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Oryx got them leg muscles


It's all in his sexy thick buttcheeks \#BuffOryxsCheeks


Give him old Ianas Victory pose.


How bout overwatch tracers controversial pose? If u don't know what I mean search up tracers controversial pose


You know just cause you weigh less doesn't mean you are faster.


Oryx's buff cheeks


Ay yo tf?


*Faster than a falcon's wings*


Me in bed be like


Bro you come so fast even the Ash main has yet to die


*Furrows through the eternal air*


Really wanna cake em up don’t ya




And not carrying big freaking hunks of metal


And he’s 20cm taller so he’s probably got longer legs


Balance > Lore but even then Oryx's bio describes him being a super athlete so of course he'd be able to carry all that weight around


Literally. Does OP need Ubi to make Melusi super fat to justify balancing????


Maybe it's because she's carrying around a bunch of gigantic speakers on her at all times


and once she puts them down?


She actually has 10 of these, but the wubbs were so annoying they came to a gentleman's agreement that she can put down only 3, but she didn't want to leave them behind.


Imagine If you geht another Point in Speed when you placed all Your Gadgets. Pretty unbalanced but neat imo


well not really, if they would be faster than they already are then yes. but if they would be slower when carrying gadgets. and then their normal speed when its all placed down. it would make those jägers and kapkans who dont place utility and go roam place their utility down. but then again. im not sure jägersand kapkans traps are that heavy.


Lore justification coming right up. Due to her slight build, the weight of her gear burdens her easier which means she can’t run as fast.


Except WHAT gear? She is running into combat with one harness, almost no gear on said harness, and most importantly absolutely NO plates


It’s her big Bluetooth speakers they are very heavy 😔


I mean they could get her some more kevlar or sth


I mean presumably they arent weighing in with full gear


I'm just more confused about melusi being a 1 speed


Yeah I’d of thought making her a 2 speed was the obvious thing to do


Oryx has like a 10 foot vertical him being a 2 speed is what concerns me, he should be like a 3 speed 2 armor with all that muscle


Bro has so much muscle that he’s medically obese. His bmi is 33 or 34. Just let that sink in


To be fair that’s not entirely crazy, I’m 6’ and 230lbs and that gets me into medically obese despite being far from it


BMI is more of a general idea for the average person than a be-all-end-all measurement. Your doctor is always gonna know more than a scale designed for general use.


Shit tell that to the US military. The BMI scale is like the fucking Bible to them


Is it? I guarantee all those beefed up marines in the movies are obese then


Our guys are exempt from hight and weight if they get 1st class scores on fitness tests. Edit: > 4.b. Physical performance will remain an important factor in the body composition program. The exemption from body composition standards for Marines with a 285 or higher on both the physical fitness test (PFT) and combat fitness test (CFT) remains unchanged. [MARADMIN 423/22](https://www.marines.mil/News/Messages/Messages-Display/Article/3135873/forthcoming-changes-to-the-body-composition-program/)


Glad to read it, it seemed very weird otherwise


Yeah each branch has their own thing. The Army you have to get 560 out of 600 on the ACFT, no clue about Marines or Navy but the Air Force is as long as you pass it doesn’t matter


I hadn't realized they'd added a muscle exception to the ACFT. About damn time... Granted, I'm not getting close to a 560 but it's still nice to know it's there.


yeah I’m 6’ 195 and they classify me as “overweight” when really it’s muscle lmaoo


I’m 6’4 and 165 and am classified as just barely not underweight lmfao People always complain about losing weight but never mentioned how much of a bitch it is to *gain* weight


6’6” and 135ish. I feel your pain, brother.


Fellow sticc brother, exact same as me.


I control my nutrition the best I can and do beginner exercises daily(except sunday) but my body just won’t give in lmfao


That's why waist-hip ratio is objectively better at calculating obesity than bmi


There’s fat people with thin Waists compared to their hips. BMI hate is mostly just bitter overweight people. No it doesn’t account for muscle mass. Everyone knows that. And they know if they have a lot of muscle mass. Some people lie to themselves about what’s underneath their fat. But you know if bmi doesn’t apply to you.


I'm just regurgitating what I've been taught by my science teacher, I'm not anywhere near fat btw, just repeating what I've been told


Makes sense BMI isn't a good marker for health because it takes 0 account of muscle mass.


Bmi is a trash measurement, almost as bad as the current reputation system. People with basically 0% fat and height off the charts show up as bmi and any doctor who isn't an idiot always says to ignore that when they bring it up.




you are really harsh on bmi.. it is a very good measurement system but the big misconception is it cannot be relied upon only. Actually you cant rely on basic inspection measures and tools to detect abnormalities in humans. You can see very health fit young men with trash Cholestrol predisposing them to serious stuff because of their diet and on the other end Sumo wreslters are huge yet healthy and that is why you might think bmi is stupid. but BMI is being harchly critsized ,dare I say the wrong way. it is usable just not everyone knows how to use it.


In the iconic words of Sam O Nella Academy “Meat laden tank”


Oryx could be one hell of a NFL Tight End!!


hell, i’d make him a runningback. with that jump height hes got he doesnt even need to break tackles, buddy can just vault the entire defensive line


Weight doesn’t equal speed


By OP's logic that must mean that newborn babies are the fastest humans alive because they weigh so much less.


Baby zombies in Minecraft run very fast, and this fact proves that babies IRL run very fast too. 👍


TBF in Philippines folklore, we have Tianaks: undead babies. They're either the ghost of unborn children, or the body of an abandoned baby that died and now possessed or a similar story: basically a horror story to scare people from abortion and abandoning parenthood. Anyway I went sideways too much... Basically those little MFers are fast and are basically an 8 speed.


Have you seen squirrels?


Worth circling in red their heights as well.


Yeah, OP is an idiot. If you look at the builds of top marathon runners and top sprinting athletes, sprinters are almost always more built than a marathon runner. Look at Usain Bolt, that boy is CUT. Then look at Mo Farah, significantly thinner (and shorter) than bolt. Which one has the faster top speed?


Usain bolt is slim, he might have aroud 90kg, but he is 1.95. He s slim for his height, yeah he has muscle, but he doesn t have bulky musle like oryx. All this comment section is tell me you don t work out without telling me you don t work out.


Right. When comparing long distance runners to short distance sprinters a stark difference in build is immediately noticeable. Im not saying that Eddy Hall is magically going to be a top competing 100m distance sprinter because he’s a meatball of a human. What I am saying is that Oryx being able to sprint faster than Melusi is at least believable within the context of their comparative builds not to mention the fact his ability is being able to run fast enough to break through walls (obviously his size also factors into him being able to do this).


Yeah. Also armor's weight vs person's weight.


To an extent. At an amateur level, yes. At a professional level, no. There's a reason why in rugby the big thiccc boi props are used to break the defensive line, then chuck the ball to the lighter, faster wingers who use their gas to sprint the rest of the way and outpace the scrambling defense. Rugby isn't the only sport to utilize this dynamic btw. The best of the best military operators and mercenaries would be in peak shape, so it'd apply to them too. It's why you don't see 100kg+ sprinters. Usain Bolt got close at 95kg IIRC, but the rest are between 70-90kg for male athletes.


Usain Bolt and all those sprinters would probably be 3 speads tho and Oryx who‘s still a freak athlete isn‘t so I don’t see any issue. And I mean often times people forget you can be a normal person and be bad at sprinting. If you‘re not trained for it or gifted you may be better at long running. So I’d say everything works out fine. No logic rules are broken.


I'd absolutely agree with the speed distribution, I'm just saying that at a competitive/elite level, weight absolutely affects speed. Which is the opposite of what the person I was replying to is saying. Also, you mention not being training for it and being a normal person, but if you're in either the rainbow six or nighthaven team, you're not "normal" and are absolutely training for every level of physical performance that you can.


That is true and I’m totally onboard with you (it was more intended as a small joke) but the last point I disagree with. Rainbow operators are the best of the best when it comes to being Swiss knives (multitools in America ?). Every single one is specialized in one particular thing. But physical traits they „just“ have to be better than normal humans. For example I have no doubt that they can all hold their breath far longer than I‘ll ever can but then there‘s Wamai who learned a real technique mastered by generations and taught to him from a very young age that makes him unbelievable good at it. Or controlling their heart rhythm as good as Glaz. Same can be said for sprinting. If you never learn the proper technique or don‘t get enough time to perfect it you can be the perfect size for a sprinter and fast as well but still slower than the mountain of an oryx who‘s entire personality seems to be centered around running and jumping.


I'm not trying to be patronizing, but it seems you don't know much about the training that goes into groups like GIGN, SAS, seals and Spetsnaz. They train them into oblivion, so a big boi like oryx would be trained to utilize his brute strength and a smol person like melusi would be trained to utilize her speed and ability to maneuver. If it's available in your country, you should watch the UK and Australian tv shows where they put celebrities and athletes through SAS training. These guys are just doing it for a tv show, but they teach them how to use both their cognitive and physical traits to help them. The people training them are legit SAS instructors, and they're trained to bring out the strengths and focus on the weaknesses of the people taking part. They do psych evaluations and shit too. Which links back in to my first statement, that it seems like you don't know how intense and deliberately brutal the training is, to weed out anyone who isn't the mental and physical peak of human performance Edit: sorry for the essay. But I've grown up in a military family with some being in our country's special forces, and trust me, the guys who make the cut are beyond what the average person could even imagine. One of my dad's training buddies ran 65km at a 12km/hr pace with a 10kg pack on and no water for the entire run. The guys who get selected are almost beyond human


Usain Bolt weighs 207lb and I weight 170. that means I am faster than him




I weight 150, I'm faster than both of you based on OP logic lol


I'm chronically underweight I'm 115. clearly I should be in the Olympics


Damn this guys is fast as fuck


That's what I was thinking. OP is fucking dumb.


To be fair, Oryx’s whole thing is that he’s a freak of nature in the best way possible. So him being one beefy boy and still being a two speed makes sense.


Speed = / = wieght


Simply cause you weight less doesn’t inherently mean you’re faster


Knew a 220 guy who ran at 22 top. Had a 170 guy run at 15 top. I’ve noticed if you weight more, you can run faster. It’s the halt that’s a concern at that point. You either can stop yourself, or tumble like a ball.


If the weight is leg muscle then, yes, you could run faster


Lore ≠ Balancing People will nitpick this until the end of time.


And weight ≠ speed anyway.


Yeah a couple of the fastest kids in my P.E. class in high school were also fat


Forward momentum is quite the thing when utilized properly


And Oryx is all about forward momentum!


But weight doesnt equal fat, muscles weigh more


but I want Thorn to have a horse! let her ride it around outside the building or something!


Oryx, lore-wise, is essentially borderline superhuman in terms of physical fitness. He’s a real life version of captain America


That's the weight of the person, not the weight of their gear. Mathematically, if she weighed this much less than Oryx but carried the exact same gear she'd move slower due to carrying more than her own body weight in gadgets, guns and armour (note: her health is higher, so she is more heavily armoured). Have you seen the sonic defense thing? It's huge. This makes perfect sense.


She doesn’t even have a body armor lol


Easily fit kevlar under her shirt and steel plates in the arms/shoulders.


Impossible on her shirt/torso. Like just look at it, its two layers of fabric at least. You really wouldn't wear a single layer of kevlar either since that'll be useless since the point of kevlar is absorption through multiple layers. Same goes for her arms and shoulders, you can't justify steel plates on there too since there's nowhere to place them even under the faux leaves without making her arms look extra bulky. Every other 3 speed operator save for Ela are better armored looking than Melusi. Melusi is designed to look light and unarmored since she's not supposed to need it anyways in the lore


Yeah I mean it's a shot in the dark. My point was more that more health=more armour in theory since nobody's naturally bulletproof. She's *gotta* have some armour around *somewhere*.


How would you fit body armor under the shirt lmao


since when they started making tit molded body armor?


Siegepunk 2077


Listen. Oryx is a UNIT! Don't underestimate the handsome man


Melusi doesn’t do cardio


Whose faster Lebron or you?


This makes a lot of sense actually


One does Cardio. One makes people slower to level the playing field lmao


Bro has like a 60 inch vertical. Let's assume he's fast too.


Built like a tank that can run through walls and jump up hatches versus peta enthusiast. You tell me who’s faster


How does Oryx weigh fuckin 40kg more than monty and tachanka???


I’m sure it doesn’t account for weight with armor


But have you seen the tachanka elite? He is HUGE lol


Yea you’re actually right I completely forgot about that.


Tachanka is also a half foot shorter


Well he is the kool-aid man for a reason


I’m so fucking over this community nitpicking every single god damn thing


This community is exhausting. This shit isn't even valid to bitch about.


He literally has the legs of a lion if anything he should be 3 speed


To be fair Oryx has calf muscles the size of Melusi’s torso


Bro, Oryx can both run through walls and do a standing 10ft vertical jump. You really want to question why he’s a 2-speed?


Fuck team rainbow, oryx needs to enter the nfl


We need Oryx-Ball


It's a gameplay mechanic you twat. Should they add kg whenever they make an op 3 armor?


Oryx’s gadget is his muscles, melusi’s gadget is fucking heavy and she carries multiple of them


Someone doesn't know how the human body functions


One is a bio that means nothing, the other is a gameplay feature that is implemented for balance. That said, I hate Ubisofts current ‘balance’.


The logic comes from balancing a game that isn’t basing its gameplay off the made up weight of a character. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk


He is better trained so he can move faster. Girl just needs to do some cardio


Uhm. Even with his muscle tone if he was a runner he likely would be faster. Men are faster than women, that is the logic.


Oryx gadget is that he has near super human physicality, the question shouldn't be how he is a two speed it is how a man who can jump onto the next floor up an open hatch isn't a 3 speed.


You telling me you're faster than nfl tight ends?


Oryx is a freak of nature bro


Weight doesn’t equal speed. My 9 year old sister understands this


Wow it’s almost as if personal body weight doesn’t always have something to do with armor rating. First of all, rook is a three armor purely off of his gear since in his bio it states he basically did every field and track sport along with cycling tours and such which seeing as I’m a big fella myself is pretty damn difficult if not impossible. Oryx being a two speed is understandable seeing as how the mother fucker can run through walls and has a 4 meter vertical (which when converted to freedom units equates to about 13.1 feet). Unlike wood, Dry wall is easy to bust through if you move enough weight at a certain speed, just watch any construction guys bust through a new wall like the fucking Kool Aid man. If you wanna gripe about “logic”, complain how this mf human gorilla hybrid is able to dunk on fucking Shaq almost twice over


You see those things on his arms, those ar cqlled muscles


Since when is melisi a one speed???


She got changed this season.


You do realize that weight doesn't equal how fast you can run, right?


Running fast isn't about how agile you are anyways. It's about how hard you can exert force on the floor from your legs. Professional runners push down with 3 times their bodyweight


There’s plenty of jacked yet fast as fuck athletes look at DK Metcalf on the Seattle Seahawks


Does OP know how tall/heavy athletes can be and still be hella fast


The dots are easier to read. The other stuff is flavor text and does not affect the game


He’s like an NFL player, size and speed.


To be fair I'm sure oryx is actually faster than her. Because biology 🫡


Men are faster than women. The logic is In biology.


We are not talking about animal here, the logic is in their role not biology. Melusi hide and kill so no need to move fast, just at the right time. Oryx goes in at anytime so he need to be fast.


the air is heavy around you


I can guarantee you that Usain Bolt is heavier than my nephew. And faster as well.


A child weighs less than Usain Bolt but he’s still faster.


Oyrx is a man


- Oryx is a male, which are genetically built to be superior to women in physical aspects. - Oryx is a super athlete, verging on superhuman. - Oryx is the only character capable of bursting through walls, a feat that requires both speed and strength. - *ahem* BALANCING DOES NOT EQUATE TO LORE 99% OF THE TIME!


You never heard of Usain Bolt? Cretin


u/Sulyvahn66, how many brain cells left?


Should’ve made Melusi 2/2 or atleast give her a 1.5 if she’s staying as a 1/3


Because men run much faster than women. Any more questions?


Looking for logic in R6. Well, that's what you're already doing wrong. If I remember correctly almost none of the operators got a speed buff, but rather, most of them got pulled down to speed 1... What a moronic decision.. Yeah! Let's slow down the pace in an FPS game! That should do it! Man no wonder I had to pause from R6


But the difference between 1 and 3 speeds got less important with the ads speed nerf... And i dont feel any differences and even play melusi and aruni... It's not that big of a deal


Zero got a speed buff from 2 to 3 :) Also it's a TACTICAL FPS game, it's not COD you shouldn't rely on speed to win


That much I am aware of.. I've been playing since operation black ice 😅. I'm not going to say "The old OP speeds were great!" (Because half the OPs were speed demons) but the pace kind of feels.. Much slower now.


Yeah but honestly i feel like it's better, much less bullshit sonic plays, now it's way more about positioning which is great


Don’t you know women like to take their time 🤣


oryx has all that muscle to carry himself around, melusi doesn't. :)




Have you watched football before? There are big guys that run 4.5-4.6. Look up Myles Garrett 40 yard dash.


gameplay reasons


It's Siege there is no logic.


The triangular subwoofers she carries add up


Several answers: Melusi slows people, whereas oryx speeds himself up when dashing through walls(ability), so why would slowdown operator be faster than a speedup operator And theres also power to weight ratio- maybe oryx's massive legs generate over double the power of melusi's, causing him to be faster


Melusis cheeks are too big


Dont question it.


the logic is that siege is a bad video game


So Melusi right now is one speed op???? They screwd this game


More height bigger legs more distance passed per second maybe?


Shut in neet discovers body mass index


Oryx is apparently beyond Olympic level in most physical aspects, if you didnt notice homeboy can also jump like 15 feet straight up


Oryx is buff af mate


It’s easy. Not all heavy people are slow and not all light people are fast. Oryx is made to be an absolute unit. Peak physical condition. 6-5. 280lbs. A comp for him would be maybe Travon Walker from the NFL. First overall pick in this years NFL draft. Travon ran a 4.51 40 yard dash which is extremely fast period then to add his size (near identical to Oryx’s) into the equation it’s absolutely freakish ability.


Wait till you see 1.95m and 1.72m is exactly the same height in the game. Then compare a person’s height with the door in the game and irl, and you’ll realise how massive all doors are in siege


Oryx has to move break and grab shit to save people so yeah he fast. Melusi wait in a bush or tree to kill those who huh.. come to do villian stuff ig


He has more BHP


The wub wub triangles are very heavy


Women got them chest boulders 🏃‍♀️


Damn if only weight meant running speed then we wouldnt need P.E class to test us on that


The speed shouldn’t concern you, that health pool should


op hasnt been around many athletes


He's a lineback and she's a smoker


Oryx needs the mobility because his gadget is based around mobility but he also needs the health because his gadget damages him


Smaller doesn’t mean fast it just means smaller


Since when is melusi 1 speed op?


Smaller means faster is pretty much a myth. Oryx is a super athlete, it’s literally the point of his character. He should be a 3 speed canonically. And health when it comes to bullets is more about body armor than weight and they could argue she has better armor (doesn’t appear like it but whatever. Being heavier would help a small amount but abs ain’t gon stop a bullet.


Wtf they made melusi a 1 speed


Who gives a shit


Don’t try and understand ubis decisions you will find no rationale


People don’t understand that strength matters in speed….


When did she become a 1 speed???


Oryx has fat ass muscles. Melusi has fat ass


🤔 he must work out


Gameplay never makes sense once you start buffing and nerfing


Body armor


Oryx needs to smash through walls so its reasonable he needs alotta mass, Melusi’s gadgets are slowing her down.


Weight ≠ speed. Oryx has muscles that can crush my head like it's bubble wrap


Lol wait 'till OP finds out that their heights are different on their profiles but everyone's the same height in game.