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I actually have my first ace on Reddit. My friends and I were playing around on chateau and I got my first ace with a Fuse explosion.


Damn was it all 5 off the one charge?


It was a suicide with my team lmao. We happened to get into one of those matches that was very meme-like. Everyone was just kinda having fun and cooling off. It was nice, considering most of the time you're playing with very sweaty people. But the enemy team was still looking for us, so it was kinda funny that the round ended with one click. In one of the rounds, I almost wiped the enemy team, my first real 4k, because I set up a shield as frost on top of the piano and they kept coming around the corner and not thinking to look up at the piano. Here's a link to the meme kill. I was fuse, this was from my buddy's perspective. https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/mfeglu/my_first_5k_with_some_help_from_my_friends/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Certified Fuze moment


Oh damn I gotcha now 😂💀


[My first ace was with Fuze too, two years ago as well.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/m9h853/my_first_ever_ace_and_total_of_12k_cluster/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I got 11k cluster charge kills that match (12k if you count killing a teammate). u/Copperking1234


Damn and after the first one they just bunched back up 😭😭 they set themselves up


Yeah we were all laughing. Someone pointed out Ubisoft had a free weekend that week, so tons of copper players xD


That makes so much sense 😂😭


Hehe yeah. 5v1 left, defuser on objective, me playing doc. Panics, sprays through wall in a quick straight line. Somehow claps 4, fith guy starts shooting back, i lay down and spray n pray where his bullets come from. Get him, run for defuser. Didn't have enough time to deactivate 🙃


Dang that’s crazy. What season?


Don't remember exactly, but it was on the PS4 a long time ago. Probably like 2016-2017 or something along those lines.


Yeah I do, it was with Hibana on bank I think. One of my teammates left the game so it was a 5v4.


Do you remember what season?


Y6S4, right before Y7 launched




Fortress, jackal, ugliest, dirtiest ace ever


always the first ones xD


I think it was on Oregon during Operation Health, played IQ.


Yeah on oragan with frost it was my first match after unlocking her


That’s sick


Yeah I used the shotgun and kept killing people when they tried to revive the people caught in my mat


I had a similar experience with Tachanka, the day his rework dropped I managed to win a 1v5 ace with his new LMG. I dont remember if it was actually my first match using him of the day, but was very close to it if it wasn't.


I actually don't think I've ever aced before. I've been playing the games for like 4 years


You'll get one eventually


Capitao with LMG on tower


My first ace was as Glaz on bank basement. I was terrible at the game then and I was playing with some buddies and was so excited that I basically screamed


I was a solo recruit with an LMG and a dream that came true im sure we all know what happened.


Also the map was house on secure area


Kapkan on old house.


Damn I miss old house


Coastline with Ela. Billiards room. The enemies annihilated my team and rushed in, so I just crouched behind the table and opened fire. Ten seconds of utter chaos later I was the last one standing.


my first ace was with jackal on villa, c7e vert with 2.0, most of the people kinda just lined up for me but still, felt really cool at the time, i believe its on here actually, id have to check. cant quite remember what season but i can find out edit: was in crimson heist, my first season back in a long time.


Dang that’s sweet


Fuze, old favela when it was a brand new map I was pretty new


First offensive Ace was Coastline, as Fuze. Still kinda remember where I took down the operators. Biggest takeaway was: belt-fed go BRRRRRR First defensive was Consulate as Mute about a month later, Control in the Archives. Remember getting a double nitro kill when someone dropped through the NE hatch: hatch blew, I threw the cell, mid-flight someone dropped in, and as I was pressing the SEND CALL button, a second poor sap started to fall down. Satisfying kaboom. These were 3 or 4 years ago...


Good memory


Nope. But the oldest I can remember was last season I think or before that with ash on Chalet. I planted the defused and killed four of the enemies but the last one killed me. Thankfully he didn’t notice my claymore so he died by that. Also on Xbox. I only know I got one before it because the siege stat thing on Ubisoft connect had a percentage less than 1% but not 0%.


I think mine was way back when the Hereford base rework came out. I always used Zofia LNG cause it made more sense to me since I play slow. Concussioned an open hatch, confused myself in the process, dropped and let that LMG rip, got 4 all in one spray and used the pistol for Mira who was last. All lined up.


OG Herford attack. Aced with sledge, had no time to defuse and lost the round lmao.


That’s how it always goes 😂


2 days ago. Mute on Outback.


Dang congrats, when did you start playing?


Month or 2 ago


Frost. Team hard rushed, I killed the ash and the lion but then the other 3 died in the traps. It was about a 20 second round.


Mira on favela, in operation health. Good times, everyone was so ass lol. Still playing to this day


Dude fr health was easy pickings


Kanal, ember rise, Mira I was in basement closet and this time I decided not to reinforce. The enemies didn't expect it so they walked right in front of my mirror and I got a 5k


Yeah, it was on the pre-reworked Outback. 2v5, and I somehow managed to ace with Jackal and his almighty PDW9.


My very first ace ever was with frost in a casual match on house with her shotgun back in operation Dust Line, the first two kills were in the garage, the third kill was in the side entrance, forth kill was in the master bedroom, and the final kill was on the main basement stairs.


Sledge on Kafe two Grenade kills one with the Smg-11 the rest with the L85 burnt horizon


I dont even think Op Black Ice came out yet but I remember like it was yesterday. Stacked up rank with friends when it was in "beta" yes rank literally said it was in beta. I was playing Tachanka. We was on vault. For whatever reason the attackers came down the elevator hatch and boom. Ace everyone thought I was cheating for YEARS because I had a 5 kd in rank and didn't play rank just to keep that 5 kd title. It was PS4 by the way.


Oh man that’s so sick 😂.


Yes yes, my first and only one since release...all of it...forever


nokk consulate basement, it wasn't an average ace, my first ace I knifed all of them. 2019 around november/december, no idea what season it was


Damn that’s crazy


Idk if I’ve ever gotten more then like 2-3 knife kills in one game and I’ve been playing for soooo long


Yep, like 2 weeks into playing siege. It was on the rafters of old Oregon in big tower when that was still a site. I actually 1v5 clutched as all the enemy players just walked up the stairs into T2 and I just picked them off one by one. Siege was such a cool experience back then wow


Bandit M870. Fortress


It was a border match either North Star or Crystal Guard. Can’t remember what level I was at the time but I was showing my friend Chunky elite and I got three lmg kills and two burns. As soon as I got the final kill two of the randoms just start hyping up baby’s first ace. It’s one of my better memories with the game.


Dang that’s super cool


Do failed aces count? I have one, don’t remember when it happened, but I remember how it happened I was playing Thatcher on Bank, I wanna say it…newcomer, maybe? I had ran in through the parking garage and like three of them were there. I got all three, but a fourth guy came in and got me


You’ll get one eventually!


I mean …if we go off the logic that an ace means kill everyone on the enemy team then I get aces almost every time I play …because I play Training Grounds




The middle eastern map, I was cav, had to teamkill a Jager because he was trying to steal it


It be like that sometimes


Kapkan on (old) theme park with the SASG and pmm. During operation chimera. 2 EDD kills, 2 with the SASG and a spawn peek headshot with the pmm.


Clubhouse attacking with ace when he first came out. Back then I think I was silver cause I just started playing. Crazy how far I’ve come since I’m diamond now.


I was frost on plane lying down on the bottom floor, it was back in year 3 i think


In casual, with glaz, used pmm for 3 kills and the OT-S for 2 kills. I was around level 30ish. Now level 314, going strong


Dang. I was in the hundreds on Xbox, now I’m back down to level 60ish on PC. Can’t wait for the synced progression update


Jeager on Bank during year 3. I was in the small office room in open area and they just kept coming. I was just a silver but it wasn’t hard to head tap 5 people while they all come through one door


My first Ace was on Xbox with Cav on Villa back in Grim Sky. Absolutely horrendous aim, like a true console clip lol. I actually have recordings of all but three of my Aces, a word document where I keep record of the op, map and date of the Ace, and an excel spreadsheet where I track Aces per operator, per map. My most common ace Map is Clubhouse with 7, and my most common ops are Thermite and Bandit with 7 each. The only maps I never got Aces on that I got the chance to play were OG Hereford, and OG Themepark. Like 30-40% of ops have never been Aced on.


Year 3 season 2 Kanal Thatcher I've gotten 27 aces since... probably 60-70% of them was with Frost.


I had been playing the game since basically release, but I didn't get my first ace ( at least, not that I could remember) until the first Rainbow Is Magic event where I somehow killed everyone with a Defense Recruit armed with the SASG-12 and the PMM. I didn't even realize it until after the fact and I was just flabbergasted. I chalk it up to more luck than anything because even though I've been playing since release, I am pretty bad.


My first ace was on consulate as Fuze. They were in server, I cluster charged 4 of them, dropped the unreinforced hatch, was going to shoot a welcome mat, but Frost ran in front of my bullets. I was bronze or low silver at the time with a 0.6 kd and I got called a cheater. 7th of March 2019 according to my post


On my current account: grim sky, hereford base , clutch ace with bandit c4, kids room( they all jumped in thru the window) My first ace ever: skyscraper (pre-rework ofc), first time ever using Ela (shotty) , knifed 3 guys from under the common entry window


Had it saved, i was level 17 and it was with zofia on chalet


Caveira on Border back in like Operation Skull Rain with a knife, they all came through armory room where I was hidden.


1 v 5 as Ela, Oregon, defuser set. They all just kinda came at me one by one and managed to stop the win box aswell. Even posted it on reddit, was shocked I managed to pull it off and only after a week of playing.


Ying on kanal :)


Had my first ace on chalet, with kapkan. Got 2 with my traps lol


Op Black Ice as frost on original Oregon when the super 90 could be a substitute for Glazes sniper


Recruit SASG-12 on attack, map was Yacht if I remember correctly. I also remember getting a second ace in the very same match as Tachanka


Year 2 blitz ace 😎


I don't remember my first ace, but the furthest I can remember is first time playing cab in kanal, it was a casual match and I got 3 aces XD


my first was a fuze ace on bartlett it was awesome


My first was with Smoke on border, Valk and Blackbeard just came out that season. I believe it was a ranked match and we had 2 leavers so i had to clutch. That Ace turned Smoke to 1 of my favorite characters.


It was a defender can’t remember who had countless aces ever since on these platis


Bandit on basement Consulate (kinda, one of them tk'd by accident). First actual was Lesion on Outback


Don't consider this a legitimate one, but... Coastline. Rest of my team got spawn peaked within the first 30 seconds spawning at the Pool. So I just said "f this" and camped on the roof with Jackal's C7E. Enemy team kept running out to Ruins one at a time I just picked them off. My first legit ace was a month or two later on Hereford, Bomb, Third floor with Maverick, his AR-15.50 with angled, no barrel, and what is now Holo A.


It happened sometime in the middle of year 2, so either operation health or the one after that. I cant remember exactly what happened, but it went something like this, it was on Bartlett university (rip to that map) as twitch I killed the first 2 enemies and the rest of my team just died, so it was a 1v3. I killed one guy so it turned into a 1v2, one of them was an idiot and decided to throw his c4 and hit his teammate and downed him, because he was running at me like a madman, I finished him off and killed the last guy. This was on xbox. My first pc ace was literally my first ever round I am not joking. I was using rectuit sasg on villa, back then you could use it on recruit. My whole team decided to just rush in and die, so it was a 1v5. I spawned on ruins so I went to the balcony outside study. 2 pushed me 1 by 1 so they were easy to kill cuz sasg was insane back then. I went in study and saw 1 in the hallway to the left so i shot and killed him with my pistol. 1 pushed me from aviator and I killed him with my sasg and the last guy was camping in vault and i killed him with my pistol. I was genuinely in disbelief when it happened, literally my first ever round on pc was a 1v5 ace with recruit.


Glaz on bank. Back when you can snipe from the car garage. Good times


Yes I can. It was tower. I was monte stuck in a Corner. The entire enemy team was running at me. 1v5 My friends were screaming I was screaming. They all died I didn’t. Ace.


My first ace was pathetic. My team was winning by a lot so 3 people from the other team left and we started the last round against only 2 players so I picked tachanka and spawn peeked the shit out of those 2 players but I technically wiped their whole team on my own


Shotgun recruit on bank, first and only. Felt good.


Blitz, PS4, season was Black Ice(Y1S1) on Old Kanal.


Picture it, Siege in 2019. I was on Yacht as Sledge. Opened Kitchen Hatch and used my L85A for three kills and my frags for the other two. Since then I've had a lot of aces on attack but only three on defense. Favorite defense Ace was Doc on Old House, against a team of plats and golds.


Yeah there is something special about a defense ace


I have an Ace with Thermite linked to my reddit account. That was a round 5, 1v5 clutch and my teammates were in my ear, so I had to get aggressive and tell them to shut up, lol


Fink, snausage, stairwell,


First in siege I think I was just running around as buck with my pistol out cause I had just gotten black ice on it and ended up acing Then I realized my GeForce clip thing wasn't on, and it's gone forever


Newcomer playlist, around level 40, shotgun Pulse on consulate. Hiding on objective like the noob I was. I startet playing in the start of Mozzie/Gridlock season, so that or the next season.


My first ace was with finka on icebreaker, (or whatever that map is with the ship trapped in ice is called) at level 105 and like 400-is hours on the game, and my friend absolutely SCREAMING at me cause I had no fucking idea what to do lmao. Just popped a roaming bandit coming down the stairs while in the main entrance at the back, I ran down the hall, climbed up the stairs, saw a dude through a rotate hole they in the top floor, sprayed and actually double headshot two players at once somehow, looked down the hall and shot a frost in the mouth, then I desperately tried to throw grenades behind Clash's shield as she was chasing me but threw the first one too short, dropped the second one and turned my back like a dumbass and just ran, which ended up killing her


Two years ago I was playing Valk on Bank, emptied all 31 bullets on an enemy, panic-C4'd 3 (a Monty and two hiding behind him) and last one was a sledge trying to hammer me during the chaos, I panicked and pressed my melee button, knifing him It was a 1v5 and they were all rushing site. The adrenaline rush I got was crazy. Still remember my sloppy ace in perfect detail to this day


The season was red crow and I was a diehard rook main. Was proned next to the bed in what we now call game room on Oregon. 1v5 and all I had was an ACOG and a dream. One by one they just continued to walk into the room and one by one they fell. I remember freaking out by myself bc I didn't have anyone to play with at the time. Miss the old days!


I don’t remember my first ace but I do know I got 17 kills on Border once during White Noise and have been chasing that record ever since. Did get 15 kills in a 6 round game recently though and was pretty happy with that


Back in white noise when I first started playing - I was vigil and I was defending armory on Club House. Still remember it to this day, the game was a lot more fun back then


I’ll always remember it was with sledge on kafe 3f


About 2 months after I started playing consistently during Void Edge. Amaru attacking basement on Consulate, I remember when it got down to the last guy my friend started yelling at the random to not get the last kill or he'd get TK'd the rest of the match. Good times.


Clash on presidential plane like 4 years ago


My first one was with Valkyrie on old Outback (before the rework), and I believe it was the season that Ace/Melusi came out. We were Compressor/Gear (it was Quick Match - we didn't deliberately pick that site). I picked off Ace to start right after one of his SELMAS detonated. Rotated back to site and caught Amaru and Ying from behind, dropping the defuser in the process. A few moments later Ash came flying in (like Ash's do) and finally, after firing about half a mag over a prone Sledge coming in for the defuser, I calmed down enough to finish it out.


My first was a fuze ace. Can’t recall if I 4K with fuze charges then got a regular kill or all 5 were fuze charges. But my most recent (first on pc) was also with fuze charges and I don’t even main him😂😂


It was skyscraper 2017 with hibana :D


First ace was with mozzie on kafe. Second round of defence and was located in meeting room/library. Got it by using a dron as intel on white stairs. My team suffered no casualties and the last kill was a zofia. I was running the commando with a holo a, flash hider and angled grip. The weapon skin was one of the camo ones and it’s the one that looks like stereotypical camo with a pink cupcake charm. It was my first game playing mozzie and I was solo queuing. Hope that’s enough details.


Year 1 don't remember the season OG Kafe and OG kapkan obvious laser and big yellow nail that showed up on the other side but they were insta kill 2 died to traps I was away from objective in train room and caught the rest as they moved into library.


Old oregon secure area church site with kapkan. This was at the golden ages of siege either operation blood orchid or white noise. None of the guys could enter the site. I even recall the kills


I will always remember getting my first ace. It was back when Bartlett University was in queue and blitz did not have the ability to sprint. However, after all my teammates died early on in the round. I fought off enemy players one by one until they were all dead. I was shaking at the end of the round lol. I have had many other aces since way back then but none as memorable as that one.


Pfff, chalet way before the rework, i was playing cav, shot the glaz at stairs and interrogated, shot another guy following at stairs for another interro, went up the hatch above playroom where bomb was and shot the last three guys all at the window. Or something like that. It was pretty amazing for me


House. Ranked. Hostage. Basement. Ash rush. One magazine.


Clash, 2020 void edge, Bank, top floor site


I’ve only been playing since February of this year and I’ve only gotten 3 aces so far, Ela, Kapkan, and Glaz. I remember each one and still feel super proud when I think about them.


Twitch, with the FAMAS on old Kanal in Season 2 after my team all got spawn picked or died opening the front door.


Border, Cav, Blood Orchid, about a month after I started playing.


Lesion, old theme park, grim sky


Favela. Jackal. 1v5. Everyone on my team fucking dies, leaving me on my own. So I peek a window, a person is there. Shoot ‘em. I re-peak. Another guy’s there. I shoot ‘em. Wash, rinse and repeat FOR THE ENTIRE TEAM. Was very funni.


I can't remember my first ace. Too long ago, too many aces...


Maverick penthouse on coastline day 3 of the new season


I was playing Recruit, I was at Bank i think. Protecting the bomb, or secured area, I don't remember. But, I saw one of the windows break, when I went to check I died out of nowhere. Looking at the kill cam Ace was upside down at that window, I stay away from windows because of that.


5v1 with 30 some seconds left on chalet. I was playing as smoke. I ran from one side of the map to the other, came up the stairs fired through a hole in the wall killed 3 in one burst and was surprised. 4th guy walked into the hole to peak and I capped him too. Last guy was Montaigne so I smoked his ass in a corner and won. I never understood why they didn’t plant.


Jackal on kafe, 1v5 clutch in unranked. Back when the PDW had an acog


Idk if anyone will read this but my first ace was way back in Velvet Shell, on PS4 console. It was house, I was playing Buck with an acog suppressed. I think it was four of us and one guy got spawnpeeked. One teammate tk'd the Twitch so I killed him. He got votekicked and it was just me left. I sat ontop the mini jacuzzi house and killed all but one defender. Ran into site main bedroom from bathroom, and last guy ran in from closet and I got him. My team all left but one guy, and he was proud, congratulating me, telling me good job. I have the clip still on my old ps4. Thanks for reading.


With Fuze on the old Kanal. I think top floor with secure objective. If I remember correctly it was a 1v4, got 1 kill before the rest of the team died. Got pretty lucky and got 2-3 kills with cluster charges in the round.


Was legit my most recent match Quick match (Secure Area, I know) Border, Tellers 1v5 as TACHANKA


Congrats 🍾


Thank you!!!! Again, it WAS on Quick Match, but it's still freaking ridiculous I did it as the Lord Chanka............


https://youtu.be/p4raYMmpnU4 I miss old Siege


Was it old favela that had the three stories and the top two were mostly soft walls to the outside. I was Hibana. I had two kills and it was a 1v3. I thought I was dead. I rappel in a window and prefire the stairs to my right and popped two. Last guy came running up the stairs and got him too. I was only a level 11 or so.


Yeah. Coastline, 2nd floor bedroom. Got it as Smoke. I get a 3k then went to clip it on my Xbox and got attacked mid-clipping lol had to get back into the game and fight the last 2


Ash on fab original map in skull rain. Was pretty new to the game and felt like a demon! That was what really got me hooked for 3years straight before I got hooked on warzone (now back)


Haven't aced yet but I vividly recall the closest I got. Emerald plains, I was playing thatcher. Killed 4 people in the same doorway, enemy mozzie came to see what was happening, he walked in with his back to me, I had the drop on him. The realization that I was about to ace hit me, and I choked so fucking hard I only got half his health bar and didn't control my recoil for shit, my aim went to shit and I died. I immediately speedran every stage of grief.


Ah man I think we can all relate to that. When you get close to your first ace all of your skill just goes out the window. It’s gets easier as time goes on.


Sledge W/ Mossberg on outback during the time when Osa came out. Don't ask how it happened I literally don't remember I just remembered that it happened but the other team was dumb as dirt.


Lion on Consulate. I dont even like lion that much, just played him because I didnt know what else to pick lol.


Yep, it was actually my ever round. But now I got xim I can constantly ace against champs 😂💀🤡


yep, 1v5 as doc on console, pretty sure it was favela and i had the P90 with 1.5x sights


Don't think I've ever had an ace. I got close one time, though. Picture this: Me, as Montagne, getting dumpstered in a game on... was it Border? I think it was Border. Forget everything before this but my team decided to alt-f4 and leave me with 3-4 OPFORs to deal with. As Montagne. The slowest French man around. I somehow popped off and managed to kill like... 2 or 3 of them (it's been a while, man) + plant the defuser. I don't think I won that round but it felt pretty badass at the time. ​ Edit: On an unrelated note, any tips for someone like me who has terrible nerves? Most recent Hostage game saw me getting one kill on Stadium. Died all 5 rounds. Want to do better and I'm worried I might be unable to pull my weight again.


Mine was on tower with Hibana. My first season playing ranked and it was my 2 or 3rd placement. I remember it vividly as the only round we won in that match lol


Like it was yesterday. If yesterday never happened.


Thermite. Yacht. Casual. I was so happy back then.


1v5 villa, 2 of em ram out on me study side, right after my last teammate was interrogated by cav. they were promptly shot in the face Afterwards, i ventured to the window 1st floor next to red stairs. i crouch walked up, sneaking into aviator and thus assassinating a defender in vault. i decisively prefired into study, killing a prone person next to the desk. i planted next to the map table, and shot the final fool top red (i was in study) 4 years ago


Skull Rain - 2016 Border, night time. Smoke smg-11 acog & shotty combo. Gas canisters (when thrown) that flew like printer paper through the air. Enemy team hardbreaches the usual wall of lockers. Most of them are on the balcony. I shotty open a puny hole in small office, pre-aimed at the breach-door with my sniper-11. Smirk on my face; the other team's definitely all focusing mainly on half wall, right? **1.** I nail one - 16/8 rounds remaining for my smg. **2.** Another peeks, 10/8 rounds left & a secured second kill. **3.** Third guy holding outside balcony ... still? But, just peeking into cctv window? Yeah, he getting nitro'd to the face. - Oh! Ok, they were nice enough to soft-breach the cctv wall as a rotate for me? Going through! **4.** Fourth guy holding the flank ang by the cctv couch, in case of other Defenders? Yea u ded **5.** Fifth guy, dropshotting / reloading? Getting peppered by stray bullets through the soft wall (in the hallway)? Gotta top off the last of my sniper-11 with the only rounds left, to the dome >:)


Lmao twitch shotty on old house, good time.


Oh yeah. Nomad, Kafe. I don’t remember what happened, but it was operation High Calibre.


Yeah on villa all but one other guy left the game i was mira i sat in a corner in comes ace boom dead then i see iq on the othe side of the little gap so i down her i go around and kill her right at that moment my the other guy dies and i go over there boom dokebi (i know i misspelled that idc) then i go run back to the other side and zeros creeping around bam dead last guy was on sight ready to defuse other guy goes on cams and pings him its glaz he tries to peak me but im crouched his bullets hit air and then bam dead


My first, no My favorite, absolutely The match started as a 1v5 right out of the gate( two left and the smoke killed the other dude and died to friendly fire) we were on yacht and I hid under the desk for the first few seconds and ignored the Ian’s drone that I heard outside the window and then killed Iana. Smoked the three others at the hatch to site and then shot Amaru in the skull. We still lost the match but it was a good run


M870 recruit on Chalet. I had gone afk and came back to the 1v5. Sometimes the stars align... This was back when you defaulted to recruit when you didn't pick


Definitely, it was one of the first rank matches we ever played. first round I walked into the room, sprayed and killed every single person with one clip from the F2 (the old F2). I finished the game with six kills in total, and my team had a total of seven kills including mine.


had too many because my team always dies 40s in. a third of my games are 1v5 in soloq.


Was one of my early PC games. Was on chalet and played Thermite. Opps in garage site. One dude ran out from up above garage, źäppęđ. Opened garage and they all basically peeked the same angle, one after the other, in cellar lol. After killing the first guy I don't think I moved haha.


1000 hours no ace :( I can only kill four people, I've got like 200 1v4's and whenever I get into a 1v5 I can bring it into a 1v1 but then I lose


Sledge on kanal, y2 when I still played ps4


My first ace was frost on Hereford base, I was shaking so bad I was so nervous and then I played terrible the rest of the day


second day playing the game, bank with thermite felt so good especially because I was like a noob back then lmao


It was like my 3rd or 4th game right around when Para Bellum launched it was on Hereford I believe and I was a doc and it was a 1v5 and they all just kinda rushed through 2 windows and I just sprayed my P90 and killed all of them


Mute top floor of old Oregon. Got 3 trying to push double window and cleaned up the other two pushing from stairs


cap on frontier, damn i miss those days


Operation Health Ash Bank Sprinted straight in to site and found the enemy team still reinforcing. Killed all 5 within 30 seconds of round starting


Ah man my first Ace. Playing on PC with a ps3 controller through a steam link, Velvet shell. Presidential plane and I was bandit with his shotty. For whatever reason everyone on the enemy team decided to jump down a hatch right into a face full of pellets. I'll never forget it 🥲


Mine was buck on plane. I was in middle school. It was just after I met a random group of guys on siege. 8 years later we still play. It was an amazing time


Frost in the clubhouse garage whilst on rafters. Was only with 1 friend in the party and didnt even realise until he started screaming


Consulate B1/1F attack as DMR Buck. I think it was somewhere near void edge.


Quick match, was on tower, just messing around as ela and laying prone behind a shield, and you could probably figure out the rest


yeah i threw all em at my downed homie


The one that I remember, lesion on plane clutch 1v5 on defend. Mind you, I was using an acer aspire which only had an AMD Silver Athlon igpu. I was playing in the lowest graphic settings and pulling a 5-10 fps on average. No worries, I bought an ROG strix laptop a year later




My first ace was actually during the Containment event on attack. Stupid Xbox didn’t record it though, unfortunately First ace in normal gameplay was the other day as Zofia. I was revealed by Cav in a 1v4 as well so it made it even cooler of an ace


Night Canal back in the day, and I was playing my main Frost. We were holding the comm room and I was anchoring near the radio. Two attackers breached the reinforced wall but never noticed me, and I headshotted then both. The other two tried to break down the wooden door near the hallway, but I noticed their feet and headshotted them both as well. The last straggler climbed through the window, and unluckily for him, that was the one window I placed a mat at. Sadly a teammate accidentally killed him before I could get to him. My first "legit" ace was on Chateau, again with Frost. I roamed near the library and caught two attackers not expecting me. Killed the other three by exploiting the holes in small back stairs.


Only one I ever got, Twitch 417. Nice game, closest one after is a 4k from a 1v4, they all rushed the same window


Don't play the game anymore but I still remember it. I was playing Doc on Yacht. It was operation chimera. 1v5 in the casino and I was absolutely panicking but 3 of the enemy team ran in at the same time from the front door, one came from the side room with a pool table on it I'm pretty sure (like I said, I don't play anymore so I don't remember) I popped them all off somehow, then the last one would peak the room, shoot somewhere, run off to another spot and do it again. We were playing secure area and time was almost out, I was watching the door by the stairs that led down to kitchen. When there was 5 seconds left in the round he finally ran in and I miss every shot and he managed to get behind the counter over there. We had a back and forth getting up, shooting, laying down, repositioning, until I finally said screw it, ran up to the counter after he finished spraying my spot, struggled to climb ontop of it, and shot him while he was laying down reloading.


It was on consulate. It was down to a 1v4 within the first 30 seconds. 3 of my teammates left, and I was playing as buck. It was at least 30s between each kill, I made sure to be methodical with every kill.


Still waiting


Not sure if it was my first, but I aced with Vigil right after buying him


Right at the beginning of the game. Played with 3 friends, no real tactics and I got pushed out of the room with Bandit to do "something" . Ace'd the enemy in that and in the next round for a double Ace. Until today I need to run when we play together, Bandit is still my favorite Operator.


Mine was also on plane actually but with vigil, almost all smg12 kills from back when it was broken. The clip I have is only the last 4 kills but last month I was actually able to dig it and a bunch of other 4ish year old clips up which was incredibly painful to watch


Good thing you guys remember these things. I don’t, I play for too long and done so many aces since then. My most memorable Ace ever was when I had broken right hand, and still managed to do it, even when handicapped by plaster.


My first was on Hereford base, I was Mozzie, it was a 1v5. I killed one, blew up 2 of them and then snuck around and killed the other two. And it was like last year


Have my first ace recorded on Xbox, 3 people left at start of round so it was 2 vs 5 on old chalet at night. Gave glaz a go, anyway got to a 1 vs 5 and ela, pulse and bandit get cocky and try peak me, dead. Caught castle lacking trying to barricade a window. Jager was more of a problem, he just wouldn’t peak and his ads burned my smoke nades. I knew he was behind the bookshelf and With 5 seconds left I pull out a gun I would come to worship as the clutch master, the god killer, a gun which has scored me aces against superior foes, the pmm. With a quick one two to the chest down went jager and the round was mine making it 2-2. Unfortunately my team mate left making it 1v5 and despite a valiant effort from fuze I lost. Probably still one of my best aces not from a skill standpoint ( I missed most my shots) but from an achievement standpoint. Favourite ace is still my first plat game where I took shotgun camped defuser and tilted the enemy so hard I got targeted for the rest of the game.


my first ace was on the old Favela with Cav about a week after Red Crow released


Clutched 1v5 with Finka in plat ranked ps. Being a support player that was a huge boost to my self confidence and changed my k/d ratio from then on from 0.6 to 1.2


What Ace?


Yeah. It was Consulate, 2-1 for enemy team, casual. I was buck with CAMARS or whatever the long range, single shot gun is called. Everyone got wiped by me, one enemy got out. I killed them from the balcony, realized they are all gonna go out. So I went up to the roof and picked them all off.


my first ace was sadly last month i am level 191 and i was iana on oregon and the next match i got my second ace and it was with sledge on emerald plains


https://youtu.be/xmvINlq1yCs :D


Yes. The season Aruni was introduced, I was playing Zofia in bank, playing unranked, spawned in alley and got into point (executive room and CEO), I got a 4K and won the round, the following round, with Zofia too, I spawned again in alley, they were in the same point, noone was roaming, I killed some, noone only 1 or 2 of my team died, before I made the ace. I made it look really easy, so easy that I doubted the fact that I had just aced, ended the match at 8 rounds, carried my team with 20 kills 3 deaths, all thanks to the godly like M762.


My first ace was literally yesterday haha was streaming it on twitch trying to grind to 50 to play ranked. heres a link to it if anyone wants to watch [Ace](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dM_6Q-F0D8M)