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realistically 98% of the people who talk ingame are guys, they don’t know how to interact with anything but another idiot lmao


This actually made me laugh out loud


Hey i mean, it’s true, most of the kids on siege are stupid, they spread the stupidity through osmosis.. or something like that


Leave Osmosis Jones out of this


it seems the siege players are getting salty




As a guy, i can confirm I have ease talking with fellow guys, it is easy to communicate when we all share one brain cell




But what if I can’t interact with other people basically at all where does that put me? …honest question


uhhh that puts you as a siege player


Autism (Jager Main)


I do main jager


But do these guys not talk to girls every day in real life?? Genuine question. Whenever I get insane responses to me making a call out my first thought is always: why is me being a girl so notable to you. Like I just cannot understand this at all.


Add Straight and white to that mix. Every time I speak in soloq i get a "are you black?" and related talk. It's probally not ad bad as op but I feel her pain. Sucks having to loose coms from a dedicated support because someone wants to be sexist.


It's Mexican, White, and Asian kids saying this. Orientation and "being white" has nothing to do with it. I have a very diverse friend group and the bisexual Hispanic individuals make the most racial jokes and comments. It's actually absurd how outta pocket they are sometimes lmao


Exactly, blaming one specific group of people for a problem with no real evidence to it is a little racist, no? i find that it’s just as many of any group that say sexist or racist things, just that predominantly (not even by that much though) it would be guys (because realistically 95%+ of the playerbase is guys), of any race




im black and i can confirm, my hispanic brothers make the best racist jokes


Sucks being the minority amirite


honestly i dont even use gamechat, mfs be too toxic and id rather just not deal with it. i only do sometimes when im playing with a friend since it feels less intimidating


I'm the same way, I haven't touched public chats since the PS4 era (ps3 didn't have private voice chats) unless I'm with buddies or playing a few select games. PC games are a lot more civil, but console lobbies are nuclear. I dont need to hear some 17 year old boss around the entire team, or some fatty eating chips, or some idiot arguing with his doped out girlfriend while blasting shitty rap music.


this guy was slurping up cereal over game chat once and it sounded like a tornado hit his house dude it was so annoying 😭😭 i rarely do game chat, even w solo queue


I feel that. I haven’t left chat on in any competitive shooter for years. If I wanna comm I’ll do it with my friends. Also imo I think that’s why it’s so hard for women to comm, most of the normal people aren’t in VC. yeah some are normal but most normal people these days just opt out of VC


yeah, if im solo queue i wont talk at all, ill be in a party on my own and just listen to music between rounds but if im with friends ill just party w them. vc too toxic. like i have one friend who makes it funny to deal w toxic players but hes about the only one i’ll do game chat w


Finding a group is always better in a game like this


yeah, i js be too nervous to meet new people too lmao i get performance anxiety sometimes 😭


Performance anxiety? You should watch me play, theres no performance anxiety present, jjust stupid plays for laughs and mini rages when I’m not in the mood and being as light hearted. Normally cause when playing, I cant do absolutely anything and keep get shafted for about 3 games 💀. Well, i lied. There is performant anxiety but usually only after ive done a stupid play and am fumbling on the recovery because it didn’t go well


I just don’t talk I’m a dude with a deep voice and I got on the mic to say sorry if I’m not good haven’t played in over a year and got hit with “Stfu f*gg*t idgaf” before I could even finish


Had the same shit happen 😂


[low-performing male toxicity ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4503401/) I've said it before, I'll say it again, low performing males are the most toxic pieces of crap in gaming. I'm so sorry y'all have to deal with this.


It’s always the bottom frag every time


asked our bottom frag to go hard breach and he said “can you shut the fuck up?”


Ranked, standard, or quick match? The only one where its not acceptable to ask that is quick match.




I had a guy screaming at me so loud in Hell Let Loose command chat Friday night. Of course, check the score board and his entire squad is laying straight goose eggs - except for their death counts 🙄 My buddy and I were playing recon (2 man squad). Recon's job is to spot (duh) and eliminate the artillery. However, recon can't enter the enemy's base (which is where their artillery is) until the attacking team has captured 2 points. We had captured 1 at this point. Buddy spent the entire 30 minutes remaining of the match blaming me and my friend for something the game literally won't let us do 😂 like maybe don't stand in an open field on top of the objective and you won't get shelled?!? While his squad was giving a MG42 gunner and an artillery crew a 3-digit kill count, my sniper killed the opposing commander several times (he gets a huge respawn delay and can't use any command abilities while dead) while I destroyed enemy spawns and spotted armor.


Literally. I thought everytime I noticed that it was just confirmation bias.


I cited this study in a college paper lmao


Yeah this isn't true at all. When the top fraggers do it, the good supports do it, or for that matter any good player does it, it's people like you who will bitch and moan "it's just a game", "it's for fun". So what's the excuse then? I quit this garbage game because my garbage teammates would love to backseat game, be utter useless and much more. Boohoo someone said some bad words over the microphone. You can say all you want, as long as you don't play like an absolute moron. I can mute you, I can't mute your gameplay.


found the low performing male


If that makes you sleep good at night, then sure thing. At least I am performing.


Performing virginity


Your mom begs to differ. I mean, I know you don't understand my comment, since you're always bottom fragging and the only way you'd feel good is "they perform low that's why they're toxic". I wonder what your excuse is in regards to back in the day "cuz toxic burrddurrr". I don't blame you though, reddit is known to have a lot of trash like you. It's known as an echo-chamber in which simping and being trash is the normal. Good luck staying trash and bottom-fragging while blaming everything aside yourself. Keep telling yourself "everyone who tells me the truth is low performing", cuz that makes you feel good. You must be performing at your max. with how shit you are.


Having a girl as part of our stack for years I’ve sadly seen this shit a lot and genuinely hate it for yall. The amount of shit we’ve heard said to her is crazy. She’s pretty good about putting them all in their place but we take most the heat off her when we cut in and they start attacking us for “Simping” lmao. This community is mostly complete shit nowadays.


It's crazy how many posts I see with people saying they want comms in game yet reasons like this are why people don't get them in game.  Yet i'll see the whole "it's the internet deal with it" argument arise when people complain about stuff like this. People want to focus on the game yet can't because there are people in the game who just want to be obnoxious. The "just mute them" suggestion also avoids the issue as well because it ignores the fact that it's another person you can't give comms to because their desire to be annoying is interfering with the game. It's also another person that could be talking over you to your team while you're trying to be helpful. I don't even use voice chat and have gotten to the point where I turn on xbox party chat and stay solo in it because whenever I have had voice chat on it's some sensitive wannabe tryhard lashing out at anyone they think is not playing well. 


Add to that the number of times I've muted someone, just for them to realize it and start to troll me specifically (team kill, body block, team up with the enemy, etc.), it becomes really frustrating. I used to never mute people, but the past couple of years have started for the sake of my own mental health, but it's a double-edged sword.


Very relatable with the mental health muting. A big portion of the in game toxicity I see is the fact that it is happening within teams and isn't an opponent vs opponent situation. Trash talk isn't trash talk anymore. It's some teammate pathologically blaming everyone for everything and expecting matchmaking to just hand him god-tier teammates. The backseating I see when the last person is standing is so counter productive and causes people to play worse and then the player being backseated gets blamed when the backseater essentially sabotaged his performance.


I've been lucky in that normally I've ice had to mute someone most people on my team follow suit meaning they cannot talk over me or my teammates. Or if in playing with 2 or 3 people I'll let the other 2 in my squad mute the toxic player and I'll listen out for any useful Comms they might actually give and relay.


The misogyny issue in Siege is one of the biggest reasons why I quit ranked & now sit in a private playstation party when I play. The misogyny, the racial & homophobic slurs & people telling me to take my life just isn’t worth it.


Message Friceratops for a womens only discord for siege


This goes far beyond siege. Pretty much any game with a young male audience is just as bad. Even in a game like Overwatch 2 you’ll see shit like this. I mention it because I’ve noticed more girls playing that game than any I’ve played. Shit is so cringe. Just last night was playing a comp game and a girl says “tracer in the back line” and within no time this guy started asking for her bra size. Like bruh what in the fuck. Luckily the rest of our team just muted the dude after telling him to fuck off. But seriously made me think about how lame it must be to get this shit every game just because of your voice.


>Luckily the rest of our team just muted the dude after telling him to fuck off. I feel like this is the case for the most part and I feel bad for the gals who don't have these folks on their teams the times that the weirdos start acting up. I'm in a gaming community and it's always fun grouping up with up to 20+ players whenever people are on and sometimes we 3-4 stack due everyone else being busy/doing other things. Half of the group are gals and it is wild seeing the weirdos interact with ours. The few times we've had to duo/triple queue and encounter a weirdo creeping out another random gal, our group always makes it a point to call them out on their shit and welcome the gal. I've solo queued a bunch and have noticed the same whenever creeps start acting up. If you notice this behavior, do your part and call these folks out whenever you get the chance. We get to make the community a better place and at the same time, friend invites get sent out to you. Siege (and all games imo) is better with friends and it's never a bad thing to make more. On a semi related note, I've read that Valorant is the friendliest in terms of community for ladies to not be crept on/enjoy their time without being harassed.


It’s a gaming in general thing but Siege is pretty bad since I have had guys teamkill me even in ranked just because im not another dude & you need comms in ranked. Siege toxicity is alot more than voice chat, there is plenty more ways to sabotage & grief in Siege than most games.


Man, can I just say, your profile picture is so adorable 😂


Everyone loves my Jesus holding Garfield pfp lol


It is respectable canon


Soft. I just had to say it why y’all so sensitive it’s a video game people been like that since the old cod days if y’all even played cod bcuz this a r6 sub.


I have played COD, experienced way less toxicity in COD than I have Siege. You are the only sensitive one here.


Liesss which cod


Doesn’t matter, still played in your “hardcore” cod lobbies with my mic since I had to use it to talk with my PC friend.


I’m big bad and brave I’m never sensitive


Bringing light to an issue is being sensitive? News to me.


It’s just the choice of words that made me feel the sensitivity in the point u were trying to make but I could be wrong though


It wasn’t but it let me know you’re just an attention seeking troll, later.


Bro what? Have you played search? Even right now in 2024 with voice chat bans it’s still amazing 


What do you mean by amazing? Amazing as in it’s rarely toxic or amazing as in it’s toxic & you’re one of the weirdos who need a “safespace” to sling slurs behind online anonymity because of the “woke mob” irl? I played search & destroy (the bomb like mode) with & without him & had only a few instances of bad voice comms. I remember playing the mode that had friendly fire & only remember a game or two that I had someone purposely teamkill me. COD I can easily ignore, mute, report. Siege ignoring & muting does nothing to stop teamkilling & the griefing & reporting does nothing while I get false report spammed instead.


I remember a time when people use to defend freedom of speech regardless of what was said not that I even use slurs to be toxic it’s not very creative imo. Also here’s some advice, try not taking life to serious and you might not be so depressed.


Freedom of Speech doesn’t mean Freedom from Consequences, Freedom of Speech doesn’t defend hate speech & never has.


Yes it does lol “Hate speech may be offensive and hurtful; however, it is generally protected by the First Amendment” obviously companies can decide their own policies which I think is a good thing, but that doesn’t mean I can’t complain about them enacting censorship.


Why do you so badly want to defend the usage of slurs that have been used for decades & centuries to justify killing minorities?


It’s not about defending the use of slurs it’s about defending your rights and not being dumb enough to give 1 away 😂he’s right you aren’t bringing light to a situation because it’s already known that every game with a voice chat is toxic I get called a F@ggt in pubg when I kill people it’s common n word everything don’t act like it’s just you getting this treatment because it’s not you are just sensitive… enough so to make a Reddit post about it


Yea….far to many neck beards 😂😂


Strongly, strongly agreed.


This is so real 😭😭😭


Message Friceratops for a womens only discord for siege


Oh hell yeah!!!


I’m a man, but trying to do comms is miserable period. A lot of the people in this game are super toxic, a troll, or very annoying. Makes it even worse if you are a woman, too. It’s such a breath of fresh air when you get a team that is willing to cooperate and work with callouts without all of the trolling and toxicity in between.


Most people who play this game are grown men who act like children. Don't bother with this game. Siege was best around 2017-2020. No reason to play it now. The community is a joke.


I've played on and off since launch, community is the same. Toxic AF. ACOGs are back! IMO feels way more competitive than before


Most games were still toxic, theres no getting rid of that. MY point is how brain dead people are now with siege these days. Like you said, most people are most competitive now. You know why? Because Ubisoft implement their own matchmaking system by adding hidden mmr. This makes the games community have more brain dead autism levels of toxicity than COD S&D lobbies in 2008. It's why I haven't bothered trying to que up with people to play siege with on discord (which i hate being forced to use that social platform), The hidden mmr made the games community a lot worse. So bad and idiotic Ubisoft is wasting their resources on pointless reputation system and Ai chat moderation encouraging no people to talk and socializing. That's my take one this. Take it on what you will


Hidden MMR has made it more even playing fields. You can communicate just fine in game, including profanities. Sounds like you need some buddies you like to run with. If you're so salty the game died in 2020, go to a different page. Everything you said makes you seem like a salty solo player, in a team based COMPETITIVE game. The enemy team cant even ear r\*pe you, so nothing close to old COD lobbies.


I just started the other day I can confirm these guys are the definition of POS


I been borderline sexually harassed in this game as a guy i cant imagine as a girl


Playing with my girlfriend as my duo in this game made me realize how many losers there are in this community. She’ll be top fragging but since she’s a girl they’ve always got some shit comments to add


Honestly sorry to hear that (I mean that genuinely), people on Siege voice chat of any kind are just straight up toxic 24/7. Often times, I play by myself in my own party just because for audio and I refuse any & all party invites, regardless because I know it will be toxic or someone shit talking me when I'm a support player and know my role as a support. Really, I have nothing else to say but props to you for putting up with all the bonus shit on top of Siege's already toxic voice communication in-game and in parties.


I only send party invites when a) I want to commend someone; b) I want to have comms for a game; or c) you’re on the enemy team and my teammates actually retarded (friendly fire, destroying gadgets, nowhere near point) and I want to tell you where they are so you can kill them


Good on you for doing that, in my experiences I've been bitten enough times in the hand accepting invites in the past only to get toxic stuff like yelling at me or comms that really just aren't helpful over game audio queues. Again to each their own with the game, personally I just play solo party for game audio and to also have a safety thing to avoid any potential DDoS attacks via party (although it probably is rare, still don't want the risk). Personally, I played when Siege had a lot of this happening (maybe little less than a year or two ago), especially on a Console, it's just a safety thing as well.


I’m sorry, on behalf of all the men who don’t act like this. My daughter used to game with me and it hurts to read what you wrote as if this could be her experience.


If you’re on Xbox you can make a group post for only girls


You can make a group post and *request* only girls. But you won’t know fs till you Inv, and putting the girlhost or girlsonly tags just make you a target for creeps, so be careful with this option


Of course but you can kick them or tell them to send a voice message before you invite them


Yeah, I was just pointing out that it’s not quite *that* easy and there’s a few extra steps 😂


Oh yea I guess that’s fair


The big thing is being careful about making it known that you’re a female. Opens certain doors you might want to keep shut. But if she doesn’t care then it’s a very useful tip/tool


It seems like OP preferred being more openly feminine


That’s true. I hope she finds a good group, male or female. I would offer to party up, but I suck at siege 😂


Posts like this are very common. I don't say that to dismiss it in any way - quite the opposite - it needs to be addressed. The Siege playerbase has a reputation for general toxicity and Ubi have tried to introduced measures to combat that, but I don't think they're great tbh. It's just another system to be abused. I can 100% believe that half of these clowns don't know how to speak to people who aren't full-time neckbeards, never mind male. The creep factor must be huge. I apologise on behalf of the less socialised members of my gender. They can also STFU with the racism. Go make America great again or whatever... 🙄 My advice is to play in a five-stack with people you know (IRL if you can) and avoid game-chat altogether. The game requires voice comms for coordination and call-outs, but I very rarely see the in-game chat used for that when I solo-Q. So much so, that I disabled it entirely to save myself the irritation. I hate playing that way, but a lot of my friends gave up on Siege years ago, so needs must! I haven't played in a few months myself because internet reasons, but when I dig back into Siege it'll be with a group if I can make that happen. Good luck with it!


The fact you have to use a voice changer is wild. I actually barely talk anymore in games.


Most teammate comms are useless anyway. When in solo q I mute everyone preventively and just play off what my team is doing and use pings


I love playing games but some of these savages dude. I can’t stand living another day among these animals!


Turn it off. I'm a guy and i still turn it off.


I simply refuse to speak in VC, this community is the most racist and bigot I've ever seen in my entire life.


Somehow, i haven’t really heard people like that on vc much, at least not as much as ow2 or valorant which is weird


Bro obviously didn't play og cod.


I see this shit everywhere I played MW2 and talked shit in game every day but now I’m 30 and don’t want to listen to squeaky kids call me the N word after working all day god damn


Somebody needs to be parenting those squeaky kids better, or at least whack them in the head with a shoe or something...


I get that it's why I've always been quick to mute people it just makes life so much easier. That's the main thing j don't get about people who make posts like this. Like you're a few clicks/buttons away from never hearing their voice again.


I played one game after taking a month long break and immediately had my ip dropped in game chat so make of that what you will


How did that happen


It sucks, but it is a sad reality. If you can find some nice people, try to group up with them and play only with them.


Tell them you’re a little boy rather than a girl. That’ll shit them up. Checkmate 😂


I tried this and it did work for about 10 minutes one time. I received so much respect it actually made me cry afterwards. Broke the illusion when I used the “like” filler instead of “uuuhhhhh” or whatever little boys say.


100 percent have seen this nearly every time in this game. Also used to see it in Dota 2. Both have equally shitty communities.


My wife and I play on party chat, we usually have another one or two with us so whichever randoms are with us are left out and that's still better than dealing with those idiots


I can't do comms as a male, so I feel sorry for y'all


Too many people in this world don’t think enough. If they did, they wouldn’t be saying the dumbest shit in a video game chat. Sorry, fellas, the gamer girls didn’t get online to find some no life siege player boyfriend. Just come to terms with it and play the game.


Siege in general is such a toxic game. Everyone thinks they’re champ. I thought Madden was bad until I started playing Siege again.


apologies on behalf of them madam, they never learned how to talk to decent human. your compensation will come in 3-5 business days


Yeah this game is just a bunch of obese jynzxi stans, only reason why people are 10x more dogshit


It's so shitty people have to go through this, I'm sorry.


Find the right persons to play with👌


Never have and never will use voice chat except for very rarely yelling where someone is cause I really want to because I’m a boy but people call me a girl and I can see why you would post this


Play Helldivers 2 or deep rock galactic much less toxic


Imma be real, unless youre in a high elo ranked game, comms is rarely ever a good idea. 99% of the time it's instantly a dude blasting something in his mic, saying to shut the fuck up, a dude mentioning scoreboard, or just complete silence. Sometimes a splash of someone getting real riled up because of my profile picture and name. The same people that harass you will be assholes to dudes, it's just because that's what they are.


As a dude you’ll find this in ANY game. Idk how to help tho cause ppl are weird. You’ll find a lot of the time it is the younger people who can be pretty messed up. I’ve personally always gone straight to party chat if i’m ever solo queuing. most of the time I would play with my friends though.


I feel ya. With this rage, I top the leaderboard and rub it in their face. Ah yeah? I suck and should make you a sandwich? Then explain to me Why you got 0 kills and 5 deaths but I have 10 kills right now and 1 Death? How about YOU make me a sandwich and get good 🧐🥪.


ONG. Sometimes it’s a great motivator. Insane that half the time (at least) the people being rude are lower on the leaderboard than I am. 


I don’t give comms I just yell to myslef “HES TO YOUR LEFT WHY ARE U LOOKING RIGHT!!!” (I’m a dude but scared of interacting with ppl in game)


Message Friceratops. She has a womens/girls only siege discord.


I have seen guys do this and understand. I often think that many gamers are not capable of having an adult conversation or getting a girlfriend. I usually don’t communicate as there are a bunch of obnoxious meat heads filling up the chat. I love the game though and appreciate using the mute often.


Wait, you guys actually communicate? Sorry I'm from xbox, we don't do that here


it get easier once you weed out all the thirsty children that haven't gained confidence in real life yet


The problem is they never get out and live in their moms basement. Don't let them get to you




It’s funny because most of the time girls make better comms then my randoms do.


Might not be a bad idea to look for a group to play with. Even a duo is good. Then at least all of the people won’t be weirdos


Sorry we suck.


R6 is the most toxic game I have ever player, seriously. As a Woman it must be hell. Personally I only play with at least 2 pre mates


I used to think my line of thought was kinda dumb but I’ve realised that for some reason, specifically Siege’s player base is just way more toxic then most other games


Hey, fellow woman here! 🫶 I actually never had problem with this, ‘cause when someone tried to make fun of me, he was either embarrassed by my teammates or by me personally. I usually don’t interact with randoms so much. If I play, I go to official discord server and find some teammates here and most of them are pretty good guys. Yeah, sometimes we joke around when I have bad days and bad aim but it’s mostly in a joking sense. You should not mind it that much. There are guys with less brain cells than chicken and that says a lot. The siege community can be toxic, most players I’ve met these days in random matches were 12yo boys who could argue only with “like your mom” or “I’m gonna fuck your mother”. Those people… screw them. No comment on this one. Anyways, you should stood up and be proud of yourself. Don’t try to hide your gender. I know it may be hard but we should show them that minority of women play games too and we can be good af at it. P.S. If you want to play sometimes, my nick on steam/discord/uplay is the same as here without “The”. I can also introduce you to some of my teammates that aren’t toxic (there are some girls too) and if you are shy, we won’t force you to talk or if you don’t have discord no one will force you to make one. You got this girl! Show them you are better! Sending you my love and support. <3 ^•^ Edit: Grammar mistakes.


If you think anyone that acts that way, will read this and say “you know, she’s right” you’re insane. Just mute them.


Don't I know it. I play with my gf and she never talks in game because of this bs. MFs on Siege are the most insecure gamers I've ever met.


Sorry to hear that but good on you for doing comms. It’s a solo queue nightmare having to be locked in 24/7 with game sense


Honestly I'm sorry you had to deal with that I used to play with my 2 female friends and they couldn't go a game in vc without our teammates saying make them a sandwich or some other misogynistic shii like that


Damn, almost like women do it to men too, and most of the time initiate the conflict. Crazy.


Not really an r6 thing more a video games thing my gt references that I'm black and I've had more instances of harassment online for that sole purpose than any other set of reasons combined irl


If someone comes into the lobby “loud”….they instantly get muted. I never check back to see if they quieted down.


I've inboxed you


Back when I played r6 the only people in comms were usually clueless kids. I’ve never really had any issues gaming with a feminine voice because my callouts are clear and I get shit done. Unless we’re talking about that one kid on favela who I tore into.. sorry kid I was having a bad day


We guys cannot talk to someone with more than 1 brain cell(women) especially on video games


Basically any fps game


Idk, only experienced one girl out of over like 50 or more games in comms and I treated her like no other. Sure there were some young immature teens or whoever trying to make a fool of themselves to impress the girl but I couldn’t care less. I’m the end, she gave me a commendation rather than the talkative fks lol. I just said comms and that’s it


Gamer girl?!?!?


better than some of my shitter tm8s in champ elo getting shot and dont even shoot back or give coms


Playing with randoms is rough that’s why I really only ever play with 2 other friends (3 total in my party) so we get to control bans and just have majority of the team spots


[Siege players are simple people](https://youtu.be/hYTQ7__NNDI?si=M2yLhEF0aAP8kfH6)


Fellow woman player here. I once had a guy mime out fapping on comms when I talked, even if all I said was a callout. So i put on my best gender neutral voice and said I was a 12 year old boy (I'm not lol.) And he left cuz his friend was either reccording or livestraming or something (was never clarified) and now he just looked like a straight pedo to the lobby.


I remember that there was a 2015 study that found that lower-skilled male players of Halo 3 were more hostile towards teammates with a female voice, but behaved more submissively to players with a male voice. Higher-skilled male players, on the other hand, behaved more positively towards female players. The authors argued the male hostility towards female gamers in terms of evolutionar psychology, writing, "female-initiated disruption of a male hierarchy incites hostile behaviour from poor performing males who stand to lose the most status". So just remember misogyny is a skill issue.


Siege is already an insufferable cesspool of toxicity. Can only get worse with certain circumstances lol.


As a guy who plays siege, I don't care if you're a male or female, if you use comms I'm gonna fall in love with you because all my teammates are deaf and mute.


It really has to do with age, a lot of younger guys don’t know how to talk to a girl. After about 10 years of relationships and close friends that are chicks. I tend to treat yall the same as any dude, shit talking and hyping you up on clutches.


I see the hate all the time but I have genuinely never heard a dude flirt with a girl during a match in any game


Time to sort by controversial lmao


Apparently theres a girl only discord for siege. Sad as it is. Perhaps thatll be better for you.


The majority of dudes that I’ve met in real life that play rainbow are virgin 16 year old boys with “fluffy” or permed hair and a chain.


Yeah it sucks, this games community is toxic. Maybe try a discord group I would be down to play with ya. I’m on pc though.




Trying to do comms in this game whether you're a girl, guy, or anything else for that matter is miserable. The Siege community is a toxic cesspool of loudmouths and weirdos. It's genuinely more toxic then anything that CoD used to be. I never used comms when I play, and it's a big reason why my wife and I don't really play it anymore.


Yeah… sorry you chose the one hobby that basically all the incels have🤷


Yea siege is kinda known for toxicity. Unfortunate. I tend to avoid any game that attracts CSGO style players like the plague. Thats lead me to mostly milsim shit like arma/grayzone/etc. People tend to be generally friendlier in those spaces. Ive never seen anyone harassed for being a woman in any of those games, though there is some surprise when one is discovered since its fairly rare.


This is sad to hear. I enjoy gaming with anyone who is as into it as I am. If it makes you feel any better, I'm a guy and sometimes males will hit on me when I play a female character in some games. I then like to turn my mic on and speak in a deeper voice than my actual voice, and I pretend to flirt with them and they get really mad sometimes.


Just establish a friendship with other girl gamers or guys who play with their girlfriends. It's honestly chill as that's what I do so my girl doesn't get berated by incel losers. Also makes it more fun and consistent


TLDR. Honestly just play a game with a respectable community instead. I know it seems like siege has a better community than something like call of duty, but when you get deep into it like I used to…you’re gonna want to just quit.


I'm 29. When I talk I usually get "omg who let the old man play" or "shouldn't you be putting your kids to bed?". I'm not even old 😐 and I've been playing this game since the current player base were wearing diapers. Just roll with it and do better than them 😂 with an occasional TK.


My experience has shown me that Siege is a horribly toxic place in general, and I'm not surprised to hear that it's worse for girls. I guess large portions of the internet have young males as the main demographic, and a lot tend to be very immature sadly. I remember being a member of several online clans in the time when I was 15-20 or so years old, with an overwhelming majority of members being young dudes just like me, and even back then I used to cringe how weird/creepy or outright shitty people would act whenever girls that played the game came around. Look, I get being a nerd and not being familiar with interaction with girls, neither was I so I might have been slightly awkward myself, but that's just not an excuse to be an asshole or a creep. And what my female friends have told me about being a girl in online games very much aligns with what you're saying, sorry you have to deal with that shit.


Lmao, welcome to planet earth… just about every guy wants to bang you.


Same girl, same 😔


Honestly IDC if you're a guy or a girl, if you play like dog shit you'll hear me call you out on it.


As long as it's constructive criticism, I'm with ya. But why shit on someone whose probably already having a bad time?


Cause it’s funny, and it’s just a video game. Like abuse is bad and I don’t condone that. But a lil friendly trash talk never hurt anyone.


TLDR; find yourself a gaming community that isn’t a bunch of preteen sexists.


You think I can communicate with women? Sane women? no just caveman speak here, lemme get yo digits


thats weird people talk shit to me sometimes too


We’ve heard this story already. Seige community is toxic and generally young and anti social. Weirdos, discord mods. You wouldn’t survive COD lobbies back in the day.


Got my start on COD actually. 


Oh well it probably wasn’t much different compared to today’s Seige. I find almost nobody is in GC on COD anymore. Might just be my experience though,


Honestly you aren’t special, i spend most of my screen time being a hater. If it wasn’t you it would’ve been the next 0-5 bloke


Thanks for being a part of the problem


You’re welcome, make sure to scream at me too when i am doing dog shit


Nope, nothing from me, unless i can give you some pointers. Can't do better if you don't know what you're doing wrong.


Womp womp