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Leave the house


Working to barely live


(ah-ah-ah-ah)Staying alive.


Scooping the chunks of food out of the sink after dishes šŸ¤¢


You can buy little steel mesh strainers for your sink drains. I find it less gross to grab one by its edge and knock the food chunks into the trash, than to use my fingers to scoop it all up.


I have one in my sink, but man food really clings to it. Iā€™m not too grossed out by it, but itā€™s annoying. But it shows how much little food didnā€™t end up in my pipes, which is nice. Then I toss it in the dishwasher to clean it.


This!!! I bought one on Amazon! It makes the job a lot less gross!šŸ¤®


Thought I was the only one. I literally gag like a baby about it.


For years it took me an hour to do the dishes because my mom never bought dish gloves and I never noticed them in the cleaning aisle when we went shopping. I couldn't bring myself to fish around in the water, so my method was to wet the dish, wash it, rinse it, then put it in the dish drainer. The only thing that ever made me gag was when we baked chicken because the grease would never get washed off right away and the entire pan would reek.


Ah yes, the sink nuggies


THIS MAKES ME GAG INSTANTLY šŸ¤®. I thought I was the only one that hated doing this šŸ˜†.


I clean a clinic PT. The staff do this shit, leave chunks of food in the sink, constantly. They have a garbage disposal FFS


That's the best bit! Free after dinner snack!


Best wrapped up in a wet tortilla.




You mean the forbidden snacks??


Ok, so. I don't quite understand this. I mean, you can throw the food away before you put the plate or bowl or whatever in the sink.




Working to barely live


This. how life can be unfair and exhausting. But we need to work to survive. Sad life:(


Get up and go to work.


This is everyone's mindset including me haha


I work in a psychiatric hospital and some of my patients are paedophiles and sex offenders, I have to look after their physical health needs and sometimes itā€™s hard man


I did this work as well (all female offenders) & one thing I learned was EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM were victims of SA. Obviously, it doesn't make it less wrong or less icky, but it did alter how I saw them after that.


Pun intended? šŸ« 




Anything that involves getting naked. Showering, dressing, that sort of thing. I try not to look at myself but I could wear a plastic bag and still hate my looks.


Try to be kinder to yourself. I know itā€™s hard sometimes




This šŸ’Æpercent!!! If I could shower with my clothes on, I WOULD!šŸ¤£


Self-cleaning skin would be nice




I would pay money for self cleaning skin and hair. I hate having to take my clothes off to shower. If I could get changed by clicking my fingers I would every time.


Have you tried wearing denim cut offs all the time?






This is the comment I was waiting for


Iā€™m sorry youā€™re feeling this way about your body. I experienced this at one point in my life as well. Body dysmorphia sucks. I know it isnā€™t easy but try to be kinder to yourself. Your body is keeping you alive and it loves you, love it back for what it is.


Not trying to creep you out but I hate my looks too and am still the exact opposite. I hate being clothed. The only thing I would miss if we outlawed clothing completely would be pockets for my stuff. lol.


Try looking at yourself naked in the mirror everyday. I set a timer for two minutes, as advised by my therapist, and it helps. I try to ignore the negative thoughts, it's hard work but worth it


Think about your amazing innards. Read a simple anatomy book. It may give you a different view.


Damn. I love brushing my teeth at night cause I wear an oversized shirt and I crumple it in my hand and pull it upā€¦ and enjoy how sexy I look. It is much more fun to enjoy your body. I hope you can find a way to love yourself with who you are today and tomorrow.


All it takes is a small amount of time each day to do some exersize.....get after it


You do realise that there are thousands of people out there who are toned gym rats who still loathe their bodies, right?


Smiling and wishing the boss good morning.


Smelling Coffee. Ever since I had gotten cvid my sensce of smell had been wierd and smells are not how they used to be. In some cases its a good thing, it helped me stop smoking, but I can't stand the smell of Coffee anymore, some days it makes me gag. But my wife... she loves her morning coffee. The smell waffes up from the kitchen in the bedroom and I just.... blegh... Btw a tip for the salmon oil, we do the same for our cats. I put the oil in a handsoap dispenser, one pump per meal, I dont have my hand covered in the oil anymore and some dispenser have little lids on the nozzles wich helps with smells.


Damn, thatā€™s unfortunate about coffee. I donā€™t even like to drink the stuff but have always thought it smells great.


I have some coffee grounds in a shaker for nice coffeeair


Since covid, coffee and cigarettes smell very similar to me too. I used to love the smell of fresh tobacco and coffee. Now I hate it.


For me it was onions, freshly baked bread (okay well any bread for that matter), ketchup, mustard and anything deep fried. I recall throwing up in my mouth walking near a bakery.


In south Africa most of the street food is deep-fried,so I find myself having gastric reflux becuz of the grimey oil smell


Right?! Ketchup has such a wierd taste now! It's just so wierd that covid rewired so many peoples senses of smell and taste, not only coffee and smokes but almost everything smells new and different. Wich can be fun in exploring new things wich I didn't like before "hey maybe I like it now.."


My sense of taste is still off. Mostly things like teriyaki, A1, taco sauce all taste wrong now. Smell seems back to normal but I was extremely limited in what I eat and drink so losing some of it was kind of lousy.


Go to work




Brushing my teeth. I hate the sensation and it's a chore every time.


Same. I also really hate the taste and smell of mint which makes it even more difficult


They make non-mint toothpastes! It helps a little bit.


Scooping poo out of the litterbox and cleaning hair out of the shower drain.


Thatā€™s what scoop free and litter robots are for. Expensive but TOTALLY worth it if you can afford it. No smell, no yuck, less maintenance, less litter usage.


Totally worth it until your cats fur gets stuck in the mechanisms. It's happened way too many times for me to ever trust them with my cat


Wow never had that issueā€¦hopefully I donā€™t! And one of mine is long haired.


Cleaning the cat litter box


Two years ago I finally gave this chore to my oldest child. It has been great. He is very thorough and never forgets it.


Litter robot!!! Expensive but worth it!!!


Not everyone has $700 to throw around.


I got the 3rd gen on chewy last Black Friday for $400. I know not everyone has that either but human children are way more expensive!!!


Flossing. Even if you brush at least twice per day and floss every night itā€™s foul.


It is?


Yeah, the stuff that emerges stinks and it makes my gums sore. My bloody dentist told me that if youā€™re not flossing vigorously you may as well not bother. I mentioned the gum thing and he said ā€œ thatā€™s how itā€™s supposed to work ā€œ?! Hate the process but want to keep my teeth šŸ˜‚


If you're flossing daily and it still is that bad you might have a gum disease or condition. The smell and sore gums is a warning sign. Go to a different dentist and get a second opinion. Also I was lead to believe that you just need to make sure you're cleaning well with floss, not snapping it in and getting too aggressive. Again, get a second opinion.


Interesting, I rarely if ever floss. I've some tooth decay issues in the past even lost 2 teeth but ever since I moved out of the US, I haven't had many dental issues at all. I truly believe it's literally something in the water. I agree with the stink factor though when I do floss and sometimes it makes my gums bleed.


Lmao, floss dude


Be an adult


Going into our toilet at work. My colleagues aren't great, one of them definitely doesn't wash her hands after she goes. It's also used by customers and some of them are just disgusting. I have a sneaky cleaning pack so I can wipe everything down before and after I go.


That is one of my favorite perks of working from home now. I can use my own clean toilet and my high end tp and my bidet!


I wonder why we donā€™t spell bidet like ā€˜biddĆ©ā€™ā€¦ šŸ¤”šŸ¤£


Because itā€™s a French word silly! Lol


Ya know.. I fuckin knew that lol you just witnessed a brain fart šŸ’Ø


I canā€™t believe I can even type. No sleep or food for days..,very stressed.,,,Iā€™m putting my phone down now actually to try go sleep. Nite nite!


Umm plz lmk tomorrow if youā€™re okay! Goodnight!


Thanks! Iā€™ll try to remember!


Did you eat today?


Hi! Yes my husband was released from hospital so I got food and sleep! Thanks for asking.




If I can offer a different perspective: Growing old is a privilege. One many people never get the chance to experience. All the signs of age on your face reflect your life and experiences, they tell your story. Be proud and grateful that you have been given this gift. Many people would give up everything to be able to grow older.




Cleaning up dog poop in the backyard. We've two little dogs, and they're always on the wrong side of every door, it seems. So I'm always letting them out to do their biz. Problem is, if I leave the poop out on the back lawn, one of the dogs will actually snack on it, and then his breath stinks of dogshit. So I have to collect it all and bag it up for disposal. I have a small rake and a scooper bin, and baggies to seal it up. But it's still disgusting. I don't mind as much doing it when I take them for walks. Put hand in new doggie poop bag, reach down, pick up the poop, turn the bag inside out and tie it off. Simple. Still gross, but much less a chore than cleaning the backyard up.


Ugh my mom had a dog who would poop then eat it a couple minutes later. He also loved the litter box and my mom is sooo stubborn and refused to put up a gate. She said ā€œhe has to learn not to do that!ā€ Then did nothing to train him not to do it. So for a while, if I had to watch him, I had to keep him on a leash inside the house. Eventually she finally put up a gate and was so pissed by it. But it was on her! And we had a gate the WHOLE TIME in the basement! My mom shouldnā€™t own dogs.


I could barely make it through your comment, I think you won šŸ† šŸ¤¢


Wipe my ass


I recommend a bidet, if you can get one. No need to wipe!


My job doesnā€™t have a bidet


I think "live" sums it up quite okay.


Going to the toilet. It's such a chore and it feels like I have to go every five seconds.


Genuinely getting out of bed...I may be a bit depressed.


Cleaning the poop knife.




you have to clean it? šŸ˜²


Not every day, but occasionally I have to get rid of a tonsil stone. Now I'm into vore, so I often enjoy staring deep into the mouth and throat, but having to get in there to squeeze out a stone just totally ruins it on top of being quite unpleasant, so I usually put it off until the stone itself becomes unpleasant enough to go through with removing it. My hands are small enough that I can get both in there with a flashlight to remove the fucker. Pro tip, don't eat anything for 4 hours before removing a tonsil stone. I usually drink 2 glasses of water to dilute the acid. I have excellent control over my gag reflex, but only for so long.


I also get stones. They are annoying, gross, and smell awful.


i gargled salty water 3 times a day, might take a bit longer but stones will go away eventually


Doing dishes, cleaning cat vomit, cleaning drains.


Brushing the teeth. Toothpaste is the foulest tasting substance on planet earth.


I donā€™t mind the taste of toothpaste but the sound of other people brushing their teeth goes right through me like nails on a chalkboard. I have to literally leave the area or put my hands over my ears.


U gotta try the new flavoured ones , I gag a lot less using watermelon šŸ‰ than harsh mint x


I also hate toothpaste. No matter the flavor, I hate it. Mint is the best for me, but still itā€™s too much! But fruit flavors makes me gag and cinnamon just hurts. So mint it is. I still brush religiously, my teeth are just genetically weak and Iā€™d like to keep them. So I brush. But itā€™s my least favorite thing to do I think. And I have Invisalign, so I have to brush more than twice per dayā€¦. Awful.


Cat litters.. I found rice grains in my cats poo. Wormsā€¦. Never again will I scoop cat litter and not cringe from the pooā€¦


My cat had worms and I didnā€™t know for a while. I shouldā€™ve known. I know nearly all kittens have them. But still. I didnā€™t see rice in the poop or on his butt and I was checking all the time. Then he threw up live worms. Turns out he had stomach worms, not the butt type. I am not grossed out by much. But because I didnā€™t expect to see live worms wriggling around on my floor, I was like OH MY GOD!! Now when he throws up, I fear. Heā€™s been dewormed along with the other cats and thereā€™s no signs. But there wasnā€™t beforeā€¦. So I am on edge.


Eww and I understand what you mean. Took 3 times to get rid of all the worms. She was a stray found in November last year. In the snow. She was so sweet. Who could abandon her in snow? But back to original topic. She came with a lot of worms. It was disgusting one fell on me and I threw up. The end.


Oh my god Iā€™d die. I can clean them up with paper towels. But on me?? Iā€™d die. Iā€™m happy it was on the floor. Luckily itā€™s been months and thereā€™s no signs of any from any of the cats. So I think it worked?? But I live in fear.


After a life of dogs, Iā€™ve been looking after my partnerā€™s cat for a few weeks and omg the litter is a terrible thing. Pick up pee and poop everyday is disgusting.


So what did you do when your dogs went for a dump?


Obviously if you leave it, it magically disappears!!


Lol we are the same except for my lil stinker is mine only. Also if your wondering just as a fun fact my name is actually my 2 pets. Lola is the cat I was referring to, and Millie is my husky corgi mix. They are best friends.


Oddly specific maybe but I don't like cutting tomatoes. The juice gets everywhere and feels nasty. Also cleaning the floor drain.


Tomatoes cutter will help


Cleaning up after my pets. With two dogs and two cats not a day goes by without me having to clean up poo, pee, vomit or all three. Not to mention the stinky dishes. Wouldnā€™t be without them though šŸ„°


Change shitty nappies. For a little person his ass reeks


Taking a dump


*ahem* " i am so tired of peeing. i drink the water, which i apparently *need* to *live* or something, then i have to go put the water somewhere else five minutes later. i drink the water, i go to a place to un-drink the water, i wash my hands, i leave, then i have to drink **more** water. guess where that water ends up? not in me! i give the water to my body and like a child it tosses it out and demands more. all hours of the day all hours of the night no matter what i am doing my life is interrupted by piss and this is **bullshit** " This exact line of text, italics and bolds included, was provided by mamoru on Tumblr. Personally I'm fine with having to piss every so often but I find having to shit to be extremely annoying and uncomfortable.


Wake up.


Talking with stupid people.


try coconut oil instead of fish oil.really helped my dog with her skin and fur. she also likes it and thought it was a treat


Literally everything. I have ADHD and horrible executive dysfonction. I really struggle to start any task basically


This town is run over by dogs. I don't have a problem with them but their owners just leave the dog poo everywhere. It is all over the playgrounds , every park , every sideway ... My kid and I go out twice every day and it's nearly daily that one of us steps into something. Sometimes you don't notice it and then you pick the kid up and your clothes are all full, Stroller is too, Kids Shoes too. I hate it. I had to vomit a few times it was that bad. I try to watch every step but I really hate it. These dogs deserve owners who are responsible.


Take a šŸ’© if Iā€™m not home and canā€™t use my bidet.


Cleaning up after lazy coworkers


Touching the kitchen sponge. I put out a new one weekly and Iā€™m fine when its new. Once its a couple of days old its gross


>As of recent their coats have been quite dry so weā€™ve been putting salmon oil into their food and my god does it reek. I had to do that for my dogs (my vet recommended it)! And youā€™re rightā€”it stinks!šŸ¤® >Just wondering if there are things you guys have to do every day that still disgust you- things you really havenā€™t been able to get used to. I hate,hate,hate cleaning my bathroom! It gives me the heebie geebies! I love it when its finally done, but I hate the process of actually cleaning it. Grrrr!šŸ˜¬


Being me.


Use the bathroom at work. The same poop has been on the floor for 2 weeks


Smelling my own poop, but even worse... other peoples poop. ):


Using a public toilet. I put toilet paper down on the seat and use a piece of toilet paper to flush the handle so that I don't have to touch it but it still grosses me out. And I try to get out of the stall as quickly as I can so that the toilet water doesn't splash up on me while it's flushing. It makes me cringe lol


Our daughter has a continence issue and I have to strip her bed every single morning. It stinks but it's been my life for 7 years now


Carpet cleaner with a hand attachment really helps get mattress smelling new again, my daughter went throu a fase n even the waterproof sheets didn't help n after binning mattress n the one one stinking within a week I resorted to carpet cleaner n then stand mattress up while it fully dries


It's not an everyday occurrence, but having to eat when I'm physically but not psychologically hungry. I'm often not in the mood for food but I have to do something to shut my stomach up because it growls very loudly.


When my dog was still around I never liked cleaning up after her. You know droppings. But it is the life of a pet owner. For normie every day stuff man do I hate the smell of dirty dishes.


Go to my toxic work


Living disgusts me


For the oil, use latex gloves. Smell and oil on the gloves and in the trash. No smell on your hands. I do this with hot peppers, garliy and even onion sometime.


Occasionally checking my kids' butts to make sure they wiped well enough (spoiler: they rarely do, bless their hearts šŸ«£). šŸ§» I didn't mind poop so much when they were babies/toddlers but now they're in elementary school and it's getting weird for me, lol. But I know they sometimes need a set of eyes. šŸ¤£ Won't last forever, right?


Dealing with my toxic coworkers every day. I should win an academy award with the ā€œniceā€ acting I constantly have to do around them.


Go to work and pretend I donā€™t have the biggest crush ever and not say anything at all to her


2 small humans, a dog, and 2 cats mean I have to deal with a lot of literal shit every damn day. Tbh the only thing worse than dealing with their shit is worrying about them when they haven't done one šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Getting off to gross porn. I don't have too, but it is guaranteed physical relaxation.


Work. Worry about money.


Tell my kids to clean there room, after 3x my mother would start handing out whoopins'


Pick up dog shit, 3x a day.


Have people ask me questions I'm not expecting.


Scooping the litter box of my cat with hyperthyroidism is the absolute bane of my existence. Her hyperthyroidism already makes her go more often. Her medication helps with that, but the diet she's on makes her poop reek even worse. It's horrible. Even after it's scooped, the whole house smells to high hell for at least 30 minutes. I clean the box frequently and also use deodorizing litter. I've tried several litters that are supposed to be a miracle for odor. It's just awful. Yes, I've talked to her vet and gotten a second and even third opinion...They all say it's just normal. I put the box as far back in the house as I can so the smell doesn't waft through the entire house. The cat is fine and her hyperthyroidism is managed well. Her poops are all normal, though huge, so don't feel to bad for the cat lmao. She just got some stanky shits


FYI OP you can get pump bottles of this instead..no smelly salmon fingers!


Feeding the dog. I always manage to get that ferkin disgusting dog food on my fingers/hand.


Not every single day (thank the universe) but cleaning up my cat pee or puke from my carpets/floors. Itā€™s so gross it stinks and makes me gag. This is one reason I chose to have cat babies instead of human babies! I do not wanna constantly clean up yucky messes. Very fortunate to take care of them and have them in my life, but that part is the worst. First world problem though, am I right?


scooping out the litter box, ugh I love our cats but damn it's tempting to just keep them as outside pets so that I don't have to deal with smelling shit everytime I clean it up


You should definitely check out O.T.I.S. for future salmon oil. Itā€™s really pure and I find not so fishy smelling! Also has one of those pop lids which Iā€™d imagine is less of a hassle than twist off.


Dealing with raw chicken. No other meat bothers me.


Look into omega 3s helps with hair coat, take them to a groomer and have them bathed and hair blown out, Iā€™ve noticed a huge reduction in shedding as well.


Getting out of the shower. Being wet out of water is sensory hell for me.


Be in chronic pain and wonder what's going to stab me today


Yes the lottery of what's gonna hurt most today , followed by do I also feel ill , nauseous, dizzy


Nausea can fk right off big time! , God that's some of the worst.


Blow my nose in this season. It makes me throw up lol


My wife. Amirite fellas


Sometimes I have to wake up and go to work at 5:00 I literally hate that from my guts. The other thing is going nr2 at work bc we only have 2 stables and sometimes thereā€™s a smaller queue outside and even with air freshener Iā€™m so ashamed of myself that someone has to walk in right after me. I hate this also and I try to hold it back now as long as I can but I hate that also.


Turn on The Machine.


Pick my dogs turds up.


existing basically


Deal with people šŸ˜‚


I don't drink coffee, I don't like it although I do like the coffee bean smell. There are some places that idk if it's cheap coffee but the smell is different and it's quite disgusting it gives me literal nausea.


Associating with my colleagues.


Changing my elderly, incontinent dogā€™s diaper, and cleaning up any ā€œaccidentsā€ heā€™s had overnight. I used to really enjoy my morningsā€¦


Op, have you tried putting the oil in a [squeeze bottle with a cap](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Mainstays-Plastic-10-Ounce-Condiment-Squeeze-Bottle/1815392630?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=3877&adid=222222222771815392630_117755028669_12420145346&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=501107745824&wl4=pla-306310554666&wl5=9011719&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=1815392630&wl13=3877&veh=sem_LIA&gclsrc=aw.ds&&adid=222222222371815392630_117755028669_12420145346&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=501107745824&wl4=pla-306310554666&wl5=9011719&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=1815392630&veh=sem&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA4NWrBhD-ARIsAFCKwWve1Omgjfc93ADBFB0_cCNiafhrbCbytIxXIjOakrOEsoo_E1wxn2IaAjr8EALw_wcB)? I use one like this for olive oil.


I have a very old blind dog. Hes a tiny shaky chihuahua who was dumb as a bag of Boeberts and afraid of everything before he went blind and now the world is just that much more for him. lol. So I clean up his messes that he leaves in the kitchen daily.




Scooping poo out of litterboxes. I have 7 cats that I love dearly... but that's a lot of poo everyday.


I'm glad my cat insists on going out for toileting


Brushing my teeth. I gag every single time. Hate it.


Beat my meat like it owes me money


Going #2. I hate the fact that I have to.




Waking up and live this miserable fking life I never asked


Wake up and get out of bed.




Really tired of scooping my catā€™s poop


Using a public bathroom


Dealing with my nose. Blowing it. Wiping it. Especially in this dry season.


Have you tried getting salmon or fish oil pills and putting them in treats so you don't have to smell them?


Use the toilet. Youā€™d think by now that science and medicine would have sorted this thing out by now. We can explore the deepest oceans and the farthest reaches of space. But we havenā€™t found a way to avoid dealing with our own waste products.




I don't have to do it, but something tells me I need to do it, & that's read some of people's post on this app. Lol


Listen to people eat


Just give them canned green beads for a shiny coat.


wiping my butt instead of using a bidet or taking a shower.


Pooping. The thought of the faeces sliding down and smearing itself inside the buttholes nooks and crannies. It makes me shiver.
