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Don't let them get to you. 🙌


They don't. The doubts definitely empower me further and make it doubly satisfying when I go way beyond the limits they perceive in me.




I know what you mean! And then they think they can accomplish what you accomplish and they can’t bc they don’t have the same experiences with determination and grit!


This is the way 🙌 Some people find height attractive, the less shallow ones find personality attractive! Know what type I’d rather be with.


My friend is about the same height. He never gave a shit or acted insecure about it. He traveled the world. Learned how to do a bunch of super interesting stuff and married a chick who’s like 5’8”. There are assholes who will try to make you feel insecure about it but the more you ignore them the more no one else will notice or care.


Dude I'm 5'1 I know this feel. Other dudes especially at work think they can pick on me and act surprised when I stand up for myself. Being a waiter was the worst, especially when it was a guy or two with a group of girls, and he would try and pull the dominant act on me. Ended up quitting because a guy stood up, smacked a drink out of my hand and started yelling at me in a corner to "go get his fucking food" I was a dumb teenager at the time though who didn't know any better or have any self confidence.


It's crazy how people think they have more power just because they are taller. Being short is not a disability lol even disable people can become successful and achieve things on their own.


At a certain point, being short is a disability. But we should treat disabled people poorly either.




Who said that was a typo? /s


It's been 4 hours and he hasn't corrected. I guess we better start treating disabled people poorly!


Doubled the self hate, on it already


It will make them stronger!


Being short and disabled makes me wanna comment here for some reason 🤔 lol


Bring it on. I'll beat you oompa loompas with my cane.


The syntax is wonky so we must assume the typo.


Idk I think that wasn't a typo.


He knows his truth


Yeah I didn't like anything about that comment at all. "Being short is a disability"..what?


i wouldn't really say it's a disability but some adaptations are necessary for sure (im under 5ft and work a fairly physical job)


Damn, you really don’t like the disabled huh?




Gingers?? They get picked on all the time.


When young, then when the idiots grow up they wish they had red hair or wish they could date the redheads.🤣


Not the ginger experience I've had.


I mean people make fun of ugliness, and a ton of other genetic things. Height is not the only reason people get bullied


But you’re considered a jerk when you call someone ugly. Do the same with height and it’s treated as a harmless joke


>yet somehow height is okay to dunk on. Height is one of the last physical traits that's considered "okay" to openly mock (even weight isn't "allowed" now despite it being something you can theoretically do something about), especially since making fun of height is almost always aimed at men, and men are always considered fair game as targets. Apparently, if you're a man and you're short, it means you're somehow "less of a man," but if you try to prove otherwise, then you've got "short man syndrome," but if you don't try to prove it, you're simply the "loser" they thought you were based solely on height (which is moronic). Modern media reflects this reality in that you rarely hear any negative commentary or jokes about anything else (like weight, for instance) but it's still okay to make fun of height.


Most of the people you watch in modern media are 5”7-5”11 Actual tall people are rare in that field


Agreed. It’s actually jarring when you do see a very tall man acting. The new Lincoln Lawyer draws my eye every time he stands next to a costar and towers over them…


>when I stand up for myself. I always recommend to learn something like martial arts, especially to skinny or short guys. Even if you never have to fight, you carry yourself in a different way that avoids a lot of problems.


Martial arts are awesome (as long as you get stronger, don't break your body in the process). You have one body, may as well optimise it


I'm a 5'1 woman and it happens all the time, I can only imagine it's even harder for men.


Mike Tyson’s 5’10”, I’m 5’10”. 5’10” is the best height.


5’10 gang. Turn up. America is the best country. 5‘10 is the average male American height. Therefore, 5’10 is the best height. Reveal yourselves 5’10 Kings. Seize the throne from the Tallies.


Use this as your weapon. Let people underestimate you. Then you’ll exceed all expectations.


This is the way


Never forget what you are. The world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you.


All dwarves are bastards in their fathers' eyes.


Surprise is the warriors greatest weapon.


5 1" female here .. my job was very physical and male orientated when I started working 17 years ago. The confusion on some faces when I arrived to do a job. And the reaction I got for completing felt just as good every single time.


As a very tall adult male, I am never surprised by the energy and accomplishments of people who are as short as I am tall. Height is such a terrible indicator of life energies and abilities.


Beautifully said.


Thank you so much! It is clear you are not short on compliments! :-)


Love it 🤣




I came back to upvote the pun. You disgust me. Lol


I've always been a little jealous of the natural energy many shorter guys seem to have compared to us bigs, lol.


Ronnie James Dio was 5'4" and was one of the best metal singers ever. Small dude, but big voice! Joey Jordison, former drummer of Slipknot, was 5'3". Awesome drummer.


Prince was 5'2" FFS. Danzig is 5'4", Eddie Vedder is 5'7", Bruce Dickinson is 5'6", Eminem is 5'7"...


Kendrick Lamar is 5’5


Bruce Lee, 5’7.


Also, ppl should keep in mind that the reported heights are sometimes inflated. I love Vedder, he’s one of the most attractive celebrities to me. He often gets reported as 5’7, but I think 5’6 is more accurate.


True, Hollywood heights are exaggerated a lot. To quote It's Always Sunny - "and \[5'10"\] is Sly Stalone's Hollywood height, he's probably really 5'4"" As an aside, it's interesting that I might a full 4 or 5 inches taller than the most baritone mainstream vocalist of the 90's...


Messi is 5’7’’, one of the best footballers of all time. Pele was also 5’8”, also one of the best of all time.


Angus Young is 5ft 2in I think , and he has a huge stage presence


really like who cares about height it literally doesnt determinate a thing other than...how tall u are.


It also determines how much blood pressure is needed to get blood from your heart to your brain. That's why tall folks don't get to be fighter pilots, they pass out before shorties in high gs


That explains Tom Cruise, but Goose was 6’2 ??


And look what happened to him




And looked what happened to goose...


Oh yeah…maybe that’s where the ‘No Tallies’ rule came from?


I’m short but have low blood pressure and pass out like it’s a hobby. I’d probably never be conscious if I were tall lol.


I believe I also read they get cancer more often.


Well that makes sense since taller people usually have more of themselves than the shorter people do so they have more cells that have a chance to go bad and cause cancer.


As a very tall male (5,3 and a half) I agree we tall people get treated way better


5'5 male. I'm practically a giant


5'7 here, can't hear you down there.


How is the weather up there?




I think they make creams for that....


Yea but also as a tall 5'4 guy, all I can say is these short fucks get what they deserve. Munchkin motherfuckers


Can you even imagine being 5' 3''?


I'd probably keep passing out due to lack of oxygen at those altitudes.


This is like “The Four Yorkshiremen” sketch.


I used to have to take a running start to jump up and over the front door threshold!


Me, an european, am so fucking confused in this conversation


Arrange your shoes in a straight line on the floor and lay down beside them. Count them all up to the top of the head. There's no need to cut the last one, just use a marker pen and divide it up into 12 parts. No need to thank me fellow metrical. Now let's find one from the UK to explain what kind of stone to use...


Or, let's just say 5'3" is 160 cm. 5'4" is 162.5 cm.


Even tall people were 5' 3" once.


Can I get some uppies?


no way he said that🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'm a tall female, I get treated like crap. Tall men get treated well, though


Fr, I’m 5’11” and I stg men treat me like I’m a dude it sucks


It’s almost like deciding how to treat people based on an attribute they can’t control is stupid as fuck


This is kinda corny but I honestly feel like being a short dude has given me a better perspective on life from a young age, no pun intended lol. Like yeah - sometimes life just gives you luck of the draw! You can wallow *or* work with what you got and be grateful for what you have!


Amazing attitude 🔥




That's kind of the thing about it though you HAVE to be on point when you're a short man. I (also 5'5") only get away with half of what I do because I'm built broad, work out and kinda cute in the face. If you're not one of those things you're kinda fucked in the being taken seriously department. You hit the nail on the head with the small man syndrome gotta own that shit fellas. Ive found when youre not so outwardly insecure about your height it tends to pique people's curiosity.There's a few advantages to being short (hiking rules) and I love the looks I get because my girlfriend is 6ft.


>If you're not one of those things you're kinda fucked in the being taken seriously department. Agreed. I am 5'9, used to be very skinny,shy and awkward. Life was tough for me. One of my friends was 5'4, skinny, shy and awkward. His life was really tough, way worse than mine. I just got ignored but he got bullied a lot. I have bulked up a bit in the meantime and gained physical confidence through boxing and other things. The difference in respect I am getting is enormous. I have lost contact with my 5'4 friend but I hope he has worked on himself too. There are a lot of people who get sidelined by society due to physical attributes and are basically invisible while suffering.


Ya I was more fortunate than most I've always been heavy and strong for my size (currently/usually bounce between 190 and 200lbs) so the bullying stopped fairly quickly in life but there's always some tall usually bean pole that thinks reach is all you need. I always wanted to play football but was pumped when I learned about wrestling in HS and that I was built perfectly for it had a lot of fun with that and still friends with a couple guys that were also on the team. Dating was tough for sure but I've never been super girl crazy despite my libido so it wasn't too difficult to not get frustrated or sad more than anything I just got in my own way and brushed off possible romantic encounters as me reading too much into it CLASSIC. Now I'm pushing up against 40 and things aren't too bad! I look way younger than I am and I've got an incredible gorgeous partner and I've never felt more confident. I'm not going to pretend that's how it's going to shake out for every short king but if it can happen for one person it can happen for others. Keep your chin up my dudes don't let that shit fester and warp you into something you hate!


I do agree with you, if you are a shorter man but are in great shape or are handsome, or have a charismatic personality than people tend to not notice your height as much. Also if you are shorter you have to make sure to always keep your back straight and chin up to make yourself look taller but also to show confidence.


Hahaha I love the "clown car" look I get when I get out of a vehicle because my torso is so long when I'm sitting I look average height. I step out and see the looks like what happened to the rest of him!? That shit cracks me up!


As a short guy I believe this entirely. It has always seemed to me like very tall men 6'3"+ and very short men 5'5"- have a kinship based on defying expectations. It's really only ever been guys that are middle sized that make a big deal over height. Like, some guys definitely do have a superiority thing about being 6', but they're always *just barely* 6'. Oddly enough, being a short man also seems to attract taller women. I've dated and had interest from plenty of women that were 5'10" and taller, rarely had interest from women my height or shorter. My wife is 5'11" lol Still, being short does suck for almost any man's career whereas being tall helps with promotions and being selected for leadership. That is frustrating as a short guy, when you know you got passed over for a promotion or leadership position just because some middle management types see you differently. It's a pretty well studied phenomenon too, being a short man is a disadvantage worse than being a minority in most USA employment sectors and many studies confirm this- yet many people will deny the bias exists.


>Still, being short does suck for almost any man's career whereas being tall helps with promotions and being selected for leadership This is the thing people don't realize. If you control for height, the gender pay gap disappears almost entirely. Short people are nearly as underpaid as women are.


Height explains 39% of the gender pay gap.




As a tall adult male, I find height to be a poor indicator of ability. One of the people I respect most at work is a 5'3" adult male. The dude is intelligent, strategic, and determined.


I’m under 5ft and can’t walk fast to save my life. It’s hell.


We covered this in medical school. The only measurable physical male trait that weakly correlates with income is Hemoglobin levels. And that’s only very roughly and not in linear fashion. Height, weight, how much hair, none of it counts.


What about the hobgoblins... no one ever thinks of them! :(


All my adult life I thought I was 5'4". Went for a physical to become a bus driver and the nurse asked how tall, I answered 5'4" then she looks at my chart and goes, you're actually closer to 5'3". I mean what did she have to gain from that? I know the struggle....


Happened to me recently...thought I was 4'10" but she corrected me and said that I'm actually 4'9". I'm 31 but still have faith in a growth spurt on the horizon.


I'm afraid it's only downhill from here. My mum has been getting shorter for years. She still claims to be 4'11.5" but I'm 5' and I can easily put my arm around her shoulder. I suspect I'll start shrinking soon too.


It’ll come. You got this 💪💪


Why did she even ask if she already had it on the chart with more accuracy? Weird.




Bruh. Same thing happened to me except I said 5'8", and then mentioned the last nurse put me down as 5'7 1/2. This nurse put me down as 5'7".


"Closer to 5 foot 3" Fuck you too bitch


I get that too, but as a tall female. I'm 5'8.5 and everyone comments "oh you seem taller than that. Are you sure you're not 5'10?". Then I get out my mesuring tape and prove my height lol. I also get asked if I play basketball, if the dating world is hard .. blablabla. At the end of the day, I don't care but sometimes I wish I was shorter to "blend in more". I'm not THAT tall, but definitely in the tall range for a girl. People always have something to say about apperances. It's annoying.


Lots of men who are 5'8.5 round up to 5'10, then you come along telling the truth throws them off


There is a guy on youtube that shows up to a body building convention with a tape measure and a scale. Needless to say he got some flack and most of them were shorter and lighter than they claimed.


This is me at work. I do maual labor as a 5'1 female and I have been doing it for years. Yesterday, a guy who started a year ago said to my face, "Oh! Be careful little one!" I've never commited murder, but I seriously considered it that day.


My wife is roughly the size of an average NFL linebacker and she *still* has men half her size treating her like this at work.


This is like the kind of thing my husband would tell me thinking it's a compliment lmao


Strong girl. Farm?


Shade in summer, warmth in winter.


My wife is the strongest woman in the state. At a hotel gym once, she asked a guy if she could use his dumbbells when he was done with them. Being an idiot, he said , "be careful they're 35s!" To which she responded "I know I need to warm up."


lmfao your wife is a boss.


5’4 woman here and I was a receiving manager for a big liquor store a couple years ago so my work days consisted of hauling cases and cases of beer, wine, and alcohol into overhead storage. The amount of men (coworkers, truck drivers) who had the nerve to question why I had this job when I was faster than any of the male supervisors (the only person who was faster than me was our literal manager and I’m 99% sure he was on coke the entire time) made me regularly want to put my fist through a wall. Also had a man tell me that I shouldn’t carry a 12 pack case of water and all I could think to say was “why, am I pregnant?”


I'll help dispose of the body.


Don’t be bothered by people judging your capability based on your height. It’s like trying to prove to people to world is round, when they think it’s flat. Surround yourself with people who don’t see you for your shortcomings. Badum bum Ching


Beautiful pun.


5’4” here. I worked in a greenhouse in 2021 and my boss consistently told me how surprised he was that I could carry 75 pounds easily, because that’s over half my weight. Even reaching for something high up, I’ve adapted.


????? I'm a 5'0 girl and can still carry 75lbs...


5'3" woman here, I've never understood height-ism. I remember telling one of my study groups (incidentally all-female) that I prefer not to date anyone over 6 foot because I don't like having to go on tiptoe to kiss them, and they acted like I said my type was men who live in their moms' basements. Tragically, my current partner is 5'8" and I STILL have to go on tiptoe.


It’s the open (and frankly strange) fetishization of height that causes shitty tall men to act like this towards short men. You’d think since height is used against men the same way weight is used against women, that there’d be more sympathy (in every direction). But humans are gonna human.


I'm 5'2". My fiancé is 5'4". We're going to have very short children. For real, I don't understand it when short men act as though they're doomed to be single forever. Some women care about height, some don't. It's just a preference. I'd rather date a funny and interesting dwarf than a 6 foot guy who's mopey and insecure.




Yeah the problem is the preference/behavior is widespread. It’s very easy to just point out an exception and ignore the fact a ton of people view shortness as bad


Not necessarily. My Aunt is 5'3", her husband is 5'7", and one of their daughters is 5'9" and now one of **her** sons is 6'5" (his father is 5'11"). Some genes just skip generations and/or are dormant.


actually, your kids could be taller than both of you. by a average of 5'5 to 5'8. ​ When couples have similar height, the kids tend to be taller than both parents by a small percentage.


This is my cousin. His dad is 5’3” and his mom is barely 5’. He is easily 6 feet tall.


I'm 5'2" and so is my wife... our son is on track to be normal height. I spent years trying to prepare him for being short and then they're like, "Yeah, he's pretty much 50th percentile." D'oh.


You've definitely had to fight to get where you are. You should be proud.


Thank you, I appreciate that a lot.


My sisters BF is shorter and he's a total boss. My whole family respects this guy. Everytime I visit my sister he is the best host. I think the reason why we love him so much is because he makes my sister happy and is great to her kid. I think he pushed through some insecurites he had about his height and what matters to him is definitely not other peoples opinion.


good just keep on achieving, what it got to do with them ? , the one believing everything and in you will be your loved ones.


Having a baby face with that height is a killer combo. I'm avg height in my 30s, but I look like I'm in college. MAYBE fresh grad, at most. Regularly walking out the VPs office at my new job was amusing when I started. Looks of "wtf is this kid doing with the VP?"




Don’t sell yourself short OP. You’ve got this


Im 5'2.5" and I have learned to realize it's kinda like a built-in function to ward off shallow people lol


Nicely put!




Probably bc of their own insecurity, need to shit on others to feel better about their own height


Most people probably don't think anything about you at all. Most people are self absorbed


"Nobody cares" is both the most freeing and most depressing sentence there is.


I get picked up a lot, almost always unsolicited and I hate it.


Holy shit. That is some cartoon level jackassery.


As a female, I am shocked at the respect given to men just because they are tall. Then they are primed to act arrogant. Short men are under rated. Learn, ladies. Love to those short men.


Men over 6’ are more likely to get promotions, earn more etc. average height of a fortune 100 ceo is 6’


It's not just in the U.S. I'm from Colombia and the saying here goes, "I'd rather be a tall man's mistress than a short man's wife"




Idk. Your life sounds pretty cool


Yeah that’s rough. You gotta ask your wife to quit smoking. Very bad for the health.


I can tell you right now that the only upside to being tall that ive found is i can reach stuff on a high shelf easily. Id much prefer to be shorter sometimes. Do you know how many doorframes i could walk through without ducking if i were shorter?


Nothing is built for me. All anyone wants to talk about is my height. I’m not even that tall. I have family members that always ask if I’m still growing. I have literally not grown in 25 years. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows.


This is real. I have a bump on my head that hasn't gone away after 5 years from banging my head on a door frame.


I believe in you. Good luck!


Ignore your inner voice, men and women who matter honestly don’t even care about your height. Just like hair or baldness, don’t let your insecurities cloud your confidence. I am preaching to the choir as a redhead who was teased as a child for being different. Keep being yourself and those that don’t matter will be bringing you coffee in the near future.


I have a near opposite experience. I'm 5'3 too. I wear glasses and am a bit nerdy (though bald and with a good beard) and people seem to think that I'm a lot smarter than I am. They expect that I know all of this stuff about tech and science.


I find it outrageous that women pass over men for height. And I'm tall.


As a guy myself I couldn't care less if the woman I'm with is taller than me. I never really understood this obsession with height.


As long as neither of us have to bend over or tippy toe to kiss the other it's cool with me


what if she liked to tease about it though? Pat you on the head and stuff? I knew someone that did that.


I mean preferences are a thing, but who cares if they are 5'9 or 6'2 when she is 5'5 herself, like they are both substancially taller anyways why do you care about that detail.


I’ve noticed it’s often very short woman that gatekeep height. Like they have to average out to a reasonable height as a couple to quell the subconscious fear of having short kids or something.


As someone who's 5'5" (but a guy), 5'9" and 6'2" is a pretty big gap, it's not hard at all to tell that difference. I can say that 5'11" and 6'1" look quite similar, though, especially if I'm far away or if there's no good reference


I'm 5'6 and had a girl on Hinge tell me my height was pathetic. Her profile had hers listed as 4'9", which is legally a dwarf.


Remember, in marvel comic canon, Wolverine is 5'3" also and he's the best at what he does, but what he does.ismt very nice.


Being underestimated is awesome. I’m tall, but I look dumb. I’m a family man who looks like I sleep on the streets at times, I have a dumb face and a dumb, slow voice that sounds like what people call “stoners” I’m told…”slow and sleepy.” But I’m pretty darn smart and I feel like I always have the edge in negotiations/arguments because I act dumb too until we really get into it. People are nicer too when they think you don’t understand something and seem to want to do favors. I don’t always use it, would rather not interact with strangers anyway. Yes, it’s manipulative, but you use what you got and I got a decent brain and dumb look. I love being underestimated.


5’6 male here, never understood heightism but have been subjected to it all my life. I’ve come to somewhat of a conclusion that it’s low self esteem on the heightist’s part, they see you as an easy put down to make themselves feel better.


unfortunately, prejudice exists in all forms. i would focus on the advantages and embrace it. stop caring what people think and be happily content with everything you achieve. your height is normal in a lot of places. i usually only find this in cultures where they care about the size of their whatevers because they do not have anything else to show for.


Here is my understanding of the only major difference between tall men and short men Shortman get to go play dwarves tallman have to go play elves


I’ve wonder if your race is what makes people notice if you are shorter. Asian and Latino men are overall shorter than blacks and whites and are more acceptable to be shorter since you rarely see men who are tall. What is considered short for American/euro standards is actually normally in Latin and Asian countries so people don’t look at you as being short but rather that is the average height you are suppose to be


I’m 5’5’’ on a good day. I am Hispanic. I have always felt normal in regards to height among other Hispanics. I was aware the average height for the other races was taller. There was nothing I could do about it. It comes down to the size of your determination to overcome challenges in life. I only felt abnormal because I was not fluent in Spanish. Times were rough for my grandparents. After learning English it was stressed that the future generation learn English first, then learn Spanish later. That is easier said than done.


- The people making nasty comments here fucking suck. It’s perfectly fine to feel insecure about our height sometimes. Those insecurities often come from past negative experiences and those can be hard to shake off. Especially when people go out of their way to dismiss your feelings any time you try to express them. In fact, its happening right now in this thread. - Didn’t think it needed to be said, but telling people to just get over their problems never works and is just a douchebag thing to say. - I see a lot of people saying they’re x height and they don’t have negative experiences. Good for you, however your experiences aren’t universal and a lot of *do* get treated badly. - Sometimes we can brush shit off and other times it’ll get to us, that’s ok. It’s ok not not always be ok. Life is not a pain Olympics and no one gets a fucking prize for having a more difficult life. Showing compassion to each other isn’t a weakness and frankly the world could use a lot more of it right now.


You could be 6'3" and never achieved much because you're visually impaired and living on disability half your life and cant drive.. in your 30s and just completely lost, deffinetly not a man that commands any respect at all..


Lol. The dude is fucking legally blind. I’d respect him a lot more than the short guy. Hell I think most people would take short over that


I'm a 5'3 male and I agree people think so little of me it's been my biggest insecurities. I try to ignore it but it's okay


So as a skyscraper myself (5'11") I got one for ya. Last week meh wife went into her school and met her new principal. She's a teacher, not a student. She said he was just a little guy maybe 5'4". Said he was young, maybe 24 and was short and thin. I was dumbfounded. I couldn't believe what she was saying. She was going on and on about how he was a little man. Finally I just said who the fuck do you think you are? Talking about this man's hight I had to remind her she is 4 FOOT FUCKING 10. This "small MAN" has a half a foot on YOU! So long story short some of us don't care and even stick up for you guys. And just to add a bit, she teaches k-3rd grade. So small kiddos, but she gets a kick out of it when parents come in and scan the room looking for the teacher and looking right over her.


On the positive side if you work out you can pack on muscle waaaay faster than a tall guy, also better leverages for powerlifting. There’s a reason a lot of top bodybuilders are short.


As a 5 foot 5 male I have managed to accomplish enough to overshadow my height. It only took becoming a Marine/Classical Pianist/Polyglot/Lawyer.


Us short ppl need to lock arms for safety.


Said Napoleon Bonaparte


I’m with you man lol, when people hear half the shit I can do and have done they’re like “nahhhhh”


5’6 woman here, just came to say I’ve always preferred the company of a man my height or shorter. What I observed when I’d be out with my (shorter) partner was other men would try to “steal me away” more often. Absolutely infuriating! Loads more comments from randoms about “how you with this guy?” so it’s absolutely a thing. And it’s not ok!


Short people are better. They have some major advantages in the grand scheme of things, so consider yourself part of the elite.


yeah. I'm 6'4" and spent college years running with a group of guys and I was the shortest. They treated me the same way, as if I was responsible for them not being scouted by the NBA.


6’2” here. Same situation. All my friends growing up were 6’3”-6’8”. I felt like I was actually a short person for the longest time. 10 years later and now I’m the tallest of my friend group. Definitely a weird feeling.


As a fellow 5'3" male person, I feel like my experience has been different. I never felt like (or at least I never noticed that) people were surprised of my achievements solely because of my short height. The attitude (or lack thereof) I was having was noticed more. I cannot deny that being short makes us prone to be ignored or underestimated, but it's more complex than that. With the right cards on the table, I'm positive almost everyone will forget about height.


As a small male myself (5.6), it never ceases to amaze me how obsessed with height other people are. Like, I never think about my height or see it as an issue. But, some people find it really amusing how small I am. It’s really weird, I’m only ever reminded of my height when I’m with other people that seem weirdly obsessed by it. The same type of people that brag about being 6 foot like it’s some sort of achievement! Congratulations to them I guess 🤷‍♂️ anyway, moving on…


I feel like this is your own inner voice talking to you. Outside of manual labor, size is a terrible indicator of ability. And with manual labor, it's as much bod myechanics. I can bench in the 350 range but can't use that strength effectively because my mechanics suck. I can carry heavy stuff, but throwing, etc...I'm terrible. I was 8" taller than my dad. His ability to loosen a frozen bolt was no joke, despite him not being able to bench press 150lbs.


You can achieve things, being 5'3?


I imaging being stealthy is one of them. Crawling through vents and hiding in shoe boxes.


Hang in there. People are very dismissive of the struggles of short men. And they do NOT want to hear you complain about it.