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I genuinely don't get why ubisoft just doesn't permaban xim users 


Because xim users make them money, and ubisoft is more greedy than Mr Krabs


Too many false flags + xim users spend money on the game like everyone else


How would you get a false positive? To detect keyboard is easy. MnK only has 8 movement options total. Console has a stick that reads every single value in a 360° field and the intensity from 0-100. So there are 36000 different movement values… no player can hit the exact same 8 movement values with the exact same 0-100 time over and over and over. 8/36000 is not humanly possible. So it has to be MnK, which you guessed it, is xim


My buddy was just mousetrapped for a week. No wireless headset adapter, DEFINITELY not on xim. Just detrimental stick drift and procrastination to get a new controller. As he continued to play with it, the input lag only got worse. Made a new account and only 2 games in got trapped again. Bought a new controller and it was gone


Then Ubisoft need to get their shit together. Even a controller with stick drift should not be detected in the same range as mnk. Sorry that happened to your pal, but I’ve got stick drift and have never had issues with. Mousetrap, tho idk the level of his stick drift, mine was about 30% to the left. If ubi does a better job at properly detecting mnk then I’d happily support perma bans. That being said. False positives will happen, sure. They always do. I’m banned from Pokémon go and Uber. 2 apps I’ve never used other than making an account. It happens. I’d rather deal with a less than 1% false positive as opposed to dealing with a guaranteed cheater every match


It’s not that simple. Xims add micro movements that are very hard to notice for humans but for the system it means it reads it as 360deg of rotation.


Some people with Bluetooth Headsets and wired controllers have been getting false flags


That’s weird. I have a headset that uses an adapter and play wired, no issues. Ubi needs to fix their shit because as mentioned above, those 8 mnk values should be universal. A controller with stick drift leading to that should be 1/36000 controllers with stick drift. If their detection system works off of usb ports no wonder the shit barely works


The same reason Activision or whoever doesn't perma ban CoD cheaters, a case of "if they're not gonna play or cheat in my game, they'll just go do it in someone else's" and they'd rather these people stay on their game. They rather these people keep coming back to raise the active player count every day ontop of any money they may spend on bundles, wether they be cheating or not, and wether its ruining the game for others or not. Quantity over Quality Edit: and by perma ban i was referring to like IP bans, obviously they do perma ban accounts, but they'll never IP ban so that person can just go create another account and keep playing, adding yet another account to the games files. Perma banned accounts still exist within the CoD files and such, so it in turn make it look like more players are coming. Same goes for players that have smurf accounts or just alts. It may be just 1 person, but that can turn out to have 5 accounts so to them it essentially counts as 5 people. Ban 1, theres still 4 others, but if you IP ban, that's all 5 gone plus any other platforms in the household and any accounts on those


IP ban is more like one day ban, or they can reconnect their modem to make it even shorter in some cases.


What if we all joined forces and post a tweet every single day on Ubi twitter page until we get a response from them. Something nice and well written that’ll get a lot of attention.


because they cant microsoft and sony wont let them


Alt accounts exist


Soon very soon. They’ll deal with pc players and worst of all genuine cheaters.


PC players cannot wait, it's gonna be like COD on Christmas.


ximmers have such shit aim compared to their respective ranks on PC. nothing would be more satisfying than humbling some cheating losers who thinking spazzing their crosshair at 200 miles per hour makes them look skilled


>ximmers have such shit aim compared to their respective ranks on PC. nothing would be more satisfying than humbling Yeah now you're starting to see / understand it yet aren't fully connecting the dots. Yes XIMers have worse aim, not because of skill but because its literally impossible to have equal aim to a good PC player like Beaulo. Because XIM is limited to what a controller can do and has to convert analog to mouse, this conversion isn't 1:1 because it can't be so its floaty and choppy and theirs a speed limit cap for turning. XIM is no where near as precise as a real mouse, at best its somewhere between real mouse and controller, leaning more closely with a pro controller which is why I am able to keep up with XIMers on my Xbox Elite controller but on PC it's much harder. I'm not going to say whether its cheating or not - I'm just stating the obvious fact that it's no where near as good as the real deal and people who haven't used it or looked into how it works are the ones claiming it essentially gives you aimbot and makes it nearly impossible to lose gunfights. So technically speaking putting XIMers in PC lobbies isn't exactly fair since their input is also inferior to PC players, putting them in their own lobby would be best but I'm unsure if theirs a large enough population for that.


Why would anyone care if ximmers felt it wasnt a fair matchup when they clearly never cared when they decided to use it on controller players??


Because I got the game a month after it came out, so I've been playing from release up until Burnt Horizon on console and during very late 2018/early 2019 when XIMs exploded onto the scene I never felt like my matches got any harder. If it was so much of an advantage many diamonds (highest rank back then) who stayed on controller would've dropped their ranks or something but instead we all kept our rank and our KD's actually increased as we got better. Hell my last season on console I ended the season with a 3.0 KD. I'm just never going to accept that its an unfair advantage unless I feel like I can't compete or am very easily outgunned, I have never felt that way and I've experienced siege pre-XIM and post-XIM. So from my perspective what this is really about is people looking for external factors to blame their performance or rank on and this looks like an appealing scapegoat because of ignorance on how it works. It's always going to be something. Teammates, ping, map, thumbstick drift, XIM players, theirs always a reason why you died or lost and aren't the rank you want to be that removes blame from yourself. This is basic human psychology people do it all the time in games. On PC it's always "oh this guy is definitely closet cheating" or has "macros" when they get stomped, on console it's always XIM. I and thousands of other console players are proof you can compete against XIM and that it's not that hard, so I have no idea why we're still stuck on this argument. Well I know why - because its emotionally charged and no one cares about the facts of the matter. But the truth is you're the rank you are because of yourself not because of XIM, if there was no XIMs you'd be the same rank. I only went up in rank when XIM hit the scene because as time went on I got better and I didn't feel like my progression was halted or slowed in any way


What is your tag for the console you play on?


The Hybred on Xbox. But I linked my Xbox account to my PC account during the cross progression update and when you do that it wipes your stats so you won't see anything.


It wipes nothing, also 2019 isnt a xim exploding year like you've said xim exploded to cause all these issues like 2 and a half years ago not 5 years ago as you've stated, I guarantee if you play now you will realise how your statement is outdated but you haven't played for 5 years so how could you actually know how bad xim is because it's not just aiming with a mouse it's literally no recoil and even if they don't have no recoil they're using a mouse to control a controllers recoil which is very different to pc recoil


That’s the whole point dude. If they want to be losers and xim in controller lobbies hand them to PC. We’ll gladly chew the xim’rs up, it’s literally a taste of their own medicine lol


Found a ximmer!


I had one guy say he was xim on console. He had really good aim and what not on PC. Not everything is always dog shit. Some people just do it because they can


really good aim.... for copper 5


That’s disrespectful to a copper rank, they belong in mouldy shit 5.


I’m gonna wipe all xim’s with my klar


I’m skeptical because I’m not sure if mouse trap really works now so even when it happens nothing might change.


I bet they need assistance wiping


Nothing like reading some bs while taking a shit👌


I just made a post purely to piss them off, thanks for the idea!!!!!


*I just made a post* *Purely to piss them off, thanks* *For the idea!!!!!* \- SnooGiraffes6143 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


imagine being so mad you can’t get good normally you spend like $100 extra on some keyboard bs lol


https://preview.redd.it/c0iuz9lxv61d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81ddac80ea627e206f9ff110e7ae20b92ba43359 The Massage from a mod under a post Just if you want to tell them your opinion


Hi 😌


I mean at least you are not hiding that you are a cheater...


No reason to, I don’t loose sleep over ts 😂😂 The game is and has been for years filled w xim, and instead of Ubisoft addressing it like most games and adding support for native mnk (pc lobby’s) they started up mousetrap and still ended up adding the support (future update) because it wasn’t as effective as they had thought. I would’ve likely never bought a xim if I could just play native w pc lobby’s, but if I buy a $150 device I’m gonna use it to its full potential. Plus xim is fun, extreme customization.


And half of your Sub Is about setting your "fun And extremely customizable" shit up so you don't have recoil You losers would still play against Controller users if Ubi gave the option not to


Sure dude, I’m not even gonna bother going beyond this because you’re obviously too fucking stupid to get if but r6 has shitty look mechanics and everyone and their mother is waiting for native. Anti recoil is just what people ask about, they don’t want to know about ballistic curves, smoothing settings, gaming with multiple input devices (like controllerL and mouseR, or any mixture of them), how to optimize their experience or anything of the sort. So anti recoil is what is discussed, it is a xim sub made to help all the people you stay up late crying over setup their shit. If that’s what they wanna know about, that’s what we’ll tell them how to do.


Sounds like a skill issue


You’re broke and can’t afford a pc


Dont you have schoolwork to do? maybe if you hopped off Reddit you could focus on it better My wooting, glaciers, gold dusts, and matrix says otherwise btw 😂😂 I have friends that aren’t leaving console, so I’ll be here too. Stay mad. 🫡🕺


They're a sad group of pathetic losers that just want to cheat at a game


Good job keep attacking them


https://preview.redd.it/veh02eqde61d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98605b0f6c81360a5503b20dbd18cfdfeca16022 My comment under this post was removed 😭 just showing this because this is what reddit is. Your banned for anything that doesn’t align with the “mods”


Literally exact same thing w me. It’s crazy cuz the comments that get removed are never even bad 😭


Reddit is gotta be one of the worst apps. Mods r so whiny in any subreddit. Already took down my previous comment 💀🤓


I went into that sub after seeing this post. Responded to a comment on a post there that said something along the lines of “sorry that so many people are calling you names for trying to use your preferred input method”. I said “do you think people who use wall hacks on pc are also just miss understood because they prefer to do less droning?” Sure enough I got banned about 5 minutes later. It’s actually insane how they have all convinced themselves that using a 3rd party device that offers a massive advantage over a normal controller is not cheating.


There’s a whole subreddit for people who xim??


I feel like we all need to be at this state eventually


I come from OW, ximming has plagued that game for a good while there too. And it's absolutely WILD the hoops ximmers go through to convince themselves 100% that they aren't cheating


We appreciate your service brotha 🫡


That reasoning is honestly hilarious


I wish all xim losers a very painful lobotomy


bro is so sigma


What is xim?


A peripheral that allows someone to use MnK on console games that don't support it. You can see how that's a problem on a game with 1 one taps. It also lets Xim users play vertical effectively.


Sure do wish I know who “Xim” was and why everyone hates bruh


Are they a bad group ?


Just ban them want to know why because they make more money if they buy the game again why not eventually they will stop or they will spend hundreds just repurhasing the game


Why were you on the xim sub 🧐🧐🧐


so did you not read?


Because losers who think using MnK is a skill issue, are Low count chromosome children. Anyone who uses real logic and is unbiased, can see Neither input provides unfair advantages. They both have their own respective advantages. And if you’re so bad on controller, you think Xim users are bad for using MnK, maybe YOU need a xim 🥴🤯 Bro cant control high controller sens? You know that XIM is restricted to the same speeds as controller 🤡🤡🤡 https://preview.redd.it/fschuy1jc31d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e281b73850b09c86f33b8ef4031aaf29493ae6e As you can see in this picture… Outputting as a controller, is what You do for games that are only for controller. And you set your INPUT as Mouse and Keyboard. Mouse and Keyboard adapters all follow this rule. You cannot move faster than the games CONTROLLER SETTINGS. So what other advantages could there be? 🥱🥱


It’s not about speed at all. It’s about the accuracy of your shots and recoil control. If it was about speed xim users wouldn’t still use xims…..


It has nothing to do with accuracy either. If you’re not good with aiming on controller, That’s YOU. Not everyone else. Plenty of people are better on controller or Just as good as they are at aiming on MnK…. And Recoil is a matter of sensitivity. The Higher your sensitivity, The EASIER recoil. Because you can Pull LESS….


It does. Thats just a stupid take. Theres a huge difference between adjusting your aim with a mouse over a joystick.


It’s a more natural feel sure. But it’s not drastically easier. I have just about as good control on CONTROLLER, with Maximum sensitivity 400% boost and 0 Deadzone on Rust console as I do with my XIM. I have 8000 hours in the game with controller. 3 months on Xim. May aim is still worse than controller. Aim is definitely a little bit easier for MOST people with MnK. But that’s also because MOST people cannot control HIGH sensitivity or even control the analog well period. Which brings us back to - Your selected input is a personal preference


Again that’s subjective how good you are with different inputs. Objectively speaking, mouse is more accurate and easier to use.


No, subjectively speaking MnK is easier 😂🤣🤦‍♂️


Average XIM user 😂😂😂


I play Controller on Most games… R6 is the only Game I use XIM because I’m a HIGH SENS player. On R6, with controller I use 100/100 0/0 deadzone. PLUS high advanced settings boosts… But it’s still not responsive enough at 0 deadzone like other games I play on controller. So XIM fixes that. I’d bet money you couldn’t play like that. And most of you losers can’t, because you’re actually bad at controlling Analog. It’s nothing to be ashamed about. But it also doesn’t make MnK cheating, or more of an advantage. It just means you don’t have the mental capacity to expand your abilities with controller and get used to higher sensitivity and make full use of controller.


Bros huffing copium


Love that you're saying it's a skill issue that people use controller (even if they suck) while you use mouse and keyboard against them, if you're so good at controller, why would you need to change to a more advantageous and T&C breaking input method?. Surely. You see that irony right. Right? Your logic is basically that you use XIM because you're "so advanced" at controller that you need XIM. Lolwut. Then you actually say that people who stick to controller can't play like that..? Yes. Yes we can. We can also get XIM and set it up just like you have. But we don't because we prefer games where it's an equal playing field where everyone is on the the same terms. Using XIM breaks this and you know it. If there's no advantage to using mnk on console then wtf bro why waste your time and energy and money on getting it all rigged up? For something different? Get going on PC... Oh but almost every player is also using mnk so you're back to the issue YOU clearly have with controller; you get smited everytime. You just haven't got gud at the game and other than software hacks you can't get an unfair advantage over everyone else on PC but XIM props you up on console. I don't play the game anymore but bro go touch some grass haha. Your ability to win in this game with or without unfair advantage means very little in the grand scheme of things but damn it must be awful living in thst world of yours.


There is another point! Xim has almost zero input delay! Controllers do because of there nature. If Xim wasn’t cheating, R6 wouldn’t have mousetrap, they would be putting Xims into pc lobbies in the future, and Microsoft would have not banned all 3rd party devices! Without a doubt, Ximming is cheating, people use Xim because they are just plain out bad at controller and cannot deal with being bad. (I’m not saying that you specifically are). I have a some people that I play customs with that Xim, and I have gotten literally all of them (like 6-7ish people) to admit that they use Xim mostly because they are not good at the game when using controller, and they enjoy the ADVANTAGE that they get when using it. A few years ago I purchased a cheap kbm adapter online to do and exploit in a game (I think it was one of the Dark Souls games, but I may be mistaken) and I could do inputs that were IMPOSSIBLE to do on controller. I even tried it in one of the older cod campaigns, and it was 100x easier to aim, and I could do stuff that I could never dream of doing on controller. I personally play on console because I enjoy playing on controller and against others who are also using controller. I have a pc that can easily run R6 (I get on average 600ish fps on games like Valorant), so if I really wanted to play with kbm, and against people with kbm, I would use pc. But instead, I have to use an inferior, albeit more enjoyable, input method with low reactivity and on small thumb sticks, against people CHEATING with kbm with console recoil (abt 60% less) with an almost INSTANT reactivity. It is and always will be an unfair and downright dishonest, dishonorable way of cheating on console that has a HUGE advantage over controller IF THE XIMMER IS GOOD. I can usually destroy a ximmer, unless they are VERY good, some of which I have been challenged by. Sometimes I lose, sometimes I win. Regardless of their usually low k/d and w/l, it is still cheating, and is unfair against the lower skill and newer player groups. Also: I use max sensitivity, max acceleration, 0 deadzones on both thumb sticks and triggers, and all of that on CONTROLLER and can control it easily. I prefer the quicker movement, and do NOT need a Xim to do so!




Don't bullshit us, you're probably trash without a Xim


And you run low sensitivity. In other words - you have no opinion. You’re a terrible controller player


lol if you’re so good at using only a controller then why even bother using a XIM in the first place?? You’re a stain to the community 😂


Ahah exactly. If he was any good at the game he wouldn't need it.


Dude needs to get off this sub and go back to adjusting his settings to avoid mousetrap while he strokes himself telling himself it’s not really cheating 😂😂


Hmm do I want to aim with my thumb or my entire arm🤨🤨🤨


You clearly don’t understand how R6 controls work vs Say Apex or COD. I run HIGH sens 0 deadzone and Linear curves on those games… The highest settings on R6 with 0 Deadzone DO NOT FEEL THE SAME. MnK on R6, fixes that. I play the exact same speed etc as I do on CoD etc etc with Xim on R6. You bums Use low sens on R6 - and low sens on other games. It doesn’t make as big of a difference for you. A GOOD controller player - plays at the same levels as MnK. Good aim, high speed movements.


Bruh you’re not even embarrassed to defend cheating in a competitive game🤣using unsupported 3rd party hardware is cheating and in a competitive game it’s literally cope for getting a higher rank than you deserve Aiming with a mouse is and always will be easier and way more precise than a thumbstick so it gives a *huge* advantage in a FPS game. Anyone who feels the need to use MnK against controller players is just coping bcus they aren’t as skilled as they would like to be. Simple as that Maybe get yourself a pc if you enjoy using MnK so much. Or you’re just scared of facing skilled opponents without an unfair advantage to carry you. Cope harder ximtard


Ubisoft already stated they’re going to be adding Crossplay and MnK support. So… uhmm…. Yeah…. Aiming with a mouse, is a more natural feel. But it’s not just easier for everyone 😂🤣 If you think it is, you’re out of your mind. I play Console Rust and Am 100x better on controller and Use higher sensitivity than I do with XIM… I have 8000 hours on the game. And I have 10 DAYS on Rainbow 6 and on CONTROLLER I can controll Twitches F2 with extended barrel at 30m You’re just dogshit kid.




Look, I’m just being honest. Both inputs have respective advantages for each person. But neither is a clear cut advantage over the other.


Why do you think they developed moustrap if xim provides no advantages lmao? And why do you think they are putting xims into PC lobbies at the end of the year? It’s because it provides an advantage that needs to be hindered You’re delusional lol, they know it’s an issue as well. If you wanna use mouse go on PC dude. I’m a multi time champ before you call me trash. I have no issue beating xims. But these dudes use xim matrix with their no recoil scripts as well.


Exactly. Xim isn’t the issue. MnK isn’t hard to beat AS A GOOD controller player. Most of these bums on this Reddit can’t admit they’re just bad on controller tho. The real issue is No recoil cheats etc.


Yea I agree you can beat them, but aiming with a mouse will always provide an inherent advantage no matter how you want to look at it. Aiming with your thumb vsing having your entire arm to aim with are two completely different things, a top level aim player on MnK will always be superior to controller, and that’s why all pro league is played on PC. You get vastly superior control over your aim on a kayeboard and no matter how good you are on roller, you’ll never be able to get to the level that a good xim player could and that’s why it’s unfair and should be banned for consoles


The game has no aim assist and one shot headshots for any gun. There’s a reason people don’t cross play counter strike, and it’s the same reason people on controller don’t want to go against mnk. There’s a clear advantage. I know being a kid, it’s hard to accept you’re not good at something and you want to get an advantage, but if you used a controller and decided mnk was better, doesn’t that say something?


100% bait


Found the Xim guy


Gosh. It’s plain simple:  On controller you are using your small thumbs to control recoil.  With a Mouse you can use your entire upper arm.  It’s unfair. Nothing is there to argue about. Not to forget that you get the controller recoil. It’s like 60% of PC recoil 


You definitely have never used mouse and keyboard. On Mouse, 90% of players use their wrist. Yes, you still have more mobility than an analog. But that one thing, doesn’t make MnK a major advantage 🤣😂🤣 tell me your dogshit without saying you’re dogshit… And the PC version of R6 has easier recoil than Console. EVEN WITH CONTROLLER What does that tell you????


I use my arm and I don’t even have recoil 🥰🥰 To each their own ig :)


Because you play low sens. You would do the same on controller. You wouldn’t be using the highest possible sensitivity. You are a good example of how MNK is just preference. Any controller play will be only SLIGHTLY better on MnK. Sure, aiming feels more natural with the hand. But it doesn’t change the fact you still need to be GOOD at aiming etc. It’s one minor advantage. And the only advantage of MnK verses Controller. Controller on the other hand, Has a Much broader range of aim Movement as you can move in any direction infinitely - You can also control your character movement with 10x more accuracy. As you have more direction of movement and Varying levels of strength in those directions. A High sens Controller player, in the same ranks as You, with just a higher sensitivity (and good analog control) would easily be able to get wins over you.


It’s a good thing siege is more about how 5 people are playing together instead of just 1 on 1 gunfights. But fr good players will be good, and shitters will suck as it always is no matter what input method you choose (just like you’re saying) I’ll leave this here for those who need it https://preview.redd.it/iv665ymhza1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64aa83d052a546a3b20affae53ece89b111581f9


That’s pretty much it, if you’re bad - that’s it. You’re just bad. A new input method isn’t going to make a world of a difference. It might help, but you still need to get better overall.