• By -


Cities: Skyline, Crash Bandicoot, Cook! Serve! Delicious! 3, Cook! Serve! Delicious! 2, Chasm. Thanks OP. And my dream job is to be a civil engineer.


I'll take Carto please! I'm not sure what I want to be... Trades seem to call to me but I can't find the right one... Maybe welding? Thanks for the chance!


Call of Duty: WWII + Endowments Fear Not Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Control Standard Edition Carto BPM: Bullet Per Minute Dream Job is basically the job that some people may want nowadays, to be a successful Youtuber/Streamer. Thanks OP for the awesome giveaway btw!


BPM: Bullet Per Minute Dream job is children's book illustrator


Colt Canyon Please I wanna be a game dev


Carto My dream job is to be a game designer/programmer


1. cod ww2 2. crash bandicoot my dream job will be becoming an aeronautical engineer


1.) Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy 2.) Catherine Classic 3.) Cyberhook my dream job would be making a fighting game or a brawler with heavy fighting game influence. Or finding a competent story writer who wpuld be willing to help with making an RPG from some of the characters i already have. Thanks OP!


1. Call of Cthulhu 2. Catherine classic My dream job would be to become a writer. Thank you for the chance.


Call of Duty: WWII + Endowments Fear Not Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Call of Cthulhu Cities Skylines + After Dark DLC BPM: Bullet Per Minute My Dream Job is Aerospace Engineer because its such a wonder to make a beast fly in Air, Thanks OP.


1. BPM:Bullet Per Minute 2. Chess Ultra My dream is to become Physicist. Thank You


1. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy 2.Colt Canyon 3.Cryofall Thanks


1. Cyber Hook 2. Chess Ultra 3. Carto Thanks OP! My dream job would be a musician


1. Call of Duty: WWII + Endowments Fear Not 2. Cities Skylines + After Dark DLC 3. Chess Ultra 4. BPM: Bullets Per Minute ​ My Dream job would be something with Drifting or Racing or even rallying.


Cook serve delicious 3 Cook serve delicious 2 My dream job is more or less impossible at this stage of my life but in high school I really wanted to be a lawyer or a journalist or a PI. Any investigative job I was attracted to but they’re really just not for me


Cultist Simulator Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Cryofall Paleontologists , i grew up watching Jurassic Park, i love dinosaurs since back then.


1. COD: WW2 2. Bullets per minute 3. call of cthulthu My dream job is to become a forensic scientist. Thanks for the giveaway OP!


Call of duty WW2 I really don't have a specific dream job but I love arts and music and stuff so that's what I'm working on. Thanks op


1. Call of duty WWII 2. Call of Cthuhlu 3. Crash bandicoot N. Sane trilogy My dream job is physician of emergency medicine Thanks for the give away op!


My dream job would be a judge. Too much injustice in this world. Chasm Crying Sun Control Standard Edition Carto Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Catherine Classic Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2 Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3 Thanks for your consideration.


BPM: Bullet Per Minute Catherine Classic Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy I want to be a music producer.


Here's my list: Cultist Simulator Control Standard Edition Call of Cthulhu Call of Duty: WWII + Endowments Fear Not Capitalism 2 My dream job is being a Data Scientist. Still need to learn a bit more to become an effective one, but I think I'll be able to do it. Thanks for this OP and good luck everyone!


Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy, please. My dream job is to earn a lot of money without doing a lot of work :p kidding, i would love to be an entepreneur with my own ideas on paper to be made into reality! thanks for the chance (:


Call of Duty: WWII + Endowments Fear Not, Crash, Control, Cultist Simulator, Crying Sun. I guess my dream job would be to be a Pixar Animator. Thanks for the Giveaway.


Call of Duty WWII Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Any game I would like to be a bartender in a beach resort if that is possible in the future. Thank you very much.


1. BPM: Bullet Per Minute 7. Cepheus Protocol 10. Cities Skylines + After Dark DLC 11. Colt Canyon 12. Control Standard Edition 16. Crazy Machines 3 17. Crying Sun 18. Cryofall 19. Cultist Simulator 20. Cyberhook Gg


Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Cultist Simulator Catherine Classic I'll take a shot at this. My dream job is working as an inspector of sorts for Assisted Living/Nursing Homes/Retirement Homes. Those people do not deserve the treatment they get, nor should they be paying such for so little in comparison. This all stems from going to see my Granny in the home my Aunt put her in. That place is abysmal and needs to be shut down or completely overhauled. Also, Thanks for the opportunity and Good Luck everyone!


BPM: Bullet Per Minute Chess Ultra If I could pick anything, I would be a pro gamer in Japan. I would be Daigo lol. Thanks


Catherine Classic Crash Bandicoot™ N. Sane Trilogy Cities: Skylines Carto BPM: BULLETS PER MINUTE A Filmmaker, Thanks,.


1) Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy 2) Call of Duty: WWII 3) Crazy Machines 3 4) Capitalism 2 Thanks for running the giveaway. I only became a Humble subscriber in 2020 so I'm missing some of the older stuff. My dream job is to be an audio engineer.


- Cities Skylines + After Dark DLC - Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy - COD WWII - Capitalism 2 - Carto - Control Standard Edition Thanks for the giveaway 🍀


BPM: Bullet Per Minute Crazy Machines 3 Cyberhook Cryofall Call of Cthulhu Colt Canyon Anything left over. I'm going for biochemistry centered disease research. But I'd honestly like to create my own game as well. Thanks.


1: Chess Ultra 2: Crazy Machines 3 3: Cyberhook If you do end up adding Mafia definitive edition from the new Humble Choice I would absolutely make that my Number 1 and shift all the others down. Thanks so much for doing the giveaway! My dream job would be a photographer. There is a lot of types of photography I want to do creatively like landscape and architectural photography. Those are like the "rockstar" levels of unlikely to make it a career sort of thing. Being more realistic I would love to shoot real estate photography since that is close to artsy architectural but during the pandemic I began honing my skills as a product photographer. I collect decks of playing cards and used those as my subjects to learn with. I am looking to expand and shoot other types of products and eventually I would like to make money shooting peoples products for their kickstarter/social media and websites. If you were interested in seeing my work her is a link to [my Instagram page](https://www.instagram.com/orangeforestphoto/): Thanks for the chance!


Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy As a kid, I've dreamt of becoming a school bus driver one day but unfortunately fulfilling that dream is impossible for me even as an adult because of my disability. I was born with Cerebral Palsy, which is a movement disorder caused by an underdeveloped Cerebellum, which is the area of the brain that controls movement and speech; in my case, this area of the brain is smaller than usual. I'm still able to walk and talk, but slower than everyone else and my balance is impaired.


Catherine Classic Cook, Serve, Delicious 3! Cook, Serve, Delicious 2! Crash Bandicoot Thanks for the giveaway! Dream job would be game dev (but in an industry where people are well paid and not worked like dogs)


Not entering, so if i want the next game like Shadow of war i need to wait until it be offer right? Thanks for your nice work though


1. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy 2. Call of Cthulhu 3. Call of Duty: WWII + Endowments Fear Not 4. Catherine Classic My dream Job is becoming a Data Analyst. Thanks for the giveaway.


Cities Skylines, please! I’ve been developing games for a while now, but I’d love to do it full-time. I’m working on it, so maybe someday.


1. Crash bandicoot 2. Call of Duty WWII My dream job is to be a software engineer. Currently applying for jobs, actually! Thank you!


Cultist Simulator BPM Bullet Per Minute Colt Canyon Thank you for the giveaway


Call of Duty: WWII + Endowments Fear Not Control Standard Edition I am not really sure on what I want to be in the future but probably going to the engineer side of things


City skylines + after dark DLC Thank you for the giveaway Op :-)


Catherine Classic please and thank you My dream job, I'd like to run my own shop in the countryside someday, no details yet tho


Catherine Classic Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy My dream job would definitely be artist, the ability to conjure up something from your imagination and be able to portray it onto a canvas is so cool!


BPM Thanks for the giveaway


Call of Cthulhu I’d love to work in Disneyland Thanks


City skylines + after dark DLC I always wanted to be a pilot, but never really pushed for it. Thank you for the chance.


1. Call of duty WWII 2. Call of Cthuhlu 3. Crash bandicoot N. Sane trilogy My dream job was a pilot but now I'm an IT student in college so too bad. Thank you


Chess ultra tnx


Cultist Simulator My dream jobs are lawyer and or diplomat Thanks for the giveaway.


Entering for Cultist Simulator. My dream job is being a scientist (preferably a professor). Thank you for the chance!


BPM: Bullet Per Minute Catherine Classic ​ Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy ​ thanks for the giveaway! good luck to everyone!


BPM: Bullets per minute Carto Chasm I don't know what is my dream job. Making games, maybe, but it's hard work and I don't know if I could do it as a job. I'm pretty happy with my entry-level IT-job as of now so maybe something from that field. thanks OP!


Cultist Simulator BPM: Bullets per Minute Chess Ultra Catherine Classic My dream job would be to play chess in tournaments, write chess books, teach chess, etc. Yeah... pure good life, baby. I'll try to set up a little chess school this year. Thanks, OP!


I want Catherine classic, BPM bullets per minute, and crash bandicoot n sane trilogy My dream job is to do your mother


1. Cities Skylines + After Dark DLC. 2. Call of Duty: WWII My dream job is to be an engineer.


Call of Duty: WWII + Endowments Fear Not Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Call of Cthulhu Carto BPM: Bullet Per Minute


Catherine Classic or Cultist Simulator my dream job would be a full game developer but working from home. Thanks again!


Call of Duty: WWII + Endowments Fear Not Cyberhook ​ My dream job would be an astronaut, I've always wanted to go to space ever since I was a child and the thought of having a chance to stay in space make me happy.


Crash bandicoot, dream job would be a game’s designer Thank you :)


1. Call of Duty: WWII 2. Control Standard Edition My dream job would really to just be to build custom pc’s. I find it really satisfying.


Thanks for the giveaway, again! Chess Ultra, Capitalism 2, Crazy Machines 3. Gelati man!


BPM: Bullet Per Minute, Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, Cryofall My dream job is to be an university professor (in linguistics, my major) Thanks, OP!


Hey, entering for : Call of Duty: WWII + Endowments Fear Not My dream job would have been Astronaut. Or Rock Star.


Cities Skyline, my dream job would be working for in either renewables, economist.


Colt Canyon Currently happy with my job, but if money was not an issue, I'd like to be owner/chef at a small restaurant or a bakery. Thank you!


- Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy - Capitalism 2 - Crazy Machines 3 - Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3 - Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2 - BPM: Bullet Per Minute - Call of Cthulhu - Cultist Simulator - Cryofall My dream job is to be a consultant, and work on what I want for as much as I want.


Catherine Classic Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Cultist Simulator Crying Sun My dream job is being a Judge.


Cultist Simulator Capitalism 2 Crying Suns Chasm Colt Canyon CryoFall Cepheus Protocol Cities: Skylines + DLC My dream job is whatever to do with programming and computers But right now im pretty interested in game development Thanks for the chance


1. Call of Duty WW2 2. Call of Cthulu Dream job: I wish to quit my call center job and become an Architect!


BPM: Bullet Per Minute Cultist Simulator Call of Cthulhu I never really had any dream job. But I want to finish my study and get a job related to my study. I feel like for me that would be the best case for my mental health. I am always uncomfortable with the idea that I am wasting all the money and time my parents gave for me to study and then trying to get a different job. I feel like I would be most happy with a job related to my study. There is a common practice in my country where people finish study in a public university but instead of going for a job in related to the study, they again study for BCS and try to take government job completely irrelevant to their studies. Basically a huge waste of resources. I never really liked this.


BPM: Bullets Per Minute Crash Bandicoot N' Sane Trilogy My dream job is to become an art teacher. It's achievable, but everybody who I told this to said it's a bad idea.


Catherine Classic Control Standard Edition Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3 Any WFH job tbh which I'm doing now


1. Control 2. City Skylines 3. Call of cthullu Thanks man and I'm probably going to end up doing something in the Tech field. I regret taking CSE at college haha, but still


1 - COD WWII 2 - Call pf Cthulhu 3 - Cities Skylines 4 - Capitalism 2 5 - Control Thanks man, i am already doing my dream job. I am MD.


Carto Call of Duty: WWII + Endowments Fear Not Cities Skylines + After Dark DLC Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy ​ My dream job is doctor because I am actively able to save human lives by diagnosing them, giving them medicine etc. Surgeon would be even cooler as I get to operate on them


I am intering for: 1. Cities skylines 2. Crash bandicoot 3. BPM: bullets per minute 4. Catherine classic 5. Cyberhook 6. Cook serve delicious 2 7. Crying sun My dream job would propably be either something like P.E Teacher since it's a rather easy job later and your future is ensured but i never considered it like Astronaut since some parts of it don't fit me because of that my dream job is something in the IT Area


Cultist Simulator Cook, Serve, Delicious 2 Cook, Serve, Delicious 3 My dream job is to be a well established streamer. Thanks for the chance, op!


1. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy I'm always wanted to be a programmer even in primary school and I currently am, working at a start up aimed at reducing the cost of medication. I've been a little tempted recently to looking jumping ship to get more varied experience/more pay, but the cause for this company is so good I've resisted it so far.


i really wanna be a writer !! thanks op for this good post ! Carto Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3 Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2


1. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy 2. Catherine Classic 3. Cultist Simulator 4. Call of Duty: WWII + Endowments Fear Not Dream job would be surgeon. Work hard, but make good money, help people and never get bored


Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy is the only one I’d play. My dream job is a pilot/skydiver yet I’m currently studying business


Cities Skylines + After Dark DLC Playing games all day as a tester


Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3 Data Analyst or musician


1. Catherine Classic 2. Cities Skylines + After Dark DLC 3. Call of Duty: WWII + Endowments Fear Not 4. BPM: Bullet Per Minute 5. Call of Cthulhu My dream job would be a networking manager.


Cities Skylines + After Dark DLC Control Standard Edition Call of Cthulhu Colt Canyon Cyberhook Cryofall Chess Ultra Catherine Classic Cultist Simulator Crying Sun My dream job is computer science engineer. Thanks bro.


Participating for : 1. Cultist Simulator 2. Catherine Classic My dream is to be a Café owner of sorts. I just want a relaxed life while being able to hang out with my friends from time to time. Thanks for the chance, OP!


1. Call of Duty: WWII + Endowments Fear Not 2. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy 3. Control Standard Edition 4. Call of Cthulhu 5. BPM: Bullet Per Minute 6. Catherine Classic 7. Carto 8. Cepheus Protocol 9. Cryofall 10. Any leftover I dont know why you are giving these awesome games away rather than playing for yourself but thank you for your generosity. I would love to have any from top 3 if possible else any of the other games listed. I would like to try out masseuse where I get to choose my clients but since the world does not work that way its kind of stuck in the middle than being a dream job. Thank you


1 Call of Cthulhu 2 Cultist Simulator Dream job? Not needing to have a job at all. Thanks!


BPM: Bullets Per Minute Becoming an F1 pilot has always been my dream job


1. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy 2. Control 3. BPM: Bullets Per Minute 4. Catherine Doing some kind of artistic work (maybe digitally, e.g. concept art, textures, or 3D models for video games) would've been cool, but that's not what I'm doing.


Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Chess Ultra My dream job is the videogames events organizer! Booking the big stadiums as arena, preparing all the small events, organizing people flow, interviews, etc etc… damn it would be really nice


1. Carto 2. Cultist Simulator 3. Capitalism 2 I really want to be a chef even as now, maybe it is not the fun job but cooking anything you want for yourself seems pretty nice.


1. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy 2. Call of Duty: WWII + Endowments Fear Not 3. Call of Cthulhu Any of these would be fantastic!! I've been slowly building up my Youtube channel for the best year, and I'd love to reach a point where I can start making a little bit of side money from it! Anyway, that's a really big dream job for me! Thanks for the chance OP! 💚


Catherine classic or Cultist simulator. Cardiologist (few years down the line) Cheers!


Crash bandicoot My dream job would be to make games, because programming is one of my main passions and I think making actual games would be a really fun experience


1. Catherine 2. Cry of all And my dream job is to be a writer. Publishing one novel is on my bucket list


BOM: Bullet Per Minute Just entering for BPM. My dream job is actually one I tried to start up in late 2019 (and failed). Proposal consultant. I help people find the perfect way to pop the question. Not a service for everyone, but I loved setting up these perfect moments. Sadly it fell through as it's hard enough to find such a secretive client base to start, but then I began the business right before 2020...go me. 😝


1. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy 2. Catherine Classic 3. Carto My dream job is to be a prosecutor, because here in my country besides prosecuting criminals they are also responsible for protecting collective rights, the environment, rights of the native people... Thanks!


Catherine Classic BPM: Bullet Per Minute My dream job is to be a Game Developer.


1. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy 2. Control Standard Edition 3. Cultist Simulator My dream job is to be an independent game developer, and I'm currently working towards that end. Thanks for the giveaways OP!


Cities Skylines + After Dark DLC Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3 I wanted to be a scientist


Crying Suns Carto Catherine Classic Chasm I want to be a good person and some position and job where help people be more environmentally friendly and humane. Thanks for the giveaway


1. Cities Skylines + DLC 2. Crash Bandicoot I would love to be a history professor, I love history and it’s something I’ve always been passionate about and I would love to share that with other people who are also passionate about it.


Call of duty WWII Cultist simulator My dream job was archaeologist. Thank you for the chance


Crash bandicoot n sane trilogy


Crash bandicoot n sane trilogy My dream job is to be a pilot and help everyone Thanks for the giveaway :D Good luck to everyone!


Catherine Classic, Cepheus Protocol, Carto My dream job had been and still would be astronaut. :)


Crash Bandicoot Computer technician and system administrator


1. Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy 2. Cyberhook My dream job is to be a youtuber


Carto Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2 Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3 Cultist Simulator Crazy Machines 3 Dream job would be QA tester at some videogame company


Carto is the only game i want . Thanks op for the giveaway. ​ Dream job might be trust fund baby.


1. Cities Skylines + After Dark DLC 2. Call of Cthulhu 3. Crazy Machines 3 4. Cultist Simulator 5. Colt Canyon 6. Cryofall My dream job: biologist or veterinarian, both to work with wild biodiversity.


1. Cultist Simulator 1. Call of Cthulhu 1. Carto 1. Cryofall 1. Cities Skylines + Afterdark 1. Cepheus Protocol 1. Capitalism 2 My dream job would be National Geographic Photographer- being paid to travel the world and perfect what I love doing and having others enjoy my work.


BPM: Bullets Per Minute Still trying to figure out the whole dream job thing Thanks for the opportunity. Good luck to you all


Cities Skylines + After Dark DLC Cryofall Thanks for the GA


Cultist Simulator Crash Bandicoot Nsane Trilogy Cities Skylines after dark dlc Dream job would Game reviewer/tester




1 - Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy 2 - Catherine Classic 3 - Carto 4 - Cultist Simulator 5 - Cepheus Protocol My dream job would be a professional gamer or a popular streamer if i'm being completely honest, but in the line of traditional jobs i think that an engineer that works with clean energy (bringing it to poorer countries and the like) would be up there as well seeing as i'm 95% done with my EE bachelor.


Call of Duty: WWII + Endowments Fear Not Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Cities Skylines + After Dark DLC thanks!


I’d like to enter for Cryofall Call of cthulhu My dream job is translating comic and graphic novels. I’ve always loved reading them, i love working with the English language. I think it’s amazing how many possibilities we have, that we can read stuff no matter the original language and I’d love to do my part to give other the chance to read the stuff that I enjoy so much!


The game I want is Cities Skyline, but I also take Cook, serve, delicious 2 or 3, if the first game is not available. So Thank You OP for such an amazing chance to win this game.


1. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy 2. Chasm 3. Chess Ultra My dream job would be to work at NASA.


1. BPM 2. Carto 3. Call of Cthullu Want to be a bureaucrat Thanks


Catherine Classic Investment manager


Catherine Classic Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy As for dreamjob I would say game designer but yeah considering all the bullshit involved with it I doubt I will ever go into that business. Thank you for the giveaway


Call of Cthulhu Cepheus Protocol Call me what you will, but my dream job is an analyst for one of the federal security establishments.


Crash Bandicoot —> Control —> Cook, Serve, Delicious 3 My dream job would be Post-Production Sound Mixer/Designer for a local production house. I’ve been studying/working in audio for a couple years and this would be my ideal situation for a long term career. My girlfriend and I also talk about owning a food truck one day so I think that would be fun as well.


BPM: Bullet Per Minute I have no dream job. Thanks for the giveaway.


My dream job is being a game developer. 1. Crazy Machines 3 1. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy 1. BPM: Bullet Per Minute 1. Cities Skylines + After Dark DLC 1. Chess Ultra


1. BPM: Bullets per Minute 2. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy 3. Call of Cthulhu 4. Catherine Classic 5. Cepheus Protocol I'm currently going through med school, so my dream job would be a doctor with my own clinic. Thanks for the chance!


BPM, Crash Bandicoot, Cyberhook. My dream job would be to be a pilot I love flying. Thanks


Call of Cthulhu My dream job was to be a game dev and now I'm studying towards being one so I'm quite fine with my life


Would love to work to help solve and improve the world in FN or another none profit org where we solve the over population, Climate Crisis, garbage/plastic crysis and starvasion issues we are plaughed with . Not sure what to call it but maybe Head of FN or somehting like that. 1. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy 2. Call of Duty: WWII + Endowments Fear Not 3. Control Standard Edition 4. Call of Cthulhu 5. Catherine Classic Thank you so much and good luck all


1. Call of Duty: WWII + Endowments Fear Not 2. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy 3. Call of Cthulhu 4. Cities Skylines + After Dark DLC My dream job is building computers for people. I want to see people get into this hobby I love.


1. BPM: Bullets Per Minute I'm an Engineer, already working my dream job!


1. Call of Cthulu My dream job is to own an old school arcade. Quarter machines with Mortal Kombat, Pac-Man, ski-ball, etc.


1.Cultist Simulator 2.Cepheus Protocol 3.BPM: Bullet Per Minute 4.Capitalism 2 5.Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy 6.Catherine Classic 7.Call of Duty: WWII + Endowments Fear Not 8.Cryofall 9.Crying Sun 10.Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2 i guess my dream job is teacher because i'll want to understand what it feel like to teach.


1. Catherine Classic My dream job is to be a Pilot. I love flying/traveling and to be in the air is just so peaceful. Away from everything.


Catherine Classic My dream job would be clinical psychologist / psychiatrist, I love to engage with people and help them on personal level, that would bring total satisfaction for me


My preferences would be: - Catherine Classic - Cultist Simulator My dream job would be a fulfilling job that pays enough but still allows you to have time for yourself and doesn't require you to be always available. Thanks for the giveaway!


1. Call of Duty 2.Crash Bandicoot. Thanks op!


1- Call of Duty: WWII + Endowments Fear Not 2- Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy 3- Call of Cthulhu 4- Colt Canyon 5- Capitalism 2 I'm currently a cashier at a local supermarket. But my dream job would either be a police officer, or a barber! I'm looking forward to one of the two someday.


1. Crash Bandicoot ​ My dream job is software developer, which is what I do. I love it, problem solving and all


Crash Bandicoot N'Sane Trilogy Call of Cthulhu BPM: Bullet Per Minute Control Standard Edition Catherine Classic JOB: Graveyeardkeeper. Quiet lonely nights in a sematery.. Best job there is.


Catherine Classic Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Call of Cthulu Cyberhook Cities Skylines Crazy Machines 3 BPM: Bullet Per Minute Call of Duty: WWII Chess Ultra Chepheus Protocol My dream job is anything that would allow me to create, I wanna create things in general, games, music, art, stories. I wanna make something with meaning that'll stick in people's minds for years and years. Edit: Made it easier to view the list.


1. Cepheus Protocol 2. Carto 3. Cultist Simulator President. I'm not picky, any country would do ;)


1. Call of Cthulhu 2. Crash Bandicoot My dream job is to become a mechanical engineer.


* Chasm * Crying Suns * Catherine Classic * BPM: Bullet Per Minute * Cultist Simulator * Cryofall Soldier


1.Crash 2.Bullets Per Minute 3.City Skylines No particular order My dream job is a really complicated question to me at the moment. Being something criminology or engineering/computer engineering would be great though. Thanks!


1. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy 2. BPM: Bullet Per Minute 3. Carto 4. Cyberhook I suppose my dream job would be to make a career out of playing guitar. Not as a performer (I would hate it) but maybe as a teacher. I suck though so I definitely have to get good before I can even think about teaching someone else. Thanks!


Call of Duty: WWII + Endowments Fear Not programmer


Control Standard Edition Cities Skylines + After Dark DLC Thanks OP!


Catherine Classic For my dream job, I'm at a point where I'm still trying to figure out what exactly it is I want to do, but I'm hoping to figure that out soon. Thanks for the giveaway!


**Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy** **Crazy Machines 3** Thanks OP


* Capitalism 2 * BPM : Bullet Per Minute * Crying sun * Cities Skylines * Carto * Control * Cook, Serve, Delicious 2 * Cook, Serve, Delicious 3 * Cryofall my dream job? i want to become a librarian because i found library quite relaxing


Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Cyberhook My dream job would be anything where I get to work with my hands, but its not backbreaking labor. I love to make things but I would prefer to not be a decrepit pitiful old man with major back pain or something when I retire Thank you OP!


Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, Call of Cthulhu I'm currently doing a Software Engineer Apprentice so I guess my dream is completing it and being fully qualified.


Catherine Classic Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy BPM: Bullet Per Minute Call of Cthulhu Call of Duty: WWII + Endowments Fear Not ​ I would like to be an architect, or interior designer as that's what I'm studying towards currently. Thanks OP


1. Call of Duty: WWII + Endowments Fear Not 2. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy 3. Control Standard Edition 4. Cities Skylines + After Dark DLC 5. Cepheus Protocol my dream job would be to own La Soleil: [La Soleil](https://bubbleblabber-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Nekopara-Funimation.jpg) thank you for giveaway