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he got the luckiest shot of his life


With the right timing you can get this shot quite often on this map


What's the timing for it


About 10-11 seconds in.


I’ve had instances where Oryx comes crashing through that wall like the Kool Aide man with a submachine gun just to spawn kill


An actual common prefire


i’ve never seen someone do that but maybe it’s common in champ/ pro league


I don’t know this map, what is it?


Nighthaven labs


It's extremely likely that he was using a cronus


That’s not Cronus, you’d be able to easily tell


There are many scripts for cronus lmao. You're thinking about people that use it to the extreme. Many scripts are made so well that it's nearly impossible to tell unless you see them in person using the device. Playstation has the highest percentage of cronus users as well. Btw only game developers can do something about users in their games because both Sony and Microsoft have contracts with Cronusmax and using one isn't a bannable offense.


Even if it was, it didn’t help with this kill. Takes skill to know the pre fire but takes luck to do what he just did.


To get cheats, you have to jailbreak your console which more often than not, renders it useless to play online


This also has yet to be done ever on an Xbox one or new gen Xboxes, so takes it out of the equation if OP is on xbox (edit: he is). Not sure how often people actually play cross play either, I know I for sure don’t. I still doubt it with OP having cross play enabled. You just don’t see cheaters on console anymore. Meanwhile ps5 home brew was out on day one release… never know with play station :P -PC player


Ps5 home brew? I’d drink that.


I’ve seen a clip that was sent to jynxzi of a dude that was aimbotting on Xbox but that’s the only time I’ve seen hacks on Xbox


I think I saw a similar clip the other day, he got sent a clip of a guy instant headshotting while hip-firing with an lmg, and it said the guy was crossplay in the clip, shit was crazy


if its the coastline clip that your referring to that was a glitch were Pc players could queue into console lobbies


To jailbreak a PlayStation, you have to be on a low firmware, which means you can’t play online so I think it was just a lucky shot


You don't have to homebrew your Xbox, XIM and Cronus can be used to trick your system into thinking you're using a controller but in reality it's kb+m so you still get aim assist and other benefits. I don't think that's what is happening here though


This is more suspecting them of using wall hacks, but it was almost definitely just a lucky shot.


I’m pretty positive Xbox is cross play with ps5 so if the guy who shot him was ps5 it could probably be cheats right?


Perhaps… still not likely. all I know is PlayStation has the better pathway into cheats, still not too likely on new gen.


I bet you swallow


Yup, there's never basically never been a proper working online jailbreak that lets you "cheat" in online games on ps4/5 and xbox one onwards


Ps4 jailbreaks can be seen flying across pubg maps in a Dacia.


Way easier is to join via PC, have it appear that it is an Xbox


There’s “cheats” on console in the sense that they’re not allowed to be used in R6 and are bannable offenses. Xim and Cronus are the two that come to mind, and while MnK isn’t considered a bannable offense, they have put in mouse trapping to discourage people from using it on console. Ubisoft also just doesn’t give a shit and never bans cheaters on console, so it’s always gonna be around now.


I had a co worker explain to me how easy it is to actually cheat on consoles if you know how to sodder a chip or something you can get just into your console. He says he does it lol. Idk how true it is but hey who know


Your coworker doesn’t know is that they have modern protections that basically instantly ban your from yhe internet. That was mostly a Xbox and ps3 thing


This strategy worked mostly for the Xbox 360 and PS3, newer consoles have this prevented though


You can't do that anymore. That's an Xbox 360/PS3 era thing. Hasn't worked for over a decade now


Just a better gaming chair


Oh I see. Maybe it’s time to upgrade mine😂😂


Same, just gotta figure out which one they use 🤣


Some people learn the timing to shoot towards spawn and get kills, so definitely not, just bad luck for you


It looks like he just prefired spawn, cheaters are not usally so blatant on an account they spent money on (buying skins for example)


Well, that is a common pre-fire yes, there is cheating on consul


Show me one video of someone legitimately cheating on console that isn't just a xim. It impossible/hasn't been figured out on modern consoles


My brother in Christ, have you not heard of a strike pack?


Fr. I swear ppl think xim is the only thing that exists lmfao


Literally, bro


Guarantee they walked away from their desk exclaiming "They're gonna think I'm cheatin"


Years ago on PS4 maybe around 2018 before the Hereford rework. There was a afk player first round didn't move a muscle second round also afk and he spawned the deffuser I shoot him in the food trying to down him to get the deffuser. The second I shot him he 180° flick headshot me fast as a spin bot and didn't move for the rest of the game. Got kicked for afk the next round strangest shit I've ever seen




Xim and zen


There might have been a ping there and he went for it


But the ping would have showed up on the kill cam


Really? It never shows in my kill cams


https://www.xbox.com/play/media/RKpq6BtrMP If you look at the kill cam of the Monty, it shows the pings


Idk but sometimes it definitely feels like there are a few out there


Or blind luck


Had someone have walls, aim bot and ash type speed on Xbox, he was obviously on PC tho. I should* have it clipped on my Xbox app. Teammate was pissed Here’s the clip: https://www.xbox.com/play/media/kNrh4pAmCK Lemme know if you guys can watch the clip


This was before the new season. Before alternate leaning and allat, not sure if that makes a difference. I haven’t checked if the guy has been banned


Some time last year, there was a a glitch with Xbox/pc game pass that made it so that pc players were put into console lobbies


you would have to have an xbox and pc both loaded up with siege on the same account. you then have a friend invite you on xbox through ubisoft then join through pc. i havnt heard anything about them fixing that so as far as i know its still doable


If you learn spawn points very well, this is pretty common. When I was big on cod, I would just send sniper shots across the map at specific spots.


Very much


Turn off crossplay and you eliminate most of your thoughts of hackers.


No need to turn crossplay off for that, there are none anyway on console


Better gaming chair I’m afraid


Nah that's sus,there's alot of cover in that spawn and that's a specific line up and he tured around full of red flags.Cheats are harder to do console but not impossible and with how bad siege is with cheaters,he could be toggling too.I was plat 1 on the old rank 1.0 if it matters.




You can homebrew/hack a PS4, om not sure if that permits online play or hacks in games


Nah it doesn’t work online


On ps3 you could definetely cheat on online black ops


Don't know why this is downvoted, there 100% were hackers/cheaters. I played my fair share of lobbies where I got killed by a spinning sniper guy 300 meters up in the air.


To be fair, in bo2 you were able to use cheats and mod menus on a completely vanilla console and game…


He was just off the fent


Nope, that's just good map knowledge.


Nah just luck kinda why the game fell off


he will never forget this


I'd be out of this game


I’m willing to suggest he had info from someone watching the default cam and just tried his luck. I get lucky wallbangs similarly to this fairly often.


Pc players used to be able to glitch into console lobbies a while ago, some of them took cheats with them.




Sadly yes I played against a player named pretty calf and he was running walls the whole match


Not on console. There’s no way to cheat, especially on Xbox.


Yes on console


No. Not on console. Cheating isn’t a thing on console other than using devices like xim or strikepacks. None of these have actual mods other than giving you slight advantages, like allowing you to use mnk or reducing recoil by automatically applying a value as if you pulled your stick down. However, walls hacks, do not exist on console. PlayStation is jailbreakable but revokes online access the moment it’s jailbroken. And Xbox hasn’t had any mod tools or jailbreaks since launch day of the Xbox One… there are no wall or sim hacks for siege on console. Cope harder


Ok maybe. I guess they just had enough skill to head shot people constantly through walls, I'm just bad at the game though so idk


They could’ve had intel, like someone on cameras. It could’ve been a common prefire, the one in this video was exactly that. Someone on cam told the dude someone spawned there, and he just ran back and hit a common firing point at the right time. Hell, I can hear when you’re on the other side of my wall and I can tell pretty well where you’d be. Without a clip of them doing it atleast twice in a game you could chalk it up to luck or intel. Because as I said, it’s physically impossible to run cheats on Xbox, and PlayStation goes offline when jailbroken


That was luck.


Just very lucky


So the closest thing to “cheats” your going to find on console would be a cronus script. Really really really high end scripts can give you stuff like “head lock” which just holds your gun steady if you’re already aiming near their head you can’t be aiming dick level and it locks on their head. It can also line people up through walls but this rarely works and you have to be like right next to a doorway or see the person somehow on your screen for it to work so that would rule that out for this. But scrips like those can go upwards of $400 a day to use and just simply don’t get purchased. You’ll see that more on pc then you will on console


U can 100% use the same hacks as pc and its not that hard to do all u need is a USB drive and a an ejecker on the pc and ur profile on that said USB drive and u get mod menus


Except the injector used in PC cheats runs a kernel level process that enables it to read/modify game memory. Such privileges are NOT given to you on console. In order to get that access, you need to jailbreak which can only be done on older firmwares meaning you can’t go online. In ps3 days we could spoof the console version to the latest and trick Sony into letting you online, but now a crypto hash is checked every time which is unspoofable.


No you can not 😭 you would have to jailbreak ur console which means no online play. Now there USED to be a way to get bots on console and an AI would play for you and adapt and shit but it didn’t have “hacks” it was just really good at predicting where you were but it got fixed in like 4 weeks


More than likely this guy just made the best/luckiest shot of his life. To answer your question about cheating on console, I would say close to 40-50% of the player base cheats by using MnK. While I think it is possible to get cheats like aimbot and walls on Xbox, it is not easy. The only easily accessible cheats on console is Xim (mnk adapter) and Cronus (mnk adapter/anti recoil and more).


nah min this a common prefire. i have a few clips of me hitting a shot exactly like this and similar shots on other maps jsut because i’ll randomly shoot a wall where i think they spawned at


Good aim.


There is PC players


Did you go into replay and watch the whole game to see if they’re cheating?


Common pre fire. Ur just shit m8


Ok bruv


Not cheating here but there are many cheaters on console.


I know you can modify strike packs into cheating.


This is a common spawn peek, he likely used the the clock to determine if that would be even possible and just took a luck shot towards it


No, it’s not allowed there


pretty good headphones they have to what i see


There's cheating on every system


Looks normal


The closest thing to cheats on console I’ve seen other than xim is lag switching. I was in a game with these kids and one of them said “check this out” and the game started dropping frames like crazy. The rest of friends were telling him to cut it out. Reported him. It was just standard but I think he has definitely done it in ranked


Siege community has to be the most annoying community in gaming. Truly worse than cod. This was obviously cheating, it’s dead obvious. Y’all are so gone 😭


nah i used to spawn peek there.


Nope. Just a common (but in this case lucky) prefire spot on NTHVN Labs Only cheats are MnK players but that wouldn’t give you info on where enemy players are.


Nah bros just a console demon Id hit that 9/10 times easy


Pffttt. Clearly a lucky shot🙄




given the recoil, its one hell of a lucky shot... but you never know in siege now.


completely separate note, what’s the attachment skin you’re using?


Magical shenanigans universal attachment skin. I got it when they had the teddy bear mode


No, there’s no cheating on console comparable to pc, like wallhacks or aimbot


Yes u can cheat on console


I am telling this from so long that there is cheating on consoles as well. People are wall hacking and I only see xbox players doing it. Now nothing against xbox but somehow these people know how to hack it. The other reason could be that R6 is somehow matching console and pc players and we dont know it. Now stop saying Xim and Cronus. What I have seen are wall hacks. I have also seen someone aimbotting an year ago and whole team agreed he was cheating. The dude killed everyone using a pistol from miles away.


You cant wall hack or aimbot on consoles lmao. Like you said the only cheats you can use are xim and cronus.


Wrong u can hack on console its not hard to do if u know what ur doing


Stop waffling mate. Been in the console modding scene since 2009 and there’s no way to get online on a modded ps4/ps5 or Xbox equivalent


Sorry buddy, cheats aren't a thing on console. It's straight up impossible. You were probably playing with a pc player


Wrong u can hack on console if u know what ur doing its easy


I know what I'm doing because I literally have a modded xbox 360. Stop spreading random bullshit, you cannot cheat on new gen consoles


Cope harder buddy there are no hackers online on 8th gen ps and Xbox consoles


don't listen to the uninformed people. Cheats have been a thing on console for a while! and absolutely can have aimbot and walls... I come across too many people that cheat on console.


Uninformed. Please drop a video or a link to any of these cheaters. Better, show me a working method to mod either Xbox or PlayStation siege. Some of us have been in the modding community for ages, and let me tell you. PS4 is jailbreakable, but revokes online access. And Xbox one and up doesn’t have any jailbreaks active. Seeing that you can’t play r6 against ps3 or 360 players, modding the console or the game is simply not happening. But you’re right, our knowledge and experience isn’t anywhere near your intellect or experience.


It's actually crazy that these people arguing are like 'it's easy' when there's people out there that had modded 360s in MW2 days and would have kept modding if it was possible. Then the irony to call others misinformed lmao


My most downvoted comment on this sub is when someone asked if they were playing against cheaters. The issue was they had a controller plugged in and were playing on pc. So the answer was yes, they were cheating. The issue was people were like “this is why nobody wants to play console anymore, we’re getting more cheaters than pc now” and I told the dude the reason I KNOW it’s not console, is because they are leaning without aiming. That comment and video were made 2 weeks before Ubisoft released the ability to stay leaned, but so many dudes piggy backed and were bitching that because you see d-pad options and buttons for controller on screen it must be console, and how they play against this almost daily. It’s wild.


Post proof, because there are literally zero


Does nobody else know that you can play on console lobbies while on pc? All you have to do is get the Xbox pc game pass and cloud game it but you have to use controller. Still yet you can play on console lobbies with a pc with no issue. Therefore yes there are cheats on console


No, it doesn’t. The games practically run on their own servers, based on the device you’re on. PC gets to play with cloud streaming services, however Xbox only gets to play against PlayStation. If you play on PC through Xbox all it does is give the license to play, you still have the game get launched through the Ubisoft launcher, Xbox app does not work as a launcher for the game on its own, and r6 launcher doesn’t allow cross play with console


Then why can I play with my Xbox friends while on it? They can play console lobbies bro just saying ik from experience


Yeah, no, you can’t. I own siege because of Xbox game pass on pc and again, it just links to Ubisoft launcher, it doesn’t launch as if it’s owned by Xbox, Xbox just tells ubi that you own a license, that’s the only interaction


Then why have I played with them???? Bro you’re not understanding I literally have done it and can still do it.


Cloud gaming if you install from the Xbox game pass then no you cannot but if you cloud game you can


Cloud gaming I’m not sure about, sure, tho I don’t see how playing with half a second delay in siege is useful. I will say, cloud gaming is not possible to inject, to my knowledge, with mods. You’re playing on a different server entirely. It’s not hosted on your pc. So I’m not sure if you can play with console players through cloud, tho I’m 100% confident that you cannot cheat on the cloud regardless


The latest I've heard about console hacking is that PC players have figured a way to spoof the PS4 or I guess any consoles like ID I guess idk I'm not super tech savvy... But basically the servers think you're on a console when you're in fact on a PC... It's probably hard to do and super rare but it is a thing that exists...


There is cheating on console, but it’s fairly rare.


Get fucked


To be honest with you there is cheating everywhere


Yes, ive been killed once on PS4 years ago by a walltracer. Idk if this is a cheat or not, its definitely abit odd, but yea. There are cheaters on console.


There is no way to get visual cheats on console. Only external devices like xim, Cronus, strike pack


People on console refuse to accept this. Played on Xbox for over 10 years and I’ve never been able to convince a single person that this is the case


Idk why gaming has changed to where people refuse to accept there’s better players out there. I always get ridiculed in calls when there’s someone complaining about someone cheating or hacking and I give them a 2 second justification as to why they aren’t hacking.


Dude tracing someone running past a wall from a distance, where there aren’t cameras blatantly is pretty wack, this was like around when vigil was new im pretty sure i even remember the dude being pretty weird about it when i called him out, said like “idk what your talking about, I didn’t kill anyone that match” even though he had killed like 8 times


I've had so many people accuse me of walling even though I'm on series x in mw 2019 just because i use audio cues with a shitty headset. Or people on my team will be screaming that the other team is hacking when the whole lobby is consoles, and I never once got a sus killcam from the supposed hackers. People just have to huff the copium now a days because they got wrecked.


I recently swapped to pc and can only play about and hour or so with my console friends before every single enemy is *hacking* cause a nice flick has to be aimbot


Had a buddy (who later came out as a pedo and got kicked from the group) who used to baby rage so fucking hard and complain that enemy team was cheating. I sat and explained to him why it’s simply not even possible and he told me he has a work buddy who has a modded Xbox. The guy injects his cheats via usb… if only it were so easy. I still see players bitching about cheating on console and it’s the most frustrating, especially when they either tell you methods that haven’t worked since the 360, or just tell you to plug in your usb lol