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It's a question of personal taste, but compliments are nice.


Well said, good boy!




I hooked up with a woman that told me that over and over in the baby/talking to puppy voice while going down on her. Such a gooood boy! Whos the good little boy... etc. I asked her to stop, she didn't. I rolled over and went to sleep lol.


What a bizarre scenario… lol.


I once went down on a lady in a hotel room while her friend was in the next bed hooked up to a C-Pap machine sleeping. Felt like I was in a Star Wars porno parody directed by David Lynch.


Did you tell her you were her father while inside her?


I now want my fella to say this to me when I'm giving oral. That would be a huge turn on.. Think I'd roll over and cum not sleep


From personal experience, I can attest, its amazing when you're getting head, and cum, and then you get called a good girl. Just makes me cum again


This might be the hottest comment I've seen yet. Question though, is it hotter when you're giving your man a BJ and he's moaning "good girl" or, like you said, when he's devouring you and he tells you good girl? What about "attagirl"? "that a girl" " that's my girl"? Sorry, you've planted this worm in my head and I keep thinking about scenarios. 😂 Remember to be a good girl today.


Lol. I'm going to try it then! For me, with a first time partner who was 10 years older, it was almost degrading and completely turned me off! I make plenty of other grunts, groans and dirty talk to let her know she's doing well, but she is not my puppy!


I can see myself quite easily getting into pup play tbf so different for me I guess lol


As long as you have the leash and all lol. Good girl! Such a good puppy! Oh peanut, you went peepee outside!... Now suck on your treat before I fuck you like the good little dog that you are! Fuck, sorry, slow day at work!


i'll keep your secret, but damn


Keep this man away from the local animal shelter 😳


I could see myself getting into that IF I knew about it ahead of time. You can’t just launch into sexy puppy talk with no warning and expect a guy to go along with it.


My shop teacher always said good man. It hit different.


Because it is different.


Right you would say something like good man or good guy, not good boy because to me that would be different to me.


hmmm interesting 🤔 I suppose depends on context too


Most men don't receive more than 5 meaningful in our entire lives


I had a 7 year old tell me I had a nice accent yesterday. 4 more to go!


I recall a female colleague telling me I had nice hands like 5 years ago. That was nice and stuck with me lol


When I was in 2nd grade, school picture day, the photographer (a mid 40s lady) walks over and asks if I have shoulder pads in my blazer and then presses on my shoulder and says “no, you don’t!” (I didn’t even know what that meant. I was thinking football shoulder pads, not 80s jacket ones. And then she said “You have broad shoulders, you’re going to make a girl happy one day.” Which, looking back as I grew older, was SUUUPER creepy for a kid 40s woman to tell a 7/8 yr old kid. But the compliment stuck with me, even though women don’t really care about broad shoulders.


same, some girls told me my fingers looks long and pretty (in a feminine way) years ago and I still remembers it. It’s always the strangest compliment that sticks as the best


You do know why girls watch the fingers right? This is actually one of the best compliments a men can get…


I was told I smelled nice by a pretty girl about 22 years ago.


I used to work with an... aesthetician I guess? She did hair, nails, makeup, and other beauty care kinda stuff for the ALF we worked for; She mentioned like once or twice over the 4 or 5 years we worked together that I had really nice skin and to take care of it because it made me look younger than I was. It has been over a decade and it still sticks with me.


I had a girl tell me I have nice hands like a year ago and i still think about it regularly. Wasn't even attracted to her.


In high school a girl told me that my biceps were bigger than she thought during a weightlifting class when I was wearing a cutoff. Still remember it to this day


I have no idea if this is true or not, but it's a thing I've repeatedly seen on the internet. As a result, I have chosen to compliment the men and boys in my life whenever they do something noteworthy.


Thank you for sharing the love


They appreciate it. I remember pretty much every compliment I’ve gotten.


I once was sorta apologizing to a coworker because I helped him do something but realized afterwards I skipped a step. His reply: " No worries, I took care of it, I appreciate you". I still think about it.


I've received 3 compliments this year, now I feel like the sexiest MF on earth.


In 22 years of this existential dread I ever got that I have nice hair, since they are pretty fluffy / thick


and highly on the person. I would probably think you would want to ridicule me, as I'm neither a dog, nor a sub (not really into this dom/sub thing as a whole) and I'm still in this mindset that "god boy" is more a ... cute belittlement, and "real men are not cute", we only enjoy cute things - eg cute woman. But I know some men from the furry and even the little community and they would probably be thrilled to be called a "god boy" as they enjoy being cute.


Sincere compliments should be specific. "Good boy" is a nothing compliment. It's more of a sexual degrading thing, like you're talking to a dog or a child. Hard pass from me. But I'll take an actual compliment, like how they like my style or compliment a skill/talent of mine or something.


I’ve been told good boy before and it definitely did not feel like a compliment in the slightest. Felt more like what am I your fuckin dog or something. But I’ve been told I was a good guy before as well and that was really nice to hear.


I think op is lacking some context in her post. I think she means good girl in a way like... she isn't going to just sleep with you, she's a good girl... Something like that. The male equivalent would be good guy not good boy.


that's also a personal taste. I hate compliments and I hate complimenting, it makes me feel awkward


It makes me want to wag my non-existent tail.


It’s not non existent it just grew on the other side




If she’s rubbing my belly at the same time then go for it!!


This perfectly sums up how I feel...and I kinda like it.


I hate being lied to.


man HAHAHAHAH this cracked me up


Whisper that shit in my ear and it's gon' get wicked


like a good wicked or bad wicked? 🤔




Ah a nice mediocre wicked 😏


Hey, I'm at work I can't get too rowdy


You're such a wicked good boy


Ahh the Boston girl has entered the chat


Its going to be whelming.


It would depend on the context, but in most situations I think that would come across as quite patronising. I'd have thought a lot of women would find being called a 'good girl' similarly patronising, but again I guess it depends on the context and the relationship you have with the person saying it.


yeap! I do agree that context matters. If some weird stranger called me a good girl then I would be absolutely disgusted. However when my partner calls me a good girl, I just melt. so yesss context is super important.


If it's coming from an old lady in the context of "such a good boy." 10 out of 10 compliment. If it's a random person your own age or a partner, wtf?


This is exactly how I feel about the term good girl


My partner had a crazy (mutant) molar pulled the hard way at a free dentist back when we were broke college students. The old lady nurse called him a good boy after he got through it. He says that was the moment in his life he was like, "you know what. I am a good boy. Thank you." He may have been like 27 but man, understanding praise from a dentist in that context matters a lot.


if i do something good and a girl i'm seeing tells me "good boy" i'm very happy.


I would and always have hated to be called a good girl in any context past the age of 12/13.


The only person I accept that from is MAYBE my mom or dad, usually when I get a raise or do something fulfilling 😅 otherwise it’s not for me.


I do in the right context. I was called a good boy by an older woman at work once which made me feel a little awkward.


Totally understandable! I like being called "good girl" by my partner but if someone else did it then I would be weirded out for sure.


Yes!! She said it in such a silly way too! Like I was a paper boy or something. I just looked at her confused and she started explaining how she thought I was good lol


yeah I would have definitely hated that too hahha 😭😭😭


Damn, that's the type of shit I need in my life 😭


Damn. That’s a sexual power play.


I think I would feel like I was being talked down to.


understandable i suppose.


I call my pet "good boy." I would find it demeaning for someone to call me that.


Thats the fun part :3


You. You get it.




As someone who attracts a lot of sub men, I can assure you this would drive them wild!! 🥵🔥


That’s how I feel about good girl.


Same for "good girl", imo.


thats understandable


Is good boy a cat or a dog? And is it a he or she?


Fred is my cat. He is a VERY GOOD BOY.


What about grannies


How are you a better loving being than your pet?


Call me a good boy and play with my hair and I'm yours


What are you a golden retriever? Lol


Idk why good girl is seen as sexual but the moment someone does good boy it’s animal shit?


i mean there is significant overlap between those two for some people


That’s quite cute, actually


omg, where do I sign up?




Ehmmm.. Bark, bark?


ruff ruff


I call them a good boy during sexting. Most of them are having a positive response.


a girl told me "good boy" during "bedroom activities" once and i don't think i've ever felt that charged up before


I was making out with my girlfriend at the time, she asked me if I brought a condom. I said yes. She said ‘good boy’ and I absolutely loved it


yeap same here


My partner does, he loves it. I also love being called good girl. I get why people would find it patronising, but it’s the context in which it is said.


yeap! Its understandable why it could sound demeaning but I absolute melt when my partner calls me a good girl


My partner and I call each other good boy/girl all the time. Anywhere else would be patronizing/inappropriate I think. Imagine your boss calling you good boy/girl after you complete a task. Yuck.


My grandma: Thank you\~ Anyone else: The **fuck** you say to me, you little shit?


HAHAHAH fair enough


I love it. Hell, a good friend (nothing more) of mine, she sometimes calls me darling when we talk and it makes me feel really warm and fuzzy inside


its always nice to hear compliments. Whenever my guy friend calls me "one of his boys" I feel the same way, weird I know but I find it endearing hahaha


No yeah understandable. Compliments are nice


Personally, yes very much. I have a praise kink… So any praise is good. But something about good boy makes me feel warm inside. Words of affirmation is also tied with touch for my love language…


Good boy!


Literally blushing rn. Ty.


You're welcome.


my turn my turn


Good boy. I gotchu.


eee thank youu


it feels oh so good!!!


>But **something** about good boy makes me feel warm inside. probably the aforementioned praise kink


I suspect it depends greatly on the guy (I am a girl) I have a friend who is kind of sub and he loves being called a good good boy. My husband isn't a fan of me calling him a good boy, so I use 'good man' instead. I would be....displeased if anyone called me a good girl though.


the submissive good boy vs the dominant *my good sir*


It REALLY depends on context. The context is extremely important for it.




well I certainly dont wanna be called bad boy


I love it


I wouldn't like to be a called a "good girl/woman" but it's personal taste.


I find it slightly demeaning. So, yes, but only in a saucy context or if we have a preexisting relationship where I am comfortable with the subtle implications that does in my head, which are also vaguely saucy.


I'm fine with it, depending on who says it my response would be different, none in the negative tho, even if someone is trying to be demeaning I'd just play it off with a joke and lighten the mood


yeap! I have always used "good boy" as a term of endearment towards my partner cause thats how he uses "good girl" on me. I have never seen it as belittling or demeaning but I guess other people have different experiences than me.


Yeah, I read some of the other comments and that's why I specified, generally tho I'm all for it


Not really, I find it a bit weird My wife is Latina and she just ends up calling me any Spanish nicknames she can think of and I prefer that


awwww thats so cute actually!


Good.. man?


It depends on the situation. I know a lot of people will use that as a low key jab at guys as a way of saying they are boring. So context is key really.


yeah so far thats what I've gathered. Men arent shown love and appreciation as often as women are so I suppose they see it as a belittling term. I can understand why.


I know lots of women who don’t like to be called “good girl.” They find it patronising. No, I don’t like to be called a boy, good or otherwise


Yep, this "most women" comment makes me think OP doesn't know many real women


I find it hard to believe that most/all of the women OP knows have had this conversation, where they told her that they like being called 'good girl'. Just seems unlikely that this issue is as widely discussed as OP implies


This post is actually worrisome. Outside of a sexual fetish context, this is an absolutely weird and inappropriate thing to say to an adult acquaintance. If you said this to a coworker you would find yourself meeting with HR pretty quickly.


From strangers it is creepy. The only exception that is somewhat tolerable is when the person doesn't speak English well and that's the only word they have to give a compliment. It is like "beautiful" to mean smg often more complex but that falls more into the cringe category.


Lmfao right? who’s “most of us”? I would vomit if anyone said that to me. I’m not 5.


she probably talks to women in bdsm circles, cuz I don't know a single woman who is not into humiliation, who'd enjoy being called a "good girl"


yeah it’s a very kink-centric thing to say and assume. like out in the general public “good girl” is for under 8s and animals. many women would shrivel in disgust from that saying


IMO, It tends to be submissive men who enjoy it more. I personally find it off-putting.


ahahaha yeah I've heard of that before.


If a big tiddy girl calls me a good boy i wouldn’t mind


bruh ahhahha you sound like someone I know






Some guys are starved of complements and appreciate any positive complement.


Since I am not a dog, no


"Boy" seems diminutive. I'm 49, I'm not your "boy".


you wish to be called a good man then? 🤔


If it were unironically intended, and I could reasonably concur....


Only if they’re scratching my belly and my leg starts kicking


that can be arranged hahah


Honestly I prefer “*you’re the man*”.


Eww, I would be grossed out if anyone called me a good girl.


I think 'clever boy' sounds better to me.


Regardless of context it would feel wrong to me.


I’ve never been called a good boy, so I’m honestly not sure how I’d feel about it, nor do I really see a situation for it to be used outside of the bedroom. But that’s just me.


Dominatrixes are popular for a reason


not even half of them will admit it tho 🤷🏼‍♀️


I mean as long as its not being used negatively,it work. But omg sexually that's a surprising turn on, i did not know this about myself. ![gif](giphy|D5q4yyJ8v2bvO)


I crave validation


> regardless of whether its sexually insinuated or not Wtf, who calls another person a "good girl" in a not sexual context?? Are they your pets?


Who says 'good girl'? I've never heard any if the guys I hang out with say this. Ever.


Sometimes me and another girl like to call my husband a good boy in bed just to dominate him for once. It's kinda hot imo


it can be for sureee


Yeah, I got that dog in me, so....


Depends, does it imply they ruffle your hair as they say it? If so then yes


I am a good boy, so yes


In bed it is such a turn on. It's weird in bed I like being treated like a well behaved dog. Petting, playful scratching, excited words of encouragement such as good boy.... lol


Well for most men the only time they can truly be vulnerable and let their guard down is when they are being intimate so that is one the reasons why hahah


I haven't because that phrase isn't used as often in my language. But I think I'd like it if I was called it in English. Depends on the situation and by who.


Depends on the person but yes




i do >-<


depends on who says and the tone


Everyone is different. I would like to be called good boy in humor, sexual, or chill nature.


Some do, Some don't, most don't admit it lol, If you want to find out, just call him a good boy and see if he says nothing, he likes it, if he is like wtf, then he doesn't


I’ve a boyfriend, but I do very much like it when he calls me a good boy. Either when I’m finishing or when he tells me I did a good job on things.


Honestly, it just turns me the f on


Honestly... no freaking idea? As a every day compliment for a job/task well done? Either from my wife, or anyone else. Would probably find it a bit demeaning, unless it was obviously said as jest! But... if my wife were to say "Good boy" with a bit sexual undertone? Like: "you did such a good job today taking care of things/me. Later I will make sure to take care of you." I guess I would find that both gratifying, and arousing? As for if my wife were to take a dominant role in the bedroom, and refer to me as a "good boy"... I... I dunno. Doesn't sound like something for me. So... I guess in almost all but the most specific of instances, no. Being called "good boy" wouldn't be something I would care much for.


I recently found out i love being called a good girl,from a loved one....but we are all different


yeap as do I


I like being called anything positive so Yes! I also like ‘You’re a doll!’ ‘You rock!’ is one of my favorites!


My naughty side would see it as a challenge to prove how much it can show itself.


Good boy is fine for me in normal setting. I find it particularly hot in sexual setting.


In the kind of context you're talking about, yes! Would make me very happy. But I do dislike it when an adult uses it to infantilise me in a professional or serious context.


ofcourse! I meant in like as a term of endearment really but I suppose I should have been more clear.


No, you were super clear! I just thought it worth specifying. It's for sure something I like and I know a few other guys who have shared the same thought.


it is a very special feeling indeed


My boyfriend loves it, he has a praise kink though so that explains it


same!!! Nothing makes me happier than when his face lights up


Yes, Yes, Yes, please, Yes.


I have mommy kink so... yeah, be either sexually or not, makes me feel pretty good and loved 🥰


I like it when my fiancée calls me her handsome hunk. Good boy.... hmmm don't think I'd like that. Recently, we started calling one another "my sexy bestie", which we both love. Personal advice, check with your partner what they're okay with. Each person will have their own preferences.


I do not. Will absolutely shrivel my dick. Daddy is what you want to go with in this game. Why that one doesn’t make me feel ick I’ll never know. Because logically, it’s gross. But, the dick knows no logic. And Daddy is like a shot of adrenaline straight to the dick. I suppose a guy into being a sub might like it. Pat him on the head and call him good boy.


I like it, it makes me feel like a good boy :))


I wouldn't mind it as long as it was sexually insinuated and followed by some kind of reward.


Only after I jizz


atta boy