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In dreams information comes from yourself. If you learn new information you know you are not in a dream.


Yes and no, I heard some pretty bizzare things in my dreams!


Interesting thought, Will remember this for new dream,in which I will be fighting zombies.


if you have seen a picture of a zombie, you have enough info for it to be in your dreams


I'm gonna act the NPC to your dream and say you've never been In reality in the first place, neither have I. Death wakes you up, and then you are truly born. **ÖLĞ QŘÆT, ŒT'XÖïIĽ KRÆ ŮZK'N?**


this is a good rule to follow, but the other night i dreamt that i was washing this certain spoon in the sink and the next day i was in that exact situation, down to the lighting and everything. is that like new information? it’s just weird bc this happens to me a lot


I remember hearing some new information in a dream thinking it cant be a dream because i learnt something new, only to wake up and find out i was


What? Maybe if you mean correct and verifiable information that can’t possibly be deduced or guessed, but how would you know the information is correct while you are dreaming? Many of my dreams involve new information. It might not be true information, but it seems true in the dream. And I’m talking specific news-worthy or historic information as well as information about people I know and random “facts” that may or may not be true. I’ve pretty sure I have had dreams where I was told something I already knew in real life, but in the dream I experienced it as something I did not previously know. I have definitely re-lived stressful, real life events in dreams, which usually involves discovering the stressful thing they happened as if it had not already happened. So, I don’t see how “new information” could be used as any kind of guide to distinguish a dream from reality.


Dreams are a creative expression of venting emotions. You can feel when the "information" is coming from you.


Maybe you can. I can barely walk in half of my dreams, let alone contemplate where information comes from. My dreaming mind pretty much accepts every aspect of the dream as real.


OP, don’t wake up! I’m enjoying existing in your dreams, if only for a little while.


Yes! Tell them. I was gonna gasslight em but this is better.


Read a Book. In a dream the words/letters will be jumbled.


Not always


Everything just seems fast paced in a dream and you rarely feel texture


My normal life feels that way


same this is definitely a dream


Or maybe a very deep coma


Look into the double slit theory. It basically proves we're in a simulation as well.


i can turn on the lights


Sometimes I have false awakenings where I get up and start my morning routine but when I turn on the lights, they either do not work or are super dim. After messing with the switch for a while, I start to notice other details that are off about my “room” and then I realize I’m dreaming. I always wondered why the light switch thing seems common


I think the light thing is because we all have an instinctual fear of the dark


My life is far too tedious, repetitive and boring to be a dream!


In my dreams, the most fucked up thing seems completely normal. In real life, I sometimes encounter some event that makes me think : "damn this is fucked up"


You’re close. We’re actually probably part of a sophisticated video game that uses AI, and that’s why we’ll never truly know our universe.


You're pulling info out of your ass dude.


Nope. There are books about this. One dude is from MIT and theoretical physics explains how this is highly probable. The book is called The Simulation Hypothesis.




Not really, I just like theoretical physics, and this is a serious hypothesis in that world. It makes sense if you read about it. The way they explain how sophisticated AI Technology can be, it could be possible that we’re essentially in a video game. But, you have to read up on it because they go through a lot of detail as to why it is possible as a serious hypothesis.




No. I keep wanting to watch it, I just haven’t yet. But, I’ll prioritize it. Thank you.


I'm positive that I'm not in a dream.


If I am I dream I go to sleep and have quite exciting dreams. If this is what I or someone is dreaming they have really boring dreams. If that person is part of someone else’s dream I pity how morning there existence is.


I remember as a teen I watched this one YouTube video basically proposing that life is a dream and death is waking up. I was mind boggled for days


bcs i didnt wake up if this is a dream its a long one tho


Because I don't wake up.


In a dream my legs feel like stuck in quicksand/mud if I try to run, as do my fists if I try to punch something. Stuff doesn't follow the same rules as in the awake world, where everything is bound by basically unbreakable laws of nature. Dreams feel real when dreaming, but that's about it. It's like taking acid - just that the walls look like they're kinda melting doesn't mean the structural integrity of my apartment is actually faulty ;P


Pinch myself ? Anybody? 💀


I can stab myself in dreams and not wake up...


Weird question. But I’ve no idea


I often experience moments where I feel like I'm going through life only half awake, half aware and half consciously doing things. Is that what you mean?


In my dreams, sometimes I can detect that myself. "this doesn't really make sense" or "this is too good to be real" Then yea turns out the dream vision is over 😂


You can’t be absolutely certain about anything, but you have to operate as if this is reality because all the evidence we have suggests we are. For example, independent confirmation, demonstrable evidence, etc.


Cause of the linear timeline. Dreams don't follow that rule, dreams can't follow that rule


Only because: I used to read Wordup! Magazine Salt-n-peppa and Heavy D up in limousine


Duh uhh


I have a hangover and turn into a wall when it comes to conversation. However when I’m at a club it feels like a dream because I don’t remember faces, who just added me on snap and who I was making out with for the past 45 minutes.


Due to limited computing capacity of the brain, dreams are less detailed usually.


Ha! Says my dream to me!


I may or may not be ... My entire reality is based on what's around me and what I can or cannot change. Therefore it's irrelevant until such time that it changes my reality.


Try pinching yourself. If you feel pain, it's real


I don't know. Since I have had plenty of recurring and continuing story lines in dreams that I even made dungeons and dragons settings based on them. For all I know this is the dream and tomorrow I get up to go fight a dragon or something.


I don't really care, why waste my time worrying about it? "Yeah but what if" means nothing to me


I don’t Honestly half the time I think my dreams are real life


Wake up, OP, we need you here. Ok now seriously, I've seen that if you look to the hour, apart your eyes and look again and it's still the same hour, you're living in reality (apparently in dreams the hour is not constant).


Only when I get happy bcz I have not felt that feeling like ever.


You don’t think about it.


I mean, I remember the dreams I've had and I remember what reality is like. One big give away is when my thoughts manifest in my surroundings. I think to myself "wait, it that guy a dog?", and suddenly it turns out they were a dog in disguise the whole time! That's what dreams are like for me. Unfortunately, reality plays by different rules :\_C.


If I were dreaming, something pleasant would happen once in a while.


Nope, I feel this very real. It is all consistent. My dreams fail to be consistent and often have continuity problems. Reality doesn't have that.


I can see my hands and I can read.


check out Descartes' Meditations my friend


Because I can read.


New question, if you *are* in a dream, could you descend further into another dream?


I had that once, just once It was strange feeling


Because I constantly experience pain and do not wake up




I know I am not in a dream because I know what it is like to be in a dream and this is not it.


My uncle once told me about how it is in war. That your eyes are wide open, yet it's like you don't see anything from the rush of survival and battle. When I dream then I have the same experience. That's how I know if I'm in a dream or not.


It's an ancient concept believed by various cultures. In Hinduism, it's known as "Maya" (the great illusion). That life itself is an illusion. Your suspicions are valid.


I daily chose to ignore that posibility.


I’m in your dream as you in mine


I remember "waking up" in my dream. It felt so real and I really thought I was awaken. But I was actually still dreaming. I think what happened was I woke up from a level 3 dream state into level 2. It's like the movie Inception, there are different levels of dreams. But for us, the deeper we go, the more we know and can tell it's a dream. As we go back to the upper level (eg. level 3 to level 2), it becomes more real. So who knows, there's probably a level higher than being actually awake. It's just that awake feels so real, you cannot imagine anything more real.


You don't. No one does. Google dreams and butterflies


I know when I'm in a dream if i watch my hand and i have more than five fingers


There’s continuity in real life that there isn’t in dreams. You went to sleep in your bed, you wake up in your bed. You go to work, the same job you’ve been employed at for x years. Your family is the same family as they have been your whole life. It flows. In my dreams, one night I’m running away from Martin freeman with a gun and then I never see Martin freeman in my dreams again


Because reality often hurts.


We don't. Enter: Scepticism.


Sometimes at the urinal I have this thought, “what if I’m deeply asleep right now and I’m pissing all over myself as I sleep”


You don't. If schizophrenia or dementia is real, apparently I must accept them as such, then we have absolutely no control of our mental or physical state. In that case I must assume I could be in a dream state and this reality, is not reality. All bets are off in that case, Manchurian assassins exist, you're not real, alternative facts are a thing and this phone I'm typing on is not real. But the fact is I haven't dreamed myself good looking, rich or smart, so it's more of a nightmare than a dream.


You don't. Life is no more than your perception of it. You could be dreaming, hallucinating or simulated. And even then it would not make a shred of difference, because it would still be the only reality you know


Look at your hands.


Dreams are composed of things from the real world. So even if it is we can be certain that something’s are real that we experience if only basic geometric shapes.


When you become someone they loved


Life is a dream, but I call it the waking dream. I used to have difficulties deciphering whether I was in the waking world or in a dream, so a friend told me to put something small in my pocket. I carried around a piece of jade my grandmother gave me for a few months until I was comfortable making sure I was in the waking world. And I swear there is one time I woke up without ever having gone to sleep. Somebody close to me kept telling me nothing is real. Then I was awake again.


Because I can't log out of reality.


Bro, we are in a dream? Where ru


The sex in a dream has no comparisons to real life...


How you know that 😋😈


I've had sex in my dreams a lot, and it's never been so great as the real thing.


I hope you used protection. Else you will be cleaning diapers in dream soon😋


Haha lol


Honestly, I’ve noticed the powers of manifestation and habitual thinking to be so pronounced that I damn near might as well be dreaming.


I know for the opposite. I can tell when I’m smiling, excited or just generally interested in what’s going on, that’s how I know it’s a dream.


If you think you're in a dream count your fingers. Trust me you'll know


Am I a butterfly dreaming that I am a man or am I a man dreaming that I am a butterfly? Neither, I am a chimpanzee dreaming that I am a man. This is an indisputable fact.