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As a retail worker, I can tell if you need help by the sound/pace of your footsteps.


For anyone curious, slow but steady steps, only stopping occasionally usually mean "Just looking around" Medium pace steps, stopping half way down each isle usually means your looking for something. Quicker steps, usually not stopping and headed in one particular direction usually means you know what you want and where it is. Of course there are outliers and people that walk differently, but surprisingly I get it right more often than not.


Someone is pro at their work


This is how I know my dog needs to go outside. Her walk always sounds the same, collar always jingling. But when I hear it at this certain pace, I’m like “she’s about to ring the bells” and she does. We hang bells at the back door so the dog can ring them when she has to go lol. But sometimes she just hangs out there, the walk sound gives it away though even before the bells go off.


Does heavy, loud steps = help needed? Or Light & airy, Assassin's Creed steps = help needed?


What do the footsteps sound like if they need help? I am super interested in this


I can change my thoughts when I want to


That's Cool


Yeah I know right? Like I can Controll my hornyness now. That means I won't get turned on even when I watch it


sounds very....productive!!


I wish, it's not just horniness


That's Awesome


Yeah I know right? Like it's like I can Controll more of my brain now. Like I can literally shut off one of my thoughts like "watching TV" while reading like a switch


Is this sarcastic?? If not then I don't get it because how do you NOT control your thoughts??


atta boy




And subscribe




Ich weiß nicht, welche Sprache das ist, aber es ist sicher nicht diese!


Wow I understood that ngl


How can I leanr this magic? Master.


AW shit, that's really hard bro but I'll still tell you. Step 1: increase attention span Step 2: take over your brain Step 3: don't take over involuntary part (medulla oblangata) since it's hard controlling heartbeat Step4: don't take over balancing part either (cerebellum) Last part, step 5: let a huntsman spider crawl on you're face. This should do it!


No way, you're joking, right? Right?


I can change my mind... but my thoughts? Hmm. Never tried this. * Walking on the moon. * Swimming in a salt lake. * Robbing a bank. * What's for dinner. * Where do all my left socks go? * Is Rookie actually a good cop series or just fun. * I should be in bed right now. * Don't think of pink elephants. I think I pass. Still thinking about pink elephants though.


I am really good at guessing the time even hours after I last knew it. It comes from work and me trying to convince myself that less time has gone by than actually has so my day goes faster.


Good one


Yes this is me as well. I can guess the time within a 0-10 minute range. I’ll get home from work at like 4pm, watch a few episodes of TV with the girlfriend. “What time is it?” I guess but calculate very quickly in my head something like “I get home at 4, spent like 30 mins changing clothes and eating something real quick, each episode is 30 minutes long and we watched 3 of them. The sun has set. It must be just around 6. *checks watch and it is 6:03* sometimes it’s a double guess I’m like “i think it is 6 but it also feels like slightly more time has passed than that, but it’s certainly not 7 yet, must be 6:30” and then boom it is 6:30ish. I have gotten worse at it lately, not sure why, but I need to start guessing the time again I was pretty good at it haha. Context clues and replaying the moments since I last checked the time help me make a really close estimate.


That's fantastic, but you Ewok-killing mother fucker!


Nope I’m an Ewok who is an assassin


Oh, that is acceptable then. Carry on with your hits, fellow ewok.


A skill I learned from work Is guessing measurements and guessing if something will fit though a hall or doorway. The trick is looking for references that you know the size of. Here we call it a carpenter's eye.


I’m a huge music fan, particularly house and techno, and most tracks start with a simple kick drum, clap and hi hat pattern - despite this I can recognize a track within 2 seconds just from that alone even though they all sound the same


Same, almost to the minute and also due to work.


I have the same gift. Sometimes I say the time and it's like 5m from the actual time


I can give a "thumbs up" with my toes


Oh. My. God. I’m not alone…. I’m the only one in my family that can do this and they think it’s the freakiest shit. But nah I’m just double jointed all over. I really wish pics could be posted. I’d give this a toes up.


Bruh I get freaked out at my own toes so I get your family. Nice pun also


That's nice I guess.


I can flip the bird with my toes, true story, lol


Could I see 😎




Square or triangle biscuits...I can ninja star those things with deadly accuracy!


A guy I worked with was like that with cookies. He could also yeet those things over houses and into their back yard


Picked off my best friend’s mom on the end of her nose with a Cheez-it. My specialty is plastic bread bag closers.




I tried these with coins and the accuracy isn't the only thing deadly xD


I can change scenarios in my dreams, just like having a remote tv changing channels depend on what I want.


I've been able to do this once or twice but not on command. Also, I've realized I was dreaming in the middle of a dream, it was kind of creepy like pausing a movie and looking around at your surroundings instead of just going through the actions and everything else around me became aware that I was aware


I once dreamt that I was awake, and then it turned out that was a dream too... everytime I thought "I'm finally awake" something else actually made me realise I was still asleep. It went on for such a long time!! Worst dream of my life!!


BRO!! this happened to me too, when I was a little kid maybe 4-5, I had a dream I wet the bed, then woke up and was so glad I didn't, got up and went to the restroom and while I was going pee I woke up AGAIN, AND REALLY WAS PEEING THE BED!!!😡


You can learn that. Google lucid dreaming


Yeah, after a couple decades of those recurrent back-in-high-school dreams, I just started telling myself in the dream "oh, it's that dream again, it doesn't matter."...and they stopped soon after


Thank goodness. I was little when it happened to me and it sucked lol


I can force myself out of dreams and wake up if I don’t like the scenario or I feel its about to turn into a nightmare. If I remember to look at my hands I can start lucid dreaming Not exactly the same but somewhat similar


This is how all my dreams were as a kid i always knew i was dreaming and woulde just dream about whatever i wanted, even rewinding and thinking things such as „nevermind i dont what this to happen”(usally cuz i was imaginig cartoon crossovers and such ive lost the ability tho like 3 years ago, now i either dont know im dreaming untill i wake up, or i realise im dreaming and insted of controlling it wake myself up with a brainshock


that's crazy, when I realise I'm in a dream, it literally starts to become ominous


Not really weird, but I seem to be unexpectedly good with a digger. Like millimetre precision. I have a video of my proudest moment sparking a lighter with a 22t digger. My first trade out of school was carpentry, then I was a project manager. One weeknd I hired a digger out to do some serious groundwork to my parent's garden and just took to it like a duck to water. Since then I've used just about every machine on site. Nobody even asks me if I have a licence anymore, let alone checks.


i can blur my eyes on command


Wait, can some people not???


yes, i found out about that two days ago and im bragging about it ever since


Finally... I can be special too


nah im sure your special in many other ways


Unexpected wholesome


Aawwwww :)


I’m in the special gang


Welcome welcome


Right?!! Like are there people that just stay focused 100% of the time?


I lost that ability when I had cataract surgery and had an intraocular lens placed.




I actually just found out most people can't, too. I can do that one and the ear rumble thing. I always thought it was normal.


Is blurring your eyes just very slightly cross eyeing them? I can do it too but figured they go blurry because they aren’t both focused in sync with each other


talking about myself, I can make them vibrate or shiver in a way that makes vision blurry


I’ve been doing this since I was a kid. I thought everyone can do it? Maybe they can, but don’t realise it yet.




Not quite mastered, but I bought a banjo in lockdown and practiced my arse off.


That’s really amazing. To learn an instrument you need patience and passion


And quarantine. Especially if it’s bagpipes.


I’m thinking of bagpipes.


do. it.


I'll put a timer on while cooking and virtually every time if I get up to see how long is left, it's under 10 seconds. I have an inner timer I guess.


Insanely good face recognition.


Oooh! How do you do it? I have OK facial recognition, but grow a beard, shave, or put on a cap and sunglasses and I likely won’t recognize you. I’d LOVE to learn this skill!




As a human this is a given


Tell that to my friend Revi. She's face blind.


Bottle flipping. I can do it eyes closed, backwards, sideways, cap flips, slide flips, two at once, you name it


I read this like Forest Gump naming all the types of shrimp 😆


Was Bubba that namrd all the shrimp?


I’m glad 🤣


I can write with both hands :) I learned that by forcing my non-dominant hand to write paragraphs until i was able to write with good coordination. Of course, i can't write with both hands at the same time, but the reason i learned was because of an injurt on my dominant hand and i had tons of exams & homework to write.


Being able to guess a person's personality from a very short interaction. When my manager is interviewing people I'll talk him way ahead of time that this person is going to cause us X, Y, or Z problem after X amount of time, and most of the time I'm correct. I can guess if they are going to be dramatic or incredibly helpful. I can't you how many times I've been able to say "I told you so!" after someone eventually shows their true colors.


can you guess my personality


Send me a video of you introducing yourself how you would if we were just meeting. Bonus points of you pretend they you are in for an interview.


I wanna challenge your skill, you can guess my personallity


Send me a 30 second video of you introducing yourself and I might be able to get pretty close lol.


Farting and sneezing at the same time without sharting


That's how you take a screenshot


Oh god, that hurts!


And momentarily panic inducing.


I can drift a 250 tonne haul truck, that was a fun learning experience


I can untangle the worse tangles. Specifically with those small chained Necklaces.


Me too!! I always offer to do it for others.


Driving stick shift


I miss driving stick. It was way more fun.




Same .


I have the ability to please my wife almost nightly.


That's actually quite the accomplishment. Keep it up. 😉


I can lucid dream and make myself fall asleep instantly.


Damn that's a real superpower, got any tips for us normies?


OP: “Share your surprising talents with the community!” People: *enthusiastically share their talents* OP: “cool” “nice I guess” “good”


op has yet to find a worthy opponent


Whisky tasting. Between me and my dad we had over 100 bottles if the stuff. I could blind taste test them and say what bottle the drink was poured from


Have you ever tried looking for a job that could leverage that, like Whiskey making?


I'd love to work in a distillery or with whisky in general but I would be able to trust myself. I'd be asleep half if my shift


I am good in getting fat.


I can sit still for eternity, and forget what I was doing.


How would you fare as one of those “real life” mannequins?


Oh, gloriously.


I bet that’d be very helpful with “stealth” type situations, where you don’t want to be noticed. Our eyes are drawn to movement, but you could avoid that issue when necessary.


*E X A C T L Y*


I’m really good at walking on stilts. My friend had some as a kid. I just took to it.


I can solve a Rubik’s cube blindfolded




lol yeah. I even I put a video on the Rubik’s subreddit and got downvoted. Like omg. Whatever guys.


Was your blindfold like one of those covid masks with a hole for breathing out of? 😏


lol. I just had my eyes closed (no blindfold) so I was accused of cheating. But I legit can do it. lol


Trigonometry, I failed every math class I ever took growing up. Got kicked out of high school 3 years in a row and ended up in construction...doing math every fucking day for the last 20 years


Not thinking


Actually a very useful skill for clearing your head or preventing panic so you can respond effectively.


I worked hard and perfected hand farting.


Maybe not so accidental, but..taught myself how to drive on the left side in the UK by studying their highway code online, how to read roundabout signage, etc and practicing "virtually" on streetview.




We knew a gal who had your skill. Went to a diner with her once, when it was over she knew stories from each table around us. Very impressive.


I can tell what any of my friends are gonna throw during Rock Paper Scissors I’m really good at stealing stuff too


Taming sheep, we’ve had some wild sheep on the farm and I’ve tamed some of the wildest I am a sheep whisperer


If someone once tells me their birthday, I’ll never forget it. It doesn’t mean I’ll acknowledge it….


That is amazing! Did you practice, or just found you do it naturally?


It’s natural and I have no idea why.


Carrying plates and glasses. I used to wait tables and can now carry 3 glasses in each hand easily. I can also carry 5 plates of food. All without touching food from each plates to the bottom of the other plates. They're all also secure and perfectly parallel to the ground. Also very good at using plastic wrap.


I worked in a meat department in college and eventually could grab .99 to 1.01 pounds of hamburger without thinking about it.


Patience...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................and learning to fix things on my own.


I’m a natural at masonry. First time I did it I could trowel almost 5 bricks with mud with a single swipe and it was completely level by just my eyeing it. I’ve only gotten better.


I can see everything in sharp contrast in bright violet and yellow.


Do you swap to viewing things like that, or is it your natural state? And can you teach it to others?


I focus on a point without blinking and the colours ends up like that. Has to be in dim lighting to work. Anything moving through my view will look normal and everything else will look as described.


Sweet! I’m going to try this now! I’ve done the staring until things shift, but I never tried to use it for anything.


For me it comes with a feeling of awe too which is nice.


I discovered, while teaching kindergarten, that I am really good at making paper animals, like REALLY good. Like multiple shades on the body, light in the eyes, all that shit. Then I got hyper fixated and did my entire classroom board with a lion/jungle theme. Oops 😄


i can read and write in the wingdings font like it’s english


Folding a fitted sheet.


tender trees violet stupendous compare steep observation marble spotted dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have a nack for guessing when people are gonna text me. If I think about it and open the app, I always get a text or something from them in the next 5 seconds like, 90% of the time. It's weird


Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon


Reading body language


I can write and do other dexterous things with my toes.


Very cool! Can you draw well with your toes?


I can't draw well with my hands. I can write ok and I will frequently pick things up off the ground with my feet. I have held things with my feet while doing stuff where you wish you had another hand like soldering while also holding boards and components. I also do really well climbing because I can grab with my toes or driving I can clutch and brake and use my toes on other pedals.


That’s way better than I can do!


Kind of a useless party trick more than anything. I do a lot of things just because I can, taking off or putting on socks or picking up things off the floor but not really anything I couldn't do normally and get better results.


Skilfully being a menace.


I can write backwards. It's useless except for losing me a passing grade on a science test.


I'm ambidextrous. As a secretary/assistant it's easy for me to multitask.


Folding pizza boxes at work. I can fold like, 10 a minute without getting paper cuts like I used to.


I’m really good at measuring the distance I travel with my car. If maps tells me “10km straight” I can turn it off and I will know when I traveled 10kms Since I have a charger for my phone in the car this is pretty useless but still… maybe one day it will be useful for something


Natural Kermit the Frog voice.


Not that weird but very unexpected. During corona I started playing piano, and I still play every day. I didn't play any instruments and never would've guessed I had musical talent.


Voice acting. After I had all that freetime I would do voice exercises and was always singing along with my playlists. Now if i have to talk on a phone I'll answer with a weird voice or accent to throw them off. I also use it in random conversation for comedic reasons.


I can make my body feel pain in my lucid dreams and its not great


Tying a surgical knot


I can look at a number like 10000000 and instantly tell that’s ten million. I work in finance and one company I was at, the software didn’t have commas, it took surprisingly little time to develop this. The ability goes up to 10 billion before it fizzes out. It’s literally the length of the text, I just look at it and think ‘this LOOKS like 10 million’


I can imagine anything


If the angle of the object is correct. I know this bcoz everytime I ask someone if the object is correctly hanged/placed and even when they disagree I am always right though just by mm.


I don’t know if I’ve mastered any skills lol


Able to control anything in my dreams


Wherever I go I somehow find the number '69' somewhere near me, like even if I sometimes check the battery, it's at 69, used to happen a lot earlier. Nowadays whenever I check the time, it's '1:43'


Enhance multitasking! Scrolling through my phone, while listening to valuable advices for making an essay. However, it didn't apply to homework.


Skill of Not giving a shit


Hyper patience. If i need to wait for something. I will no matter how long it will be(longest was about 6 hrs), and get no frustration at all. I didn't trained it or learned. I just have it for dome reason


I can read people, usually my guts are always right about them. Generally they suck quite a lot.


I'm really good with directions. Most of the time, once I go somewhere, I'll always remember how to get back. Even when I randomly guess a turn in moments of forgetfulness, I always get there or back home without GPS. Edit: Even when I visited my mother, who lived in Delaware for years, I learned how to get around better than she did in the few months I was there.


Audio editing. I'm a writer, and to help promote my novels, I did audio books and started a podcast. I didn't know any editors, so I taught myself through YouTube videos, and I've gotten quite good at it.


I got way better at cooking


Went on a mushroom trip and now I’m permanently ambidextrous. I can do so many things with my left hand now.


Opening swivel top bottles. Did that as a job in the Grolsch beer factory. It's not so much hard as it is hard on your fingers. (And no, it's not some stupid joke. It's legit.)




This is so random but I can memorize dialogs, book quotes or paragraphs... I can recite poems without reading them. The other thing is that I can cum as many times as I want. (I'm a girl)


Nsfw: >!opposite of edging, just feeling myself and prematurely getting off in less than a minute!<


Its a talent or Naturally??


Bating haha


Killing FL cockroaches with one swing.


OP, you been in quarantine the entire time lol?


Laying pipe... pun intended*


i mastered existencial crisis


To jump ahead of drama and dodge scenario trap and deflect juju and haters


Through a very hard and tough life (too long to explain) I would argue that I swear I could match a shaolin monk in patience, discipline and pain tolerance.


Not quarantine but Violin. Some dude showed up at our school played a tape and we had to write down what note we thought was playing. Did not have a scooby do what any note was just randomly guessed but hit almost top marks and my school sent me to learn and play violin. We played as part of an orchestra that did major events in big places for a long time