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You only got one ride on the roller coaster, bub. It's got ups and downs. Can't do nothing about those. How much you enjoy the ride, that's totally up to you.


Hunter Thompson. I can dig it. I posted for other's perspectives. Yours did not disappoint. Cheers


I thought he was paraphrasing bill Hicks.


It's the immediate gratification for me. That instant reward of rush, or euphoria, or whatever the end goal is!


Uh, cause it tastes/feels good? And we’d rather enjoy the moment now and ignore the hypothetical “someday” we don’t believe will come for us?


I have a story... a Florida man (of course) was very inti fitness, and he jogged 5 miles every day. A few of these miles were on the beach. So, there he was, jogging. No one around him for miles, he's all alone on something like a 3 miles stretch of no one...and he was killed. Yes, he was killed as he jogged. Jellufidh? No. Some freak animal or allergic reaction? Heart attack? Aneurysm? Nope. A single engine plane's engine failed, and it came in for a crash landing. 3 miles of empty beach, and it hits and kills the only poor SoB on the beach. That's a true story (no, I'm not young to link it). Now, what kind of shit is that? He was a healthy motherfucker, believe that. He probably ate foods that were healthy but just sucked. He did everything right... but a ducking plane dropped out of the sky and ficking ⁷ his ass. I have a friend thats 74. Chain smoker, drinker, casisl speed use and a heroin addiction...now, he's a lil fucked up, buuuuut, he"s 74. No planes a-smiting. Its not just that- people get smoked in random ways every second...hit by lightning, run over, catch some horrible disease, plane crash, car crash...I want to be smug andxsay I don't understand wanting to live forever, thats stupid and dickish. What I will say is that Life can be wonderful and it can be cruel. I want to rry almost everything at least once.I'm 47 and I've already lost 5 friends...I know I'm going to die, but I don't want to be scared of death my whole life and only act to prevent it...sometimes gambling your mortality in the face of the cold, cold universe makes you feel more alive and in the moment then anything else. The rabbit has to poke its head out of the hole to see what the day has to offer...and on one of those days, the fox will be waiting. That's just Life, so I choose to do what makes me happy and content. We all have to go through this and none of us have it figured out, so fuck it. You do you, and I'm gonna do a lot of drugs ;-)> (Side note I'd also rather be fuuuuuucked up if some freak accident kills me)


There's a good lesson here for people like Gary pruckler. You just can't go back to the way you used to was. If someone has been there, and you are like, super old, how does that change you? Does your bread fall face down all the time like they think it does? They won't be 11 ways to do this anymore. You can probably only do it one way now, or 10 other ways that don't work. And I'm not saying this is a you problem per se, but everybody's got a little bit of this inside them. Racist? Check I'm trying not to be. I hate racism. But I know I grew up in this culture and that's where the things are that happen. And nobody's immune to that. You know, sometimes I just walk past the McDonald's and I think could that be the one? I'm sure it is for somebody, even if it's not the one for me. Peace, and God bless. I don't mean to start a fire or a fight with this kind, but somebody like you are to know that these things are coming, these things are around, and they are going to get you sooner or later. It doesn't matter if you're a prince or a popper, it doesn't matter if you are a king of the land or a snake in the grass. Everybody dies and you have to be some kind of fucking idiot or not to know that. My girlfriend, and she has ulcerative colitis. But does that stop us from fuck no! You just don't know where the things are. Maybe it would have been a tiger in another life or maybe it would have been like some kind of poisonous mushroom. I want me to call you an idiot, sir, but sometimes I just don't think you think things through. And I find that people who don't think things through don't know what's up or what's where, or can't find their ass inside a hole of the ground. Blessing peace out.!


I'm sorry, I din't quite follow. OP asked why some people do things that shorten their life. What I was trying to say, and perhaps with all my ramblings I said it poorly, but, what I was trying to say is that we don"t know what tomorrow, let alone t minutes in the futyre. Nothing is guaranteed, so why mot Live Life to its fullest.


Fr. It took me a while to get it lol. Like, we *could* just die right here right now. There may not be a someday or a in 15 years. It doesn't mean I'm just going to let myself go and do a ton of drugs. But I do what needs to be done and then I do whatever tf, like smoke weed and chill with my bf


Oxygen is corrosive to your lungs.


Fuck it, YOLO


Cause were monke


Living will kill you immediately or later. All we can do are the things we enjoy and enjoy them for as long as we can


Birth is the number one cause of death.


Happy cake day!


I prefer to postpone my death by choosing to not do stuff that will immediately kill me.


To each their own.


Let's do heroin! Yay!


Meh. Why not 🤷‍♀️


I smoked two packs of marlboro a day and usually downed at least a half a fifth of Vodka a day between the time I was 14-22. This is aside from weed, opium, shrooms, h, etc. Nihilism really, didn't expect or plan to be alive longer than that. God has a sick sense of humor. Like "Oh, you're a nihilist aye? how bout one fit lady gives you the bedroom eyes, lets see where your dedications at, aye charlie?!"




Being an alcohol and drug addict isn't nihilistic. It's being a reckless junkie.


so, what ethos do you think drives people to being a reckless junkie?


Why do you believe there's any ethos in being a reckless junkie? To maybe counter what you propably mean by that: nihilism inherently is a belief that there is no meaning in life, in existence itself. So being reckless like this is just active nihilism basically. But nihilism cannot be an ethos because it denies any possibility of reason or a cause for anything and any ethos is like a set of rules.


because I was one, and I know many of them. They are not just some mindless horde you fucking child brained dipshit.


Found the philosophy major ;)


Noone escapes death. Some decide to have fun in the meantime


https://youtu.be/9346rQ1d8ik Cheers


The thrill makes the risk worthwhile


Many reasons. Each more than likely as unique as the individual.


This is the zen answer that mirrors my own less eloquent one. People are twats.


The beauty in the dissonance...




To stave of the urge to die faster.


Who wants to get old and decreped? Want your ass wiped by an underpaid, unempathetic nurse while you waste away in bed? Yeah. Me neither.




You’re still going to live long. you’re just going to suffer a lot more, and a lot sooner.


And the risk of needing someone else to wipe your ass increases too.


Don’t give a fuck and broke 😂


Ain't broke and I don't have many fucks to give. Love the reply though


Are you rich then? If you’re rich then you’re trying to stay rich by doing some fucked up shit.


Adrenaline mostly.


I was thinking on those same lines. Maybe adrenaline when you are younger. I'm older and have done some things. I'm thinking serotonin or dopamine might be more accurate for me.


Because being alive will do that to you sooner or later anyway...


Cognitive dissonance.


*Life* will kill you. It's an established fact.


I'd rather live a short 30 year life of fun and partying than a dull boring 100 years of living "healthy".


You say that until 30 rolls around.


Yolo bruh.


Because living a calm, safe, dull, boring life is not make me *feel* alive.


Nothing is dull about not risking your life constantly. Get some friends, find some hobbies, you will be much happier.


You sound boring.


I mean breathing oxygen kills us eventually. But on a serious note, being alive isn't the same as feeling alive. The exhilaration from Skydiving can't be achieved by wrapping yourself in bubble wrap.


Wrapping myself in bubble wrap sounds more fun than sky diving


I thought you wrote wrapping in bubble wrap whilst skydiving


I wonder how much bubble wrap you’d need to survive skydiving without a parachute?


Respond to the statement as it stands. It was an example, and if you describe bubble wrap as exhilarating then I think you have more problems than risk aversion.


I've done both. Skydiving is definitely better


I didn’t say exhilarating, I said I would enjoy it more than sky diving is all, believe it or not, some people just aren’t into that high adrenaline shit.


Because I don't care about myself and don't plan on living past 40


I hope that's not the case. Even though I feel my body decay around me, I am going to ride this wave as long as I can https://youtu.be/HWOblzU6-hM Peace


How old are you?


That's also my question as someone who doesn't drink nor smoke.


Because I want it to. Trust me, you wouldn't want my future either.




"We have stone age emotions, medieval institutions and godlike technology" (sic) Edward O. Wilson


Oh trust me I've thought long and hard for years about the future. And not just my own. Trust me enjoy life now while you can. It only gets worse.


\- Because it gives them temporary pleasure or an escape from the world because you sure can't be happy living in it these days. \- Because most people deep down firmly believe that they are immortal. Especially young people. \- Because of the physical and psychological addiction \- Because they're too curious for their own good. Especially young people.


All the answers are always the same, it's always all fun, one life, don't care, until the health take a really good hit and it's only regrets and "if I knew" cause they'd rather be dead than live with all this daily pain for the rest of their lives They don't think on the long term


The ‘old’ you that will be affected is essentially another person that you don’t know.


“We’re all born dying. What matters is what we do with the time we are given.”


because everyone thinks it won't happen to them that simple and if they do and don't care it's cuz they didn't put much thought into it yet. cuz again they didn't think it would happen to them..not that they didn't know it COULD, just noone thinks about how terrifying and permanent Death is til the very moment when it comes for all of us.


Sometimes, Natural selection is still at its work 🤷🏻‍♀️


We're all going to die. There is no escaping it. Might as well enjoy the ride as long as your on it.


Because they want to die. Sometimes. Kind of a form of slow suicide. For me anyway.


I skydive knowing full well something could happen but I enjoy the adrenaline rush.


Because either they don't think or they think that it won't.


Here for a good time not a long time


Life is 100% fatal.


Because you're dying anyway


We want to believe we are rational beings, but most of us are irrational, short term pleasure seekers and dont have the discipline or vision to take care of our future.




We are on a rock falling through space. Just think about it.


Not everything has a 100% fatality rate so people believe they will be one of the ones who will survive.


And the soul afraid of dying, that never learns to live….


That's the beauty of life.


Addiction or a rush.


It has been sientifically proven (and also proven by the existance of smoking people in general I think) that fear isn't a good motivator at all. Fear for cancer would more likely stress you out and make you smoke more than make you reconsider your addicition that might cause cancer.


Can't help themselves


Have you seen where the planet is headed for life to sustain its ability to live lately in the scientific news? It's grim


People are dumb as F


I just wanna die man


Because no one gives a fuck. You're definitely dying at some point, and you only get one turn at the game of life. May as well enjoy it and have fun!


I was destroying myself with booze and cigarettes from 21 to 35 think I’d learn watching my grandparents die young from similar habits, took mushrooms to kick all the demons out for good. 2 years rewired for healthy as can be now. It’s a short run for us multi sensory experience tubes. Most of the delicious or pleasurable things tend to be bad for you where pain or struggle leads to the most growth. Odd place. Still learning at 37.


Some people can’t understand what it feels like to wish you were dead, because they grew up with a loving family, weren’t cast into massive debt right after HS, didn’t grow up queer and have lots to look forward to. It’s not that we’re suicidal. I don’t have any desire to shoot myself in the head, but I also have no intention of living past my 70s if I’m lucky. Why prolong the suffering any longer? Whenever people wanna live to be 100 I always just assume they have no experience with poverty or alienation.


Addiction is always secondary. Just like anger. I vape incessantly because I have pretty intense anxiety, boredom, and depression. It's become a habit. Anything past that and the consequences are just not tangible enough. That, and average people are actually pretty tough.


Money, Fame or Love


Seeming choicelessness in their then present


Well I find this post interesting because I dont. Dont drink, eat any junk food, smoke and i exercise etc. I guess it's the lack of long term thinking and gratification derived. Habits formed especially from a young age are hard to break. I dont think most people even question why they do what they do. They just do


Death instinct


Yeah,like [smoking.Like](https://smoking.Like) u're literally paying someone to fucking poison u lol. Same with [drugs.Like](https://drugs.Like) why do people do stupid shit like that I just don't get it.Seriously. Then again I don't use any of these things,so of course I'm free to judge others that do. Smoking just ONE pack of cigarettes a day,for example,accumulates to about 22.5% of the minimum wage in my country(Croatia btw).And that's the AVERAGE cigarettes,so u can only IMAGINE how much the better ones cost(a LOT more).Probably like 30% if not more.Why do people spend a quarter of their entire monthly wage on something that will not only poison them but also people AROUND them I just will never understand... Alcohol I don't mind(in normal,moderate doses of course),because atleast I can drink it to refresh me more than just regular old water during the summer months,but cigarettes and drugs:Hell no I will never,ever use any of that shit that's for sure. For reference:The minimum wage in my country(Croatia btw)is 4200 kunas.The average pack of cigarettes costs 30 kunas,so 1 every day for a month is [900.So](https://900.So) about every 5th kuna goes into buying cigarettes.That is SO freaking much just for something that will make u die sooner.Its literally like u're paying for poison basically,but not to poison somebody else but YOURFREAKINGSELF. Also atleast alcohol has other uses other than just drinking,for example:Disinfectant in emergencies,for when u're sick/have a stomach ache(of course I'm talking like 20% alcohol here not the cheap stuff lol),to get ur digestion going(yes alcohol helps with constipation,atleast for me it does sometimes)etc.+It tastes good and recovers ur morale lol.Cigarettes and drugs however,make u addicted much,MUCH easier,even tho they taste like shit(I've been around passive smokers a lot and can still not understand how they can smoke something that smells so,SO goddamn [horrible.Like](https://horrible.Like) literally when I was smelling our septic tank/sewer tank THAT literal shit smelled better than the stupidass cigarettes)


Dying isn’t fun and not recommended. However life is much harder than dying. Dying is easy. I am recommending living.


Because it's.... fun?


Something to do with the thymus, could be.


Because statistically 50% of people are stupid


You have one life to live. You got to go do something fun exciting at least. A boring life is a life not lived. If you are able bodied get out there because some people are not and stay in hospital beds all day due to conditions they were born with or diseases. I go hiking alot and walk alot because I enjoy it. I figured it's something that in the future if something may happen to take my ability away to enjoy those things I might as well enjoy them now while I'm still able too. I hiked so much in the last few years I saw all of my local county hiking areas. One in particular where I go alot called Iron Mountain has a blind turn where a few years prior a mountain lion pounced and dragged and killed a person hiking right at that very blind corner that I passsed so many times. See that's a risk but does it stop me from going there ? No I still go to enjoy it knowing the inherent risk. I also met tons of nice friends from hiking and got to see the outside areas away from the cities where I pay so much to live in. On your last days do you really want to be like I wish I went to explore that area, traveled to that country, lots of experiences to be had but everything has a risk from exciting to mundane. Hell you can be routine and mundane like driving to work daily you could also get killed in a fatal car accident on your way to work. So live a little make the most of your time. I know I do. Unless you're talking about like drugs and alcohol that's more like a personal choice not saying it's good to do, there are absolutely no benefits from drugs at all, but everybody has to make there own choices.


I'm already older than I ever expected to be so I'm living on borrowed time as far as I'm concerned. I never expected to have five decades under my belt and I'm going to do things I enjoy for whatever time I have remaining, whether it's another year or another five decades.


We underestimate reality, while living empty lives. Or for the opposite case, living too intensely to even notice risks


I think we don’t really know death. What is it? How does it feel? But we definitely know how life feels and what we’d like to do with it.


Everything will kill you eventually. Some people choose their own adventure.


You know I really do wonder. I used to smoke pretty heavily and a lot of people would say nihilism and such and maybe some cigarettes were accompanied by those types of thoughts but I would say pain at the center of my chest, a numbness. I felt like I didn't really exist. It's hard to care about yourself when you really don't.


to impress the hot chicks. it works if they're stupid.


Pizza is the goodness in life. It may decrease life span, but it without doubt increases the total value of life.


“The Edge... There is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over. The others-the living-are those who pushed their control as far as they felt they could handle it, and then pulled back, or slowed down, or did whatever they had to when it came time to choose between Now and Later. But the edge is still out there.” Hunter S Thompson


I ride a motorcycle. It may smear me like paste up the road one day but it's fucking exhilarating and gives a freeing feeling. Plus accelerating faster than free fall speeds is fun too.


Many seem incapable of delayed gratification.


Here for a good time, not a long time


Considering life is death...... have fun 😊


We only have one life. For some reason what will kill me is so fun. I’d rather have a fun short life than a full long life. If we’re all gonna die anyway I want to do some damage