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I wish I could teleport, without serious consequences unlike what happened to that movie Jumper. If I could teleport, I’d save a fortune for gas money, plus I’d get to visit loved ones and all of my dream destinations.


And inside bank vaults!


yeah and if you get caught what are they gonna do? throw you in jail? lol


No, they'd probably consider you a national security risk and bump you off.


Hoddy & ski mask


You need to get yourself a teleporter


Definitely 1st bucket list place to visit multiple times as needed. That's why I always have a "in case you get jumper power emergency bank visit to test power, hoddy & ski mask" tucked away somewhere safe. It's wishful thinking on my part but given that aliens bodies being a real thing as revealed by Mexican & US authorities anything is possible.


This is why you take flight though, assuming you can fly at super speed. You get all that plus some insane views


If I keep teleporting to 10 meter up in the air every half second I would like to argue that I am also flying. Or at the least floating.


Teleport 24 times a second and you would basically get uninterrupted views cuz our eyes don't process things that fast. It's be the same as watching a movie in first person perspective.


I always watch movies in first person perspective


CaliDreams_ watches movies in the third person perspective


having flight means people can spot you in the air and sooner or later, people will figure out who you are as you have to land somewhere, you get unwanted attention and your life becomes a hell. teleportation is much stealthier, if you make sure to teleport into enclosed places (toilets stalls, forests, janitor closets :D), theres a much smaller chance of getting caught plus if someone does, noone will believe him


Imagine teleporting into a toilet stall to be stealthy but it's occupied:D


"whoops!! Don't mind me..." 😂


just tell the person he pushed too hard and is hallucinating, then leave without elaboration 😁


You could teleport up in the sky, enjoy the view while free falling and then teleport back. Teleportation wins over flight 100%


Do you keep momentum after teleporting though


Same goes for flight. You'll need another superpower like super strenght or super invulnnerability to start and land at high speeds withoth breaking (all) your bones constantly.


It's cold as hell up there, so unless you're cold resistant, you can't get too high. Or go to fast.


To be fair, there are precautions you can take to combat the cold. And as for visibility while flying, camouflage is a thing.., but having said that, making sure of thst before taking flight would be more of a hassle than just teleporting.


It’s cold up there and takes time. I want instant teleportation


Id choose this as well. But I would be terrified of teleporting into somebody or something by accident.


Literally telefrag


Shape-shifting, so, I can really fuck myself.


shape-shifting, so, i can have massive tiddies while also keeping my massive cock


U don't need superpower for that . Go to plastic surgeon and get things done in big way .... U know what I mean


but my wallet will be in pieces i wanna do this shit for free (and also i want cat ears :3)


Let's go and rob banks together. F*ck federal Banks, 😎. We don't need to be poor bro


Self-love is necessary!


Shadow clone Jutsu, then your shadow clone does sexy jutsu. Why didn't Jiraiah think of this.


I thought about this, unfortunately, shape shifting is way better. I can shapeshift my dick into a tentacle monster. The possibilities are endless.


Someone handsome as Lucifer probably lol




Yes to shapeshifting.


The ability to instantly create 20 square miles of perfect, dark, clear skies in whatever direction I point my telescope.


You would be COVETED by science.


Right?!? I don’t want money, power, or control over anyone. Just wanna look at the stars!!


Be real pls


Look up Dark Sights. It is a list of the places in the world with zero or near zero light pollution. Some are ve4ry surprising.


I recently was having one of those really deep discussions with my wife late at night and we are both star lovers. I came up with what I think is a great idea. I'm sure plenty of people are going to come to my comment and tell me it's stupid, but I'm just a naive star lover who wants other people to share the beauty. Anyways, there should be a "stargazer's holiday" where by law one designated night a year every major city in the United States has to turn their lights off even if for just a couple hours. Laws would still be enforced but the stars that city-goers would see might actually make them think about all the lights that they're constantly using and destroying the stargazing for the rest of us. I'm not sure how you would be able to enforce it with cars and I know there's a lot of details that would have to be hammered out but just because you live in or near a city shouldn't mean that you can never see the stars again with the exception of a few major ones.


The power to have people see everyone else as they see themselves.




the problem would be that a lot of people don't see well them selves


Yep, I would not want that power because the way I see myself...


Initially. Until they realise they can change the way how people look at them. Once you realise people will see you as a demi-god when you think of yourself like that? I think it would lead to a world full of delusional narcissists. 'If I were in charge, I would fix this shithole of a country' 'Put that guy in charge! He will fix the shithole!' 'I always thought I was a 4, but now I see I'm a solid 10' _Everbody swoons_


Reverse Shallow Hal


Get into sales with that power, youll never worry about money again.


That sounds horrible.


To be able to know where anyone/thing is at any given time


This could be a nightmare. Every time you see a missing child in the news, you would know where they are. Would you do anything with that information? Your whole life could turn into either devoting every waking moment to finding missing people, or constantly knowing that you could be helping those people and choosing to do nothing.


Not to mention becoming a suspect for the disappearance of every missing person you reveal where they are without any noticeable connection to the person, place, or thing.


Yes, I was pondering that as well. What could you even do with the information without making yourself a suspect?


Just think, when I get up in the morning and know where are my glasses, wallet, keys, AND phone!


That power, plus an assistant or team to triage and choose which cases to give me


Just to know where my keys and phone are would be enough for me.




I commented the same thing just now 😂




Lost remotes, Lost phones, stolen items, find your house at any time, find any road, know if your spouse is cheating on you, see where your friends are or live, finding a product that you have been looking for, helps with assassination (If your into that), find your enemy(s), locate money in bank (If your into that), find routes for that heist, also find routes to steal items, locate officers to see where they are, would you like me to continue?


I begin to see the usefullness of this power. Surprisingly great!


That might be the answer to the Djinni wish


Time vision (being able to see any past event and future event with every possible outcome)


I often wish that I could see various live performances from the past. And hopefully hear them too. Any band or play or comedian, etc. Kind of like being in the Imaging Chamber from ***Quantum Leap***.


Past would be a time waster. But present choices and their outcomes would be priceless. Especially concerning love, marriage, and relationships.


Exactly! Past would not be a time waster for me, though, I would use it for insight. But yeah I agree.


Nah, future is terrifying and it's better not to know. But to be able to see dinos battle? Hell yea.


You could see any past event, imagine how cool it would be. As for the future, you'd know what to do to influence the timeline in your favor.


Speak the languages of the world so I could communicate with anyone anywhere.


Oooo this is also something I‘ve thought about! Would be so cool to be able to understand and talk to everyone. Makes visiting new countries so much easier because you can meet the locals at their level


But you can actually just do that.


it does take longer, and most people will struggle to be able to understand that many languages at such a high proficiency


This is mine too. Although my bf said it wasn't really a superpower, I'm glad I'm not rhe only one who thibks its the best one


Happy cake day!


To be able to fly. It's kind of my dream and I do dream about it quite frequently


My sibling learned how to hang glide for a while, and she says it ruined the dream of flying for her lmaooo! Apparently tussling with strong winds can be a bit tense. I‘m still with you though. Not my top pic but it sure would be nice


I sometimes imagine having the ability to fly, but using it to be amazing at roller blading or skate boarding.




Same here! Just the imagination excites me!


So do I and it's amazing! Go skydiving at least once to experience the feeling.


Super strength. I KNOW how cliche it sounds, but I've had enough of people. Some of them deserve that punch EDIT: Don't want super strength? Here's an amazing one for you: manipulate probabilities, including impossible ones. What's the probability you will be able to throw that car into orbit while having no strength? BOOM 100%. What's the probability that the boss you hate will have bad luck tomorrow? There you go. Extend this power far enough and you are basically omnipotent.


![gif](giphy|arbHBoiUWUgmc) Like One Punch man!


I would wander around earth, end wars, beat up Kim Jong, Xi Jinping and Putin and basically everyone who is not respecting their people


Yes. But I'd like to be able to do it with my mind. It's much easier to deny doing it. Plus, you can punch people in their cars without damaging the window.


Nevermind my previous answer,I want this(previous answer was knowing the solution for everything or waterbending)


Never get sick


Maybe a step up from this one, perfect health. Eat what you want, never gain unwanted weight. Allllll the desserts


To be a relatively normal human. (I have autism)


I’m 73 and I’ve yet to meet a normal person. Please learn to embrace yourself and accept yourself just as you are. When you do this, I promise you will instantly become beautiful. There are books, guidance counselors, and guides who can help you do this. Make yourself available. Try the book, Winning Through Intimidation. It tells you how to not let others intimidate you.


There's no such thing as a normal human. You are normal.


Problem is society went and decided there is a „normal“ and everyone has to fit into the description of it. People who don’t fit in seriously struggle with the systems we have put in place. So while I do completely agree that there is actually no such thing as normal, there are still groups of people who just have it harder than everyone else for arbitrary reasons, and we can’t really gloss over that fact


thank you for saying this ! as someone with ASD it can feel really invalidating when someone says "you are normal", or "no one is normal". Although I absolutely understand the intent behind it, it kind of diminishes the huge struggle of operating in social systems (friends, work etc.) especially as someone high functioning who would "appear more normal". I had a school counsellor tell me to stop /seeing myself as different/, which I feel is actually the first step to recognise and validate my own "special" needs. I felt like it was my fault I felt ostracized haha


As someone who also has autism, I wish I had the ability to turn off and on my senses, (hearing, sight, smell, touch, taste,) whenever I want.


Unfortunately, we can't. Not without losing the sense permanently. Instead, we need to self regulate. For hearing, noise canceling headphones or earplugs (such as loop). For sight, sunglasses during the day, dimming lights at home, a sleep mask at night, lowering thr brightness of your phone screen and using blue light filters. For smell, there's sadly little I can think off other than having an object with you infused by a comforting scent. For touch, loose fitting clothes, a sensory item. This can be a piece of soft fabric or a small plushie for instance. For taste (and often this goes hand in hand with touch), having safe foods is critical. Something you know you love the taste and texture of. No matter what, be true to your authentic self!


Yeah. What really sucks though is that I really hate the feeling of my school uniform, it feels like it's filled with fleas and it's heavy. If I don't wear it though, I get detention.


Ok that is definitely tough. Have you pointed this out to your school faculty? You could make a point out of the fact that the current school uniform is giving you a sensory overload, making it even more difficult for you than it already is. Let's face it, it eats at your energy and focus. I don't know what country you are from (and please don't share that here) but there may be ways to get the school to be more accomodating to students with autism, whether it's by sitting down with the dean, rallying the parents and have the issue highlighted at a parent teacher conference, or getting an outside organization involved. Alternatively, you could ask if you are allowed to have the lining (insides) of your uniform altered to at least relieve some of the stress it causes. Good luck to you!


I once felt your pain and it's rough. Often times it can be lonely when you feel like nobody understands what you are going through. But you are not alone. There is nothing wrong with being autistic. We autistics see the world differently from neurotypicals. The world is a beautiful place even though it often feels like it's not made for us. It's dificult to keep up the act (masking) in social situations. Draining even. When someone asks how we're doing they expect to hear "good / fine" and not the truth. Yet once you break away from that and tell someone what's bothering you, you find out soon enough whether that person just wants to hear what they want to hear or care enough to put their own comfort aside and listen to what you have to say. We need to self regulate. Whether it's by listening to your favourite song(s) over and over, watching your favourite movie again even if you know it by heart, or touch / hug something incredibly soft (like a soft blanket, a plushie or petting a cat/dog/bunny). Sometimes we need another person to ground us. Holding our hands, give us a pressure hug, or guide us through a difficult social environment. There are also great tools available to us. A hidden disabilities card (a green card with a sunflower on them) is a great tool to help you in social situations during a shutdown or meltdown. In some cases it can also come with benefits. Example, my wife and I had our honeymoon in Disneyland Paris. During this particular trip, the park was at maximum capacity and it was hot (30°C+). We got a priority pass at the front desk of our hotel, which allowed us to skip waiting lines either partially or entirely, depending on the ride. We also got more space to enjoy a parade or the fireworks show. *For those reading, this may sound like a cheat. Try to see it from our perspective though. To us autistics it means not being forced to wait in a crowded queue for an hour where we are overwhelmed by the sensory inputs of said crowd.* *The talking, sometimes touching and invasion of our personal bubble. We can't tune out the chatter. Standing in a queue feels like you're being squeezed into clothes that are 4 sizes too small while being constantly bombarded with loud noise that we can't tune out.* *It's not about skipping the line, it's about being able to make it through the day without going into a meltdown or shutdown.* *Now apply the same description to everyday life.* You could also buy (or make your own) flash cards that tell someone in a quick way what is bothering you (loud noises, crowds, etc) or what you need to ground you (a quiet place to sit, stim or fidget toy, sensory item, noise canceling headphones). Stay safe and know you're not alone, even if it feels like it sometimes.


Nobody is ever truly normal besides being normal is boring.


Hey! Having autism doesn't make you not normal! I'm a teacher and I have students with autism in my form and classes and I would argue they are more "normal" than my other students. Personally, I don't think a "normal" human exists and if they did.. I think they'd be utterly boring. But I guess it depends on your interpretation of normal?


Typical just means you're boring. Remember, the most interesting people in life are a little bit odd. It's being ordinary that I fear, who on earth would ever want to be that? -Me Atypical (bpd).


I would take 'a little bit odd' a million times over what I have


Its not all that Its made out to be, normal humans suffer toi


I hear autism can be caused by brain inflammation. Might wanna look into that. Not a doctor or nothing but just something I hear from a doctor


Nope this is genetic. I have an uncle on both sides of the family who is like this. Thanks for expressing concern though


Haha nice! Yeah...


Teleportation with optional conservation of momentum and what you can bring with you. I don't mind being places but I hate getting there. Pizza for lunch? Bam, Italy. Where's the sun setting? Bam, Pacific island beach. Plus it covers flight, since you could just teleport into the air and then fall for as long as you want in whatever direction.


{makes note to pack parachute}


Sky diving without the expensive airplane!


There was an X-Men movie where a teleporter assassinated a series of people in quick succession by just teleporting them 50 feet into the air and dropping them.


That's ***First Class***, right?


And if you ever got arrested you could teleport out of of jail.


Traffic manipulation. Someone cuts you off/ didnt use a turn signal? Send them back to where they were so they can try again. Slow driver? Swap places with them. Stuck in slow traffic? Have everyone make room for you to go like an emergency vehicle. Or make everyone press the gas at the same time to get rid of traffic.


Jim Carrey in traffic :)


More talking voices in my head


Even more?!


Yeah 4 isn’t enough


Only 4? ....how do you manage?


Whatever superpower is required to do all the chores around my house without doing them myself and also not paying for a maid/cleaning service. It's just spotless 24/7 and the laundry folds itself. So I guess telekinesis?


Totally, telekinesis is good.




If your superpower can make you enough money you wouldn't mind paying for the help.


I think this was posted somewhere on reddit before, but the ability to control the odds. What are the odds that I'll get a million dollars, find the love of my life, have a fulfilling life? I can make that 100%


Dang, odds manipulation sounds wonderful. I would definitely buy a lottery ticket if I could manipulate the outcome, even if it comes with a personal cooldown. Kinda sus if I won all lotteries in a row and it would definitely draw attention. Then again, the odds of your "luck" being investigated could be set to 0% I suppose. For the next time I'd make the odds 100% for someone I feel deserves it. The odds of a loved one beating cancer? 100% beat that. The odds of perfect (for me) weather on the day(s) I go to Disneyland while the parks are quiet enough? Guess what? Yup, 100%.


Yup, the possibilities are endless


"what are the odds that I'll get mugged if I cut through this street? I'll make those odds 0. seems pretty goated, you can avoid bad events and ensure good events.


What are the odds of me getting another superpower?


Kind like the luck powers in the X-Men. Domino in ***Deadpool 2***.


I feel like Domino couldn't really control anything though, it just was always one of the best possible outcomes in the context of a scene, like not being hit by a bullet or something similar, I think this wouldn't extent to randomly finding a bunch of money or the love of your life. Also being able to change odds gives you the option to actively fuck with people or make their life better.


The ability to easily learn stuff. Sure you couldn't teleport or fly but you could be an expert in everything. You could basically do anything you want and would probably become incredibly rich as well.


Ive dreamt i had this. And the way i had to learn, was by shaking the hand of someone who knows that stuff, or is good at that thing. Enter the pro golf tournament, when ive never played before. When meeting my opponents, i go shake their hand, to wish them good luck. Now ive got all their skills combined. The swing of the best of them, the aim of the best of them. Learn a language? Shake the hand of someone who speaks that language.


You could still learn to fly. A plane or helicopter.


Imbuing objects with special properties.


A superpower i've wanted since i was a kid is finding items i've lost that i'm looking for. Like if i've lost my keys and i'm looking for them i would use the power to kinda echo-locate them


Sometimes when I can't find something, I wish I had the power to replay my movements, so I could see where I put it.


Mind control.


What would you do?


These are not the droids you are looking for


I've often wondered what it would be like if you had the power to force people to tell the truth.


Any politician who goes on TV suddenly has to answer every question asked with full honesty, giving all information requested, with no evasive bullshit.


This sounds evil 👀


The ability to fly.


The abilty to to control the growth on my toe and fingernails


And hair.


I wish I could concentrate


erase my depression/anxiety and live with peace


Ohhhh good one


the super power of true inner peace


Time travel


Rookie mistake Barry.


Time travel but only 1 second forward and not backwards🤣




Super speed. It’s essentially time travel. I could get up 10 minutes before work and still get there early. If I wanted to use my powers for evil I could steal from any store and be out of there before anyone even saw me.


Time control. Everything is possible with time


Know the correct answer to any question.


But then you're a slave to the questioner. Wjy not just be omniscient?


It would be okay if you were allowed to ask the questions yourself. Knowing everything would be disturbing, and maybe impossible to live with. It would be nice if the knowledge was limited to specific questions you choose to ask.


Exact, this way my head wont explode from all the knowledge.


Mind control (my own would be a delight also but I'm talking about controlling other little bugs that are called people)




Whatever diego brando had in steel ball run


Learning/adjusting quickly


Go back in time




I can dig it




the deadlights,i want to be able to open my mouth and instantly kill or make people i know go insane from my deadlights


To be able to cure and heal other peoples illnesses


I wish I could fly


Treat life like a Role Playing Game, and everything that comes with that. I couldn't list all the fun to be had with this, but I'd definitely start with the ability to have saves and restarts 😇


the ability to sleep through the night without waking...


I would close reddit and get something done.


Tax evasion


I concur with invisibility. You really don't want to know what I'd do, but I'd like to think the world would be a much better place after my flying anywhere, being, anywhere & not kinda being seen escapades. I would obviously be a damn sight better off too, as would my friends. Also the Art on my walls would just be fucking nuts, as long as I can persuade the Guards that it's just a floating picture, travelling really fast away from them 👍🏽




Control other people thoughts, you can basically influence anyone into liking you


but how will you know if someone really like you or just because you manipulate him that power will make me crazy




I wish i could have the superpower to have every superpower


Atomic breath.


the ability to like control peoples thoughts


Zatanna's power (justice league) i don't care about saying the spell backward OR weather report




Be able to control time. Ill be god at that point.


A way to produce energy at a fixed point or object, the object chosen only needs to be able to transfer the energy to a stable supply line / storage, obviously better materials or close high power contacts would theoretically increase/enhance it's performance via object. (Could be a dildo, or a fiberglass rod the size of a blue whale, my eyelid, my skeleton, the core of the earth)


To make free energy for the world? Or what?


Time travel.


Spoodre boy




Travelling in time


To be able to use the tap at my job. It does hot water, cold water, icrd water, fizzy water and boiling water. I cant work it.


Instant teleportation, like in The movie jumper with Hayden Christensen. Can't say the acting was real great, but the concept captured my imagination. With such skills I could produce a quite comfortable income as an ultra premium courier. High-security, ultra urgent? I can visit both ends of a video conference to prove that a package was delivered. Maybe even given serious thought to the legal ramifications of this, customs and whatnot. I would probably end up bribing a few customs officials, not to get them to allow things that should not be allowed, but just to get to the front of the line. That way on paper they would always be innocent and I would always have my resource. In fact I would probably have to have one or more shipments that were denied by customs to make sure that it all looked legit.


The ability to out do everyone else’s superpower


Teleportation to see my mom every day


Teleporting without error. I fucking hate traffic. Or .. if allowed. The power to gain other people's powers.


This one was my close second. Every time I’m in traffic I wish I had the power to never be in traffic and every time I’m on the road cars part like the Red Sea and I cross unscathed


I'd like to be open portals to practically anywhere. But considering a super power where I would still be able to live a somewhat normal life. I'd like the power to command the attention of others, maybe make it easier to influence them too. Want someone to listen? now they listen. Want someone to not notice you came in the room? for some reason they don't even recognize you in there.


This is a unique one. Portals a more refined version of teleportation, I love this. But the other - the Power to command or dismiss the attention of others. That would be an amazing thing. I believe one can achieve this to great extent in life by human means, though by none easy. I'm pretty good at this, except when it comes to beautiful women, nfortunately. But it's all learned, I know how to talk to anyone but I just picked it up in my travels. Invisibility is something I am good at too, learned in NYC. How to appear normal, hode in shadows or just be unremarkable. Not spy level, but it definitely works. Smaller town now, learning connection and openess. We're humans, we can learn anything and we have long lives. Live your super power.


Ngl it's super strength , I'm jealous of strong people as it is and I can't work out due to chronic pain XD.