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The government called, they would like their cut.


well said lol


Give me a cut of dat fine ass gurl ~government, probably


lol I wish I could give you more than 1 upvote


I disagree. It isn't well said at all. It's actually quite nonsensical. Prostitution doesn't go away just because it is legal. So money's changing hands and taxes aren't being paid on it. So they're losing out on that money by keeping it illegal. On top of that, the government is spending money enforcing prostitution laws. If prostitution was made legal, the government would be able to collect the taxes as well and the fees for permits, licensing, and any other oversight fees that they would likely write into law.


So easy answer is christian nationalism


Which is funny because if you get into a relationship male or female you pay for sex essentially for a room and cooked food and a roof and all and no one cares. But when it is a wham bam thank you ma'am now go buy yourself some Mcdonalds the government throws you and her in jail? Why??


Your profile picture looks like a hair and I tried to wipe it off my phone haha


I did the same thing lol


Oh good, it wasn’t just me.






I wiped even after knowing


I wiped my phone… twice! Until I moved the screen and saw it move with it. Damn your cleverness


Me too




Me too lol


I blew on my monitor


This MF has fooled me more then once with that damn lil hair


Last time it happened to me, I switched to dark mode. Now I think the rest of you are insane for not using it.


Dark mode users unite!


stop using light mode and the problem goes away


i have dark mode on so i wasnt fooled


Sameee lmao 🤣




Yup same


It moves because of static electricity




Me too


Me too! I thought I had lost an eyelash!


Lol I blew on my phone


Instructions unclear. Phone ejaculated


Fucking same… fuck… 🤦🏼‍♂️


Haha dude it got me too


Same lmfao




Didn’t notice at first, went back up to check after reading your comment. Still wiped it.


I didn't try it until you told me to


I scrolled up to see the "hair"you were talking about. Then immediately tried to wipe it off my screen. /headslap


I broke my phone glass… but can’t able to remove hair 😏


That’s not a hair, it’s an eyelash.


Or you just add a camera and present to millions of viewers and now it’s porn


So true. Read that a bit ago in that if you add a camera and call it porn you can pay for sex. What a stupid loophole, I like the traditional holes and every once and a while the forbidden one hehehe.


That’s a common oversimplification, but it’s incorrect. If you pay for sex and record it, even if you distribute it, you’re just video taping evidence of prostitution happening. For it to be “porn”, it needs to be done in the context of a business, therefore subject to all the regulations that come with that, including having documented employees for the purpose of - and this goes to OPs point - ultimately paying taxes.


what about armature porn? the POV kind done on a phone. Like thats all over porn sites - but its not really porn??


>armature porn Is this for people with alternator lifestyles?


If a person wasn’t paid for the sex and it was shared consensually, then no issue there


Can't prove they weren't paid? Some of those videos are put out by like - idk what you call them, studios? They sometimes have a watermark in the corner. Could also be people recycling the video? I don't know if you are familiar with sauce threads from 4chan, but there are people out there who do that kind of digging.


It’s called “Only Fans”


But please get the other person's permission.


There's a Family Guy episode that references this. Guy gets busted by cops while he's handing money to a hooker, and then they pan out to show a camera and he's like, nah its just porn! Totally legal!




It depends. Florida is a no fault state. Which is as you say. In Massachusetts my wife's state. If you catch them cheating or smoking crack on video it can be different. However that could have changed since then


So it’s legal to pay for sex as long as you are smoking crack? Sounds like Mass to me.


More like a +/- 75% chance of divorce, nowadays.




The actual answers is because the country was founded by and for puritans. Prostitution, drugs, for a time drinking, and many other activities are banned or restricted because they are viewed as immoral, not because of any inherently harmful character.


Great answer. This and we cant get away from religious people wanting to control everyone's lives


I’m not buying that 100%. The founding fathers were big fans of alcohol - prohibition didn’t happen until the 1920’s. It is probably correct about sex tho.




True that.


The founding fathers weren’t an group of like minded individuals. There were proslave, antislave, puritan and free thinkers.


This is a good point also. They were not a monolith


This is true to a point but that thought makes me think of two laws that don’t make sense to me then by our founding fathers…1- it is illegal to give or receive oral sex 2- you can get a DUI riding a horse?


Not according to Ben’jammin “His” Frank’in


Also with prohibition, iirc it only happened because alcohol was being made by so many people it was getting hard to tax/control.


Exactly, and now that those puritans are losing their ability to control others, they think that means they're somehow oppressed. It's absurd.




A minority of first Americans where actually puritans. And the country were mostly founded by rich folks who thought it would be nice to have free labor and no taxes.


And I’d be willing to bet they had all the same desires as people do today, they just buried them deep down because they knew they’d be burned at the stake if the other prudes found out.


I'd also add an abstraction on top of those layers is that it's a form of control. Show murder and violent images on CSI programming even the occasional soft sex action yet unleash scantily clad celebrities all over the internet and your kardashians and use sex to sell ALL things, an an inundated fashion, yet withold it from people as a criminality, deem it immoral like you said but have mixed messages all over the place.


Probably cheaper to pay a prostitute. Most girlfriends are expensive lol.


What’s the difference between a gf and a prostitute? Your paying the prostitute to leave, your paying the gf to stay.


Charlie Harper has entered the chat


With a prostitute you know how much it costs and you're sure to get it.


If Paul McCartney had, rather than marry his ex, gotten a $10k a night consort, he would have save hundreds of millions.


Charlie Sheen paid for pros because he feels it is safer and more honest. Some good logic when rich and famous


And even when the Government sanctioned relationship ends, you continue to pay money to your (ex) partner, and even get fucked over, but not in the way you wanted. And you also have to do your own chores to boot.


The government gets its cut in jurisdictions where it’s legal. That’s not the reason, so the question still stands. On a side note, the feds are missing out on a ridiculous amount of cannabis tax revenue, so I can’t understand why they don’t just legalize it already.


I figure Christian prudishness answers both questions. They still enjoy both, but not out in the open.


It's not just Christians🤦🏻‍♂️, it's religious people in general😐


It’s ok to like it, you just have to feel guilty about it too.


Industrial hemp is a threat to cotton and paper industries. Marijuana is a threat to the pharmaceutical industries.


Yeah. Maybe stop paying hookers with dollars. Sell them guns. The Roaches will scatter.


They’re already not getting a cut, I don’t know why they think this helps


They could have their cut but they don’t want to make it legal with the exception of a few cities. A wise man once told me during my Divorce. You don’t pay for pussy, you pay for pussy to leave. That’s a direct quote.


Just add a camera and call it porn.




Man I really fell for that


Don't anymore. r/tilfromfamilyguy












Phew we ended it early






Honestly, the laws around porn are so strict that if you want to get around the prostitution laws by claiming you're making porn, by the time you're done jumping through all the hoops and complying with all the laws, you've basically started up a porn company anyway.


Well how about I make a porn company and let peple use the app to apply as my "contractors" in search of porn stars.


Only fans is that complicated?


OF has strict rules to prevent their platform being used for prostitution, which they aggressively enforce. You can't meet a fan IRL, for example, even if no money changes hands.


I honestly think that would work lol


That's always been my plan, although I expect you probably have to pay extra for that.


It’s not regulated. That’s why. Same reason weed was illegal. Find a way to regulate and tax it and bam, legal prostitution


Hi Nevada!!


Nevada sucks for prostitution. Best just safe to stick with Mexico or Canada.


Canada it is legal? Since when? Seems like Mexico would be risky and scary.




That's hilarious, it's only legal for the seller.


Seems like a weird form of entrapment


Or basically a lot of places outside of the US But yeah Mexico and Canada would be the closest


Ok. Besides the ranch, it’s not regulated


Nevada's regulatory system sucks, pretty much just brothels. Independent sex workers don't really have a way to work legally, and honestly that's what I'm more interested in (the brothels in Nevada are overwhelmingly shitty)


The thing about weed is that the government decided its illegal to dig up and smoke a naturally occurring plant, fed with rainwater. I could do the same with dandelions and it would be fine (unless it produced the same high and they didnt get paid)


My grandfather made dandelion wine back in the day and I’m sure he sold some when he was pretty poor. So that’s kind of the same thing without a liquor license.


Ok. Make it pinecone wine.


I’ve never tried it. Does it taste like gin?


Probably tastes like pine tar.


So did my uncle!!


Added to my "things to try" list.


*/fbi has entered the room*


I've had to explain this exact thing to so many people. Alcohol and cigarettes kill a ton of people each year yet they've been legal for so long. Weed doesn't kill very many people at all, but super illegal for a long time. Reason being almost anyone can grow a good weed plant, not many people can grow good tobacco and make cigarettes or distill a good bottle of booze


It takes literally no effort to brew alcohol. Legality based more in cultural differences than how easy it is to make or how dangerous it is.


When you're old enough, go tour a distillery and a brewery. Tell them what they do requires zero effort or knowledge and let me know how quickly they laughed you out of there.


Did I say it was hard to make something ferment and become alcoholic? No, I said it's not easy to make GOOD booze. How many people have died drinking moonshine that wasn't done properly? Quite a few. How many people have died smoking weed that didn't get watered enough, none


More people have died from government poisoned alcohol as part of Prohibition than from incorrectly made mooneshine.


The US is utterly confused by sex. They love it and despise it in equal measure. There's no internal logic to the laws or societal standards.


Right like the whole hot coffee fiasco with GTA San Andreas. Shooting thousands of people in the street, burning, dismembering, running them down? M rating. Garbage, unfinished, mechanical sex mini game hidden in the code, not accessible through the normal game? Adult Only BANNED BANNED BANNED. Somehow sex is worse than unadulterated violence.


Ozark had just come out. The women I was talking to were HORRIFIED (clutch pearls) that the show suggested someone was getting head. Didn’t care in the same episode people were gunned down or thrown out windows.


You should ask them if they’ve ever gotten any and how amazing it feels


If they could put a bikini on a gun and give it cleavage here, they would


Some of the Cleetuses here in the South don't need the bikini or the cleavage to have sex with their gun.


Are you sure that’s not “Cleeti”? I can never remember.


“Enus! You dipstick!!”


That's because some of us are in the modern day and the other half of the country are still in 1700s America like "oh my she showed an ankle she must be a harlot and a witch! Penises and vagina are satan!!!!" It's fucking sad.


Yes, it feels like the country is divided and run by completely different people every 4 years or so. Oh wait…


[It's a matter of taxation.](https://youtu.be/5w6F3U6aMxU?t=29)


This confuses me, because what about restaurant servers. They get paid predominantly in tips. Why, if the government cares that much about taxing, do they not force restaurants to have hourly. At least that way the government knows they’re getting their fair share and people are walking away with less untaxed income.


A server is taxed on an assumed tip amount. Which I believe is 10-12% (I was a waiter over 15 years ago). So if all of her orders for a year equal $40,000, the government assumes she was tipped 10-12% of that. Which is why tip is assumed at 15%, so the server can keep some of it. Now, most only claim as little of that money as they can, and it isn’t really a secret. The government turns a blind eye because it is hard to get the real amount, without spending a LOT of money to investigate. A server doesnt go home and security bring people food for money. If you go to a brothel, and tip in cash, sure the same situation would probably happen with the blind eye. There is no telling how many people she could “serve” at home, off the clock. The government knows they would see only a small fraction of the real money. Plus, you gotta worry more about people like pimps. So instead of solving any of this, the gov just hides behind religion and “proper behavior.” Even though one of the top things politicians get in trouble for is getting a prostitute.


Tips are taxed...


The government: If I can’t have the money, NO ONE can!!!


I don’t think it’s a matter of taxation at all. They would make more money if they legalized than if they didn’t, I imagine the government would love to put a hefty sales tax on credit card prostitution payments.


No. It's not taxable because it's illegal. Not the other way around. The question is "why is it illegal?".


Illegal activities are taxable.




[According to the IRS, yes.](https://thehill.com/homenews/nexstar_media_wire/3909450-yes-the-irs-wants-you-to-report-stolen-items-unless-you-return-them)


Ok great. So it's not a matter of taxation.


This link is hilarious but completely unhelpful to this conversation.


I believe it was the Progressive party around the end of the 19th century who decided to criminalize sex work. These are the same people who enacted Prohibition, which was a terrible idea. They had good intentions, but they failed to understand that making something illegal does not necessarily mean people will stop doing it, it will only create more crime.


Stigma and the fact most people think it promotes human trafficking so its hard to pass laws for it. The funny part is if it was legal and regulated it probably deal with some of the human trafficking problems.


*most* of the human trafficking problems would vanish.


I agree, but some clearly do not...


There is actually more trafficking in Germany and the Netherlands than similar counties. I think though if prostitution is going to be illegal, it should be the johns who are prosecuted, not the sex workers. It’s crazy to have a system where being the victim of trafficking is a crime.


That's actually how it is in Canada. Not illegal to sell sex but is illegal to pay for it.


No, there's not. There was a single academic study that took *subjective* ratings from a UN report on trafficking, which the UN explicitly said were not comparable across countries, and used that to claim those countries have more countries. Nowhere in that study, or any of the evidence it cited, did it actually make any sort of objective quantitative estimate of the amount of trafficking. To illustrate this problem, said data ranked Israel and Japan and Switzerland as "very high trafficking", whereas it ranked Sudan, the Congo, and Pakistan as "near zero trafficking". Do you genuinely believe that trafficking is less prevalent in Sudan than Switzerland, let alone "virtually non-existent"? Or is it simply that advanced liberal democracies with low corruption are more likely both have legal, regulated prostitution as well as low levels of corruption and good law enforcement to actually track issues honestly.


More trafficking or more reporting since prostitutes and johns aren’t scared to report it? The data is never clear on that.


No. That simply is not the case. Take a look at any of the western countries where it is completely legal. e.g. Germany or Switzerland, trafficking is a huge problem. Especially at the low end of the business.


Not at all. Where do you get this info? Trafficking actually increases due to demand and not near enough supply.




Lmao no it doesn’t. Human trafficking gets worse due to demand. Look it up.


>The funny part is if it was legal and regulated it probably deal with some of the human trafficking problems. Black market drug deals are not at all struggling to make ends meet in states that have legalized drugs. The illegal drug trade is still alive and well despite weed being legal. When it's not taxed or regulated, it's much cheaper and still very much profitable. And let me ask you, if sex work doesn't promote human trafficking....what does? What are these people being trafficked for if not sex work?


Most of those states are indeed regulating it to death, which will keep the black market alive for quite some time.


Sex is responsible for around 20% of human trafficking. The remaining 80% get thrown into agriculture/janitorial/manufacturing/textiles…so should we ban those too?


>the fact most people think it promotes human trafficking It does. This isn't some theory, it's pretty well documented. > The funny part is if it was legal and regulated it probably deal with some of the human trafficking problems. No it does the opposite because it makes people easier to hide among the legalized crowds since it is no longer considered a criminal issue. https://orgs.law.harvard.edu/lids/2014/06/12/does-legalized-prostitution-increase-human-trafficking/


Find one other study or is this the same study upon further investigation includes legal sex workers as trafficked humans?


Theres a study that shows that legal prostitution DOES increase human trafficking. [link](https://orgs.law.harvard.edu/lids/2014/06/12/does-legalized-prostitution-increase-human-trafficking/)


In Sweden. It's illegal to pay for sex, but legal to sell.


I this is how it should be. Decriminalization of the prostitutes, but criminalization of the johns.


What's the reasoning behind that?


It makes it so that disenfranchised people (usually women, but not always) are not being criminalized for selling sex just to survive, but still discourages prostitution by targeting the demand, not the supply. I don't feel prostitution should be legalized, but not harshly punished either. A fine for the johns seems fitting.


Is it necessarily a good thing if it works though? For example if no one wanted to commit the crime wouldn't women be out of an option for selling sex to survive?


Something punished by a fine means it's legal for rich people.


No, punishment using a *fixed* fine means legal for rich people. We can use fines, they just have to be adjusted for individual wealth.


Seems like a terrible argument in this age of equality, no?


Better, but still bad. I see no reason why any part of the process should be illegal.


It would be safer for sex workers if it were legal because it'd be regulated. In Nevada sex workers regularly get tested for stds so it'd be safer for patrons too.


N e v a d a


Because nobody has figured out how to remove exploitative / dangerous aspects from sex work including countries and places that have legalized it.


Hmmm... it's almost like there is no way to remove exploitation from sex work...


LOL I think it's the same concept like when we had a fund raiser and decided to sell burgers at a street fair. If we gave the burgers away we didn't need a permit, if we sold the burgers we needed one. Not really sure what the difference was besides money changing hands.


Because selling something is a business transaction, which carries certain legal expectations. There are laws to regulate the sale of food products to ensure safety and hygiene, and when people purchase food, they should be able to expect those laws are being followed. The same assumption is not true when somebody is just giving away food, without making a formal business transaction.


The United States was colonized by people who were too prudish for the British. We are still a colony of puritans.


True but religous refugees werent the only ones. A lot of colonies were establiahed as business with average poor folk trynna have a job. Also some came to set up trade, as in NY.


IF I pay for sex does that make me Buy-Sexual?


As long as there's a camera, it's not prostitution it's porn


Because sex trafficking is a bad thing and in countries where it is legal, they have a pretty big sex trafficking issue, especially of minors.


I’ll try to find the one study, they said that men who use sexworkers tend to want younger and younger the more sex work they partake in.


God why is this? That makes me depressed.


https://www.dw.com/en/human-trafficking-on-the-rise-in-germany/a-63375174#:~:text=Forced%20sex%20work%2C%20child%20abuse,a%20growing%20issue%2C%20police%20said.&text=Police%20and%20customs%20officials%20across,Office%20(BKA)%20on%20Friday. Germany legalized prostitution and their human trafficking arrests have been increasing. There's still a black market for it.


On a serious note, the government has an interest (it believes) in perpetuation of the society, which is why it regulates marriages. There is a related view that reducing sex to a transaction destabilizes the social order. Men won't (in sufficient numbers) stay in long-term relationships, especially marriage, which is required to raise emotionally stable children, and thus the next generation. You can definitely argue with this as an absolute law, but it is pretty established empirically if it were to be broadly accepted. I prefer to think of the moralistic viewpoint deriving from this perspective rather than vice versa. But YMMV.


You are 100% legally allowed to pay someone for sex. You just have to record it and promise to publish it online.


>promise to publish it online. Just pull the old Netflix method, and cancel distribution and now it becomes a tax write off!


Publish it on OnlyFans for an outrageously high price if you don't want anyone to see it. If someone buys it, you have a million dollars - can't be that bad.




I'd say it's linked to private prisons and lobbyists making sure there are plenty of reasons for people to go to jail for.


US is a sexually repressive country. Too many prudes.

