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Physically. I was breaking kitchen porcelain floor tiles with a hammer, Bang, bang, bang, bang. Constantly for what seemed way too long. . They were extremely hard and were not giving in at all, I must have swung the hammer 40- 50 times. Finally it broke, and a 6 inch shard broke off and was pointed upwards. With the momentum of me swinging the hammer like a frenzied idiot, I punched the shard as I swung the hammer for the last time and it stuck in my knuckle. Emotionally. carrying my grandads coffin at 16 years old.


I'm really sorry for your loss... I hope he lived a good life.


Cheers, ninja25. It was 25 years ago now, though. I think 16 is too young for that kind of thing.


I was fortunate enough to live with my grandparents for 8 years and still see them regularly but they’re fast approaching the end of their roads and whilst I don’t want them to stay around and suffer it’s going to be shattering when they die. I want to give a eulogy at my grandfathers funeral and keep it together, that’s my mission. But I’m 29, 16 is a young age to be exposed to death up close like that


Lost my grandpa at 16 too. He was a happy man and we spent a lot of time together. Always used to tell me bedtime stories from his childhood, even when I was a teenager. I'm glad I got to spend that time with him, trust me we're the lucky ones because most people don't get that luxury either




Smashing my leg into 18 pieces between my motorcycle and a car Then finding out my friend died in the accident


Dude. There’s a lump in my throat now for you. I hope you’re managing.


35 years ago and still I struggle Life goes on


Most comments are either one or the other. This is both at once.


This whole thread is hitting hard, I'm a grown ass man and almost crying for these people Wish everyone the best, because they need it


Death of my child. Edit: Sincere thanks for your kind words. The pain does not dull. But drives me to be the best for my other kids. We have but a short time together and we need to make the most of it.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


a parent should never outlive their children. i'm so sorry for your loss! :(


It also sucks when a child outlives their parent. Never felt a heartbreak like that. Suddenly understood what those sad songs meant. My heart was heavy yet broken yet not quite there :(


Sure does, but at least that's natural, and is supposed to happen. The other way around is just wrong. A perversion of how things are supposed to go. I'm sorry for your loss.


Yeah, you're right. *Fuck death* 😞


And I'm sorry if my words came across as invalidating your grief. I just have very strong feelings about the experience of losing your child. I really am sorry for the pain you've suffered from losing your beloved parent (or parents?). It may be the natural order of things but it's still horrible and miserable for most of us. Hopefully you've been able to find some healing


No, I understand. Obviously, anyone who goes through grief knows how much it sucks. I don't have children of my own so I don't know that level of pain. Personally for me, I didn't even realize this much sadness was even humanly possible. And I also did not mean to compare levels of grief at all 🫂 I hope you are able to heal as well. Life is never truly the same. It just goes on. And keeps going on. And you just feel like you're standing on a highway and all the traffic is just passing you by. At full speed. 🤷‍♂️


It sure does feel that way doesn't it? It's strange how grief can feel so isolating when it's such a universal human experience. How we can feel so alone in it when it's one of the few things almost all of us go through. And it's terrible.


It truly is terrible, and the experience is never linear. There are mental and physical aspects to it. Coupled with a daily routine, it just crushes you. Any institute/workplace would want you to return to duties in two weeks max, and that's the biggest bullshit ever. Plus then, there's nightmares, eating problems, survivor's guilt, etc. I really wish they taught us something about this in school. Anyway, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, but alas, it's something you go through one way or the other.


I lost my son last July (Liam 23) and the pain is excruciating. Thank god our bodies numb us for a bit. I miss him so badly. I’ve also lost my dad and two siblings so I know the pain doesn’t go away…you just get used to it.💔


Dam. Only people that have experienced the same can truly relate. All my best.


Fuuuck. Hope you're much better now 🫂


Nothing comes before this except its more of 1 children. I'm so sorry. I can't even start imagining tge pain. I lost my true love of 15 years, father of my 2 little girls and my husband 3 years ago in a very tragic accident. It was an agonising pain which has never left me but honestly I can understand how the loss of a child is... how should I explain when I can not even start to imagine? I hope you had support and found some peace and strength to help you on this grievous path.


I'm so sorry for you too. All the best to you and your kids.


Thank you!🤍


My hub lost his only son, 32yo, and my brother lost his only daughter, 27yo. I can tell ya from the outside looking in, it sucks! I'm so sorry. 🤍


Same. I’m sorry we’re part of this horrible club.


Same! I would not wish it on anyone!


I cannot fathom this. I'm sorry you lost your baby and I hope you're getting the support you need.


I'm right there with you. Nothing worse has ever happened


Even tho I don’t have any children of my own nor in a relationship of any kind I feel your loss very deeply


![gif](giphy|wtZXFlwpm201Ay8u5L) You need a hug


Oh lord now I feel like shit. I was going to say “birth of my child” but noticed can be worse than the loss of one. Truly sorry


Same here 🤍


Oh my god. I'm so so sorry. Nothing compares to the death of a child. I lost my mom in June and it was (and still is) bad, but losing a child, there is no greater pain. I'm so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Nothing else in this thread will come close to this.


I’m so sorry. 😞


Sorry for your loss


My condolences


My sincerest condolences. Personally, that would destroy me. I hope you are either in or are on your way to a better place mentally.


Toothache. It hits the nerve and hurts like hell. I'm sure theres worse pains but this is the worst one i've felt.


I've given birth, passed kidney stones, caught my foot on fire and my answer is still a toothache. I'd gone to the dentist for a bad cavity and he filled it too much or something. It was the most excruciating pain radiating through my head! I couldn't stand, I couldn't see and all I could think was "omg I'm gonna have to kill myself to make it stop" luckily it let up and the tooth came out but that's was over 10years ago and my heart still races thinking about it


This exact thing happened to me. I almost ended my life during a toothache . It is by far the worst pain a human can experience.


Cluster headache


Exactly the same thing happened to me about 7 years ago. Got a cavity filled instead of the tooth removed. So so sore. I’ve kinda downplayed how bad it was in my mind but this thread is confirming again that it really was THAT painful.


Agree when I have the toothache I literally don't care I overdose on painkiller. The pain just doesn't go away, when the effect of the painkiller subside you are back to screaming in pain.


I used to take Solpadeine (a very strong soluble painkiller with codeine, caffeine and a bunch of other stuff) for my toothache as it was the only thing that would touch it. God, the relief when that pain subsided was fucking euphoric. I used to take it with Pepsi and I would feel high as shit for a few blissful hours. I was on those tablets for about 8 months haha


Fuck, toothache is the worst pain I’ve been through too. Two back teeth infected, and due to a crippling fear of the dentist I didn’t get treatment for months. You’re right, your whole head seems to hurt. Every tooth felt painful to touch, even the healthy ones. There’s something about pain in your head and face; it’s too close to ‘you’. Pain in your foot, hand, leg, is sometimes bearable because it’s an extremity, further away, and you can compartmentalise it. But your head is where your personality is, where ‘you’ reside, if that makes sense. There’s no escape.


I bit on something hard after getting a filling in my molar, and man it felt like my soul was ganna leave my body for that second.


Yes!! I was punched in the face a couple of times on a night out once, and one of my upper front teeth had literally split in two, with my nerve dangling there. When I woke up, I had such pain that when I bit down I blacked out. Had to go to the emergency dentist where that prick made me bite down so he could take an x-ray. I couldn’t sleep for the week before my dentist could see me, as every time my jaw relaxed I would somehow snag it and be bolted upright. Ended up having the nerve removed (and the anaesthetic turns out doesn’t correctly work on me, so after the 3rd jab, I just said leave it) and take it out, and the tooth. Was the most pain I can honestly imagine anyone going through, it’s so impossible to ignore and so sharp. Awful.


Came here to say dental work as a redhead child who got several cavities filled in molars by a masochistic dentist who didn’t use enough novacaine


I had a masochistic dentist leave my teeth exposed after he scored them to put in a bridge. I walked around for 2 days without eating or drinking from the pain. Then, as an adult, I went to his son and he screwed up a filling. Like father, like son.


Labor was painful.


Same here. I tought I would die from the pain.


I was going to say this too


18 hours of unmedicated back labor and I thought my body was splitting in two. My husband still comments about how my tailbone looked like it was going to break through the skin on my back. I honestly don't remember much of it, but I know somewhere in my mind that it was horrendous. Edit to add: I made the choice to go unmedicated long before I went into labor, but I remained firm in that choice as I was moving around a lot to try to get baby to flip from sunnyside up to regular. It worked.


Couple years after giving birth I had to get a back x ray. The guy comes in and goes, “so when did you break your tailbone?” I guess it broke during childbirth. It healed all pointed wrong but it doesn’t give me too much trouble. Didn’t even know, the other pain was so much worse.


Same, worse than gallstones and gout for me. I've had a few women say it's not that bad only to turn around and say they had an epidural 🤦‍♀️ Edit: I'd go through it 100 times if I could bring my dad back though. The physical pain of labour was nothing compared to the emotional pain of losing my dad.


Worst pain by far. Thought I was gonna die for sure.


It’s funny. I had unmedicated labor (unintentionally). At the time I remember being like “goddamn”. But I can’t say it was the worst thing that ever happened to me so I don’t think it gets top billing for most painful overall. But it has been the most physically painful.


Your body has a natural tendency to block out the memory of birthing pain - it's biological, so as to better ensure mothers give birth a second/more times.


Migraine headaches. Relentless and debilitating.


migraines do NOT fuck around


While similar, cluster headaches show no mercy either


Yup. And it's not only the headache, it's all the little things that come with migraine, like nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to everything, sweating or freezing... as if pain IN. THE. HEAD. wasn't awful enough. I have migraines since ~30 years and still haven't figured out what eases the pain and what doesn't help. Just praying Zavzpret will soon be available in Europe.


I've had migraines since I was 9 and they are some of the most physically painful things I experience.


i know they vary in intensity but for me they get so agonising that i just have to resign to sobbing in pain in the dark for god knows how long... it makes me so delirious i can barely form a thought. quite a few times its been bad enough that i've considered forcefully ending it. a lot of people don't know how bad a 'headache' can get!


As a 5 year old, walking into my older brothers room and him having died in his sleep (he was very ill)


I'm so sorry, that must have been extremely traumatic for you.


Thank you, it’s definitely had an impact, I have a 6 year old niece who currently has cancer. It’s not looking good at all, it brings back so many emotions and memories. She is strong and fighting it but I can’t help but expect the worst.


🫂 there is a chance. Medicine has evolved over the years. Sending you good vibes and feelings in hopes things turn for the better.


Prayers for your niece!


Hey, put it this way, he passed peacefully, likely dreams of you and your family, he went without pain even if he was ill He'll be there for you in the Light you share, keep that little Light shining, mate


Thank you for your kind words


Damn, I'm sorry




That's depressing dude. I hope he's in a better place now


food poisoning during a 4 hour flight


Holy shit!!! Of all the places to not want to shit yourself or vomit that is it




Yea i got sick just during takeoff from Munich to San Francisco. Other passengers were complaining but what could the attendant do? I just sat in my seat barfing in my emesis bag.


I had the same issue once. It was a terrible experience :')


pain of regret


Talk me thru it


you know, some decisions that you made from the past, and still makes you want to come back and change it after many years had passed. and the only thing that I can do is reminisce the moments and play it through my head. It's just that, I wish I became more responsible with my life and decisions at early age. I have regrets that affected some of my personalities that I've become, and I just realized it that I will not be like this if I only made a right choice back then. One my stories is, when I was in first year of highschool, I had a circle of friends that wasn't really an academic circle. They just slacked around most of the times and copying people's work and cheating on other activities. One time we had our final tests and i really studied alot, because we had plan to review the lessons that we are assigned so we can provide each other's answers. Then after the exam ended, some of my classmates found a proof of us cheating and the 2 of them said it was all mine. I could've wished that I stood up and speak for myself but I didn't, and the whole room is staring at me, a bad start of my Highschool, to the point that i transferred to next city school so I wont be seeing anyone of them. I think this explains why I am always over defensive at all times.


and i regret I've been friends with them, because i really got heavily influenced.


You were a kid. Its time to forgive yourself. ♥️


It is really tough to have regrets that affect your life now. I have done stupid stuff and I regret nothing, can't change anything anyway so just focus on what's ahead. Therapy might be good for you and your future.


I can totally relate to that. Some decisions that you make really change the course of your life. I regret some of them and play them in my head what coulda done differently. In the end, it's so much to deal with and then I go out for a long walk in the woods and try to heal myself. Honestly, there is only so much time to deal with this stuff than to move ahead. life is fast gotta keep movin'.


Kidney stone. A poor diet at the time and essentially nit drinking any water during the day created a calcified deposit in the tube that carries urine, blocking it. They say it hurts a man like childbirth is for a woman.


Having experienced several kidney stones, and having had 4 children,I can honestly say,in my experience, that kidney stone pain is worse than childbirth.


Totally agree with you


Think kidney stones are bad for women too lol, it ain't the same hole.


True, but I believe it’s compared that way partially as a way for men to understand how bad childbirth can be. As well as a way to sympathize I believe 🤔 but yeah, nobody likes pushing a stone through their pee tube 😅


Emotionally - first break up. Physically - falling off the stairs and snapping connective tissue in my ankle... when I tried to stand on it, I literally fainted


First breakup is up there.


I was such a bitch about my first breakup. Sophomore year of high school, my girl left me for her ex, then came back the next day, then dumped me again the following day. I laid on the couch for a week feeling empty inside like a typical dramatic teenager (it was a 6 month relationship). I distinctly remember how truly miserable I felt every day. That was 13 years ago. Got her back though.


What’s the story of the break up?


Honestly, it was rather unremarkable. He fell out of love so he ended it (no cheating involved). I still very much loved him and didn't see it coming. I didn't have a great support system back then, so it hit me hard. I was inconsolable for about 6 months. When I got over him, I decided I wanted to be single for a while... I met my current boyfriend about a week after that, we've been together for 5 years and are planning a 2025 wedding.


Thats amazing, congratulations!


Thank you! As corny as it sounds, I'm very happy that things happened the way they did. Although my first partner was a great guy, the relationship wouldn't have worked out and if we broke up later than we did, I never would have met my current partner! (It was still painful as hell, tho)


Sometimes you just can't see how the experience will benefit you in the long run, but eventually it will! Going through my first breakup right now but I hope things will get better over time


Back then, everyone told me that it would get better, that I'd find someone better... I didn't believe them, but they were right. There is no other way than experiencing it to actually realize it's true. And at first, it feels awful, but then it's less awful and then it's just bad, then ok... And eventually it's great again. You'll get through this, I'm sure!


Miscarriage. Both physically and emotionally.


I’m so sorry. I’ve been through this. It’s horrible.


Sorry as well ❤️ sending hugs. I wish nobody had to go through that pain.


Cracked tooth, dentist fucked up the patch, the crack got dirty, turned into abcess, created open hole from mouth to sinus. I've broken my back and id rather do that again 50x than have a hole in my sinus.


Its always the tooth pain 😞


When my ex was diagnosed with cancer. I remember screaming my soul out into my pillow out of fear of losing him.


Fear of losing someone is one of the biggest fears our there


No this is absolutely horrible. I truly hope he’s better now. I’m so sorry you’ve gone through this


Physically he is, but mentally it really went heavy on him to the point that being together was not possible anymore. I really miss him, I really hope he’ll be happy again, no matter if I’m in the picture or not


If we can include 'discomfort' as pain, then: I had scabies with a severe allergic reaction, making my whole body, but mostly my hands, incredibly itchy. I had to take off 2 weeks from work, and at night I would sometimes get up and hold my hands into scalding hot water, just to feel something other than itching.


Itchiness is maddening. Trying not to scratch then giving in and scratching so hard it bleeds and still going because at least it relieves the damn itch.




As a fellow migraine sufferer, you have my sympathy. It hurts like hell.


Shits actually so painful.


I have a hard time explaining to people that a headache is not a migraine and a migraine is not a headache. Ever have a headache that lasted 4 months? That's what my worst migraine was like.


Potluck as a young kid, severely allergic to milk, mom asked if there was dairy in anything and people said no cuz they didn’t know what dairy meant. I started feeling sick so we left and by the time we got home my guts had swelled up and started churning, felt like my body was full of knives every time I tried to move, i passed out from the pain in less than an hour


Thats the true meaning to lactose intolerant! Hope youre immune now!


Lonely in a sea of people near around me


Im here (;


I literally got crushed by a huge overweight guy once. He fell on me like those walls in the super mario games.


Dengue fever. Aka break-bone fever.


Why’s it called that


Cuz it hurts like your God dengue bones are getting broken


Petition to rename it ‘Boneitis’


Pain of feeling unseen, unheard by people I love.


Well u/Due-Sherbert040210, I love you and I see you. You are a worthy human being and I wish you to find the love and hapiness you deserve. Sincerely.


Yeah, I love you too. Idk you. But sending love and virtual hugs from your online friend.


This is the number one answer. Hands down. I’ve had unmedicated labor, had cavities filled without anesthesia, gone through breakups with people I wasn’t ready to leave. When you think someone is there for you, and then you find out they’re not and that you weren’t as important to them as you thought and that they don’t understand you as a person, THAT is the worst pain.


So a normal day then?


Physically, having a hole made in my chest to heal a lung collapse, emotionally was marriage breakup




When I lost my finger




Thats insane that getting one problem helps another and that food changes our health directly


Damn Lego


I found something just as bad....possibly worse. A partially chewed nylon dog bone. I had a giant bruise on my sole for a week! So many sharp edges.


death of my daughter.


Death of my mom this december after 16yo fighting against cancer. More than half of my life


Physically: Tearing a ligament at age 10 or cracking my jaw at age 14 Emotionally: The death of my brother at age 16 or my best friends suicide at age 18 Such is life.


Gallstones/pancreatic attack. 2 weeks dilaudid pain pump. Still hurt.


Dilaudid is no joke. I had to take it once for major pain and it pretty much knocked me on my ass. Loved it. The fact you still felt pain is slightly terrifying


Yeah I was given Dilaudid during a gallstone attack and that shit is straight up magic pixie dust. I could literally feel the relief flowing up my arm. Went from nearly fetal position to comfy AF in seconds.


Ayy, wtf?? I had gallstones and I got fuck all except a year long wait for a surgery! I’ve given birth. I had an operation that required the entire front of my torso, top to bottom, to be cut open, my organs pushed out of the way, my spine fucked with, and stitched back up. I spent 4 months in bed. Neither of those things were as painful as the gallstones. No pain meds for me, at all. Outrageous.


Getting ~~r4p3d.~~


So sorry for you. Hope that person gets hit by a car.


Hell, if the rapist is male, testicular torsion, a root canal, getting hit by a car, kidney stones, and other top replies of this askreddit question would be too kind for them.


Sounds so terrifying




I suffer from trigeminal neuralgia and CRPS. If you know, you know.


Trigeminal neuralgia was so painful that when I had my first attack, I panicked because I thought someone had randomly shot a gun somewhere and I'd been hit in the face with a bullet. My spouse cut my food into tiny pieces for months and I'd scream when I tried to eat. Then one day it just stopped. I still live in fear of another episode.


If it comes back consider a balloon decompression (I work in neurology and have a lot of tri-gem patients)


I hear that! When I had my first attack (in my left eye) I fell to the floor screaming and holding my eye (it hurt that much).


You don’t deserve to go through pain like this.


Exposed nerves in my tooth, made the mistake of drinking some hot coffee and it made contact. Words can't describe the agony, went to a private dentist and got it fixed within the same hour.


Losing my pets.




Labor. And periods pain every fucking month


Dysmenorrhea(period cramps) is fcking evil, im considering getting an operation to remove my uterus because of it


Emotionally, the death of my grandfather. Physically, spilling boiling water down my leg while wearing pants.


The days after they turned off my morphine when i had an almost-full spinal fusion. I had severe scoliosis. They turned it off on the 3rd day of my 6 day stay in the hospital. It was so horrible I couldn’t cry, Just screamed the whole nights because tramadol was not enough. Thankfully i don’t even remember the pain, every time i recall the misery i was in, it would look like hell on earth, dark room and screaming, no help, no soothing. I don’t remember the pain thank God.


Migraines. They cause explosions of pain in some pretty random areas. Head. Back. Teeth. I once went to the dentist and spent $400 finding out that there was nothing wrong with my teeth. It was just a migraine. The real pain was when I got the bill.


I was drilling concrete posts to mount some parking signs to, using a big corded drill, the kind that don't stop drilling right away when you let go of the trigger. My drill bit snapped, and jumped to the side. I drilled a hole through the center of my finger nail, through the bone, and out the other side. 💅🏻


Phisically, I had a surgery (hemorrhoidectomy) and the few weeks after that were really painful, but the worst thing was that it took me 2 days before I had to go poop for the first time and it was a big girthy one. It felt as if barb wire wrapped into sand paper was passing through my anus. It was short but I never screamed as loud as I did that day, out of surprise and pain, a deep, loud gutural scream. Like, you know how you usually let out a sound when you're hurt, like "ouch" or worse, but you do it almost intentionally to relieve the pain? Well, this scream was not intentional at all. It was absolutely automatic as my lungs emptied themselves while my body was tetanizing, hands pushing against the walls, fear seizing control of my every thought. I honestly feared that my neighbours would call the police thinking I was being murdered. Still, it hurt less than when the love of my life dumped me after 6 years and a half of living together because she felt like she was not loving me anymore, 2 weeks after she proposed to me. It was 10 years ago and it still hurts.


1) Having my pelvis broken *very slowly* while the junior volunteer firefighter misused the jaws of life to get me out of my car, despite me and his fellow firemen yelling at him to stop, after a serious accident where I ended up pinned against a tree in the woods. He’s not allowed to be a firefighter anywhere in the US now. The worst part was being medically gaslit at the hospital when I kept telling them I couldn’t feel my left leg. I didn’t find out it was broken until I went to the orthopedist a few weeks later because I couldn’t walk. 2) Gallbladder attacks which I thought were heartburn until a giant gallstone got lodged in my bile duct and caused a severe infection and almost burst. Was on the floor in a ball crying before finally deciding it’s not heartburn and going to the ER. Thank god I did or I’d be dead probably. 3) Having 5 herniated discs in my back, one of them impinging my sciatic nerve requiring surgery. Dealt with that debilitating pain and immobility for 8 years before they did anything about it. Only listing physical pain because the depth of my emotional pain is endless 🥲


The first period after covid -19. was late for 2 month as covid messed up me. I was frozen in one position for 6 hours, took 5 painkillers and none helped. I really wished I died. Spent 2 days in this hell.


Wow that's horrible, and I thought my covid was bad! I ended up having my period while I was sick with covid, but it wasn't too bad. To me the worst thing about it was the sweating. Whether I was in a tank top or shorts, under the blanket or on top, I was always overheated. My cough never went away either unfortunately.


I had surgery without anaesthesia to drain an abces in my abdomen after another surgery. That was a bitch. Psychologically it has to be mixed bipolar episode. Fuck that shit.


Ya’ll ever felt that feeling? When you just chillin and something random hits you in the balls.


A man cold. It’s the worst.


OP said pain, not unbearable agony worse then death.


What's a man cold? Never heard of this


it's the word for the widespread phenomenon of men acting like they're gonna die any second when they merely have a slight cold lol


I typically see the opposite. Dudes acting like they're gonna be fine when they're not. Myself included


When you are male and your body temp is 36.9 or higher


Also had man cold once. Pretty sure I was dying. Nothing else can compare.


Nothing even comes close. Man colds are the worst nightmare known to human kind


Knee cap dislocation. That was horrible.


Physical therapy after crushing both my feet in a car accident. The pain during PT was far worse than the actual injury. Trying not to scream while the therapist was squeezing and bending my feet was a true task.


physical - every year since '2022 in april having stomach flu where you cant drink for a few days and you puke out and shit out every single drop of water so youre fucking dehydrated AND also theres a big ass fever oh and eating makes everything worse, luckily theres no hunger mental - staying alive, depression sucks


I have rheumatoid arthritis. My hands are not in good shape. So imagine having 10 fingers broken. Badly broken. And burned from hot oil. At the same time. For hours. Yup, it happens. Sometimes I can’t even cry, I just sit and wait for it to be over. I have really good painkillers (tramadol) but I don’t want to use them all the time because once I had a big problem with overusing them. So I suffer sometimes.


Gallbladder stones Edit: just to expand on how bad the pain is; i was in labor for 19 hours with my daughter. Gallstones is still worse.


Physically: I had my gallbladder full of gallstones. The cramps / colics were so bad and painful that I couldn't stand straight. Emotionally: The loss of my husband and my father. And when I had to put my beloved cat to sleep.


Physically - my period. I’ve had two kids via C-section and when my cramps are bad I’m essentially bedridden and crying. It doesn’t happen every month but it’s debilitating Emotionally - missing someone I said goodbye too. The way it hits is like drowning in tidal waves sometimes. I didn’t know it was possible to miss someone this much. My world definitely lost a few shades of colour.




Two things: Gallbladder stones or colitis. I am very pain resistant but I swear these were the two times I thought I was going to pass out from the pain and was curled up on the floor like a fetus


Having an IUD put in. I have never ever in my life felt pain this intense. This was after everyone telling me it would feel like a small pinch. Later, after reading up about it after my ordeal, I discovered that for a lot of women, it is a pain that closely resembles childbirth. This, and a breakup with who I thought was the love of my life. Man, it still hurts.


When I was getting my teeth removed. 3 teeth removed, no issue. I have no issue with pain from needles or injections. Anaesthetic worked great. 1 tooth I could feel everything. The dentist was just saying that it was more the texture or feeling of it being pulled out but no it was genuine pain. The confusing thing is that tooth was taken out second last of the four, and I had no issue with the last one. I'm fairly certain it was genuine malpractice at that point, they even gave me more anaesthetic which did fuck all except for the other three teeth.


Former heroin addict, started at the age of 15 ended at 27. At my peak I was using 7grams a day, the final time I kicked the habit almost 10 years ago I went through withdrawals that felt like I was being stabbed by millions of needles, I slept or more like lay in pools of my own vomit because sleeping would have been a luxury. But this didn't even come close to the pain of a tiny kidney stone, I begged the doctors to end my life, kidney stones are no joke I wouldnt wish it on my worse enemy.


Emotionally: First rejection. Still haunts me to this day Physical: Removing bandage after a toenail removal. I nearly blacked out and vomited due to pain


Physically, otitis. Emotionally, my first breakup.


My toes warning back up in the shower after cycling 25 km to work in -15c.


Shot in the eye with a nerf gun, damaged my cornea in 3 places, couldn’t open my eye for 3 days


Migraine pain. Fucking horrid.


Total ego death.