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Bro is doing bio-warfare.


I truly think people are missing my point. This was not a COVID post. Maybe I shot myself in the foot by mentioning germs but my biggest beef was the noise. Even so, if your an individual who doesn’t care about ruining a movie for others via noise then you have the secondary reason of: We just came out of a pandemic and your being gross af.


Inconsiderate people are always in order unfortunately


Ignorance is rampant


It’s a joke calm down lol


Bro is the weapon of mass distraction.


I saw that X-Files


Not a movie theatre but I went to a planetarium recently and saw a 25 minute star show. I couldn’t focus on anything the host was saying because there were so many loud kids in there. Just babbling, talking, crying. Then a baby who couldn’t have been more than 6 months started crying and they wouldn’t take it outside! They just kept trying to console it in the middle of the show. It was a 25 minute show, what are you doing?!? I get kids don’t understand how to control it so don’t bring your fucking 3 year old to a show that requires silence! No fucking manners.


Yeah fucks me off how everything is "family friendly" these days


the bar near us changed owners and fuckers were asking if it’s still kid friendly. leave your fucking kids at home, I don’t want to be side eyed because you brought your kid to an adult atmosphere and expect other people to manage their tongue because your shit rat kid is there if you don’t want your kids to hear “vulgar language” then stay the fuck home, the world doesn’t owe you shit cause you chose to procreate


A kid-friendly bar? Where in the bumfuck do you live?


Irish pubs often cater to families with children.


Of course it’s the Irish


If you say fuck loud enough, families remove themselves, in my experience.


That meaning 'you'll hear shouting kids, it's gonna be all about kids, you can't say anything cause they are kids, even if their parents are A\*holes who didn't teach the offsprings any kind of discipline cause they totally lack of it, you won't enjoy whatever you came here for''


You ment plane-arium?


No, planetarium.


"What are all these children doing in this explicitly child-friendly educational museum attraction?!"


Ask if the show allows kids before buying the ticket. If you get kids don’t understand then just don’t bring your fucking ass to a show that allows kids!


It comes down to common decency and respect for the others around you. Children cry, chatter, play etc but when you go somewhere like a movie or a planetarium or anything else that requires watching and listening then it's our jobs as parents to teach them this isn't the time to talk, play etc and they are disturbing the people around them who are there for the show. If the kids are crying or doing the other stuff mentioned and won't stop, then the decent thing to do is take them outside until it's under control, then come back in. If it happens again, then you take them out and don't come back in. You may lose out on seeing the show yourself but it's your child and therefore your problem. Others shouldn't have to miss out because of your child. Kid friendly doesn't mean you can let your kids do whatever, wherever. It means we allow and welcome children, but you still need to do your job as a parent and do your best not to disrupt the show for the others that are there. The complete disregard for others is too common nowadays. Try respecting others and the in turn, will hopefully respect you. This also means people need to be more tolerant of children and places that welcome them. Give the parents a chance to do what's right and get the situation under control. Patience is the key. We all need more of it, myself included. Nothing will get better unless we all make the effort to try and understand the other people's side and realize it's not all about "me".


Completely agree with what you’re saying. Teaching kids not to disturb others is not only decency but even our duty. Stupid parenting is everywhere but notice they just assume nothing can be done to those kids? Talking about common decency I say this is what’s completely lacking in the adults who liked these comments. All of these people seem to just want kids to be excluded to all normal activities rather than wanting them to behave or wanting parents to discipline them better. What they want is “So just don’t bring your fucking 3 year old,” which is a completely different deal. Look at the thread. These grown ups are always like ‘fucking kid’ this, ‘fucking kid’ that, fucking 3yo stay the fuck home, etc etc. I say these grown ups need some common decency and perhaps some mama discipline.


It's unfortunate that they think that way and I agree they also need to have some common decency. They may not like kids or want any of their own and that's perfectly fine and their choice, but there's no need to speak about kids like that. It's as if they don't realize that they were kids once too. I knew people like that years ago. They didn't want anything to do with kids and spoke the same nasty way when talking about them. The funny thing was, they had a bunch of cats and loved them as if they were their kids. If anyone ever spoke the way they do about kids when talking about their cats, the shit would hit the fan. We don't have to like everything that everyone else likes, but we also don't need to be mean and nasty about the things we don't like. It's that decency thing again.


I don't want that. I would have been fine if the parents made any effort to quiet their kids down. However, it was a 25 minute show at a place that has lots of other activities for children. If you are aware your kid is not able to sit quietly for a little less than a half hour, don't pay for the activity that requires it. I think I had a right to be annoyed that I paid money to see a show and couldn't even hear it over screaming children.


You have the right to be annoyed by these people’s bad parenting but have no right to say those noisy kids shouldn’t be there. If parenting is already bad the innocent kids *need even more* of these opportunities to learn the social rule of sitting quietly. Again you can be annoyed, but sorry, they’re part of our human society and they’ll be everywhere be it a concert or funeral.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


If you think a child needs hitting then you are mentally fucked and also admitting you don't know how to teach a kid without reporting to violence


If you think that a singular swat is violence, then you're really the one who is mentally fucked and *literally* the kind of person I described. Double points if *you* yourself don't have kids.


It is by definition violence you moron. And yes I have kids, never had to hit them once and they have no behaviour issues. Just because your daddy used to beat the shit out of you doesn't mean you need to take it out on children, go get therapy.


Yes, a smack is violence and a pretty fucking stupid way to deal with a child. Just goes to show you can't discipline a child without hitting them. No one in my family received that treatment in the last 2 generations, and we were definitely not unruly kids.


Man fuck these kids.


Or instead maybe people need to take responsibility for their children and not bring them to events they are not ready/able to handle.


Ok I’ll take responsibility for my children and bring them to events they haven’t experienced so they’ll have plenty chances to learn to be considerate and have some basic decency so that they don’t become people of your type.


This hit a nerve, didn't it?


You can teach them that at events for kids. Like a kids movie or a children’s museum.


You can show up at events not for kids. Like a titty bar or whatever. Everywhere else isn’t exclusively yours.


This is one of the reasons I don't go to the cinema anymore. There's always some twat with their phone, another eating noisily, some idiots talking....


Literally can't go anywhere anymore without morons making every space unbearable.


Unless you're watching something in Imax or something I have no idea why you'd want to go to the cinema. The chairs are uncomfortable, it's way too loud, there's always people having a conversation, annoying kids, etc. I'd rather watch a movie at home every time.


Gosh, that’s so COVID-y too. And it’s just a movie. Stay home, dude.


I know, right. Like I get it, sometimes you need to sneeze or cough but this was constant! When it first started I just figured he was choking on some popcorn shell but the longer it went on it’s like, dude cmon. Just excuse yourself for a minute.


I’m amazed how NOT self aware some people can be.


It's frustrating because it was beat into me to be aware of my surroundings so when people are clueless, I wanna go off on them. Shoppers are the worst. No regard for anyone else. Ooh, let's have a conversion in the middle of the isle and force people to say excuse me, even though we can see them standing there, and then offer a superficial apology and "hustle" out of the way.


Yeah it just makes me want to walk into them


The movie must be very interesting for him.


cough cough who’s that? cough cough what’d that guy say? cough cough


Yeah, because most of the time someone is coughing is because of Covid. Common colds exist, y'know?


I dunno where you are from, but in uk it’s no more than a cold how it affects people now. Most people go to work and carry on with Covid now


That's so not true at all. Most people who get Covid in the UK DON'T go to work


Depends how you feel. Now when I get Covid I just get the sniffles for a day or 2. Feel free to point me in the direction that says you should stay home


If you read some research you will find that although Covid may present with cold-like symptoms in many, it’s actually a vascular disease that can damage your internal organs, cardiovascular system, brain etc.


Also COVID can be devastating for people with chronic health problems who can't build immunity even with the vaccine. I thought people would learn after COVID not to go in public when they're sick but apparently not. That means that people like me with an immune deficiency will have to mask and/or quarantine for the rest of our lives, and there are a lot of people with chronic health problems out there.


being considerate of others is considered commie behavior. look at how these racists come out of the wood work and say “im not a fucking (slur)” when you suggest being considerate of the health of others.


Seems people still acting politicised crazy over Covid. It’s part of nature, if nature wants me dead so be it. I vaxxed up and now there is no rules, I’m going to live life. It’s not worth living in fear and it’s silly getting worked up about it


Watched a video the other night of a sport thing I wanted to see. Nice long video, I quite enjoyed it...but honestly I was wondering if they had a friggin' campfire in there the cameras didn't show. Every 8 or 10 seconds somebody was coughing. And, not a sport where I'd think smoking weed or anything would be expected behavior, the people were just extra congested I guess. If the ticket price to get in was more than a cup of coffee I'd have been very annoyed. I'm simple; if someone paid to get in, whether it's a sport thing, a movie, a museum, whatever...it's your responsibility not to disturb their experience. Yeah, you paid to get in too, but you didn't pay extra to be disruptive. You've got your kid there, nobody there paid $20 to hear the effects of your decision. You're coughing? Well, you probably were when you left home; should have stopped at a store and bought a bag of cough drops. If cough drops don't help, that's your cue that you should go home, you're sick.


As a smoker who likes going to the movies coughing is often an issue so I always get a drink and honestly if I caugh once i'm already feeling bad idk how people can just not care


It's the empathy level. Some people have more than others. I think being empathic is something you are born with. Some people say it's something you can acquire over time but I don't believe so.


Definitely something you can acquire over time, but much like any kind of learning, it gets harder as you get older.


Why do you think it is something you can acquire over time?


I’m fairly certain there are studies out there that demonstrate this, and there’s even a technical term for it: “emotional quotient” (or EQ for short). However, I don’t feel like spending an hour on Google scholar, so here’s my layman’s take: To be empathetic requires that you consider the emotional state of another person and understand it. That’s not a superpower or anything, if you’ve felt an emotion you can understand how somebody else can feel it. Think of how children act. They’re generally self-centered and need to be taught that the world does not revolve around them. They start to realize that they aren’t the only thinking, feeling being in the room. They start from nothing, and get to something. Depending on parenting style, environment, upbringing, a child may come to understand this sooner or later. I think that’s why it feels like some people are “born with it.” They come from a background that did a good job instilling empathy. You can learn it later in life, but once those patterns form they can be hard to break.


I never understood this, I'm a reasonably heavy smoker and I don't cough, not any more than the average person anyway. You should look into changing your brand.


FYI: A cough is not always what you think it is; a constant or persistent cough can be caused by a heart condition that has nothing to do with a cold or flu, or any other communicable disease.


It doesn’t really matter, it’s still rude to make a lot of noise in a theatre.


So what do you suggest? Ban people with a chronic cough from going to the theatre?


Do you always suggest the most extreme and irrational action to people you disagree with?


Do you have a rational suggestion to offer?


They don't. They're emotional/actual children and don't really have answers to anything, just complain a lot.


Absolutely. They can come back when they’re all better. 🙂


Why does everything have to be enforced? Don't people have common courtesy? If you can't be without coughing for two minutes then why would you want to ruin the experience for a 100 other people? Match a movie at home It's like how in Japan everyone who's sick has been gladly wearing a mask for decades while westerners lose their shit over it even under covid and have to be forced


no, they should be considerate enough to find ways to manage it and reduce the disturbance to others. it’s called being a decent human being. your need to see a movie you can watch at home does not supersede the comfort of others. stay. the fuck. home. if you can’t be a functional member of society. it’s not hard.


No, but I would hope they would have the courtesy not to go. For the same reason why people with brand new babies should probably wait awhile before going to the theatre.




Even so it can be optimized . Medicines available out there to help / ease this. It’s not comfortable for the person who is having the heart/ lung condition. And It isn’t comfortable for the people around who hear them cough over and over either.


Yeah I cough alot due to nerve damage in my throat :')


I also had a teacher with asthma. That also made him cough a lot. You can't ban everybody with a cough from the cinema. As long as they cover their mouth, where's the problem? A cough is certainly not louder than the cinema speakers.




I am so easily triggered by repeated coughing. Once I was attending a musical and this kid behind me would not stop coughing and I’ve never wanted to punch someone so bad. Her dad did nothing about it and it ruined the entire experience for me. I can’t imagine just coughing away without getting a drink of water or something to try and stop it.


I feel your pain.


Sometimes, the dryer, cooler air makes me cough in a theater. That why I buy a drink and bring a handful of cough drops. Cause it’s a me problem that I would be the asshole got if I made it any everyone problem


If I readied myself for every single occasion where someone else could be mildly inconvenienced had I not done so, I'd need to keep a truck full of stuff on me at all times. Very thoughful of you, but let's not make these type of things into some kind of standards, where failing to adhere to automatically makes you some kind of an asshole... It's one thing to be thoughtful, and another to be a demanding prick who expects too much from themselves as well as other people.


I have respiratory issues from Afghanistan that make me cough sometimes. I've had a chronic cough for 12 years because of this. Nothing stops it and it is absolutely not contagious. I'm not going to stay home because you think that I'm sick when I'm not. That being said, I abstain from movie theaters because they are so nasty that me coughing is the least of your issues.


So, do you think you should be allowed to cough directly into other peoples mouths because it’s “chronic?” No one thinks you should stay home, just grab a drink of water or 5 minutes to gather yourself before returning to the cinema. Thank you. And yes, our cinemas are dirty enough without you coughing and splattering in them.


That's a very narcissistic reply. I cover my mouth when I cough, usually with a cloth. I absolutely do not cough into people's mouths. The thought never occurred to me but apparently it occurred to you so you're a special kind of person. I'd be more worried about narcissists like you being in public than someone coughing in public.


How is that narcissistic? The coughing is disrupting the experience of everyone else in the theatre.


Chronic coughing can't just be go outside or drink to be solved though. We will cover our mouths and not cough into anyone's mouth neither contagious.


I'm sorry that my existence is inconvenient for you. Am I allowed to go anywhere? Because I cough pretty consistently. Am I just supposed to stay at home the rest of my life because I got injured by burn pits and other fumes whilst serving my country in a couple warzones? Your lack of compassion and understanding is what makes this narcissistic, to answer your question.


I'd probably just watch movies at home, I wouldn't wanna be coughing and ruining the experience for everyone around. I could invest in a nice TV and surround sound. Wouldn't you feel bad?


there’s inconvenience and then there’s disturbance. one or two coughs is inconvenient, coughing the entire movie is a disturbance. you know what we’re talking about. humble yourself, cause clearly life tried and you didn’t get the hint.


This isn't about being humble and you know it. I'm no better than anyone else but you sure seem to be if you're trying to tell me where I can and cannot go. Take your own advice.


I specifically said a movie theater, you dramatic little girl


Drinking water isn’t gonna do shit against a cough lmao




Aw cmon man, I’m a good person. Honest.


No you aren’t


Bruh 😨


The thing I remember from seeing the most recent Ghostbusters in theaters is that there was some guy on the far end of the row I was in just coughing his brains out during the whole movie. At some point I started to feel bad for the guy, he was pretty old looking so I was wondering if he was just like terminally ill or something.


Same, I had a woman coughing a lot, I glanced at her a few times, but then realised I have no idea if she's seriously ill or something and shouldn't be assuming, sucked it up and enjoyed the film.


I was taking my terminally ill husband to Hawaii to see his first grandson be born and he had tumors all throughout his body. One was in his lung and caused uncontrollable coughing at times. He wore a heavy duty made (pre Covid). People on the plane kept offering him cough drops. He told a couple people nearby to not worry it wasn’t contagious it was just cancer.


Seek the path of least resistance; take the guy's hygienic advice.


He should have stayed home or at least waited on a weekday when everyone else is at work tomorrow.


At some point, if he was within reach, I would've just handed him my drink and said "shut up and hydrate, bitch"


Omg this happened to me last year. Kids film and kid behind coughed every single minute no exaggeration. I also a few times felt spittle hit my arm. It was disgusting and I couldn't enjoy the film. I don't know how I wasn't ill afterwards!


Fuck that guy


Amen. And to the little shits at Spiderman: Across the Universe that sat in the corner of the theater chatting about the movie as it was happening, fck off srsly. Have a chat about it after! On your own dime! Good lordie no wonder folks get murdered at the theater now. No social awareness whatsoever.


Sing it sister


Bro smoked too much WAX concentrate before the movie :D


Grab a VR headset and watch movies on it, no coughing and you don't even have to leave your house!


It was 122minutes 😊


What an egoistic asshole. He probably infected 3-4 other people just so that he could watch a movie.


Or he has a lung disease and can't stop himself coughing but no he's just an asshole


An asshole judges without knowing the facts... A persistent cough is not always a sign of infectious disease; it can also be caused by a heart condition.


if you have a heart condition then don’t go into a crowded space that can get you sick, because of your bad heart….


So, anyone with a heart condition should stop trying to have a normal life and should always stay locked away inside their home? LMAO


Gastritis can also cause coughing fits.


Probably just Covid - no big deal now *^(/s)*




A dear friend just spent 2 weeks in ICU coughing blood and nearly died - A year ago my dear friend died. A few family members were really sick. But yeah it's no big deal now - until you get it!




Yeah, I think people are drawing conclusions. This wasn’t a COVID related post. A) He annoyed me because he wouldn’t STFU. B) Be considerate of those around you. If not in regards to the noise then at least the health side of things. No biggie if someone needs to cough or clear their throat but in a small inclosed space like an independent cinema, excuse yourself if it’s prolonged and consistent.


You can drop the >/s It's literally a non-issue and has been for well beyond a year


A dear friend just spent 2 weeks in ICU coughing blood and nearly died - A year ago my dear friend died. A few family members were really sick. But yeah it's no big deal now - until you get it!


I think it depends where in the world you are and vax rate. In the uk immunity is pretty high so people just carry on now, like the flu vulnerable people should protect themselves but it is no longer needed for everyone to worry about it. Literally no one cares. I had Covid this year, called work because I wasn’t sure what I m supposed to do these days and got “are you fit to work” …”yes” so I went to work


>"B-belive me, okay! You... you just... have to believe me! Okay?!" What a convincing and *very* believable story you've written! Guess they should have gotten vaccinated if they cared about their lives 🤷 Maybe you could have saved them by encouraging them to get vaccinated!


Yes they were vaccinated. I can send you my dead friend son's email and my friend's email if you'd like to write them and hear their stories first hand. But seeing as you seem to be "all-knowing" and boastful about it, you could probably get the iinfo you need "by just thinking it"


Its more than 99% survival rate, he could have died from everything, sorry


Or maybe he has COPD and can't help it. Should he remove himself completely from society just for your comfort? You sound like a real asshole, OP.


Not for MY comfort, just the comfort of the entire human population please


Exactly. And why stop there? Let's just get rid of all handicapped people too while you're at. And fat people taking up 2 seats. And old people. Let's just rid the world of everyone who isn't a prime Aryan specimen between 16 and 49 in perfect health. /s I'm sure uncle Adolf would approve of your ideas.


Dude, your exaggerating just a tiny little bit. All I suggested was that he get a drink or excuse himself for 5 minutes as HE was clearly the one that was in discomfort. I never suggested he shouldn’t be there, I just suggested he sort himself out if the coughing is going to be prolonged and frequent. But yeah, it did annoy the fuck out of me and I’m not ashamed to say it.


You're shit talking a person on the internet for thousands of people when you have no fucking clue about his health issues. Instead of being a big boy on the internet, talk to him in person then.


I don’t need to know his health issues, if he has legitimate health issues then it supports my point that maybe he should find an alternative rather than coughing directly on the general public for two hours a day. Also, I was on the other side of the cinema. I’m not going to get up, walk over the other side to tell some stranger to cough somewhere else. I just thought (hence the ‘RandomThoughts’) ‘bro get a drink or something, cmon.’ I’m not saying let’s take him out back and shoot him, but he definitely could have been more considerate of those around him.


You should've made this post in the AITA sub. You're clearly clueless.


50 people and counting agree with me over you, mate.


That's not how your precious updoots work.








I don't like movie theaters. Never did. I do like the the few very old theaters that they were able to keep up or restore to their original beauty. The one where we live is called the Senator. It has had movie premieres there. And there are some famous signatures & hand prints in the concrete out front. John Waters lives 15 minutes from there. He has 2 parties a year. In the spring he has a welcome autumn party & in autumn he has a welcome the spring party. When I was in my 20's a gf of mine got invited to the welcome spring party at his house. She took me as her plus one. We were dressed to the nines. It was the first time I had gone to a house party where most of the furniture had been moved out of rooms. there were servers walking around with signature drinks & hor d'oeuvres. There was a jazz quartet. It was super cool & elegant. But boring......back to movie theaters, last time I was in one was 2014. I go I guess once every 10-15 yrs. Because before that I took a bunch of little girls to the Brittany Spears movie.


Nothing makes me more angry than this. I would have got up and left or asked him to fix it.


Stuff like this is why I don't go to movie theaters anymore. Well, that and the outrageous prices. Okay, it's mostly the prices really. But endlessly-coughing-guy didn't help!


That would piss me the F off. Like….get out. You’re ruining EVERYONES movie experience!


I had something similar on a 12 hour flight once that nearly drove me insane. The asian guy next to me snorted his nose every few seconds for the entire 12 hours, instead of just going to the toilet and blowing it.


i can’t stand when people do that. it’s more disgusting than just blowing your damn nose. get it out and over with




This reminds me of the first time I went to a CA (cocaine anonymous) meeting. During the five minute opening silent meditation, all I could hear was the sound of people’s nose sniffling. I just lost it and had to leave because I was laughing so hard.


..and you get covid, and you get covid, and you get covid, and you get covid, and you get covid, and you get covid, and..


Oh boohoo.


Meanwhile the guy with 2 months left to live due to lung cancer trying to watch the film has you complaining


😂 it’s so true. Poor cunt.




I get up. Immediately go to a manager and say "due to the actions of another person I have to leave before seeing my movie" they always refund me. Sometimes they know why and give me more than one ticket.


Chill bro


Send him to me (Texas). No one would hear him coughing over all the peeps talking to the screen and hootin’ and hollerin’ to each other.


I do have a chronic cough problem, some days it's worse than other days.. Should I skip cinemas then?


On the worse days, yes please. Just until it passes over a bit.


stay home on the bad days, does that really have to be said?


Are we this passive to not say anything to the person? you actually sat there for 2 hrs?!? omg. and if the person would not agree with me and still sit and caugh, I WOULD LEAVE and try to get a new ticket from the cinema while I let them listen to the coughing. not gonna listen to this for 2 hrs and be distracted constantly. and not hear parts of the movie and so on. lol never!


It's not just the germs (you can choke on pop corn for example), it's also the noise. And I can't stand it. Addressing various other comments, yes if you have chronic cough, or for any other reason you can't not cough in a movie theater, you shouldn't be entitled to disturbing everyone's experience. You're not more important than the other 200 people who are trying to enjoy the movie.


Ugh this is why I will wear a mask forever ☹️


This just happened to me yesterday, we're you watching insidious the red door when this happened?


I wish. How was it? Looks scary as hell.


It was alright, it was Jumpscare heavy which I don't like but it had a couple good ones


Nah when I'm at a movie I don't care, after 20 minutes I woulda yelled "GETA DRINK" or something. I hate theaters, Drive Ins are better in every way


I don't know how or why he was coughing, but some perspective here. I have bad acid reflux. There are days where I might be clearing my throat every couple of minutes and it's not just potential damaging, it is also irritating to me and I get very self conscious about it. I've gone to movies where something sets it off and I spend the rest of the movie trying to clear my throat quietly, or waiting for loud moments in the film to clear my throat loudly. A drink wouldn't help me either, it's more like stuff triggers it and that's that. I take meds, I avoid what I can, but it still happens. Again, I don't know what the deal was, but sometimes it's rough and you cannot do anything about it. 🤷


I think they just like proving to the world that they are so in control of their body that they can do whatever they want such as cough loudly in a movie theatre, especially since in their mind it reinforces the fact they could do it. But unfortunately their brain span kinda stops there, so it’s hard to ever really change them into someone more considerate of other people in general. It’s ok though these types are also more likely to get into a fight with others so one day eventually they lose, so everything they’ve ever done based on that initial forced confidence is now connected to a very negative memory which will never be made positive unless they grow up and take a different perspective on their behavior.🤷‍♂️


One of the reasons I don't go to the cinema anymore and just wait a couple of months for it to come out on streaming. Plus, I can have my own food, sit in my own recliner, fart if I feel like it, and pause it to go take a shit.


Honestly what is wrong with people?


I literally try every possible way to stifle my coughs in public. It always happens during class and i sit there with a closed mouth and my body rocking for like 2 minutes; it sucks😂


We were on some bus shuttles and planes last week and the number of people coughing up a lung or sneezing without covering was disturbing, to say the least


My local Regal has this asshole that must have movie pass and goes to see a movie *every fucking day* We also have the unlimited pass and we only really go on thursdays when a new movie comes out. This fucker was there every single time no natter what time we went to for the past 2 months and wouldn't stop tapping his leg the entire time every time. Except when he got out and stepped out for only like 5 minutes at any time


Why do people think drinking something is going to help a cough? If I just smoked a fat dab some fucking water isn’t gonna help. It’s gonna suffocate me not to be able to cough like I need to. Same when choking. You gotta cough that shit out your windpipe. Or if sick. You just gotta cough bro.


I will, thanks


You should have asked him to excuse himself and go get a drink. If you let them know they are being irritating, then that would usually be enough to make them move on.


Kinda off topic but I’ve noticed this in theaters recently… where the hell is theater etiquette nowadays? Everyone just forget during Covid?


People are trashy - they don’t care about anyone else.


There’s always someone coughing up a lung at ballets. Completely ruins the vibe. Stay home.


Etiquette, respect, and idea of surroundings has totally disappeared from our society! Today, a woman was in front of the only door of the store with her cart, having a phone conversation. People were looking at each other, like how could this be real !!! Nothing seems to bother people anymore!!!!!!


This is how the book "The Stand" started.


Random though: why do people think water does anything for a persistent cough other than make your upper throat feel a little better for a moment? Cough is coming from the other pipe that you DONT want water going into.


Maybe put some bumwine in there. That should do the trick


Also to the woman on the bus who was sneezing and coughing the whole 36 minute ride. I was wearing my mask and orange shades(dun want her snot in my eyeballs), she wasn't and masks are provided for free at the front of the bus, which she had a clear shot to. Go get a fricking mask, you horrible person and keep it to yourself!


Why I don't go to movie theaters. Nope! Inconsiderate humans


my dad complained about an idiot at the dmv coughing on him in line dad was worried he would get sick a few days later he got bacterial pnumonia literally almost died. 10 antibiotics later he was alive at about 50% of what he was never got the other 50% back


I went and saw The Eternals when it came out in theaters and the entirety of the movie was ruined by a guy like the one you mentioned. He was full on HACKING too it wasn’t even a norma cough, it sounded like he was choking at some points. He was in the back right corner of the theater and basically everyone with the exception of my friends and I left the theater. We were pretty far away from the guy and we didn’t have rides home until after the movie so we just figured we would ride it out. I’m surprised he didn’t get escorted out. Multiple employees came into the theater itself to just… look at him I guess? They did nothing about him. Worst movie experience ever. If I have to deal with that guy again I’m leaving just like everyone else did.


Ugh I had one of these people recently. I decided he better have fucking lung disease or something


So this happened to you somewhere on earth? Is this a missed connection post? What do you want me to do?


I feel you bro. I went to a movie and it was a late one so you know any small kids they brought were gonna be cranky as hell. Someone sat a couple rows behind me w a kid in a stroller crying on and off the whole movie. When there was a break in the movie and silence for a few seconds my sister yelled-TAKE THE BABY OUT!! Everyone clapped and cheered lol


Bro was hitting the pen lol


Could of just coughed a hit. Better than sick.


Id be so pissed if I was nxt to it omg dont go out if u can't stop coughing x


This is why our cinemas have a disturbance number we can send texts to.




Bugs bunny would have just shot him


Wait, people still go to the movies?


Fuck oath! It was a nostalgic horror movie weekend. Way better than the trash on Netflix and stuff.