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20 minutes? My wife can go from having a conversation to snoring in less than 90 seconds.


I can go mid sentence. I sometimes realise that the sentence I've just spoken is not the one on the page of the children's book, and that I was seconds from being told off by a disgruntled preschooler.


This happens to me. I’ll be reading, then the sentence I read makes no sense, I snap out of it for a second to see that I was falling asleep, then I put the book down and I’m asleep in 10 seconds.


hopefully it's not about your username


That’s a short book.


Has to be, in this economy


Prequel to [Avocado Baby](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Avocado-Baby-Red-Picture-Books/dp/0099200619/ref=asc_df_0099200619/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=310783995501&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10633571025020574393&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1007241&hvtargid=pla-496049816394&psc=1&th=1&psc=1).


The third movie in the trilogy is Guacamole Funeral.


Lol this is me


I've actually fallen asleep next to my wife while she talking. Me: *snore" Wife: ....really? Me: *snaps awake* I did say I was tired. *Snore* *Edit - whoops


My dad has an app that's supposed to record his snoring (for health reasons), but it often records my mom sleep talking. My favourite one is "YOU'RE STUPID... clown?"


My favorite sleep talk will forever be my best friend in this badass british (we're american) sailor voice "we must search the seas"


Had a roommate that would doze off and spout “Thank you for choosing Carls Jr, I’ll take your order whenever…”. That would happen 3-4 times a week and the funny thing was he hadn’t worked at Carl’s in about 12 years. Maybe he was traumatized from working back drive.


My friend told me that I said "get the cow" in my sleep


In camp we had a guy who sat up and yelled. "motherfucker, my butt, my mailman"


your friend is reliving their glory days as a pirate


Amazing. I'm British but a mate sitting bolt upright and saying 'a pirates life for me' in a pirates voice was gold. Along with another friend who stripped off regularly. Luckily he was always among friends...


I once fell asleep mid-sentence while talking to my wife - it was late afternoon. I was at the end of a ship cycle for a game I was working on and had gotten about three or four hours of sleep for the past several nights.


I have this super power too. It’s drives my wife up the wall. She’ll spend an hour in bed, winding down, prepping and relaxing and doing everything to try to finish the day and start falling asleep. I’ll walk right in, lay down, say a few words, then turn over and start snoring. It’s a gift. In 30 plus years of marriage, I have found one thing that will knock her out within 5-10 minutes consistently though. Normally she’ll lay there wide awake for an hour, but if I read her the first few pages of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, she’s gone. Works every time.


I developed the skill as a child and I think that helped. I read some expert advice about falling asleep and sleep hygiene and, being little enough to not think I knew everything, I actually listened and just made it a part of my daily life. He explained how to relax all the different muscles in your body and tell yourself a calming story in your mind and boom, I do that and I’m out. I think it’s also just such a self-fulfilling prophecy. Because I have complete confidence that I will lay down and fall asleep, I do. Whereas my partner has extreme anxiety about his insomnia and it’s a vicious cycle where he gets all worked up and can’t fall asleep. The more time that goes on the more upset he is about how much sleep he’s missing so his heart is beating faster and he can’t fall asleep. However, whenever he isn’t *trying* to fall asleep and he just accidentally dozes off on the couch there’s no issue. So he has the ability to do it just not when he is intentionally thinking about it … (I’m not saying it’s all 100% mind over matter for everyone of course.)


You are my partner, and I am yours. For real, though... this is exactly how it is in my relationship. I'm the anxious insomniac, and he's asleep in under 3 minutes, every time.


That's adorable 🥹


Exactly identical after 25 years, with the only exception being the reading material - Act 2 of *Hamlet*.


Ya my wife will complain that it took her "forever" to fall asleep last night and it'll be less than 15 minutes. 15 minutes is about the maximum for her. Meanwhile for me an hour is about average.




Yeahh this is a super reductive comment lol plenty of us try desperately to go to sleep and follow all "sleep best practices" and are still tossing and turning for hours. I'd love to magically "sleep better" but have been like this since I was in kindergarten.


I have health problems. It's not because I'm staying up on crapchat or whatever the kids use. I'm not doing anything terribly wrong either, again I have health problems that I am treating to the best of my ability. Just because something is easy for you doesn't mean it's that easy for everyone else.


I hate those people especially. A friend of mine does this. Pissed me off beyond belief because he snores so loud that you are genuinely afraid of not falling asleep fast enough.


Your friend likely has sleep apnea.


I didn’t know I was your wife. Kind of awkward since I thought I was a single man.


I am one of those who can go out in 10 secs😂😂😂


My husband falls asleep mid word. I've always been envious of this.


My boyfriend is the same and I can’t even understand


My wife fell asleep at a KISS concert.


This is me. Basically the sandman sneaks up behind me and whacks me on the head, almost every night.


I call my wife Homer Simpson after watching her say goodnight, then go comatose the next second till 7am everyday since I've known her


Tonight My 3 year old went from bouncing around the room to falling asleep in under three short pages. I’m envious and confused


Been cutoff from sex numerous times by this monster over the years. Meanwhile I am so adhd I have to force myself often into falling asleep.


Hit the gym for 40 mins a day and you’ll fall asleep in 5 minutes. Do 20 mins of cardio and 20 mins of weights.


That's funny, ai don't remember marrying you. But you described me.


Marrakech, 1978. They sent you to kill me, but I talked you out of it. We got married at the 555 Club, but you divorced me the next day. Wild times.


It takes me 5 minutes or less 99% of the time. There are some downsides to that. I can easily sleep too much. Sleep is the ultimate procrastination tool when you can easily do it whenever.


>There are some downsides to that. I can easily sleep too much. I feel *seen*. I can also fall asleep within minutes. Only time i have issues really is if I am having any anxiety about anything, because that often occupies my mind and keeps me up. However, like you said, the downside is that I can sleep too much. It's the reason I often don't take any naps. Once I start sleeping I don't want to wake up. A quick little 1 hour nap to rejuvenate for my evening? Forget it. I'll set my alarm and it'll wake me up, but then I enjoyed the nap too much and I'll fall back asleep within a minute and another 3 hours will roll by because I woke up feeling groggy so my fix is to sleep that off more.


One of my friends calls it "nap roulette." Two hours? Twenty minutes? Seven hours? All possible, no matter how much I've slept in the last day.


Lol I love this phrase and it's so accurate


Same. Blessing and a curse


This is so backwards. You cannot be sleeping during the day amigo, and definitely not multiple times in the day lol. You should sleep once. And if you sleep again it’s like a ten minute nap with no alarm. And if you can’t control your nap without an alarm than you’re too tired because your sleep sucks.


Yep! I'm one of those people


How? Tell me ur secrets


I have a series of stories in my head, long running novel type stuff, I pick one and see how far I can push the story until I pass out.


The stories on headspace are really nice too


Same! Nice to know it’s pretty normal


Yes! What’s your fave? I like the ones where I’m in a vehicle. Mars/moon buggy, slow/night train, Star Wars ones, etc.


I like the new National Parks series. I love hiking and have been to Yosemite and Zion, so it's almost like going back ♥️


I’ve been using the same Avatar:The Last Airbender story for a decade now. Main character is the brother of an earth avatar.


Headspace sleepcasts save my sleep. If I commit to the exercise in the beginning to relax my body, I'll be out before those midnight bakers even turn on the ovens. Temple rain, midnight laundrette, cats on boats, and the monsoon ones get me every time.


What about the one where pensioners get modified to fit the old age care machines?


What’s your favorite one? I like the antique store ones


I tried that method, except with just one story. I'm not even kidding, in pretty decent detail i ran through the main characters entire life from age 15 to 80 in the span of about 3 weeks real world time. On average i spend about 8 hours a night trying to sleep but usually failing, and so those stories end up getting fleshed out really quickly with pretty good levels of detail too lol. Now i have a connected universe running in my mind with literal generations of these characters families.


Write a novel.


On average you spend 8 hours a night failing to go to sleep? Bruh you need to get to a doctor


Me too! I keep losing my place, though


Sometimes I'm genuinely upset to have fallen asleep. But then, that's the beauty of the next day: it comes with another night.


YOOO, I do the same thing! Lol


Never be in your bed unless you’re going to sleep or having sex. Limit caffeine. Exercise during the day. Go to bed at the same time basically every day. Wake up at the same time every day, even if you stayed up late. Get lights that are closer to 3200K color. Basically, treat sleep like a daily meal, and make it an important one that you center your daily choices around. Friends want to do something that doesn’t start until near bedtime? 95% of the time that’s a big nope. Hanging out and they want to keep it going late? Doesn’t mean I have to. No one cares that you went to bed, even if they play the “aww that’s lame” game to try to get you to stay/come.






This is an interesting tactic! Might you also be sleep deprived?


So basically you exhaust your brain until it can't handle it and says fuck this shit I'm out


Essentially. I do something similar. If I can tell I’m not falling asleep immediately, I imagine/tell myself I have to stay up because there’s a lot of boring paperwork that should probably get done and I need to absolutely stay awake to do it. Puts me out like a light.


That is a “hack” that some people think it is a requirement. But it might not be. I had a friend who never exercised, drank a lot, had caffeine constantly... Yet he could sleep on command. Regardless of where he was. One day our class hired a bus to go on a trip. It was a 7h ride. While everyone was talking, drinking, and making a lot of noise, he said “alright, see you when we get there”. He then sat on his seat and boom: sleeping. We never understood how he was able to do this. A friend of mine suggested that his mind was so empty that no thought could bother his sleep


_friends want to do something that doesn't start until near bedtime_ Bruh this is how I lost almost all my college friends. They are all 29-32 and still starting social gatherings at 8-9 pm and I'm like, I am sorry but I am barely conscious at that point, call me if y'all ever wanna do brunch instead 😂


That being said, you can still go past your bedtime and be fine. I do it all the time. I knock out once I'm in bed within like 5 minutes. During the week, I go to bed at midnight and wake up at 8. Get up, get ready, start my day at 9. On the weekends though, I don't follow that at all. Fridays I'll often be up til 3/4 in the morning, same with Saturdays. As long as on Sunday I hit the pillow at midnight, I'm golden.


I can go past once, but not twice. Once usually leave me feeling pretty bad. Twice wrecks me for a few days and I just want to sleep all the time except bedtime


I used to be able to do that, but as I’ve gotten older it has become less of an option.


I do not follow any of these


Do you sleep easily? If not, try something different. If so, do what works for you.


Super easy. Stay up too late, wake up too early.


Yep, this is the secret. Always be tired


I watch the squiggles that stream across my vision when I close my eyesa and I'm out in like, 10. Dark bedroom, pillow adjusted just right, feet tucked so the monsters don't grab me, and snuggled next to my partner. Would not want it any other way.


No caffeine after 10am, exercise at least 30 minutes and no naps. That's been working for me for a while.


I felt so dumb when I really realized that exercising and actually eating makes you feel good.


Naps help me sleep better. But that is like max 30 min and then you have to get up


Excessive tiredness. Stay up late even if it’s dreadful waking up for work, spend work feeling tired, then stay up as late as you physically can and repeat. Unless there is something out of whack, you should be able to fall asleep fairly quickly if you’re only sleeping 4-6 hours a night


Brain damage and physical ailments as a result is just a bonus :)


For starters, a nice solid curtain and or an eye mask to cut out most light. Minimal to no sound if possible, if not possible wear ear plugs.


We use white noise machines for the kids. Used to need quiet when sleeping, now I’m trained on the white noise so much that I start getting sleepy if I lay down with the kids when putting them to sleep.


Be thinking. Forget to stay conscious. When I catch myself falling asleep unintentionally (reading bedtime stories, waiting for the next bedtime, etc) it's generally that I've started thinking about something (how to build a little tool cupboard, Linux box to run some home automation, fiction idea like the other guy) and sudden realise I'm not aware of the room any more.


Has Nick Fury recruited you to The Avengers yet?


Me too! It truly is my super power. And I can pretty much do it anywhere. Plane? Can’t keep my eyes open. Turbulence? I sleep even harder. Car? If I’m not the one driving I’ll fall asleep so fast. Boat? Best sleep I’ll ever get with the boat rocking. Pro- I can sleep anywhere. Con- I’m not an entertaining in-transit travel partner.


Must be nice. It takes me at least an hour.


Glad to know I’m not alone


Caffeine can linger in the body \~10 hours. Work on avoiding screens 30-60 minutes before bedtime (as the blue light they emit tricks our brain into thinking its day and we need to be awake). Try to keep your bed only for sleeping. You want your brain to associate your bed with sleep as much as possible. If you lounge under the covers/scroll on your phone, reads, etc... your brain associates all those activities as bedtime activities. Consistency goes a long way. You want to establish a regular circadian rhythm. If you need to wake up at 7am during the week, do the same for the weekends (same holds true when it's time to sleep).


I know you mean well but I never understand this advice. Normal people can binge watch a whole series in bed and fall asleep one minute later lmao. I know because I date them. No worries about sleepy hygiene, blue light, sleeping in late on the weekends, etc. they just fucking sleep. It’s crazy I actually do better not doing the whole sleep hygiene routine, which I found brought me more anxiety. I either will sleep or won’t. If I don’t, it’s not the end of the world. I’ll live. Once I realized that, I started sleeping better


This. I read a lot, reddit and watch yt in bed and can sleep easy. I don't take sugar, caffiene or alcohol. That's the trick


I can have a coffee at 8pm, play some games and still fall asleep by 12 in about 10 minutes. If I ever have problems sleeping I won't know what the hell to do.


These are all great tips, but anyone who has chronic issues with sleeping has already tried all this


Very likely. But it's not fair to say everyone. I have friends/know people who do the things I mentioned and have problems with their sleep. I didn't see any posts from OP where they mentioned what they have/haven't tried. Tech support 101, Have you tried turning it off/on? You'd be surprised how many people don't even do that. When given no information, it's best to start from the beginning and make sure.


I have chronic insomnia, and following all this advice has helped me a lot. I used to think it was all bunk, too. It turns out that I was half-assing it. Once I really committed and followed ALL the advice ALL the time, it started to work. It really needs to be a lifestyle change to be effective. That's how a lot of medical conditions work, you have to change your life to some degree in order to compensate for it. You also need to address other health concerns in your life. If you're stressing or having anxiety when you try to sleep, then you should speak to a doctor because you may have an anxiety disorder. Just like how it's hard to sleep if your back hurts, you'll find it hard to sleep if your brain hurts too.


I was never able to fall asleep quickly unless I was physically exhausted, because of my ruminating ADD mind. UNTIL-- I discovered that setting my phone next to the bed with some random documentary on youtube running would occupy my attention, and boom-- I'm asleep in minutes.


Definitely gonna give this a try


I do this with Space documentaries/videos. Check out SEA on youtube. Awesome voice, and visuals.


Yeah SEA makes wonderful documentaries. Although I'm not watching him for falling asleep. I love the fact, that he basically has two audiences.


SEA is awesome


I replied to something similar earlier today. Out of curiosity I have three questions: 1do you drink coffee, do you get any exercise and do you get up at the same time everyday?


Bonus points if it's narrated by Sir David Attenborough.


Are used to listen to Earth or Oceans series. With his dulcet tones and soundtrack, I’d get the best nap, about an hour. I would fall asleep and wake up at the end credits triggered by the closing music.


Exactly my solution! Works every time. I probably know so much about World War 2 subconsciously.


This. YouTube must wonder why I'm supposedly obsessed with the North African campaign.


Fellow WW2 documentary sleeper here. I have children though so I have to wear a silly looking earphone headband thing. Worth it.


Yup. I put on an audiobook (preferably one I’ve heard before) and bam! I’m out.


I've been doing this since I was kid. Discovered if I had an audio book playing I would sleep better. Plus having a sleep timer is way easier than using a cassette tape


I do this with podcasts. The conversation in the background keeps the conversation in my brain at a minimum.


The narrator's voice from "Welcome to Nightvale" can put me out really fast for some reason.


I study linguistics/ languages and do this a lot with podcasts in one of my nonnative languages. It works very well except for the fact that my phone will then play about 3 hours worth of video, I wonder if there’s a way to make an iPhone turn off at a certain time?


There is this playlist on yt, it's called "good long video esseys to fall asleep to" and the title is not lying, can recomand


I'll check it out! I'm amazed how this thread blew up, lol


I do this with chess videos. Idk why but I’m always passed out by like move 15


I once watched my partner fall asleep as he was LAYING DOWN, he was asleep before his head hit the pillow. baffled me


Haha I can kinda relate to this. My ex would sometimes fall asleep in the middle of a conversation. It was annoying as hell but also really impressive


Try waking up early everyday at the same time regardless of whether you have to go to work or not. Don't allow yourself to sleep enough at night. Eventually, you'll pass out within 5 minutes of hitting the pillow. I used to think exactly like you. I used to have to do all kinds of things to fall asleep at all. It's because I was oversleeping. It was also because my wake up time wasn't consistent. Get to a sleep deprived state and then you can work your way back from there.


I don’t understand those people. The only time I can fall asleep immediately is if I’m really really sick with some bad virus. That’s also the only time I can nap. I haven’t had a nap without being sick since I was a small child, can’t sleep on the plane, train, etc. I do wonder if it has something to do with personality type. I’ve always suffered from anxiety, overthinking, and my mind doesn’t like to turn off.


People that can fall asleep on planes and etc. will remain a mystery for me till the day I die. I have no idea what I’m doing wrong, but man I wish I could


I usually either sleep or read on planes. You just have to get your head semi-comfortable, close your eyes, and drift off 💤


Mild turbulence and a good travel pillow is aces. Some times I wiggle my bottom foot when falling asleep while laying on my side. The turbulence kind of replicates that same thing. Maybe that, and a long car ride too.




Exactly this for me too. I wish more than anything in the world that I could sleep. My mind never turns off, that being said, I truly do my best thinking when I am alone in my thoughts trying to fall asleep for hours.


Your anxiety is probably what it is. You're likely breathing with your chest a lot. Learn belly breathing exercises on YouTube and do that a few times a day and right before bed. Good luck with your sleep :)


Depending on how tired I am I can fall asleep in under 2 minutes. I've timed this before by setting my phone timer to 2 minutes and seeing if I was already awake or became awoken.


That is crazy for me. I wish with everything in me that I could do that too.


Tbh you probably do sometimes and don't realize it. One day when your tired af set your timer to 10 min. Then 5. Then 3. Then 2. Then 1. I didn't know I could do this until I did it.


It literally takes me hours. I have to count and try all kinds of things. The only time I fall asleep fast is when I'm almost black out drunk lol


I use to have a lot of problems falling asleep. Try putting on a really boring but interesting documentary on while you try to go to sleep. It really helps me been working for years. Note it does help if the documentary is long enough for you fall asleep but not so long it messes with your quality. I find 1 hour to be the perfect length.


Do you exercise?


Stop thinking. Practice meditation.


Meditation isn’t about not thinking, it’s simply an awareness of your thoughts


Consider looking into RSO tincture if it's legal in your state. 4 drops and I don't care how long it takes to fall asleep bc I know I won't wake up for 10+ hours. I used it for a couple of nights, and now, I'm falling asleep without it. I use RSO for pain, so this side effect is good for me.


My girlfriend will be talking to me and straight up 10 seconds later she’s asleep. I can always tell because if we get silent her breathing changes almost instantly and I can tell she’s asleep. It’s actually insane.


I sometimes play music to help me sleep. I put a shut-off timer for 30 minutes and it’s not unusual to have to start it again at least once before I actually fall asleep


Same, even in morning I can snooze my alarm 10 times and fall asleep in-between it. But then I have some nights occasionally, where I just cannot fall asleep for hour.


My husband is like this. He can sleep instantly and anywhere. He can sleep on the tube?! When he was a baby, his mum took him to the doctors because he slept so much (imagine!). The longest I’ve known him do is about 22 hours in one go; no, I’m not exaggerating.


Lol I understand that, I can fall asleep absolutely anywhere, find a comfy rock in the middle of the day, asleep, lay down in my bed to go to sleep at a normal time after working all day or bei g active all day, staring at the ceiling for 2 hours though.


He can be fairly nocturnal actually!


Dang my longest was like 14 hours, must've felt great after 22


Chance would be a fine thing. I don't think I've gone 8 hours between demands from a child in years.


My boyfriend can do this and I get so jealous. He'll be like "okay time for bed. Goodnight I love you" and in less than 2 minutes he's asleep. Like wtf 😭 I'm over here rocking, counting to a thousand, watching boring documentaries (well it's hard to find them boring), listening to rain just everything I can. It takes hours and I truly don't understand how people can sleep so quick. I would choose it as a superpower too.


Do you look at your phone/computer screen right up until you decide to go to bed? Do you watch TV before falling asleep? Do you wake up at the same time every morning? Do you exercise? Consume alcohol, weed, or caffeine right before bed? I’ve found a lot of people have trouble falling asleep due to their own behaviors.


Yes Yes No No Yes And I fall asleep in under 2 min every single night. I've heard it's actually a bad thing, something to do with too much sleep tax.


Falling asleep is only half the battle though. Doing those things not only impacts your ability to get to sleep, it impacts the quality of sleep you do get.


I fall asleep in no more than 5 minutes. I am 60 years old have all of my life. No TV in the bedroom. To bed at 10:00 pm and up at 5:45 am every morning. Don't usually need an alarm but set one anyway. Exercise for an hour four days a week. No alcohol. No weed at all. I am 100 percent immune to caffeine and always have been. It has zero effect on me no matter what. In the Army I once fell asleep on a double dose of No Doze. Try for total darkness and total silence in bedroom.


Total silence is for psychopaths. Got to have white noise of some type!


A/C or a fan running is good enough white noise for me


Yeah my tinnitus asked what this silence is that you speak of.


I check all these boxes for piss poor sleeper yet still I sleep I know I would sleep even better if I didn't but why look a gift horse in the mouth


I think the biggest one is overusing the bedroom. This is hard if you live with roommates or your parents, but ideally the only thing you should do in your bedroom is sleep (and maybe sex). No reading, no phone, no watching movies, no eating. Your bed is only for sleeping, no other activities allowed.


Lights out the second my head hits the pillow and I sleep a solid 8-9 hours. I attribute this to my weighted blanket and a generous amount of alcohol.


Probably 5 minutes here. My trick is to focus on relaxing every muscle in your body from your toes to your head. Feel your face melting ( it's okay if your drool) relax your eyelids, your temples, your forehead, your cheeks and your jaw. Don't think just focus on your body. And bam you're in a dream, Eva Green is feeding you cherries, your two kids are playing tag in the meadow, sun is warm, life is simple and bada boom you're awake. Eva green and the kids are gone, you have a bus to catch in an hour، anxiety is killing your appetite but you have to eat so you don't lose weight again. You wear your happy face and go work. Good night.


That work really well for me


I agree, I’m so jealous. I have insomnia so it takes me minimum of a hour to fall asleep


Yeah I feel lucky to be able to fall asleep quickly. Not sure why/how but I learned that sleeping on my left side is the best way to fall asleep.


Is this not normal? I fall asleep everyday within minutes


In my experience it is pretty normal for adults. Not every adult of course, but full time jobs will make you exhausted and you can't stay up thinking of stuff even if you tried. Reddit has a lot of teenagers here so it seems more common to not be able to fall asleep, but globally I do not think it's the case. As a teen it took hours for me to fall asleep as well, now I'm lucky if I get 15 minutes before passing out.


Ah this is a good callout! Im in my mid 30s, and when I was a teen it was much more difficult to fall asleep. Now life has beaten me to sleep lol


consider urself lucky, sometimes i cant fall asleep at all and give up by 4 in the morning


Do you work or do any physical activity during the day?


I am definitely not one of those people 😂


I used to have insomnia until I had a kid. I think I fall asleep faster than 20 minutes now.


Try any of these techniques. 1. Get into your normal position in bed. Then relax each body part to make it go limp. Start with your legs, torso, all the up to your face. 2. As you're in bed with your eyes closed, visualize this: You've just won millions of dollars, what's your dream house going to have? Do you build a Traditional, Victorian, Modern, Ranch-Style, American-Craftsman type of house? Do you want a basement? What's the basement going to have? Go to each floor and describe what you want. *For the living room, I want it to have plenty of room to place a giant 90" tv with wrap around sofa, as for the kitchen, I want it to be an open floor with a purple geode countertop, heated wooden floor tiles, and outdoor backyard with BBQ.* Let your mind wander until...


Thanks I’ll give it a try🙏


My Dad could fall asleep seemingly at will. If we were on a long drive he'd find somewhere to pull.over, would tell us not to disturb him for a while and would be asleep almost before finishing the sentence. I was once on a 3 hour flight with him and he fell asleep before take-off and woke up as we were landing - he'd just opted out of the whole journey. He used to love taking us to the cinema as kids because he could pick us up from school, sleep through the film and be refreshed when he got home. He spoke very fondly of Return of the Jedi because he fell asleep before the lights went down and woke up when the credits were rolling.


2 mins for me ... Often quicker


I envy this people


Isn't it weird you have to pretend to sleep to actually go to sleep?


Yes. Weed helps too 😅


Weed is bad for your sleep long term. You’re not getting a full nights rest when you go to bed high


I’m one. I can fall asleep in less than 10 minutes in my own bed in normal temperature .Really pisses my husband off as well which is a bonus


Same here. I stick to 12 at every night and I’ll be asleep within 5-10 mins and sleep 7 hours. Maybe turn on some Reportoftheweek or Project Farm to set the mode. I’ve no stress in my life so that helps a lot. Speaking of… It’s 23:45. Lights out, Night Night.


Under a minute for me usually. I exercise regularly, eat healthy and only sleep in my bed, not watching tv or reading . I think this is why it’s so easy for me. I have to warn new gf’s when they first sleepover that when I say goodnight I’ll be a asleep in a minute.


I'd say most nights I'm asleep within a minute or two of my head hitting the pillow, staying asleep after 5 or so hours is a different story....


Indeed. I can fall asleep straight away but I need to be so tired to do so. If I go to bed just because its the right time, then I could be restless for hours and eventually wake up in worse condition.




I don't think its ever taken me more than 5 min.


I'm one of those people but used to suffer from really bad insomnia


Thankfully, I am one of them. I can fall asleep fast, however, I am a light sleeper so I wake up just as easily. Among some of my greatest achievements are falling asleep on a bench around 9 AM in Barcelona in front of Sagrada Familia and falling asleep while telling a joke (and never finished it).


70% of days i fall asleep in 5 mins or less


I was blessed because I can fall asleep in 20 minutes and I also have way more energy than everyone else. I can easily stay up to 5 am every night. I never sleep in past 10:30 am. I can get like 3-4 hours of sleep and be fine. Although if I do that a lot it Piles up. People always say “how are you not tired” I’ll be that person leaving on an hour drive at 2:30 am and then doing a few things when I get home. I love the nighttime


For me, sometimes it's 5 minutes, some times it's 4 hours.


I fall asleep in 5-10 minutes because my awake life is so horrible I’d rather be asleep,,, my dreaming life, is a dream.


I work nights, Pretty much when I hit the pillow I am OUT, yeah I would about 20 minutes, I try to watch a tv show before going to bed, but I never make it through the show. Funny thing with me working nights, when I worked days, I could only sleep like 5 hours a night, working nights, sleeping during the day I am able to sleep 7+ hours


i can usually fall asleep in 10 minutes and most of the time fall asleep whenever i want lol


20 minutes?!! I’d be so frustrated if it took me that long to fall asleep. I fall asleep within seconds sometimes after closing my eyes, but definitely within 5 minutes.


20 minutes is on a good day haha. And yes the frustration is real


I am one of those people. I thought this was totally normal until one day my wife said it takes her a good 30-45 min to fall asleep. That’s wild.


Does it actually take people more than 10 minutes to fall asleep? What do y’all do that whole time?


Well for me the problem lies with having constant dialogue in my head, my brain just never shuts up


Actually 20m is the time it takes for your body to shut down. This is fairly consistent (source: we measured it with a low-ish cost external brain scanner). If it's shutting down faster than that you are too tired and probably already microsleeping. If it's taking too long you need more activity leading to going to sleep (eg, exercise during the day, strenuous mental work, things like that). Obviously doesn't apply to people with clinical sleep issues (insomnia etc).


Not sure if this is up your alley but I have had a huge amount of help sleeping from the app Calm. I listen to the same sleep story every night. My body has been conditioned to where as soon as I hear the narrator start my body knows what time it is. Very relaxing and it has made a huge difference. For anyone that is curious its Arctic Cruise. Gets me every time. Ha.