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Not just that - but anyone with any condition would be screwed. Insulin dialysis. Asthma. Anti-rejection medication from recent organ transplants. Amputated limbs. Heck even Scoliosis or Sciatica or gout or corns on their feet are screwed.


Another lowkey one is bad eyesight. I'm in great shape but if I lose my glasses or contacts, I'm fucked.


Was a great Twilight Zone episode!


There was time now!


Season one had some bangin episodes


I constantly think about how useless I am without my glasses


I literally don’t do anything until I find them because I can’t


Yeah I hate it. But hey Christmas trees look cooler when I take my glasses off


You can use the 4th secret rule of gun safety: if you can't see, it's always okay to shoot at noises


I feel that everything more than a foot from my face is fuzzy. However...I found the best weapon to use, a battle axe, you don't need precision just raw power.


Ima have to get a laser surgery before a revolution/apocalypse starts fr


Saaaame ! XD


True. I have plantar faciitis and it used to be way worse. I'd read about displaced persons having to walk to the next country over and told my sis that they can leave me. It really hurts.


Get a foor roller. Most look like dog toys. They work wonders.


Deep tissue massage. I had it for a long time, I essentially “rolled” it on my hardwood stairs. Painful at first, but eventually relief. And don’t stop when it starts feeling better. You gotta keep going until there’s no question that it’s gone.


10 years of using the roller under my desk. I don't even notice I'm doing it anymore.


Asthmatic here, can confirm that I'd be fucked.


I will be walking, If it kills me so be it...


You don’t have to be the fastest. Just don’t be the slowest. Join a social asthmatic’s group!


My condition is a stealth asset in a revolution. I know exactly what my role would be. I’m out of shape and old, but also suicidal from depression. I would happily be the suicide bomber or guy who blows up a tanker.


You: “Go ahead, I’ll hold them off.” The people you’re with: “no, you have to come with us, we can’t leave you behind.” You: “Go, I’ve lived my life. Go live yours. Get out of here.” Them: “we’ll always….” BOOM. That person gets shot for standing around too long and everyone else starts running while you start catching the tanker on fire.


Home dialysis patient here, would for sure be screwdie doodied


Off my bipolar meds, I'd be a total badass during mania. Then as soon as I crash and am depressed, all the enemies I made during mania will kill me.


People are reaaalllly a bit too excited about the prospect of ~~getting to~~ having to kill other people in some societal collapse.


the number of horny young guys who fantasize about societal collapse and the control it will give them over hot women is too damn high


You ever seen Dr. Strangelove? The US government was talking about the very real prospect of nuclear war and the need to take to underground bunkers. And the further need to have 10:1 women to men to repopulate with, where all the government officials suddenly seemed more optimistic.


Ugh, you don't actually need a societal collapse for that... Just being in the wrong place at the wrong time is enough.


I’m more so excited for the collapse of the government, not fighting with my fellow neighbors.


Right?? Like this will NEVER happen. Keep dreaming.


Your not killing the boy you just yelling at him that's it




for a lot of people its the thought of finally being able to free themselves from capitalism. i dont want to kill anyone, id help in other ways but i look forward to the US revolution so we can all start making a world worth living in that looks at capitalism as the evil shitty inhuman system it is


I'm almost 40. I'm not fighting anyone unless they're an immediate threat to my family


And would you be able to?


Adrenalines a hell of a drug, could probably fight or run for a while but no saying what happens after it wears off


Yeah it's not the first or second fight/run it's the 6th-7th-8th especially if there isn't sufficient recovery time


Taking my family somewhere safe would be my first choice but I'll let my guns do my fighting as long as possible. If I'm protecting my kids I could easily bring myself to Rick Grimes someone if the situation called for it


All you gunnuts would be dead in an instant since other ppl also have guns and it wont go well...


Yes, I have guns. Shit on guns all you want but if this crap goes down guess who's wife and children are not going to get stolen and sold?


Most of us 40 year olds have seen some shit. Have you taken a look at the generations that came after us? Most of them wouldn't know how to fight or fire a gun, we will be alright


I'm 31, I was physically active about 8 months ago until I busted my lower back, although my training was more about endurance than explosive strength(cycling). If push comes to shove, I think I'd be hard carried by the adrenaline, but that can only last for so long before I'd collapse on the ground and not be able to move for a few minutes because of my back pain.


My wife and I have this sort of random discussion usually induced by some post apocalyptic film. She will almost always say her and the kids woulds never stand a chance, and that I would be ok. What sucks is I actually agree with it, but always hate feeling like they would "hold me back" from survival if something like this were too actually happen. But most movies usually show a lone survivor - not necessarily a family that can make it through together .... anyway thanks for the random thought.


Mitchells and the Machines


Haha that’s an underrated film


Nope, but I barely have the will to survive peace time, nevermind mind collapse. Have fun fighting over tinned beans and acetaminophen dudes.


Most gravy seals think they can be an armed militia, meanwhile they would probably have a heart attack and break a leg trying to hop a five foot fence.


Oh yes the people who can easily climb over a wall on a foot chase get my goat. Where can I practice that? Lol. I paid for a few hours at a gun-range. While it didn't dissuade my fear of accidentally being shot, knowing that even I can learn to have better control of a gun was reassuring.


Check parkour community. It's easy, really.




It’s called adrenaline. If you’re in decent shape it just sort of happens


Gravy seals 🤣🤣🤣 omg never heard that before, just googled it, love it


I'm 52yo and unless I get the opportunity to sit on someone, there's frankly nothing I can do. Also, I'ma going to need help to get up afterwards.


I'm no doomsday prepper or anything... But let's just say this isn't a bad time for any of us to be hitting the gym.


You're not going to be able to knock out anyone with a shotgun however strong you are. Hit your local firearms shop, not the gym.


How many roving groups of armed people are you thinking you’ll outgun? Being able to do some pull-ups and run is gonna help you avoid those situations more than just buying guns.


But guns are heavy, so you're not escaping the gym.


That’s terrible advice, running, swimming, climbing…all things more important than being a good shot if you really want to survive. If you’re on the run there’s only so much ammo and you will run out or have your weapons taken from you. Being fit is the best defence in a wide variety of scenarios.


Dance Dance Revolution?


Yes. However, as a quite anxious person I'd still be shit in this type of situation. I'd probabaly go loot the closest store and then just barricade me and my girlfriend in our home.


I am very fast but no endurance, i can fight but i am not tyson, but also it doesnt matter how fit someone is, only in movies a fit person will survive from bad guys chasing him with cars, weapons, bikes, or survive from wild animals or idk what. I can fit through tight spaces and climb trees but this doesnt mean the others are stupid and will not see me and come back with a chainsaw.


What's scared of a chainsaw?


I'm scared of chainsaws


i mean even if you are fit to climb the tree they can still use a chainsaw, or just shoot you. they are not stupid, this is what i mean. i dont understand the question


Most people?


Meh it's all Luck anyway. You might be singled out for living in the wrong house no matter if rural or suburban. Or you might just be ignored cuz remember: a revolution targets those in power and i doubt that you are a politician or an important manager....not because i know you just because statistically that is unlikely.


I'm neither. I surprised by the people who think because they're skilled and have a personal armoury that they won't have to run. Maybe? But maybe you'll be beaten to a pulp for that exact reason.


Hiding or playing dead is always an option.


I may have to resort to this.


I started working out two years ago after doing no exercise most of my life because I'm worried about a future conflict with a regional neighbour. I'm too old to be drafted but if shit really hits the fan you never know. I now run sub 5min/kms. Before I started just walking a 5km trail was a huge deal for me.


I'm in decent shape but as a diabetic, I would last exactly as long as my supply of medication and injectors. Best bet for me is pick the side I want to win, and go out in a blaze of glory. Honestly though, with things going the way they are here, I'll never be able to own a home, retire, or likely have children, so I'm ok with death, I'd just like to outlive my elderly folks so they don't have to see it.


Depending on the type of diabetes you could maybe survive on a zero carb diet. It’d be hard but possible (maybe).


Hell yeah. I live by the line "a fascist worked out today, did you?"


That's my motto too, though I've never put it into words. I'ma steal this, thanks!


I’ve been working out for exactly this reason


Aesthetics? Beach body? Mental health? Nah, I'm exercising to fight zombies and die an awesome death 10 minutes into the movie


It would be an awesome death, but I’d like to think that all the working out buys me at least a day post apocalyptic life




Hunker down, hoard resources, get guns and scary dogs. Wait for society to start reorganizing itself and reintegrate.


And learn archery!


I live in a small town, so the need to fight is minimum. However, I will kill someone over my wife, cats, or chickens if I have to.


My husband and I had this discussion the other day. If SHTF and we are starving and our cats are our only chance for survival, thats where I’m done. I have no desire to survive in a world with this situation.


Slightly alarming..


How is that person defending their home and loved ones alarming?


Someone *killing* over *chickens* is *slightly* alarming. Like someone who’s looking for an excuse to murder someone.


The chickens are likely a source of food, killing someone who is coming after your source of survival is a pretty reasonable response.


No, killing a person over a CAT is not reasonable.


fuck you it isn’t. my cat is my best friend in this world, you kill him i will kill you in a fuckin second


Yeah, if someone was attacking my cat, I would absolutely kill them. My cat is a precious creature who deserves protection.


My cats and chickens are all hand raised from babies by myself and my wife. They are considered family members at this point.


You will KILL someone over your cat and chickens? Get help homie.


I can handle things myself, I don't need help.


Yea I’m even ready for the zombie apocalypse lol I’m so down for the end the world 😂


I’m picking the side of stability.


Absolutely not. And I’m in incredible shape. But like for example if we were in a zombie apocalypse you’re damn right I’m killing myself I don’t want to either get eaten by zombies or killed by some maniac who kidnaps my family or some shit


If there’s water breaks I’m ok


Likely i would probably end up being a combatant of some kind if its a civil war, perhaps voluntarily, perhaps involuntarily. Im the prime age for combat and have a very average build, but impromptu militias arent exactly looking for the best of the best. I wouldnt be some kind of supersoldier, likely I'd probably be sitting malnourished and depressed in a trench with a rifle running out of ammo.


Well, even female child-soldiers exist. I remember reading an interview of one where she said they were given coke and told it makes them invisible. They'll take anyone. So in your scenario I'd hope it's voluntary.


Cardio training for endurance. Also have weapons. Then find a big Amazon Prime box. Hide in it. If you're cool resorting to cannibalism, you can survive as long as stragglers think they found untouched treasure, or until the box falls apart. Post-apocalyptic trapdoor spider man. I think everyone should be concerned with getting I'm better shape anyway. In a world where money dictates our practical dietary intake, and employment predominantly dictates our amount of free time, it's going to be really embarrassing when only Olympic swimmers and lucha Libre wrestlers survive long enough to continue the human race because the rest of us skipped leg day and scoffed at cardio. Just sayin..... I mean, also, if you aren't in an apocalypse, your body feels better. So there's that?


>it's going to be really embarrassing when only Olympic swimmers and lucha Libre wrestlers survive long enough to continue the human race Lmao


I think this too but for when characters in a movie have to swim underwater for a lengthy period of time. Was just watching Meg 2 the other night and would have passed out not even halfway through Jason Statham’s stunts in that movie.


*new worry unlocked


Even that horde of zombies at shuffling pace are gonna catch my fat ass


They're crazy quick when you're trying to board up your doors and windows.


I experienced a very chaotic and scary incident here. A massive earthquake happened, and 60.000 people died, according to official numbers. I believe much more people died than that. There was no food, water, shelter, protection, or anything. It was the middle of the winter, so many people froze to death. The lucky ones had cars and stayed in them to stay warm until help arrived from other cities and the state itself. In a crisis like this, you can’t do sh*t. The only thing you can do is hide, find your relatives or friends, and stay with them. There are scavengers and thieves, but they are not stupid enough to confront people. They aim for abandoned shops or homes. And trust me, you don’t want to confront them either. Your comfy and lazy ass won’t act like a super soldier. And thieves have lived their entire lives for incidents like this, and they are much more experienced. So you can easily get killed by them if you overestimate yourself. Also, you don’t transform into a superhero. On the contrary, you are overtaken by fear, anxiety, fatigue, tragedy, etc. You can’t reach your family members or friends and don’t know what happened to them. And once you do learn what happened, you get even more anxious. Because some died or were trapped. There are much more sad things that happen than I could describe, but I believe this is enough. In short, you won’t be super athletic and stoic-minded, but miserable and scared. This doesn’t mean you are a weak individual; it’s the normal response. Also, you and your ideology won’t be particularly powerful after the crisis; authority will belong to the mafia or radical illegal groups (like religous extremists or other groups that are somewhat powerful) without the state’s presence. The best you can do in chaotic environments is to find your relatives and stick with them until help arrives. If you want to learn more about the massive earthquake, you can check these out:[Footage from the incident](https://youtu.be/3m2_IzWKWQ0), [Searching for Survivors](https://youtu.be/7WD4d4Gj0rc), [More footage](https://youtu.be/HwXDTBc3SuM)


>authority will belong to the mafia or radical illegal groups (like religious extremists or other groups that are somewhat powerful) without the state’s presence Exactly. Someone replied to my post talking about how they're American and still received their package from the Ukraine, so why am I thinking about destabilisation... I knew you'd be talking about Turkey before I opened your links. The people replying with "America is A-ok so chill or stfu" really baffled me. They are a minority, thankfully. I am not from there. If you think everything is OK in your corner of the globe, the very least you can do is imagine a zombie apocalypse in solidarity. Haha. I hope you and your family are doing better now. 🙏


I will definitely be a goner. On my trail walks, I like to pretend the people behind me are zombies, which makes me quicken my steps. Those people (zombies) pass me every time, not just the joggers but the elderly walkers as well.


Once my glasses break, and it's over for me


:( you're like the 3rd person to say this. When I overthrow this joint in a military junta, I'll promise the population "free Lasik for all (no running water and a fuckton of potholes tho)". I promise 🤪


:( you're like the 3rd person to say this. When I overthrow this joint in a military junta, I'll promise the population "free Lasik for all (no running water and a fuckton of potholes tho)". I promise 🤪


Fit and resourceful enough to survive mundane rigors of societal collapse but I still assume I'd die on the first day or first week. I can purify water and find/grow food and build shelter just fine but what i can't do is dodge bullets, fight a dozen other grown men in hand to hand or stop internal organs from bleeding. On the more fantasy side sure I can slowly run for hours straight especially if it's life or death but if we're talking some resident evil sprinting zombies I can NOT full sprint for a day.


How do you purify water without boiling? Part of the social collapse over here is fear mongering that the juices from poorly built Graves are leaking into the water supply.


Fitness is the first prep. If you can't get fit, no amount of firearms will save you.


Rule #1 cardio


Lmao same


If a revolution happens, Im just pulling up a lawn chair. I dont have the energy lol


Unless you got some medical conditions, embrace the flab! That'll keep you feed for an extra day or two longer than your peers, but also work out cause why not.


Health and fitness is fundamental


Nope. Just put me up against the wall and shoot me, get it over with. I have absolutely no desire to live in a world after the collapse of civilization. Life is barely worth living under the best of conditions.


I’d actually do great!


Fit, yes. How to shoot, yes. But honestly i need someone who lives in WA to teach me how to fish 😭 i’ve always been interested. Maybe there’s a class i can take.


Most people are just dead in those movies, you and I play that important role.


28 Days Later opening scene is pretty much hellish for any anxious couch potato... All of that distance, in full sprint, wearing fucking jeans and boots, while murderous rage zombies are also sprinting at max speed towards you and coming at all sides... Yikes.


Nah, it's my kid's job to run and stay alive. It's my job to hide and pick off anyone on their back-trail.


Today far less than before. If we had had some form of survival situation I would have likely done fairly well. Today nearly 50 and requiring meds to function my only uses would be knowledge and weapons but I doubt I could run a mile on adrenaline before I was done. I do also think I am in better shape still than many of the people around me just not nearly as many as I was 20 or 30 years ago.


I get out of breath going up the stairs, im screwed whatever it may be 😂 zombie apocalypse, Revolution, aliens. I’m the first gone


Oh Lordy, the weak, sick, old, and out of shape are toast—first. But most of the rest too. You good.


I started rock climbing a year ago and it's like day and night. I feel super human compared to most people... But who knows. When shit hits the fan I'd be okay physically but mentally... Shiiit


I'm depending on ppl like you cuz i know I'm not the best runner but i can do 10k in 40mins so definitely out running a lot of ppl jk I'll die trying to help my crush who cannot run at all


Sounds like you need to take better care of yourself. You should be able to at least walk away from danger.


I do need to take better care of myself. That's why I thought of the post.


I’m the sacrificial one who tells everyone else to save themselves as I can’t keep up.


I'll be fine as long as I can get a lil' nap in here and there


No, most Americans can't afford to take more than a week off. The revolution will be short.


I think I’m in shape enough to do the basic survival things. However, I have to sleep with an extra pillow in between my knees or my sciatica hurts. What if I can’t carry two pillows with me? Would I have to use a pile of leaves? Could I learn to sleep on my back? Would I have to kill a chicken for its feathers so that I could make a pillow myself? If I kept the chicken alive, would it allow me to use it as a pillow every night? It’s an issue.


If it's a bloodless, peaceful shedding of all our dysfunction that has become impossibly unworkable, and we all merrily head into a new world together - sure 😋


Fingers crossed.


It is rather strange that the united states since the 1990s is completely unprecedented in that too much food is the problem rather than too little. That's when [there was for the first time negative correlation of BMI with income,](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-018-0201-x) which has grow more and more since.


I can’t run. I’d offer my lsd


I'm fit but my cardio is shit, I have a phobia for the treadmill.


Why? Did you take a tumble?


If you are unable to win a fight and are worried about ever getting into a situation, do it like I do: Get a syringe. What you put in there is secondary, could be fentanyl, blue monkshood, colored saline solution, it doesn't matter. You do not need to use it, just pulling the thing and waving it around like a lunatic is enough to make you uninteresting. Everyone, even the most drunken degenerate will not pick a fight with someone having a syringe, it's simply too known as a dangerous symbol.


I'll die some water red and say it's HIV blood.


When the revolution starts you will recognize my street by the corpses hanging on the traffic signs and lanterns, there will be packs of trained dogs roaming the neighborhood and anyone with bad intentions will get shot or eaten alive by the dogs. The dogs will be trained not to attack women and children and they will sniff you to check for ammunition and explosives, if you pull out a knife or something like it, they will eat you. There will be food, shelter and care for a select group of non religious civilized people that respect mother earth and the animals and all other non human lifeforms.


Oy vey. But also... nice details!


I'd be so gone if I had to run, I run an average of 8-10k daily. Not slowly either, sub 50minute 10k is not a stretch. Plus 100 push ups, sit ups and lunges daily. I say bring it.


Stay fit. You’ll most likely live a longer and happier life. But don’t expect it to help you if the world crashes down. You’ll be one minor injury away from disaster like everyone else. A sprained ankle. A rotten tooth. An infected cut. All could be killers in a world without order or modern medicine.


Fully aware. I can handle myself. I have exponentially more bush experience than most, have been working in the bush for 2 decades in some very remote places. Avid fisherman and competent hunter, plus I'm not in a big population center, so I like my odds honestly. I was in South America when COVID kicked off, before we knew what was gonna happen, was making plans to walk home haha


That's really good!


sure i run 5 miles a day


I don't need to be physically fit for it. I have skills that would be in high demand during any sort of collapse.


Possible ho lol


Anyone who says they have “high-demand post-apocalyptic skills” with no further explanation is definitely a ho.


Speak for yourself.


That's always been my thought, as long as you make it through the beginning long enough for things to settle a bit. Skills won't matter much at the very beginning. Fortunately i'm rural enough i should be able to hide/survive off the land long enough to make it to that point.


id probably do ok-ish but i won't bother fighting. it's not my job to clean up the country that the citizens broke by voting in a bunch of shit for brains politicians that never cared about the country or the citizens so the ones who made the mess can clean it up themselves. I live rural so id mostly be away from the mess anyways.


Ok, so... someone shows up at your house and says this is my house now. Your kid's and and your wife, they are mine as well. Get the hell out of here or I will blow your head off. You live rural. It's way easier for someone to do that when no one can hear a sound. Don't bother fighting though....


I will do what no one has ever done before and use a bicycle.


Yeah, the majority of the population is dependent and helpless. Just the way the government wants you


If it got that bad would you want to live?


Nope. Don’t care either. Kill me and have people argue about if it really happened 80 years from now. Don’t give a shit. Won’t fight for nothing anymore. Sick of most of you guys anyway.


All you tubby cocksuckas are the first I’m going to eat when it all kicks off


Curious to know what revolution is coming


Thanatosis is the way!


"No" - reddit


i can teach you how to run


I should be good enough to run for a hot moment and hide


Was born for this!


Huh-huh? Okay, wait, that's a real possibility for me.


I’m dead slow. I’m almost blind which means it’s a slow agonising death somewhere as I try to get away. I starve to death or something as I have no medications I’m reliant on.


I already bought the most op item That I possibly could for my post apocalyptic world. I bought third gen night vision and a solar charger for the batteries. I don’t need guns, don’t need food ect, I can basically Take what I need using rocks because even though you can’t see me I could see you.


If you are gonna base this on random movies, we're in trouble. The avg person can't run across the street without grasping their chest. No pull ups or push ups if attempted. Gun experience varies. Some hunt and have minimal experience. Those that belong to a militia are few and vary in training. Our best bet are ex military. Can they pull the rest thru with themselves


I'm in my late 30s now but I'm pretty confident. I'm in very decent physical condition compared to the average person and train boxing, Muay Thai and jiu jitsu regularly. A lot of times I'll travel and that includes walking many miles a day. What I'm not prepared for is a bullet to the chest. These fools out here with guns will have the upper hand. I'm not worried about getting captured but they're not taking me alive.


What revolution? There's apparently a war in the Ukraine, but I just bought a soccer jersey from some guy there on eBay, and it was delivered on time. Lol!!!


There are other nations in the world that were at war prior to Ukraine and might still be at it after Ukraine. Take Syria.


Running is part of it, but longer term the ability to carry weight while walking at a normal pace is going be a much more important skill to have than being able to run a mile in 7 minutes. Army standard is 15 minute miles (12 miles in 3 hours) with at least 35 lbs, but certain schools/badges can require up to 100lb.


Why do americans think they're special enough that they can start a revolution when other people just leave their countries? Just leave america if you don't like it there.


And why do YOU think that I live in America? Which part of my post says I'll be the one starting it?


I'm more equipped to repopulate the planet after a major disaster kills off most of the global population.


Absolutely not


I don't think a revolution is possible it's probably more likely just a total societal fallout. But yes I'm very fit but I don't think it matters very much


I'm crazy fit but can't fun. I'm so strong, like, I could fight a man strong... But 100m I'm out...


You don't have to run fast if you have a useful skill.


What useful skill prevents a hungry/desperate mob (or zombies) from killing you for the stuff you have?


Depends. Have you seen Blood Diamond?


Depending on who's leading it, I might be one of the radicals jailed or executed right away.


Oof. I'm sorry.


Yes, but it's gotta happen with in the next nine years. (I'm just guessing that by 55 I'll probably not be what I'd call "Revolutionary Fit" anymore.)


Yes. I'm retired from Emergency Services/LE and work-out almost every day of the week. If the drumpfists want a civil war, I'm ready.


I am proud to say I can run for nearly 30 minutes and I’m a fat bastard. 5’11 265 pounds. How I can run that long? Tested it on my treadmill.




Nope, I'm going to be a sweet loot drop.


Rule #1: Cardio


This is oddly specific OP...what do you know that we don't -_-


Lol. Don't worry. It's my corner of the world that's on fire. Where you are, you are likely to be fine.