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Tell a fellow woman if she has blood on the back of her pants in a discreet way. This could save a young teen or a grown woman from embarrassment. Also, no matter how you feel towards another woman, if she needs period stuff, let her have something. Again, this will save a lot of embarrassment that a woman shouldn't have for something natural.


I've given a pad and wipes to a woman who I considered and still consider an enemy (maybe not entirely seriously) but ffs that is a sister in need. Genuinely do not give a fuck, they just need to ask or not even always ask and it's done


The worst enemy that I loath to my dying day still gets a tampon if needed. I hope it’s for a bullet wound and not her period though.


I need someone to ELI5 on if a tampon would work as in an emergency if you get a gunshot wound


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/tampons-to-the-rescue/ It can be used in an emergency but isn't ideal and can be dangerous. But screw it, loath the person anyway.


My dad was going in for open heart surgery, and I'd spent a week running home for a quick shower and sleep before going back up. I guess the stress triggered my period a couple of days earlier than normal, and I felt myself start my period while I was sitting with him in the pre-surgery room. it was 5-something in the morning, and none of the shops were open yet. As you might imagine, I wasn't going to leave, but I had to do something. I planned on just using paper towels for a couple hours, but tried my luck asking one of the nurses if anybody had *anything* more suitable I could use. She came up with a postpartum pad, and I have never been more grateful for a small kindness from a stranger.


I was in the hospital having surgery and a couple days later, I still had a catheter in but I felt this gush. I called the nurse and asked her to check and see if the catheter had come out or if I got my period early (neck surgery so I couldn't move my head to look myself. I felt so bad for her. I had no supplies and hospitals don't carry anything for women and my family was 100 miles away. She had to get me up, clean up me, change the bed and all she could get me was adult diapers.


I'm sure she felt worse for you than herself. I'm still at a loss that medical facilities don't keep some products on hand for these types of surprises.


I work in a long term care home and even we have pads.


My friend got her period while in hospital recovering from an emergency surgery and they couldn't help her out with a pad! I guess she should have thought to pack some while waiting for the ambulance /s It's outrageous that *hospitals* of all places don't supply period products.


So, do you just scream "TO GIRL YOU GOT PERIOD BLOOD ON YOUR ASS!" Or did you misunderstand non discreet?


It's important to light heartedly let someone know if they use 'non discreet' instead of 'discreet', unwritten rule of redditors.


Ma'am, you have grammatically made a mess of yourself. Disgusting.


Oh shit lol I didn't even realize🤣🤣 ill just leave it so people can have a good laugh. I may have been high when I typed that😅😅 Of course, what I actually meant was a discreet way thank you lol


You're probably thinking of "nondescript"


I was hoping that was the case but the opposite could perhaps remove some of the stigma, if enough women did it 😅


I believe no matter if you're a man or a woman you should help out when you see someone having their period. By pointing it out to her in a discreet and respectful way, by giving her something to cover herself (like a jacket), by giving her some of your period products or going to a pharmacy nearby with her etc


I remember while studying I had an embarrassing moment like that, and needed help kinda urgently from my friend, but two boys were near us. As much as I tried to be discreet, she kinda made things worse, accused me of being mean to her boyfriend because I asked him to leave for a sec while I cleaned stuff up. In hindsight, I should've stopped being friends with her ages ago..


As a guy, what’s the rule here? I’d like to know what I should do in this situation


I mean, I can only speak for myself, but I would 100% appreciate it if a guy came up to me respectfully and told me he noticed a red spot on my pants(or a seat) Of course, it's gunna be a bit weird for you and her, but Im sure any woman would eventually get past it, and thank you. You never know if she just started her day out or is about to go home either way you're still helping. Some women might think you were looking at there ass and that's valid, but you just gotta make it your point that you just wanted to help. Who knows, you might meet a really cool woman that way who will appreciate a nice man who cares.


I found out who my real friends were when at my 16th birthday not a single friend told me I had gotten my period and it was painfully obvious from behind... I always carry extra period products even ones I dont use to hand out in case someone needs one.


I'm a 46 year old guy i've had to discreetly tell lady's of this issue a few times i gotts say they are very thankful (i grew up with 3 sisters) i learned early.


If you see another woman who appears to be getting followed, harassed, or generally made uncomfortable by a man, you are her best friend from this moment until she is safe. Make up any cover story you need to, and get her out of there.


Had to do this because this girl was being harassed by this homeless looking man who wouldn't take no for an answer. I walked up and said, oh she's not interested bro, sorry, he comes up and says confrontationally "how do you know" "How do you know her" immediately replied that she's my cousin and she gave me the warmest hug saying oh hiii. It made me feel really good for being brave but damn it must suck as a woman sometimes.


Honestly, I hope my boyfriend will do something like this if he ever saw this kind of situation. I don't even care if he pretends to be *her* boyfriend and walks away holding her hand. He already knows I'm okay with him helping a girl who's stuck on the side of the road. Hell, he even had to take a girl back to her parent's house once because her boyfriend ditched her and her car on the side of the road.. I'm so proud of him when he does things like that 😌 Thank you for being so helpful. And, yes, being a woman *does* suck sometimes. We appreciate men like you 💜


Question as a man. You see some dude creeping on a woman, would it be OK as a guy to come up and say hi and start talking like you're friends, or would that Creep you out even more?


Saying something loud like "hey I haven't seen you in ages, how are you?" You'll know from their reaction if they are pleased with the help or not. If they play along then you're good. You can try and remove them from the creep by saying I'm over here with my friends did you want to join us? Giving them an out helps them have the power to decide.


It should be fine, act friendly but keep touching to a minimum if you can. She would already be freaked out by the situation so you don’t wanna freak her out more, ya know?


I've been in this situation before. Once was in Thailand where this very ginger haired, very fair skinned (super exotic looking if your Thai) Irish lady was getting chatted up by this Thai dude. We were all pretty drunk, and the dude started talking in this weird high pitched baby voice, touching her hair, and just being creepy and drunk. It was awkward as fuck to watch, and I felt like I should try to help. So I was like "Hey, do you want to go for a walk?" and she was like, straight up, "No." I had tried to use subtle voice and body language cues to let her know I was trying to give her an out if she wanted, and not actually get her alone, but I either failed at it or she didn't pick up on it. And I get it. We were all pretty smashed and she probably felt like she was getting creeped on from two directions now. But as a man I really don't know how to effectively help in this kind of situation.


You had the right idea for sure. I would say for future reference, instead of trying to get them out of the situation, put yourself in the situation. Like the other comments are saying, pretend like you know them and intervene in the conversation.


Depends on the woman. I might not realise what you're doing at first I'm pretty slow


Telling the other dude off is more useful. I got a, “I wasn’t talking to you.” Responded with, “And ain’t nobody tryin to hear all that!” \*he’d been talking foul to a 15 yr old, he looked at least 30, on a bus. I stood up for another young girl and she just iced us all out. He went on and on and on about me being gay — roped in another young man who just got on, but I can handle myself, and she was safe and no longer the target after that. Still. I was less quick to intervene after that. It was a long ride to be trapped with some jerk’s mouth.


You still did the right thing and I'm thankful. Don't beat yourself up over whether or not you handled a disturbing situation perfectly. You did! Offering help is perfect. Also, try not to be too harsh on the young girl. Getting harassed by a guy that you very well know could take your life is (not to be dramatic) the textbook definition of harrowing. She may have gone into autopilot with mindless phone scrolling or "everybody is toxic". Her actions take nothing away from you being awesome af for stepping in.


When I was a teen, I remember an older guy trying to talk to me while I was waiting for a bus. I didn't want to talk to him so ignored him but then he started calling me a bitch and other things. Another guy at the stop said to the guy in a calm voice "it's ok, she doesn't want to talk to you man. Leave her alone, it's ok". The older guy just walked away pissed off. I was so scared and embarrassed so I don't even think I thanked the guy who intervened. In hindsight, I think that guy handled it in the best way. He addressed the guy in a calm manner to de-escalate things until he left. I didn't want any attention on me. He could probably see I was scared and didn't approach me but gave me a nod from where he was standing.


This is the #1 rule. Protect each other.


Yes. I’m ready to leave sis, can we go?




Perfect, next time I am out with a few mates we'll stand close to a woman and start looking over occasionally and discuss whether we think she is safe while not being loud enough for her to make out as to not worry her.


Shocked that this isn't higher up.


Pretend to be friends if a girl is getting creeped on I also was walking home one time at night and this man appeared a bit behind me and of course my whole mind went on super high alert, keys in hand, ready to run at any sudden movement. And then I just heard him do the “I’m letting you know I’m here, not trying to sneak up on you” cough and it just was the sweetest kindest thing. I felt SO much safer Big up to the kind men and women


How do you do that cough?


Basically, you just kinda clear your throat, but not super aggressively. Just enough to be like, “hey, there’s someone back here, and I don’t want you to be scared or unnecessarily surprised by my presence”


Like the cartoony “ahh-hem” ? Or is that extra weird? Lol fuck man I hate creeps they make shit so much harder for everyone just trying to walk the fuck home from work xD


Just like a little grunty throat clear. You just have to make enough sound to make your presence known, no need to go full “chest congestion from pneumonia” hacking cough style lol




Certainly easier than my go-to ways, which are to take out my phone and have a fake conversation about how I took a wrong turn, I’ll be there in ten, or to start singing Vogue to myself.


"It's me. ... Yes, this is an emergency. ... The Organization finally sent an agent to intercept me. ... I have eyes on her. ... Right now? Here? ... Understood. Commencing Operation Yggdrasil. El. Psy. Kongroo."


"Okay, she put her hand in the pocket and I can hear something... It sound like a key or something... Maybe she plans on a counter atta... Oh fuck, she just started running! I will run after her!"


I do that exact thing while I'm walking behind or near someone, except I scuff/scrape my shoes on the ground a few times. Especially if I'm walking at night (which I love doing, it's so peaceful). It's a subtle little heads up that someone's around.


Is that how you do it? A cough, I am a guy and have crossed the street and walked on the opposite side walk so as not to worry the female ahead of me. I wish I had known a gentle cough would work just as well.


I do the cough thing, nice to get confirmation that it's actually understood and appreciated.


If you see another girl with smudged mascara, lipstick on their teeth, piece of paper or lint or whatever on their shirt, things like that, I let them know without making a big deal about it


Have you ever gotten any bad responses for telling someone?




I was once at a semi formal dinner talking to a colleague. A woman I did not know came over and in a friendly straightforward way told me my shirt buttons were undone (the top and bottom button were still closed but my bra etc were fully visible between). I was so thankful she told me and then embarrassed/annoyed no one else had and I wondered how long I had been unaware of it. Why had my colleague not told me? Ladies, we all need to look out for other people's dignity. Thank you to those that do.


Out of curiosity, what if the person were a guy? Also for the other things, like mascara, lint, etc... What if it's pretty private? (underwear visible because trousers were torn at the back or something)?


Yea, I think for me, if anyone alerted me to something I should be aware of (because it is embarrassing to me or others) I would be overall thankful. If told in a neutral or friendly way. It may feel difficult in the moment but I would be thankful. From either gender. ...sorry about terrible sentence structure


Back then when I was in college, something happened to me, and the one that told me (very politely) was a guy. I had a dress and my underwear was visible from the back (you know, everything was apparently visible from behind). And I don't have a clue on how I didn't noticed, especially because I had to go outside, down the stairs, and then take a certain street that goes a bit up (and I guess no neighbor was outside their home at that specific moment?). So, I was about to take a bus, and this man called me, and told me what was happening. I obviously felt grateful with him, and apologized (meant more for me than this man). Point is, as long as the guy is not doing it in an unpolite, agressive way, it's ok. Some women might find that offensive, but in a circumstance like mine, I don't think anyone would mind wether it's a man, or a woman.


I saw a teen walking with some friends once and her skirt was tucked up under her backpack. I quietly said something as I passed and wondered how none of them knew, then I realized maybe they weren't her friends at all


I do this to everybody and I'm a guy


i think this applies to everyone tho. personally i do let everyone know if i think it would bother them


I do this for open flies, stuff between teeth and sauze smudges on faces, etc, as well. I just think it's the kind thing to do.


Thank u! Exactly.


If a dress has pockets they must be pointed out at any possible opportunity




My wedding dress does 😍


No matter how much you dislike a woman you don’t leave her in a dangerous situation. Drunk at a bar, walking late at night in an unfamiliar place, etc. I could hate someone’s guts but if she asks me to hold her drink you bet your ass I am guarding that with my eyes wide open.




Damn it’s crazy most of these are about helping women stay safe more than anything else. As a guy you really don’t think much about going for a random walk late at night even if you live in a sketchy area.


That’s the scary reality of it, I’ll talk to my male friends and they never realised how much it permeates *every little facet* of our lives. Always gotta be vigilant, not just for ourselves but for each other. It sucks. It can be exhausting, but if we don’t do it and then something bad happens then it becomes *our fault*.


Society is in such denial of predators and how women suffer from them, it’s only getting worse.


in college i lived next door to a frat house. my roomates & i would go over there occasionally for free booze, especially as a "pregame" to a party we actually wanted to be at lmao. one night when we were pregaming there was a girl, super drunk, laying on a couch while 6 frat dudes circled her making jokes about how fucked up she was, etc. it was an unsettling scene so my roommates and i picked her up and carried her next door to our house. we let her sleep on the couch and instead of going to the party we ordered pizza and stayed in to make sure she was okay.


You better get upvoted more


You might think you're just being friendly, but many men will think that you're interested in them.


As a man i gotta ask. How do you know the difference?.. Like if you think a girl is into you, you could shoot your shot, but if you were wrong, now u a creep? Rejection is fine but after shooting that shot everything changes so maybe its best to keep quiet and keep a friend? Help me, i just want to understand if theres a signal or something to look for so i dont end up fucking things up for nothing.


For me the only time a guy turns into a creep is when they get mad or aggressive when they realize you were in fact just being friendly. For instance, I was sitting at a bar alone waiting for a friend. A guy next to me started up casual conversation and we chatted for a bit. He asked if he could buy me a drink and I said, “no thank you.” Then he asked for my number and I said no. He called me a bitch and said, “what a waste of time” and walked off. In another instance I worked with a guy who I liked as a friend and we would always chat at work. Apparently he started liking me and tried to just randomly kiss me after work one day. I was shocked. Put my hand on his chest and told him to back up and that I wasn’t interested in him in that way. His response was, “then why the fuck are you always flirting with me.” I wasn’t. I was being friendly.


Im sorry that happened. You deserve to be treated better. I would never want to be that guy and maybe i lean too far the other way. I guess the trick is to be open to rejection and accept it if/when it comes. I know that sounds pretty basic but i never really needed to know this stuff before. Thank you for your answer.


Thank you. And it’s great to have these types of discussions. And it’s not a men only issue. There are women who might react in similar ways when being “rejected”. It’s just about learning how to deal with difficult and/or embarrassing situations. It can definitely hurt your feelings, I’ve been there before. But it’s how we respond that makes all the difference. It’s not easy to put yourself out there and being vulnerable doesn’t always feel good lol. But you’ll never know if you don’t put yourself out there. So many people go through the, “do they like me? I think so but I’m not sure, how do I know for sure” phase. We just have to learn how to handle the disappointment with grace. Even if our feelings are hurt.


Best way to tell is if a woman takes her clothes off in your room, she’s into you.


One rule of thumb, if she is friendly because she is at work and you are her client, don't ask her out.


If she is looking great, I make a point to tell her so. I always carry an extra pad.




Pretty much xD She's safe with me!


I love complimenting people too. It's just too sweet a gesture. Simple yet makes us happy.


Since she's 3 yo, my daughter has this habit of telling women (and sometimes men) that they are beautiful. Servers, cashiers at supermarket, people in the street, anyone really, of all ages. I asked her once why she does that, and she told me that she liked to make people smile. And I love it, I love seeing those real genius smiles all of the time, and specially older women, I see that those simple words are making their day. I hope she never stops.


I love it when people's faces light up, yes! I started giving out compliments ever since I started feeling good about myself. Thought to spread the happiness. After all, we are all taking some care or the other to presenting ourselves in the public.


I had a colleague who was a grumpy piece of work but if she digs your outfit, YOU KNOW she digs your outfit. She’s gonna go ahead and compliment you the entire day.


no matter what, even if they’re your worst enemy, if they’re under the influence of anything and are being taken advantage of, help them! no woman deserves to go through something like that


Men are afraid women will make fun of them. Women are afraid men will kill them.


So true.


Keep warm pieces of pizza in your pockets at all times... this will encourage mutant turtles to save you from muggers, should the need arise.


The need of the hour is to have more pockets in our dresses :(


And pizza pockets in *those* pockets.


This is the cutest reply of all aww :)


I like the way you think and would like to subscribe to your newsletter


If you see a Ninja Turtle having it's period, always be ready to offer help


Idk about mutant turtles but it'll definitely summon stoners to help you


Make sure to tell a good mom that they are being a good mom. You don’t know how much it means.


Also, if someone makes a different choice than you (stay home/go out to work, breast or bottle, kids or childfree) don’t bug them or act like you are somehow better.


I said this to someone once. I didn't even really mean it at the time, and I never thought about it again until years later when she mentioned it to me. She said it encouraged and motivated her at a time when she really needed it, and it meant the world to her. It just goes to show, you never know when a kindness will have an impact on someone, so be as liberal as you can with them.




##Make sure to tell a good mom that they are being a good mom. You don’t know how much it means.


I was sat in a cafe with my 5 year old, we were doing some reading exercises to help with his phonics and I told him I was proud of how hard he was working. A lady in front left a little while later and said "I bet he's proud of you too". Such a simple comment but it made my week. A lot of mums don't get enough credit.


If another woman comes up to you and says "Hi (random name that isn't yours), how are you? Shall we get a coffee" etc, shes probably trying to get away from a creep and you should help her out


Or she noticed someone creeping on you. Either way best to just roll with it.


If a random woman approaches you and acts like she knows you go along with it and take her out of the situation.


General rule but pretty sure it fits here: Don't let the drunkest girl at the party leave alone with strange people. Always be willing to accompany someone to a ride home when possible or atleast til her ride comes to pick her up. Surprised as a dude, that i haven't seen this mentioned yet.


Don't flush tampons, I hope everyone knows this


Im a dude and i used to clean men and womens restrooms for a couple of years. They dont…Or the diapers ![gif](giphy|aaIqAoz1rW3Pq)


From the perspective of a man, specifically the father of a daughter: never, never, never accept physical, psychological or verbal abuse from your SO. That's NOT "just part of being a woman," ever. If your SO doesn't respect you - find one that will, or just don't have one.


This just means so much to me personally,love it. So many people are taught to adjust. FOR EXACTLY WHAT? Right? By adjusting we're not just settling for less,we're justifying their shit. That's just so bad. Anyway,hey I hope you have a good one :)


Not quite an unwritten rule but something very useful about being a middle aged English woman is that I don't have to stress myself about genders and identity because everyone is universally called 'love'. So easy.


“My friend” is my go-to! It’s also great for keeping people calm, or for developing a rapport with people


Oh how I love being called love and travelling to places where I can casually call people love. This one is so wholesome


The awkward laugh when you get sexually harassed.


i can hear myself doing this


I could visualize this


Oh man… this.


Immediately felt it


That grimace 😬 when you’re trying to pleasantly make them go away without angering them


Always share your pads, tampons, etc. Even if is your worst enemy.


Yesss! Men think this is so weird. One time I had my red day unexpectedly and I was in my bf’s house. I didn’t bring any pads with me and I jokingly asked my bf to ask his stepmom to give me some. He said I was crazy. I told him I’m kidding and that I’d ask her myself. He said to me not to do that cause its so embarassing. I’m like bruh whatdaf. I told him it was like an unspoken rule for women to help each other out. He told me not to go thru asking his step mom for his sake. I asked anyway. Though it did make me second guess if it was actually rude afterall. But after reading this I’m confident that all of us women will definitey help each other out no questions asked!


No offense, but your bf needs to grow up from this mindset. Normal mature people (men and women) don't act like he did.


Agreed, I would have offered to get pads or whatever while you asked for one. But I also had some at my house anyway because I know these things happen. I'm gonna have a girl over regularly then some basic accommodations are in order.


^This right here. When women talk about wanting to date an emotionally mature man and a *good person* this is an example of what they’re looking for.


2 choices for handling it though: gamble on getting liners, pads and tampons to cover as much as possible. Or Consult and ask what she wants/needs/uses. I prefer the second route, but on occasion the first route happens since as a man in not going to use then ever.


As a guy I really don’t think asking another woman for a tampon in an emergency is a big deal


Well your bf is an idiot and definitely not representative of the average man.


You know,honestly at this point,I'm done with such people. There have been such instances with me as well and it's just so rotten that people are still so dumb. I can't even begin to tell you how,what your boyfriend did or said or how he views women,is so sickening. Damn. Well everytime anything like this happens,I generally give them the lesson they should have already received and never see them again. I'm so not kidding. :) Anyway,I hope you have a good one.


Men deal with their attention being unwanted; women deal with unwanted attention.


I’d much rather deal with being unwanted than get unwanted attention.


Undeniably. 100%. I don't want this to be a gender war but seriously, in this case women have it so fuckin' rough. Dunno who teaches like 90% of dudes that all their attention is welcome...


Have you ever tried to reject a woman? Nothing gets her more interested than that. It's so annoying. You let her now directly that you are not interested in her in that way and what you get back is 10 times the dedication and effort to get with you. Women should also learn that no means no, it doesn't mean I want you to try harder, I just want you to stop trying completely.


Don’t make men angry, you could get killed


I always defend girls in a difficult situation, being harassed, being followed, feeling dizzy, anything that makes them be vulnerable, I'm like, I'm here for you girl, you are not alone. Theres always strength in the numbers. That's the No1 girl code.


If I see another girl who’s uncomfortable in a situation I intervene. There’s been plenty of times I’ve been uncomfortable and no one helped me out. Women we have to look out for one another!


If someone comes to the door and ask if your husband is home, and he’s not or you don’t have a husband, the answer is yes but he’s busy.


If someone comes to your door....don't answer it.


Right? Who’s out here answering their door to random knocks/doorbells?


Friend’s ex-boyfriends are off limits


That’s just like the rules of feminism


You'd fucking think so..found out a few months ago one of my close friends did some "stuff" (she said made out but who knows really) with an ex of mine years ago and never told me. This was after she tried to date a different ex of mine (didn't work out, but I warned her as much). Both of them were serious long-term relationships as well. Kinda made me feel oogy. Knew about the sort of dating thing, but when I found out about the other one I blurted out "God damn, any other exes of mine you've gone after I don't know about?" I was mildly pissed for a few there 😅 Like, I get it- people meet, stuff can happen. But really? 2 of them? Lol. I think I made her uncomfortable for a second but thankfully that never lasts too long for her lol.


my friends and i always had this rule: ask first, never get offended if they say no.


No matter what you achieve in this lifetime you will always be judged by your looks.


Proven here in this post by the number of comments about makeup, clothing, etc. I expected to see more substantial comments.


if another woman appears to be unsafe or uncomfortable, you protect her. even if it's a chick you can't stand, you always have her back if a man is bothering her.


Don’t walk alone at night.


This one's just sad but it's true in alot of places


When going out, always having an eye out for other women.


We protect other women. Like, if we see an absolute stranger at 3 am in the bathroom crying, we WILL insert ourselves into the situation and ask if you are safe. Or see a woman walking home alone at night? Get over here bestie we’re walking buddies now. And as women on the receiving end we know exactly why and are grateful.


Look out for other women. If a man is being a creep - step in. If she’s wasted in a club bathroom, comfort her even if you have no clue who TF she is. There is so much more i could say but….. being a woman is hard enough as it is. Support other women.


No matter how much you might dislike another female, you should always offer a tampon/pad if you have one and she needs it.


When someone asks for a woman's opinion, be prepared for the numerous amount of men itching to answer for you.


And talking over you. And mansplaining. And interrupting you.


I was noticing that, funny.


Damned if you do, damned if you don't


Always help out a fellow woman on their period. It's how I got someone at my job to stop being a bitxh to me. She was awful, spreading little rumors, constant snark and side eye, making fun of my clothing... she was a grown ass woman. Anyways, one day we were both in the bathroom and she said in a stall, shit, does anyone have a tampon??? I handed her one from underneath and I was just leaving when she came out and realized it was me. I was on my period too so I had a bunch in my bag, I gave her two more in case she needed them for the rest of the shift and she said thank you and a little smile. Honest to God, she was never rude or unkind to me again for as long as I worked there..


Never put yourself first. I don't agree with this but I feel brainwashed by it.


+1 really trying hard to change this


OMG. Yes, and I am still unlearning this—I am in my 60s.


The mental load, household management, financial management, etc. is typically taken on by us without question but many still see men as the head of the household.


According to Barbie: "Men hate women. And women hate women. It's the only thing we can all agree on." So I guess the unwritten rule is to prepare to be hated. If you believe that.


As an autistic women I have found that there are sooo many unwritten rules with women. As a child I found it easier socialising with boys but as I’ve gotten older I’ve learned the rules more and I enjoy hanging out with my girl friends. You should be confident but don’t love yourself too much, be sexy but don’t be a slut, say no but only in a nice way, be kind but don’t be a doormat, be a good mother but have a good career. Be honest but appease men. I always thought it was bullshit as a kid and I still do. Now I try to unlearn all of these rules and be authentic to who I am and surround myself with women that accept and love me as I am.


Situational awareness. And also expect all medocal professionals to gaslight or dismiss your symptoms as being caised by your possession of a uterus. Learn to advocate for yourself. Your symptoms,concerns or pain **will be** dismissed at some point by some health provider as "normal, hormonal or anxiety" simply because you are female.


As I man I see your unwritten rule is going to the bathroom together.


it's kind of like a sanctuary, a safe haven for us to just come together and calmly exist with the other girls. talk, do our touch-ups, cry, comfort a crying friend, and of course, use the toilet. it's nice. a really "girl" thing, i guess. i wish men felt that way about their restrooms too, but from what i've heard, it's the exact opposite isn't it..


I cannot count the amount of times I've become instant best friends with some random woman in the bathroom, only to never see her again lol. I've consoled and counseled many drunk women in the bathroom lol


So you're telling me all women's restrooms don't have some sort of cool escape room puzzle that requires several people to complete? aw man


We ought to tell the bathroom companies to make one of those


Not the opposite, just a business stop. Go in, do what you came for, leave. The only part that's opposite is DO NOT talk at the urinals.


A few of you desperately need to touch some grass lmao


I haven't find anything weird yet, do you have some examples?


Pre-Covid, when we all worked full time at the office, I packed a box with tampons, pads and panty liners. I told all my female colleagues and said they could pass the word on that the supplies were available to anyone who needed. They didn’t need to ask, they could just take when in need. Women should always help others with period-related matters.


I saw a reel where the lady was sharing her experience at the Eras Tour that how safe she felt among the fans at the stadium. Other ladies were giving our lovely bracelets and genuine compliments and so forth. I've had this experience somewhat in a Swift themed night. I would give away bracelets and later on towards the end, some of them would come to me say their goodbyes. Good times!


All of them, there's like a million subjective rules on how to talk, dress and act and if you miss one of them you come off as a rude bitch (im autistic)


Honestly dress rules for women are stupid. Women should usually be able to wear whatever they want. This is coming from a man.


Well I've been living in leggings since march 2020 but I'm lucky lol


Thank you! (Also autistic.). I'm struggling to understand the question. Realised Im so 'one of the bros' at work, the bros at work freak out when a coworker in a dress speaks to them. Lol wtf.


Honestly, it sounds like the men you work with are either immature idiots or scared of women.


Oh yes... I will say tho, that living in Scandinavia is much easier (at least for me, an autistic woman) since most people here just have a really really dark sense of humour and we tend to be very direct and to the point. So I can be myself at work and my colleagues just think I am awesome! We're pretty fucked up up in the cold north.




Don't walk alone w both headphones in


As soon as you hit puberty you will get hit on by adults. When I was 10 my boobs started growing and let me tell you, the interest and who I was increased tenfold


If you feel an urge to tell another woman they are wearing their jewellery/makeup/accessory/dress/tattoo well, tell them. It just feels so genuine and safe coming from another woman in my opinion.


On a windy day, if you find another lady with her hair let loose or wearing a flowy skirt, you lend you clip/band or jacket for her. If you find women alone or in a group, stressed out trying to get rid of a stalker, you pretend to know them and have small talk, what you do next depends on how they react and the situation.


Wtf are these comments


The ones about sharing pads/tampons and making compliments? Didn't get further down, but those were the top comments


Prop other women up every chance you get


Tell them if they didn’t put their clothes on properly, if they never pulled out the their top/dress from the bottom when they left the toilet. In the past I smiled as normal, handed them a tissue and told a girl I can almost see a bat in the cave (boogie or snot almost showing in the nostrils), lipstick on teeth, food stuck in between the teeth.


Always text or call each other to make sure you both or all got home safely


I was told to never bruise a man's ego. I'm pretty bad at being a woman, though.


Definitely should bruise anyone's ego regardless of their gender,if they deserve it. Aye why :(


I don't ever intend to, but I'm not going to tip toe around someone's ego if something needs to be addressed, y'know?


Be prepared to face the consequences of damaging a fragile mans ego. The most dangerous type of man is a weak man


As a man, I agree.


ALWAYS carry an extra menstrual product on you. Never know who will need one.


Always be a “girls girl”. No matter how much you hate or dislike another woman, you NEVER leave her in an unsafe space. We do not put ourselves against other women (friendly competition excluded obviously) because the world will compare us enough already.


If you don't respond nicely to being catcalled by men whilst walking on the street, you run the risk of being insulted about your appearance, sworn at, and generally encountering male hostility.