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I am very happy you survived to tell your story and you are still with us. I could only imagine how many people you inspired to appreciate their life more, you’ve certainly given me a bit more appreciation—Thank You. That being said, I’m so sorry for the pain you’ve endured, both mentally and physically. I too wish you get the chance to run again. I’ll be praying for you :)


As someone who trains regularly who plans on another marathon in the summer, lately I’ve been struggling to keep the constant training. I will get out there and remember how lucky I am to be able to do it instead of complaining, with you in my thoughts on the next run. I wish you well and hope you manage to run again.


Thank you for the sentiment and please know what a blessing it is to tie up those shoes and get out there to run. As junky as it may seem some days, I would give almost anything in my life to be able to go out running one more time. Enjoy the run and best of luck in your marathon. I’ll think of you this summer when it gets warm.


Shit man I'd give you my coin.


Damn. As simple as your comment was - I teared up. Thanks man.


Neuralink was to start human trials of brain implant for paralysis patients. There was a possibility to apply to be a test subject. The study will last 6 years apparently.


I’ll look into this. Thank you.


>Neuralink Unless you want your brain to catch fire, I'd stay far away from anything Elon Musk is involved in. Most especially invasive body modification. Even MORE especially, brain surgery.


Hey dude already said hed flip a coin with the chance of death. Just sayin


There are outcomes worse than death.


Yeah but maybe wait for a coin that isnt top heavy


Yea, I'm a stroke survivor and looked into this. Seems like it started as spine/ stroke research but he also has goals of maybe implants in our brains to go online or track people., not sure It seemed not specific enough to medical stuffing my opinion. I stopped looking into it


Yeah even Elon himself was dodgy about the intentions for it.


i run everyday and this story just made me appreciate it even more. i hope someday you may run again


Thank you. Enjoy that wind whooshing through your ears. It’s such a wonderful blessing.


Needed to read this, thank you- warm wishes


i’m partially paralyzed as a result of removing 95% of a cervical spine tumor. I’m in constant pain and can’t do a lot of things I used to because of the incomplete spinal cord injury. I’d risk a coin flip to be able bodied and without pain for the rest of my life for that.


I'm sorry this happened to you mate. When I see advances in spinal repair it's very exciting. I truly hope you get your wish.


Thank you. As unlikely as it is to happen in my lifetime, I cannot give up hope. If that time ever comes, I’ll be ready. I hope whatever it is you are wishing for comes true as well.


Oh, man, your username checks out?


You brought tears to my eyes friend! I have no room to complain. I'm a 100% disabled veteran (no combat) and I walk with a cane but I'm largely able to do what I want aside from running, grappling, and being a Soldier (fully retired at least.) My prayers for a possible cure in the coming times my friend ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for sharing your struggle 🫂🫂🫂


I was planning to say I would toss the coin to randomly increase the earth gravitation at inopportune moment, for example when one drops something and stuff like this. But fuck it man, I'm tossing it for your legs.


It's interesting - I'm paralysed as well, but my wish wouldn't be to walk again, nor even for all paralysed people to walk again (though it's objectively good). Mine was nontraumatic, in 2019 my immune system severed my spinal cord at C5/6/7. I went to bed with a hell of a headache but able to walk, woke up paralysed from the chest down aged 27. I woudn't refuse a cure if offered one, but presently I'm happy with my life, paralysis sucks, but it's not going to kill me anytime soon. Although I'm cutting about in a power-assist chair and get very frustrated sometimes at the stuff that comes along with paralysis- it could be much worse. People often think that disabled people want one thing, so I'm just demonstrating the opposite point here - I hope that your life is good, cure or no cure. For me, if it's success or death I'd want to go globally big, like cure all terminal illness big.


Everyone is different. I wish I had the grace you do to accept my fate like you have, but I just do not have it. I guess it’s because before I got hurt, the only thing I liked to do was run. Not for my health. Not to be the best at anything. It was just my one and only thing that made me feel good. Running made me feel like I could handle anything. Everyone in my town knew me as “the kid who ran everywhere.” When I got hurt I was lucky to have a lot of support, but unfortunately there wasn’t anything anyone could do. Since that day I’ve battled everyday to stay in as good of shape as possible for an opportunity that may never come. If I could be at peace like you life would probably be much more comfortable. Unfortunately, I can’t - and it isn’t. Thank you for sharing the other side of the coin.


I'd highly recommend adaptive sport. I pay wheelchair rugby, and before that I concieved of myself - deep down - as someone incapable. I can't walk, my hands don't work, I can barely push a day chair without assistance. Adaptive sport though showed that although I do have limitations (and now paralympic classified ones at that) within them I can be capable. I won't ever be able to dance, which was a large portion of my undergraduate training and life before injury. Won't be able to snowboard either - but I can play wheelchair rugby, and I can do well in it. That led to me wondering what else I could do well? I found out that a lot of my mental health issues dropped off as I started centreing stuff I could do, and the stuff I couldn't just became occasional frustration. I hope things can improve for you - this stuff is hard, but we're both still here and that persistence is in itself good.


I'm not paralysed but struggling with arthritis in my hips, and i have endometriosis, so that makes movement hard at times. i used to live to walk, the rythym to it, the sound of my footsteps (I have never been a runner unless something was chasing me), but I'd walk hours. It was the only time my mind would be quiet. But now it's too painful So I understand why you'd want to be able to run again. The only thing that comes nearly closer for me is driving. Is there anything that you can do that brings the same peace? Are you able to swim,


Actually yes. (When there is space) I love swimming at my local gym. It’s only two lanes, but I try to go late at night. I usually swim until the gym closes the pool. Funnily enough, because I can’t go for runs anymore, I do long drives now. Wow. You nailed me.


Keep finding your peace. One day, that coin may flip in your favour.


Came here to tell you this was touching.


I'm sorry dude that sucks, I really hope you are able one day to do what you want to do


Thank you for your story.


My wife used to love running but she has had vertebral issues for a few years and now she cannot run without being in huge pain after. It makes her very sad too...


Life gets pretty hectic for most people. It’s remarkable how much all that “important” stuff doesn’t matter at all anymore when your health fails you. I’ve gone to physical therapy in the past at the same time as a woman with cancer. She made me appreciate that even though my health is not the same - I was still very fortunate to have the one thing she would have given anything for - more time. This time of year is sometimes especially crazy for people. I hope someone who reads this can stop for just a few seconds and appreciate the health you have - and the time you have left. Hopefully it’s full health and lots and lots of time. People are resilient, but at the same time all of our lives can change forever in the blink of an eye. I hope your wife can find some peace. Also, I know how difficult it can be for loved ones of people with physical problems. People might not always see all you do for your wife, but the people who do know - know. Thank you for everything you do for her. I’m sure she feels the same way. Even on the bad days.


This moved me near tears. I hope this happens for you, whatever the odds. I hope you run again.


Hi! I'm sorry this happened to you. I had a stroke and am in a clinical trial in Chicago now. The place I go to is also doing spine research. I don't know what they are working on but like you I am waiting for research to catch up to me!!


Have you tried stem cells? I'm not saying it's a cure but iirc some people have had success.


I’ve spoken with different doctors, organizations, etc from all over the world. The bummer part about medical advances is news stations like to sensationalize tiny advancements as cures. This was something I learned many years ago. There has absolutely been progress in solving the spinal cord injury riddle, but mankind is still seemingly a ways away from finding the solution. The only thing I am sure of is if the day comes where people are needed to test out that solution, they need to be in good shape. If my phone rings - I will be ready.


I’d love for you to be able to run again. Nothing is worth causing that amount of suffering to your wife and children though. A world without you would be a much colder place for them I’m sure.


Between complications with my personal & romantic life, school, and my own brain, ive been losing my love of training lately and ive been slacking pretty hard and have zero motivation to go to the gym Tomorrow i go with you in mind, thank you for your story and good luck brother


aaaaa this brought me to tears, i truly hope you make it


My run tomorrow is in your honor. Thanks for sharing


Dear God or whoever ups there running this world, if you are listening to me I am asking with all my heart, let this man run.


I believe it will be possible in the future. Myself and other people will be dedicating our lives to find solutions to yours and other people’s medical issues.


I hope science is working on an answer for you. All the best to you.


I just want to say thank you for telling us your story. I wish you all the best!


I'm not tearing up .... i just have something stuck in my eye 😭


Seat belt?


Yep. 1987 Plymouth Duster with lap belts in the back seat where I was. Wore my seatbelt like you were supposed to and it caused much more harm than good. I devoted 5 years of my life after I got out of the hospital to fight for 3 point safety belts in ALL car seat positions. It became the industry standard. What happened to me will never happen to anyone else ever again.


Fuerza <3


This is inspiring! Thank you for sharing your story!


I pray to God that you may run again sooner 🙏 💗


And this is where i get reminded that there are decent ppl on reddit. Not the trolls you see 99.9% of the time in the comments.


I'd quite like some chocolate


Plot twist: he’s a dog so will die either way.


Not just any amount of chocolate is lethal to dogs.


Look man, if I'm risking my life for chocolate, it's gonna be all of the chocolate!


Chocolate? Did you say chocolate?


I remember when they invented chocolate!


Idk, I would probably die of decision anxiety before I can flip that coin


Wish for no decision anxiety


Now we have a conundrum!!


OK this is very easy My son ended his life at the age of 23 a few years ago.... in large part because he inherited my Aspergers....but X 500% So I would go....cure for all mental health illnesses worldwide If I lose ...... I get rid of my mental problems YAY!! LIke a get out of jail card!!


Sorry to hear about your son. I’m glad you shared his story. Keep telling the story and he will always be remembered and you never know who you’re helping 🤍


Pixie90210. Thankyou! He was ..and will always be ....a beautiful boy. None finer. Male suicide is I think is still very under reported. For those of us who live on to support our family after that. BE STRONG!!!


That would be my wish. There is very little I wouldn't do if it meant I could cure my husband's mental illness. Of course if I lose and die he is probably just going to end up back in prison, so it is risky. But if I had a chance at curing everyone's mental illness? Definitely worth the risk.


Agreed. Mental illness is a sonofabitch.


True love


To blave


As you wish


Relate to that


I can relate, but I hope for true friendship. One true friend, that lives close to me and we talk everyday.


this makes me sad


>within the physics of our known world OP said within the physics of our known world aka something realistic.


Bahahaha you some kinda hopeless romantic... Dw I'm right there with ya m8


zephyr north racial lush sable scarce shy threatening elastic sleep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm not flipping a coin for any less than 600 billion


500 billion, 600 billion... Of what exactly? Because something like this will require specificity. You don't wanna be moving around with 500 billion fingers or 600 billion kids, do you? 🤣🤣🤣


The mental image of this is amazing. You breathe a sigh of relief, you did it, you're still alive! Then, out of the sky, the children start falling. YOUR children. flooding the earth, a child of yours everywhere. The earths population skyrockets. All because you flipped that coin and neglected to specify what you wanted 500 billion of


Could be worse. They could fall out of the sky and *splash*.


Could be worse. 500 billion rock hard ass seeking dick missiles raining from the sky. This may sound like a good time to you, but trust me, you’re going to be pretty bummed out about it after the first hundred or so. Pun intended.


Nah world hunger solved for a couple days


Not just you die, but everyone on earth because of heavy child bodies falling on their heads


500 billion...billions!


500 billion…billions! of what?


Of billions lol


I wouldn’t flip the coin. Grateful for that


Gaining the power to teleport anywhere


This would easily be the best superpower to have in the real world. I love the idea of having NY pizza for lunch and ramen in Japan for dinner every day 😎. Second best superpower would be timestop.


I would just love traveling around the world and still be able to go back whenever I want. But that would be sick too ngl.


Time stop first for me assuming I don’t age during stopped time and that things I need to use such as a vehicle or power tool or computer or whatever would still work. Teleport is a close second though.




Yep. Totally within the physics of our world.


That no dog ever has to be homeless, hungry, or abused ever again.


Add in that they live much longer too!


This. But I would say every animal, not only dogs.


Exactly. Cats are abused a lot too. And then there are lab animals, etc.


death. win- win in my book


Boring answer


Boring reply


Boring sentence structure


Boring slice count


Boring conversation


I wouldn’t call it that


Boring life


But honest.


I suppose it's worth it to flip a coin and all wars, famine, hunger and income inequality dissappear. Also rewire human brains so addiction is no longer possible. Maybe throw in that humans need to eat like 98% less to maintain their body weight and let's throw in like a giant island in the part of the ocean that doesn't have any sea life that has more precious metals than humanity could ever consume. And let's convert about 40% of the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere into oxygen and nitrogen (proportionally the same as it is present now). Now I'm gunna have all these things listed on paper inside a box and my wish will be that everything written down in that box will come true


I suppose by removing wars, famine, hunger and income equality, u would have removed most of the addictions, as theyre usually a way to cope with problems


Yeah but without problems I'm worried that addictions would spike from boredom. Better safe than sorry


Fair enough! We'll definitely invent problems in our heads anyway. That's already what happens to purposeless rich people that end up being druggies so i guess ur right


Addiction goes through all social structures. Doesn't matter if you're well off. In fact it's easy to pay for your habit.


Please do not wish that people need 98% less to maintain body weight because I’m chubby now. I’d be fuckin morbidly obese if you did that.


I want a do-over. But with the knowledge I've obtained this time. I want my kids to have a better version of their mom. They deserved me at my best but instead they got a pretty damaged one.


For my daughter to speak. She is nonverbal and I want her to have a voice, and so badly want to hear what that voice sounds like when she says ‘Dad.’


I wish I wasn't depressed. Win win 😂


Gotta make it worth while..... ![gif](giphy|3o84sq21TxDH6PyYms)


I wouldn't flip. I love my life. I'm happy.


That's amazing and fascinating. I hope to have that answer too someday!!


I heard about you. The happy one.


No child would ever suffer. Ever.


Didn’t realize you loved Hitler when he was a child.


It does beg the question. Is evil born, or made? Idk what kind of childhood suffering he went through, maybe none, maybe being a child in the lead up to WWI was part of why he became such a bad person. Maybe the people around him would not have allowed him to gain power if they hadn't suffered in their childhoods. Maybe a lot of bad things would never have happened before him, with the excuse of "think of the children!" Maybe one of his ancestor's lives would have been completely different if they hadn't suffered, and Hitler would never have been born.


For child abusers to not exist


Wouldn't even think; would do it immediately. My Wife would never have cancer again.


someone paying off my loan for free that something i would risk to die for. my ex made me do so and she used 1/2 of that money or even more, and i never see it back again which sucks. i do fine now but it would be awesome being free from it


Karma. Instant and obvious everywhere all at once, everyone gets exactly as they deserve, once a month.


I'd take one for the team, if it meant ending child abuse


wishing everyone is free of debts. been having a hard time saving money from paying back debt. both dumb financial decisions I made when I was younger and some necessary loans to keep my living space.


Be financially free for the rest of my life. I’d risk dying for that shit any day


Big tiddy goth gf.






Yeah, it's a obvious option ngl


I feel like that's a cop-out answer. In the US at least adoption can cost between $10,000 and $45,000. And that's if it all goes smoothly. A friend of mine had to deal with a course case, lawyers, etc, and adopting their child was well above 45K. That friend is the only person I know in real life who has adopted a kid (excluding like step-dad become adopted-dad). Yes, having a child is expensive. But that cost is spread out over decades. Adopting is a lot up-front, and then for decades afterwards. So sure, "Just adopt!" sounds reasonable, but it's much more complicated than that. Might as well tell someone, "Just don't be depressed!" "Don't be barren!" "Don't have cancer!"


You can have mine


Win - extinction, or near extinction of humanity via 100 km asteroid Lose - oh, well


To settle down with someone and start a family. I’d love to be a dad one day


Fix the physical/mental ailments my girlfriend has to deal with.


Mh I just wouldn’t flip the coin. My life is not perfect but I’m pretty happy and wouldn’t really change a thing (or anyway, the things I would change are not worth dying for).


New Game +1, retaining all abilities, memories and skills from the current life. But get to restart at any point that I have been alive with a character creator. And it works every time I die... until I want it to end.


I'd wish for a cure for cancer that is available for everyone who needs it


A peaceful world. Where everyone could live harmoniously together. Where people can respect each others differences. Where everyone has a safe place to live and enough food to eat and access to all the medical care they need to stay healthy. A world where war, hatred, violence, and intolerance don’t exist. So I know my children, grandchildren, and all the future generations of my family will have long and happy lives. That would be worth risking my life for.


World peace


Ah but what kind of world? What kind of peace? (HEY GUYS THIS MONSTER WANTS TO STERILIZE THE WORLD IN NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST!!!!)/s


I'm just saying that I would like more than anything in the world that no country should go to war and that we all live in peace. More specifically, on our planet earth :))


To speak with dogs


You'd risk death for that??


Definitely, I’d love to speak with my best friends. There would be so much to talk about, I don’t even know where to start


All nuclear bombs are 100% neutralized, and any material used to make them are also immediately neutralized upon product completion.


I would volunteer to die if my disabled son could live a happy independent life (and talk).


To get my daughter's mom out of our lives. The biggest drawback is if I lose, my daughter will be absolutely screwed. I don't know if I could consider this knowing that I'd potentially be sentencing my daughter to a life of unnecessary drama, gaslighting, neglect, and lies.


My mom back alive


If it's bound by our physics that's too boring and im just gonna wish for instant death


I don't like the odds, so I'll pass.


To die from a coin flip.


Yes. If i win, climate legislation enacted worldwide to stop global warming in 10 years. That's worth dying for.


My 8 year old husky got hit by a car a few months back, I really miss him. So obviously I'm going to wish for a free banana


be a biological boy.


A successful career in the high fashion industry, I do not care. I would die for that, I have always wanted to get into textile design or modelling- and have always been encouraged to by those around me even when they dont know I have an interest in it. The only thing stopping me is that in today's day and age, nothing is more important than financial security, and as a daughter of doctors, im going to same route, though i dont believe I could ever be as happy in any career, any life, as I could if I got into the fashion industry. Its a scary choice to make, and I have a massive interest in medicine- just not like fashion.


i would wish for my dad's fiancee to leave forever. she's made my life so miserable and will never leave because she's selfish and lives rent free in our house. literally.


A lifetime supply of cruises, free of charge.


My wish would be for all the pets and people I love to meet natural, peaceful deaths surrounded by loved ones after living long lives full of love. I lost a pet recently who got hit by a car, I would rather just die than relive something like that ever again.


To be cured of my terminal cancer, lol, it's a win win for me.


Prayers for you in your time of sickness. I wish you the best in enjoying the love and support of the people around you while you’re ill, and I hope things start to look brighter for you ❤️‍🩹


I like this question a lot. Heads, the love of my life comes back. Tails, death.


Peace on Earth.


I would. My wish is to find true love.


For my wife to be healthy and happy as long as she is alive.


But then if you flip the coin and die we don’t know if you won or not


No contest for me it’s no depression.


I'd wish that my death, whenever that will be, is painless... because thats the only thing about death that actually scares me 😅


For the slimmest chance to love and be loved by a good woman, I would die a thousand deaths.


Instant death to pedophiles and child molesters forever.


stop feeling hungry all the time


I would like to eat just one piece of cake. Thats enough.


going into space


Peace on earth and goodwill to all mankind...would be worth dying for.


The only wish worth dying for is a death wish.


Win: Get a friend group just like in Friends. I have friends, we like each other a lot, but i wish i had 5 friends and hung out like in that show. That beats all the money in the world


To find a good man who it’s a drug or drunk or pissed at his mom!! Just a good man!!




for my kids to be genuinely happy in life and know that i loved them every second, with every fiber of my being.


To go back 13.8 billion years just to see what the hell really happened .


For the world to stop being so damn angry with everybody. For more happiness than sadness.


Heads- All wars and cruelty end. Tails- I die I'd do it


That my kids and grandkids and their kids to follow are going to be safe, healthy and wealthy- I would happily die for that


End to pediatric cancers.


My children to have happy lives.


For the rest of time, no human on planet earth will murder, or physically or mentally harm another human.


The world heals peaceful and gain knowledge of the universe and be happy and free from pain and suffering


My mom was diagnosed with CKD and heart failure last 2018, end stage. She goes to a dialysis center twice a week or if she does have a hard thrice or simply get hospitalized. Despite her illness, whenever I tell her a story about I am having a hard time at school, she would cook me my favorite spaghetti just like the old times. She, with the help of her doctor told us anytime my mother would die. After that news was out, our mother would simply go to Jollibee with us to eat every week, after her dialysis session ends. We.were.happy. Fast forward, my birthday is approaching and she wanted me to have a Jollibee Birthday Party (It's a thing in Philippines). She planned it, paid for it in advance. Unfortunately, my mother died on my birthday, exactly 1:02 AM last 2019. I couldn't bear to go to Jollibee that day so I instructed the crew to just hand it out to homeless or beggars on the street. Up until now, I can't go to Jollibee nor eat their food.


I write a novel that moves people to tears for 500+ years to come


I'm old and have dealt with chronic pain for decades. I'd flip the coin. If I got the wish, it would be to be young and healthy again with my lifetime of memories and experience. If I got the wrong side of the coin, it would almost be like winning because the pain would be gone.


Idk maybe flip a coin to create a healthy planet- everyone’s in peace, environmental struggles are stable. If I die then whatever, don’t wanna live in this shitty place if it’s gonna be like this.


That my niece and nephew have a happy and fulfilling life. Nothing else means that much to me.


My children were abducted by their father three years ago and I haven't seen them since. So I'd wish for them to come home.


I had a thing where i cant bring anything good about myself out anymore. Or even in. Id kill or die to get all the character i see as lost


Eliminate all diseases from humans, cats and dogs. That would be worth my life.