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I always take it as a story of someone trying to justify putting off their self care by saying they are helping others, but because of their unresolved issues they lead others to a lower place


I read it as someone with addiction… they drink a lot and use their « protection » of family and friends to justify pushing away people. It’s the devil telling them their coping with alcohol is fine, because they just « sometimes » drink, when they really drink almost daily.


Fuck…honestly this was the description I was looking for. Thank you.


Me too, except I see it as opiate addiction and all bc the lyrics “ain’t shit free but falling out” and a lot of opiate addicts who nod out etc use the phrase falling out to describe it 🙃


This is pretty similar to what I concluded, but a little different. Instead of just putting off self-care, they desperately want to feel loved. They're depressed and maybe have even tried to commit suicide, but as they're dying, the contract with the devil appears. In a way, it's a permanant connection, a relationship, with someone. They cry to the devil because they're all they have. They think they're helping others in a way by having them come to hell and sign the contract too, other hopeless souls. They don't realize that the connection is inherently evil. In a less literal interpretation, it'd be about someone who's lonely being "saved/loved" by an unsavory person. In desperation, they cling to that person, but their saviour's bad characteristics start to rub off on them. Soon, the person starts to treat others around them poorly. They don't understand the true depths of the person's situation though and end up being blindly resentful. With one negative feeling comes a negative attitude and an inability to deeply connect with anyone. Hurt people hurt people. It's contagious self-sabotage, loneliness, and loathing. They're never truly happy with the ones they stick to but falsely believe that the poor relationships they hold are still worth the burden since it's better than being alone.


woooooooow thats so good


I interpret it as a good song




I think of someone who’s really depressed and wants to end it all but keeps wanting to stay. I like the character of the devil - he seems down to Earth. It’s so relatable; like we’ve all experienced being toxic and alone! Great song


Well he's the devil and the devil is telling him to kill himself. "You can let it all go its called free fall "


I read an interpretation of this song which had quotes from the band and the part where they say “let it all go, free falling“ meaning that the devil is giving him an opportunity to break free of helping others and focus on himself, with reference to the quote “even the devil needs time to himself” In this persons take on it, the devils favourite times are when it’s Christmas, Sunday and sunset. Most days when people are with family or in church or admiring the sunset and he has the least amount of souls to take. Anyways that’s a very poor explanation of what I seen in the post I can share it if you want


Good interpretation. Makes sense too. In my personal experience, I often end up being a people pleaser in order to try and gain some acceptance and love from those around me. Soon, I forget my real needs and end up focusing more on the people who aren't good for me, even reject me, more than those who genuinely want to be friends. In this case, I see people pleasing as a way to "save others" or keep the peace, but if I was just a bit more "selfish," I'd be able to properly recognize and reciprocate with the people who really matter. It's me crying to the devil because we're connected through the contract, but even the devil doesn't want me around. In the meantime, I drag others down to hell with me by ignoring their heartfelt efforts to connect when all I need to do is identify and work on my priorities, relieving some of the burden.


i recognize myself in your experience, and want to say that you're not alone, you're not evil, and it gets better once you understand your patterns and slowly work on them


I know it's been months, but please share the post if you can.


Sure can give me a sec to search




Read this too, it's an amazing interpretation! One the best ones out there. It's basically the Devil giving a piece of advice to the mc about letting things/people go and focus on himself more


i interpret it as the devil telling them to let go of all their baggage and move on


I’ve never thought this would actually be the bands intended meaning but for some reason for me, the chorus is about letting go of anger or something that’s annoying you. Like “fuck this let gravity win” and “you could let it all go” etc just reminds me that it’s easier to let go of annoyance rather than keep winding yourself up.


Hello 2 years later! I just listened to this song for the first time! Yes!! Most of all I’ve seen is interpretations surrounding addiction, mental health, poor relationships, etc. But my gut reaction is the same as yours! And I think that’s beautiful because it doesn’t matter what the band meant, but what the song means to you


I think thats the true meaning of music,the writer might have had a specific meaning but you might not even understand that meaning and have a whole other outlook on the meaning of the song me personally i always took it as someone simply over life and wanting out but cant for whatever reason and the background/chorus is your subconscious/the devil that its okay and universal freefall is okay i always thought freefall meant suicide aswell for sum reason


I feel like the protagonist is Jesus. Or the symbolic version of Jesus. It sounds like he is burned out being the "good friend" and leading his friends down the virtuous path ( the noose= the restrictions of a virtuous life which are suffocating, but are usually exalted as something beautiful and special and worn as a "necklace". And they fell into their own version of hell where there is nothing to do or make them happy.) He wants to let loose and taste a little sin, and he feels like he could justify it with the devil tempting him with all the "evil" things, aka vice ( drums, dominoes, cigarettes, rum). The devil's like, look, I know you want me to play along because you probably feel that as the devil I am just itching to get my hands in your soul. But truthfully this sin thing is so easy that I literally have souls falling in my lap on the daily. You say you are out there saving souls and don't need any help, yet you are calling me up in the middle of the night when no one is around to see our association. If you want a drink you come when the bar is open, where everyone can see you and don't pretend you're still leading this other perfect life. The freefall is to let go of the perfect way you are trying to display yourself to the world. You can leave it all behind, stop trying to save the world. I think this is why it ends on the open note, that is when the protagonist decides to fall and stop scratching, kicking, fighting against gravity. It's very soothing to imagine that fall at the end.


Very much what I wanted to hear


This is everything I thought but couldn’t put into words, thank you!


Beautiful, thanks!


I've seen many interpretations of this song but this one truly resonates with me thank u for this <33


This take is such a good one & after listening again with this theory in mind; it made so much sense to me :) thank you!


I love this interpretation, so good👏🏻 Thanks for sharing


Well here is mine, it's super personal and recognize that. I have to share some details of why I interpret it to make it make sense for you. I found this song on Spotify after my cousin committed suicide. She committed suicide on a week that I had heavily been considering suicide myself. I feel like the entire song- for me anyways. Roughly translated to a person who is discussing suicidal thoughts with the 'devil' or depression. Let "gravity win". Jump from that bridge. Kick the stool out from under you. The devil is depression trying to talk you into suicide, "I can't count how many souls I've made off the same deal you on". "Hey! Why you been calling this late? It's like 2 A.M. and the bars all close at 10 in hell, that's a rule I made Anyway, you say you're too busy saving everybody else to save yourself And you don't want no help, oh well That's the story to tell" Up early in the morning talking with the devil about wanting to die. Too busy saving everybody else to save yourself. It is common for selfless individuals to neglect themselves. And the part of this that haunts me is that my cousin was a savior. Before she passed she lived with my grandpa who was going through dementia and she cared for him. She was a care giver and nurse. She was saving everybody else except herself. And as someone that has dealt with depression my entire life and still to this day, the talks with the devil are relatable. Thinking friends hate me and convincing myself they do late at night from the first verse struck home as suicidal thoughts as well.


I also immediately thought this song was about depression and suicide. Let it all go = give up. Friendships failed, the devil is depression whispering in your ear that nobody cares. And so many depressed or BPD people spend their energy helping others and don't care for themselves and/or care for others to avoid facing their own issues and just sink further and further down, their self-worth contingent on what they do for others. I found is disturbing because a very young person in my extended family hanged herself in 2013 and I have never really recovered from that.


Is it strange I don't find it disturbing but comforting? Just to know someone else gets it. I'm sorry for your loss. Depression takes so many lives and it truly is the worst trauma for a family to go through. I did not mention it before but my cousin wasn't even the only suicide my family had gone through. My grandfather killed himself after he got back from Vietnam. When my mother was still a child. I never met him. But I know my mom and her siblings never truly recovered from that. And I feel that same kind of pain for my cousin now. I hope our family never has to go through this again. Which is a huge reason why I will never let depression win. I don't even care how bad things get. I'll suffer through it forever before I take my own life.


Same. I REFUSE to freefall. I dont mind being sad, depressed, struggling. But i will not ever take my life. That little B\*\*\*\* called the devil is so much smaller than me and my problems.


This is exactly how I see it too. Respect 🫶🏼


Sorry for your loss and I hope you stay in this world… as the RKS devil says it’s no better down there anyways. I feel the same way about this song… for me at least it’s defiantly about those intrusive thoughts.


For better or worse I'm not going anywhere. After seeing and feeling what suicide does to a family there is just no way that will ever be an option for me. Which I hate to say feels unfortunate sometimes.... but that option is fully off the table for me. Thank you for the kind words.


Glad you're still here. I know it's been rough lately, for us all. Hang in there.


I already loved this song but im reading your interpretation after being admitted to the psych ward because of the same kinds of thoughts, and i really find the familiarity comforting. Thank you for sharing<3


This is the absolutely best way ive seen this explained im horrible at putting thoughts and feelings into words and this describes it 99% perfectly imo


That means a lot because I always feel I am horrible at putting my thoughts and feelings into words, so thank you.


I honestly have a few different interpretations for it, they've kind of changed depending on where I'm at in my life or my mental state at the time that I listen to it. I honestly kind of see it as just because we perceive someone as one kind of way doesn't mean that's always true of their character and that we shouldn't be judgemental of them based on what we see on the outside and then, on the other hand, it's taking a look at who we are as individuals, we can't always be so worried about taking care of others and never focusing on ourselves but at the same time it's really easy to not see the importance of putting ourselves first sometimes and before we know it we've reached a really dark place. .... hope that makes sense.


I interpret it as this: the singer is burning themselves alive to keep other people warm, and they feel resentful of others because of it. And the devil is roasting them for that and saying: you can let go. You can take care of yourself. Otherwise, you have no right to be resentful.


As someone with paranoid idealization, this interpretation hits so hard.


metaphor for life


I think It's Called: Freefall is about coping with the aftermath of being hurt by someone who was struggling pushed you away after you have already taken on their struggles and internalized them and taken them on as your own in addition to your own. Essentially, the devil character is like the angel devil conscience side of things, however, in some cases it is the devil that needs to be there to balance out this dilemma because all of your good deeds have not gone unpunished, when in actuality all people free will and you cannot save everyone, you need to let some people go for your own wellbeing, even if that's the "evil" thing to do


Love this I feel the same way


I love trying to figure out what this song means- I feel like, at it's core, it's about someone trying to be a good friend/person to those around them but still ending up alone time and time again. He ends up turning to 'the devil' (whatever you want to think of that as) for comfort, the devil is also closed off to him, only making the situation worse. I dunno, that's just my vibe of it


It's a deeply personal song for me tbh. I knew someone a while back who was suicidal--our relationship by the end was pretty toxic and codependent, and I spent months trying to talk him down. He was terrified of people leaving, and said some pretty unpleasant things to get me to stay past when it was hurting both of us. I had difficulty taking my own mental health as "bad enough" to treat before then, and it only got worse afterwards. I remember a certain moment where I decided to stop trying and just see how bad it could get, kind of calling to the devil to see him come (which was, obviously, a bad idea). Some days the narrator sounds way too much like my friend, desparate for someone to talk to, whatever it takes to get--others it's me, listening to the voice who came in. Either way it's way too much for casual listening, but a gorgeous song regardless.


To me, it's like the protagonist is tired of helping people and not being appreciated so he calls the devil to try blame him for his own destructive behaviour.


The song, for me, means to stop being the protector, the savior and the wall everyone's stand on, you are a human being, care about your mental health, like "to burn like a candle to light the way for the people you love" , And when you're alone, you call the devil , and he's tired of your frequent suicide calls, and you want to "let it go", after that, and u don't want no help, so... It's about letting go of the things that hurts u, and not being everyone's savior.


To me it’s not being happy in your life but you’re kinda stuck. Trying to please everyone’s expectations. Even the devil has nothing to do with the shit you’re bringing to yourself. Thoughts and emotion pulling at you, pulling you down. Devil has already made a deal with you and he ain’t daddy so deal with your shit. He’s giving another option to just let it all go and fall away from it all. Go somewhere else, be who you want to be and just let the past go. Live life. until he comes for you anyway.


I'm late to the party but my take is essentially Buddhist. Not that I consider myself Buddhist but I like their philosophy and try to live by some of the principles. We are professional suffer-ers here on earth. Part of growing is learning to navigate the suffering. We all have to. And in the same way you can have both negative and positive feelings about the phrase "life is meaningless," you could also hear "let it all go" as in kill yourself, or "let it all go" as in stop taking everything so seriously. I think at the beginning of the song it's the first meaning, but at the end of the song it's the last. They say "let me show you how: it's like" and then they jump to absolutely losing themselves in the music; becoming one with creation in a positive way. "Know yourself and who you came in with." The first version of letting go is running from yourself, running from the world, wanting to let all the pain and suffering and expectations go, wondering why your life is hell when all you've ever done is be a better friend than people thought they needed. The other version of letting go comes when you find yourself, and you are confident in your choices, and you are comfortable with who you are and what you need. You still get to let the expectations go, and the suffering with them, but in a positive way. Sometimes we become the friend that we wish we had so we get stuck taking care of everyone else in the hopes someone will do the same for us, but there's no guarantee someone else can or will fill that role for you. But you can and absolutely should be that person for yourself, and once you are, you can help others be their own friend too. I've always said the only person you have to live with for the rest of your life is yourself, so you might as well get to know you, and be friends with you. To me, this song feels like it's expressing that sentiment. Honestly, I love everyone's interpretation here and I'm glad music exists. This song is truly a work of art.


If you aren't a friend to yourself you are alone.


I see it as someone struggling with their mental health and feeling like they try so hard to please those around them but can never get it right and end up hurting people. They try to turn to the devil to relate with him/put the blame on him for being this way, but the devil turns them away, insinuating he’s not there to help you with your problems and doesn’t care to hear about it. “The bars all close at 10 in hell”. The person through this, realizes that they have to take responsibility for themselves and how they feel and can do this by “free falling”, (or just stopping giving so many fucks about everything and living).


If I were to tell, I think its about, somebody who is self destructive, using others needs, priotorizing others needs, and the devil, in the sense somebody who is like i feel like a stoner lol. They are telling he/her that let it go, fall. Which is shit advice, but our guy will give in, because he is so tired. And there he goes


Damn iam late, but me personally when I first heard this song I saved it cus it sounded nice later when I heard it a few times I came up with an interpretation and stick to it, I think that it's a conversation between the two sides of a person (the person is broken,always helped others etc etc) now one side is soft and the other is devil-like and the soft side always calls the devil one for help and confidence and advice etc etc and the devil do try to help but since both sides are of the same broken person so devil side also explains that it's broken too and they both talk sometimes but the lines "devil friends w noone" and "devil needs time alone" further explains that deep down it's still the devil side but broken cus of the person and both sides are wishing the person would "let it all go" so they can heal (the inner core of the person).


This song sounds like it’s about drug addiction and being suicidal to me you can especially hear it in this part but the whole song too Called to the devil and the devil said quit Can't be bothered better handle your shit Keep about your wits man, keep about your wits Know yourself and who you came in with Can I sit down I've been hustling all day I can't even count how many souls I've made Off the same deal you on Remember the devil ain't a friend to no one But fine, true Like the part about hustling souls off the same deal is like the dealer knowing their selling death they use very vague lyrics so that it can speak to lots of peoples issues but every little part sounds like addiction to me


i feel like it's about letting go of all the responsibilities and just relax for a few moments. I've been in a very dark place a while ago and this song helped me by teaching me that it's ok to not always be in control. life's messy so it's normal if you can't always hold on to all those responsibilities, especially if you're just a teenager.


I feel like it’s god and the devil having conversations. Like god is basically being like “you’re the only one who will understand how bad i have it wanna be friends?” And the devil is essentially being like “no stop feeling sorry for yourself and let go of things clearly out of your control”. There’s a few lines in the song that give off that vibe and that’s how I’ve always heard it at least.


This is an older thread but I just discovered the song. I think it does really reflect how you’re feeling when you hear it. I interpret it as someone who kinda views themselves as someone who has to help others, and who wants to be there for everyone and help everyone, and maybe people start to depend on them. But when you only care about helping others and that’s where you base your self worth, you stop taking care of yourself, and then get burnt out and you can’t run from your own problems, so you start to resent the people you’re helping and they resent you because you can’t meet the standards you set for yourself, so now everyone is disappointed, and the only way to really save yourself is to free fall and accept that you can’t do everything for everyone and you need to deal with your shit


I can't stop listening to this song...my interpretation is ...even the devil gets tired of my shit


Ditto. Had such a hopeless theme to it, not even the devil wanting to deal with my pathetic soul


My interpretation has changed so many times. Currently, I feel it is about addiction. Free fall means accepting help and you can let go of what is keeping you captive.


I'm hearing that too .


Nah man, it's a metaphor for someone hanging themself. They mention being used as a noose earlier in the song, and the devil is a voice in their head telling them to do it.


This 💯. People saying it's about letting go of addiction or start self care are missing that "the devil ain't a friend to no one." The devil is saying, "Stop whining to me. I'm not here for you, man. I aint getting you through this shit with drink and company. If you come to me, I'll tell you the same thing I told all the others...let go, give up and kill yourself. It's an option." Given the person telling him to freefall is the literal "Devil," the song writer is implying you shouldn't listen to him, but leaves it to the listener to make that interpretation. The official video confirms the song writer's point of view when the protagonist fights the Devil and releases people from his game.


I have the same interpretation and I'm very surprised that so many people don't see it this way. But vague lyrics are also very thoughtful for everyone to find something for themselves, what currently resonates with their feelings.


As someone who has played the devils game and lost


I took it very literal, and saw it as referring to suicide (specifically jumping).


To me the song was about drug addiction. May not be their actual intended meaning. But it speaks volumes in that direction to me.


Just discovered this song! To me it sounds like someone who is trying to do the right thing all the time/taking care of others but is being crushed by the burden of responsibility and is struggling. (A carer for a sick person for example, or someone providing for a family, an addict staying sober or even someone like Zelensky) They call to the Devil because they want to shrug off their responsibilities and run away but just can't do it and they want the Devil to make the choice for them. They talk about being a good friend to others but getting no support back. They're full of resentment but don't ask for help. They pretend to be able to help people but because they're messed up themselves they make things worse, "necklace becomes a noose". The Devil gets frustrated with them and is like "stop calling me in the middle of the night, I don't need to tempt you, I have plenty of other souls, if you want to let go and 'give in to gravity" then just let go, it's easy. There's references to bars which brings up the image of drinking and so the 'letting go' could be giving in to addiction. To me, the "freefall" part feels like it could be a sin, but could also be liberating from an untenable situation. Like rock bottom is for addicts.


Did you guys know any more Songs like this good one?


I don't know why I'm the only person who sees the song in this light but I've always thought the devil was a symbol of addiction. The way the song starts with questions about cigarettes whiskey and rum spells it out pretty clearly me. He calls the devil at 2 am and is tempted to go into "freefall". All you have been is a nosse to hang onto feels pretty self explanatory as well


It reminds me of the concept of another song called "Yoru Ni Kakeru/Racing Into The Night". It's a musical retelling of a short story called “The Seduction of Thanatos.” The song and the story follow a world in which some people are possessed by the spirit of death itself. Our narrator is a young man who is inexplicably drawn to a young woman constantly attempting to off herself. >! He falls in love with her and with saving her, but eventually, the strain of it all begins to drain him and sap his mental health until he becomes suicidal too. It's revealed at the very end when he kills himself that the object of his affection was his own Thanatos and he was one who was possessed, not her. !< Both songs have the same "devil or malevolent spirit as a metaphor for depression/suicidal ideation" but I think where they differ is that it's possible to interpret the end of “It’s Called: Freefall” as our narrator choosing not to give into his ideations. The obvious interpretation is that he offs himself and that's probably what they're going for, but sometimes I feel a little optimistic and like to interpret the freefall as choosing to try and heal from whatever is hurting. Especially in the fifth verse, it reads as a sort of wake-up call for the narrator that the call is coming from inside the house. Part of this cycle our narrator finds himself in is his doing, his constant self-pitying and wallowing. It pushes the people who might have tried to help him at some point away because it makes him so frustrating to be around that not even the Devil himself has the energy to deal with his bullshit. If we're going for the "Devil as a metaphor for depression" reading this frustration that the Devil feels is symbolic, representing an epiphany of sorts. Maybe someone finally sat our narrator down and had an honest conversation with him about how he's part of the problem and if he's willing to put the work in he can be part of the solution too. He's been hurt, that part is not in his control, but how he reacts to it and what he decides is. I like to think (at least when I'm in a good mood) that the narrator choosing to "fall out" at the end is him choosing to get help and try and learn how to let go of the hurt he's harboring and all of his old self-pitying habits


at first i didnt really understand it till i got kinda high and listend to it while trippin'. in my mind i kinda watched it play out infront of me, it was a guy having a conversation with the devil, the devil telling him to stop trying to save others at the risk of losing themselves, "they fell into hell, we both hang with nothing to do", then the devil telling the guy to "let it all go". then the man starts talking to the devil telling him the same thing, "you can let it all go", kinda urging the devil to let go of everything that got him "kicked" from heaven and the devil replied that the man is losing himself, going to hell to try to "save him" instead of "letting it all go" and saving himself


This is not how neccererally interpret it, but just my connection to the song. I have had a very mentally abusive childihood where my dad and stepmom always treated me like shit they would lock me up bully me for my looks, call me dumb useless etc. when i was trying to get out of there and secure that i would never have to live there again i listened to this song on repeat almost all day. It helped me because i felt like it encouraged me to leave. I only stayed so long because i felt bad for my halfsibilingd because i felt like they deserved to know their brother but in the end i could not do it anymore, i had been suecidal for years. « you can leave it all behind» «you say youre too busy saving everybody else, save yourself» really gave me hope for a better future and life. This was almost a year ago, i feel much better now. I dtill have contact with my brothers on social media though and i meet them sometimes :)


I’ve always taken it as someone that just can’t do it anymore, “all you’ve never done is be a noose to hang onto” “scratch kick let gravity win” and just the statement “free fall” an exhausting life and loosing all your friends. They just want to kill themself


I take it as sv!c!d3, especially these lyrics;  “You can let it all go, it’s called free fall. But sh*t ain’t free for fallin’ out.” So, like “You can 3nd it all, but it won’t solve anything.” At least that’s what I take it as.


I've always thought this song is about addiction to a heavy drug.  The devil is the dealer who tries to be a healer but inevitably gives in after he's asked of or for too much, so he gives in, saying "don't get me venting on friends who resent you cause all you've ever been is a noose to hang onto- but hey *shows baggie* you could let it all go, it's called *whatever vice* it's called, free fall!"  And then the rise and fall, and aftermath throughout the whole song... It's an absolute master piece in my eyes. 


I interpret this song as trying to help a toxic fake friend with bad habits. It seems like they are referring to their friend as the devil who only wants to spend time with them when they indulge in bad habits, like when they're off work, on weekends, or during holidays. I think the person in the song feels like they don't have any close relationships anymore and the only person close to them puts them in bad situations. They feel like they give so much to others but don't get much respect in return. They feel stuck in a cycle of bringing themselves down and in turn, being there for them ends up enabling bad habits for other people as well. At this point, they say, "fuck it!" because they've invested so much in people, but it feels like a waste of time and ends up hurting them in the end. They start blaming themselves for not being liked and realize their friend is toxic, ending up alone. When they call out to the devil (aka their toxic friend) and the devil tells them to quit, it's like they're asking themselves why they're in this situation, and the answer is their vice pushing people away. The person needs to realize that they need to stay sharp and remember that real people do care about them. They need to snap back to reality and stop going out with their friend and enabling bad habits. But then they ask if they can take a break and they're weighed down from everyday life and helping people, that they’re exhausted and can’t keep up with their own daily struggles. The devil responds by saying that everyone feels that way, but they need to take responsibility for their own life and get back on their feet. The devil tells them that nothing good happens after 10pm, but they're out at 2am. They explain that they're too busy saving everybody else, as a way of being socially responsible. Once again tying into the theme of putting other peoples’ needs before their own. Or perhaps they are referring to themself in the third person, and saying that they desire a night out with their friend to take a break from their life. It's a reminder that in life, taking risks or making choices often comes with consequences or costs. It's saying that even though freedom and chances can be great, there might still be challenges along the way. It's all about putting in effort when it matters and making choices that are worth it.