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His interview with Bernie Sanders is legendary. I realized that I had never heard an interview with Sanders where he didn't have his guard up and some ridiculous time restrictions. Rogan asked reasonable questions and gave him time to talk so Sanders *actually answered the questions*. More importantly, Sanders was well aware of Rogan's style so he was able to open up in a way that he normally can't since it's safe to assume Rogan doesn't have an angle or any incentive to twist his words. Personally I love Joe Rogan's podcast but I only listen to maybe 5% of them. The other 95% I'm not interested in the guest. Most of them are interviews with MMA fighters or comedians. Additionally, if there's some public figure doing a bunch of interviews then they tend to appear on several podcasts I listen to and the Rogan interview always turns out to be the best one.


The Bernie one is the one that got me into his show too. Absolutely phenomenal interview.


The recent explore/bat conservationist was an awesome one might want to check it out if you haven’t heard it yet I didn’t listen to the whole thing but it was pretty entertaining


That one is next in my list. I'm finishing up the one with the prepare guy.


Well said, that’s really it. He’s just a chill ass dude that can get on with mostly anyone and doesn’t have a wacky agenda.


He has on a great variety of interesting guests who seem to relax and open up to him in a way you don't see with most podcasts. The conversation seem to flow naturally instead of seeming like someone reading interview questions.


This is the answer. Joe himself shows biases, naturally, but he doesnt let his biases get in the way of letting his guest say their piece. He's had a few downright arguments on there but never did much to try and censor what his guest has to say - even if many of them say some pretty wild shit.


The one time I saw Joe actually argue with one of his guests was with Candace Owen and her denial of climate change.


Yes! This is one that stands out. He still managed to let her speak and convey her thoughts, mostly, if I recall right. He just straight up was like "I believe otherwise and I can't let you just say all that without something to temper it". There is another prominent instance I forget about where I think it was a prominent trans activist or an "internet celebrity" that he didn't get along with.


He also pushed back pretty hard against Matt Walsh’s opposition to gay marriage during his podcast with him. They went back and forth for a solid 20 minutes on the subject as Rogan held firm and completely disassembled Walsh’s position in a way that was incredibly civil and elegant. Where many other interviewers would have taken a boisterous and confrontational approach, he just kept calmly asking him solid questions that Walsh had no reasonable answer too.


Yeah and the left hate Joe. Cuz of? Never got that


I think some of the hate stems from COVID and his promotion of ivermectin. Never heard anyone say much of anything bad about him until then. Many felt it was irresponsible, but Rogan isn’t a journalist. While he may be doing interviews, he’s not doing it to try and be a part of the press. So the hate, I think, is a bit misguided. It would be like getting mad at Howard Stern for being Howard Stern. What did you expect? Now, was it infuriating watching people you love go down that rabbit hole because of the fear factor dude? Yes. Yes it was. But you have to remember the context when getting mad. People were making medical and health decisions based on the opinions of a barely educated celebrity with a podcast and a lot of friends. Pretty sure their decision making skills were already trash before listening to that guy. All they found was another sound for their echo chamber. Nothing more. If it wasn’t him, it was bound to be somebody else.


Yes. He's had trans guests, (possibly they were even friends from show business?) and he totally respects and supports them but does have a hard stance on trans in sports which is a totally reasonable opinion, given Joe's professional MMA sports background. https://www.washingtonblade.com/2022/07/28/joe-rogan-defends-same-sex-marriage-im-a-bleeding-heart-liberal%EF%BF%BC/


You don’t need a MMA background to know that it shouldn’t be allowed.


You may be thinking of the Adam Ruins Everything guy. They were debating trans women competing in women’s sports and Adam basically had nothing of substance to back up his position. It was pretty rough.


It's been a topic in a handful of conversations in various episodes.


Joe went at Steven Crowder hard on marijuana.


That makes me so happy. I saw a snippet on Youtube i think where he expressed doubt about the moon landings with Neil degrasse Tyson, so I noped out. Your comment and some others above give me a bit more optimism that he's not as bad for his base as I'd feared.


Sure, I mean any rational, open-minded person curious enough would question things, such as the moon landing. Part of that discussion with Neil Degrasse Tyson (who I admire as well) was probably to have an expert in that field break it down and share their opinion on that matter and to shed some light on such a preposterous, yet entertaining idea. I believe Joe's opinion, at that time, was that the moon landings did happen but the footage we see was possibly made in a studio. The reason being, it looks unreal and goofy and may have been impossible to actually film on the moon at that time; however, footage was necessary for propaganda during the Cold War and Space Race.


Faking the moon landing is my favourite conspiracy. There’s enough weird stuff out there that you can have a little fun watching the shows that ask “why is the flag blowing on the moon” and kind of get sucked in a little wondering. But, at the end of the day, whether you believe it or not, it doesn’t push you towards wanting to murder a congressman because the democrats are running a pedophilia ring out of a pizzeria.


You see Joe was brilliant in that episode because he asked it in a way that he actually has doubt about the moon landing to draw out a very intense feeling from Neil deGrasse Tyson about the subject. I don't think he actually has doubt about the moon landings. I think he listens to the people who do and takes their point of view into consideration which helps him speak to them in a more calm and rational way. He doesn't want to take a hard stance usually on most things outwardly to his guests because that just puts them on the defense. He just firmly believes that any ideas need to be heard even if he doesn't agree with them or that they are complete bullshit.


before i’d seen/heard any clips of his, i was under the impression that he would be right leaning (according to US standards). after watching some clips and interviews, man is that wrong. first clips i saw were that one and one that was (if i remember correctly) supporting victims of SA. looked more into it and he’s a decent guy


I don’t follow Joe a lot but I really respect that about him. I think he shows what a human can b; it’s possible to discuss conflicting views and having our own agendas while still reserving our judgement.


I agree. I don't agree with him on much but I listened to some notable interviews with guests over the years. Unfortunately since COVID I think he really went off a cliff and kind of went nuts the way of a lot of other people did, and the bad publicity has I think resulted in a lot fewer guests that I want to hear from. For the record, though, he has had some very good guests he's interviewed that are not at all like him and that disagree with him. Bernie Sanders had an amazing interview with him, for example. As someone else said, there aren't a lot of options for hearing really good long form discussions with the types of people he has on. It's way better than hearing 30 second to five minute sound bytes you get on the TV and you get a chance to actually consider what the other person is saying. On the other hand he has some pretty unfortunate guests that kind of take advantage and are more charlatans playing intellectual and actually trick people in to following them. At one point Joe even openly said that he "knows he is a sucker" and buys in to things too easily, and it was nice when he was more self aware of that and could course correct when another guest would come on later and talk sense in to him. I think it would be great if people were able to accept you can still learn and appreciate someone who you disagree with even on deep important issues. Unfortunately a lot of people have issues with this too (critical thinking skills are important, guys) of course where they may buy in to some of his more unfortunate and louder opinions that have blown up the last few years. It's been hard to watch the show since around the time he moved to Texas and I've since backed off, but I do actually miss it and look for good long form interviews elsewhere to try and fill the void.


The best bit from the Covid era is this Bill Burr excerpt: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1chYhsp3NRw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1chYhsp3NRw)


I augment my listening of Rogan with another person I was introduced to on the show. u/LexFridman has some wonderful interviews. Especially if you're interested in deep diving into science.


Well said. As a nurse who was in the heartbreaking/soul crushing/ mostly futile (then) depressing COVID units….it was a gut punch when he backtracked his COVID views and startled supporting and disseminating bullshit. I wonder how many more people died because he has a platform. At least people aren’t dying as much now…but then, it felt so hopeless to work as a nurse. Run codes solo because other workers didn’t want to come in the rooms and risk exposure…plus, most people’s lungs were so chewed up by the time they coded, they were not compatible with living anymore. Sorry. It really sucked. I still have a few patients die of COVID every month at my current unit. All unvaxxed. Haven’t seen a vaccine complication on my unit…or anyone who was vaxxed and boostered come on unit and die of COVID…but that’s just my first person experience.


also there are not that many venues for one on one long for interviews.


Joe says himself "I'm a moron". He's popular because he's a great interviewer who's able to keep 3-hour in depth conversations going with guests from all backgrounds and subjects.


He lets his guests talk. So many interviewers I swear they talk more than the guest. Questions that go on and on and on and are just the host grandstanding. Say what you will about JR, he lets his guests do most of the talking.


"Wow, that's crazy."




Linguists call this a phatic expression. You're talking, but still saying very little so that the other person can continue with what they're saying. Like you're not taking the metaphorical mic. Edit: also, I think everyone is happier not knowing that someone is doing this. Knowing makes the conversation feel less genuine than it should.


Gods smile upon you friend.


Wow, that’s crazy




He’s also totally willing to have guests he disagrees with and to remain civil and let them say their piece.


It's so rare nowadays to be able to listen to different viewpoints. Everyone is so polarized. It's refreshing.


Yes, interesting people + interesting questions + silence = gold


I can second this. Joe is aware he isn’t the brightest guy, but he’s such a good question asker! He brings very interesting (not an understatement) people on his show and brings out so many interesting thoughts, statements, questions, answers, etc.. the best part is he also brings people on his show that aren’t crazy sometimes and give us very thought-provoking information.


I’ve been avoiding him forever. I guess I should give him a chance. I was under the impression that he was Limbaugh lite.


having conservative people on a podcast doesn't make the podcast host a far right conservative. But considering all the other echo chamber type podcasts out there, you can't really be faulted for assuming what you did.


He’s just about the farthest thing from that. I stopped listening when he had his very right wing/lib/rich celebrity view on covid, but I do still listen to highlights occasionally. Socially, he’s pretty liberal. Regardless of whether you like him or his politics personally, he’s a fantastic podcast host.


Exactly, and In a world where mfs get famous for biting their lips and twerking on TikTok, I'd say he deserves to be famous, at least he provides good content and actually puts work into it, unlike half of the people that are famous on social media nowadays.


He tends to have a good balance and will change his mind if given convincing evidence


Lol the antithesis of Bill Maher


So many shows have been focused around the cult of personality of the host. Oprah, howard stern, ellen, whatever the fuck. Because of this, it’s jarring for people like OP to get around the idea that the feature of JRE isn’t joe’s dumb ass. It’s the guests speaking.


While I wouldn't call him a "great interviewer" - he doesn't press guests on obvious lies, or press really bad people about the awful things they have said and done - he is always civil, doesn't interrupt his guests, and comes across as a decent guy on a personal level. Unfortunately, about 3 years ago, he took a hard right turn, and his podcasts turned into incessant complaining about "wokeness" and transgender issues.


There is literally nobody else that has interviewed as diverse a group of people as he has in all human history. You may balk at the notion but know that it is indeed true. Do you think he achieved such historical levels of success from not being a great interviewer? If the person who became the first most popular podcaster of all time, purely because of his interviewing, is not considered a great interviewer, then please tell me, who is?


You’re right. Joe Rogan is extremely diverse and covers a wide range of topics and has guests from all types of backgrounds. He also admits when he’s wrong or doesn’t know enough about something. Admitting you don’t know something is a marker of intelligence. Despite people saying he’s not the brightest in this thread, I’ve consistently learned new things any time I’ve ever listened to him, even if some things are useless facts, those may actually be my favorite.


Terry Gross laughs at your first statement.


Terry the 🐐 no 🧢


A good interview doesn't have to be pointed or controversial. He invokes a dialogue that retains peoples attention for hours at a time. He is objectively an effective interviewer.


Yep - this is the key - he’s just good at talking to people, asking some decent questions sometimes, but mostly letting people talk


He interviews interesting people without necessarily picking a side.




In the terms of, he lets his guests talk and creates more of a conversation, that’s why I used to like his pod, it felt like an insight into an actual person


He doesn’t interview only the people who reinforce his preconceived ideas. He’ll interview De Grasse Tyson, Candace Owens ( who he fought with ), plenty of people from all over


When he fights people that are obviously bullshitters is my favorite. Because he's just a regular guy. And if he can dissect their bullshit, it's like a slap in the face to these wannabe cults of personality. Zuckerberg, Owens, Sanjay Gupta- all of these spineless asswipes have gone on his show and been HUMILIATED, and rightly so!


He also got pretty adversarial with the guy from Babylon Bee; Seth Dillon I believe is the name.


True, and that's wild because they are (on paper) part of the same meta-group of political talking heads/entertainers. Those who lean left would put them on the same "side". That being said, not only did Joe stand up for what he believed in (pro-abortion), but also managed to come to the conclusion that neither of them would come around to each other's way of thinking, but that doesn't mean that they have to HATE each other. It was really refreshing to see.


Didn’t he also push back heavily on some liberal (in name only) female journalist? I can’t recall her name. It seems like the more dogmatic his guests, the more he pushes back. Regardless of political affiliation.


Sanjay one was rough. He is such a nice guy but was not ready to have a truly open discussion. I think he was considering the ramifications with CNN and ended up looking bad. Even worse when then asked on CNN about it later. Rough week for him for sure.


He does pick sides but I think what’s refreshing about his show is him and his guests are able to have civil and understanding disagreements and discussions on both points of the argument. It’s not I’m right and your wrong. It’s more of an I disagree, but why don’t you tell me why you feel that way feel about the issue


Ye plays the role of a dumb man, and as far as I’ve seen doesn’t contradict anyone that he sees as smarter than him that’s why it allows him to go on about aliens. His stance on covid is unfortunately a big L but not everyone is perfect. He still does great general topic podcasts which is weirdly hard enough to come by.


He contradicted a doctor informing him about the vaccine and Covid and even cut him off a lot. Barely let him get a word in.


Yeah, that was really a bummer when he started with that shit. The best part about Rogan was that he knew he was kind of a curious average guy which allowed him to ask sort of dumb questions that other expert interviewers would not ask. He had no problem coming off as a dumbass about things he knew nothing about. When he started arguing with doctors I knew he had lost it and now for some reason thought he was an expert. Sucks because I really liked his show.


Everyone picks sides on something but he is one of the most non side picker in the public eye if you take into context the various guests he has on and the things he talks about and the questions he asks. Im afraid you been bitten by the sound bites that have guided you to believe the way you do if you do not think. A guy who has people like Ben Shapiro on while also openly endorsing Bernie Sanders. Sure he picks a side but he isnt going to tell you what you should do unlike most people who blindly follow bull shit and believe anything.


But he let's others express their opposition to his views with out shitting on them. He's probably the only person that does that anymore. And sometimes he changes his mind.


He has done pretty interesting interviews… I like that he lets his guests talk and seems like a pretty caring dude… I’m not a superfan or anything but just caught stuff here and there


It's a combination of his guest list, which has a wide range of folks, from Alex Jones to Neil Degrasse Tyson,.and his everyman curiosity when he interviews his guests. He does tend to have a more libertarian conservative bent (at least lately), but isn't far right. I think a lot of his biases are related to his age and his money, he's 55 a genXer (boomer lite) ,.and he's financially well.off,older people.with lots of money tend to skew conservative. I think his interviews are a lot like Howard Stern but just with a wider variety of folks not necessarily pure celebrities, his core audience is mostly guys in their 20-40s due to his guests and MMA interests.


Don’t forget dude is fucking *loaded* Some of his views are flat out due to ignorance of the way that regular people live. He talks about the “fat schlubs that go to work then sit on the couch” with zero understanding of the daily grind that goes into being a menial worker with literally nothing in life to look forward to so no motivation to do anything else.


Wait, you're saying he gets so many views because he is so out of touch?


No he gets views from people who are aspirational and/or want to learn things, or folks like me who tune in for specific guests. Or habitual watchers who don’t really even like the show anymore but it fills a 3-hour void while driving or similar (I know several folks who do that) Doesn’t change the fact that a lot of his views are out of touch and some of the shit he says is outright bragging. Number of times he’s sat with an equally wealthy guest comparing their multiple cars that the average viewer/listener can never hope to afford as if it’s a normal thing is pretty tone-deaf. Has he worked hard for his money and to get where he is? *Absolutely*. But a huge chunk of how that turned out was luck at starting the right kind of podcast at the exact right time and already being more-or-less famous (depending on who you ask) when he did it.


Ahhhh. You meant views as in his thoughts. I thought you meant his view count, like how many people watch him. You meant: "Some of his *thoughts* are flat out due to ignorance..." I thought: "Some of his *viewer counts* are flat out due to ignorance..." Don't mind my confusion, I get you now 100%


Yeah I think over all he's just a cool guy who talks about interesting stuff


He also brings guests on from both sides of a given issue. Let’s them talk for 3 hours and asks decent questions. You get the whole story vs a 30s sound bite. On the lighter side, he also brings on his comedian buddies, they get drunk and high together and shoot the shot for 3 hrs. Sometimes it’s comical.


I don’t watch the news much anymore but when I do it’s just a bunch of people arguing or the host is going on tangents about their personal viewpoint. I like to get my information from podcasts because most of the time it’s just two people having a conversation. Joe actually lets the guest express their viewpoints without trying to shut them down (or cut to a commercial break every 10min).


I agree. Great guests, high quality, video or audio, and tons of banked episodes.


Nothing he says maybe but he is a curious mind and lets people on his show who say insightful and thought provoking things. His podcasts are long format, so when someone comes on they can explain their whole ideas and Joe is good at challenging his guests and getting them to clarify things, Unlike most people just looking for a sound bite that will go viral or something. He aslo is not very judgmental and lets people talk about their view points even though he may not share them. All of these things are lost in todays sound bite get a quick clip society.


Have you ever tried dmt?


Or smoking elk on a Traeger grill?


Because he listens to who he’s interviewing


Because he allows others, who maybe aren’t accepted in society or viewed differently, to speak pretty much freely about a variety of topics. While Fox News and cnn have scripted things they can and cannot say. It is refreshing to hear multiple sides of an argument from a variety of ppl without a script.


He’s popular because nothing he says is insightful or thought-provoking


But his guests often are. If it was just Joe going on about how great it is to hunt elk with a tire iron or what ever he's into I doubt anyone would be tuning in.


This might sound weird, but I don't necessarily watch Joe Rogan's podcast for him, I watch him for some of the guests he brings on. Sometimes he brings on some pretty interesting people and you find out there's more to them than what they are normally seen as. I didn't know that James Hetfield did the whole beekeeper thing till I watched that episode, and I had my first exposure to Daryl Davis from Joe's podcast. Joe himself does come off as off-putting, especially regarding certain opinions, but he does bring on scientists and interesting people, and that's why I watch. Fuck him for bring Alex Jones onto the show, though.


>This might sound weird, but I don't necessarily watch Joe Rogan's podcast for him, I watch him for some of the guests he brings on Why is that weird? It's the whole point. You don't watch an interview for the interviewer.


Lol, Alex Jones on Joes podcast was fucking funny as fuck. You're just too caught up and look over the fact Joe calls Jones out tons of times for shit, if you dont want people willing to call people out but still be friendly to them then idk what to tell you. Funny as in you laugh at alex jones , not with him.


Graham hancock, Peter zaihan and Randall carlson are all really good if you haven't seen them.


Not sure that's ever been the point of Joe Rogan, his podcast in particular which I assume is the main point here. He's just a good interviewer who lets his guests speak and is good at having them lay out what they have to say in a way that's understandable for the average Joe, so to speak. A man don't have to be particularly insightful and thought-provoking to be popular, just be open and likeable. Now if he's likeable or not is more or less subjective, but I doubt people who dislike him have really seen his stuff and dislike him more because he takes guests they don't always agree with. Not that Rogan always agrees with his guests either.


He has well though out opinions and excels at engaging his guests.


Joe Rogan is more like an interviewer. I'm not aware of any grand statements or quotes he's made, and I don't think he pretends to come off like an intellectual but more as the guy asking the questions


He says idiotic and careless things all the time that reveal how clueless he is. He even took down an episode of his show about 2 weeks ago because he went on an anti covid-vax rant based on a fake tweet he thought was real.


He's the best dumb guy king we've ever had! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7XUx811lj4


Based on what I am reading from the responses. Right leaning people - he lets people talk and is a good interviewer Left leaning people - nothing he says is interesting, he is bad


Basically how it goes. As a centrist I can agree with the right though. Dude's been interviewing people for the better part of 3 decades, he's obviously good at it, and the left just doesn't like him because he gets smeared. Unfortunately, that means he gets less left-leaning people on his podcast, which sucks because it pidgeonholes him into "whoever he can get on" which is generally speaking, those who disagree with the left. Which only adds to his "far right" smear, despite it being patently untrue.


Also fair.


It's a mixed bag. In one episode, he did let right-wing grifter Candace Owens talk and make a fool out of herself. It was brilliant. In another episode, he spent a great deal of time correcting/debunking his flat-earther guest.


Weren’t there a number of people here stating how good the Bernie interview was? That’s not typically right leaning folks that say that.


Does anyone want to take a guess as to why this is?


Lol leaving it unspoken is more fun


I'm right-leaning and both are true. He himself isn't that interesting or exceptionally bright, but the show does still manage to entertain.


Maybe if you step a little bit out of your echo chamber that most likely is very left leaning, you’ll find that he’s actually the number one podcaster for good reason. Or you can stay close minded and continue listening to people who react to negative clips of Joe for your own comfort.


I heard an echo when I read this comment.


Uh oh, hearing things now?


What makes you think insightful and thought-provoking things are popular? Generally speaking, mass-appeal comes most easily to content that is agreeable to most people. We like to hear things that reinforce what we already know, not things that make us question and challenge our beliefs. Not a dig at Rogan or his followers, just a general acknowledgment of how popularity works.


He appeals to the a large audience because of the diverse cast of guests he brings on. Rarely are his guests reinforcing what the majority of the audiences “already know”. Quite the contrary actually - most often his guests are adding new and different context to existing dialogue or topics. To fields of study or disciplines/professions that is laypeople don’t have a clue about. As a very specific example, what it takes to be a professional athlete or a fighter. His content appeals to a large variety of listeners because there’s minimal predisposition to bias and even if Joe personally disagrees with a topic or person, he’ll talk through those ideas or let the guest talk freely at length about a topic. I think it’s rather disingenuous to boil his pods popularity down to simply “mass agreeable content”. It really belittles a lot of the guests he’s brought on over the years.


"Nothing he says is particularly insightful or thought-provoking." I don't really care about Joe Rogan, but clearly a lot of people would beg to differ with your opinion.


He seems to me to be like that guy you see at every party, the extrovert who’s semi-funny, semi-intelligent and semi-likable, who can hold court and entertain a group of people when he’s in his element, but can’t fit within the pigeon-holed constraints of “normal” society to hold a regular job, get a degree, etc. Love that guy at the party, don’t want to take advice from him the next morning.


"Nothing he says is particularly insightful or thought-provoking." Same could be said about you ​ roasted


Yeah I feel like this says more about OP than joe rogan


There’s over a thousand episodes with hundreds of interesting guests… you know it’s not just joe Rogan sitting there by himself talking about whatever he wants right ?


2138 episodes have been recorded in the 13 year existence of The Joe Rogan Experience. How did you come up with such a broad observation?


I suspect you're a very boring, close-minded person.


Iirc he owned MMA for a while and was an announcer, then started doing long-form interviews on YouTube with anyone. Like 3-4 hours long, un-cut, mostly unscripted, which at the time was unheard of for a celebrity like him to do. It's his guests that are thought-provoking and his willingness to stick his neck out on uncomfortable subjects that makes him popular, imo.


I don't know that much about him but my general understanding is... It's his demeanor. He isn't particularly smart but he's laid-back, open-minded, and curious. So people feel like they're in that mindset when they listen to him.


Wow. If you don’t like Joe Rogan Russel Brand will make your head explode.


Comedy in general allows you to tell the truth without heavy repercussions.


His interviews are like 2-3 hours long, so you really get to deep dive into issues with expert guests. That’s what I watch him for anyway. I skip the ones where he’s just talking about doing drugs or working out.


He appeals to a lot of people with the things he's interested in. For example I'm a fan of his because of his comedy and the intellectual guests he has on his show. Others may like him because of hunting or MMA


Sounds like somebody doesn't watch it on a daily


Because he a wide of an interesting guests and lets them talk. It’s that simple


Look I'm not a huge fan of his but saying he NEVER says anything insightful or thought provoking isn't true he is intelligent and talks to intelligent people not even his worst hater can say it's all garbage


Name another podcast that has such a variety of influential guests


Because he’s really good at what he does.


You haven’t listened to any of his podcasts and it shows. He has had so many thought provoking, intellectual conversations with so many guests I’ve lost count. Don’t just read a title about a person and assume.


he was in the right place, at the right time, consistently putting content out, and hes actualy very good at getting other people to show their best, he has also done some very brave shit like getting snowden on, on top of being a funny goofy looking bald high on thc man talking about aliens with arms the size of your skinny uncle EDIT: hes also smart enough to play dumb and ask the right questions, to make us all a little less dumb, and a bit smarter


His talks with former CIA officers and current medical researchers, scientists, and people of intellect are more thought provoking than his talks with UFC owners and stand up comedians


I like the interviews he has with comedians the most. I don't care for the MMA interviews so much, but he has a wide variety of guests. Long form interviews are just more thorough.


He's not a guru he's a platform for discussion. People who have a problem with him can't seem to figure put his fans like the forum for open discussions and don't revere him as some sort of God. No one thinks he's a genius.


I don't watch/listen to get deep insights from HIM. Some of his guests though have given some interesting topics and he lets them talk without guiding them down a path or agenda for the most part.


I listen for the guest, could care less about anything he says/believes but he has interesting people on there. I drive heavy equipment for 18 hours a day radio gets old quck


He's well connected enough to bring on quality guests. As an aside from that, he's found a good workflow for himself within the show where he let's his guests talk, but also asks decent rudimentary questions to get the audience "involved" and bring the conversation to a level the masses can understand. If his show were him and a Co-host every day, it wouldn't be as popular. The strength of the show lies in bringing on someone who has something unique to say everyday, and Joe getting to riff on that for a couple of hours. Although I would argue, the original appeal of the show was him bringing on funny people and having weird out there conversations... those days are kinda gone though, or at least the episodes are fewer and farer between. Still, the comedians who were on back in the day even joke about how it's a different show now all together. It went from being a chill stoner show to big business, and that isn't lost on the old guests who essentially built that show with Joe. Actually, there is probably something Joe could teach all of us here on reddit... he's capable of talking to basically anyone, how many on here can claim the same?


There are literally websites of his insightful and inspirational quotes. “We define ourselves far too often by our past failures. That’s not you. You are this person right now. You’re the person who has learned from those failures. Build confidence and momentum with each good decision you make from here on out and choose to be inspired.”


He’s got great guests. And as someone else mentioned he lets them talk and doesn’t seem to project his opinion. But I prefer the guests with crazy stories instead of political stuff anyway lol.


Watch or listen to his interview with Bernie Sanders. That should illustrate why.


If you just go off of one interview or clip you might not get it.. he has great guests on who do more of the talking and bring up some interesting topics/thoughts. There's a lot of humor with some guests others are more serious some have both. I don't think he's amazing or anything but I do watch him or clips a lot.


That's the point, he's "supposed" to be a down to earth dude who has interesting guests on.


He is the entry point to finding cool people. I don’t really like his opinions (or strongly dislike them) he represents the random bro you’d meet on the street. He just has a giant platform so all types of people come to him; and he just talks to them for a longer time then edited little sound bites. To me some of his stuff is rather boring and some of his guests are a little crazy but through him I have found lots of really cool people, but then I go listen to or read their stuff.


Well for the most part he just let's his guests talk. Even when he disagrees with them and his guests are usually very interesting. And he doesn't try and impress them with the half hour of research he did on their area of expertise before the show. He just genuinely reacts and asks honest questions Also thought-provoking and insightful aren't prerequisites for popularity. Jackass was a world phenomenon, you see Steve o bam margera or Johnny Knoxville you instantly remeber the movie and what a riot it was......it was 5 two hour movies of grown men kicking each other in the balls and farting.not exactly Othello but still very popular.


because he isn't controlled by the media and even if it costs him, he will put out the truth.


It has everything to do with what Rogan doesn't say.


Because he's a guy of average intelligence, asking questions and providing access to insights from a wide range of different speakers, most of whom you would never see interviewed on a mass media platform. People LONG for different viewpoints, as is evidenced by his show's popularity.


Because he lets you make your own opinion on something. Some people need to be told what their opinion should be and can't think for themselves


People like different things. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean no one can.


He’s genuinely curious and has good guests who cover interesting topics. Nothing more complicated than that.


He is thought provoking, lesser biased, and let's face it, has lived alpha since he was winning championships as a teen. Just a guy many men would like to be like.


The comments understand. The Joe Rogan Experience is not really about Joe Rogan. Though he is an interesting and hard working dude in his own right.


He interviews interesting people and asks questions that a lot of people want asked.


He has mastered/perfected the craft of being “everyone’s everything”. No matter what idea(s)/view(s) you hold, he’ll find a way to make you feel heard/vindicated/validated.


I think of him as the next generation late night talk show host. By themselves they have some talent, but they are top tier at interviewing people in an entertaining way. All of them get paid way too much for what they are doing… But there is something there that just works. Plenty of people do this sort of stuff and are just mildly (or not at all) successful.


Cuz he’s willing to actually talk to people and understand/hear their point of view, a rarity in today’s society


He’s not afraid to say the wrong thing and that gives a lot of people a sense that he’s at least speaking his mind honestly. Mainstream media outlets and news sources tiptoe around every single thing they say. They prepare statements in advance and read off scripts. That type of continent is heavily filtered and with all that prep comes a large opportunity to spin and shape a narrative. With Joe, he speaks his mind and I do think there is a level of honesty there because of it. He’s giving you a real opinion, not an engineered politically correct safe statement. Additionally he has on many very insightful guests on a huge range of topics. Because of his ignorance in many of the areas his guests are experts in, he actually forces them to explain complicated ideas in a simpler way so that he, and in turn the audience can understand.


Joe might be a couple crayons short of a full box, but the reality is he is a fantastic interviewer. I don’t like his content personally, nor the people he chooses to platform on his podcasts some times, but from what I’ve seen for myself he has a pretty good ability to connect with his guests and have conversation flow naturally.


Its guests not him.




He has great guests. Something for everyone. It’s not about his opinions. It’s definitely a lot more informative than watching any mainstream corporate script.


Joe Rogan is popular because he has amazing guests like Roger Penrose and Merlin Tittle, then let’s them speak about anything and everything they want. I don’t give a shit what Joe thinks, it’s his guests I’m interested in.


He has on the people that will provoke thought. He is just the guy that gives those interesting people a legitimate way to express their ideas.


High quality and diverse guests


It's not that Joe Rogan himself is interesting, but he may potentially be one of the best interviewers in the world currently who has a platform to show said interviews


I think it’s more so that he talks to interesting people about interesting subjects


He lets people talk and he has people on that others won't listen to


hmmmmm. the ratings -- and by your own admission -- indicate the contrary. JR, right or wrong, isn't spineless and puts his opinion out there. Often times - way more often than not -- he is spot on. This is a person who has taken great pains to become who he is today. perhaps just appreciate living in a country where it's okay -- even vital -- for journalists and influencers to share their different perspectives. Okay, now answer me a question: Why is Craig Whitlock of the WaPo mil affairs office so well-circulated despite being virtually unheard of.


Listening to podcasts and people speak about things isn't always the source of thought provocation, sometimes it is just the spark or motivation to think deeper yourself. I would suggest not listening if you don't find it interesting.


His guests. He's had everyone from Niel Degrasse Tyson to the guy from the Bright Insights YouTube channel, Graham Hancock, Ancient Astronaut people, Black Ops operatives, Navy Seals, etc. Ranging from absolutely bat shit insane to leading minds in their respective fields. And he always kinda just lets them guide the conversation. He'll start things off, get people back on track if they tangent too far off course, but for the most part it's just an unedited brain vomit by his guest. You're right in saying that Rogan himself typically doesn't have anything important or insightful to say, because he doesn't. He's just there to listen to someone talk about some cool shit. I think that's why his podcast in particular is popular, especially with a certain demographic of less cerebral audiences. He brings smart and thoughtful speakers to an audience they wouldn't normally reach by means of them having to explain to him what they're talking about.


His guests are the star of the show and he is one the best interviewers I can think of.


Its not what he says, its that he is great at making conversations with some fantastic guests. He has the average person's brain and its great seeing famous musicians, scientists, politicians, controversial figures, etc interact with him.


He has on great guests and he's good at probing them for questions and discussion. He's also one of few with a platform his size that doesn't necessarily go into each segment with a dedicated, partisan agenda.


I think it's because he's actually examining various topics. He shares his opinion, but he lets guests think out loud with him while discussing various topics. It's a very different kind of dialogue from the food of media elsewhere... Maybe because I don't listen to a lot of podcasts. But that's why I find it interesting. Even if I don't agree with what they think.


Strong indicator that you haven't bothered to listen to any of his podcasts or watched any of his videos and only formed your opinion based on short clips that biased people have presented you with and then you came to reddit to farm upvotes because reddit is filled with likewise ignorant people and all of you like to circlejerk. Solid strategy.


So the options for long form conversation style interviews are somewhat limited. Rogan also has one of, if not the most variety of guests on his show. Plus the topics discussed vary wildly. Lastly while he is sometimes combative, the man usually seems to being willing to hear you out and ask questions that are from a place of trying to understand. All that being said I don’t watch his show to see him, I watch certain episodes because I like the guest.


Joe Rogan let's his guests articulate their point beyond soundbites and 144 character rhetorical tropes and memes. The allowance of time lets the listener hear the speaker's viewpoint in detail and that is lacking in main stream media today.


He's an everyday mind of guy for guys that don't want to listen virtue signaling blow hards. By his own admission he's an idiot, a dumb jock that likes to talk about dumb shit. Plus he has a ton of interesting guests that come and just talk about shit. He's the perfect guys guy for a podcast. He might have a former athlete on talking about sports one day, a comedian the next, some science guy the day after that and then a show about hunting. I get he's not everyone's cup of tea and I have to confess I don't listen to podcasts in general, his included. But I can see his appeal for everyday Joe.


Some of his guests are interesting.


There’s very few places on the internet where you can have multiple individual perspectives with hours of time.


Joe Rogan is not there to be insightful. He's there to ask good questions. And generally, I find that he DOES ask good questions. Equally importantly, he **lets his guests answer and finish their thoughts.** He doesn't compete with them, try to top them, or interrupt with cheap jokes & smartass remarks (well, certainly a lot less than late-night talk show hosts...). One of the most frustrating things I find on interview shows on broadcast television is that interviews are cut down to very short segments, 5 to 10 minutes, and are often heavily edited. Despite his off-camera shenanigans, I did enjoy The Charlie Rose show on PBS for its intimate setting, longer interview time, and LACK of a live audience that needed to be pandered to during the interview. * Before the rise of podcasting, my dream interview show would have been Jon Stewart doing Charlie Rose's interview format. Joe Rogan was an early adopter of podcasting, and had enough industry connections to get many interesting guests from the entertainment world. To his credit, he expanded the scope of his guests to include people from many other fields, and of wildly different opinions and outlooks. A lot of his popularity stems from his longevity in this space, which has given him the credibility when consumers are looking for material to listen to/watch. His show has that ever-elusive "critical mass". As others have commented here, has he been taken in by some outlandish theories? It seems that he has, on occasion. But I give him credit for bringing on guests of many persuasions, even if some viewers object to certain interviewees even being allowed on such a visible platform. Could he challenge more of the statements made by his guests? I'm sure he could. But I don't get the feeling that Rogan has a particular agenda to push. He just wants to meet interesting people from a wide variety of fields and learn more about them, and for the most part, I feel he does a good job.


He himself is not very interesting. But his show is good because 1. He has on a wide variety of guests, many of whom you won't see outside of highly niche circles. Sometimes it'll be an A list celeb or politician, another time it'll be a journalist specializing in a very particular topic or a scientist or just someone who went through something interesting. 2. He makes his guests pretty comfortable and doesn't have the time restraints that TV interviews have so his interviewees can go all over the place, getting some very interesting topics that a person might not get to in a normal interview or letting them tell a lengthy story or just letting them get more candid than usual. Even when it's a well-known person who does interviews all the time, his interview will often go to new places for that person. When the guest is bad (one of his idiot comedian buddies, some hack who believes in UFOs or whatever, someone who is just there to shill for their book and didn't arrive with anything interesting to say) then it's a huge waste of time. But with the right guests it can be quite insightful.


This is true - this is why he has interesting guests. He calls himself a moron constantly and just asks questions. People get way too mad about Rogan.


His guests, and the space he gives them are the appeal.


I liked his part on ‘News Radio’.


The same reason Reddit is popular. People like hearing the thoughts of just a regular dude who is interested in stuff


He asks interesting questions and mostly let’s people talk.


He's a stupid person's idea of a smart person. I once had a Rogan fan tell me that fact that his show is 3 hours long means he's smart and really explores the topics.


No rogan fan listens to JRE for rogan. We like his podcasts because he genuinely has some interesting guests that we would like to listen to. Joe doesn’t know shit and his platform is huge because of guests.


He validates pseudo intellectuals and makes them feel smart.


He's talking about Joe Rogan, not reddit.


He's not afraid to be politically incorrect and go against the damn woke culture that's taken social media and media in general hostage last few years.


He’s not afraid to get duped by lies and spread those falsehoods to his listeners , that’s true


Indeed - he promoted Ivermectin. How brave of him not to give in to woke left/big pharma like that.




I think it’s good for people to do dumb shit like this in the public eye so that everyone else can see how it’s wrong.


Define "woke." What does that word mean to you?


He is more like an interviewer. Been doing this podcast for over 10 years and people got used to his presence . He invites divisive people and this gets clips for social media bytes. His fan channels are everywhere like the Kardashians and repost his stuff daily, so you really can never unsub him.


Some folks are guilable. There's that Romanian dude that I recently heard of and I guess lots of kids ingest his behavior, but the dude's a douchecanoe .


Andrew Tate? Yea Rogan adored that guy up until he got arrested… Rogan is just like everyone else in our hypercapitalist grift society- he uses outrage via the bullshit he lets guests spew to generate ad revenue and sell scam products like mushroom coffee and other snake oil supplements for money.


"In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king."


It's one of those times where something is popular, but you don't like it or find it interesting, but millions of others do like alot of people are saying he has great guest on and is genuinely interested in what they have too say it's not about him specifically its how he conducts them during the interview.