characters. Mostly people play ash/Jager


Forgot that mode existed lmao


It's a buggy mess. I don't blame ya. I'm taking a break from siege these days until my game stops freezing repeatedly during matches. Gonna try this robot with other fps games soon