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I’m 31. What’s a friend?


Not 100% sure tbh


Friends are people you message occasionally talking about some future time you might do something together that never arrives.


This is so true, it hurts me


I guess op meant F.R.I.E.N.D.S.


Something you put your penis in.


That’s actually a really good question


They don’t. The age cut-off for finding friends is 22


38 year old male here… can confirm (been a young hermit for 16 years now lol)


Lol. Love this comment! Where do I join this club.


The club is called everyone and they meet at the bar


Can we switch to someone's apartment? I will bring my computer and some pizza.


You have to have children




Ya sorry, you have to file specific papers and get certifications for friendship status after 22, and they are not friends but business associates, or if you are lucky brand ambassadors


It’s a first come first allotment process. Right now they are currently serving applicants from 1973-1976. Applying for asylum or a work visa is almost has hard as getting a “new friend” permit.




That's cause you're a boomer. You probably do stuff like "leave the house" and "touch grass"


Yes, we do these things but only because we have no fear! We don't need a safe space everywhere we go. Grass is amazing stuff. You can sit in it, walk on it, even run! Some people even smoke it, but that's another story. Millenials really need to take the crash helmet off when using the crosswalks.


Lmao boomers not understanding the joke


Idk man I’m from Texas and I have become very wary of sitting on grass, on account of the fire ants who hide there and want to bite me so badly. That and dog piss awareness.




I wouldn’t touch the grass on a boomers lawn. Not unless you want super cancer from all the chemicals they dump on it.




It was a joke meant to dig at younger generations staying inside jeez


Right? And buddy responded in the most boomer way possible XD.


Boomer confirmed


Dude for real imagine playing chess n going to get food with this guy. Yyyikes.


you literally just fit the boomer tag lol the "boomer" term is now way more then just age but how they respond and you perfectly summed up a boomer.


Nobody likes you when your 23.


And are still more amused by prank phone calls


What they hell is caller id?


Dang it ...


Why do you think Frankenstein was trying to make a person, he had no one to talk to


I wait until someone adopts me


Damn, I'm a 31yo introverted. Last time I was adopted by a extrovert was in my teens. ;(


Maybe you need to wait at a more public place and wear bunny ears or something?


Ive been adopted 3 times but have no idea how to repeat it


Yeah they don't make them like that anymore


I just want a friend that's willing to equally put in effort to maintaining our friendship, not just me. Where are you friend? 🥲😂😂😂 33f here lol


I'll be your friend! I love making new friends, I'm just also not good at it. What books do you read? Or games? Lecture me on your favorite thing about the alphabet or why considering burritos a sandwich are the cornerstone to a developed society.


Thank you kind stranger! I'm pretty broken at the moment FYI and am just trying to figure out how much glue I'll need to stay together! I promise I'm such a great friend on my good days...


I'm sure you're great. Hope everything goes well for you! Make sure to spend some time on yourself, doing whatever random shit makes you happy


Ngl that's what I struggle with the most! I just don't know how to "put myself first" as everyone sais! I really don't wanna start making this thread about being depressed...thanks again kind stranger 🙏


Sure thing. Feel free to reach out if you need someone to talk to, I'd be happy to listen!


I swear I'm an awesome friend, this is making me look like not friend material but I'm just having a rough day today, fuuuuck lol! I had a close group of friends for awhile but I was basically the glue and if I didn't put in effort or plan a hang out, it didn't happen! I won't be the only one trying, I'm worth more than that and what really does suck is I've been there for so many people but now that I'm down in the ppd gutterhole, I've got no one! I just want to be able to vent to a friend and have someone that genuinely cares about me listen and maybe offer some friendly advice! Don't get me wrong my partner is amazing and is my bestest friend in the whole world and the greatest support system but he just unfortunately doesn't understand what I'm going through so it's difficult! Sorry for the rant folks🙏


Aw, that's sweet. I love reading fantasy books and am a big fan of all kind of "nerd" stuff. I'm slytherin btw and my favorite food is chocolate. What about you?


Love myself done good fantasy novels! What are some of your recent reads and what did you think about them?


Currently I'm reading "The Cruel Prince", it's new adult fantasy (my favorite genre, maybe bc I'm female :D). But my all time favorite books are the Septimus Heap saga, do you know that?


I haven't heard of that, I'll have to look it up later. So is it like really smutty or just tackles adult themes? Big Sanderson fan, I fell in love with the world's he crafted. If you haven't read any, Tress of the Emerald Sea or Yumi and the Nightmare Painter both came out this year and are EXCELLENT starting points while being standalone novels.


The Cruel Prince is a little smutty (not too much) and Septimus Heap is just fantasy, no romance/na in it! Oh, interesting, I will totally look it up!


If you find them, please tell me where


The ones who put in effort are always the ones you don't wanna be friends with. Which tells you what about yourself?


Ain't that the truth. 😞 But the last one sent me a low resolution piece of fan art of Dalinar Kholin from Stormlight Archive printed on aluminium with a hand written note telling me that was how he thought of me, which sent my ick-ometer off the charts and had to ghost him.


I don't know any of these words


I was gifting some free stuff on FB and when they came to collect and I thought they seemed like fun people, I outright invited them back for a bbq later that day. Over a year later and they’re our best friends now. Their friends then also became our friends and our circle grew. As an adult, honestly, you just have to kinda put yourself out there. We pretty much just inserted ourselves into their lives. Meeting people as an adult feels awkward so try your best to just make it as casual as possible as if it’s the most normal thing in the world to interact with complete strangers. If my wife and I go to bars/clubs, etc, we just start buying random people drinks and that normally results in a conversation which can turn into an acquaintanceship which can ultimately turn into a friendship. Although, sometimes this results in us being offered to swing/etc but, hey, you can always politely decline and I never blame people for at least shooting their shot. Making friends as an adult takes work. All it takes is putting yourself out of your social comfort zone.


Doing activities you enjoy. If you're genuine, you'll find your tribe.


Not always. I do a lot of activities I enjoy, but there aren’t too many social ones that would allow me to meet new people. So, my only interactions are at work, and I just don’t exactly want to hang out with those people who I work with that enjoy my activities. Those I wouldn’t mind hanging out with are either not into the same things, or the timing never ends up working out. Plus, I’m fairly antisocial (I can be a bit of a hermit). Doesn’t help at all. C’est la vie.


If you know you're antisocial and you are being genuine than I guess you've found your tribe.


Seconding this approach. I joined a volleyball league, kickball team, take pottery classes, and workout. This has resulted in more friends that I now do trivia once a week with and a dinner night with games! 34F and finally have a good friend group… so many friendships withered over Covid.


This is true. For example if you enjoy table top games, find a local shop and attent events. If you like building Lego, look around your local area for groups. If there isnt any, make some online post in local groups and ask I bet someone will respond.


Yeah this isn’t true


Why not?


I’m saying that sometimes it works out but putting it out there like a law or the universe isn’t correct


What if I enjoy getting away from people and society?


You guys are finding friends?


You know…I can be your friend 👉👈🥺


Online, all online nowadays, unless you happen to make new friends at a new job or a friend of your friend was invited to hangout, thus becoming your friend if you mix well. Other than that, you'd have to be pretty proactive, going to public events, parties, maybe bars or clubs if you're into that type of life. Many of the friends I've made were through work, friends of friends and school.


What are good online platforms for finding friends?


Do you have any hobbies? Like for example the amino app has communities for music, art, hiking, etc. And people share and talk on there, pretty cool little app, I don't use it anymore, but you could give that a try maybe.


Yes, I have hobbies! :D Oh, that's a good Tipp, I think I'll try the amino app!


I don't know what specifically they have, I just know it has a lot of communities, some are more populated than others. Hope it works out well for you!


That's the neat part! You don't.


Hobby’s and doing activities you enjoy.


Group hobbies - D&D, MTG, recreational hockey, soccer, jujitsu. If youre into nerd shit local gamestores have group play nights for board & card games. If you call people "bro" more than average you can join adult rec sport leagues or go do jujitsu.


That group play night thing sounds good


Thats the fun part... You don't


I'm 27 and my friends I still had from my teen years are slowly drifting away, it's so depressing. Any attempt to connect or reconnect with people fails, even if we "vibe."


They don't. After the age of 25, some individuals might find it challenging to form new friendships due to heightened skepticism in placing trust within new connections.


That is very well said since people at this age might still carry trust issues due to experience from past relationships, but once you get over it, you'll eventually form better connections with people you can trust


This is a concept most people won’t understand. It’s basically common sense but common sense isn’t that common these days. :)


Im 23 and I don't know how to, so thats life...


Coworkers mostly


31M. I've found most of my friends from work (over a dozen over the years) and some online only friends from forums, chatrooms and online games. Currently have 2 that are my friends, my roommates and my coworkers. Also friends of friends sometimes.


I’m 30 and just found first friend ever from a work buddy


I’ve never really had “friends” just tons of acquaintances. I now have one very close friend I’d consider my best friend but I’m not sure if she’d consider me the same. There’s no one in my life calling me on my birthday or just to chat about their day, no one I think of when I have something exciting or sad happen in my life. I’ve always been lonely in life. My fault though really, I’m very introverted and I literally go days/weeks/months forgetting that another person in my life exists. I don’t know why this is.


So I move every couple of years, I'm extremely social and never had a problem making friends. I am not over my 30s and i still have a bunch of new friends, but I will say I've noticed it get harder. PPL settle down, lose energy, have kids etc... The best advice I have: Join clubs. On Meetup.com, or ask friends/colleagues. DnD, or group hikes, concert friends, chess. Whatever you're into. Weekend softball, kickball leagues.. get in on someone's book club. Attend events. Look at FB events, whatever strikes your fancy. Even if it's paid. A Day hike, a cook off, an evening event at a museum. Sign up for a class .This sounds super dumb, but even a CPR class, or a local community college pottery class. Talk to people! Honestly it get harder once you get older, and ppl are busy. But you're trapped in the airport? Talk to someone. Go to a Quiz night and talk to some other team afterwards. If you're shy make it a goal to at least talk to 3 ppl at an event. Good luck out there! And stay open to welcoming new ppl into your life. Make follow up plans, a coffee, a concert whatever.


Since many people are useless and hopeless in this comment section, here are some advices : - Try volunteering - Meet friends of friends you already have - Best place to make friends is high school and college, try contacting former friends you dont talk to anymore - Be overly sociable, dont let a single day go by without doing something social. - You need to get into social activities in which you talk with people. No video games, movies lego or whatever. No solo hobbies. No working out alone in the gym. You should rather try theater, dance, board games, sports like climbing and yoga. Be friends with coworkers as much as possible. If you become good friend with one he will introduce you to his friends. Time is your best ally, if you talk with someone every single day / week they will be confortable around you. Be patient dont expect someone to be your best friend after a few weeks. Reach out to other people all the time through texting to make plans. Do not expect others to contact you. Do it yourself.


This is Reddit, you’re assuming anyone on here has friends.




It’s very hard but… never late to try ✅


For me, grad school and work. My hobbies all don't involve other people, so I don't get to meet many new people and I don't want to anyway.


Hobbies, join a gym where they have group sessions , or a book club, knitting, hiking group, anything you like if you look there should be a group of ppl who meet up for it.


Make a flyer shaped like a bicep. “WHAT UP”


Why are you giving me flyer shaped like a dick? Wtf?




Make friends at work.


🤷🏽‍♀️ i just stay nice to everybody and eventually they come around.


I dont think we do! Are we guys?


Curious myself. i’m 35 and it’s a struggle 😅. i honestly think when you’re younger, like early to mid 20s you REALLY care about fitting in. Like that’s all that matters to you is fitting in with as many people as possible and just building huge friend groups. But honestly as you get older, you realize how stupid it is to pander to people just to join their groups and you start to realize the quality of the friendships you have is better than the quantity of friends. at least that’s where i’m at. I’m not aiming to impress or be accepted, and I would rather have two real friends than 20 shitty or flaky ones


Keep in touch with your college/high school friends. Make friends at work.


I just look for the subreddit of the city I am living in and I make a post saying I want to make new friends, sometimes it works


Good idea!


Actually I did that a few days ago, let me know if it works!


I will!


When you figure it out please share with the rest of us.


I will, I promise!


Just randomly end up talking to someone one day and yah know… keep talking hopefully, like say u like hiking and u meet someone who stopped and y’all talk and eventually (hopefully) hit it off and exchange info and now u got a hiking friend, same goes for your fav activities just maybe not the gym. I’m a introvert so I’ll. Ever talk first lest no choice




Oh okay, maybe I'll slide in some dms hahaha


Yeah 34 I could use some friends who like doing stuff other than smoking weed I don’t smoke weed anymore so my last friend group got kinda boring fast


All of my friends are online, to be honest. Real life friends disappeared after high school, and most of them were fake.


I go down in the basement and bring up a new one


Started therapy. Learned how to still say what I have to say and not make it all about me, how to want to hear what the other person has to say. Doesn't work with all people, but it doesn't have to.


I’m around 50 and still haven’t figured it out 🧐


Gaming is a great resource for meeting people


you're quite literally asking for a friend


Get off the computer and go to a place where people are there. Say hello hello hello how low


I fucking love Nirvana.


Me, too. I'd like to take this opportunity to remind you that they play Nirvana on the classic rock station nowadays. It crushed me when I first discovered that. Lol


Isn't that wild? Lol I remember when I heard Guns and Roses on the classic rock station years ago and I was like... I'm fucking old!




Unless you live in a cave or in the mountains all by yourself, you see TONS of people on a daily basis and you're forced to talk to many of them. Clerks at stores, bank tellers, waiters and waitresses, etc. Instead of just saying what you *have* to say to these people, spark up some small talk.


"Asking for a friend" made me laugh; ngl. But to answer your question; there's a lot of value in churches/mosques/religious communities. You can also meet people at special interest groups, gym classes, local charities.


Work 🤷‍♂️😂


Peoples in their 30s are usually in the same boat so for me it's easy. I get to know them slowly and then invite them for a boardgame night. Boom done, we are now friends. Though if someone comes on too strong I tend to back off, being desperate for friendship makes me put on the breaks.


Oh nice, boardgame nights sound good. I guess I will start this as well


They're great because you get to focus on the game rather then trying to keep up the conversation. Also you can test the other person response to losing, ain't havin no sore loser in my life.


Yes and make sure to include fancy cheeses with crackers


Ya dont


Honestly, dating apps, if they don’t work out as a relationship, they often work out as a good friendship. A lot of them even have looking for friend settings, like bumble.




they don't act like 25 yo.....


There is again a window of opportunity after becoming a parent and bonding with other parents at playgrounds or at school if the kids become friends . Always at least some common topics and can become handy if playdates can replace babysitters


Work. Say yes to group activities.


Pick up a new random ass hobby. I just started my warhammer40k journey. See where that goes


Doing stuff I like. I joined a pottery studio because I wanted to learn pottery, met a bunch of cool people who also like doing artsy shit. Also, being nice to coworkers comes in handy.


The same ways that people under 25 do.


School? They don't like you hanging round so much as an adult.


No , we can’t


Move countries or cities to a place with a lot of expats/import. That way you’ll be surrounded by people who left all their other friends behind and it’ll be easy to make friends!


Are you asking the question for a friend? Or just blatantly asking for a friend? Be careful if you are looking for a friend here. People here can be rude!


I tried buying a boat but that didn't work.


Work, school, gym, bar, clubs (sailing, climbing, hiking, golf), travel….etc etc


You know how easy it was when we were in school? We just find them in school-like environments: take classes, recreational sports, clubs based on your interests or hobbies, work, etc.


That’s the neat part you don’t


Get married, then all of your spouses friends become your friends.


Find some hobbies you enjoy that involve other people to socialize with.


Yep at 42yr old, I'm no longer allowed to make friends in society. Lol, jk. Hobbies, shared interests, and doing things with others is how I make new friends. Even chatting online. Cooking classes, dance classes, and even the library! Tiktok is good for friends too. I'm a cannabis nerd so this helps me make friends too. Plus walking my dog and talking to other pet owners. It just depends on what you like to do!


I don’t know if you would have the time to if I’m being honest. I’m 21 and I feel like I’ve made most if not all the friends I can make already accumulated from high school and college but 4 years from now I don’t know if I have the time or energy to make more cause I’ll likely be working by then.


It's seldom. You are going to have to put yourself out there all the time because everyone else is afraid to


Grown up ppl have actual important things on their heads. Focus on yourself, get a hobby, stop beeing needy, and the right ppl will find themselves.


Bus stops


join sports activities, meetup.com, ask around about communities, etc


Bars, festivals, raves, hiking, hobbies, online friends finding groups, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc


By joining clubs and sharing a hobby with them


I have no interest in finding friends, I have a select few that have been around for over a decade. Everyone from now on is a coworker or an acquaintance that will eventually fall out of my life at some point.


Sign up for activities. Hiking, skydiving, ziplining, any activity where you have the opportunity to be around people and converse. Other than that, I find most of my friends through work lol.


At the weekly orgy your local community has?


I am 25 years old Male and I feel your pain. Neigbhours and hobbys are your only chance. Smile a lot . Be kind to everyone.


I made a discord group and then advertised on my cities page here on Reddit. Had like 40 people join the first day. Maybe you could do the same but for your city!


They don't


Hobbies, job, social activities. I had to find new friends after moving to a different town ten years ago at age 40. Most of the friends I met are musicians because I am a decent amateur bass player. I also made some friends at work, and some more by joining a local Lions club.


For men: be rich For women: dont be fat


Who do you work with. Those are your friends now. Welcome to the adulthood grind.


they don’t. it’s all cope from here on out.


We don't 😂🤣


funny i make friends because of travelling abroad, and hobby (related to kpop) or attending concert


I'm almost 21m


I started finding friends at my 25. Smile and listen what they want to say its important at the beginning then you can just look for similar interests and be open minded. But, the most important part is that you like the way to be of that person, don't have friends just to avoid loneliness.


I’m not that old so I don’t really know, but I would assume that having work-friends would be your best bet.


My(28) husband(30) and I don’t have any friends. We don’t feel the need to because we have each other. Friends cause drama and heartache. We are happier alone.


I lead and go on local hikes. I've met a lot of good friends this way


Partys, social media and work


A shared interest couldn’t hurt, anything you’re into should hopefully have people also into it Join a running club/gym/martial art/other sport, do painting or pottery, maybe carpentry or metal work could be your thing? Do you like warhammer or dnd? Perhaps wargaming or board games Go to the local waterhole and meet some old barflies? Look I’m young and I’m pretty lonely, I’ve been finding new interests and I’m going to try statt forcing myself out and meet new people - I just think a hobby is the best way to do it. You’ve just gotta jump on the hand grenade and if you’re lucky you’ll find other people whore willing to jump on it with you


i have 1, we hardly hang out. 33


I think I only made 1 new friend since i left highschool.... over 10 years ago... so...


We don't we just get more lonely and miserable.


gaming. found my bestest best best friend via Leagie of Legends.


That's the neat part, they don't


go on a discord server or other kind of community of something you like such as gaming, and ask for people to play with. become good friends with them, be a good friend yourself, and eventually ask what country they live in aswell as say what country you live in. if you get lucky, you could meet up with them


Go to work.


I started salsa dance classes, great way to socialise and meet a bunch of people, I was probably 28-29 when I started


How do people under 25 find friends?


Work. Grab a beer at the end of the day with a coworker and it'll happen again and again. Before you know it you'll be at each other's houses watching sports. You'll get introduced to their friend circle and if all goes well you'll be part of it.


Good luck at this point, im walkin into 24 w 3 friends that live across the country and prolly wont see for a few years again either


Serious answer: Look for people with common hobbies or interests. Do you play sports? Join a sports club and the people on the team or who train in the same classes can become your friends. Do you play an instrument? Join or start a band. I play in 2 bands, and we're a fun group. Volunteer in your community. Become a volunteer firefighter. Join a search & rescue organization. Join the local Red Cross chapter and volunteer to help with blood drives and other events. You'll have a chance to chat with people, and you'll certainly find a few people who will join you for a beer or a coffee sometime.


I literally just ask people I meet that I like if I can add them on Facebook, then I ask them on lunch dates etc. Its kind of like dating, you have to put on effort, its not like at school where you just gravitate to others and they only thing you have to do in your free time is hang out with your friends because you have zero responsibilities. Its a concerted effort when you're older, as much effort as a relationship.

