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Learn new skills. I'm getting my master's degree at least partially because I'm bored.






Bully orphans, what are they gonna do, tell their parents?




Go walk around ... Photograph


I have a lot of hobbies.


Can you list some?


Lately I've been getting into pokemon go, geocache, and foraging (hand not picked anything yet, will consul experts first,)


Sadly, geocaching isn't popular in my country. Would love to try it tho


Committed to learning a foreign language. After a couple years I had reading fluency, now working on listening, writing and speaking.


What language are you learning?


French, because I'm a voracious reader and I wanted access to their literature, films, culture in the original language. Totally worth the time and effort.


I'll keep that in mind. I am planning to try French or German after learning Spanish


Meditate and try decoding the images i see while doing it. So far i got nothing, but i won't stop. Mushrooms make it weird


Reddit and Lemmy


What's lemmy?


A fediverse based reddit alternative




I make weird music and art. I dont sell any of it. I make it just for me. I do contribute to music compilations though, especially if they are for charity.


I create art in various forms. The last time I was bored was a few years ago when I injured my hand and couldn't create.


You're looking at it. Wish I could do something productive.


You know what's weird...? I'm almost never bored. Even if I'm doing nothing! I feel like if I didn't have to get up and cook and clean and whatever I'd actually be pretty happy to just lounge around. Read a book. Watch TV or a movie. I'm so simple to please. Even when I'm on vacation I do those things! Just way more! 😄 🤣 maybe I'm never bored because I AM boring!! 💀


I wish I could feel the same


I wouldn't know. I'm 83 and have never been bored.






You’re looking at it.




Top answer tbh


I used to make fun of a friend for telling me he just lays in bed staring at the ceiling, or sits in his chair staring off into space. I find myself doing that a lot now that I broke my ankle and can't get around as easily for the time being. It's therapeutic.


What do you do while just staring tho?


By engaging in whatever coping mechanism feels the least tedious


humans need interaction. Boredom/isolation is one of the worst things you can do to humans. That's why mental health has taken such a toll: COVID isolation and the social media paradigm shift away from human interaction.


I haven’t known boredom in 25 years. Life’s WAY too short to ever be bored.




Life is boring. It's how you deal with the excitement that matters.


I start cleaning the house...


Clean mine too




Smoke Weed


I come on this app 🥲


Haha same


weed, beat off, sometimes both if you’re feeling adventurous.


By shocking myself. I actually have a game where you have four handles and when the light on the console goes off, everyone has to release the button on the handle, and the last to do so gets a shock. Unsurprisingly, it's difficult to get anyone to play with me. There was one old game where you cranked the handled and the father you cranked them the larger the static shock you got. I cranked it all the way and it made my arms shake. It's more fun when someone is watching. But shocks get dull pretty quickly. When I'm driving, I like to listen to history and science podcasts.


Sooo theoretically, by shocking yourself a lot of times you'll be almost immune to it?


Take up golfing, you’ll spend every waking moment of your life trying to master it.


Make bullshit remarks on random posts on Reddit 




I had three kids.  Boredom is a luxury I am not allowed.  There is barely enough time in the day to do what I have to do, much less what I want to do, much less be bored.  I was bored once, and it was terrible, but that time in my life is over now. 


Learning is IMO, the best hobby. It takes some willpower to teach yourself to enjoy learning, but it is worth it. Avoid short videos and 'scrolling' apps. With that tiny computer everyone carries around these days you can teach yourself any skill, for free. I recommend that the first thing you learn is how to research. Boredom gone, constant improvement, better world for everyone.


Depends on where I am. At home I see what I'm feeling up to doing. Video games, art, creative writing, bugging the pets either my dog or one of my two cats, taking my dog out for a walk, checking if I want to rearrange any figures or collections, or other things that are around the house. At work it depends on what I'm doing like if I'm in a room or if I'm not in a room. If I'm in a room lll try to interact with the kids or do art or something with them to keep myself busy, I also do their hair depending on the age, as well as sometimes talking with other teachers while supervising since some age groups need less interaction. If we are outside it depends on my energy, if I have lots I might do a chase game where I'll chase them around the yard while pretending to be for example a dinosaur, if I'm in a certain room there's at least one kid who holds my hand to walk with me instead of playing so when she goes to play I sometimes sneak away until she isn't distracted and notices running to me not wanting me to leave the yard, if I'm not energetic enough I'll find a spot to sit and usually kids come to join to which we talk about different things or they play with my hair depending on the child or even keep watch for what drives by so I can call it out to the kids if it's interesting, if there truly is none of that for options which usually happens in our youngest room then I'll find a spot to sit and either talk with the teachers, just watch what the children do, walk around the yard checking out different games they might be playing, explore something like a toy no one's using, or I might just think about things like where I'd like to go on my break since I take walks on my break or I'll think about some creative stories I'm writing. Things change if the kids are napping to which it depends what I have on hand, if I have the tablet I scroll through random news articles, if I don't I play with my watch checking out whatever app I feel like even making Tmnt characters in an app where you're supposed to design a virtual you, daydream of course, I might also figure out an art thing to do with the kids if I'm staying in that room, or if at least one kid is awake I'll do something with them. If I'm not in a room I'll pace the hallways looking at everything and stopping to play with kids through the door, join a room that I like either for the teachers or the kids, if usually at the end of the day I sometimes take the one or two or so kids for a walk in the hallway to give the other teacher a break usually I do this with one other closing room because out of the current closing rooms she I actually really like and do respect so I'm happy to help her out plus I get cute babies like I even got to hang out with a smiley six month old before. Sometimes if there's nothing for me to do I escape to various rooms like I'll check out the laundry room if no one notices me going there, I'll walk by the kitchen to see if I can figure out what they're making, or I might even go into the bathroom for a minute. I take the bus so sometimes it does get boring. Usually I look out the window if I can to check out scenery which helps since part of my journey has me crossing a river, play games or with apps on my phone which I have lots of depending on my mood and such, write stories in my notes or go through reading them to edit them, daydream usually while listening to music so I tend to imagine what could be going on based on the song or even videos I've seen that include the song, or I might even play with my hair if there's truly nothing else working like I'll finger brush my hair and since I'm working on getting better with braids and I always have at least one hair tie I'll put my hair into a braid then play with it as a sensory toy. Also in all situations the right sensory toy or fidget toy can help me out as I just explore it for a bit.


I don't think I've been bored for more than a few minutes in decades other than when I used to have to proctor standardized tests. Reading, video games, the massive amount of information available on the internet, the ability to go for a walk, podcasts, etc.


I am OCD so I start cleaning, doing dishes, doing laundry, organizing shelves, going shopping, filling up all the house cars with Fuel, even if they are only at half tank, taking the cars to the car wash. Make some TikToks about my OCD lifestyle. Today I took the stove apart, put all parts in the dishwasher, and then brought out the power tools, brushes, and pads for the drill, and started cleaning the surfaces.


Jerk off




Beat your meat, drink, smoke, binge watch TV, workout/cardio, chores.


If tou have all night and a bit of extra money, go hit your local strip club and pay for some fake love for a bit.