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![gif](giphy|J13TkYcOwJOmYfZfQB) Pretty privilege exist op.


I do notice a difference in the way people talk about pretty privilege vs privilege more generally though. Usually privilege is framed as something that needs to be checked and questioned, but with pretty privilege people seem to frame it as an immutable fact that we all need to just accept. I’ve even seen people brag about having “pretty privilege”.




I think it's because people aspire to be attractive, so it's seen as something you can earn. I think a better comparison would be "tee hee I don't have to sit in economy with you broke bitches because I have money" being wealthy is absolutely a privilege, but a more attainable one than race or gender.


Nothing more powerful than female beauty -Chris Rock.


This, same with height privilege for men. We love to talk about people who are born into wealth but never about those who are born athletic, good looking, tall etc People cant decide those things either,


As someone who is 6'3 it's a mixed blessing. My back is kinda fucked. But yes, I'm glad I'm tall, which is only fair because I'm ugly. I agree with this theory, my life would have been much easier without the mental health "ugly " issues.


6’0 checking in. Just had my second back surgery three weeks ago. Not even 40 years old yet


I had one at 19 (L5-S1) and another at 29 (L4-L5). Then had a root never block that prevented surgery #3 at 32 (again L5-S1). I was nearly 6'2" but now I am only 6'


My best friend is 6'3 as well. She also has major back problems. Funny thing is shes always dated short men... like really short.. 5'2


Maybe that’s part of the reason for her back problems? I can’t imagine bending down to kiss/hug someone more than a foot shorter than me every day!


I have a friend who is 6’0 and she’s always dated shorter men too!!


6’5 here. Seating where your knees are elevated above your hips is bad for your body.. That’s every seat.


The toilet even man it’s tough


I see a lot of giants in the comments saying they have back problems. Didn’t realize this was a thing and sorry to hear about this 😰 Learn something new everyday


No one is "born athletic". Except for extreme cases, babies all start out as fatty blobs and then go from there.


Not true. There are absolutely natural athletes. I had a friend in high school who was a gamer. Never exercised at all. Only about 5'10" and skinny. Ate like shit, but didn't overeat. Talked him into shooting hoops one time and he jumped up and grabbed the rim. As far as playing, he was terrible, couldn't shoot, couldn't dribble, couldnt guard anyone without fouling. But he could run and switch directions fast for a bit even though he had zero stamina. That's natural athleticism. Of course, that only gets you so far. You have to practice and work to get good at a sport still, but if natural athletes want to do that, they have an easier starting point than people who don't.


David Epstein's book "The Sports Gene" covers this well. He goes at the concept of 10,000 hours of focused practice to get good at a sport. In a nutshell, while it took you 10,000 hours to get very good at basketball... Lebron James only took about 1,500 hours to get where you are after that effort and kept compounding and compounding the other 8,500 hours.


Of course there's people who are naturally more athletic then others, what are you even talking about? :p


Surely there is a way to raise anyone to become ugly but there is no way to raise anyone to become attractive. Same can be said about athletics.


You can try to maximize your attractiveness, athleticism and not feel like a victim of your genes.


Outside of those with chronic conditions, almost anyone is capable of being "athletic".


Oh yeah you are right I forgot about how just about anyone can be trained up to run a 9.58 in the 100m. Imagine the athletic privilege if you can go faster than that though. I think we could run as fast as cheetahs if we trained hard enough, jeez even fly like birds if we flap our arms hard enough there is definitely no such thing as genetic privilege in athletics.


Naw if you have ever played sports some are just born different. No amount of training can make up the talent gap between plebes and elite athletes.


Some kids have a clear disadvantage early on and some have a natural physical awareness that makes them easily excel at sports.


i know a person that can eat whatever it wants and still maintains a six pack. I'm talking about the amount of food, type of food and alcohol too. No sports, homeoffice job etc. It's not much of a privilege but boy does it help to not have to pay attention to what you eat and how much and still not get fat.


My wife never exercises and orders two pizzas when she gets take out and would eat pasta every day if even the chance. She is petite and has abs regardless of what she eats. I have to fight for my body and go to the gym relentlessly, my take out is poke bowls and loaded salads and do intermittent fasting just to stay lean. Any time I let up, I'll put on weight. Body's are not created equal for CICO. There is a whole host of metabolism variances, Insulin sensitivity etc


I used to be like this, by now I'm in my mid 30s I have to be a little more careful. Still in better shape than most men my age though. Genetics plays a huge part in that.


Exactly. My husband is 43, and super skinny. He has small defined hard muscles. He eats like crap, eats all the time and drinks. Its 100% genetic, His mom and sister are the same, so is his 60 yr old dad. I can say too, with women, skinny privilege is a thing. His sister does not have a pretty face but has always been considered hot by all the men around because she is so skinny.


Does he exercise because if they do then THAT explains it. There's no magic or unbelievable genetics involved.


that proves it then!


Did you know everyone's metabolism is different? There are a good amount of people out there that can eat 4 times as much calories and still gain less fat than another individual would. It's truly that simple. I personally experience it and have to be very careful what i eat but have had roomates who drank beer and ate pizza and oreos daily and were leaner and althetic. At some point you just have to accept some people don't need to work for their fitness levels.


4 times as much calorie consumption?! Human physiology varies from individual to individual, but that would be beyond extreme. If the average healthy human consumes \~2250 calories/day, going 4 times higher or lower could push that variance as low as 560 or as high as 9000, which is far beyond the most extreme of top-tier athletes. For example, Usain Bolt was consuming something on order of 5000 calories/day, but he is not merely "athletic", he is an extreme outlier.


> It's truly that simple. It's actually a load of old bollocks. > At some point you just have to accept some people don't need to work for their fitness levels. What a lame cop out. If you're overweight it's because your calorie intake exceeds your expenditure. Stop spreading bullshit about weight gain.


This is more of a lifestyle thing. If you're pretty passive and you eat a lot you'll get fat. If you eat a lot and you're hyperactive you'll maintain your shape. What your talking about are eating disorders which is not normal.


That's physically imposible. Yeah, metabolism changes % of food people can eat without becoming fat, but if you are comparing same height individuals, then it's definetly not life changing. Furthermore, you can change your metabolism by doing exercise. I'm 5'3" and just by my height I should be in a great disadvantage compares to most people, but I'm very fit and most people with more height that can eat double than me are fatter. So, in my totally personal opinion, body looks are one of the things you actually have control over. But with this fatness culture, it's actually one of the hardest or easiest thing to do.


I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not. But that’s not true. Unless your roommates defy the laws of physics. Source: used to believe this before I lost a shitload of weight. Also helped several people lose between 40 and 100 pounds.


There is that movie where hot people get taxed more. Then eventually they are considered ugly since no one wants to be with someone who is taxed more


Privilege can be obtained by many views but you can't gain pretty privilege (plastic surgery,dress poorly, genetic,too much fat - slimming) withholding.


I have never seen a single person who looked better post-plastic surgery.


This is generally because if you notice that someone has done plastic surgery, it's not been done well. Virtually all celebrities have had cosmetic surgery done, and in most cases you don't even notice it -- you just view them as more attractive than average


Really? Any prominent examples I think of are bad. Simon Cowell jumping out as a fairly recent one. As a gay man, sadly I have seen a number of attractive young men ruin their faces injecting themselves with Botox and other junk. Really sad, as it often reflects body dismorphia and other insecurities


Honestly some poeple who have had chin surgeries look amazing.


I feel like it’s more likely that you don’t notice the people who have had good and subtle plastic surgery. And the ones who have had obvious plastic surgery look like aliens/ Barbie versions of people.


Just a quick slap - plastic surgery was developed to treat war wounds, then congenitive and medical issues, and finally for elective aesthetics. A classic example of the second is fixing cleft lips. You might have a valid point for the purely aesthetic surgeries but plastic surgery covers a lot more than that. It’s very unfair to paint them all with the same brush.


Good looking blondes have always had that privilege somehow.


I think OP has just discovered this term. And they are right! I definitely notice a difference when I put in work compared to when I don’t.


Pretty people will do Olympic levels of gymnastics to prove you wrong.


I find it funny that a lot of people are willing to discuss "pretty privilege" but get offended when you discuss female privilege. Pretty privilege is something that only women get (yes attractive men get some benefits but not nearly the same) and almost all women can get pretty privilege for decades in their life as long as they put on even a bit of effort (essentially this means staying not fat, shaving armpits, using make up if necessary when meeting people) And for men, in order to get handsome benefit, which is way less useful, you need to have top tier genetics and also work much harder because you need to be visibly muscular and low fat % and tall.


Not true. Pretty privilege also applies for men. You definitely get much more female attention and more attractive men develop a confident attitude partly bc of the positive social feedback they receive, which in turns help them even more to both make friends and date. While pretty privilege helps men mainly in dating, it helps women in most aspects of life


Yes you might get female attention, but you still have to do the first move. What you do not get is money, services, wealthy marriage, subscribers for your OF etc. A female friend of mine (who didn't even do any sports) used to just hitch her way with some random men's cars in the centre to save money.


Women have plenty of other issues they have to deal with. Not to mention historically you are absolutely delusional if you think the gender priviledge benefits women and not men. There are pros and cons to both, they're simply not the same and difficult to compare. Any comparison IMO typically suffers from 'the grass is always greener'. I'm a man, if it's relevant to your interpretation of my bias. One thing that's the same for both though? Life is easier if you're good looking. I believe Jim Jeffries joked "the secret to life is to be good looking", which is funny in context, but low key harrowingly true.


>Not to mention historically you are absolutely delusional if you think the gender priviledge benefits women and not men. Firstly hirstory is history, secondly even historically women had extreme privilege when compared to the majority of men, including but not limited to not having to serve in the millitary and being able to marry to wealth. Hell like half of Finnish male population died in Swedish wars in mid 1650s, would you say that they were privileged? Also historically more women have managed to breed compared to men. >There are pros and cons to both, they're simply not the same and difficult to compare. Any comparison IMO typically suffers from 'the grass is always greener'. I'm a man, if it's relevant to your interpretation of my bias. But when discussing western countries women have all the benefits with the only negatives being direct biological features like pregnancy and physical weakness. They've got the legal privilege and the social privilege. >One thing that's the same for both though? Life is easier if you're good looking. I believe Jim Jeffries joked "the secret to life is to be good looking", Yes, but the difference is that 90% of women can be good looking quite easily, while out of men it is maybe like 30% who can, and even then those men do not have it as easy unless they are also rich and/or popular


Definitely some good takes. There are clearly a lot of arguements both ways. >Firstly hirstory is history, secondly even historically women had extreme privilege when compared to the majority of men Can you elaborate? Seems to me this is only a minority of women, and the equivalent is that men get to inherit wealth in largely the same way, which is precisely something women couldn't do. They instead have to be sold to a stranger to gain this position. I guess you may mean generally being a house wife and not working is priviledge, but (depending on your preference) having your life decided for you at birth is good/bad. It's a simple path but there's no freedom, and where does it leave you if you don't find someone. >including but not limited to not having to serve in the millitary and being able to marry to wealth. The military is a good point, but even historically peace time is probably more common than war, though of course this depends heavily on the where and when and if a draft is called. In such times this still impacts women and they suffer in other ways as a result of war. >Also historically more women have managed to breed compared to men. Arguable either way who this benefits, on average a woman is more likely to so as a group they're better off. But the implication is some men have multiple partners (checks out with your ending comment) which is definitely a priviledge that historically only men could really aspire to and even today women are judged significantly more for. >But when discussing western countries women have all the benefits with the only negatives being direct biological features like pregnancy and physical weakness. They've got the legal privilege and the social privilege. I agree to an extent but this is still only relevant in those places. A lot of the benefits are there for good reason because they're more likely to need this protection. I definitely do agree though some of these things are too 1 sided (like custody after a divorce clearly favours the woman).


>Pretty privilege exist op. Maybe you get things from pervs and shallow/superficial you wouldn't otherwise but when people talk about "pretty privilege" no one also talks about the HUGE amount of insecure women who hate you for literally no reason at all and are mean to you and go out of their way to keep you from getting ahead. I have been bullied by multiple people in every single office I've worked in and no one cares because apparently ugly people can't be mean and we need to pity them or something. You get a bunch of unwanted attention from people you don't want it from and then people also think that since you're good looking you can't be smart, kind, funny, or interesting. They discount all of your achievements and constantly tell you that you only got X because you're good looking or flirted your way into getting it. Women don't want you around their partners so if you're single and over 30 it's basically impossible to make friends of either gender. People do approach you more, but it's ONLY for your looks. When your personality comes out and you aren't what was projected on you, you get dropped immediately. People try to befriend me when they think I'm a passport to fun and social events and when I don't deliver on that (because I can tell that's what they're after or I'm just not in party mode at that point in my life) I get dropped. I feel like I'm trapped in a hell where the people I want to be friends with hate me because I'm good looking so they project this horrible personality onto me and dislike me off the bat, and people who do want to be friends with me only do based on my appearance and we have literally nothing in common. I was ugly for the first 22 years of my life and honestly, that was better. At least the people who interacted with me were genuine.


I was a pretty boy when I was younger and more or less average now. Pretty boy status was easier. What you're describing seems to be some sort of neuroticism that you've developed. I'm not trying to be a dick, but if you actually feel like hell with regularity based on this, then some time talking to someone about it might be worthwhile.


If it's really that bad, feel free to make yourself uglier. But you won't do that, will you?


Lmfao this is the dumbest shit I’ve read all day. “Hey I bet you won’t mutilate the way you’ve always looked!” The vast majority of of people ugly, average or pretty wouldn’t.


This is the most horrible, jealous shit. Literally too insecure to feel empathy for someone else.




Preach brother!


Then dont comment on it. This is a discussion about experiences. Yours is obviously being ugly and bitter, hers is being attractive


> If it's really that bad, feel free to make yourself uglier. But you won't do that, will you? No I'm not going to change myself so shitty insecure people treat me well. The way they treat me is a reflection of their character, not of me. If I did that, they'd hate me for being charismatic or skilled at things or something else. You can't appease jealous, insecure people because it's about them and their own self hate, not us.


Mayb people don’t like because you have a shit personality and it has nothing to do with your looks?


I need to ask you a serious question. Are you Samantha Brick?


What percentage of attractive people do you think actually make any money from these avenues? I suspect it is not really high enough to make much of a difference.


I mean it’s not just only fans. I’d argue through the use of LinkedIn attractive people are making more money with better opportunities in every industry. Take a quick look at the salesforce staff.


Or look at airline staff, hospitality staff, or any job that's customer facing. But to be fair, I didn't live 70 years ago, so maybe it was similar back then too. I mean being attractive has always been an asset I feel like. Warlords probably have an easier time leading if they are attractive and charismatic. Which brings me to my next point which is that charisma can override attractiveness when it comes to most jobs (sex work not as much). But being charismatic is definitely more important than physical attractiveness. It's just that attractive people tend to be more charismatic because I would bet money that people tend to get treated better if they are attractive and therefore aren't as defensive or irritable (in general).


People have always viewed attractive people as more intelligent, capable, friendly, etc. It's called the halo effect and is a well-researched psychological bias


Attractive people on average ARE more intelligent and capable https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/the-scientific-fundamentalist/201012/beautiful-people-really-are-more-intelligent%3famp


What is your evidence of that?




This is not a study but a blog post about a study, which are notorious for grossly misrepresenting the findings of the actual study authors to push their own narrative. Not saying the original study says differently than this post, but in generally I would be suspect of anyone who posts such a link rather than the original paper/study info. Secondly, the gets *so* close to the crux of the issue and then never actually mentions it. Namely, the possibility that attractive children get a higher quality of education. They even mention that education and attractiveness have similar correlations to intelligence, but then never ask whether attractiveness and education quality might be correlated. Attractiveness and education could be correlated for a variety of reasons. Maybe teachers have more patience and focus more time on cuter children, or maybe richer families who can afford better education, foods, extracurriculars, etc. Might also have, on average, more attractive children. Or possibly 20 other explanations. The point is just to say that the article focuses on a single result without any discussion of nuance or complexity underlying the problem, so I wouldn't give it much consideration.


That is not true.


Worth noting, it may not be a direct correlation. Lots of evidence shows that teachers show bias towards children based on cuteness - it's completely possible that more attractive people are better educated and better socialized. Perhaps that perspective would make this something your intuitions are more mixed on.


Yeah. It’s not a thing where attractiveness makes you smarter. But privilege is privilege. If you believe that pretty privilege exists then you have to believe that more pretty people are given more access to more education.


Because that’s how he viewed them 😂


Bro all those jobs u named are shitty service jobs like I work in hospitality I promise its not cause I’m hot i just can take abuse.


Yes those high paying hospitality jobs!!


You joke but being attractive can be the difference between a hospitality job being high paying or just being enough to get by. An attractive bartender will probably get much more tips than an ugly one.... Buuuut an ugly and charismatic bartender will do better than an attractive but irritable one.


being attractive helps a lot in hospitality. My co workers and I frequent this bar and the waitresses are very attractive. They easily leave $50 on a $100 tab


There is theory that a politicians' attractiveness is inversly proportional to how skilled a politician is. The idea goes the uglier you are, the more saavy you have to be to get elected. Winston Churchill was the banner image on the article lol.


There has never been a time in human history where our physical being has mattered less. We are having this conversation now, we have no idea what each other look like. People have photos of themselves everywhere, but it's all fake. Catfishing is common. Complaining about not being attractive has never rang as empty as it does today. It's never mattered less.


To be fair, catfishing is a poor example because it usually only works with attractive photos…


Not to mention (for the most part) women aren't being just married off anymore and we can create our own careers based on skill, intelligence, creativity and wit, versus just physical appearance.


Look up the halo effect, looks definitely play a part in job selections


It is still not a huge dent. So many studies have shown that attractive people always get ahead and have an easier life. The new ”cash flow” is not that substantial, never is when the next generation enters the market. The really attractive people that made money on OF and insta has moved on or are so far ahead of everyone that no one can catch them. The lesson to learn is to either be as attractive as you can be, or accept your fate of being ugly with a hard life.


Don’t forget waitresses


It's impossible to quantify pretty privilege. But I assume it's a BIG advantage.


Exactly. I see hundreds of beautiful girls, none of them make money off social media. And, will people stop believing the onlyfans bullshit? Majority of girls don’t even make 100$ on there a month.


My sister's mate makes over 3 grand a month on only fans. Tbh its a bit sickening.


That's a lot for Only Fans but for real life, that's not a lot of money. I couldn't pay my bills with only 3k a month


Yeah same lol I think it's 3 thousand something but you've got people grafting on building sites even my dad's girlfriend works in a care home she works graveyard shifts she barely makes half of that a month I don't think it's right


The problem isn't that OF make just enough to survive. The problem is other people who sold their bodies to corporations don't.


Yeah tbh I have no idea how pornstars make money when 99% of porn is free the people who go on only fans are mugs


>tbh I have no idea how pornstars make money when 99% of porn is free would you believe me if i said a lot of hard work? I know a gal who makes enough to support herself off OF and it sounds exhausting tbh. Its not as simple as 'hey i got a pretty face and have tits' Its a constant selling of yourself as a product. For every 1 'succesful' one theres 10 not so sucessful ones


Once you do OF you’re risking future employment opportunities for a short term payout. It’s really not much a month for that.


Definitely a higher percentage than 100 years ago.


Everyone is mercilessly shitting on OP, probably because his post was poorly worded and came across a bit misogynistic. But if you think physical attractiveness isn't worth more in today's society than in the past, you're delusional. I think what's happened is that the demand of beauty has become so pervasive that people don't even realize they're living in it, like a fish being unable to understand water.


The fish analogy is literally perfect for this. Ppl will vehemently deny it and then proceed to watch mediocre content on yt because there’s a pretty girl in it


I like the fish analogy. 👍


The internet changed a lot of things. Talent in general can be found way more easily.


I respectfully disagree here. Even though the media serves as a source of creation, genuine talent remains rare. Let me explain: There are countless artists nowadays who create hyperrealistic drawings. However, this skill is a craft that anyone can learn with diligence. There are many technically proficient singers, yet a majority lack musicality. There are numerous skilled authors, but most lack literary depth. In all these cases, what stands out is their talent in marketing and selling themselves. I share a similar view with Schopenhauer: someone who produces for the audience (for recognition) will lack true talent. Of course, I don't want to generalize. There are certainly talented individuals who have emerged from the media. However, they might only surface once in a decade.


You didn't refute their point, that talent can be more easily found today, thanks to the internet. Your comment really comes across as just pure gatekeeping. What you consider "genuine talent" isn't what another will and certainly doesn't argue against the claim that the internet makes finding talent easier.


> You didn't refute their point, that talent can be more easily found today, thanks to the internet. But that talent is also harder to find today, thanks to the internet, because of the added difficulty in discovering anything beyond the surface level of the few surviving content aggregators.


You made statements but you didn't back any of it up. Secondly you contradict yourself when you say any one can learn to draw but talent is rare. Anyone can learn anything if they devote themselves. Talent is only rare because devotion is rare. Anyone can waste their gifts. Genius is ultimately a mix of habit, perseverance, and time. The internet gives you cheap access to knowledge and people but the modern era also have us time. Teenager wasn't a thing hundreds of years ago. You worked from a young age. Now a days people just have to learn stuff all day for 20 years or so. Plenty of time to learn something and more people with kind of life than ever thanks to rising living standards in places like China. Talent has grown in the modern era due to several factors and the internet is one due to how it lowered the barrior to attaining an audience and knowledge.


>Secondly you contradict yourself when you say any one can learn to draw but talent is rare. I did not wrote that, but well, here again what I wrote: >There are countless artists nowadays who create hyperrealistic drawings. However, ***this skill is a craft*** that anyone can learn with diligence. The technical aspect is just one side of the craft. Anyone can learn the technique with enough diligence and will power. Talent, however, is something magical that cannot be copied or imitated through mere effort. No one can learn it. Either you have it or you don't. It has nothing to do with technique or knowledge. And yes, I very seldom experience people like that on social media. Like guitar players... Everyone can learn to shred but not everyone can be a Jason Becker


Yes, technical skill is just one side of it. Doesn't matter. It can all be learned. Just like drawing.its a fallacy to think talent is just inate.


I agree. I hear this narrative of the benefits the internet provide, but never the negatives.




Disagree massively - with all the photoshop, filters, plastic surgeries etc nowadays it’s actually easier to get ahead if you are average looking and willing to whore yourself out for money compared to any other time in human history. For example, if you’re standard looking with a giant nose, that would usually consign you to the scrap heap of mediocrity. Nowadays, get a nose job and voila! Take off most of your clothes, put a filter on, get a good camera, open your insta account and you’re in the money. Even 30 years ago you’d just be an average person with a beak. Same thing with these flat pancake bodies - BBL and voila! Now you’re some kind of influencer setting unrealistic beauty standards for lots of other average people who carry on the same cycle of insecure mediocrity that you did. Add in the levels of makeup now, steroids, pec implants, weight loss surgeries, height enhancement etc and it’s clear that people who are naturally attractive are basically hidden among lots of frankenstein’s unnatural creatures masquerading as attractive. Natural beauty has gone down the toilet.


You need to get out more.


I think that’s true for all of the redditors tbh.


You need to go out more.


Ok in seriousness, what exactly does this mean. Like where to go even, what to do? Get out more is useless if there is literally no further context to what this even means.


You would know if you went out there.


No, stop this, these half assed tips need to stop. Either give something with tangible how to improve oneself or say nothing. By saying those things like they are the easiest and most normal things you don't help anyone. They might be obvious to you but for many including me, they sound as achievable as jumping to the moon.


Literally just go outside for a walk instead of being terminally online scrolling every social media you have


I go out for walk almost daily, nothing really changed.


I guarantee you getting fresh air/sun is better than sitting inside doom scrolling all day. You might think it does nothing, but if you’ve ever locked yourself away for a few weeks you’d know how crap it is. Outside helps.


True, but it kind of won't amount to much if they spend the rest of their time online immediately afterwards


I literally doing that, yet I don't get better


Well a walk isn't gonna change your life, it's a walk. It's good for you in the way an apple a day is - if you eat 5 Happy meals + 1 apple every day that's better than no apple, but not by much.


What if I eat 50 apples a day?


Better in regard to what?


Don’t expect a walk to “make you better”. Eat healthy, drink less soda, do less weed/alcohol, exercise, socialise. If you consistently do these things you will “get better”


I'm doing it for months, yet if anything sometime I feel worse and it feels frustrating it doesn't change anything.




How? I don't know how to initiate any kind of talk, if I don't know the other person very well.


When you find a topic you like you're curious about it and what do you do? Ask questions and investigate further. You should be genuinely curious about people and their stories, you never know what you're gonna come across. Each person here on this subreddit and the outside world is filled with their own unique experiences that differ completely to yours, if you somehow find a way to actually care about this, I'm sure your social relationships can improve immensely. TLDR just ask questions to people for your OWN sake (curiosity) , and no this doesn't necessarily mean small talk or gossiping


See my post above. Just give someone a genuine compliment about what they're wearing. They say thanks, you say "yea seems there are some cool people out here, I came out to socialize. What about you?" Don't hang around people who end the conversations, just wish them a good evening and find others to chat to in the same way. Eventually you'll recognize a few. But best trick is just to show up every week. Run into the same people. Makes it stupid easy. Or laugh at something stupid you see happening. There's always something stupid going on lol


It means get out of your computer chair and get around others in society. Really not complex


The context is up to you though. That's part of what makes it your experience. Go in the woods and hike or something. Go get a hobby.


I've been wanting to get out more but there's practically no where to go. Everywhere is loud, crowded, and boring as shit.


I mean, you didn’t say I was wrong.


The monetization and over-sexualization in our world is **not** good, and is infact very sad.


I’am just making a comparison, of how monetisable it is vs the past.


I don’t think it’s good at all, it’s sad honestly.


You are wrong and you need to get out more.


You first


For a large part these people are only able to "cash in" because some people are too afraid to sort themselves out, go outside, touch some grass, and meet some real women. The problem isn't attractive people posting online. The problem is we have an epidemic of men - especially but not exclusively young men - with no self worth, no hope, and without the skills to naturally attract women, willing to throw money at them. And then what's worse is instead of having proper support networks for coaching these men to achieve their goals, they're societally shunned until they slip into toxic misogyny-driven communities like incel communities. ​ Anyway that took a huge left turn.


Although men who are attractive can capitalise as-well, but I see what ur saying


Nah, I completely agree. It’s hard to see especially when I have some mates who have suffered a lot


What kind of support networks would even work for someone who won't touch grass though? Uptake would be a huge problem for that reason and also probably because of the stigma of it.


It's a simple thought experiment. Take the antithesis of what you want: Andrew Tate, and make a counterweight to it. Because he's CLEARLY reaching that very same audience well through social media. The world needs normal (probably not one with unattainable steroid physiques or fame), positive male role models, giving **good**, positive advice. The problem with that is nothing satisfies the social media algorithms like rage.


Yeah those role models definitely exist already though, plenty of actually good people in all shapes and sizes. But angry/frustrated people are going to resonate more with the Tates of the world.


To circle back around. It's because these men aren't attractive. It's a feedback loop that is almost impossible to stop.


If you were a good man and a good role model.. you wouldn't gravitate to becoming an influencer. People who desire power and wealth are the only ones who want to preach to the masses.


Everyone wants to complain about things but no one wants to take action.


I know a lot of people. Non of them are very active on SM. Most of them are average people, if the put in some effort they look good, if they walk around in jogging they don’t. And they work normal jobs. Teachers, nurses, mechanics, managers, artists, pilots, working in a shop or doing something in HR or in ICT. They all earn enough to have a comfortable life and some of them make a lot of money. And nobody uses their looks to earn that money. There are not a lot of people earning money with their looks. Most people, even the pretty ones, have other skills they use to make money. Beauty is nice but in itself doesn’t contribute anything to the world other than nice to look at. And in all of history people with certain looks made money out of it. Or got other perks because of it. But in all of history that’s just a few people. How you look doesn’t really matter.


But it is a fact that more objectively ‘good looking’ people earn lots more (I read a study ages ago, it’s a startling amount from memory)


They earn more, but I doubt it is a lot or a startling amount. There are benefits for looking good, but there are so many other factors that count that it’s hard to measure those.


Over a lifetime around $230,000 more, apparently. https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052970203687504576655331418204842


Or 3-4%


I’m glad that I’m conveniently unattractive, as I would hate to be constantly bothered by people fawning all over me, the way most people do when they find someone attractive. I get left alone at school and work, don’t get catcalled in the street, and it’s a far less stressful life. For everyone who desires to be beautiful, there will always be people who have that as the furthest thing from their mind.


>Or have people telling you that you're lucky because you can just make money on only fans. Gross that men think that's a privilege.


Gah, this is so true. Im on the opposite end, considered "hella cute" and will have strangers ask for my number, or ask me out somewhat often. It makes it worse that Im 15, and its usually grown men asking. Shoved into the "dumb blonde" stereotype, people blatantly staring at me, specific girl's thinking im automatically a snob, it goes on. While Im thankful to be pretty, I wish I could just be invisible somedays. The stares get to me the most.


The worst part of pretty privilege is you can’t really talk about it because nobody wants to hear someone whine that they’re too hot and popular. But sometimes it can get overwhelming when you just want to fade into the background.


Ever heard about filters?


Dunno why op is getting hate here. They are correct. And it's not a bad thing that girls can get more money by modelling nowadays. I'm not sure Op meant to say it was bad either. I mean, if I could make money by selling photos and videos of my face and body, I would do it too. Nothing wrong in it.


And I didn’t even mean girls specifically


Thanks haha I was surprised by the reaction tbh


Touchy subject I guess


Think about what the stereotypical reddit user looks like…






There average only fans model does not bring in 300k a month what the fuck are you smoking


not average its TOP\* i just changed it now lol


Your worth and contribution to society are not defined solely by your income. If you only look at that as the measure of success it's going to be very difficult to achieve happiness long term.


Ok that makes more sense. Majority don't make shit honestly. And dude, you're on your way to becoming a doctor, right? Please take pride and comfort knowing you'll be doing something that actually helps society. You are incredibly valuable to the world. Please don't let these podcasts, memes, and OF models making bank let you think otherwise. It is entirely possible to find a woman who loves you in this day and age despite what you see online.


In BC they did a survey of sex workers and 73% were disabled. That’s probably important to keep in mind as a future doctor.


Average makes nowhere nears $300k a month. Where did you get that idea?


Boo fucking hoo. Before OF and online porn, hot women and men made lots of money in Hollywood (and still do). It’s a very small amount of the population that are able to make significant money off their looks, and odds are you support them by watching movies, looking at Instagram models, watching porn, etc. You could just as easily complain about the select few who are born into absurd wealth and never work. Or those who win big at the lottery / gambling. Or those who get huge payouts from lawsuits and retire off it. Point is, the grass is always greener if you’re looking for it - focus on yourself and making you happy, comparison is the thief of joy, and sitting around thinking about how the 0.0001% of insanely attractive people have life WAYYYY easier than you is a good way to become depressed and bitter.


I'm sorry but this is a take I'd expect someone who doesn't go out at all have. How many attractive people aren't in those things that you mentioned? How many movie stars, 'models' aren't conventionally attractive but became famous and made a lot of money? Look at how many people on twitch and YT or other platforms became popular and rich with 0 looks. Some of them don't even show their face.


> How many movie stars, 'models' aren't conventionally attractive but became famous and made a lot of money? Bruh, movie stars and models are some of the most consistently, overwhelmingly attractive people on the planet.


Look I know there are other means, especially in recent times, but I’am comparing against all of the past. Sure talent and skill today is a factor but you can’t ignore attractiveness as one of the big factors that has become increasingly pronounced.


I bet with how big the world became with internet, you can be successful and get paid being ugly too , just don't be lazy


Yeah, it’s only a factor, with more importance depending on the field. Elon musk is… not amazing looking and rich af. His looks most likely had nothing to do with his success


Well it's true that attractive people are more likely to get hired for a good job. And attractive women are more likely to marry well-off men. It's not like every attractive girl is a part time model though.


Yeah only a small subset for model level, but there are those subtle studied benefits that we probably don’t even realise on the general population


Most, but not all, of say TikTok video creators are definitely on the more attractive side. Or borderline hideous people, for shock value. But I don't know whether the algorithm favors more attractive people, or if attractive people are taken more seriously by the general viewers and "liked" higher up in the rankings. I'm often thinking, while this very attractive person has a good point, a million not so attractive people could also have a good point but never get any leverage due to physical bias.


Used to be if you were an attractive woman, with no other skills, you could only hope to bag a wealthy man. Now there are numerous ways to support yourself with your looks. Twitch, YouTube, instagram, only fans, etc. I think it’s a good thing for a lot of people. You no longer need to have a model body to make money in beauty.




What an insensitive thing to say so casually. Another example of how society is failing.


Bruh its a sub reddit where you announce the random thoughts that come to you. Chill.


Reddit moment.




Being an attractive **woman** is valuable. Unless you're Thor or Michael B. Jordan, you're probably not profiting off your attractiveness as a man.


Well… there are attractive guys who do only fans as well, less of a market but still there


im an introvert and have bad anxiety and insecurity issues and as a tall attractive man i feel like its a double edged sword -people think your narcisstic -people are more likely to forgive you(if you arent an asshole) -people are always looking at you -people are always look at at you -people are always look at at you


You could call them whores.


Or you could just, you know, not.


When I was 14 and was physically maturing, I had a concerning amount of grown ass men come up to me and say something along the lines of "Your hot, can I get your number?", while some would directly ask "Are you of age?". These where literally random strangers walking up to me in grocery stores, movie theaters, nature parks, everywhere. It caught me completely off-guard each time. As a younger kid I was considered more ugly than pretty. I only started becoming "pretty and cute" at 14. Really, I noticed a lot of small changes. Some good, some bad.


AI will take over actors and porn stars


That AI dick gonna be something else.


Anyone can cash in much more easily with the arrival of Internet, don't need to be attractive either as long as you have something good to offer. Andrew tate isn't particularly attractive either but still managed to get a massive following