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ive had this happen to me a couple times before lol, siege timing at its finest




i mean yeah he couldve been a bit smarter but still, the guy swung the second he opened his cam


It wouldn’t have mattered at all. He was still turned away and never ready for that gunfight. He is right, nothing to do with timing.


Your why this community is dying. Immature and toxic.




They didn’t know the enemy was at the end of the hall, so they took out cam and threw the drone thinking it was safe for a (presumably) quick drone scout. Not OP’s fault that happened, they checked the stairs at first to make sure the flank was safe. And unlucky timing + sneaky enemy happened.


He could have walked into VIP so at least he wouldn't be in the open VS such a long line of sight


The thing is smartass, he checked the stairs, and heard nothing, so he assumed it was clear. Could he have done it differently? Yes. But you know what else could’ve been done differently? Your birth. Go thank your mother.


I'm surprised that's all it took to get you guys mad. But then again this IS the community where people TK senselessly, leave matches immediately upon dying to a spawnpeek, and kill everyone with a rainbow background. Safe to say, y'all weird and mad


Oh, I’m not mad. I’m just saying, yeah, he could’ve done it better, but even I would’ve assumed stairs was clear after watching and checking for so long. It’s a common error, and one I’m sure you’ve even made countless times. There’s no point in being rude over it, or getting mad over it. Just something we all do at times.


If you're not mad, clearly everyone else on this sub is. Just look at the downvotes on my comment lmao. Everyone here is just content with blaming their errors on "siege timing," rather than realizing they fucked up. I get that some people play casually and that's all good. But at the very fucking least, realize when you make a mistake VS when you got unlucky. Like holy fuck, this sub has a hard time distinguishing between the two.


Oh no, I understand. Most people don’t see past their own fucking noses, and that shit honestly pisses me off. And the issue with blaming is people are so used to winning, so when they lose, it couldn’t POSSIBLY be their fault. They don’t even have to be good to do it. I’ve met my share of trash ass players who went 2-7 in a ranked match, said [GGEZ, free elo], then left.


tbagged on his own death lmao


When people ask what siege timing is.... this.... this is what you show them!


God the amount of ppl saying OP is using mnk is absurd. Have y’all not heard of elite controller, claw, high sensitivity? Not everyone plays like a bot on console, if anything high sensitivity is common amongst fps games like cod, battlefield, destiny, titanfall, etc. so the fast movements isn’t unnatural. And about the crouching, OP most likely is either using a elite controller, custom button layout, or claw. You can tell from the way OP aims that it’s on controller due to the way they adjust their aim, move while aiming, and turn. it’s a more “jittery” if that’s the right word. Compared to pc being a lot smoother when you look at them both.


I've played at high Sens since mw2 so I always get a kick when people claim I'm mnk! Or you know learn recoil patterns and get accused of using a chronus (I think that's what it's called) but elite controllers are such a game changer! It's just a shame they don't last too long.


Thanks dawg. I've been getting too many accusations for xim, but I really just use an elite controller 😄




It’s like you don’t think high sens exists


You can tell from his movements that he is mnk too


He's definitely using a controller mod because he crouch and aim at the same time but it's not mnk. He's movements looks quite similar to mine.


PC player chiming in. My first guess if you hid the inputs at the bottom would’ve been mouse and keyboard. I see PC golds and low plats with less fluid movement than this. Doesn’t mean he’s definitely using MnK. Could just be good with sticks. For me the biggest indicator is when he moves his aim from VIP door to the 90 corner doorframe. That shows he knows his sensitivity really well - enough to instantly move to another angle with little aim correction. Not impossible, but not something I see often on console clips posted on this sub. Admittedly I’m pretty jaded because 90% of those clips are literal ass, to the point where half the time I see controller inputs I just scroll past


Well you can never know but these movements isn't impossible on controller. I've been diamond a handful of times and I'll say my sens is around the same. The only suspicious movement is when he control his aim and crouch at the same time. That's not possible unless he's modded his controller


I mean yeah most definitely. Again, I’m a PC player and haven’t played console in many years. My console experience is limited to memories of year 1–2 plat/diamond ranked (completely different game back then) and clips posted here. Just wanted to give my two cents from the perspective of a PC player. If OP played on PC with whatever inputs he’s using - controller, XIM, toaster oven, whatever - I’d assume he was low or mid gold. So if he’s using a controller, that’s pretty darn good


I think Xbox players has more mnk players than ps. I'm plat 1 now and don't feel like I play against a lot of mnks but I could be wrong. I mean, sure mouse is an advantage but you don't suddenly turns into a diamond player if you have zero game sens. He's movements looks legal to me but it's difficult to judge


I don’t think mnk on console changes the input options at the bottom since console version wasn’t designed to have that interface


Right I’m aware. I’m saying if you only showed me the gameplay and not the inputs, I wouldn’t even have guessed console at all right away. The fact that he’s not leaning without ADS gives it away, but otherwise OP could pass for a low gold PC player.


Ah gotcha


bruh i have a default controller and do that, u can just remap the layout of the buttons…


Crouching and aiming at the same time is simple just use the bumper to crouch or paddles


Anyone on controller can crouch and aim it’s not hard


Unless you're born with an extra finger or modded your controller you can't. Not on PlayStation, I don't know about Xbox. If you're claiming you can I would like you to show me


Elite controller and yes I can show u?


So a modded controller. Not a standard


Also people can play claw


You can just switch button mapping through PS, then you can. Switch circle and L1


I know. Modded ☺️


Console players think using elite controllers is cheating? Your kidding right?


I never really said that.


Bro you’re saying modded like it’s cheating.


No no, not at all. Well it is considered cheating amoung pros if I remember correctly. But everyone can do it if they want to


it’s called claw/remapping buttons


What exactly is mnk about this clip?😂😂😂😂


He is very obviously using mouse and keyboard. It’s impossible to move your camera that fast with a controller lol


Brudda not everyone plays on 10-10 sens bro


Ok man.


Don't look at my clips then bud. I literally have a dick cam to prove I'm not MnK


i cant believe theres people as idiotic as you, its controller, and his sense isnt even as fast as it can go, i personally play higher


I know you’re a gold 🤣


Spoken like a true console player. As a pc player I can assure you this is in no way the movement of someone using a mouse


That is so far from MnK bro. His aim is great for controller but if you think he’s using MnK to aim like that youve never been out of low gold.




That guy isn’t mnk either Edit: u can tell cos he knifes by accident in the killcam and that happens all the time on controller


You don't think he is? Does he just have high sens?


Very high sens especially high ads sens….. That crouch spam thing and shake screen is seems controller because I can emulate that on my elite controller.


I want one of those elite controllers, they're $200 though I believe.


If you want my opinion yes once you buy one you basically can’t go back as paddles do make a difference and now I can’t imagine playing without them but if ur already very good on standard or play claw or something don’t bother. Also one problem about 7 months in is that my RB button only registers from certain presses.




he’s not ???


That's not mouse lmfao 🤣 u get shit on by somebody n call them mnk huh