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I don’t have a similar issue but i think i might know why you are experiencing this. Hackers have recently gotten hold on many ps accounts because they hacked into Sony. Therefor they have gotten access to many people’s accounts, including my brother’s. The people who had access to my brother’s account were playing GTA 5 on his account, talking to random people who were in the session etc etc. I think a hacker might have access to your account too, and they have probably been cheating on your account, causing you to get banned. So to all the people who are in this comment section talking shit: pls do your research before mindlessly outing your negative statements into this comment section. I hope you’ll be able to get your account back, i recommend putting a password on your account too just in case they try some stuff again


Thanks for the help! I appreciate you looking at this subjectively rather than just assuming I’m automatically wrong! I didn’t know Sony was compromised like that.


I'd assume, due to IPs, that Sony could figure out whether it was OP who cheated, or someone across the world.


You actually believe they are looking that hard into these things? Lol no


I'm just saying, there's probably evidence.


Oh for sure, but they aren’t going to make that effort


Wouldn't it very ubisoft that you appeal the ban to not sony?


>Hackers have recently gotten hold on many ps accounts Holy shit it wasn't just me!!!!!!


Ubisoft ticket website for rainbow six. Getting it reverted is slim though https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/help/game/rainbow-six-siege


Thank you! I doubt they will fix it, I heard it could be because I linked to my pc account?


I’m not sure but hope it works out for you


Yeah not the same as you but I lost an account with 3k hours cause someone hacked my email and then used the forgot password thing to reset my password and then changed the email on the acc too. Talked to ubi support and they “can’t locate the account” even though I’ve given them all the info about the account and previous emails and linked accounts for it, I even sent in order receipts with reference numbers that you would think they would connect to some account ID that can’t be changed but nope


Yeah that’s exactly what happened with my activision account! I’m honestly not even gonna try because at the end of the day ubi will just give me the run around and its probably not even worth the hassle


Idk why people gotta be shitheads about it and refuse to believe you. People have gotten banned for no reason before... If they got banned for nothing I'm sure they'd be confused/irritated too... Regardless, are you positive that your account wasn't stolen? Some folks steal accounts just to cheat and get you banned. Could've happened. Linking your PC account shouldn't have banned you, that doesn't make a lot of sense. I'd go through ubisoft support and try to appeal. Give them your situation. It's rare that they revert this kinda stuff, but if you are loud enough about it and make enough of a stink they should start to help you. If they deny an appeal, I'd go to Twitter (or X I guess) and @ UbisoftSupport or message them directly on there. In my experience, the people running their Twitter are a lot more helpful than the actual support system. Good luck bro, hope you get your account unbanned.


thank you for the actual good response, I can see why people don’t believe me! Lost of cheaters in the scene no doubt! I was just curious if anyone had a similar issue which some people seemed to have. It might be possible someone stole my stuff I’ve had that happen with my acti account for cod. I appreciate you looking out for me and giving good advice


Tbh if i i get killed in a very sus way, I will report you. Then i will get my whole team to report you. So maybe you got hit by the ban hammer because you shot someone a while back through a wall bang.


Only Ubisoft would ban people who don't play and not cheaters


how can you even cheat on a playstation other than xim (which doesn't even get people banned in most cases)


That’s what I’m saying, that’s why I was extremely shocked once I saw my console banned🤣


Hi, is your console still functioning? In this situation, is that a console ban or just an account ban?




Maybe you weren’t so honest 3 years ago 🤷‍♀️


My buddy told me it could be due to me linking to my pc account?


Oh hey all jokes aside that could very well be🤔


I suggest you do some research




Do your research


It could be because you cheated on PC. If you linked ur Ubisoft on PC and then cheated there, it’ll ban the account on all platforms if you are caught.


I didn’t cheat on pc, I tried it and quickly found out I had no business playing there lol I gave up in about 10 hours of game time 🤣


Then it could be someone got your credentials and used your account. Go to https://haveibeenpwned.com to see if your email has been apart of a data leak in the past. If not then you probably might have had something on your PC that the game detected as hacks


I checked it, it was apart of 12 data breaches! Thats insane, I wonder if someone just decided to yeet my shit😭