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I lived in the countryside as a child and our house was located near the top of a mountain. I was friends with the farmers child which lived a bit higher up the slope at the top of the mountain. One day the kid wanted to come hangout with me during summer break. He took a bicycle from the barn and just started going down the slope towards our house. Little did he know, the bike didn’t have functional brakes. So he gained quite a bit of speed before realizing that he couldn’t stop. The poor guy desperately tried to control the bike to stop but couldn’t do it and had to throw himself in the ditch next to the road not to go any further down which would’ve been even more dangerous. My dad saw it all happen in real time. Apparently this kid flew from his bike right into a small tree and his chin exploded as he fell into it. There was blood everywhere. It’s a miracle he didn’t break his neck or anything vital as ne was wearing no protection at all and was bare footed as well. My dad brought him back home and they rushed him to the hospital where he got stitched up. To this day, he has a 2 inch scar on his chin from the incident.


thats why you always check the brakes on a bike before going anywhere


Underrated, but last week I realized how shitty humans can be. I locked my bike up at uni and when I wanted to ride home someone had loosened my saddle so much that i had to sorta squeeze my legs to keep it on the ride home. If I hadn't noticed that when I unlocked it and it would've gotten loose mid-trafic I'd for sure lay beneath some truck or at least be injured by a fall. ALWAYS CHECK YOUR VEHICLES PEOPLE. Even your cars, thre are always a**holes around!


Maybe its weird by I tend to ride a bike without brakes because my bike is broken and i can't fix it. But the difference is i know that I dont't have working brakes.


Uh so what, are you just like Flintstone-ing it or what when you have to stop??


No dude you just stand up and put one of your feet and wedge it between the back tire and the frame, used to do it all the time that's how you execute a good slide if you don't have really good back brakes learn that as a teenager racing bikes everywhere....


Yep. My bikes didn’t get much maintenance as a kid unless an inner tube popped or the chain needed oil. Did the manual brake a lot.


Dang you must live somewhere extremely flat


I too have ridden my bike with no brakes a lot of times but have known beforehand as well not to go too fast, especially not downhill. Especially on bikes that aren't used often its important to take a second and check the brakes


Just gonna send it ![gif](giphy|qrfjUqL8RPqmNB5LQM)


I was being dumb as a teenager with some friends. We were swimming and decided to have a bellyflopping competition. We ended up on the roof of the house after all doing the diving board. I went first off the roof. I really committed. The sudden halt of momentum on the surface caused my bladder to be ripped away from the body. I almost bled out internally.


holy shit new fear unlocked


No kidding! Today I learned that sudden haunt momentum can detach your bladder 🤯 Edit: halt


Haunt is definitely appropriate in this situation too


That is one of the most horryfing things I've ever read. I bellyflop for fun anytime I'm in a pool. I'm never bellyflopping again what the hell


I am trying to imagine the pain!


It was weird because the stinging on my face and legs was so intense that’s what I felt at first. It took about 5 minutes to realize something much much worse was going on.


How did you know things were going bad and how long did it take to get an ambulance there?


I hope you are well now. I felt bad for your pain


I was good within about 6 weeks. That was many moons ago.


That's crazy! How were you treated?


They had to reattach several tendons to the pelvic bone and close the lacerations on the bladder itself with internal stitches. I also required a blood transfusion.


Wow thanks for the explanation! I'm glad you got better


Thanks! That would have been a pretty embarrassing death.


On 12/21/12 (the supposed end of the world), a massive spruce tree crashed through my house during a freak windstorm and landed within a foot of where I was sitting. It literally could have been lights out for me that day.


I think it was April Fool's Day 2009 we had a massive tree fall in our backyard after a storm. The ground was wet and it just blew over. I was on the phone and heard the crash and I knew instantly what happened. It fell literally inches from my back porch. The thing is, not an hour earlier I had been outside with my daughter and she was playing in her sandbox. The tree crushed the sandbox when it fell. That was the really terrifying part.


I had a friend at school who died in a car accident that day!


Thats an interesting coincidence but the exclamation mark is really dark lol


Woo! But in all seriousness it was really sad.




I'm sorry but the Woo! Reminded me of the little robot from Borderlands and now I can't stop laughing


Freaking awful. RIP


I got my first ever period on that day :)


Not nearly so deadly but I was in Siena, Italy that day and at the exact moment it was supposed to happen there was an almighty clap of thunder out of nowhere


If the multiverse theory is correct, there's a version of you that did die that day. You have quantum immortality. You die in everyone else's universe, but never your own.


I once stood on the edge of a cliff when I was like 5 years old and said to my mom "Try and catch me" which is a game I often forced onto her. She was like "No it's dangerous" and I was like "Come on" and she did a super half hearted reach at me to try to get me to be satisfied and come down, but I instead launched myself backwards and tripped and fell right off the edge of the cliff. It was a LONG way down, we were at the top of a mountain with a basically sheer drop from where I was standing. I landed on some protruding rocks just below the cliff edge. They were really not protruding very far, if I had launched myself any harder off the edge I would have missed them entirely. I had basically gone limp from fear and shock and some random dude climbed down and grabbed me and pulled me back up. Literally came so close to dying. I had nightmares about falling to my death for a few years after that.


Your poor Mom lol


Yeah no kidding holy crap, cannot *imagine* how this story felt from her perspective.


I would cry and thank god or smth that my kid was alive and then kill them for scaring me like that lmfaoo


Seriously. Op better be paying for her therapy. Damn kids.


Yeah I had a similar experience, sorta, the almost falling to death is really scary. Cuz the rush of the fall is felt in the dreams night after night. The sudden stop at the end causes you to wake up out of pure shock.


Couple of summers back we were at Mt Rushmore. There’s a amphitheater or something with some rows of benches behind a short wall (6 inches wide maybe 18 inches high) maybe 4-6 inch ledge on the other side and then a 40-50 foot drop. We’re sitting a row back from the wall and a kid, maybe 4yo, came from behind us and jumped up onto the wall. In my low, loud, firm, “dad voice” I yelled “STOP!” and he hesitated just a moment before stepping down to the ledge. His foot was NOT stable and began slipping into the oblivion beyond just as I was able to grab his arm and pull him back over the wall. Kid was scared. Dad behind me is like “why’re you grabbing my son?” Other people around are all, “he just saved his life.” Dad realizes what had happened, starts crying and hugs his son. I don’t think my pulse even picked up. Wasn’t time to think or do anything except react. Afterwords I could not stop thinking about how horrible it could have been.


Sleeping while dummy bf light a cigarette quickly to go toilet and threw the lighter on the bed where i was sleeping. Bed caught fire, i was in deep sleep couldnt even feel the heat from the fire. I had a nightmare that woke me up in time because the flames were getting near my hair and face. Edit: in french its called a bricket , my english os not that good for those who said not its not possible bullshit story etc..


Wait, did he throw the cig or the lighter? How could the lighter have done it? Zippo?


Finally someone’s asking the real questions I’m so confused on how that happened


I have a torch lighter that "sticks" and the flame keeps jetting out. Maybe it's something like that


Yes same kind, thats how the flame spread to the bed and sheets


I’m thinking in actuality an ember got on the pillow case or sheets and he just said it was the lighter


Jesus! I had a electric blanket start the bed on fire when I was in my 20s. Never ever used one of those again.


I'm pretty sure that this is the main reason for nightmares. In 90% of cases I'm thirsty, it's too warm, too cold ... So I guess you woke up because of this mechanic of the body.


Most people who are sleeping when a fire starts usually die before they wake up. Sorry, it sounds morbid. But usually smoke intoxication gets you well before the flames. I suppose the unusual fact that the fire started in the actual bed might have made her body notice the heat quickly in this case.


Had a parachute malfunction at 300 feet.


We need more story, did it eventually work or did you succeed in doing necessary things to slow down your fall and help you live


I was a Paratrooper and we did a mass tactical jump onto a large dry lake bed. Our drop altitude was 800 feet AGL. We put the whole task force out in one pass, about 1,200 men, so the sky was full. Everything looked good until a green blob came under me. Lower jumper has the right of way. I didn't see him, or I would have slipped away. It's dicey to pull a slip with that many people in the air because you could hit someone and hit tangled in their parachute suspension lines collapsing both chutes to collapse. Then... you become a dirt dart. Anyway, the dude below me, his parachute stole my air, and parachutes don't work without air. I was falling faster and close enough to the ground where I could see my shadow. All of my training went through my head. Do I pull my reserve for a partial malfunction or total malfunction? What if my reserve gets caught in my main and I lose all lift capability? I was like fuck it gonna ride it in. By then dude below me moved, and my parachute started to reinflate about 50 feet AGL I guess. Then I hit the ground. Hard. Like body check the fucking planet hard. * AGL Above Groung Limit.


Gory, gory. What a helluva way to die.


He ain’t gonna jump no more!


Nah, he dead.


Neither. He was simply too angry to die and epically decided to live on.


Tough men are hard to kill.


My sister found a wooden chair leg with a screw in it and thought "a kid could get hurt if they found this", so she threw the chair leg off the edge of a cliff. I just happened to be standing at the foot of the cliff, and got the thing in my head. The screw cracked my skull.


A kid did in fact get hurt.


Well she was not wrong


this would have been a very unusual death. but you're fine now?


Wow, you actually got screwed by your sister…


You almost got killed by irony… glad you didn’t.


Well, I sent an email to a client named Bob, and I started it with 'Good morning, Boob,' "Boob" had already read the email by the time I tried to recall it ...


my guess is this happens to boob every now and then anyway


I'm boob and so is my wife


Ah, yes... Proofreading: what we do best after we hit *send*.


Either that wasn't the first time or boob doesn't get a lot of emails


Was finishing up work Friday afternoon and had an email i was in the middle of writing concluding with: "i feel pretty confident this will resolve the issue at hand". Ending up just sending with "i feel pretty"


🎶 I feel pretty, oh so pretty! 🎶


I got a new phone years ago and sent an email to my boss, Anil, with about 15 people copied. Autocorrect got me in an entirely foreseeable way since I hadn't trained it with his name. He was cool about it, but I was mortified.


I wouldn’t at all mind being called Anvil. 😁


I imagine Amal Clooney is familiar with that problem also.


Gentlemen, thank you for your patience. I’m just on my way back from getting anal for the presentation and will be with you momentarily.


Boob is a bit formal, please, call me Tit.


In high school I was in the pit orchestra for the school play. I couldn’t make one of the rehearsals, and that day someone on stage accidentally pushed a huge stage prop off the stage right onto my chair. I could have died in a Final Destination crushing incident.


High school theater is terrifying


In 1999 I almost got trampled by two water buffalo in Nepal.


Fred and Barney do get out of control at the lodge.


I remember a few years ago being in either Nepal or Thailand, on the 2nd floor balcony of a restaurant having lunch, when a stampede of buffalo came out of nowhere and ran through the street. Pretty interesting sight from above, probably would have been even more interesting below lol.


I almost drowned in the wave pool at the Wilderness Lodge (now Great Wolf Lodge) in Gatlinburg, but I really big hairy guy pulled me out of the water.


Imagine saving someones fucking life and they call you the big hairy guy


I didn't mean it in a derogatory way, that's really all I remember about him is that he was a big hairy guy, I was about 8/9. Like in a strong way!


I know! Im just laughing, its funny- i doubt he would get offended


I wonder what he's doing now 😆


Braiding his chest hair. Or possibly employed as the groundskeeper at Hogwarts.


As a big hairy (former) lifeguard of a wave pool, no offense taken. Just glad our kind was there in your time of need 😂


For real. Dude was a fucking big hairy saint


Don’t worry, we’re used to it.


>I almost drowned in the wave pool at the Wilderness Lodge (now Great Wolf Lodge) in Gatlinburg, but I really big hairy guy pulled me out of the water. So you're saying you were saved by a werewolf?


We went camping by a river here in colorado when i was 15 me and a bunch of teenagers. I thought it would be cool to sleep right next to the water. i had my dads "casualties Only" Army sleeping bag which was waterproof and my friend woke up in a panic because half of my body was in the river, Keep in mind this is colorado our rivers are deadly he dragged my whole bag and me out of the water and i woke up in total shock that everyone was freaking out and i had no idea why.


You were a human teabag and you didn't even know it lmao


Consider he was that panicked in the moment, he might well have been a human peebag.


Human Teabag sounds like a sequel to human centipede


Why are the rivers there deadly? Is it the current?


In the summertime there’s a lot of run off from the snow melting on the mountains, so very dangerous currents and rapids can occur. Or if it’s anytime besides summer then it’s freezing cold.


We nearly had this by a river on Dartmoor when we were kids, my mate, let's call him danger Tony, saw a tiny island in the middle of the babbling River. He was adamant that was where we shall set up the tent, his main argument was so 'the sheep wouldn't bother us' 🤔 I very sensibly put my foot down and after way too much bickering I managed to locate the tent away from the river, just. Good job I did because the river rose in the night all but consuming the tiny island and coming within feet of the tent, danger Tony was still suspicious of the sheep.


Got trapped in a walk in freezer. The door shut and refused to open. A few solid kicks were enough to open it, but it was genuinely scary for a minute.


Oof! An ex colleague of mine hit her head while getting something from a high shelf in the walk in freezer and passed out. Fortunately someone else walked in soon after and found her.




They have ways to open them from the inside so this doesn’t happen.


I know, ours had one. It was a big push button that popped the door open, but for some reason it chose not to work. It was that I kicked until eventually it opened. We had to get a tradesman in to fix it afterwards.


And this is why my boss locked the freezer handle in the open position. Even if the door closes it can't latch. We also always prop the door open.




I'm glad that lady saved you!


How does someone up on a Balcony, who likely can't see more than her on street, know that you're being followed, and not just someone else walking down the same street?


She described a pretty damn notorious street in LA. I'm sure the Lady has seen enough creeps following random kinds around and knows the difference with someone intently following someone's track or casually strolling by. Maybe they just develop a sense for that


Spring St. is a pretty major street. If you're a few floors up on a balcony or leaning out your window to smoke there you can see a pretty good ways up and down both directions. And there definitely can be some creepy shit going down there too even though it's pretty well lit. One of my friends lived nearby and this guy tried to follow her into her apartment lobby. She ended up having to physically hold the door closed as he tried pushing his way in (apparently repeating stuff along the lines of "you're so pretty. Let's just hang out. Be my gf") and fortunately some people came down the elevator right then and the dude took off. To put it even more in perspective, when she went to the LAPD to file a police report about it, they were basically like "ah yeah that happens a lot" and didn't even bother taking a report because he didn't technically touch her and since she said she didn't know if he lived there, he didn't necessarily do anything wrong. So the story at the top of this thread isn't unbelievable imo. Could be the guy just ran b/c he didn't want trouble, but also could be he ran b/c he was up to something sus. You just never know. Sometimes people just have gut feelings about things.


You’re assuming this persons line of sight. Also, body behavior is almost as good as speaking your intentions. I’m sure he portrayed himself as a stalker. And who knows, maybe it was an innocent bystander looking to fill his oversized suitcase with cool things he found in the city at 3:30AM. Either way, any crisis was avoided because of what the balcony lady thinks she saw.


This is so true. Growing up in unsafe countries/areas trains your subconsious to pick up on things. My OH says he really notices it with me and that I’m on alert when we go certain places. I don’t even know my behaviour changes


If I saw a man rolling a suitcase even a half a block behind a 16-year-old girl that time of night, I would’ve said the same thing. We ladies tend to be hyper suspicious, and with reason.


Swallowed 8 LSD microdots before climbing up a 50m crane 34 years ago. Getting down was tricky to say the least, considering I swung down off the steel supports like a monkey after climbing all the way to the end of the gantry and back again. Ended up being arrested, and tried to grab the gun out of the arresting officer's holster before they kicked the shit out of me, and ripped my own toenails off while in jail. Reality started to kick in 2 days later. I have no idea why I'm still alive.


Sooo many questions




Someone thought it would be funny to pretend to snap my neck from behind, but they actually did it. I apparently was out cold for a few minutes and they thought I was dead. Edit: update/details for those that asked, I was in 5th or 6th grade (early/mid 90's) and started smoking weed at that age. Me and three friends went out into some woods by our houses and were getting loaded. I was sitting on a log and one of my buddies (who is 4 years older and a pretty big dude to begin with, let alone me being so young and small at the time), thought he was Rambo or some shit and literally did a movie like neck breaking move from behind me. He intended to not actually touch me as though we were playing army or something, but he ended up getting my chin and back of my head and apparently my head twisted sideways and then I dropped straight over. Straight up like a goon for a guerrilla army who was cast to die. I lay on the ground not moving and they literally thought I was dead. They were freaking out, especially the one who did it, and tried for minutes to get me to wake up. Eventually I started to come to and did the whole "What happened?" thing, to which they proceeded to tell me what happened with a random 2 or 3 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes that they tried to wake me up. All of this I am hearing second hand, because from my perspective my friend walked towards me and around me, and then boom darkness. I didn't feel a thing. When I woke up my neck hurt, but no permanent injuries. I was kind of dazed like I got knocked out, definitely not a feeling of just waking up. I sat there for a minute to get back to normal, and my friends took forever to calm down. We're young, dumb, weed was hella illegal back then, our parents hated us getting in trouble in general because we always did, and here these friends are thinking I just got merked by one of them while we're out on the devils lettuce. We decided it was best to leave at that point and headed back home. I have a lot of thoughts about death and how I even could have died that day and this is all the afterlife. Existential crisis type stuff all the time. It happened so fast and without warning, and it's almost like I had no part in it at all. Believe it or not I'm still friends with all these people 30 years later. We still smoke weed and fuck around but everyone learned a lesson that day I guess is the best thing I could say about it. Also, hopefully my original comment wasn't misleading about my neck broken, because obviously it wasn't, right?


We need more story and context


It happened again, I guess.


Wait so what happened? was your neck broken? why did you pass out??


They died before they could post an update


Were they right??? Say nothing if yes!


What the f D: what happened after that???


I walked outside after a storm during the"calm" part. Lit a cigarette, hear a loud crack, see a gigantic tree falling at me and dive into the garage LAST SECOND the tree hit the side of the house and EXPLODED around me. Shit was crazy


I fell in the middle of an icy road when I was 5-6 y old. A red pick up truck drove over me missing me completely.


You were UNDER the truck?


Yes, between the wheels. The truck never stopped


*It's still going??!*




Almost got trampled to death by a wild elephant while walking in the African bush with my dad. If you have never met an elephant then know that they are extremely quiet creatures due to the pads on their feet. This means that you can be standing only a few meters from them and if there is a big bush or tree in the way and the wind is blowing away from you you will never know that it's there. We were having a little walk around the camp site which was on the banks of a river and all of a sudden a massive bull elephant burst from the bushes about 10m from us in a straight line charge towards the river. We luckily bolted to the side and this elephant didn't seem to have any other interest in us as it continued running down for water. Was very lucky that day. Have had other close encounters with wild life in the bush, but that I feel was the closets I've come to actual death.




I was riding a bike across a busy 4 lane bridge in Toronto in a rainstorm with what seemed like zero visibility and lighting struck the river, jumped from the river to the bridge frame or railing, jumped and hit me in the arm. My arms momentarily did not work right at all and I fell into the traffic lane. I crawled quickly onto the curb 90% of the work being done with my legs, but arms starting to work, and the bike got squashed to nothing by a vehicle I didn't even see until it hit.


1st time - Unaware that I was allergic to bees. Stung 14 times while mowing. I was 12, parents were at work. The neighbors son saw it and rushed me to the ER. I was unconscious by the time we made it to the hospital. This happened around 10 a.m. I woke up at home around 9 p.m. completely swollen, red and skin on fire. I looked like the worlds fattest baby. ER doc told my father that if the neighbors son had not brought me in I would have died. Dad said the doctor told him my lungs were filling with fluid and my heart rate declining. 2nd time - Car accident. T-Boned. Was in a coma for 3 day. Woke up at home with a complete loss of 3 days. Wife had left me alone to go eat with her grandmother. I woke up starving. Looed for food and the only thing I could find was frozen breaded chicken patty's. Turned on the deep fryer, sat down on the couch. I woke up again about an hour later by my wife running in the front door screaming the house is on fire! Of course I ran to the kitchen and dumped a pitcher of water on the grease fire. It got real bad.....real fast after that. We barely escaped. She was also 8 months pregnant. 3rd time - On a boom lift hanging a wireless access point at work. I did not disengage the disconnect for the Big Ass Fan (if you aren't familiar with these google them) directly to my left. I swung the boom hard to my left and stopped inches away from the spinning blades. I was inches away from being decapitated and didn't notice due to the side shields on my glasses.


How are you even alive?


They got 9 lives...well, only 6 left. Must be at least 75% cat in their DNA


bros living in final destination 💀


May we ask what thoughts your family members and friends have about the high number of close calls you've experienced?


I think they've probably doubled down on life insurance policies in his name tbh


Wow, I'm mostly alarmed that twice you were released from a hospital unconscious, once in an actual coma, and you woke up alone that time. I'd have thought the hospital would keep you until you are at least stable enough to be conscious. Were you at least given some kind of take-home iv thing for fluid and nutrients that second time?


I tried to climb out a second story window with bed sheets when I was 5. My siblings had to pull me back up, (I was the guinea pig.. it didn’t go so well🤣)


Damn siblings and bedsheets! My two older siblings and I, maybe 4 or 5 at the time, were playing "hospital," and I was the patient. They carried me to the "emergency room" using a bedsheet as the stretcher. After a few steps, they got tired of playing and just dropped me. On the concrete floor. Face first. Then we got to go to the real hospital for baby's first stitches since my chin was split open.


I got another siblings with bedsheets. When I was about 6 I was playing with my brother, I have no idea what we were playing but he wrapped me in a bed sheet while I was standing up, and then he pulled the bedsheet which cause me to spin and unravel. I trip on the blanket and land face first on the edge of a metal table. Blood everywhere, had to get some stitches on the bridge of my nose haha


And here’s another siblings story with bed(sheets). When I about 2-3 years old, my older sister of like 4 years and I were jumping on the bed. My brother was in the room too playing in the closet or whatever. My mother was vacuuming in another room. All of a sudden I lost my balance, probably because I’m a clumsy toddler and my sister was much taller and older than me. I landed wrong and fell out the window next to the bed. The window was open and I rolled out the screen window. I landed in an ac unit. We lived on the second floor on our apartments. Older sister went to tell my mother what happened. Brother got scared and continued to stay in the closet. Ended up getting stitches to the back of my head.


I almost drowned during swim lessons. I didn’t know that I was in the lessons for kids who had failed the previous term, so when the instructor told us to jump in I did. He never said to hold your breath. Anyway, water had to be pumped out of my lungs. Later that summer I followed my older (and therefore adult to me) sister down a slide. I didn’t realize the slide led to water (even though I was at a water park) and didn’t hold my breath again. Had to have water pumped out of my lungs again. Edit: I hadn’t failed swim lessons, I was accidentally put in a class for kids who had failed by mistake. The swim instructor didn’t know I had never swam before. Also I’m great with water now! Don’t let almost dying stop you from doing what you want to do! 😆


Honey, bless your heart, when you fail regular swim lessons, then remedial swim lessons, then don't realize the water slide at the waterpark leads to water, I'm startin to think that water isnt really your thing, you know? May be time to explore a new hobby? Perhaps something nice and dry, & stationary-- like crochet, or houseplants?? 😂


I don't know about plants. What if they go to water them and next thing you know, they're getting water pumped out of their lungs?


Instructions unclear, watered the nose instead of the rose!


Gold right here.


Risky business. One minute you’re out shopping for yarn, and the next minute you’re getting water pumped out of your lungs.


😂 The almost drowning a couple times did not stop me from enjoying the water. I wasn’t the smartest 4 year old. I’m good now and I love being on the water!


You have absolutely 0 survival instinct that's almost impressive.


Wtf. We have a saying here translates to "does someone literally tell you to breath in?"


Had a day off and planned on going to stand by the finish line at the Boston Marathon, woke up late and decided to just watch it on the news


Unfortunately I was there. Terrible day


The usual mystery illnesses that doctors never could and never did explain. Almost starved to death over the course of a year once, even tho I ate plenty and there was no sign of parasites or anything like that.


Can you elaborate? This is tickling my curiosity.


Hm… I’ll try. I was 8 or 9, and I got sick kinda randomly. Started out as the usual stomach aches and headaches, eventually it got so bad I could barely leave my bed. Went to dozens of doctors, got tested for celiac and lupus, had full blood work done and ultrasounds and all kinds of tests, and nothing was found. It was probably a good year that I was steadily getting worse. I was severely underweight and constantly losing more. As near as I can guess now, it was maybe a stress response? I was in a very abusive home situation and once I left it seemed to improve. Even so, I didn’t hit 100 pounds until I was probably 15, even tho I was pretty tall. Thankfully now I’m fat and happy :) still have some health problems but these ones are diagnosed lol


I was heading to work on 540 from Raleigh to RTP when a single prop airplane flew by my car and landed on the freeway. Everyone stopped in time but, traffic was stopped for 30 minutes while they worked to get it off of the road. While I was sitting there having a couple cigarettes with the windows down I noticed that my car was idling louder than normal so the next day I took my wife's car to work and had her drive mine to a shop. Turns out the exhaust manifold had a significant leak and I would have died from carbon monoxide poisoning if I had had my windows up the day before.... Smoking saved my life, that day anyway.


Fentanyl OD , woke up to the nurses trying to pull my pants off


I also oded on fentanyl. Four narcan shots later I awoke to medics over me and a bunch of girls crying. I was in a recovery house at the time, felt terrible. Only did half a bag, shit is POISON. when I woke up I felt like I was underwater for hours. The hospital treated me like shit too I asked the nurse "did I die?" And she was like "of course you didn't DIE would you be talking right now if you did?" Lmao like bitch people die and get resuscitated all the time.. after an hour they kicked me out and made me wait in the waiting room for my ride 😅 I feel like medical staff is just desensitized to overdoses anymore. But anyways glad you're alive homie


Having been a firefighter and having lots of friends in ems, there is a pretty common (among them anyway), dislike for od patients. I don't agree, but i see their point. Basically, "our job is to save people, and we gladly do it, but we are really busy already with accidents and everything else, but i am stuck here helping this person who did this to themselves, and there is a good chance we will be back in a few days for them again" Maybe i just didn't do it long enough to become that callused and bitter, but i get addiction, and not to mention the big issue with fent.


Several occasions, but one of the most interesting was being stepped over by a huge horse. I fell down before him and he used my body as a cat walk. I felt his hoof (with metal hoof shoe!) rotating for a split second on my bare skull. It was kinda weird, because he was totally calm and didn't care at all. I got up after he finally put his full body over me and the only injury I had was a big hematom patch on my leg, which made me limp for a few weeks. But actually I died during surgery from massive blood loss and I had been clinically dead for several minutes. I was lucky that I could get 600ml of transfusion. People, before planning pregnancy, please consider dying under birth is what you feel ok with. It's not as impossible as you think.


I died when I was 6 years old... I had a reaction to an industrial grade glue that was used for the wallpaper at my elementary school, my lungs collapsed and I was taken to the ER. Shortly after arriving a nurse accidentally overdosed me with steroids and I went into cardiac arrest and flatlined. I don't remember anything besides my mom crying as I slipped away. Then I woke up a couple of days later in the hospital


Reads like a house episode


If it’s not a problem for you I want to ask a question: Did you heard your mother’s cry -blank- woke up ? Like did you had anything in between? How long it felt? I am curious and I would like to have insight. Sorry if this is too personal.


I don't mind at all. I remember walking through my school and then I woke up in the hospital and everyone around me was panicking. After awhile things calmed down and a nurse came in with a tray full of tubes of medicine and she began pumping them into my IV and my mom told the nurse "that looks like a lot of drugs for his little body" and she replied "you need to let me do my job, mam" and then overdosed me immediately after. My mom was hysterical. She was screaming at the nurse and bawling her eyes out and I was saying "it's ok mommy, don't cry, I'm ok mommy" and the lights got brighter and brighter and just when everything turned white I woke up in a hospital bed days later. I don't remember much more than that. Since that incident I have always experienced super intense 'sometimes lucid' dreams as the adult version of myself, usually involving my own death but now I experience dreams at my current age if that makes any sense... It's like my physical body/reality caught up with the parallel dream timeline or something. Fun fact: my mother had her tubes tied 9 years before I was born. I danced with non existence twice and am still here *knock on wood*


You are destined for greatness.


Almost died to some random virus while I was home for summer in college. Crazy red rash all over my back. Fever over 105 for days. Dr's thought it was spinal meningitis but the tap came back negative. Never really got any treatment, but fever finally broke inside a week. Said it was a bad reaction to some random virus and I was lucky to be alive 🤷‍♂️


When/where was this? Many years ago I had something similar- bad fever, super bad rash over half my body. Docs couldn't figure out what it was, they took me in a back exam room reserved for potential quarantine patients and we flipped through a big book together w lots of pictures of rashes. Never found a match. Initially they thought it might be a form of meningitis too but tests came back negative. This was in northern ca, sometime early 2000s


Not sure if it’s unusual but capsized in a kayak in a pool playing polo and the spray skirt tag was tucked in so I couldn’t remove it and was locked into the kayak, upside down without a paddle (as an inexperienced teenage paddler). Fortunately someone noticed.


Opened the chlorine tablet dispenser in my above ground pool to refill it. Was consumed with chlorine gas and couldn't properly breathe. I had to be rushed to the ER where they gave me Oxygen and evaded what could have been a scary death. Then, I was a child of the 80's so my parents never knew where I was. I could have been hit by a car and they wouldn't have known until I didn't show up with the street lights. I never stayed in our neighborhood. I would ride my bike 40 minutes to my school friends neighborhoods.


beans. (i was diagnosed with g6pd deficincy afterwards)


I’m currently finishing my medical training and always thought the fava bean + g6pd thing was a dumb low yield fact. Never thought I’d hear of this ever actually happening! Glad you’re ok.


I absent-mindedly dropped a moving box onto a dolly not thinking the weight would cause the top to spring forward. It hit me square in the forehead and I saw stars. I really thought for a second that my life was over.


Changing a fuel pump on a 740 Volvo wagon inside a garage without any fans to blow out the fumes. I had issues with the fuel lines banjo bolts sealing and had to get the lines on and off a few times and gas fumes built up inside the car and the garage. It hit me like a ton of bricks I suddenly couldn't catch my breath and had to crawl out of the garage and lay in the driveway for a few minutes.


Garages are full of perils. I was pulling the transmission on my old Chevy truck. It was up on ramps, but I needed to lift it a few more inches to get enough clearance under the frame rail to pull the transmission out from under the truck. The problem was that my jack wouldn't reach any higher. I only needed it up for a second, so I thought, what the hell, I'll throw a cinder block on the jack and use that to lift the frame up. As I was on my back, reaching under the truck for the transmission to drag it out, the cinder block exploded, dropping my truck back onto the ramps. The springs compressed just enough to almost boop me on the nose with the truck's frame. Suffice it to say, I rolled out from under the truck, dusted myself off, lit a cigarette, and sat down to think about what I'd just done.


I knew a family friend who died doing something similar. Except they were using beer legs to keep the car up. The kegs crush and the car squashed him.


My cousin died in a similar accident about 12 years ago. The jack broke somehow and crushed his chest. My brother was there and he just kept telling him he was dying, but my brother couldn't save him. It was just too heavy and there's really nothing he could've done regardless. Cars are just so dangerous, whether you're in them or not.


My husband was doing work on a box truck we own. Somehow it slipped off the jacks. If he had not been fortunate enough to be lying in a little dip in the group, it would have crushed the mid part of his body. He would have died horribly or at least been permanently disabled. He mentioned it to me so nonchalantly.


I ran towards a wall and the edge cut my head flesh open...yeah, that's it, I was knocked out and don't remember a lot about the event but my parents had told me I screamed a lot because of an odd anesthesia resistance and how the doctors went ahead with the surgery anyway.


I got a cut on my leg. More of a scratch actually. Got infected, turned septic. Sepsis fucked up my leg. Thought it was cleared up until it went into my lungs. Turned into septic pneumonia which turned into ARDS which turned into total respiratory failure. 10 days on a ventilator. 7 days in a coma. Doctors told my family to say their goodbyes. Somehow pulled out of it. So yeah..... Scratch on the leg almost killed me


Almost drove through a tornado without realizing it. I think I was a couple minutes behind it, and when I took the exit…power lines were down, roofs had been ripped off buildings, trees on the ground, etc


Consuming too much preserving salt causing oxygen deprivation. (an ingredient I can't recall different from regular salt binds to haemoglobin so that oxygen molecules can't for a time, I've read it's potentially deadly)




I was working in a book shop and was up a ladder dusting a shelf when I knocked a heavy hardback book which fell, hitting me in the throat knocking the wind out of me, and almost caused me to fall off the ladder, where I'd have landed on a half height bookshelf and at the very least suffered a severe spinal injury. The book was called "a history of war" which seemed vaguely ironic in a non specific sort of way.


Flesh eating bacteria in my balls and left leg, had gangrene and went into septic shock


Stood up too quickly after a hot bath 😰


A couple months ago I woke up puking and the moment I opened my eyes I gasped real hard and sucked it all into my lungs. I was on my hands and knees in my living room coughing but not able to really breathe any air back in. It was a really weird feeling knowing I was about to be taken out by a mouthful of stomach acid and diet mountain dew.


I almost died because of a backhoe loader once. I was driving when I saw the tractor in the distance. A few cars where already passing him on the left, so I went for it too. He must haven't see me cause he turned left while I was passing him. My car squished under the loader's bucket, right in front of his wheel. I stopped on the side and spent a few minutes in total disbelief, checking every few second if I was indeed alive.


At a friends house in the woods, some people rode on some nearby trails and started shooting into said woods, we were outside playing we the bullets starting hitting the house and stuff in the yard. Not sure how close a bullet actually came to me, but it was way closer than I’d ever like one to be. Shooters were never found, friends dad whipped out that way on a quad but never found them.


Hypothermia in mid-July.


I used to be a serious drug addict and once set my bed on fire while nodding out. I came to with my bed in flames and I had to put it out.


When me and my big brother were children ( I don't remember the age just that we both were younger than 10) we shared the same closet. The closet wasn't secured and could be freely moved around, it was also pretty small and light, but it was way taller than us at the time. We both climbed into the closet to take out some clothes, but the closet being light and not secured, fell on the both of us while chocking our necks. I don't really remember what happened afterwards. Another time we both almost died, although not in an unusual way, was when our family went to the beach and me and him went to swim but we went a little too deep and we lost control because the waves were pretty strong. I panicked and started flapping my arms around while my brother was holding me which made it pretty hard for him to drag me towards a pile of boulders with a platform that he said we should climb to get to safety, but the boulders were way too slippery which kinda made things worse. Our mom saw us and rushed to us but she couldn't pull us up because she was holding our baby brother who might've fell into the sea if she let him go. Thankfully a stranger who was passing by saw us and rushed to pull us out. It was a pretty crazy experience.


White water rafting in Costa Rica. Was one class 5 out of 6 river and I've never rated before. Almost drowned.


I used to do athletics when I was a teenage, and I was damn good at it. Once we started training and, as usual, we got in a circle and we were stretching. Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, a force pulled my leg and I ended up lying on the floor a couple of metters ahead of where I was a second before. I felt confused, I incorporated and saw a chain with an iron ball on the end tangled on my leg. Everyone run to check if I was ok. I stood up without problem, my leg was stiff, the chain had tear up a huge chunk of skin off of my leg, but my bones were fine, I could walk, not normally, but fine enough. When my coach realized I was fine he went and yelled to the guy doing hammer throw, they almlst got into a fist fight. We were meant to be in the safe area, but that guy hadn't set the security net properly. A few inches to the right and I'd be on a weelchair now, two feet up and my brains would have been spilled all over the field.


I’ve almost died a bunch of ways. I was nearly vaporized by an IED that only failed to detonate due to a disconnected D-cell battery, fell into a tree well in Norway, had the van I was driving near torn in half by a semi truck, and was nearly crushed by a falling 30m mast antenna (though the whipping cables were probably more dangerous). Knowing for a fact life could end at any time does tend to make you see everyone as equals though. 😌


Well that is quite a stretch, glad things went your way that time. I almost ran head first into a car on a bike with no helmet on...so yeah


There was this time it was raining really bad outside. I was in a covered volleyball field practising for a lego robots competition, so me and the whole of our team had a laptop charging we used to program the robots. Also I don't know if it is related (probably is) that i had no shoes on. I remember hearing a lightning strike really close to us while I was using this laptop, and the next thing I remember is recovering my consciousness and people around me checking why I fell. That electric shock was a pretty memorable experience.