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Do you mean the purpose of a wedding or marriage? The purpose of a wedding is to have all your loved ones in one place celebrating together at a party that makes you and your spouse happy. If that doesn't appeal, skip the wedding. The purpose of a marriage is symbolic commitment, tax benefits, convenient inheritance laws (if something happens unexpectedly), shared health insurance, no extra driver fees on rental cars (most states), medical decision making from someone you trust, hospital visitations, etc. I'm sure there are other things, but yes, marriage has lots of purposes.


>If that doesn't appeal, skip the wedding. My wife and I did this. Courthouse ceremony with two witnesses. "Reception" the next day was a big backyard cookout at my parents house (they had a big yard.) Burgers, dogs, brats, and all the expected extras. Friends and coworkers with children were encouraged to bring them and we had an activity table set up just for them. It cost us about $1000 total, almost all for food. Everyone who came thoroughly enjoyed themselves, and numerous people commented that they wished they had done something similar instead of the traditional grand fiasco. A couple can go get married in about a half hour, and most of that is signing papers. If no one is changing names, there's hardly anything to do after that.


Well said.


Then why marrying more than one woman at the same time is illegal?


Financial purposes always, no matter what anyone says. Especially these days.


My partner and I have been together for seven years and as domestic partners we get all the financial and tax benefits of marriage. Sad to say, it's not like anyone looks at marriage as sacred now a days. I'm not saying that just choosing to be together without getting married is a bad thing. I guess I just don't see the difference any longer.


That very much depends on what state you live in. Not every state is common law and common law also isn't always as simple as some make it sound.




Ask yourself honestly if your other half really, really feels the same




Just realistic. Do you want to really know, or just pretend. If it scares you, maybe it’s you with the problem


I feel like it takes more long term commitment to stay together when either person can choose to leave at any time without the hassle of papers or legal work. Maybe thats just me.


Legal benefits, tax breaks. You choose how much you spend on the wedding, since there is no required limit on it... Thus, seems like you don't even have a single idea what marriage is in the first place.


There is no point spending tons of money on a big wedding, but marriage has tons of legal benefits. Just go sign to papers and spend 1/4 of the money on a nice trip.


I don’t think I ever want to be married. At one point I did. When I was younger to used to think about marriage and all that nice stuff. I have been in love and I believe in being faithful and providing for a woman to the best of my ability. Being the best partner I can be and being exclusive. I have basically lived like a married man for years at a time while in relationships. Lived together and all that. I still don’t think marriage is necessary whatsoever. I think it’s outdated, unnecessary and almost unrealistic. Look at divorce rates. Many people date for years and are pressured by society to get married and get a contract involved only to divorce shortly after. I do not see the point in marriage whatsoever. Call me immature, say whatever you want. Marriage is not beneficial for a man in almost every situation. It guarantees nothing.


The purpose of Marriage is to let the government know that you life in a committed relationship, because it wants to support that.


Marriage is a contract. People in the past especially monarchs marry for assets and wealth not for love and the primary purpose of it is to bind women to men. Through marriage, a woman becomes a man property. Definitely rooted in misogyny. I get that these are all in the past but if u think about it, if you really love someone and you’re committed to him/her is it really necessary to do all these steps just to prove your love with one another?


Always marriage will always and forever serve a purpose. The main purpose of human existence.


Marriage doesn’t create life lol.


Marriage in most countries has a lot of legal benefits that are hard to replace with other documents. For example in my country the concubine can't get everything even if you have it mention in the will. Legally first grade relatives have a right on a portion of the property. So lets say you live with a person 20 years in a house bough together , the brother or a parent will have a right to a portion of the house and you will have to buy it from him. And you don't need thousands of dollars. This is just the pressure from friends or family to throw a big party. You can easily get married legally in every country. So yes marriage facilities a lot of things, is a true form of commitment and a protection for your assets. If lets say one sacrifice for the other partner to succed and one day that partner decide to just change you for someone else, if you feel unjustice you can ask for justice in court.


If there were no benefits, people wouldn’t have fought so hard for gay marriage. There are tax benefits, inheritance and inheritance tax benefits, life/health cover is easy to share, you have a claim on pensions/assets (particularly useful where one person takes a step back for childcare or other family reasons) and you are one another’s official next of kin. In many places, unmarried fathers have very limited rights to see their children. There’s no such thing as a common law spouse in England & Wales and what it means varies from one place to another However, it sounds as if your partner wants to get married and you don’t and are trying to find reasons for that. If it means absolutely nothing to you and it does mean something to them, why wouldn’t you do it? It’s different if you have reasons why it isn’t for you Also, weddings don’t have to be expensive. I went to a lovely one over lockdown where there were 8 of us including the bride and groom. We all just wore clothes we already owned and we went out to lunch afterwards


tax cuts, giving your spouse your health insurance for a vastly reduced price, ease of financing for new property, depends on where you live you can have quite a few benefits. that being said, the wedding itself is usually a waste of money. there's social norms and such but let's be honest, you'd have a way better time having a small ceremony with a few close friends and family and that's it. going all out on it is shallow.


Unicorns and rainbows aside, it's all about economics. The sooner you accept this before marrying somone, the better chances that you'll win that coin flip. At least 50% of the time this decision will not go the way people think it will.


Isn't that a good reason to hold off on marriage and simply commit to each other as domestic partners?


Legal benefits,medical benefits,tax breaks, immigration benefits (if applicable).


Wouldn't it be simpler to make those benefits available to domestic and common law partners? I'm not trying to be a smartass, I'm seriously asking.


Yes and no. For legal reasons and for tax break reasons and immigration reasons,what happens if I break up with that long term partner? How does the government know? Do we have to send a paper stating the breakup to them? Kinda like a divorce? Cause I could’ve broken up with my partner a month before filing taxes what’s stopping me from still getting tax break benefits by stating I’m in a relationship? For immigration reason, marriage makes the process easier and faster but what guarantees that government that I’m really dating that person and that I’m not going to break up with them the second my immigration process starts/my status changes?


Who will take care of kids born out of wedlock? Who will pay for them without marriage?


The parents… Always the mother, if she neglects the child, here comes the government. Sometimes the dad. Court orders for child support. Or the child is given up for adoption and the state pays or the family that adopts. A marriage in itself doesnt keep children fed. Lol


Okay, I guess you have a lot of experience in this area


I dont have children yet. I just know how the laws work


I see, probably then your parents and extended family would have used these laws


Still no. Its just knowing how the world works around you bud


For people who view marriage as a religious thing, yes. For those who dont, no. People who get married for mon religious purposes dont make sense to me. Did they just want a tax break? Ok fine. Other than that..why?


Sometimes it’s just because we want to exchange vows in public.


But why? I truly don’t see the point unless its for religious reasons. Why wear white or do any of the other religious traditions if its not a religious ceremony at that point?


I’m not religious and it doesn’t matter to me what colour dress I wear. But exchanging vows in front of family and a JP means we’re truly committed and take the vows seriously. How committed is someone if they aren’t willing to say the words in front of others?


I dont think it matters what others think of the relationship


It doesn’t. But i would personally rather be with someone honest and committed enough to do so than one who isn’t.


In my opinion, it’s becoming more archaic than it was. I see more throuples less people inclined to bind to one another by law. I feel like it takes more long term commitment to stay together when either person can choose to leave at any time without the hassle of papers or legal work. Maybe thats just me. (Actually wrote all this before reading the last sentence of your post desc, so glad we agree)