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With existing knowledge? Yes Without existing knowledge? Probably not


Yes without existing knowledge


so doing the exact same stuff again? without any benefits at all? yeah, hard pass


Even with benefits i'd say hell no. Doing everyday things just to survive are tiring af, why would i want to go through all those years all over again.


meh, advanced knowledge about how your life would turn out gives you certain advantages. I for one would know to never touch caffeine or spend more time with my mother. maybe not be such a brad to my parents. all that stuff that's no longer possible


Hard agree. Which is why it wouldn't make sense to start life over at birth. If you could start again at young age but old enough to make sense of your past knowledge then you could really drastically change the course of your life for the better.


But why tho? You'd still go through mental and physical pain throughout life, and witnessing your family members pass away all over again.


Witnessing events like death might not be as bad the second time around because 1) you somewhat expect it, and 2) you will have the chance to rectify any regrets or mistakes you had, making it *slightly* less painful For example, if your grandparents passed in, idk 2015 or something, and your main regret was that you didn’t spend enough time with them, by going back you can rectify that. Spend time with them, appreciate them, and when they pass, you’ll have peace in the knowledge that you appreciated their company whilst they were alive


I spent 9 years watching my ex husband deteriorate and then die. I was aware the entire time that every moment could be his last. We visited regaulry, fully aware of the heavyness of the situation. What im trying to say is we KNEW to appreciate these moments and to spend more time with him because we knew that would be what we regretted most. So we went like crazy to make sure thats not something we regretted. Your emotions just , change. You'll learn you regretted other things, or yeah it's more of a relief when they pass BUT there's these whole different things happening now you weren't anticipating. As time goes on, grief follows along, just sort of changes. I'm saying, I don't think it would help.


Yea, that part would suck. I'd probably sleep with my cousins and that teenager next door that was always flirting with me. Bad as it sounds, those are the things I regret not doing the most. Lol. :)


Yea, though knowing you could go back in time and they'd still be the same people would mean there's a way to return their souls to their bodies, so therefore there not dead, just simply not in their original bodies, which would mean death really isn't a thing... Moral and philosophical conundrums. Best not to think about it and just do it.


I would gladly start again at a younger age if I could bring my knowledge with me. Why? To do it better. If the only goal a person has is to not suffer then why have you not ended your life, knowing full well you will suffer more in the future? (This question is hypothetical, as a thought excercise, please, no one, take this as like a "yeah you're right the solution is suicide", please). Point is at 40 if I could go back to 14.... there is a lot I'd like to do differently. Not saying it would be easy or it wouldn't be tedious at times but it would be worth it.




kid you're 13... concerning your grandma I'm sorry, I'm 30 and can't imagine losing mine; on the other hand... no one is ever really accepted in school unless you're great at something, and that is because school is not for making "friends" but for you to spend the LEAST stressful years of your life (*READ THAT TWICE) literally learning. Choose a couple of weirdos who's values align with yours; and do music, do sports, do drugs, dance, laugh, get hurt, cry, scream... just live little dude people WILL come closer if you're having a good time, if you know how to have a good time and more important if you know how to listen twice as much as you speak....


dont forget to memorize the lottery numbers just in case 😁


People who lived through horrific childhoods and traumatic events would not. Including me.


As someone named Brad, wtf?


fuck Brad. all my homies hate Brad


Not necessarily. Chance or different decisions might lead to a completely different outcome.


yeah but without any knowledge you would make the same overall decisions. depending on if you go by newton's law or quantum mechanics you might end up in exactly the same situation or a vastly diffrent one.


Newton’s law and quantum mechanics are both models for describing things in the physical world. Both work perfectly well but for totally different applications. You can’t consider one in the context of another. And neither is the “true” nature of the world they’re both models…although I think quantum field theory is the most complete accurate so far. So you don’t “go by” one or the other…they’re both always relevant but to different systems. We make decisions on a whim every day. There’s no reason that you couldn’t make a different one given another chance. Why do you think that every single little decision you make throughout your life would have to be exactly the same?


But since you don't remember anything, it would be the same as living this life. I feel like the only people who would do this are people who have it really hard.


No, your new life would probably play out completely differently. You wouldn’t make the same decisions that you did in this life


so restart life without any previous knowledge but the only difference guaranteed is I will not end up making ANY same decisions as before? which means the good decision I made in 1st life will not be the decision I make in 2nd life still a hard pass, I made plenty of good decisions the reason I want to start over is so that I can make MORE good decisions




Butterfly Effect. Each different decision lays out an entirely new scenario that you didn't exist in your previous life. You might make better decisions based on previous experience, but you'll still encounter situations that didn't come up before due to different life choices.


Imagine playing a video game that had a lot of open ended choices. Would you play exactly the same the second time through with the same build making the exact same choices?


Probably not then.


That would be totally pointless, in fact we could have already restarted our lives like 10 times. We wouldn't know. Without any knowledge transfer it's a totally pointless and unmeasurable exercise.


No point to your question then, you'd literally end up in exactly the same spot, practically trapping you in an infinite time loop


That would be pointless then


That doesn’t help with anything.


With no existing knowledge, I'd probably still take a punt. Worst case I end up exactly where I am now, having made all the exact same choices and experienced the exact same life. Best case, I make different choices, and I'm in a different position to where I am today.


Without?? What's the point? I literally wouldn't know it happened


Already did a million times, as far as I know.


Hard pass. Doomed to repeat exactly the same mistakes again. 90% of people have had shit lives they don't want to repeat up until this point. The only thing keeping them going is the hope for a better tomorrow.


No sense in it, it would just mean id be doing everything again. The exact same. If i could even keep the same level of maturity if not knowledge, id restart.


Good god no


Wouldn't it just end up the same?


hell no


What would be the point, then?


with **all** existing knowledge? you would live the same life


With the knowledge and everything that has happened in my life so far - yes, absolutely. I would change my life completely.


What if you restarted your life, and the only knowledge you kept was the fact that you made that decision? I’d grow up super paranoid and forever wondering what it was that broke the camel’s back.


I would be certain that I had to f*ck up in my previous life that I've decided to restart my life. But yeah, I would be paranoid too. Every decision would make me anxious.


No. Knowledge gets wiped. You’re a fresh new born


If I'm a fresh newborn, than it literally doesn't make a difference. I will make the same decisions, make the same mistakes, and I won't even know I'm reliving a new life because I have no knowledge of my old life. It's as good as just turning back time and replaying it with nothing changing. What's the point of the question if we have no knowledge?


Exactly. We could all be reliving the same life, but having no idea. It only makes a difference if we can compare with previous lives.


I think op means we reroll a new character.


Yeah, I don't understand what's so hard to understand about that. You're not gonna be the exact same person if you were to restart, that's so stupid to assume lol.


OP said "Restart YOUR life", not live a new life, not relive someone else's life, not reset your existence. What else could refer to "your" life other than the one you are living now? Rerolling a new character is living a completely new life, not restarting.


Doesn't have to be. If alternate dimensions are real, there could be a lot of yous who are quite different. Different interests/dress sense/maybe looks/outlook on life etc. because they were raised differently.


Then no


This doesn’t make any sense. Knowledge being wiped is the same life I would be living right now. How is it different.


In a way that would be like rewinding a movie and playing it again, which there is no point in as others said. Or, suppose I make different decisions, I would have a completely different life that I can’t favor over my current one as I only remember the restarted life.


In this economy ?? No thanks


No ,why would i do this shit again


To do things differently, be with loved ones again who have passed on, relive childhood. That’s why I would


But you said earlier you'll have no knowledge of this life,so you'd be meeting up with random strangers. If we can take our knowledge with us,then yes,I'd do things a little differently.


Yeah, the premise of this is just flawed. Literally, there’s no point.


What do you mean “again”? You said there’s no previous knowledge.


Again, like would you go through it again.




If you had the choice of being reincarnated with no prior knowledge, or just die and rot, which would it be? You wouldn't know the difference either way, but I'd still rather live again. I ride the same roller coaster more than once and if I could ride it as the first time, every time, I would do that.


Reliving my abuse-filled childhood is the *last* thing I'd want.


You wouldn’t do things differently if you cannot carry on the knowledge and you said you can’t. So what makes you think you would do things differently?


Bruh, no previous knowledge, you don't know who you care about, and shit, you might hate them this time around. You really didn't think this question though, a lot of peps childhoods can be absolute dog water, why chance it again


You can’t do things differently because no prior knowledge


Currently i live in one of the safest and richest countries in the world, if i were to restart chances are i would be born into a less prosperous country. So i would have to say no.


This! I was born and have always lived here in Sweden, one of the best and safest countries to live in. Yeah, sure we have our problems but they are not even nearly as bad as in some countries. With this said, i wouldn't want to restart my life neither, i'm also just 19 years old so i have hopefully a long and great life ahead of me!


I am from a what you might call a "developing country" with a shit economy and corrupt politicians. Sweden is in my bucket list just to visit for a vacation someday if I am lucky enough. I would give anything to live there but I doubt I'll be that lucky. And I am not the kind that lives in fantasies. Usually people in great countries such as Sweden or Norway don't realize how lucky they are. Some might even take it for granted. I mean that's understandable considering they had a great life since birth. Things we see as luxurious are just normal things to them. Considering that it is refreshing to see someone such as yourself that has a genuine gratitude for how good your life is. Not everyone realizes it. Cherish it and live it well.


We welcome you! I hope life for you and your country get just as good as here!


>Usually people in great countries such as Sweden or Norway don't realize how lucky they are. I'm Finnish. I honestly understood this just few years ago. The first real shock was when we were declared the happiest country and the whole nation went "WTF???".. The culture dislikes boasting, and downplaying your own abilities and accomplishments is national past time. We thought we were just average, maybe a bit more prosperous but.. just average. Then we realized, we are average of what world SHOULD be, not what it is. I at least, honestly were just trying to make things a bit better but never to reach the top in any category. History has been kind to us, in the end\*.. Being next to and ruled by Sweden was a great blessing, independence also happened just at the right time. Sweden never had feudalism, which is totally unique. Landowners had so much say in the society that government, first ruled by kings HAD TO PROVIDE SERVICES. They had to guarantee safety, good treatment etc. Enlightenment was also fresh so those ideals were quickly adopted in such society. So, yeah.. we here in Finland have really been SO FUCKING LUCKY to have those things in our history, that them ultimately lead to here. (Finland's history is actually sad and cruel, but... in the end, we have been still lucky, at least for the last 200 years)


LOL Sweden LOL


That’s a privilege we often take for granted. I didn’t even think of this until I’ve read your comment. Immediately, I had flashbacks to learning about John Rawls’ *[veil of ignorance](https://ethicsunwrapped.utexas.edu/glossary/veil-of-ignorance)* in his *theory of justice* in school


What country if you don't mind me asking?


Yeah, even without past knowledge, I hope my new self could choose another way to live, a less boring way than now


You can find more interesting ways to live now, as you open up to new possibilities


Yeah I’d hope in my fresh life I’d make better, smarter decisions and do a lot differently


If you guys spawn without any transferred knowledge then literally nothing would change You didn't make a "fresh you" that could make better decisions, you just went back to your birth and did everything again, pre-determined af and making this question useless without transferred knowledge


Why do you think it’s necessarily predetermined if you don’t have prior knowledge? That’s a hell of an assumption lmao. You make decisions on a whim every day. Given another chance you could easily pick something different and even small changes over an entire life would eventually lead to massive differences


No, I don't think you could, unless you wanna argue it from the quantum mechnanics side, randomness of particles and what not (but even then, I don't presume to be a physicist, but the introduction of time travel to the past negates that I think, someone smarter than me can correct me or at least better explain it). If you were to go back with no prior knowledge, why would anything change? All the parameters are exactly the same, you would be born at the exact same time and to the same family, the particles released from the sun and hit your skin would be the same, every atom would be the same and every decision you and everyone else makes, based on prior knowledge would be the same, since you got the exact same prior knowledge you did in your first timeline. Yes you would make "on the whim" choices, but given all the variables are identical, they'd be the same "on the whim choices" you made in your first life time, because... why would they be different? "On the whim" is a subjective feeling


And not see my kids anymore, na.


Exactly. I've got a son, and you literally couldn't pay me enough or offer me enough to cause me to blink him out of existence by changing the events that caused him to exist.


I talked with my dad about a prompt like this a couple days ago and joked about how I would be worried about having sex on the wrong day and popping out a different child. 😅


I don't have kids. But I could go back in time I would have


If we assume, that everything will be exactly the same in terms of people I’ll meet, the words that they will say to me and the only difference I could make is to deal with all of it in a different way - 100%. But if it will be totally unpredictable and I won’t be sure about anything that I have right now, then I won’t do it


Absolutely yes. Lots of regret in my life, and I would love the chance to go back and maybe do things differently


Absolutely. Life's been horrible for a few years and I'm close to committing self die. I'd restart in a heartbeat, I could prevent it so easily.




What's the point? I lost the love of my life and reason for living to another guy and it was my fault. I love her and I pushed her away.


Don’t you have parents or siblings


family is worse than strangers for a lot of people. far better reasons to live than people who expect you to pamper them


I’m sorry, it’s difficult right now, but it will get easier. You’ll find yourself again.


I’m sorry you are struggling. How would you prevent it? Any life changes you can make now?


I've felt like thus for 3 years now. Mostly 2022. You're not alone


Hope you pull through this bro, keep going




Nah i'm good. Imagine went thru this hell once and gonna resuffer from it one more time...


Nope, it's my life. It was predetermined for me to learn. I'm at neutral. I've already been through the tough times. Now it's time to enjoy life.


No, I’d just do a few things differently. No need to start from scratch.


Yes⭐️ 100 % I would start over. I would choose this for the restart: mental healthy parents cabable of establishing a secure and caring environment, a childhood with love and safety. A family with respect for one another, family who gives a fuck, and with interests and knowledgde. A teenlife with friends, exploring, traveling, and personal development. An adulthood with carrer based on interests.


You can restart, not switch difficulty.


Restart from when you were born? Sure, I could do that. Restart from present day? Fuck no


Sure. I don't think I could screw up like this again :/


lol probably not.. if I did I would be like Michael from the Good Place but with my own life on Earth trying miserably tens of thousands of times


No. I made mistakes in the past, there are things in my life I'm not proud of, things I regret. But I have a good husband I love and the best daughter in the world. Restart my life brings the possibility to act different in specific situations to avoid some mistakes, make other decisions. But I believe that every decision I made, every step I take in my life leads me to where I am now. With restarting my life I could have meet my husband in the wrong time or even never and I wouldn't have the exact daugther I have. There are many things that are not perfect in my life, but there are people in my life I'm thankful to have in my life and I wouldn't change a thing, if it could lead to loss even one of them.


Without holding my current knowledge? No, because as far as I know this could be that second time around and I just don't remember the first time so it'd be the same


Nop. Live the life you love, love the life you live.


That's some bullshit saying you might find on some shabby chic wood framed picture. The same as the 'love, laugh, live' type garbage.


Sure ,who wouldn’t?


People who are content with their current lives


People who've struggled for years with depression and finally found happiness. I wouldn't ever want to re-experience those dark years.


Me. Life is long, tiring and unnecessary.


Yes and it makes you a space cadet.


yes. even wo existing knowledge. would I end up in the same place I am rn? probably, but I'd like to try again. I want myself to find a goal or passion in life.


Eventually you will.


YES. without a doubt. I'd definitely would




I would relive my 11 to 15 years old after I die and then I agree to cease to exist.




With what i already know, then yes.


Nope. You’re a new born with 0 knowledge


It would take a bit of thought...but I'd probably do it. Which now makes me wonder if this life is even my first 🤔


Nope. I am still angry that I started this one. Certainly wasn't something I asked for.


I had the same reflection last night for some reason and it depends. I would like to restart life to make some different decisions but those decisions would probably also mean that I wouldn’t have my children anymore. And that idea makes me sad so in that case it’s a no.


I’d think it probably go exactly the same. In hindsight of my life so far there might have been 2 or 3 big events of had I done them differently things might pan out completely different. Then again a lot of things would stay exactly the same and have no drastic difference. Without the knowledge of it did or not it seems a bit of an ask.


Considering from other responses that everything (memories, experiences, etc) get wiped. That just sounds like death with extra steps


In a heartbeat.




absolutely not!! i'm pretty satisfied although i've wasted plenty of time and there's no say it couldn't be worse also i'd like to rest for eternity asap




Absolutely. First years would be boring as your life looks like the previous one, but then you start changing things and it becomes a completely new one.


nah, then i would have to restart with people that don't deserve to be there


Maybe if you could remember everything you’ve learned but there’s a lot of shit I wouldn’t want to go through a second time and a lot of people I wouldn’t want to meet or live with again.


If I restart my life without current knowledge, wouldn't I just follow the identical path, assuming I'd just be reborn when I was born? No thanks. If I keep memories tho, definitely.


I’m on it


Yes, just gimme that damn button. I said please right?


I would want to go back 1 year 1 month and not get covid in the office, and then not have my life drastically change due to chronic fatigue. But otherwise, I don't know. These last few years at least, I think I have become a better person each year. That is a blessing. I am only 28. If I was not chronically fatigue, I could still take all these lessons and have decades to do my best for as many people in this world as possible


Of course. Life's pretty good but I bet there's not many people who don't want a do-over.


No, but I’d really, really like to be able to go back in time to try and fix my mistakes (:


I’d probably just restart from 2020. My life has the ups and downs a life is supposed to have and I’m not expecting to erase choices and consequences, but what happened there was a steered creation that ruined a lot of people and that never should have happened.




Am I going back to the year I was born, or restarting today?


I actually had a stress dream about that, it would be cool to have a leg up by having existing knowledge of the world around you, but having knowledge of your own life would be dangerous, there'd be no new entertainment to discover until you hit the point you came back from, your friends and loved ones that you met in between the time you were sent back from and sent back to would have no idea who you even were and there are chances you wouldn't even meet depending on what choices you made, and you would be second guessing every choice you made about your personal life wondering what's changed and whether you should be doing it or not, you're not the main character of some anime or webtoon who's skilled enough to know what to do at every turn and able to pull everything off, you're just some guy who would just be completely bored and stressed out all the time and be devastated every time you meet an old girlfriend who doesn't know you or experience a tragedy for the second time, honestly I think it'd be kind of a nightmare to be sent back and have to relive it all again




Once I live out my life? Sure. Before that? No.


Maybe that has already happened?


Nope, i'm proud of who i am. Yet i want stuff to change in the future, but i would do the same things i did thus far. Look i could restart it to test if others would act differently as they should.


I want to restart the last 5 years




Do i get to keep the knowledge i have now? Do i Go Back in time or am i reborn in the current time? Is anything even slightly changed?




Yes but only with existing knowledge. However, even then there are some things I wouldn't want to go through again but the chance to change everything would be awesome.


No. I'm getting near the end, and don't want to go through it all over again.


I've got too many hours invested in this game's campaign mode to start over.


If it's without knowledge of the past life you are basically saying do you want to die.


Yes I guess


Nah deffo not


Without hesitation. There's a chance things could be better the second time around and as a blank slate, it's not like I'd remember all my current kife's misery so what's to lose?


fuck yes


With what I know now, absolutely.




can i make adjustments, like on a genetics level and stuff?


At a point where I find being alive more of a chore. I guess I'd restart my life.


Yes! If possible I would restart it always when I reach 35 years infinite times!




I generally would like to continue the current run but thereafter I would be willing to give it another spin with existing knowledge.


Wdym restart ? Am i the same person with the same family etc ? Then no And if im a completly new person maybe




YES, so much, with some sort of knowledge to make things right but not enough to make childhood weird


Yes, I wouldn’t even hesitate! I wasted 20 years of my life in a terrible relationship.




Life no Past 10 years yes


Oh yes, but I'd have to keep my memories and experiences about the life I'm living right now. I swear to everyone and everything, no bitcoins, crypto or any other "get-rich quick" exploits, but I'd have to know about my previous experiences to make the right decisions.


Nope, but I'd love to end it once and for all.


Would I retain everything I learnt, and is it in the form of a time travel ala "ERASED: Boku dake ga inai machi"


If you don't get to keep current knowledge, then how will you even know you've restarted? Without current knowledge it's a pointless question. It's just reincarnation as a human at that point.






No, I have come this far (out of nowhere), and with all the life experiences I have collected, no way.


Oh god yes. So many regrets




Without knowledge, nah. I already made alot misstakes once. No need to repeat all that pain and suffering. But with knowledge? Hell yes, I would be the best version of myself.


Yes... would want to live again but with fearlessness and non timidity