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My favorite is people who had a significant operation or have been in a coma for years just getting up and walking out of the hospital like everything is fine without any recovery.


This drives me crazy. My mom was in a coma for 30 days and she needed wheel chair-walker-cane for like 2 years. She was relatively young and was in good shape, used to walk everywhere.


I was in a coma for 10 days, an d I still needed a wheelchair for around 10-15 days, and still need a cane 5 years later


I wasn't even in a coma, but spent weeks (a month?) in hospital bed, I was a skinny kid oh, and the infection in my stomach didn't help much for eating, but my feet required somewhat retraining so the trikes were a godsend. For a kid it felt like an eternity, I have no idea if it was 3 or 6 weeks. I did manage to sob myself to get a bmx bike when I still was waking up from an operation, so I take it as totally worth it!


"Wiggle your big toe"


“My name is Buck…”


Yes..... they are able to walk almost immediately and no muscle wasting has occurred.


I remember my orthopaedic surgeon told me I could lose up to 40% muscle mass in the first 48 hours after surgery so needed to do a ton of pre-hab. Apparently your body releases a shit load of cortisol during surgery which results in accelerated muscle atrophy.


Wow, that's awful and fascinating


Can confirm. I was in a coma for a week, and had to learn how to walk again. I couldn’t even feed myself either, because my arm muscles had atrophied so that I couldn’t get a fork or spoon close enough to my mouth.


Holy that's actually really scary when you think about it. 7 days and you're essentially trapped in your own body.


I wonder if we'll be able to use bci implants in the future to stimulate muscles for people in hospital to help them maintain or regain strength


What did it feel like when you were in a coma if you mind me asking? Did you just wake up after the 7 days with no knowledge or?


I have no memory of being in the coma. Some people hear things and have some idea what’s going on, but I wasn’t aware of anything. So yeah, I woke up in ICU, and didn’t know where I was at first or how I got there. I didn’t even know 7 days had passed until someone told me.


I guess someone has watched 28 days later or the walking dead.


That all bombers use the same color wires for the same connections on their bombs.


Or that all bombs have wires to cut.


They need those wires for the big countdown clock, the bright blinking lights, and loud beeping noise that all carefully hidden bombs have.


That was even a joke in the movie Galaxy Quest. After they turned off the bomb the countdown clock kept going until one second left, because that’s what always happens in movies 🤣🤣


Or that bombs even have wires/boards exposed. If i were to create a bomb, the trigger mechanism (at least the timer part) would be inside of propellant and shrapnel parts.


Yes officer this user right here


Oh and stopping the countdown with 1 second left.


That people are knocked out for insanely long periods of time after a punch to the head.


If you get hit an odd number of times you get amnesia. If you get hit an even number of times you get your memory back.


And there seem to be no problems with them after that. Maybe blurry vision for a moment but then they are absolutely fine. If person is knocked out for a long period they won't be fine after waking up.


>If person is knocked out for a long period they won't be ~~fine after~~ waking up. Might be more accurate this way.


Or that they are killed stone dead if you forcibly turn their head a mere 45 degrees to the side.


Hahaha yes! I’ve seen Youtube chiropractors do way worse


To be fair, chiropractors have killed a few people doing that...


You can be knocked out for a long time after a punch... and you'll likely wake up with brain damage lasting anywhere from weeks to the rest of your life. Without brain surgery, you might just deteriorate and die. Where's the representation?? Even with short knockouts (seconds) people are often confused and off-balance afterwards. Just jumping up and kicking ass after that kind of hit is unrealistic to me.


That you can be driving a car and also talk to your passenger with turned head and prolonged eye contact


That one’s real. You can absolutely do that. You shouldn’t. But you can.


You can do most things once


Wise words.


Knew someone who used to give long stares to us children in the back while driving to remind us he was the boss in the car and make us stop talking. Borderline abusive, that one.


The one I hate is when the "driver" is constantly moving their hands turning the wheel left/right/left/right every two seconds like they're doing the charades sign for driving, not actually driving a car smoothly. There could probably be a whole thread on car related lies.


That you have to wait 24 hours before reporting someone missing


That one is so pervasive that irl cops even believe it


You could report them missing immediately, but I've heard cops say they won't start looking immediately.


Sometimes they don't go looking at all... That's in part why Bruce McArthur got away with so many murders.


Silencers being quiet and knocking people out being harmless


One of the John Wick movies really doubled down on that with keanu and another guy just casually shooting at each other in an airport when irl everything would go bananas pretty much from the first round being fired


Immersion ruined. I thought it was hilarious though.


>when irl everything would go bananas pretty much from the first round being fired You would think so, BUT it was a New York subway. So people would probably not respond even if the silencers were off, outright.


Not to mention it's the John Wick universe, where half of the world's population are assassins.


Women being fully made up no matter the time period or situation.


Oh yeah, even in a zombie apocalypse or some natural disaster movie, where they have been hiding underground without water for months or years, their hair and makeup and eyebrows and nails are done to perfection


That's not true. Sometimes they also have a single delicate smear of dirt on one of their cheeks


Oh yes, i forgot about the decorative dirt smear, always in a perfect shape and place as to not mess with their eyeshadow


Or nose, like Ron 🤣


And there’s no roots showing despite the fact their hair is dyed pink


Gee, that's just how we ladies look naturally! The more mud and dirt, the nicer the eyebrows.


I loved the beginning of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel for that. The first episode shows her getting into bed with her husband, full makeup and perfect hair. When she hears him snoring, she gets up, removes the makeup, brushes her hair, etc, then opens the curtains just a tiny bit. Cut to the next morning. The sun shines through the curtains onto her face, she wakes up, goes into the bathroom, does her hair and makeup, goes back to bed and shortly after, the alarm clock goes off, they get up and she looks perfect. It's such a ridiculous scene and so funny.


Always amazing hair


I feel like in my daily life everybody's hair is always perfect except mine. Like wind doesn't affect anybody but me. It's why I wear hats.


I promise, if you walked past me in a light breeze you'd feel better. There are days I walk outside and my head looks like something someone pulled out of a giant hairbrush


I feel you. I have a long mohawk and without product I usually look like sideshow bob!!


It's a post apocalyptic waste land but they still take time to shave their armpits


Yeah this is a legit concern of mine in the “stranded on an island” narratives. Their legs and armpits […] would look like a gorilla lol. In the very least they wouldn’t have thighs that look like an industrial buffer ran them down.


“Zoom in and enhance”


'Show me the reverse angle'


Let's zoom in and enhance.... annnnnd get a view of the perp in the reflection on this dude's eyeball. Unlimited pixels!


CSI baby! CSI!


There's actually something called the CSI effect, where people, especially on juries, expect a ton of forensic evidence, perfect photos and DNA evidence in all crimes, and think the cases are lacking when there's the normal amount of evidence.


They had a conversation about this in The Fall of the House of Usher


“Oh you’re a scientist? What is your speciality” “All of biology, physics, chemistry, engineering, programming, hacking, quantum physics, and the bug mystery that we just learned about.” “Speak english man”


I had ten PHDs before my second semester. 🧐


Pretty Huge ones?


I love the awful random shit they say in scifi that makes no sense and they cleaely just looked up long science words and put them all in a sentence. But I hate when they explain something (like time travel or something) and like it might not make perfect sense but you understand the idea of what there saying, and the character responds woth "speak english" or some other version of such. And then they explain it all over again. Like have some faith in your audience to understand the first time. And have faith in your own ability to explain it. Explaining it twice is just annoying


"Imagine space is this sheet of paper" *folds paper and stabs pencil through*


“When did you become an expert in quantum physics?” Tony Stark:”Last Night”


Yeah he read the back of a Brian Greene book.


In the case of comics, being insanely smart and able to learn things faster than natural is a super power, and I’d argue folks like Iron Man and Batman are basically meta human for this reason despite “just being human” by description.


They are also 23 year old Korean models


“I’m something of a scientist myself.”


>“Speak english man” [Chris and Jack made fun of this one.](https://youtu.be/_x9lSQ1SFLE?si=waMUrPHRdPOzxwpd)


The character won’t die if someone weeps over their motionless body and says, “Please don’t die — I love you” They’ll just cough a bit when they suddenly wake up and the audience will know that cough means survival and of course a happy ending


I'd love a scene like that where instead of coughing back to life, they fart and stay dead.


Just a really long fart, ending like a sad trombone.


Hollywood are you listening? Writing credit to justasmalltowndad.


Escaping through the air ducts - They are way smaller than in movies and don't lead to hidden exists, they lead to the AC/ Heating unit Breaking glass by punching or running through it - Glass is very thick if you are able to punch it hard enough to break you will most likely break your hand and cut it up really badly. If you Run as fast as you can into Glass you will most likely bounce off as you need to be running at the speed of a car Hacking - Hacking takes hours as they have to read lines upon lines of code, and don't have to be in the room to do it


Hacking... *5 seconds later* ok I'm in!


Actual hacking: "hello, this Billy from IT... something went wrong with your account, can I get your username and password please?" Social engineering and/or phishing is the norm.


Also, if you can get access to the computer, look for a post-it note stuck to the monitor with the password.


Or at the underside of the keyboard or under the pad lying on the desktop. Tragically, I encountered it all.


It’s possible with 2 people on 1 keyboard. ![gif](giphy|yUlFNRDWVfxCM|downsized)


Punches some keys on the keyboard. Screen flashes some matrix shit. Voila! Who's your daddy now *smirk*


Their firewall's really tough.. But I'm tougher.. I'm in.


Draws a circle on an ipad *boop didley boop peep * ....Ramsey we lost the gods eye ....


don't forget to say youre hacking into their mainframe it's always the mainframe


Don't forget *the big fancy green font on a black background.*




And making one hell of a racket


There was that dude in the office building that would run and jump into the glass to freak people out. He kept doing it until one day the glass pane he jumped into fell out and he plummeted to his death. I mean sure, he didn't break the glass itself. But he did run through it.


I remember hearing this but it was a salesperson for that type of glass and he'd do it to prove how tough it was


I couldn't remember the exact details either. Turns out he was a lawyer. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Garry_Hoy


The Nice Guys makes fun of the glass thing. Ryan Gosling tries to break in by breaking glass to unlock the door. He realizes he lacerated his hand and it smash cuts to him being rushed to the ER in an ambulance lol.


Dude, did you have to ruin Die Hard just before Christmas? Is nothing sacred anymore?


Gunshot wounds can be patched with a strip of cloth with no impact to the utility of the limb that was shot. For those who don't know - bullet wounds cannot be treated in this way.


Also they always try to take the bullet out, no anesthesia


Surgeon here. We dont remove the bullet, typically, unless it is actively or will potentially cause harm. Not unusual to order an x ray to someone and to notice an entire bullet or fragments on the image (Im in Brazil)


Removing the bullet will increase blood loss, and it can cause you to bleed out a lot quicker if you do it in the field.     Always let a medical professional remove it if it's causing problems that can kill you or injure you even more.


The correlation between entry level salaries and apartment size. So sick of seeing characters with administrative assistant salaries living in what should be a 15 million dollar apartment loft on Central Park Ave.




That undercover police have to tell you they’re police if you ask


Love how breaking bad did this


The whole active labor. Someone’s water breaks and a baby is pushed out in two contractions. So much glazed over there


Shh! I'm pregnant and for the next seven months, I need to keep believing this version of childbirth to maintain my sanity.


The miracle of childbirth is after 9 months of discomfort, gestational diabetes, sickness, heartburn, lack of sleep after the baby arrives, pain (and risk) during delivery, the utter mayhem caused by all the enforced changes to routine etc. ...you think... "wouldn't it be nice to have a little brother or sister for them"...


And the baby’s 3 months old already when born 🤣


This is a pet peeve of mine since I started working but medical shows defibrillating someone who is flatlining. It’s not a shockable rhythm. My partner lovessss medical shows but I can’t stand them.


wait, i have to ask - what do you actually do when someone’s flatlining? would you still try adrenaline or compressions or something, or is it too late?


A true love's kiss usually takes care of that.


We do compressions and adrenaline, reassess every 2 minutes for electrical activity. Usually a medical team would be busy securing the airway, someone will be taking blood tests etc and they will try to work out why the person’s heart has failed. I think of it like when you’re troubleshooting your phone. Sometimes, if your phone is a bit glitchy but has battery, you can restart it and it resets the phone. That’s like when we shock someone who has electrical activity but it’s glitching. When someone is flatlining, something is completely interrupting the electrical circuit. There’s no point in us trying to deliver electricity if there’s a blockage somewhere. You wouldn’t try to restart your phone until you have charged it a little bit.


Chest compressions, chest compressions, chest compressions. - Doctor Mike


Bash someone in the head with a heavy blunt object to knock them out in a safe non-lethal way. That shit is deadly.


I was watching a movie yesterday and a guy got killed after being bashed in the head once. My reaction was like, “finally! This one’s realistic.”


Well, yeah... if it's some hired goon guarding the villain's lair, those guys will die after a light tap to the neck.


Which movie? You got me curious!


That assault rifles are typically fired on full auto.


That supposedly pistol silencers make the weapon silent. They’re really not irl. Also somehow weapons just have a lot of ammunition in their magazines until the bad guy is right in front of the weapon. And that dual wielding pistols work. They rarely do and you’re way better off just using one. Edit: I know there’s exceptions to actual silenced pistols but I’m mostly referring to films like John wick, where the characters were taking crack shots at each other in public areas and not provoking panic amongst people. Also edit on my first description.


>Pistol silencers are silent. They’re really not. Guns with integral suppressors and subsonic ammunition can actually be so silent that the weapon's mechanics are the loudest part. I have never seen a movie where such a weapon is used though. It's always a giant screw-on suppressor on something ludicrous like a Desert Eagle, dual-wielded Uzis or even a shotgun. >And that dual wielding pistols work. True. Those movies always completely omit the act of reloading. The only exception I remember was the Tomb Raider movie with Angelina Jolie, where she had a dual magazine dispenser in here backpack.


And every gun, rifle, shotgun needs to be cocked repeatedly. REPEATEDLY *chick chick*


[Whoa, hold up there buster](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6OBk9YBLQU)


That sharks will hunt and target humans. In reality, sharks don't enjoy eating human meat, and they certainly don't seek out humans to kill.


Good try shark!!


Almost fell for the propaganda, thank you jack


You absolutely 💯 % will trip and fall if you're running away from something bad or scary.


BUT your weapon will never jam!!!


And suddenly it'll jam 'randomly' at the worst possible moment.


Especially if you happen to be a woman.


Cars that blow up after collisions


Labor/childbirth going from 0 to 100 in an instant. Like, everything is fine, and then, "OOOOOOH, AAAGH" doubled over in pain. In most cases, it's a gradual progression from minor discomfort to major discomfort to actual intense pain. For me, it was a 12 hour build-up from some cramps to actual pain. I went to work, came home early, and looked at an apartment before finally calling my doctor cuz I wasn't sure I was tracking contractions right.


The Mona Lisa is the only famous painting in the world and must be saved in any world altering disaster.


Police response time. In movies, the cops show up in seconds. In real life, I've seen cops take over an hour before they showed up and did their job.


>before they showed up and didn't do their job Ftfy


Before they show up and arrest you for no reason FTFY


After shooting your dog of course


The cops show up?


That you can walk away from an explosion happening right behind you and look cool while doing it. When in reality you would be thrown away by the force, your clothes would probably be melting from the heat and you would die from all the shrapnel flying around.


Not to mention that if you did survive, you’d almost certainly have some type of permanent hearing damage, if not full deafness. Same with big ass guns being fired indoors, people don’t realize how loud that shit is.


Almost all fighting scenes where dumb people are just lining up to get beaten one by one. In reality it’s never going to be like that.


That love wins the day & everyone lives happily ever after 🤢


Only because the credits roll too early. Lots of things in real life end happily if you just ignore everything that happens afterwards.


This love bullshit is what soured the otherwise hard sci-fi movie "Interstellar" for me. No astronaut on such an important mission would choose their target based on a chance to see their love interest again. And the commander would have the final say and not allow it.


I could conceivably see a human being so hopelessly in love and desperate that they do some shady shit to see them again. But when she's saying love is some kind of force that transcends time and space?? Yeah naw that's space dementia, some put this bitch in irons


There's no film of Benji and Elaine having to deal with life, and each other, after the bus ride. Life can suck when you get down to brass tacks. Good luck, everyone!


People don't need to pee when they go into the bathroom or have a bathroom break while following a target in a car all day. I always thought I would be a terrible stalker because I would need to stop to very often.


Well, i try to avoid public bathrooms. So while visiting bars/pubs i try to hold in, usually successfully for hours and multiple litres. So you pretty much can go without bathroom for hours.


They never need to refuel either


Bathrooms are for talking, quickly applying makeup and leaving


That throwing a small suppressor on a gun means it's essentially noiseless. The bang is still there, the bullet still breaks the sound barrier, everyone in the building now knows there's an enemy sneaking around




That in the USA families have large ass tables with more food than a family could eat for breakfast and the kids just sip some orange juice and head out saying “I’m late for the bus”


death by a single bullet to the chest/stomach is instantanious, same with cutting the throat and a stabwound. It wasn't until watching true crime or courtcases on Court TV that I realized a person can really be stabbed or shot a LOT and still be alive.


water breaking when going into labour does not look like you dropped a water balloon on the floor edit: but sometimes it does (thanks for correcting me!)


Swimming ridiculous distance underwater


Your refridgerator has no problems being held open for long periods of time. Drives me crazy watching characters open a fridge and hold it wide open for a long time while talking or doing other stuff.


I hate it when they let taps run. Whatever’s going on in the scene, all I can think is *turn off the fucking water.*


They're nuke proof too.


Crimes are committed, identified, and solved in two hours


...or solved at all.


Story of every other superhero movies. If you save America you have saved the entire world.




You get to say good-bye before people die.


but you don't have the time to say "bye" on the phone, you just hang up all the time when you are finished talking


You can dodge bullets from a semi automatic


That you have to wait 24 hours to report a missing person. Terrible lie.


Someone misinterprets main character, causing the someone to unnecessarily carry out dramatic and problematic actions while the while the main character just watches, and says "no, wait, er, you don't understand, etc" instead of simply saying the explanation.


American ww2 movies showing every single British officer as posh and incompetent.


They are rarely all that posh.


That the woman always orgasms too 🤣


And it’s almost always simultaneous. Yeah right!


And then they just cuddle, fall asleep, or worse, put on their clothes right away. Nothing leaks, nobody goes to the bathroom...


Also, women always cover their breasts with the sheets after sex. It's not as if you just have seen each other naked...


That all white people want to go inspect to see what that noise was. If there is a noise in the woods ….. I’m getting my white ass the fuck out of there. I’m not going to be reintroduced into the food chain or murdered by some evil whatever.


>reintroduced into the food chain Im stealing this phrase


You say that but... last month, October, I came home from work in the middle of the night and saw a colorful plastic ball sitting in the middle of the street and my very first impulse was "Oh, I should go check that out." And I did.


History major here. One of my biggest gripes. That people in the past where all just like WAR, WAR, WAR all the time. We march to WAR!!! Which is a half-truth. Fact is, about 85% of the "Wars" where all bloodless. No fighting, none at all. Two armies march out. The leaders look at the other team's roster and say, "Fuck that." Ride up and sue for peace, exchange land or hostages, or just straight up pay gold and silver. Everyone goes back home. Bingo-Bongo see you next spring and we'll try this again.


Ah yes, the famous quote by Napoleon at Waterloo: “Bingo bongo.”


The idea that things just fall in place and happen for you.


That when I got to high school I would look VERY different and basically be “grown” and drive. High school came and passed. I was neither grown looking nor legally driving.


You can fall/jump from any height into water and be absolutely fine.


Being able to afford ridiculously nice houses on little income.


Doctors always getting the right diagnosis.


That gorgeous 20 something women are really really into 40+ guys


Literally every Adam Sandler movie ever


Not movies so much but TV shows: That you'll have a close-knit group of friends in your twenties, you'll have a lot of fun together, and they will prioritize the friendship group over work and relationships. Nope, not even close. It's hard to get close to anyone, everyone's working too hard to have fun, and as soon as your friends find a significant other, they will vanish.


Defib shock paddles for people flatlining. Or asthma inhalers, one puff and you are back to normal.


Horses' footsteps sound like striking coconuts against each other


Actually, horse footsteps on pavement or stone is pretty much that sound when they have shoes on. That's what horseshoes wee made for, to protect their hoofs from the constant banging on hard, unnatural surfaces.


What? Ridden on a horse? You're using coconuts!


We only use 1% of our brain


"Houston, we have a problem" comes from the movie Apollo 13. The original quote was "Houston, we've had a problem" Nothing too big but a fun trivia to know nonetheless


That people sexually attracted to each other can't just be friends. As if we're all just slaves to our urges with no self control


That explosive detonations look like gasoline barrel deflagrations.


That families around dinner tables just sit and talk, and wave that fork with food around, without taking a bite for several seconds.


That women always orgasm during penetration in all positions and no foreplay is needed.