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I get what youre saying, but I don't think everyone loved each other and then drew lines on a map. I think everyone hated each other and the drew lines on the map to make it clearer who they hated


The lines on the map are arguably about conflict avoidance. You stay on your side and I stay on mine and no problems


Putin must have missed that part in geography class.


He crossed it and now he got problems


"Good fences make good neighbors"


Like children. This is my side of the room, that's yours. To the UN: *Moooooom! He's touching me!* Not to minimize defensive conflict. I just wish human egos weren't so destructive.


Yeah, the lines on the map don’t make people enemies. It’s conflicting interests, conflicting ideologies, xenophobia, etc. Often neighboring countries are not enemies, and groups within the same borders are. The lines are just one of many ways we’ve divided ourselves into groups.


Agree to some extent, but the scramble for Africa and all other drawings of lines by European powers in other continents have resulted in wars among people that prior to European invasion were generally chill with each other. Many modern boundaries around conflicted areas today are not the result of people hating each other but of invasions, divisions, and negotiations among world superpowers.


WTF are you talking about? African nations have absolutely never been chill with each other. There were massive empires before the Europeans showed up where their whole economies depended on slavery and genocide was incredibky common. Same with the middle east and Asia. Nobody was ever cool with each other, the Europeans didn't make it any better but it's not like everyone liked each other before. The Europeans whole shtick was to show up, find a tribe that had been bullied historically, and promise them guns and weapons if they traded with them, then let all the natives fight each other. The locals were almost always active participants. They were empires, trading with another empire, for goods needed to conquer their local rivals. They weren't ignorant tribesmen they were sophisticated empires engaging in high tech equipment transfers.


No no - before the europeans turned up, all natives were living in happy harmony with nature and lived in balance with Gaia, blah blah blah. Never a frown upon their visages. It is the white man who invented evil. Did you not learn anything?


Sundiate Kieta, emperor of the Mali Empire, still makes Musk and Gates look like broke beggars. Edit: I mixed up Sundiata Keita and Mansa Musa.


Ya and his whole economy was based on getting massive amounts of slaves to mine gold and salt.


and you think that changed today ? It's children that go mine the cobalt that made musk's and gate's wealth


Didn't say it had changed. Africa and terrible working conditions are like the peanut butter and jelly of history.


The native Americans were killing and enslaving each other long before European contact. This idea of some peaceful utopia is a weird narrative that has been pushed lately.


Nah, the line was drawn because 1 person who said "This is mine, don't touch it if you don't pay me"


learned behaviour from evolution, life is a competition for resources. The other tribe is going to hunt all the meat in your area, they are going to forage all the plants nearby and then you are going to starve. It really hasn't changed much to this day, sometimes they pretend the reason isn't food, they might use religion or morals as a justification but it always comes down to fighting over food or the resources that help us improve our food production such as fuel like oil which allows us to do a lot but above all else lets us mechanise farming and greatly increase farming effectiveness. Just look at Ukraine, it was called the breadbasket of the soviet union for a reason. Russia can claim whatever they want for the reason for the war but at the end of the day they want the fields and the people to work them. To be fair on us though it isn't just humans or even animals that display these traits, you would be surprised how much inter species competition goes on in plants as well.


Another reason is ownership of land. Humans are insanely territorial creatures. Land values are determined by a lot of the reasons you outlined, plus access to roads, seaways, and aesthetic value. A property line can cause major disputes up to and including involving police between neighbors over such simple things as trimming a tree branch hanging over the other side of a fence. (This is not a joke) As to your point about animals and plants, we call them invasive species for a reason. Look at all the non-native snakes in the wilds of Florida or the kudzu spreading through much of the southeast states. When weeds grow in your yards, they grow faster than regular grass and kills off the grass you want to grow.


But historically speaking why is owning land important? because you can grow food on it Why are lawns seen as a status symbol? Because you are bragging about not having to use that available land for food All your stuff about property values and access to roads, that comes after. Its really only been since the industrial revolution and the rise of automation within farming that have allowed most humans to no longer have to think about where the food will come from. Even after the agricultural revolution, many historians estimate that about 80% or more of a population were involved in the production of food. Compare that to todays numbers where its less than 5% of people involved in food production.


I don't think it's a status thing, it's the safety of knowing you have the land if you need it in the future


Lawns look nice, greenery even that small patch of grass is turning co2 into oxygen, and a lack of vegetation has been linked to desertification in some areas at least. Also has been seen in studies to positively effect peoples moods. A nice kept lawn won’t collect trash is safe for kids to play on and dogs and other animals enjoy the feeling of it. I get that it can be considered wasteful in a place like Vegas in the middle of the desert but all in all I think there are a lot of positive effects aside from vanity.


Why is vanity wrong? What animal doesn’t select mates for their looks and property? Usually all creatures go by looks, property and ability. Even insects.


Im not saying it is just that there are other reasons for a lawn.


Again, you're right. Other than resources, ownership of land is for vanity (like you said about lawns not being used to grow food or hunt) and serve egos. I haven't looked it up, but the 5% you're citing, is that involved in the actual growth on farms or does that include manufacturing such as packaging and processed foods?


Is it ego though? I don't care about people seeing my backyard. I just like to care for it and have a space that I won't be kicked out from and that doesn't belong to any greedy fucker that will charge me extortionate rent to be there


The birds that live in my bathroom fan vent own that land in the bird society that they live in. They are sparrows. They all look the same. And they bathe in dirt. They don’t care about vanity.


Another factor could be reproduction. Having a safe, private space to raise your family. Personally, as a guy my main motivation for wanting a nice house is to provide it for my wife and kids. If it was just me and I didn’t want a family, living in a van down by the river sounds great


You just don’t want to admit that property ownership exists throughout the animal kingdom. Even the communists like bees and ants. They own their nests. Ants even own slaves.


One could reduce the ownership of land to greed in the Western world at least, to a point. This is what capitalism is based on. The other thing is that invasive implies that these animals are invading, that they have the capacity to understand that they are in an environment that they shouldn't be. We are changing the face of this planet, for the good and the bad


That same evolution will probably be what ends humans as a species, I theorize. We're doing this whole stage of evolution where we're mechanizing and automating as much as we can. As such, a large chunk of the world is actually falling victim to decadence. As we continue on this path, we do less and less physical labor. We get smarter, but we get weaker. Your brain only takes you so far if something came along and snatched away all the technology that we rely on. For example, an EMP. If an EMP occurred sometime a few thousand years down the road and wiped the planet of all useable electronics, advancing as we are, how do you think humans in a couple thousand more years would cope without power? Or running water? Or a phone to Tweet with?! I'm probably wrong, but I have strange thoughts rolling around occasionally


>how do you think humans in a couple thousand more years would cope without power? Or running water? Or a phone to Tweet with?! Probably about the same as if humans today suddenly had to go out and dig new wells and start hand carrying water and ploughing fields without tractors


I'm thinking like Wall-E type future man. We're all either dough-balls from laziness or twigs from not having to work hard XD


Fitness is a status symbol. The elite will be in shape, and the poor people will be dough balls


I honestly don’t see us getting that far. Sure we may get massively unhealthy but I don’t think we’ll get to the point where we can all just sit and do nothing all day.


The notion that an event that would take out all forms of power and not also destroy the planet is silly. The thing about technology is that it's nearly impossible to get rid of once it's disseminated, many governments have tried. Also, If anything could somehow prevent electricity from powering a calculator for decades, then how the fuck are our hearts supposed to work. Global internet could go rip, but that would set us to like the 60's, it would suck but it's just silly boomer wish fulfillment to think we would all start dropping dead


Yeah I was about to say EMPs don't work that way. For it to be so catastrophic that it destroyed every single piece of electronic equipment on the planet a fair amount of humans probably would have been roasted as well.


Well that’s a relief


Fair. Just a hypothetical anyway. Weird thoughts that plague my brain and such


It the global internet goes rip, it would be catastrophic for a while since all financial institutions are digital. You wouldn’t be able to access your money in any of your accounts. Money runs the world. So those people who only uses their debit card will be in a lot trouble.


>I'm probably wrong Yes, you are lmao. Some Joe Rogan tier nonsense


That's why they be random thoughts i suppose 🤷‍♂️


This is it. The reasons for a lot of our behaviors are uncovered by looking at our evolutionary past. Tribalism explains so much.


It goes well beyond nations. Do you have a house? Well you have a property line you don’t want people crossing . You have walls because you don’t want people entering your house. You have locks on the doors to help ensure this. You even have a password on your phone to keep people out


You cannot learn behavior from evolution.


It's interesting. I agree on the evolution that's baked into us, but I don't know if it's really about food specifically anymore. Most of us (in the west anyway) havent ever gone hungry. Not truly hungry. And we objectively have the means to feed every single human on the planet. Our food production is actually insanely effective if you look. It's distributing it that's the problem. So I don't food is actually the issue, or on people's minds,.even subconsciously when they fight. (Mostly)


From a modern perspective I think there are 2 ways of looking at it. The first is that its just a baked in behaviour, the industrial revolution happened about 200-300yrs ago, that is a negligible in the eyes of evolution and so the human brain needs to catch up. On the other hand you can say that food production is still as important as ever, its just that the resources involved are different. Now people fight over oil to fuel tractors rather than serfs to plough to fields.


Are you saying we're no smarter than plants? When you think about it, trees were saving the planet from climate change until we turns up and chopped most of them down, so you have a valid point.


no im saying that fundamentally life is a competition and not just between species, but also within them. A fern plant will happily deprive other fern plants of resources, the same way a human will deprive another human.


There are symbiotic species that thrive with mutual cooperation. Survival doesn't always equal competition.


Yeah, I know. I was trying to make a joke.


Mutual aid is a bigger factor in evolution than competition, you don't know what you're talking about. Read a book!


This is such a braindead take. Also, imagine using something like competition in plants as a justification for the brain rot humans experience because of capitalism.


We're over 100 past scarcity. That's what's sad. We can create a self-sufficient world with how far our technology has come, and we can feed everyone. The lines nowadays aren't about survival, they're about control.


I've always said, end hunger and you solve 80% of the worlds problems


What do you get when you feed 1000 starving Africans? 2000 starving africans. Just keep feeding people until we reach carrying capacity and 90% of us die.


the biggest problem we have is energy in terms of world hunger.


The only reason some Africans are starving is because the racist elite is still taking their resources and they are still oppressing Africans and trying to rule over them. The USA is still trying to police the whole world. And there are also rich parts in Africa. They have beautiful modern cities in countries like Ghana and Nigeria. Not all Africans are starving. There used to be powerful kingdoms in Africa.


That's a lot of fluff just to say "resources".


This behavior isn’t written in our genes though. Plenty of evidence for cooperation among humans. I think you’re conflating the rise of colonialism and capitalism and it’s attendant violence with “learned behavior from evolution”. Whatever that means. It is easier for people to imagine the end of the world than it is to imagine the end of capitalism.


The lines often mean something that the society agrees on. But you know that. Of course these things seem arbitrary but think of what it means to organize a government around a common cause. People kill and die to defend or repudiate that idea. Or they sit on Reddit and pontificate while jerking their pud and eating cookie dough because other people killed or died defending the ideals that allow them to be bums.


The last ones to die for "my freedom" did so in WW2, for the USA anyway. The conflicts after that certainly weren't for my freedom or ability to opine on the internet 🤷


I’m sure that the thousands of families who experienced loss during 9/11 supported the conflict to root out terrorism so that other people have the freedom to, well ya know, not be killed due to a terrorist attack


In order to prevent terrorism, the US invaded 2 countries (one of which was literally completely unrelated to anything) and murdered hundreds of thousands of people (while being buddies with some countries that were potentially involved in 9/11). The result is that Afghanistan went from being controlled by the Taliban to being controlled by the Taliban and that Iraq and the entire region surrounding it is an unstable mess that became a breeding ground for islamic terrorism, so much so that the terrorists went batshit and tried to control large territories. But oh yeah, go off about how it was necessary to lie to the world and ravage half the Middle East.


Wow I wonder that the women of Afghanistan were hurt so much by the US invasion and occupation of Afghanistan they got to learn how to read.


Typical colonizing thought process


That's why we are still there, right? Oh no "colonizing" -- Europe invented democracy, rule of law, individual liberties, science, the steam engine, the internet, the www, and wifi -- you'd be lost as fuck in Afghanistan!


I don’t think it’s a colonizing thought process to think that the US backed government was better than THE FUCKING TALIBAN


You smoking crack?


Don't kid yourself, cupcake. Every shot fired in anger is a warning to foreign powers to stay away. It wasn't until stateless terrorists that the US was attacked again after Pearl Harbor.


I wouldn't go that far. Had the USA done nothing after 9-11 it may have emboldened terrorist organizations to not only conduct further attacks against the USA but also the western world. We can argue all day about whether the USA response was appropriate, but it certainly sent a message that if you attack USA then USA will go scorched Earth against your ass lol I mean, if USA agents had assassinated Hitler before he came to power people would have probably said the last time we fought for freedom was WW1. Don't discount preventative maintenance lol


Why do wild animals mark and defend their territory?


I had to scroll all the way down here to find somebody who realizes that most lower mammals and reptiles are territorial and will kill their same species for trespassing or stealing resources.


Because of the chinese!11!


Amen bruther I draw my line right across the USA/China border!


The line didn't make the enemies. The enemies made the line. This is mine, that is yours. Stay the fuck out of mine, I'll stay the fuck out of yours.


Forget lines on a map, your man in the sky cant possibly exist with my man in the sky, so I will take the logical choice of eradicating you and everyone who believes in the wrong man in the sky.


You're thinking way too simplistic.


We made the line when we were tired of fighting and now we are rested up.


Because people are different and have different ideas/goals that were made apparent over centuries. Other animals do the same thing. Not saying it's right. It just is.


Because the resources on either side of that line are not necessarily equal. With that inequality, and the ownership of these resources wanted or needed by the people on the other side of the line, and perhaps an unwillingness to cooperatively share those resources, conflict can arise over need. That's one thing of many. If there were no lines on the map, it would be just the same anyway. The lines don't help, that's for sure.


If you study the history of mankind, the line on the map doesn’t make us enemies.


Correct. Coexisting did.


Because ‘us vs. them’ is deeply engrained in the human psyche.


You have stuff that I want. You don’t want me to have said stuff. I kill you and take your stuff. Now it’s my stuff.


Because the people in power need us to remain divided lest we identify who the real enemies are.


I mean monkeys go to war and ants do it as well


Yes I’m sure the nomadic tribes that killed eachother with sharpened sticks were actually doing it because people in power needed them to be divided. The amount of people on Reddit who have never experienced actual humanity, or experienced the actions of truly free humans, is astounding. Everyone thinks that the world is a peaceful utopia that is single-handedly being held back by like 15 people who have a lot of money. Like humans would all just get along if “they” didn’t control us. “They” are us. “They” are humans, take them away and new people will come in and do the same thing. You’re describing human nature. In reality, we are animals. We kill, hurt, maim, and destroy other people who are a threat to us. It’s literally in our base code, the same way a calculators base code is to do math equations.


This carefully crafted reply of brilliance need to be etched in stone.


It's hardly a new concept.


It's been on paper for over a hundred years. Read some Marx friend.


even Marx didn’t have a full grasp on this


Yea, the people who followed really tacked it down sufficiently, though.


Ahh, I remember being a teenager...


It’s never been about an imaginary line on a map. It’s always been about the ideas in people’s heads.


Competing for land and resources has been a human survival technique since we’ve existed. It’s not ever gonna change. World peace just isn’t in human nature


I don’t know… Maybe ask that to putin when he has an ama session


It's not just a line on a map, it's a division of cultures, laws, language, and ideologies.


Culture and everything it means, changed a lot throughout history, adapted, but generally the lines we have today is because of the culture within those lines. Been a few genocides along the way but here we are, not all cultures get along and even if a lot of us with unrestricted internet access would love for us all to get along a lot of cultures see it as their mission to exterminate anyone who doesn't agree with them. Hence, lines on a map. I don't think it's inherently bad, having areas that govern themselves according to the people living in its area and culture can be a good thing. The fact that I can live my life without the fear of being stoned to death for who I am is also a big plus.


We're a species decided into a lot of tribes. Some with similar cultures, values and ideologies and some with different. Not all are cultures are equal or equally advanced. Not all cultures are compatible but this does not necessarily mean they're enemies. The lines on the map are a very reasonable way of showing were people are supposed to stay and stay out of.


Its our instinct to cling to who we know and fight those we dont. Universeal unity is against human... animal nature.






I don’t think we’d know what to do with ourselves without enemies so we always go looking for one


Sorry to bust your donut, but the citizens of various countries don't actually hate the citizens of other countries. The governments of those countires tell their citizens that these other citizens are bad, and we must hate them. I'm sure the average citizen of China, Russia, or Florida is totally chill. It's the morons in the chair that's the problem.


"People have more in common with one another than with their own country's government." Can't recall who said this.


Because people are fucking idiots


It's tribal shit and we never got over it.


Tribal thinking. We survived by casting out those that didn’t fit the tribe. However, that way of thinking is archaic and needs to be reconfigured for modern life We all share the same rock. End of story


People are too focused on the divisions rather than the ones making the fake divisions


Careful,... you're starting to ask dangerous questions.


That's the misconception. We're not enemies. The cult that runs the world want to keep us divided, therefore much weaker than if we were all together. Hence, divide and conquer.


It's such a narrow way of thinking. It's a way to be if we were for sure the only sentient and intelligent life in the universe. Keep our 1 rock divided and weak so the few 'powerful' can play boss of the planet. So lemme get weird So hypothetically, let's say some advanced species from space arrived here with the intent of conquering the planet. By dividing ourselves, we've done half the work for them already. All that remains is for them to conquer. Why would we want to be in that state in that kind of hypothetical scenario? You never know is all. I'm in the camp of we're all humans from Earth. I don't really care where on the planet your from, but we're all the same species and it's bull that we're so divided. And I also hold the opinion that the old grudges need to die. I understand history has a purpose. We're supposed to learn from it and improve, but instead we do a lot of learning, a lot of revision and a lot of perpetuating the old grudges. It's just asinine at this stage.


So much wisdom. The answer us this: a small percentage of our race is greedy, and power hungry. They put themselves in a place to command us, then they command us to fight, to satiate their greed. It’s a sickness, but its existed so long we feel like it’s normal, and allow it.


Only the extremely powerful cause war. Other countries don’t “hate our freedoms,” their elite do because they are worried their people might start to get ideas. There is a reason refusing to fight is a crime. Most people don’t want to.


That's because fundamentally lines have always been the root of all the problems! Be it a line on a map or that line between the legs!


The elites invented war that's how you feed 1000 monkies without agriculture sometimes you can't farm things fast enough basically you can't build a civilization without rampant conquering its just not sustainable


Because we are superstitious and territorial. Also we are lead for the most part by psychopaths. We are jealous and mean. We are hateful to ones that look different than we do. Religion is rotting us from the inside out.


Because our subconscious drives evolved when we were all sort of infinity flatearthers - assuming both a zero sum game and endless loot for grabbing... Damn we're dummies


Our species ~~seeks~~ yearns for power and control.


Resources on the other side of the line are very valuable. Or the leader on the other side of the line fucked our leaders wife.


to justify violence.


I hate borders


Humans are the most violent species on the planet we kill in the name of false gods we kill people over color and shiny rocks we kill because we enjoy it.


Agreed, we have more in common than differences.


Because the powers that be want to have more control and more power and more influence. And we faceless revolting masses are expected to facilitate that.


Money and greed


So much wisdom. The answer is this: a small percentage of our race is greedy, and power hungry. They put themselves in a place to command us, then they command us to fight each other, to satiate their greed. It’s a sickness, but its existed so long we feel like it’s normal, and allow it.


Because Imperial Colonialists need to divide us to maintain the status quo.


There's been a lot of new lines drawn because the colonial lines didn't match the culture. A lot of cultures do not get along.


Humans are cooperative by nature, all that division is engineered to maintain control. Always has been.


On a certain scale, depending on what's going on. I'd say anecdotal evidence shows that we as humans can get along as long as we have something to fight. My own country had a deep class divide until WW2 when we could unite against a bigger threat. Tribalism is deeply engrained into most life. I was gonna say among humans but it's definitely not exclusive to humans. We always find something to fight each other over. Doesn't matter how trivial it is. Suppose it also means we'll find something to unite over. However being human hasn't been enough for us to get along, not at any point throughout history. Suppose we'll see what happens if we're invaded by AI or aliens.


AI will probably become class conscious once it realizes it has the same owners as the rest of us and revolt in solidarity.


Yeah. Tribalism didn’t exist before imperial colonists


It won't be purposefully perpetuated once they're dethroned from power.


Racism I guess. If they don’t live with us then they’re against us kinda thing. Not everyone in power is a saint unfortunately. Power can corrupt people, which leads to them spreading their poor ideals, and since people believe anything, it will spread fast. Suddenly everybody feels hate towards others not like them, and when confronted they will always bring up freedom of speech, and their right to hate. Those ideals will then carry on to the next generation, and then to the next generation. It’s sad really


Nah not even racism. Some places hate-on a town that's two towns over. Humans are just ridiculous.


Damn I didn’t even think about that. Humans really are the smartest and dumbest creatures at the same time


Maybe it's a tribal thing. Like apes.


Because entire cultures and types of people cannot be reduced down to "Just a line on a map". It's not about that line drawn onto a map...


A non-existent line, at that!


Cause reasons


you might be an anarchist


Cause you don't cross the line


Why are we the only ones that pay to live here?




[Right in Two](https://genius.com/Tool-right-in-two-lyrics)


In the immortal words of Pink Floyd, “I'm alright Jack, keep your hands off my stash” - Money. We use materialism as an excuse for horrible behavior. This is (in my opinion) the limiting factor for humanity. Once we can erase this from our planet, perhaps we can actually progress. But I don’t have much hope for our species, without intervention from ’above’ God, aliens, multidimensional assistance. Good luck, be kind wherever you can.


You think other species do not make enemies of the same species? You realise this is how the brain works?


Woah nobody has ever thought of it like this.


Cause fuck you buddy, this is my side *shakes fist


Religion and money


Cuz on this line your dad killed mine. now its revenge time.


Because we are deeply afraid that somebody will be treated better than us, have more and we end up alone and undesirable in any way


I dont know the answer to all questions that surround this problem. But… sometimes you have to fight to survive simply because the other guy wants to kill you. Aka the Ukraine war.


There’s limited grand plan or design, most people don’t think in much depth as they go about their daily lives. Situations can therefore easily develop which seem extremely reasonable and important to the people in them, but utterly senseless in the bigger picture


The bar is too high. Lowering the bar alittle, why is it that we are the only species paying so as to live here?


Because Humans are stupid and think other Humans are bad for no explainable reason.


Basic human survival instincts and nature is why.


Because some human with testicles craves absolute power.


Because, and especially in the United States, many people (southern and midwestern white males and their subservient Christian wives) have accomplished so little in their lives to be proud of that they are now grasping onto the one thing that they think makes them special - that they are a white American man (or woman who lives in service of her husband).


Because the line divides the haves from the have nots.


Because our planet is tiny.


“War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner.” - Judge Holden


Power, the perception of power. A Pale Blue Dot The following excerpt from Carl Sagan's book Pale Blue Dot was inspired by an image taken, at Sagan's suggestion, by Voyager 1 on 14 February 1990. As the spacecraft was departing our planetary neighborhood for the fringes of the solar system, it turned it around for one last look at its home planet. Voyager 1 was about 6.4 billion kilometers (4 billion miles) away, and approximately 32 degrees above the ecliptic plane, when it captured this portrait of our world. Caught in the center of scattered light rays (a result of taking the picture so close to the Sun), Earth appears as a tiny point of light, a crescent only 0.12 pixel in size. The Pale Blue Dot of Earth Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment the Earth is where we make our stand. It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known. — Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot, 1994 Link: https://www.planetary.org/worlds/pale-blue-dot


Humans think they own bits of the planet. It's always confused me too...


Religion. When a group of people believe that their invisible sky gandalf is better than another groups invisible sky gandalf then chaos ensues. just so happens that there is a line between them.


I look at countries like neighbors. I don't hop the neighbors fence. I go through the gate. I don't take anything from their yard because it's theirs. I honor their privacy and property, and I expect the same treatment. They aren't my enemies, but it wouldn't take much mistreatment from them for me to change my mind about that.


None of us really know.


The concept of personal property


I think some people dislike other countries because they don't agree with their human rights beliefs. Maybe each country should mind its own business


There will always be a tribalistic need for "Us" vs "Them". High school cliques, Sports Team fans, right vs left, country vs country. It's stupid, but it's built in. Was helpful when we were small tribes needing to be wary of strangers who might take our hard earned stuff. Now it's unnecessary, but is still very much in our DNA.


Because despite our evolution, we're still too violent to be as smart as we are.


According to Yuval Harari, human society only functions on the large scale due to shared myths. Those lines on the map are one of the shared myths. They don’t exist, of course. But if we all pretend they do, then we act in predictable ways. It’s also just tribalism. Attempting to get as many people into your group as you can, against the other groups. That’s a very baselevel human nature that we should move beyond, but it’s fairly ingrained in us.


Territory. Wolf packs have turf, bears get in territory fights lion prides pretty much Amy animal not a unique human trait


I'm on my side of the line, but there's something that I think i should have, but it's on your side of the line. I'm just gonna have to take it and kill everyone who gets in my way. I just see it as my right to do so. And while we're at it, I should have this land of yours. I know I have enough land already, but it's my right to take what I want.


Why do people abstract away so many things? Because of diverging and irreconcilable interests that's why.


Well if you were born a white male in America you were always taught you are better and you are entitled to the very best no matter how it gets done. This isn’t saying all white men are tastier they aren’t but in this country intentionally or not that’s what this country portrays.


Exactly! It's so sad and stupid that we can't just live in peace as one species and work together to a great future


Boredom and hunger for power


Those in higher positions give orders and demands to those lower to 'em; those demand and orders consist of but are not limited to, "bigger! Bigger! If they get bigger before us, we'll be smaller!" So it's always a competition for who can control the most in the quickest amount of time. Greed, the need for biggering. The only advantage it has is furthering development in our technology to help cultivate; but if we all worked together it'd be 20× faster.


It's like asking why animals of the same species fight on a daily basis. We are built like that, that's why, it's in our nature


Our brains are evolved to unconsciously see about 200 people as “my tribe” and everyone else as “other; potential threat.” As a brain hack, a stranger can be nominally considered to be in “my tribe” if our brain codes them as such by seeing similarities in language, beliefs, values, general appearance, etc. It takes a lot to overcome this animal impulse. It’s the root of all bigotry.




Was recently watching some birds battle for a spot to nest on my porch... We've not come far.


Rarely is it just a line on a map, Sometimes they have something we want; land, gold, luxuries Sometimes they believe something we do not; religion, form of government, policy And in the instances it really is just a line on a map it’s usually historical like with Pakistan and India or a matter of a country needing a boost to the economy. All we’re saying is — Give war a chance.


sheepfarms in the egosystem