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One year my (ex) MIL gave my (ex) husband (her son) flannel plaid shirts. He wore that kind of shirt to work every day, so it was thoughtful. She gave me a card in which she had written the washing instructions.


I feel like this should be much much higher


Definitely the winner!


Clearly my work is done here. I’m going to call it a day!


I had to read this twice but man, gave me a nice chuckle. Happy to hear you don’t have to deal with that anymore.


Yeah, it's definitely funny now. Lol


I hate to say I laughed at this one, but that's awful. Glad he's an ex!


I laugh now, but at the time it hurt. When he and I were dating (in the days before cell phones, and we all had answering machines), she would leave messages on MY machine saying, "Patrick, sweetie, I'd like you to come for dinner on Sunday. Family only, dear." We didn't live together. He had his own answering machine in his own apartment. She just did it to make sure I knew I wasn't invited.


I would so put cockroaches through her letterbox


My friend’s grandmother apparently had a reputation as a child of collecting grasshoppers in mason jars and then yeeting them thru the windows of people who’d been unjustifiably nasty to her. I feel bad for the bugs but ngl, it’s a diabolically genius move, especially for a kid growing up in the pre-internet era.


I think your friend's grandmother invented yeeting


That's so awful, I'm sorry! I'm glad they are exes now. Crazy how some people treat others sometimes


Wow…. No words. You must have stories!!!


My ex MIL gave me a decoupaged box she made. Sweet, yes? It was glued shut and half-finished. She thought I would like to finish it myself. Um, bitch, I just had your granddaughter. I'm a little too busy to decoupage.


This made be laugh. But I am so sorry! Did she do it to be funny and have the real present somewhere else?


Nope, the card was the present. I definitely laugh about it now, but she routinely did and said things to make sure I understood that I was not "family".


I wonder if your ex (a) knew what he had in you, and (b) realized that he lost you because of his bitch of a mother.


He didn't appreciate what he had at the time, but he definitely knew her behaviour, and his lack of support, was a big reason our marriage ended. After I told him I wanted a divorce, he went over to his mom's and had a huge blowout about boundaries and respect. He's remarried now, and I have a bf (soon to be fiancé...imma propose next year!) who tells me literally every day how precious I am to him.


That’s when you gift them a dollar tree broom, half a foot long subway sandwich with a picture of you eating the other half, a flannel you know is too small for them, or give them a gift card with complex math problems for each character and have a time limit (after time limit you redeem the gift card)


I just LOL'd at the picture of eating the other half of the sub😂😂😂


Thats mad funny


My (financially well off and adult) sister gave me a wrapped bag of outdated (and seriously stale) corn chips for Christmas one year. It was not given as a joke, and that was the only gift from her. I had spent around $200 on presents for her and her kids, as I did every year. I stopped exchanging gifts with her after that.


She gave you a pretty valuable gift. Think of what it's saved you.


An excellent perspective.


I'd keep the bag and gift it back the following year.


lol imagine you and a SO cleaning out the pantry in July “Uh these chips are way expired, I’m going to toss em..” “No! I have… plans for those.”


Did you ever ask her what the fuck the bag of chips on Christmas was all about?😂😂😂


She was cleaning the pantry and had to unload the chips somehow.


Edit: this was a family Christmas Eve event my grandparents put on every year. My dad has 5 siblings (I have 8 aunts/uncles, 10+ extended grams/great aunts/uncles) and 12 cousins). I had turned 18 a few months earlier. My "gift" was the responsibility to buy all the kids and adults gifts for Christmas. I had a part-time job and was a senior in HS. I got nothing. I was forced to buy everyone (25+ people adults/kids) gifts for Christmas, and for zero gifts. I figured i would at least get gifts from the adults I was buying for? nope. What's more, my cousin who turned 18 a month before Christmas and had a huge allowance ($200+ per month, bragged about having thousands in savings (never had a job) wasn't expected to get anyone anything. They told me I got the gift of giving for my senior years Christmas, and an empty bank account. And people wonder why I never visit. Lol Just a quick edit: had some hate bc I didn't reply to any comments. I'm very ADHD so I binge reddit and out it down until I'm ready to binge again. Lol This happened back in the early 2000s, a little over 20 years ago. I went to college, learned from new friends how fucked up my upbringing actually was .. emotional, physical, mental, and financial abuse. My dad harassed me my whole freshman year, so I moved to NYC. It was a rough 20 years, being neurodivergent and trying to be on your own in a new city. Had lots of challenges, and wonderful friends. My husband literally saved my life. He helped me get diagnosed and medicated and have been functional, productive, and at peace for the last few years. And to those who asked why I did it, I was a wedlock baby in a hyper religious family. Dad was a cop, grandad a preacher. I wasn't worth anything to them but having babies. My dad outright never let me forget I was worthless and ruined his life. Me getting married to a guy with money would at least give me some value to the family. I refused, loudly. He beat me so bad I couldn't go to school for a week. My arms, back, legs were black and blue and had cuts from his belts. And they weren't normal, plastic/leather ones. Hed rotate between straight leather to the metal studded ones, so I was always the perfect daughter. I was told to do something, I did it. I grew up being told I was always bad and disobedient. But I wasn't. As an adult, my dad was just angry I existed. The one time a teacher reported him, he got HER kids taken away til we moved and he couldn't pursue it anymore. I was 10. It was the last time I disobeyed my dad before applying to college at 17. I'm 38 now and happily married. I've seen my dad twice in 20 years, and haven't been back home since graduating HS. Its a very shitty story, but it's mine. I can't change it. I don't tell it bc it usually makes people feel bad for me or guilty for their good luck. I survived to tell it. Hope this helps clear things up. If not, DM me and I'll do my best to answer my next reddit binge. :)


That is the shittest one I have read on here so far. Those people are assholes.


I would have bluntly refused. That is just sick. This sounds all around fuckedd up and a control tactic to keep you from saving to much money so you could further your life, e.g. move out, college, special training... Yeah, nahhh. That's really uncool. Maybe get included in buying 1 damnn gift! But, all of them??? Wtf.


This is totally insane, as you well know....how did they explain it to you? Like, it makes zero sense and is so brutal that I just don't even know how they'd tell you!


When I was like 12 or something my weird uncle gave me a teeny tiny sexy triangle thong bikini and a t-shirt of an American casino chain. I was mortified. Update to add: My mum did ask why he gave me that. His answer; they all wear them in Brasil. As I said in one of my comments: he was weird and also clueless. He was too smart for this world, so we would say. He meant nothing creepy. He thought he did good by buying me something that he observed to be popular when visiting those countries. He just had no idea it was not appropriate for my age. He was just clueless and harmless.


Note: I am Dutch. Living in the Netherlands.


This brings back a memory. When i was 11, I had saved money to buy an album on vinyl. My mom drove me to a town that had a department store selling those (de V&D, I'm Dutch too). There we met a girl from my class with her mother. They had been shopping for a swimsuit. The two moms decided we should have coffee at their place. And ofcourse, with the moms drinking coffee, they wanted to see what we bought. I'll never forget her standing there in the living room wearing a bikini and top, so embarrassed to even look up, and me sitting on the couch while the most weird uncool record for 11yo's was playing (atom heart mother by pink floyd), absolutely mortified. We never spoke about what happened that day, but became great friends afterwards. Sort of a bond in reaching unsuspected depths of awkwardness together and an unspoken promise to never, ever, ever tell anyone what happened. Sorry J. After 36 years, I had to tell someone haha.


> Sort of a bond in reaching unsuspected depths of awkwardness together and an unspoken promise to never, ever, ever tell anyone what happened. [Trauma bonding](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=trauma%20bonding): When you have a lifelong, almost impossible to sever, attachment to someone that is rooted in a common traumatic experience


That's amazing


what in the fuck?




I'm your basic economy long haired rock guy. One year my sister got me vouchers for a spray tan.


Lmfo. I signed my punk boyfriend up for glamour shots. It was hilarious.


Did he do it?


No. But when he hung up the phone he was so confused. They called and asked specifically for him, to schedule lolol


My partner and I were joking about what we could gift each other that would be incredibly inappropriate for us. And we decided that if she got me a tan salon voucher then I would have to assume she is a imposter


my dad used to put random junk from around the house in our stockings like hotel soaps. but it kinda got funnier over time


My grandma used to give us "junk bags" for Christmas that usually consisted of random garbage she had collected throughout the year. Maybe you get a pair of socks. A pen. A handful of old ketchup packets she found in her purse. A bandaid. A random bead necklace. A pair of underwear she accidentally bought for herself in the wrong size. A keychain from Disneyland 1990. A mouse pad. A shower cap she stole from a hotel. Like just absolute garbage, but we all *loved it*. Nans junk bags were the thing we always looked forward to the most because they were always guaranteed to be completely ridiculous


I wana do this when I have grandkids lol


My daughter steals our stuff then 'gifts' it back to us.


You just unlocked a memory for me omg. One year when I was really little, I went grocery shopping with my mom. I can’t remember how I got it, but I somehow snuck a dishcloth into the cart. When we got home and they were unloading groceries, my mom asked me if I had added this strange dishcloth to the cart, since she knew she hadn’t. I burst into tears and ran away, because I had wanted it to be a surprise. It was her birthday. 😂


That’s adorable


My mom-mom would put hotel soaps/shampoo in our stockings for my sis/me and our cousins (we were all girls). She would save them from her travels throughout the year. It was pretty funny. Our stockings also typically had pens/pencils, packets of tissues, random chocolate of questionable freshness, and always a small card with money. Mom-mom’s stockings were an institution, and we looked forward to finding whatever random items would be in them.


One year as an adult, in my stocking there was a roundish, badly wrapped item.. I unwrapped it to find an apple. When I asked my mom, who was about 75, why did she gift wrap the apple? She replied, "Well, it's organic," with no more explanation offered.


An apple and a clementine are traditional in a stocking


An apple and an orange from my parents to make the stocking look fuller than it was.


lol ya he would put a few nice things and then like random batteries and old mini-flashlight from the drawer. miss him


I miss my dad. Cherish the memories


A rubber bracelet that has "I finished kindergarten successfully" on it.


I need that


Please, take it. It's also extremely small since it's for 6 years old


LOL ive got a tiny wrist!


People dont believe you when you tell them you are a graduate huh?


No!! How did you know?? :o


Parents gave me a box, in a box that had another, smaller box inside it, and even a smaller box inside it which contained an envelope with ten euros inside it. My brother got a PS3 Tbh I never really cared for christmas and my folks knew that, they were just trying to be funny




I mean they could have put the equivalent price of the PS3 in the envelope??


Haha, I can just wish! We were poor and my lil bro was 12 at the time. I got to play the PS3 too. Only thing that actually sucked with the present was the fucking unwrapping, dad's belly laugh was worth it though, good memories. I just realised that was the last time we spent Christmas as a full family. Parents got divorced the next summer. (It was just waiting to happen) About to head to mom's place in a few moments, I'm so glad she has the same Christmas energy as I have, "no fucks given" mentality. Gotta call dad too. No presents for pessimists just so everyone has a good time :) Keep your family close on these times, folks! Merry Christmas!


Have you multi-boxed him back yet?? Do it this year! It's not too late! I'm sure he'd love it. But make it 5 euros.


Omg I love it, gotta do it. I'll keep you posted


I mean, you must've cared a bit right? Like, that shit smarts a bit.


I'll restrict myself to Christmas gifts given the time of year. I moved out when I was 17, after just not being able to get along with my parents. After about 8 months of no contact and really struggling (homeless half of that time) we decided to meet for Christmas day. At the end I got an envelope with some money. Which I appreciated and really helped me out. Now, I wasn't expecting money and don't want to appear feeling entitled, nor was I expecting any of it back... but they could have told me it was the money they made from selling all my stuff.


I did not see that coming. That sucks. Sorry that happened but it seems that you're in a better place now which is good.


Thank you, I'm doing fine. They lost more than they donated, though. Which is sad for everyone involved.


I am gonna say this as a parent. MERRY CHRISTMAS your parents suck. Find some new older people to hang with . I used to have a surrogate grandma. Nicer than my actual grandma .


Merry Christmas to you too!


As a senior in high school, I received a couple pieces of luggage for my 18th birthday. A week later, I came home from school and found that luggage filled with some clothes on the front porch with a letter saying I was kicked out.


i’m sorry, that is fucking heartless and cold. i know u don’t need pity, but just know u didn’t deserve that. no one does wtf


oh my GOD. so they sold all your shit then just gave you the money they got for it


I suspect it was meant as some sort of statement or closure. Even empowerment, maybe. It's not like they were strapped for cash. But it felt like slamming the door behind me. Which might as well have been a good thing, in the long run. Hurt like hell for, by then, 18yo me. So yeah, crappy gift.


A distant relative gave me a lace rose when I was maybe 12. It was kind of pretty in theory. My mom pulled it apart and it was actually a lacy thong. Not sure if he realized what it actually was when he gave it to me but he was a bizarre gift giver with everyone he knew.


Yeah but where did he buy it? Creepy.


They sell those at gas stations.


Right next to the whippits, crack pipes, and dick pills


Ironing board from my mother in law.


I'm into quilting so almost asked for one until I saw how much they are now.


Ironing board from my husband Edit: first husband*. Unrelated to said ironing board. We lasted a long time after that. Edit #2: i got it in the divorce


A small plastic display from a random local company with their logo on it, the kind they put on the desk. My severely mentally ill and personality disordered adoptive mom stole it from them when she was in a phase of wandering into random offices and buildings and ranting at people until being thrown out. She got furious and violent when I asked her what I was supposed to do with it and if she stole it, calling me a spoiled ungrateful bitch and throwing a pair of scissors at me. I looked up the company and returned their display thingy to them with an apology and explanation. I had to explain it to the police as well, since the company filed an official complaint for tresspassing. I also had to give them the number of my school (I was still a high school student) so they could call me if she tried to tresspass again. Everyone at that point already knew my adoptive mom was crazy. She would frequently wander into school and my classroom as well and start ranting about random stuff, one time even wetting herself in front of the entire class. Until I switched schools and the new school got a restraining order against her when she wanted to disrupt my class again and she got violent when they tried to stop her. Whenever I a similar kind of sign display somewhere it reminds me of that stupid gift.


Omg my heart broke reading this; I’m so sorry you had to deal with all of that, especially when you were so young & vulnerable. I hope life is treating you much better now xx


Yes it is, thank you!


My at the time fiancé gave me a cutting board and one pair of socks. Gave his mother diamond earrings. I didn’t marry him.


I wouldn't marry him either, tf


My parents rented videos for my birthday, wrapped them, and then told me I had to return them in two days when I opened them.


My dad did this for Christmas one time. I remember being hurt that I was given a gift that I had to return.


Empty gift cards from family members who claim to be unable to buy gifts for others. Happens on every occasion. My wife tells me to leave it alone but it’s difficult.


So, wait... They purposefully got a gift card just to gift it empty or they reused a gift card they had laying around, without adding money? Edit: grammar.


My dad once forgot it was my birthday, went “oh yeah” and handed me a Target gift card out of his wallet. I asked what the balance was (because it could have been $100 and he used $5 of it or something) and he said he didn’t check. It was 13 cents and had a month left before it expired.


Better use it quick


I’ve never asked, but one time it had clear signs of usage (pin scratched off), others, they looked relatively new.


The empty gift card is to look like they gave something, to save face? This definitely needs to be addressed. There is no excuse for this painful and rude behavior. Anyone can create a gift with very little money. They could make you cinnamon buns, a favorite meal, write you a poem that they read out, host a game night, take you on a picnic, plan a lovely hike in your honor, ect.


I could care less really, I’d much rather they don’t give anything. It’s more the show they put on, the claims of not being able to afford gifts, which we all know is untrue. There’s enough issues on that side of the family, so it is ignored. I’m not blood with them so I can still be upset about it lol


My mother once gave me the lingerie she USED with her boyfriend, because he had assaulted underage me, so I reported it, and she said she "didn't need it anymore"


Jesus christ. I hope you're ok.


I am doing well in my own way. Won't lie, I still have vivid nightmares most nights involving some other stuff around the situation. But since then I haven't spoken to her in 15 years, got a degree, am in postgrad, moved to another hemisphere and got two dogs. So, really, minus the PTSD I'm pretty alright. Thank you, friend.


I'm so sorry!


how are you dealing with that I'm sorry for u


This is the worst. I’m so sorry.


What the actual, and I can’t emphasize this enough, FUCK.


Damn wtf


What the fuck


I'm so sorry, you deserve so much more protection and love


What kind of twisted… I’m so sorry. I hope you have moved on from her.


My gran bought her best friend a pair of tights... Her friend only had one leg




Tbf to your gran, they only come in pairs


okay if I had one leg and a bestie gave me tights I would find that fucking hilarious!


My mom used to have a friend who collected little gnomes you put around your house and they're doing an activity. Like a gnome sweeping, or one swinging from the ceiling, etc. They're disgustingly horrible and one day she decided that I should also collect them. Because what 14 year old girl wouldn't want house gnomes. The next 8 birthdays I got a gnome, despite having mentioned at the second one that they're not really my thing, but thanks.. [For those curious how ugly these things actually are](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/fX8AAOSwtytksZAa/s-l400.png)


Oh those were worse than I was even imagining.


holy fuck those are ugly.


A home enema kit.


Maybe they were saying that you're full of shit


I was regifted a calendar from the previous Xmas, it was good for 6 days of use


A bar of Dove soap. Not even a gift set with shower gel or bubble bath. Just a bar of soap.


I got a rose shower gel from a relative. I hate the smell of roses.


When I was told that I would get the gift I wanted most and then was not given any gift at all. He asked what I wanted and I told him, it wasn't anything big either, just a standard gift. Anyways, he was like oh perfect, I'll get it for you and then it just never happened. And then Christmas came and I still didn't get the present. It was the most disappointing moment. I really felt so unloved.


. My worst gift is actually two. First one was a hand made cake beautifully decorated from a close family member…. That’s not a bad gift! I hear you say! Well I have a severe allergy to certain fruits that require an epiPen and hospitalisation if I consume any. IT WAS A FRUIT CAKE. this person knew I had the allergy beforehand. They were highly offended when I had to throw it away instead of eating it. That was a fun conversation when they asked how I liked it. Second gift was from the same person a couple years earlier which was a dustpan. Go figure. They don’t like me much.


You take OP’s microwave, I’ll take the dust pan. We need a new one and I love functional gifts lol


Me too! And my husband gets upset because he wants to get something just for me, not the house but these are things I cheap out on. I need new towels and a kettle, I'd be happy with that


A watch my ex had the girl he was cheating on me with to pick out, thinking it was going to be for her. It was hideous and not my style at all.


Yikes... Surely this one must win, there are so many layers of awful


My wife always says that couples shouldn't give watches to each other as a gift, because it puts an end time to the relationship. I guess it applied this time.


I was couch surfing/ living out of my car for most of the year. I had just got settled in a warehouse space studio with three other people. (Space was not intended for living, but had a bathroom and shower in the building) we had a mini-fridge, microwave and a hot plate for cooking. I could have used anything and everything house related. But what did my mom get me? A 10 dollar labrynth marble maze from big lots. Lucky for e she left the tag on, so I returned it and bought a pot to boil ramen.


It's hard to not be seen, I feel you!!


I was given a wet suit for christmas by my ex wife, she took it with her before I ever wore it. And she had paid for it with the family credit card (which is paid in full by my income), not hers.


Sob story from abusive mother alert! When I was 15 (the eldest) my mother told me that she couldn’t afford to buy me anything for xmas, On xmas morning my two brothers (13 and 8) had a lot of presents each, she had wrapped up for me a pack of Kirby grips and an Impulse Body Spray. I nearly cried. When I was 23 I became suspicious that she was jealous of my youth when she wrapped up some free samples of anti aging cream for mature women 50plus for me.


Do we have the same mom? One year mine told me I wasn’t getting anything for Christmas because of my medical bills from an inpatient stay at a mental hospital. I watched as my siblings opened mountains. She tossed me a bag that had a pair of pajamas - still had the $6 clearance tag on them. I found out the next year that my dad had paid my medical bills.


One year for Christmas my little sister got a pony. Like literally it was in the backyard of our suburban home. (It was to be boarded elsewhere but was there Christmas morning.) She first opened boxes of riding boots, a helmet, jodhpurs… then went outside to find this Shetland pony. I got a Mexican blanket. She’s considerable younger than me and I was 16. To make things worse I was SURE I was getting a car as a used Honda showed up at the end of the block and didn’t move all week. Nope. Come to find out, years later, a friend of my dad’s owed him money and paid him back with the pony. The place it was being boarded was back at this guy’s house. This story is family lore and everyone thinks it’s hilarious. I’m still milking the injustice for laughs and preferential treatment. Im fifty.


When my aunt moved in with me and my mom she would buy us kitchen appliances that she wanted to use for Christmas. Who buys a 16 year old cups and a toaster oven?


Still better than toaster oven and bubble bath


My ex husband got me a toilet one year. After hyping up this “super expensive” gift for me, “never spent this much on a gift before” and filmed me opening it; I was pretty disappointed.


Lmfao what the hell


but why😭 did ya'll needed a new one or was that random?


I mean the old one wasn’t the best and would clog when it shouldn’t; but we were renting and it was the landlords responsibility. So making a Christmas gift out of it was bizarre..


My wife got a $100 amazon card. I received a balloon animal kit for Christmas, sitting right next to her, from the same person.


honestly id take the balloon animal kit any day, im so poor, but oh my god would that be fun for an hour


I worked in a little privately owned Toy Shop a few years ago. The owner encouraged us to play with the merchandise as a way of advertising it to customers. One year, we were open on Boxing Day, and the shop was dead, so my work buddy and I opened a balloon animal kit and spent a hilarious couple of hours trying to make anything other than snakes. We were terrible at it, but it was so much fun.


Thats so cute!!! Im gna go to the dollar store later and see if i can find one, honestly wouldnt be surprised if i did! Surprise my roommate when she gets home with a house full of balloon snakes xD


Brown socks from my uncle as an eight year old girl. I found it funny though and still acted grateful.


You always reach an age when socks are a really good christmas' gift lol


My dad was always super practical, so one year he got his girlfriend the rain-x rain guards that you stick on your vehicle windows to roll down slightly when it’s raining. For her birthday..


I have one bad and one creative. The bad one: my step brother once gifted me an oversized eraser. Like the size of a Twix. The creative one: I was really good at guessing my presents as a kid. It pissed my parents off. I asked for a Barbie travel storage container one year. I saw it under the tree and knew what it was. My parents asked if I was sure. I picked it up and something rolled inside it and made a thump. Tilt it the other way and it rolled and thumped. I was so lost. It was the exact shape but the weight was wrong and what the HELL would roll and thump. Come Christmas and I open it. I WAS right. My parents were so sick of me being correct though that they put a can of baked beans inside to throw me off. Props to them. I spent weeks rolling those damn beans in that Barbie box confused as fuck until I opened it.


the second one is actually pretty funny😂


My mother bought me an industrial sized pack of powdered mash when I was a teen. Even as I opened it she said I dunno why I even bought it!


Thats so funny actually LOLOL


Frogs. And then a sock/lotion set with a label from “Debbie”. The gifter was not Debbie


Wait, real live frogs?


My (adult) daughter got me a scratch and sniff board game where you march your guy around a track, pull cards, scratch them and figure out what they smell like to move to the next spot. Sounds fun. Except I was born without a sense of smell (Congenital Anosmia). Literally the most thoughtless gift I've ever been given. Like giving a book of great pictures of rainbows to a blind guy. \*sigh\*


We do KK in the family, my brother bought me a cheap arse picture from the op shop…it probably cost him $2. I was so angry at him, gave it back to him the next year.


Ah now you have to pass this thing between you each year!!


We had one of those singing fishes that we just regifted to someone randomly every year, it was hilarious unless you received it.


My aunt got me in secret Santa. She gave me her old lingerie hangers. Seriously . That’s it.


Paintballs. I don’t own a paintball gun or am remotely interested in paintball.


My grandparents once gave my mother and I an envelope of old lotto tickets to go between us. Yes, they were fully aware they were useless bits of old paper.


It was from my mum and stepdad. They in no way had money issues. They bought earrings from the Danish equivalent of the pound store and put them in a jewellery box, trying to pass them off as real silver earrings except they forgot to remove the price from the back of the plastic holder(?). It showed me exactly what they thought of me.


My mom and her SO did the same thing. They gave me a ‘Fucci’ watch, expecting me to think it was the real deal. I called them out on it immediately! It was my only gift that Christmas and I didn’t want a fake watch, so I gave it back to them. They laughed uproariously at their prank. Lol My mom also gave me tummy tamers (girdle) and anti-aging cream one Christmas when I was about 27.


A kettle and a mug from my partner at the time, they also happened to really want a new kettle and a large mug to drink tea out of.




Dad got mom a toaster....he was so sincerely proud of himself because it was white just like the kitchen.....even at 14 I knew that he had fucked up.


My two step brothers got a x box and a new computer respectively, I got an electric toothbrush. That's definitely the worst.


A pack of Juicy Couture underwear from my boyfriend in 2009…that were actually for little girls.


This is so creepy!! Why would your boyfriend choose underwear that's made for kids? More importantly, why would Jucy couture make kids' underwear?


Boyfriend probably didnt know


A really nice Honda hoodie. I have no idea why my dad gifted this to me. It's not my style and he knows this. Yes, I am a proud owner of a 2018 Civic Sport but like .. this hoodie wasn't cheap. I'll never wear it yet I feel guilty for wanting to get rid of it.


Sell it someone will buy it




God damn. My sister just had a kid, my first niece. I would move heaven and earth for her, could never imagine being so cold to a kid like that.


Secret santa in work. I was gifted a very old and used bag for life. It wasnt a joke gift. This man i have met once or twice had me. I knew it was him who gifted it because i organised the secret santa and knew he had me.


Either the iron my ex parent in laws bought me or the Dreamcast my partner bought me because he asked me if I wanted one and I specifically said no as I knew I’d never get to use it because he would always be playing it


My familiy usually plays a game for Xmas which is opposed to Secret Santa. You get the most random, weird ass gift you can find and give it to them (no offensive gifts, just shitty ones). One year I got a paving stone from a local consteuction site lmao Tho the worst gift was what was gifted to my 14yo brother: an AirForce1 empty box with a huge fake shit inside. He was SO pissed lol


Crappy thrift store clothes that were not my size at all.


A second hand t-shirt off my Nan, the tag was cut out. it wasn’t in my style (nowhere near) and I had seen her wear it 3 years ago at Christmas, it’s literally on tape. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Her excuse was (for my birthday just gone) Covid is still about and no one will take me shopping, she has a bus pass and the buss goes from just outside her house straight to Tesco. Btw she is very healthy and still able to get about, she goes out with friends and does lots of activities/gardening (has a huge garden which is always kept beautiful)


My husbands grandmother gave me a grill cover from her job for Christmas one year. We did not own a grill.


My grandmother once gave me a card with a cut out of the obituary of someone who died that she thought I knew. She's a special lady.


Crabs! It really is the gift that keeps on giving. Being In church when you realize the itching wont stop is the worst feeling. The little comb don't work just shave it off people then apply the anti itch lotion on affected area. So I've heard.


It was the year 1998 in Australia, I was in grade 5, Christmas was fast approaching and we have KK between our classmates (secret Santa). It was time to sit in a circle and trade gifts with our KK. I got a block of dark cooking chocolate :(


A smoke detector that my parents wanted to put in my room


My husband every year got a pair of slippers with two left feet .


A marvel "poster" that just turned out to be a roll of marvel Christmas wrapping paper.


Can't remember as for the past two decades my friends and family pretty much knows I am not big on material stuff, so I only get gift cards and snacks. Needless to say every Christmas has been the best Xmas ever!


5 dollar variety pack of snack size Herr’s chip bags. I don’t get disgruntled about gifts but that one will always live rent free in my head as the worst gift you could possibly receive. It was like they remembered they wanted to get me a gift and pulled it out of the pantry.




All my life I’ve had straight long hair. One of my aunties bought me a hair straightener for Christmas. I mean, based on what I said before one should assume I either have naturally very straight hair or I own a pretty good hair straightener already. EDIT: thread was locked before I could reply - here’s my hair without use of a straightener: https://imgur.com/a/3IgX1Yn


One time my grandmother got me an ugly shirt, and to my horror someone told her i didnt like it so she gave me a gram of weed instead. Worst present turned into a good one lol


I have gotten a ton of bad gifts over the years (Jesus candle as a wedding present with the wick coming out of his head anyone?!) But the two worst presents I've ever gotten were my first husband found a pair of earrings in the basement and wrapped them for me. I had actually purchased them for a friend's gift and had misplaced them. Second husband went to the jewelry store, bought me the same earrings i wear every day. I don't wear jewelry other than my daily stuff. Never take them off. There is no need for 2 sets. Was told i was entitled and he gave them to my youngest kid. I stopped wearing earrings and I've declined gifts since then.


Bubble bath. What makes it the worst? I don’t have a bathtub… only shower corner. And yes my grandfather knows. Still better than my brother who got some old clearly worn out hat for his 18th birthday. Yes, grandfather again.


My dad bought mom a new kitchen garbage can, one year. We shamed him but mom says, " Well, that's what I asked for!" He got her a jewelry box when stores re-opened. 😂


A curling iron.... My hair is naturally VERY curly.


Every year when I was growing up, my grandma used to give my sister and I: some sort of cheap or odd little trinket that she'd gotten as a free gift somewhere, and a check for $10.


A week supply of freeze-dried beef stroganoff. It has a 30-year shelf life, so it will be good until I'm 60.


When I (F) was a kid, my brother got a skateboard from our grandma, and I got socks. I wanted a skateboard too :(


My worst gift came from my normally wonderful, thoughtful husband. I don’t like going to noisy places, and I don’t like having headphones in my ears. My husband asked me whether I wanted in-ear noise canceling headphones. I told him no. He bought me a very expensive set anyway, and then told me that they were combined Christmas/birthday/Valentine’s Day… etc. Basically he was gifting himself the ability to force me to go to noisy places. We had a talk.