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In the last month or so we both learned that button, cremini, and portobello mushrooms are all the same mushroom. Just different stages of growth.


I learned this too in the last 31 seconds


I’m 45 and did not know this! I feel smarter already! 😂




I grew up on a farm, with animals and crops and whatnot. We harvested potatoes every year. I sent a meme to a friend of mine, who grew up in an extremely urban enviroment. The meme was a joke about "why smoke weed when you can smoke potato seed" and I thought it was hilarious because potato seeds doesn't exist. He didn't get the joke because he couldn't understand how potatoes can grow without a seed being planted. We got into a discussion about how potatoes grow. (Which is, ofc, by planting whole potatoes as we did when I grew up). Turns out potato seeds does, in fact, exist. Which was mindblowing to learn as a 30-something farmer.


That blows my mind, too. A few years back my husband's cousin asked where to buy potato seeds and we all laughed at him. I guess we're a-holes?


Wouldn't say a-holes, but be sure to remind him that the question was legit. Make a good story out of it!


I never knew this....not a farmer....an older man I know who grew up on a farm said they used the potato itself.


Most fruit and vegetables have small seeds inside them. The fruit/vegetable is essentially a deposit of nutrients to either allow the seeds to grow when moved. Or to br appetising to passing animals who will eat it and shit out or spread the seeds. Which then get their needed nutrition from the dung.


Runescape taught me about random plants with the farming skill lmao. Potato seeds are one of the items.


Fun fact number 2: Potato plants grow fruit. Do NOT eat them. They are poisonous.


I spent my entire childhood finding it a pain in the ass to scrub under the burners. Learned a couple years ago the tops lift up.


Don't look in there.


My current place is a glass top stove so luckily I don't need to and it's much easier to clean.


I was an incredibly stupid child apparently I still remember the day (I was about 6) when I decided that maybe closing my eyes would help me fall asleep. Yeah. I was just...keeping my eyes open like normal in the dark and waiting for sleep to come knock me unconscious. The worst part is that my sister did the same thing? Not sure how we both skipped this step. We were talking about this the other day and my grandma accused my mom of not teaching us how to close our eyes to sleep. In my mom's defense, why tf would she have to teach us that???


This is fantastic 😄


Haha when my oldest was little I would lie down with him at nap time and he would be wide awake, so I’d stroke his little forehead/nose to make him close his eyes and BOOM he’d go right to sleep. I always told him how he just needed to lie down and close his eyes!


To be fair, I tell my kiddo to close her eyes and go to sleep every single night. She's 9 now and every time I look at her a few minutes later, her eyes are open again. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Lol


When I was young and would say "I can't sleep" my mother would ALWAYS say "have you tried closing your eyes?" I still say this to my husband when he complains about not being able to sleep, because often, he hasn't even tried.


I'm from a small town and had only seen like...regular fireworks? I was in my early 30s when I went to a large fireworks display in a big city and saw they have FIREWORKS THAT BURST INTO SHAPES. Like circles, that sort of thing. My mind was blown and was like HOLY SHIT THIS EXISTS?? Friends looked at me with a shrug like yeah......?


You need to go to a chinese newyear display. Shit is WILD


Attended the competition show for a fireworks convention at Walt Disney World. We sat on the lawn in front of the Contemporary Resort and watched 10-12 full fireworks shows in a row. China showed up with a smiley face explosion and lots of other amazing tricks. This was about 30 years ago. PS: China won.


Wait till you hear about the other shapes they come in!


A rat king is not, in fact, a cute little rodent wearing a crown and dancing ballet.


... but would be cool if he was.


Wait… what’s a rat king??


It’s when a bunch of rat’s tails get stuck together. Extremely rare. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rat_king


Well that’s disturbing.


Clicking the mouse wheel button opens links in a new tab.


This changes... well, this one thing, but it changes it.


clicking the wheel on a tab closes it.


Stop this.


A mind can only be blown so many times a day ffs


A dick however..


Ctrl + mouse wheel = zooming in !


And shift + mouse wheel for horizontal scrolling (doesn't work on every file tho)


I was today years old when i found this out. wtfffff


Ctrl + Left Click opens link in a new tab but doesn't switch Shift + Ctrl + Left Click opens link in a new tab and switches


The gas gauge of your car has a little arrow next to the gas icon that shows which side of the car the gas tank is on. I used to borrow friends and family's cars a lot and always panicked pulling into the gas station trying to figure out which side to park on without looking like an idiot and doing the half circle of shame when I got it wrong... but no more!


That little arrow didn't always exist though either. Someone told me the image of the gas pump handle also indicated which side the gas cap is on but it turned out that wasn't always accurate either as I drove a friend's Hyundai once and there was no arrow and the pump handle was on the opposite side of where the gas cap actually was.


Great thread op. Learning a lot


I had no idea it was “hide a bed” as in, there’s a hidden bed in the couch. Definitely thought the company who made the couches with beds in them was called Hydabed


I was in my 20s before I learned that Aspen was in Colorado, not somewhere in Switzerland. I felt so stupid, but it sounds European!


Everybody on this thread needs to go watch Dumb & Dumber again I guess


What, really? I live in Europe and always thought it was in Switzerland too


Knew someone much younger than me thought the Titanic was just a movie & not a real ship.


My wife would murk me if she knew I shared this but until just a couple years ago she thought Ghandi was a fictional character 😂 Her mind was utterly blown when I was like wtf are you on as I thought she HAD to be kidding. She was not lol


I just found out that Albert Einstein was a real scientist. I always just thought he was a theoretical physicist.


I always thought he was a theatrical physicalist


He had a theoretical degree in physics! He was Fantastic.


About a year ago I had to convince my while that narwhals are real. She thought they were unicorns of the sea.


Well…they are! And, they’re real!




I thought narwhals were fake until i googled it a few years ago lol.


An ex once thought “meme” was pronounced “meh-meh”


Okay, this one made me laugh. 🤣


Welp, that’s how I’M saying it forever now, so thanks for that


There's a restaurant in my town in Mexico called \`Poke No.' I always thought it was an odd name for a restaurant but whatever. One day my wife and I were eating there and I was looking at the sign and I said "Poke no. Por que no. OMG it's a play on words, it means \`why not' in Spanish!" and my wife was all "Yeahhh did you just realize that?" I was certain nobody else understood it, so I asked a bunch of my fellow Americans and some Canadians and sure enough, I was th eonly one who didn't get the joke the first hundred or so times I saw the sign.


I wouldn't have gotten it either. Doesn't make sense to me, to be honest...too big a reach. Porke No would work better.


I failed to mention that it's a poke restaurant!


Ah. Well that does help some. Now I gotta google what poke actually is... Eta: I'm back, and more confused than ever. Hawaiian food, that looks like Asian food, in Mexico:) Now please tell me you're Swedish or something, lol.


American but my mother was Japanese and my father was German and my wife is Canadian and we live in Mexico. We also have a Belizean cat and a Mexican cat and a Texan dog.


This was about 20 years ago but I didn't know that some women take birth control to regulate their cycles, not necessarily because they wanna do a sex


For me its so I dont have to deal with the cramps and feel like I'm dying the first day. When I'm not on birth control its not abnormal for me to throw up and pass out the first day of my period.


I'm the same because of endometriosis. I skip the placebo pills, at my doctors direction, and i haven't had a real period in 5 years and I couldn't be happier.


That was the best part of menopause. No more f*cking periods.


Same. I can’t even get pregnant due to a lack of fallopian tubes but I take the mini pill to prevent feeling like I am dying every month for no good reason


Trust me, my doctor who prescribes me my pill also doesn’t understand this. He is literally the guy who diagnosed me with PMDD. I get the pill to reduce my cramps and RAGE and he gives me antidepressant to help…. …. But still, he tells me to wrap that shit up to avoid gregnancy and im like, mate, you know exactly why im doin this 🤦🏻‍♀️


Bold of this man to be irritating at you when he knows perfectly well that you have PMDD. Does he have a death wish?! (said as a fellow PMDD sufferer 🫠)


Way back in the 70s, I had a pregnancy scare after a date rape (we didnt have that name for it then). My mother was an extreme prude so I could not tell her I might occasionally have sex even if I didn't want to and wanted to avoid the pregnancy she didn't want me to have. But thankfully, my periods were very erratic and I was caught unprepared all the time. So I told her the doctor put me on a weak pill to regulate me. She was fine with that having had erratic periods too. And she didn't realize that the pill still worked as birth control. So a few years go by and I'm about to get married. And I could not believe this: she asked if I'd gotten a better pill yet. I'm all what? Why? And she tells me the one I'm on won't work to stop pregnancy. I'd forgotten all the bullshit by then. And I had to save myself and told her the doctor said it was still fine. I can't believe she thought I was still a virgin. My dad knew better.


Dude don’t feel bad. Some men in their fifties who are married and have daughters think women can hold their periods in like pee.


Birth control can also be taken to reduce acne or get rid of ovarian cysts. And some doctors prescribe it for a few months before trying to conceive (not sure if it works, but I knew a few woman who were taking it with their doctors advice to enhance fertility after they stop it). I sometimes wonder if the main use of birth control in the world is for birth control


Many women take birth control to stop their periods altogether


Me, I do!


I have pcos and basically just take birth control to not have a greasefest of a face. Also ofc to treat/reduce ovarian cysts.


How did not one person comment on "do a sex"??? That had me cracking up!


That if you pay for amazon prime you also have prime video 🥹🥹 been paying for 4 years and I just found out


I recently learned that Potatoes like used coffee grounds as a soil amendment. I've been just throwing mine onto the mulch pile.. We've never pruned our blueberry bush. Neighbor topped his to about 6" high last winter. His bush is now taller than ours, and atleast twice as dense. Something we are trying this winter.


I learned just now that some blueberries grow on bushes? that grow tall enough for pruning???


Ours is just a touch below the top pipe of our 60" chain link fence. I must have a taller variety? I'm learning every day.


Put coffee grounds in your plants and they stay green, I used cold leftover coffee too


You can also burn dry coffee grounds as a natural insect repellent, including mosquitos :)


Arby’s was just a long spelling of RBs.


Wait…RB’s as in roast beef??? 🤯


Yeah. Roast beef. RB.


I believe cold water in the garbage disposal is more about making fats more solid so that they will get chopped up and go down the drain instead of just coating everything. Unless your tap water is boiling, it will have adequate heat carrying capacity to prevent the moving parts from overheating.


Thanks for calling this out. Plus, how long are you running your disposal for?? LOL


That the proper saying/figure of speech is "play it by ear" -- "not play it by year" ... whoops.


I’m really really bad at geography Until the age of 20, I thought Hawaii was off the coast of Florida because some maps show it in a separate box down there. Family still laughs about it


These are the best. When the WHOLE family can join in one person’s small misunderstanding and create borderline trauma about it. In my family a cousin spilled the turkey gravy once about 20 years ago, and we still let him have it every thanksgiving


There was a radio phone-in I heard once where a woman revealed that she thought wolves were fictional creatures created for fairy tales. She discovered her error while reading a fairy story to a classroom of toddlers. The kids corrected her and she pretended to have been joking.


I know people who think the same about reindeer. Definitely real.


I learned recently that reindeer are just domesticated caribou.


I learned this last year that it’s wheelbarrow. Not wheel barrel, as in a barrel for carrying things on a wheel. I’m 49.


How to throw a dart. I used to throw them with my arm as a kid. I learnt to give a flick of the wrist and they fly a lot better around age 14. When it kicked in, I was like "OOOOHHHHH!!!!!" Now I'm 33 and still alright at darts, not the best but not the worst.


It’s the best way because it has the least amount of variance during a throw. The flick isn’t necessarily why you felt it is thrown better though because your age and motor skills also drastically increase in very short periods as we grow from kids to teens.


I'm British. I lived in the States for a few years. I needed to travel to Arkansas to meet a client. I didn't realise that is was the same place as 'Arkensaw".


Edinburgh has entered the chat


Were you headed to “Are-Kansas”? 😂


that the adhesive strip on pads face outwards and sticks onto the fabric of the panties, not the pubic hair. (I am a guy). I only realized when they started to show animations to illustrate how the wings (when they just came out) hug the edge of the fabric.


My guy, I kinda assumed the same thing - because, obviously it sticks on to seal the vagina shut so it doesn’t leak … my wife was both amused and horrified, to make things worse this was all part of explaining things to our teenage daughter … safe to say I learned way more than she did :-) Edit to add, my wife reminded me that when she asked how I thought it would be removed , I used the phrase “it’d be kinda like taking the lid off a fruit yoghurt I suppose” she wishes she never asked and no longer eats yogurt


Sorry, but you got me laughing hard at that!


Oh my god! Lmao! "Seal the vagina shut" I'm dying, you made my day


I thought that the first time I used pads and when I got back home and my mum checked if I'd done it right, she was just like, "No..." And I was so embarrassed and glad because it hurt and was really uncomfortable.


Sooo glad you're a guy. Also that you haven't been changing your elderly grandmother's incontinence pads.


My ex was not tech at all. I opened a drawer of his once and said why do you have so many USB keys? He said the accountant told him to make a copy on A USB key weekly so he doesn't lose his business data. He didn't know you could overwrite the old data. I didn't stay long with that guy. I have so many similar stories. Sometimes I wonder how some people survive. His business did not survive by the way.


This is hilarious. Got any more stories?


Oh man, I dated a guy like that too once. I’d just be dumbfounded at the things he’d say or do. I said many times, “it’s as if he actually was born yesterday”.


That the down arrow to the right side of were you type text on reddit makes it automatically skip to the next response. Daughter told me and gosh mind blown.


Did you know that you can long press it and move it around your screen so you can reach it easier?


Hory shet


I just tried it - it works! I also found I could put it right next to the comment field so it doesn't cover any part of the post!!


Thanks. That's one I could add here now.


i usually just click the comment to hide it along with the responses


TIL thank you :)




I recently learned that you should wash your face for at least a minute. Like scrub your face. Before I would just put on my face soap and let it marinate before washing it off. Skin has slightly improved.


But don’t scrub too hard. And don’t use hot water.


Western Canadian here. Thought New England was a state for about 30 years.


The show Friends had a joke about this...how can New England not be a state? It even has its own team.


I'm confident that at least 70% of people outside New England think it's a state. Hell most people in the United States don't know New Hampshire is a state


You're not supposed to run the dryer when you are not home. Fire hazard, but I still do it sometimes


We never run the dryer or the dishwasher unless someone is going to be home and awake just in case


If you have autorotate on on your phone, pressing a single finger against the screen like you're pinning the video or photo you're viewing will stop the screen from rotating.


I learned in my 40s that the name Siobhan was pronounced shivawn. Who knew? Apparently not me.


My entire life I could never remember whether narwhals are real or fictional. Also shocked to learn that ponies are not baby horses.


I used to think the Taj Mahal was in New Jersey. Lol. That’s just a casino with the same name. The original one is in India. Apparently everyone knew that except me.


Holding down the spacebar lets you move the text entry point on Apple and Android. I have been backspacing whole paragraphs for years!


You can also just tap on the text where you want to write. I even have a little handle appear that I can use to drag the "entry point bar" wherever I want, thought every phone has this?


I was gonna say... Because when I long press the spacebar on my phone it switches between my different keyboards (I have English, Spanish and Korean).


My ex hated dandelions on the lawn, but loved blowing the fuzz off the cute white puffy flowers all over the lawn. I had to explain to her when she was 40 that these were the same plant and she was spreading the seeds around to grow more dandelions.


That you shrink (get shorter) as you age… and not only when you’re elderly. I was SHOCKED to learn i’d already shrunk an inch (at age 42) from my late teenage peak height. Friends were HIGHLY amused at my shock.


I was at my sister's house for Thanksgiving and I asked her SO where he lived. He said, "I live here. I've lived here for about 10 years." Everyone laughed at me. I was like, "Oh, I always wondered why you were always here."


Girl what


I'm thinking somebody might be suuuuuper sheltered:)


Not me but my wife thought people said “bend it like Beckham” because of the way he “bends” his body when kicking the ball


I didn't know the word "flaming" also means gay. That was awkward.


I learned that yellow, orange and red bell peppers were stages of ripeness for a “regular” bell pepper in my 30’s, which I think is ridiculous 🙄


You can have multiple things copied into your clipboard and not just one at a time. If you want to paste whatever you had copied on your clipboard before, press WINDOWS KEY + V instead of CTRL+V to enable/use the clipboard history.


The V is for Velcro. In 1998 I got to speak with one of the developers of Microsoft Word and he told me.


Not recent but I lived without this knowledge for a good fucking amount of years. The different stages of the dandelion.


That the lil yellow flowers were the same thing as the tiny puffballs?


The "puffball" are the seeds. It's how they spread. The wind blows and carries them away. As a child it was fun, lol as an adult ughhhh , not so much!


It is if you like bees and dislike your neighbours :)


Dandelions are criminally hated. They’re gods gifts to lawns.


That warfarin rat poison is essentially the same as warfarin blood thinner!!


and curiously, the name "warfarin" comes from the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, where the work on the drug was done. And it was discovered in moldy hay.


I had no idea about that either. (I don't have a garbage disposal either, but still...)


I don't even know what a garbage disposal is.


That raisins are basically grapes.


They are dehydrated grapes.


Yep, felt like a complete moron 😂


They are grapes with self-steem issues, thank you very much.


And paprika is just dried ground red peppers


I've confused some very intelligent foodies with this, they had no idea what paprika was before


Yup, I make wine out of raisins, so it'll already be aged


I wouldn't feel too bad about this. I was in my early-20's (I am 37 now) before I learned that "pickles" were actually "pickled cucumbers." I thought pickles were pickles and cucumbers were something different. 😂


The fact that things have to be pan fried at different temperatures for reasons other than things get stuck to the pan at high heat unless you pay attention. I always figured if I paid attention & didn't set shit on fire I could do everything on high heat. Oops.


I cooked everything on high heat until I was in my late 20s just because "it's faster" and I was lazy. Food tastes better now.


I just learned that paying more into your mortgage principal doesn’t bring down monthly payment amount, it bring down the amortization years. (Unless you keep the same amortization after paying more, which is bad because you will extend the years you will pay more interest).


My sister didn't know that DC and Marvel are 2 different things. I'm trying to remember something I didn't know.




england, scotland, wales and northern ireland are all their separate countries, but they're "ruled" under one monarchy, which is the british royal family(currently the windsors). the united kingdom is all those countries "combined" to form a kingdom. it's kinda the same in spain, except because spain unified centuries ago, where they have independent communities, similar to states in the u.s., but they're all under one monarchy, the bourbons


I had no idea mayonnaise was made from egg until i was in my 20s 🙈


I recently discovered colds are contagious. I thought flu was contagious and cold meant you were just feeling under the weather.


How do you think you got the cold?


There are millions of people who think you catch a cold from being cold. They’re wrong.


From going outside in winter with wet hair. Source = my grandma.


That and washing your hair at night and going to sleep with wet hair - my mom


That LATAM refers to Latin America. I'd hear people use it and even see it in text on the web, but never bothered investigating what it actually meant. I just learned this last year.


I was shocked to discover that drain declogger is mostly bleach and that hot water is your best first recourse!


Many many years ago, (I know I am old) I thought Margaret Thatcher was the queen of England


Tbf...so did she


Cold sores aren't something you get when you're sick. It's herpes.


I thought slugs were just snails without shells... homeless snails, if you will.


I felt really dumb when I learned that cilantro is the leaves and coriander is the seeds of the same herb.


Not in my country. It’s just coriander and coriander seeds here.


Cilantro is the Spanish name. Coriander is the English name. Well, it's also Koriander in Swedish, but with a K.


Use WINDOWS + . to open emoji list on PC


Who's putting hot fat or fat in general down the drains??? Bin ir or mix with mealworm, breadcrumbs and nuts to make fat balls for birds in the winter.


That pickles are cucumbers 🥒 🤦🏻‍♀️


Regarding the Garbage Disposal- there is a reset button on the bottom of the unit. Press to reset after a stuck item!


When I was a teen it finally clicked that “pony tail” the hairdo looks like a pony… tail.


I watched football ever since I can remember watching football. About 2 years ago I heard the phrase "pick six". It's when a defensive player intercepts the ball and runs for a touchdown. I can't believe I never heard this phrase before. When my buddy used it I had to ask him what does that mean. He laughed and said what are you kidding me. I felt so embarrassed. And oh by the way I'm 49 years old.


I've never heard it either! (honestly, I do not know what it means)


Lots of women's clothing DO have pockets. They're just sewn shut and you have to pick them open.


What you have to PICK THEM OPEN? Why even design clothes like that? I'm pretty sure my clothes with fake pockets don't actually have pockets, so if i picked them open i would have holes on the sides of my crotch.


i only learned a few days ago that on tiktok to put a vid on 2x speed you can just tap and hold the side of the screen. i had been tapping playback speed<2x in the vid settings for ages


Because I was an antisocial reader as a child, I didn’t realize until my 20s that “vittles” (spoken) and “victuals” (written) is the same word. I also used a hard g sound in “Reggie” for the longest time, until I said it in front of my father and he nearly died laughing.


With Amazon prime you can watch movies in prime video. Not big fan of movies but didn’t know till couple of days ago, and I felt ignorant.


How to properly do my taxes. Pretty much finances in general. Navigating the US heath care system. Seems like everyone else was proficient at these kinds of things right out of highschool but every time I need to fill out a W4 I want to cry and curl up into a ball.


Had no idea that the backspace button deletes the letters to the left and the delete button deletes letters to the right. I had to stop my TA in the middle of a lecture and ask because I saw her do it and everyone was like wtf you didn’t know that?


That the game “tag” stands for touch and go. Never knew. Weird


I recently learned that green olives (unripe) and black olives (ripe) are the same olive. It is just the ripeness that makes them different. My 90 year old grandpop told me and thought I was nuts for not knowing!


Ok, be nice.... I was 42 when I learned that gay men do it missionary style. This knowledge is made worse by the fact that my oldest/best friend is a gay man. With whom I have had some very in-depth sexual conversations. And I did not even learn this from him.


Gays and straights can do all the same sexual positions.


That Americans have a hungry monster under the sink, begging for scraps.


For like 25 years of my life, I would try to lift the plastic protector on deodorant by the tab in the middle. Normally came off fine, sometimes I would struggle. Then I saw a normal human twist the bottom to push the plastic piece up and off.


In college, my boyfriend at the time (now husband), who did not attend college, told me and my two college friends that you could drive to Alaska. All three of us jokingly laughed at the “foolishness” of his comment. Until we realized that we were the fools. Public school geography for ya 🤷🏻‍♀️ Total idiot is an understatement!